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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 20, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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>> just too much. >> very frustrating for patrick. he's not out of it. he will have to have a good day tomorrow. he can win this thing. >> this for the outright lead after 54 holes and to be in the final pairing.
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>> that was a gutsy performance there. love the last word just before he stepped up. he said come on. now reed to stay one over and five shots off the lead. there he goes. until tomorrow going into the final day at the playing of the 115th united states open championship four will be tied at the top at four under.
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an impressive kid. young man. down to holly. >> thanks joe. dustin an eventful day for you. five birdies, a bogey and a double. you're still there. >> yeah. i played well. it was tough out there. hard to get it close. the greens were really fast. i thought i played pretty good. i made one really bad swing with an iron and that was on 13. other than that i felt like i played well all day. held some good putts. i missed a couple short ones. the greens are very good out there. >> one stat you shared with me with a big smile, what was it? >> i hit every fairway today. first time i've done that. very excited. >> very important, to. you head into too many with a chance to win your first major title. what is your approach? >> i mean i feel like i'm
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playing well right now. just keep trying to hit fairways and on the green and get birdies. it's tough out there. i thought i played well and shot even par this afternoon. so tomorrow will be the same. if i can drive it like i did today, i'll have a chance to win tomorrow. >> thanks dustin. joe? >> holly, dustin thank you. so four are tied at the top after 54 holes. there were four tied at the u.s. open in 1973 at oakmont. the open that johnny miller won with his 63. we'll have more in a second. we'll hear from jordan when we get it back. right now over to curt menefee. >> joe, he may have been born in australia. jason day seems to have all of america rooting for him after 54 holes of the u.s. open based on the gritty gutty performance.
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tom, certainly the tens of thousands here above the tenth green, the 17th fairway is over there. the green there too. this place erupted when he hit the birdie on 17. >> he has something you can't teach. desire. he showed us that today. you know that was an unbelievable performance. he played well really well. as good as anybody did today. >> he showed it today and really you have to go back a little more than 24 hours ago. his final hole yesterday. he goes down gutted it out. finished up the round yesterday with a 70. came back today, didn't look good at times. looked like he was trying to fight his way through it. held it together for 2 over on the frond and got hit on the back nine. this a birdie on 10. the drive on 12.
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a great drive. left himself an eekle opportunity you'd say at 25 feet. he putted close. real good shot at the hole. >> got a birdie there. then does it again. he's just on a roll. it's one of those days. when you get five birdies, you get the crowd on your side. afterwards he struggled. he decided not to go to the podium and speak with the media. he released a statement. he acknowledged he didn't talk to the media and everybody understands why. he says he regrets passing on the opportunity to speak with the media. he said i gave it all i have but i'm extremely fatigued and need a chance to rest and consult with my medical team. everybody understanding that. we did get a chance to speak with his caddie who was able to
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play with day up close. >> he just dug as deep as he could dig today. it was just a monumental effort. a lot of people would spend the time in the bedroom with the drapes drawn and get over that. but it's the u.s. open. you know he's played well in the u.s. open before. he's playing well in this one. you know he dug deepers that he's ever dug before. really impressive. >> impressive indeed tom. courage. gutted it out. joe and greg you are out here. you hear how this place went nuts with the birdies on 17 and 18. going into the final round, most people are rooting for this kid. >> i think so curt. brings to mind what sam sneed
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once said. he never won the u.s. open. wore on him the rest of his life. he said "it hurts when people remember you for the things you didn't do rather than for the things you did do." people will remember what jason day did today whether he wins or not. four tied at the top as we head into the final round tomorrow. all the talk, all the noise about this golf course and the greens and the architecture and the setup. man, it's been fun. we have four tied but many in the hunt greg norman as we approach the final day. >> yeah, no question about it. we started the day 16 guys under par. now we have under par. it's incredible has the usga has this ability every year to set up a golf course that gets everybody going. let's take it down to holly.
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>> you're tied for the lead heading into the major cheap. >> yeah. four three putts today. two not much i could do about. the others were unforced. like you said a little bit off. plenty of birdies. >> tomorrow the world will be focused on you completing the second leg of your career grand slam. do you think about it this way at all? >> not really no. a little bit here and there. just because i'd like to win two in a row. but tomorrow once i get out on the golf course i'll be focused on the round and how to separate myself. >> and given how difficult chambers bay has been in the afternoon rounds do you think it will be as much a mental test as a golfing test tomorrow? >> i think so. you'll have to take your medicine sometimes. i tried to force a shot when i should have played it into a bunker have an easier par, that's what this course does. you have to position it well off the tee.
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i have to drive it better to win. >> it's a little more serious. >> yeah. i'm fresh off the green. that was a grind on the back nine. >> you mean business tomorrow. >> yeah. >> thanks. back to you. >> thank you, holly. no need to apologize. thank you for stopping by. you can see what jordan spieth is trying to do join this list with wood hogan, palmer nicholas and woods to win the masters and the u.s. open in the same year. spieth will not be in the final group tomorrow. it will be jason day and dustin johnson. we're in for some fantastic finish. >> no question about it. we have to tip our cap to louis oosthuizen. he's come back with a pair of 66s. goes to show you anybody post a low score tomorrow four under, anybody anybody back there can have a chance of winning this
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national championship tomorrow. >> oosthuizen is only three shots off of the lead at one under par. so the question is tomorrow who will persevere physically mentally? it will be a test of who can maintain their concentration, their patience their judgment in the final round of this demanding course at chambers bay. coming up next on fox, your local news. for more u.s. open coverage tonight on fs1, we ask you to join us. tomorrow final round coverage of the 115th u.s. open. coverage begins at 2:00 eastern, 11:00 a.m. pacific only on fox or watch all the action on your phone or tablet with fox sports go. for our entire crew at fox sports as we give you one last look at the leaderboard after 54 holes, this is joe buck, good night from chambers bay.
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mmm, red white and blue pancakes. it's patriotism on a plate. i bet washington and jefferson would have eaten these. and at $4.99, that's less than a lincoln. red, white & blue pancakes are back and only $4.99. denny's. welcome to america's diner.
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face. dash cam capturing this in australia. a horse trailer moving over to the left and gets the speed wobble. no way to control it. >> wow. >> that was a big one. >> how is the horse? is. >> the horse remarkably was okay. had a bloody nose and cuts to his head and legs but when he drove become by he said the horse was on its feet and okay. >> that must have freaked that horse out. >> that horse is not going to get in that trailer ever again. >> yeah. >> looking for some fun stuff to
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do with your kids this summer. >> it's a day we're going to make a water blog. >> you're going to need a 10 by 25 foot heavy duty plastic sheet with a 4 mill thickness. an iron parchment paper, duct-tape and a whole lot of water. make sure you have plenty of space to work. >> he folds it in half and then this is where it gets super cool. you then take parchment paper and put it on the edges of this folded heavy duty plastic cover and use an iron to melt the edges together. >> oh. okay. got it. >> is so the parchment paper is for protecting the iron from getting stuck theo the plastic. >> be sure to leave a two to three inch hole where you'll fill the water. >> this worked better than i expected. >> i know. finally you want to have 95% of
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it sealed. you put a hose in the hole. offfill it up with water. >> once the water level looks good turn up the water and take out your hose. then take your duct-tape and seal it off. >> and it is awesome. i don't have kids but i want to do that. it would be really fun. >> yeah. >> kind of one to build one. >> this video posted online by the guys over at baby league. click on today's show or you can see it on our mobile app. >> how do you wake a bro from a nap? thanklts's one way. >> see how these dudes handle business. >> i hope he doesn't have ptsd. >> and why watching exploding flowers is strangely fascinating. >> oh wow! >> wow! hihi, , i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknklelerr and i know there are many mymythths s ouout t ththerere e ababout a a
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rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege soso i i w wanant t yoyouu toto k knonow w ththe e fafactcts.s. a a rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege i is insured byby t thehe f fededereralal g govovernment; yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-x-frfree money frfromom t thehe e eququitity y inin your home; yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoneney to papay y ofoff f yoyourur c cururrerent mortgage, ifif y youou h havave e onone;e; ththe e reremamaininining g momoneney y can bebe u usesed d fofor r ananytythihing; ththerere'e's s nono m mononththlyly momortrtgagagege p payaymementnts,s, anand d yoyou u ststilill l owown n your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o geget t your frfreeee g guiuidede a andnd d dvdvd. itit's's e expxplalainins s hohoww a a gogovevernrnmementnt-i-insnsurured reverse e momortrtgagagege w wororks... ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligigatatioion. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege is a a ququicickeken n loloanans s cocompmpany. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded e expxperts can ananswswerer a allll y youour r ququestions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o outut w what a great sosolulutitionon t thihis s cacan n be. dodon'n't t wawaitit.....c.calall l now!
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7:49 pm
mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really self-conscious. closed captioning provided by -- reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopping you. pepeririodod.. wwhehen n i i hahaveve a an n ececzema flare-up, i start to scratch. the more i s scrcratatch the worse it gets. [[ f fememalale e anannouncer ] gold bond eczema relief cream rrelelieieveves s 5 symptoms of eczema. gogoldld b bonond d rerealally works. nature. so spectacular and we have some cool footage caught by the smithsonian channel. check this out. exploding flowers. a violet as it opens up. notice all the little pods. as the pods dry out, it creates this unbelievable pressure.
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and seeds just explode from the plant itself from that bud. and that way others will grow. >> it's like popcorn. >> hoping to see it in slow motion. >> isn't it cool. like bullets shooting out and more violets. >> there's the slightest bit of contact will do this. >> wow. once one goes it will impact all the other ones. nature i'm with you. >> it's brilliant right? >> show me more. >> i am going to show you more. >> this last one -- >> that poor bee is going to get it. >> you have no idea. >> another dramatic display comes from this unassuming plant. the squirting cucumber. >> are kidding me? >> no. there they are. >> wow. >> wow. >> it just take as little bit of vibration in order for this to happen. >> like an animal walking by.
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>> possibly. >> i wonder if an earthquake would cause this. >> vibration. >> that's fascinating. >> how many other squirting cucumbers will grow because of this. >> spreading plants in every direction. >> english bath time. >> this summer lots of kids are going to spend their time probably playing video games instead maybe she should get outside and use their imagination like this guy. started pondering office chair, put them together. what do you get. >> how wrong is this going to go? >> i'm hoping he takes off like a helicopter. >> he does start going really fast but has some fun while doing it. >> yeah. >> all right.
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>> everyone is cracking up. nothing goes wrong. this is just a display of imagination at work. also using your imagination or maybe your pets to figure out where to get rid of this fence. >> it's like a wrecking ball. >> yeah. >> this guy decided to jump in with his head. >> he committed. >> he kind of picks himself up like he's surprised he survived. >> he could have easily been paralyzed. >> what an idiot. >> and now this one. how do you wake up a bro from a nap? >> that's one way, yeah yeah. >> or you can do it this way. just put a bunch of little fireworks under his butt. >> yeah, that's a good one. >> that's a riot. >> let's hope he doesn't have ptsd. >> youtube pranks of rich
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ferguson always have a stick up his sleeve and this might be his best youtube video yet. why breaking people's necks can be a real crackup. le way to get your fiber. try phphilillilipsps' ' fifibeber r gogoodod g gummies plus energy support. itit's's a a n newew f fibiberer s supupplplemement that helps support regularity anand d ininclclududeses b b v vititamaminins s to help convert food to energy. mmmmmmmmm,m, t thehesese a arere g gooood!d! ninicece w worork,k, p phihillllipips!s! ththe e tataststy y sisidede o of f fifibeber,r, frfromom p phihillllipips's'.. wowoahah w woaoah h mamargrge.e... you're not marge? i'm sorta marge. wewe b bototh h drdrivive e a a ststick, wewe b bototh h lilikeke s savavining money on car insurance anand d wewe b bototh h fefeelel i intntegrity susuchch a as,s, t thahat t ofof h healthcare in the america of the us anand d ththererefeforore.e. yeyes.s. ththanank k yoyou.u. nono. . nono.. plpleaeasese, , ststopop!! sosortrta a yoyou,u, i isnsn't't y youou. ststarart t wiwithth a a q quouotete f frorom esurance and get a set of discounts pepersrsononalalizizeded t to o yoyou,u, not someone sorta like you. esesururanancece.. babackckeded b by y alallslstatatete. click oror c calall.l.
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their mind. you would be their hero on their vacation. >> max versus hair dryer. >> rich ferguson is a friend of our show he plays mind games and this might be his best youtube video yet. >> we're doing a video about chiropractic mind and body. >> random strangers, he's going to start adjusting. >> what? >> can you read that to
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yourself. it's a technique on how to breathe. >> he hands them -- this is a breathing technique, i need you to read this to yourself. are you getting tense? is your neck starting to hurt? >> i'm just worried this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. >> it might be. >> my goodness. >> you see them adjust their necks and you hear that loud cracking sound and then these people are just like falling over passing out. they can't move anymore. >> oh. >> i think i did it wrong. >> what device is he using to make that noise? >> do you want to see the setup. how is he doing this. >> the little note right. >> yes. >> instead of the breathing technique the note says go along with me. >> do you want to see the note. >> i do. >> here it is. >> the magic is all about these people and they're all doing it in different ways. just quite funny.
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>> you feel -- oh, no no dude, you okay? dude, what happened? is it a plastic cup and we're pranking you? what's up? >> it's just a prank. i got the plastic cup here, man. >> genius. >> yeah. >> just a plastic cup guys. >> man, that was good. >> i liked that one. >> that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute" everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time!
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8:00 pm
haley! hurry up! you're gonna be late! - alex, what are you doing? - i need to document haley's first day on the chain gang. it's not a chain gang. it's community service. and leave her alone. she feels bad enough as it is. okay, i'm torn. on one hand, i'm like, "ugh, i have to pick up garbage all day." and on the other hand, i'm like - "look at me in orange." - (camera shutter clicks) aw, that's cute. send that to me. haley had a little run-in with the law in college. she was arrested for assaulting a police officer. accidentally. i fell on him. while evading arrest for underage drinking. that was on purpose. they were very lenient with her. she only has to do community service. because i do not have any priors. taking a little too much pride in that, sweetheart. things can get pretty rough out there. i couldn't get my hands on any cigarettes. but i did make you a shiv out of an old knife. you don't make a shiv out of a knife.


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