tv Right This Minute FOX June 29, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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. oh, no. >> storm chasers spot a defenseless animal in a fierce hailstorm so -- >> watch what they do. >> see the heros' bold move to save a baby antelope. pull over. >> police follow a weaving vehicle. >> for four miles. this guy had no idea. >> the sobering moments when the slow-speed chase finally ends.
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>> why did you do that? >> showing it to my dad later. >> a girl decides to go spiderman down the balcony. >> let's see how well she does. >> the moment she realizes this is really hard. and make way for a proper prank. >> getting a little irritated. >> see the funny moments when the queen's guard finally cracks. >> you seem to upset national security with that. >> i know. storm chasers in montana captured what i believe is hands down the best storm footage currently on the internet. this from matt and brandon of big sky weather. they're a severe weather awareness team. they're volunteer storm spotters. in this video you see the angry skies over eastern montana and then you see the hail start to
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fall. matt and brendon tell us some of the hail was the size of baseballs. >> we got [ inaudible ]. >> like a whiteout situation here. >> yes. >> visibility is very low. >> it's almost zero. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> oh. >> no no no. >> keep watching. you're about to see something we've never seen in a storm chasing video. >> there's something on the road in front of us. >> it's a deer. oh, my god. >> oh, no. did they really come up on a deer. >> they think it's a deer. it turns out it's an antelope. >> it's mangled. >> you are watching the antelope try to make his way through the hailstorm and he just falls and hunkers down and the wind is blowing, but these guys watch what they do. >> they've got hard hats. >> yep. >> they've got hard hats. do they have one for the antelope. >> better.
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watch. >> they'rering >> yes. >> that's awesome. >> wow. >> holy cow. >> poor thing. >> i can't handle this. >> and then the hail stops and watch. they just get right back out and they put the little animal where it came from. he runs off toward the field, toward the fences down there and they told us they actually saw a large antelope maybe mom, just down the road and they believe they were reunited. yes, the vehicle traveling the wrong way, we've not observed that but we're behind it on the eastbound a-272. attempting to stop it. >> after members of the public called police after seeing a car drive the wrong way on the a-24 in the uk a main road. police caught up with this vehicle right here. now as you can see, it's kind of weaving around the road. now this isn't exactly a
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high-speed chase. you can see the reflection the lights are going. the police had their lights on they blipped the sirens for four miles. this guy has no idea. >> pull over. stop there. >> eventually they get the person to pull over. everyone started wondering who will get out of the car, a kid, someone that's been drinking. no. in fact it was 78-year-old godfri mclaughlin. >> first thing i'm going to say is ask you to provide me with a specimen of breath all right. >> all right. you failed the roadside breath test. okay. so now arresting you for providing a breath. we're going to take you to a police station to put you on another machine to find out exactly how much is in your system. >> all part of "operation dragon fly" something the sussex police are cograck down on drinking and drunk driving as well. he was banned for driving for one year. he was fined about 250, about
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400s u.s. dollars. you have to pay another 400 u.s. dollars in costs and a victim surcharge. this video released to kind of show that drunk driving, it's something that happens from young people all the way up to old people to really shine a lot of what's going on and to warn people. don't do it police are on the lookout. >> this dog hanging out with the animal aid unlimited guys in india. looks pretty darn cute. >> look at that face. >> looks like she's smiling. >> she has a really good reason to be smiling. that's what she looked like before. >> was she covered in oil? >> oh, my gosh. that's a dog? >> that is the dog you just saw. completely covered in tar from the neck down. it sounds like she had been stuck in a construction site. she can't move. she's barely breathing. you can see it in her face she's very unhappy. >> get some dawn dish washing liquid and cut the oil, right? >> they say they took oil to the
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tar to dissolve it a little bit and then gave it a bath that you see here. eventually cleaning her up completely until she looked like that. >> couple little dirty spots left on her but that's it. >> oh. she's so happy. look at that tail. >> the best part is now she is an excellent hands, probably going to get some delicious food and is going to put some meat on those bones. red bull pilots paul and steve have been wingmen for nearly two decades. these two guys setting up for a stunt they will include in their act that begins with them wing tip to wing tip, diving in at about 185 miles per hour and descending descending when suddenly -- >> oh! >> oh! >> are you kidding me? >> first ever according to them a formation barn storming has ever been pulled off.
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planes have flown through thick structures before. they believe this is the first time it's ever been done in formation. >> that was incredible. >> notice their faces, not an expression change until they make it out and then like yeah dude good job. >> they were feeling it. >> as we exited off the first one together we looked across at each other to see if all the bits were still there and they were. got the airplane here hangar approaching here and you've got no options. [ inaudible ]. >> it's pretty cool to hear this. of all the crazy air stunts they've done this was probably the scariest and had zero room. there's nowhere to go to correct once you're in that's it. >> this is so exhilarating even from our point of view it is still amazing to see this. ♪
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dude's got to get something up high but -- >> why use the ladder when you have a perfectly good counter to stand on. >> why you're about to find out. >> oh, no. >> right there, it's on the wall. >> plus this dog bit off more than it could chew. >> oh, no. good looking cowboy boots. >> yeah. ber r gogoodod g gummies plus energy support. itit's's a a n newew f fibiberer s supupplplemement that helps support regularity anand d ininclclududeses b b v vititamaminins s to help convert food to energy. mmmmmmmmm,m, t thehesese a arere g gooood!d! ninicece w worork,k, p phihillllipips!s! ththe e tataststy y sisidede o of f fifibeber,r, frfromom p phihillllipips's'.. ththisis i is s brbrian. eveverery y daday,y, b bririanan d dririveves carefully to work. anand d eveverery y daday y brbriaian n drives carefully to work, ththerere e arare e raratete s sucuckekersrs. hehe's's b beeeen n papayiyingng m morore for car insurance
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bebecacaususe e ofof t theheirir b badad driving for r soso l lonong,g, h he e dodoesesn'n't even notice them anymore. bubut t onone e daday y brbriaian n gegetsts snapshot from progressive. nonow w brbriaian n hahas s a a raratete babasesed d onon hihiss drdriviving, not theirs. geget t snsnapapshshotot a andnd s seeee just how much your good driving cocoululd d sasaveve y youou..
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we start with the balcony. why use the stairs when you can practice your cool spider girl moves. what better way to get down than just go over thes the edge? >> maybe she's a parcourse expert and we don't know. >> she takes off her jacket. >> leave the jacket on. you need all the padding you can get. >> there she goes over the edge. she's got it until she doesn't which is quickly. oh. >> oh! >> no. >> oh! >> you're an idiot. >> falls on to the second balcony below and bounces off that backwards on to the ground. does sit up. i think she made it through but not well. >> when she hit the second balcony saved her from a very nasty injury. >> i don't think she will be sneaking out for a while not in the dark or daytime. now the next guy why use a ladder when you can use the counter when working on electronic equipment. what could possibly go wrong?
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there's the guy using the door to straddle and lift himself up a little more and lost his footing. >> oh. >> the ladder is right there on the wall. he could have turned around and picked it up. >> he smacked his face on the ladder on the way down. oh there it is. do it again, dude. >> why use the ladder when you have a perfectly good counter to stand on? if you're a pet owner you know pets are often like humans. these pets showing the very common human emotion of guilt. >> messed that one up. >> charlies has chewed up a very expensive pair of boots. >> oh, no. good-looking cowboy boots too. they're expensive. >> charlie knows that shehe has done something wrong. he can't face it. >> maybe if i can't see her she can't see me. >> charlie's owner goes and grabs the boot and shows it to
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charlie. >> are you feeling uncomfortable right now? >> too much though. like a magnet that repels the dog. >> he will not face that boot. >> little cocoa here also she will not face what she has done. >> what is this? >> she's running and hiding. you can hear owner matt stanley behind the camera. look at her, she finally comes back and just rolls over on her belly like i didn't mean to do it. >> what did you do? >> what did she do? she chewed up her little toy. >> she shouldn't be ashamed of that. that's what those toys are for. >> at least we know she's not going to be eating any boots. >> you have no toy. i had a pretty epic weekend. hey, guys considering how many videos we have on the show i thought i would come and check it out. >> no, you did not. >> i ran into two rookies and i feel like i should maybe give advice to. one of those. >> what? you went skydiving with jeff
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corlis. >> yes. >> i don't feel eye kae about this. >> i got to hang out with them at skydiving in california. divers getting ready for a stunt in china later this year. he is in full training mode. they're about go take a few dives. they left me behind but only so i could get ready because yesterday i did, i took the dive. >> are you kidding? >> all geared up ready to go. >> everybody back home watching you like to say hi to? >> >> no. >> look like one of the charlie's angels there. '70s jump suit ready for crime. >> we're on our way up to about 12,500 feet. that's dj styles my tandem instructor . je and joeby were in the back. they finally open the door and literally i had to just walk right off. >> you look so calm. were you nervous?
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>> no. i was just excited. i couldn't wait for the doors to open. >> watch me walk off the plank. >> do you feel your stomach drop like you would on like a carnival ride or not feel that? >> you go from being on the plane to suddenly falling and you don't feel the gs like on a roller coaster. >> you don't? >> it's a different sensation. it's exhilarating. i was screaming. >> were you scared screaming or happy screaming? >> i was exhilarated screaming. >> we did a flip but once you start facing the ground coming at you, you do just relax and enjoy the show. the wind hitting your skin and you can feel it through your suit. >> making me so nervous, i'm sweating. >> i landed safely. you can see me doing so here behind me were jeff and joeby. i caught up them after the jump. >> it's just another day in the life. >> how was it? >> it was amazing. >> that's another bucket list, dove with sharks and skydiving
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got your morcycle license. look at you. >> that went well but i think i'm rdy for a wind suit . >> that's not what i was planning. >> what a great job. >> getting a little irritated. >> the story behind the royal rumble. >> and the kayak trip quickly turns ugly. >> starting to run out of breath. >> oh, no. >> the unexpected swim for survival. hihi, , i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknklelerr and i know there are many mymythths s ouout t ththerere e ababout a a rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege soso i i w wanant t yoyouu toto k knonow w ththe e fafactcts.s. a a rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege i is insured byby t thehe f fededereralal g govovernment; yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-x-frfree money frfromom t thehe e eququitity y inin your home; yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoneney to papay y ofoff f yoyourur c cururrerent mortgage, ifif y youou h havave e onone;e; ththe e reremamaininining g momoneney y can bebe u usesed d fofor r ananytythihing; ththerere'e's s nono m mononththlyly momortrtgagagege p payaymementnts,s, anand d yoyou u ststilill l owown n your home! cacallll t tododayay
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t to o geget t your frfreeee g guiuidede a andnd d dvdvd. itit's's e expxplalainins s hohoww a a gogovevernrnmementnt-i-insnsurured reverse e momortrtgagagege w wororks... ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligigatatioion. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege is a a ququicickeken n loloanans s cocompmpany. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded e expxperts can ananswswerer a allll y youour r ququestions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o outut w what a great sosolulutitionon t thihis s cacan n be. dodon'n't t wawaitit.....c.calall l now!
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gogot t bi closed captioning provided by -- mededicicinine. didiscscrereetet r relelieief.f. icicy y toto d dulull.l. hohot t toto r relelaxax.. nenew w icicy y hohot t mimicrcro o papatctch. [[ f fememalale e anannonoununcecer ] if shaving gets you bikini-ready beware of razor bumps. ddisiscocovever r bibikikinini zone. ststopops s irirriritation rredednenessss, , & & ititchching. bibikikinini z zonone e -- tthehe a aftfterershshave for every bikini. amamazazining g hohow w bebeining so light on your feet. can be so hard on them. gold bond fofootot c creream. 7 7 momoisistuturirizezers 3 3 vivitatamiminsns hehelplp h heaeal l anand d soften. evevenen t thehesese f feeeet.t. gogoldld b bonond.d. even if you've never been to the uk you know the queen's guard, everybody knows the queen's guard. those guys in the red jackets with the big hat. of course everybody knows, you know they never crack. as you can see in the video tourists are there trying to get around this guy the queen's guard. the guy on the phone and posing next to him and he's kind of doing what a lot of people do
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trying to poke at the bear. >> the one in front. >> buttons and everything. i'm going to [ inaudible ]. >> look he's getting a little irritated. the warning shot. >> warn the guy. >> didn't just warn the guy, he goes straight at guy and they start rolling around on the floor. he punches a tourist if for taking pictures. the fight continues you can see a beef eater, the guys that guard the tower of london come and break up the fight as well. >> [ inaudible ]. >> crazy! >> is this real? >> on the troll station youtube channel. a big troll going on with a bunch of tourists. not only do they do it at the tower of london but they go to buckingham palace as well. >> the queen's guard. >> you're doing your job. don't be an idiot. >> knocks him out. puts his hat back on. the guy stays on the floor as everybody is around going do we take pictures?
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>> where's the queen's guard? >> got my video. >> okay. >> they take it to the extreme when they go out the front gate of buckingham palace and our same fella comes up. >> watch out for the queen's guard. >> this time around they switch it up. >> the queen's guard. >> look the faces of the people around. what i like is this lady -- [ inaudible ]. >> this is where the guy is like no no no. it's a joke it's a joke don't get the real ones involved. >> we're making a movie for youtube. >> soldiers protect the queen and you have made a mockery. >> you know -- >> oh, my gosh. you could upset national security with that. >> i know. >> that's a funny prank. >> it's a pretty funny prank. the guys at troll station i will be keeping an eye out for more of them. ♪ brian is in a kayak on the lower st. louis river.
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in thompson minnesota. >> okay. >> brian is preparing for a race he's never run this section of the lower st. louis river, so he's a little tentative at first. gets into trouble quick. gets bumped by a rock and he's now pushed sideways. you see him get turned around. now he's going through this section backwards. >> wow. >> now he's going through it upside down. >> oh. >> head under water. >> what else could possible happen to this guy? >> you'll see. he rights himself quick, but boom he hits another rock that gets him flipped over again. there we are. clear blue skies. into the washing machine a third time. by this moment he's starting to run out of breath. you'll hear him, listen. he's struggling. he's now out of his boat and it's time to go down the rest of the rapids as a swimmer. >> oh, no.
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>> and now this big drop. looks like it's going to swallow him up. under water again into that iced tea looking water. there he is pops up again. the boat up ahead. a little further to go before the water calms down. there he is out the other side. ott free thankfuy his up soon to help gather up his boat. he continued on his run that day even after all this. >> my heart is racing. >> right. you feel it. you feel that tension of i got to save my skin here. ♪ >> these dudes are trying -- >> something the ladies love. >> not very common for the fella fellas to try on. see if they say yes to the dress. >> i like things that are couture. i want it to be a little quirky. i'm sorta marge. wewe b bototh h drdrivive e a a ststick, wewe b bototh h lilikeke s savavining money on car insurance
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anand d wewe b bototh h fefeelel i intntegrity susuchch a as,s, t thahat t ofof h healthcare in the america of the us anand d ththererefeforore.e. yeyes.s. ththanank k yoyou.u. nono. . nono.. plpleaeasese, , ststopop!! sosortrta a yoyou,u, i isnsn't't y youou. ststarart t wiwithth a a q quouotete f frorom esurance and get a set of discounts pepersrsononalalizizeded t to o yoyou,u, not someone sorta like you. esesururanancece.. babackckeded b by y alallslstatatete. click oror c calall.l. that's why i switched from u-verse to xfinity. they have the most free on demand tv shows and movies on all
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what could they be trying today? >> oh. >> the wedding dress. >> why? >> oh. >> that's a big deal. >> here they are all with their mimosas like what it would be like if we went to try on wedding gown ss, we would wait anxiously as our friend came out in the beautiful dress. this is so weird because they're hairy. but it's funny because the guys have specific ideas of what they want to look like. >> i want to look really hot. >> i want my wedding to be fun. >> i like things that are couture. >> i want it to be a little quirky. >> i want to wear polo shirts. >> he's a business in the front, party in the back. >> my day, all eyes on me. >> a petticoat. >> i'm going to be fluffy. >> he's still shaved. >> it's a hairy pits with the white dresses seems so odd. >> oh. tight in the back. oh. >> i feel like big bird but hot. ♪ >> oh. >> don't fill it out. >> the try guys have become
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about emasculating the guys in every way they can find. >> it is funny to see the guys trying on these gorgeous gowns but making them look completely awful. >> not only did they try on the wedding dresses they got to experience the veil. >> looks pretty decent. >> oh. >> you look so weird. >> and they all get emotional like the ladies. >> i think it's nice to find a dress that matches your personality. >> i feel so pretty in it. it's a special day. >> i love them trying to play a woman and what they think women are like which is nothing like that. that is way too dramatically. >> totally. >> totally. >> i'm staying out of this. >> that's going to do it for "right this minute," everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
1:00 am
westen. i used to be a spy until... [ cellphone rings ] man: we got a burn notice on you. you're blacklisted. when you're burned you've got nothing -- no cash, no credit no job history. you're stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in. where am i? miami. you do whatever work comes your way. you rely on anyone who's still talking to you. a trigger-happy ex-girlfriend... should we shoot them? old friend who used to inform on you to the fbi... you know spies -- a bunch of bitchy little girls., too... hey, is that your mom again? ...if you're desperate. someone needs your help, michael. bottom line -- as long as you're burned you're not going anywhere. previously on "burn notice"... vaughn: we found a replacement -- name's westen. fiona: i tho
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