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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 26, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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police zero in on a crazed killer. >> you can see the two foot long maet in his hand. >> see the desperate stop him before he strikes again. a careful driver is keeping a safe distance. >> he's actually doing everything right.
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>> why the guy behind her isn't. bear is at the door but this cat will not back off. see who is about to get his bell rung. and a kid's first time on the catapult. >> he's excited, he's tense. >> the moment getting stoked shows all over his face. >> it's the feeling he must be having that fear. police in edmonton are on the lookout for a dangerous armed man. air units immediately spot him crashing through the back fences in this neighborhood. you can see the two foot long machete in his hand. >> trying to bust through the fences. >> he does bust through the fences and the officers on the ground and in the air are concerned. they're trying to get people in the nearby neighborhood out of the way, evacuate people.
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>> we do have children in the back gardens. >> people have no idea there's an armed and dangerous man on the other side of the fence. police now desperate to try and stop this guy. >> oh my gosh. the guy in the helicopter knows that all this is going on but can't get down there to do anything. >> police unit four back off, 304. >> no now he's walking into that home. who knows who is in there. >> we need you inside the prem this to save lives, asap. >> why are these officers so concerned for the safety of the people nearby? listen to what this man's done. >> we've got could be contact with officers at the front. this man has decapitated a person already. >> what? he's detapcapitated anotherer. ? >> police responded to the victim's house which was just a few homes away from where he is now. he murdered an 82-year-old woman. >> this is one of the most terrifying scenes we have ever
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seen. do they get to him in time? >> they did have a lengthy struggle with salvador. the man was eventually tased and taken out of the house on a stretcher. this incident happened back in september, the video just now being released because salvador was found not guilty of murder for reasons of insanity. he has been sent to an institute at indefinite stay at a mental hospital. more dash cam footage of people not really doing the right thing on the road. this first one got a female name gabby behind the wheel of the car and doing everything right. stopping at a safe distance from that car as traffic stops. if only the guy behind her was doing the same thing. >> oh! >> the car behind her hit her right in the back bumper and that threw her into the car in front of her. >> and threw her into hysterics. [ screaming ] >> when you have an incident like this, even if it's a
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relatively small fender bender it's still a shock. >> takes a second for your brain to scan everything too, am i okay? anything broken? we're good. >> the next dash cam video from dash cam owners australia, we've got our car with the dash cam stopping behind this cayenne turbo. you hear hompging in the background that is a truck over here on the side street wanting to come through all three lanes of traffic. he's wanting our driver with the dash cam to keep a safe distance behind this cayenne turbo so the truck can get through and go about its merry way. if you notice that right-hand lane is still moving. he's kind of impatient about it. but our driver with the dash cam lets the driver through. >> what an idiot. >> my goodness are you kidding? >> he just blasts through, cross his fingers there's nobody coming? >> right, an older driver was coming through in a small hatchback car and hit this
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truck, just as it was pulling out into traffic. the owner of the dash cam says everybody got out of their vehicles to make sure everyone was fine and seems people walked away from this but it all could have been avoided. this is a very important video, because it's going to make you think about what you would do if you found yourself in this situation and what sensitivity you would have. now, the popular travel tv show host in finland came out having hiv in to 13. back in 2005 he was drugged and raped and how he contracted the disease. he's in finland and decided to see what people would do and how they would react to him standing there with two signs, with unin english and one in finnish saying i'm hiv positive and challenged the people to touch him. >> i would hope by now people know enough about hiv to know tupg someone, hugging someone,
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being close to someone is not going to transmit the disease. >> that is correct. for the most part they just kind of look but soon enough people start coming over to touch him. >> this is kind of performance art really. >> it does take a little while and you show that woman with a floral shirt, walk up touch his hand and keep going. that puts a big old smile on his face but then you see that more people keep coming up and some of them don't even think about it they just walk right over and they touch him, they place a hand either on his hand or his shoulder but they touch him. >> i want to see somebody give him a big old hug. >> i do too. i feel he needs. ask and you shall receive because soon enough people do start giving him big old bear hugs. >> yeah! >> including these two girls that give him a double hug. >> yeah! >> that's where setting an example come in. i like this part of the video, you see this woman with whom i presume are her kids she sets
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the example and walks over to him, touches him and comes back, but you can tell she explained to them what was happening. >> educating the next generation to not fear hiv. >> and you can tell how everybody's reaction really meant something to him. you see how emotional he gets right at the end of the video. we get a close-up of his face and he is crying because he was so moved at the compassion that everyone has for him. rossing the road in challenge. that dog wants to cross the street but waiting for its turn. it's not darting into traffic so it seems that this officer spotted the dog and the officer is the one that's going to help the dog cross the road. watch this you guys. the officer goes into the street and stops traffic. that never happens! traffic doesn't stop.
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>> look at the dog, how does it know? oh thank you very much. that dog has better manners than a lot of people we've seen on the show. >> maybe we should show this video as a psa, wait your turn or traffic stops. >> kind-hearted dude the cop was taking his life into his own hands. the traffic was like a swift moving river. >> doesn't look like there was a crosswalk nearby. these ducks basically have the right of way the video from russia. mom and dad and six ducklings on the correct side of the road but occupying the middle of the road and taking their time. i like how this car gives them a guided escort. >> the good thing is that these parents didn't leave their little ducklings in a hot car. >> taking them for a shopping trip. >> responsible parents while out shopping. >> this guy came across -- dwl an unlocked ambulance. >> find out what he does next.
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>> i hope he decides to do the right thing. plus this dog just got promoted to body guard for not only one but -- 200 little ducklings. see why they're under maximum security. [ [ scscrereamamining g ]] raratete s sucuckekersrs!! [ [ bebellll d diningigingng ] ] yoyourur c carar i insnsururanancece g goes up bebecacaususe e ofof t theheirir b badad driving. pepeopoplele t tryry a allll s sorortsts of ways to get rid of them. [ [ drdriviverer p panantitingng ] ] ifif y youou'r're e sisickck o of f papaying more than your fair share... [ [ scscrereamams s ]] geget t snsnapapshshotot f frorom m prprogressive, anand d sesee e jujustst h howow m mucuch your good driving could save you.
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♪ whwhatateveverer w wakakeses y youour r bababy at night... papampmperers s bebelilieveveses i it t should never be a wet diaper. fofor r upup t to o 1212 h houours of protection. papampmperers.s.
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now that there's foster farms simply raised, it's tougher than ever to be a foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken is 100 percent natural with no antibiotics. well you're an herbalist. help us to be natural. will those herbs do it? those? one grows hair, the other increases energy. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. call me natural. you look like a steve. can i call you steve? hi steve. i'm natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? introducing new simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms. simply better.
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like us on stay in touch all day long. now back to the show. >> [ bleep ] what? >> mike white came across an unlocked ambulance and got video of himself checking it out. >> [ bleep ] we got up in here. >> lots of electronics, very expensive ambulance. >> we can assume the ambulance is responding to a call. you can hear sirens in the background so they're probably there for business. >> perhaps. >> ain't nobody back there. >> frank says well i could just take this ambulance. >> i'll sell this [ bleep ], taking this [ bleep ] around the block. >> what's frank decide to do? >> i hope he decides to do the right thing because this is horrible if he chooses to take
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this thing for a spin. >> i'm going to let him keep it this time. >> restores my faith in humanity. this could be there for someone's life or death emergency possibility and if he took it for a joy ride that could cost someone their life. >> frank posted this on his facebook page and says he was on his way to the casino and that's why he didn't pull this off at the time. we reached out to st. francis hospital in wilmington delaware they weren't aware of the video, had no idea this happened and were appreciative we brought it to their attention. we did not get an official statement to them from our deadline but they are looking into the matter. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. women are a mystery, mostly because they choose the sick mind games, another thing that confuses guys is how much money you guys have to spend on things. it's ridiculous to us for example in the city a bunch of
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guys try to guess how much women's swimwear costs. >> this is the top. yep, this is the top. and okay yep that's the bottom. all right. >> let's do it. >> it's pretty simple a bunch of guys look at the swimwear and take guesses h mh they think it two eye patches sewn together. $34. >> $200? >> i'm going to say 58 bucks. >> nick you are good at this. $53, nick. >> this is nice a whole boardwalk empire vibe. there's a triangle right here illuminati confirmed $40. >> i'll say 76 bucks. >> wow. >> wow. >> shut up, this is $246 swimsuit. >> you're going into the ocean or into a chlorine filled pool and you're going to spend almost $300 on this. why don't you just go in your
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prom dress. >> that's true. >> there's nothing much to it guys just a pair of bottoms, they've got ties on the side a couple of different colors. >> $59.99. >> no, because it's got the different color material on the inside and the outside and the different color strings. i'll say this one is about $1 so just for the bottoms. >> i'll say this is about 76 for the bottoms. wow! >> again what are you doing in your spare time? you go around shops and look at the price of women's clothing? >> i was a single man for a very long time. >> what is going on here. >> if you guys want to see this video ifn its entirety head to our website or use the mobile app. i think we're starting to learn something new about cats. they will not back off. this one won't back off from a bear. >> what? >> a bear? >> yes, there is a face-off
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right here and there's a glass door between this tiny little house cat relative to the big bear outside the door. yes! runs up against the door and scares the bear away. >> the bear could not get there fast enough. they say to make yourself bigger and scream. this cat just proved it. the second video posted by nicole beales her dog lily playing with -- >> playing chicken. >> lily is trying to get the chick on it play but the chicken is looking trying to figure out what lily is doing. >> the chicken is like cluck you. it's quite entertaining. you can't stop staerg at it. the dog is so happy and the chicken is not interested at all. >> watch this gynormous dog caring for the 1-day-old ducklings.
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>> so awesome. >> adults only. the dog is like i can't read. >> got you, 200 little ducklings doing his job. >> guard dog. you would think a dog would go after the ducklings not knowing his or her own strength. >> they set up a gofundme page trying to raise money so this guy can raise all of these ducklings for a food bank to feed the homeless and people that need food. he's about to find out -- >> how long can you ride that freefall? >> see if he nails that low pull. and brandon is flying home to see his mom. >> we'll surprise my mom in a few minutes. >> but a bigger reveal that leaves this family thrilled. >> thank you.
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closed captioning provided by -- 5050% % momorere m mededicicinine. didiscscrereetet r relelieief.f. icicy y toto d dulull.l. hohot t toto r relelaxax.. nenew w icicy y hohot t mimicrcro o papatctch. amamazazining g hohow w bebeining so light on your feet. can be so hard on them. gold bond fofootot c creream. 7 7 momoisistuturirizezers 3 3 vivitatamiminsns hehelplp h heaeal l anand d soften. evevenen t thehesese f feeeet.t. gogoldld b bonond.d. the river dam in switzerland was put up to stop water, but it didn't stop the fun for carlos paw droe. >> three, two, one!
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he letaped off the top of this. >> whoa he waited to pull the chute. >> that video is called low pull because that's the whole point of this base jump here, how long can you ride out that freefall. gearth. >> yes and gravity. >> the earth is going to win that one. >> the giant wall behind you, inverted valley below this guy is having a good time. >> this is a beautiful location. the landscape is stunning and it does look cool to see this guy pull this chute just in time to land safely >> it's like 30 feet. he opens it with about 30 feet left. >> i feel like he wouldn't have any feet after this. the impact was so hard. >> i would have a high pull as high as humanly possible to figure out it. >> the goal is to survive.
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>> for these guys the thrill is in the freefall. >> ah has, has, ha, ha, ha! according to the cdc, each year about 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer, so it's really wonderful when we get to see a video like this after hearing a statistic like that. >> so i am at the airport getting ready to fly home to see my mom, she doesn't know she gets her cancer test results tomorrow. me and my brother will be there. >> this is brandon phillip in the airport flying home to see his mom, vicki. here's brandon in the car, big bouquet of flowers, flowers in the front seat, he has them seatbelted in. >> we have the flowers, my mom's been called been told that the flowers are going to be
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delivered in the next 15 minutes, we'll see and surprise my mom in a few minutes. >> mom knows that flowers are coming but doesn't know who is delivering them. >> that's a good plan. >> we have some flowers for you. >> thank you. >> now the flowers we believe are kind of covering brandon's face it's just like a flower delivery person handle this huge bouquet over to vicki. watch this. >> that's perfect! >> is it so sweet? she just breaks down immediately, so thrilled that he's there. but this video gets even better. the surprise is not the best part. >> so we just got the news this lady this lady beat cancer. >> she is cancer free currently, and we see the moment that they both share the news. >> we're proud of her. >> i love everyone. thank you for your prayers.
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>> what a beautiful moment and that smile on their faces. you know how ecstatically happy they are. this 6-year-old is ready for action and -- >> completely stoked to be riding the catapult. >> how he had the courage to look fear right in the eye. he's terrified! which means fewer costs, which saves money. their custstomomerer e expxpererience is virtually paperless whwhicich h sasaveves s papapeper,r, which saves money. ththeyey h havave e smsmarart t ononline tools so you only pay fofor r whwhatat's's r rigightht f for you which saves money. ththeyey s setettltle e clclaiaimsms quickly whwhicich h sasaveves s titimeme, , which saves money. they dririveve a an n alall-l-hyhybrbrid claims fleet whwhicich h sasaveves s gagas,s, which saves money. ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o onlnline, and built to save money, whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. bebecacaususe e ththatat's's h howow it should work in the modern world. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by allstate. click or call.
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now that there's foster farms simply raised, it's tougher than ever to be a foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken is 100 percent natural with no antibiotics. well you're an herbalist. help us to be natural. will those herbs do it? those? one grows hair, the other increases energy. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. call me natural. you look like a steve. can i call you steve?
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hi steve. i'm natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? introducing new simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms. simply better. i'm good, thanks. the big toothless smile and the sign in the backdrop says it all in this video. oh yes, this little 6-year-old is completely stoked to be riding the catapult. dad made sure his little guy stays calm and does all the right things because the moments leading up to the three, two, one, pow! that's the scary part. >> ready? look at this okay. hold on. >> nervous 6-year-old's gidiness he's excited, he's tense. >> you see the guy in the background with the big old trigger. >> here it comes. >> woo! he's terrified. >> it's not terrifying it's the feeling he must be having
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that's fear. >> i think it's a lot of all of those things. he's got his eyes closed dad encourages him open your eyes, you are agetting to miss it. >> open your eyes. open your eyes, yes. >> when he opens his eyes they look like they're going to fall out of his head they're so wide. not a tear holds in tight, makes dad proud. >> louder. >> yeah! >> say i got this! >> i feel for it. you can't control the sounds that come out of your mouth anymore. >> high five. that-a-boy. show the camera. >> victory! >> show them. >> and cute. he's fearless. i love it. >> his dad's reaction is great. he's so proud of his little boy. >> high five. dude, you were awesome, buddy. >> that's it for "right this minute." see you next time everybody.
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harvey: the weather girl girl, she's from another world. >> those girls are a dime a dozen. harvey: they're not a dime a dozen. >> yes, they are. >> then let's get a dozen of them. >> rich is in town for theb.e.t. awards and the past few years i asked him, there's been incidents at the. b.e.t. awards. what's the secret to staying safe. raquel: if you stay low in the scenes in the back near the entrance, you're all good. >> stay low, like get down. >> bristol palin is fertile myrtle because she just sent out she's having her second baby. yea! she's not as excited. >> trying to keep my chin up on
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this one. i don't want any lectures. harvey: if she would have kept her chin up she -- >> hollywood, the big premiere of "magic mike xxl. tatum and manganiello and sofia vergara and some of the fans brought signs. what does that say? "sofia, let your daughters -- oh. harvey: a lot of protesters


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