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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 19, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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military police are in the middle of a routine training session, but -- >> what's not supposed to happen is this. >> see what happens when the drill backfires. >> yeah. a pair of motorists is having a little engine trouble. >> and then it just dies. >> so he uses his impressive skills to make a smooth landing. ♪ i think we did it again ♪ it's the writ know spears spired pregnancy annouement that has it's kind of taken us through the process of pregnancy. now find out why this dynamic duo might go for a baby one more time. >> i watched the video about
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five times a day and i'm thinking we can do number three. plus the scammer who just can't commit. that is the worst. and rock for the monkeys going in for a special close-up shoot, why it is a show-stopping surprise. >> a lot of safety precautions have to go in to training military police when they're using live fire like in this situation in brazil. you see multiple instructors working alock with these new recruits. they are approaching the firing lines, flash bang and firecracker sounds are going off, trying to distract these guys and make sure they keep their focus on their target and their attention isn't drawn away by other loud noises. they begin to pull back as the drill is supposed to go. what's not supposed to happen is
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this. keep your eye on the shooter with the fluorescent ear phones. >> oh no. >> oh my gosh one of the flares got caught up in the kevlar vests. >> one of the instructors lobs another firecracker or flash bangs and pure accident gets caught right here in his vest. you see him start to squirm before anybody can help him the vest is blown off him. >> what are the chances that that's where that thing landed right in the crook of his arm. how is he? is he okay? >> remarkably he is okay. sent to the hospital released the next day. here's some photographs of his injuries. >> just burns really isn't it? >> seemingly superficial burns to his left side of his torso, but other than that he's going to be okay. >> crazy, huh? is it a bird?
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is it a plane? no it's a porsche. >> oh! >> oh my gosh. >> this is like something that happened playing with matchbox cars. >> it's insane. the car just loses control, fishtails, goes off the road hits the concrete barrier and sends it right up into the air. we actually have some shots here of the optima as well. i was quite surprised how well it held together. you can see the passenger compartment there hasn't crushed in. you can see as well the air bags fired up. the male driver was able to get out of the car. the female passenger had to be cut from the seat belt. both survived this accident a lucky escape. similar story for the second video comes out out of thailand. camera at an intersection. you'll see a situation that could quite easily have gone very very wrong. keep an eye on this silver pickup truck right here on the
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right-hand side. it will be turning into the road there when suddenly -- >> no! >> looks to be almost a dozen schoolchildren this was actually the school bus. this happens a lot in thailand. people pile into the back of pickup trucks. this is the official school bus. as it's turning it whipped around sending all of these kids flying out the back of the truck, but watch as every single one of them hops up to their feet and just starts legging it towards their school. the reports come in none of the children were hurt in any serious way. the driver of the school bus did sustain a head injury but when you watch it, it's just incredible when you think these kids got away with it. when you hear your jam no matter what your age, you got to move. ♪ >> this is at ron rald reagan
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international airport and these men are world war ii veterans and waiting for an honor flight where they take veterans and other people up into the air to enjoy flights sponsored by the honorable order of kentucky colonels. these men were singing "woogie woogie bugle boy" and the big andrews sisters hit of world war ii that guy got up in his 90s decided i'm going to cut the rug. >> this guy is spectacular. you'd never know he's in his 90s. he doesn't seem a day over 60. >> check this guy out. look at the fellow with the baseball cap on next to the ladies. >> he's the wing man. he's putting the moves on while his buddy is distracting them with the dancing. >> he starts dancing with the ladies. >> she's dicing it up too. the power of music is awesome. just that tune probably just taking them back and makes you feel good brings back all those
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memory s. memories. ye rnlts the only difference between a life and death situation when you're up in the sky hang gliding or paramotoring it's really your skill level when something goes wrong. this video is about 16 minutes mostly of really awesome paramotoring. >> i have to learn how to do this close to the top of my bucket list. >> hold that comment until we see what happens. >> remember that still level she was talking about? you wouldn't need that skill level when your motor goes from sounding like this to this. and then it just dies. >> uh-oh. >> that's his landing zone. kind of far away but this guy, like i said knows what he's doing and he's able to glide, until he finds the "x" up ahead. he managed to get himself very close to the landing spot lands
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perfectly, and makes it out okay. good job dude. >> i think he cut that motor off and is showing off. >> saving gas. >> his head bolts were loose and his gasket wloen. perfect day to be out there, this video is almost an hour long of amazing gliding. you can see there are a bunch of people out there. for the most part everything is totally amazing, except right about here we start noticing a little congested, winds very stngn below, headed to the landing zone and they do for the most part a pretty good job. this guy though approaches a little fast is not able to upright position himself. >> whoa! and lands on the belly. this couple is up to no good. looks like they're stopping in
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the middle of the road to let traffic go by. oh no. see why their cruel plan of action will definitely not land them a movie role. >> she looks back at the guy like did i do it right? and there's a new dish ready to be mass produced. >> it's called the dossage. >> the new quings you may want to try. >> i'll give it a try when comes out, sure. sun, i know how to hydrate on the inside. but what about my skin? cocopppperertotonene s spoportrt s sununscreen puts a breathable layer on your skin to help keep it hydrated by holding in natural moisture whwhilile e prprovovididining g prprotection from harmful uv rays. gagameme o on.n. cocopppperertotonene s spoportrt.. ththe e nenextxt g grereatat t trip. got to study those tripadvisor reviews carefully. anand d nonow w ththe e trtripadvisor you've always trusted for reviews chchececksks o ovever r 20200 0 wewebsbsites to find hotel savings up to 30%. bobookok!! bobookok! ! bobookok! ! bobookok!! ♪ ♪ ovoverer 2 20000 s sitites checked to save up to 30%.
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soso d donon't't j jusust visit tripadvisor... bobookok!! tripadvisor.
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(engines revving) listen up. ready. ready. (engines revving) steady. (engines revving) go! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's more than a movie. it's now a ride. fast and furious. supercharged. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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i get really angry at people who do the wrong thing, try to scam people try to rob people. i also get angry at people who don't commit to what it is they're choosing to do. dash cam footage looks like there's a farmers market going on everybody seems to be doing the right thing right now, right? then watch this. you see that couple up ahead? looks like they're stopping in the middle of the road to let traffic go by. oh no. >> we're going to see olympics. >> it's not olympic. this is the least committed i've
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ever seen anybody. ahh! that is the worst acting. >> it's terrible and i'm xwlad that it's so bad but it's so disappointing on so many levels. >> i like she looks back at the guy like did i do it right? is that how it was supposed to -- i don't think i did that right. >> she feels dejected. i think she is embarrassed. this is something we've seen before one of the reasons a lot of people have dash cams an insurance cam but the dash cam proves this woman was not hit but she is a hit on the internet. >> she was stopped by the time she got there. >> marking that car that was a hit and run. >> she winced before she even hit the car. she was like ow. >> i don't know if you're going to love this or hate this. i'm specifically talking to beth troutman because that girl she loves a good dish. this is a new dish somebody wants to introduce called the dossage. >> what do you get if you take
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the highest quality sausages the sweetest the fruitest jam and combine them? >> hold on. >> this video is real actually real. they've already created it, they want to buy equipment so they can mass produce this stuff. >> jelly doughnuts are delicious, i never thought of combining jelly and sausage. >> sausage and maple syrup are delicious together. the salty sweet thing i get. they want only $3,839. >> that's their goal. >> they want to mass produce this because they think the world is ready for it. they were inspired by the conut. i think this is a good idea. >> i'll give it a try when it comes out. what do you say we take the
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family photo portrait into 2015? let's modernize it a little bit with the help of our friend roxy the monkey. roxy is opening the door to cool dims 3-d portrait studio to go in for a little sitdown with the photoge h the help of and trainer yvette. look at this studio. this is ridic. >> like "the matrix." >> it's 92 different cameras to create a 3-d portrait. once they take the image that 3-d image is sent off to a 3-d printer and print it out into a figurine. >> oh wow! >> how is that possible? >> yvette the trainer and her husband john know how much you love roxy so they took her in. >> oh my goodness! what?
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>> did i faint? >> you already did. check out their website, you can see some of the different images people have gone in take your pets in you can take yourself in. whatever they shoot they recreate in that 3-d figurine. >> cool. >> this is actually quite incredible. >> thank you. >> you think she'll come to my house someday? a free bill board experiment in los angeles. >> oh that's awesome. xwl cool. >> but does it work? next "right this minute." and still to come this is a starfish. >> i'm amazed they didn't know this already. >> but find out if it's a starfish. >> look really closely you can see here the starfish.
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plus a treat that will sweeten your day. funnel cake ice cream sandwich. the easy recipe next.
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closed captioning provided by -- nnouncer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopping you. pepeririodod..
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eeczczemema a cacan n jujustst r really put a damper on a lot of things. constant itchchining g anand scratching. [[ f fememalale e anannouncer ] gold bond eczema relief cream rerelilieveveses 5 5 symptoms of eczema. gogoldld bobonnd d rereally works. i promise you, your faces are going to fall off when you see this recipe the perfect summertime treat, a funnel cake ice cream sandwich. >> oh. >> oh my gosh. the recipe is quite easy. just take some basic vanilla ice cream, add yummy strawberry preserves, whip in whipped cream, spread it thin put it in the freezer overnight and you can cut the perfect shape. the best part the funnel cake. i had no idea this was so easy to do. you need some eggs and sugar and slowly pour in the milk as you beat those, mix the dry inxwreed yents which is basically just flour, baking powder and salt and preheat some vegetable oil,
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put about an inch in your pan and you want to know when it's hot enough drop a little bit of dough and see if it pops back up to the top and starts flying. you get to fill a funnel with this yummy batter and create this sandwich design you want as you drop the batter into the hot oil and fry it and make a funnel cake and added powdered sugar and put the ice cream in. it's like a fair at your house. >> that looks delicious. >> if you want to see the entire video, head to our website and check it out on our mobile app. >> my mouth is watering right now, i'm not even kidding. separation anxiety.
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>> oh, oh, oh. >> time for some science. i love science. the first video because of university of south denmark doing some experiments on starfish. they've been frustrated they were putting the microchips in to track them during an experiment and they kept coming out and they caught this on video. look closely you can see the starfish actually ejecting the of one of its arms and they looked into this. they reinjected it and tracked it with a magnet and they found that starfish can basically eject an object from inside its body. to put it in a way you can understand it's basically like having a bullet lodged between your lungs and pushing it out of your forehead without leaving a mark. the starfish has this incredible ability to push it out wherever they want. >> isn't that awesome, like that
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annoying pebble in your shoe if you could squirt it out of your shoe without having to take your shoe off, kind of like that. >> kind of. >> just an annoying thing in your body you get rid of it. >> next up a little bit of science. flies, we hate flies. i this i in my life i've managed to kill one. check out this praying mantis locks onto this fly here and see if you can spot it. it moves so quick. it's like the speed of light when it decides it's going to take that fly out. it comes closer i'm just a leaf i'm just a -- bam! woo, see? >> it's eating it like corn on the cob. >> if you put anything inside a starfish it will eventually come out. some videos just raise the bar. that bar is so high now when it comes to pregnancy announcement videos. >> hear how britney spears inspired these talented parents to be. >> i think i've been practicing
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my vocals since i was 15. wewe b bototh h drdrivive e a a ststick, wewe b bototh h lilikeke s savavining money on car insurance anand d wewe b bototh h fefeelel i intntegrity susuchch a as,s, t thahat t ofof h healthcare in the america of the us anand d ththererefeforore.e. yeyes.s. ththanank k yoyou.u. nono. . nono.. plpleaeasese, , ststopop!! sosortrta a yoyou,u, i isnsn't't y youou. ststarart t wiwithth a a q quouotete f frorom esurance and get a set of discounts pepersrsononalalizizeded t to o yoyou,u, not someone sorta like you. esesururanancece.. babackckeded b by y alallslstatatete. click oror c calall.l. didiscscovoverer b brorookoksisidede and discover an excicititingng cocombination of tastes. ririchch, , dadarkrk c chohococolalatete covering soft centers. flflavavororeded w witithh exexototicic fruit juices. itit''s s chchococololatate e anand d frfruiuit flavors lilikeke y youou''veve n neveverer experienced before.
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didiscscovoverer b brorookoksisidede..
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coolest flamingo in the bunch. sometimes videos just raise the bar, and i'm going to tell you that bar is so high now when it comes to pregnancy announcement videos because of this adorable couple. >> everything okay in there, honey in. >> as you can tell from the first paets you're hearing we talk britney spears parodies oops i did it again. gorgeous mom to be michelle. ♪ yeah, yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ i think we did it again ♪ >> this makes sense. "we get it again" because this is their second child. they already have a little 3-year-old noah. ♪ i took a test and it's positive ♪ >> this is so great because she mimics some of britney spears' moves and moments. she's to the done with the britney spears parody. it's a parody of "toxic" but instead it's nauseous. ♪ ♪ i'm nauseous can't keep it
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under ♪ >> that is awesome. >> so great. this pregnancy video isn't just saying hey we're pregnant it's taken us through the process of pregnancy. >> this the brand new britney spears spears/iggy azalea hit "little girls." ♪ looks like we're having a little girl ♪ ♪ she'll be the boss of all the boys ♪ >> this video all put on the vintage marquee light youtube channel after the company that belonged to this gormious couple they live in myrtle beach, south carolina and join us via skype right this minute from south carolina. hey, welcome! this is the most spectacular baby announcement video ever. where did you get this idea? why britney spears? huge fans? >> huge fans. i think i've been practicing my vocals since i was 15 with my learner's permit driving my kia rio. >> how long did it take to put this announcement together?
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>> it took about two weeks. our assistant harrison came up with the initial concept and he was like i can write this. i can write it. >> he may be a bigger than than brittany bit know's than i am. that says a lot. >> might this inspire a third child? teo about five times a day, oh we could do number three. >> how far along with you? >> sunday will be 19 weeks so almost half way, and baby is expected to arrive around november 15th. >> congratulations. >> i've never seen the video done for friends and family. do you have any plans or idea it would end up going so viral? >> we did it for our friends and family on facebook and it's exciting to read the well wishes from friends in the family and complete strangers. it takes a village. we're gathering our village to help our family raise this child you.
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that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time everybody. female announcer: don't miss sleep train's 4th of july sale! save $300 on beautyrest d posturepedic. plus, pay no interest for 36 months on tempur-pedic and icomfort. sleep train's 4th of july sale is on now! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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spectators start recording ab an aerial show. >> yowza. >> gosh. >> this is dangerous from the
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beginning. >> find out what caused the plane to drop from the sky. if you are thinking of running from a police dog, don't. >> come on, let's go, come on! >> oh! see what it looks like to be chased by a police dog. >> as a dog it must feel awesome, too, to win every single time. what is father's day? >> uhh


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