tv Mornings on 2 FOX June 30, 2015 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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good morning. mornings on tuesday. i'm pam cook. >> we're going to get your day started with weather and traffic. steve is on board with us here. >> hot hot. >> that's it. >> not for everyone but many. when you get in your car and you ska, man it's warm already, that's a sign. . there could be some higher clouds. as it does, it's moving west.
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60s already for some. the loez are not going to get below 64. it's going to be a mild morning. not much of a breeze. high pressure kicking in for two days and then we see a lot of cloud cover. lots of sun. warm to hot. low clouds. it will be that fresno hot inland and 70s and 80s around the bay. >> what do you have for us at 4:01 a.m.. not a lot. keeping an eye on traf frequent you this morning chlth want to let folks know a portion of westbound highway 12 in santa rosa should be closed out for a couple more hours after a car hit a pedestrian. this happened around 7:30 p.m. last night chlth right now we don't know the condition of the victim. they are advising traffics to tuvoid over to farmers lane.
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the cause of the crash is being investigated still. here is a live look at the toll plaza. quite light. if you're trying to make your way in to the city right now is a good time to do so. but you still have a little time if you want to hang with ush little longer this morning. there is traffic heading westbound over to the peninsula. >>. buyers are warned this year because of hot and dry conditions. some firework vendors are already in business. they are reminding everyone that everything that burns kz be a
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hazard. >> conditioness are extremely dry. they need to be used in the street. buckets of water near by and adult suber viz near by. . firefighters in the state of washington bat 8ing fire. the fire destroyed 24 homes. at least 22 businesses vpt it's 122 miles east of seattle. it's burned 3000 acres since it started saturday afternoon. it's only 10% contained. high temperatures and strong winds are making it a tough fir foo fight. >> it will wick up in some -- pick up in some manner. how far and how strong is unpredictable. >> the cause of the fire is
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still under investigation. shelters are being set up. it started about 5:30 p.m. last night. the fire flames rose twice the size of the stadium. the stadium was built during the galt depression and the cause of the fire is being investigated. this just in. santa clarra's union said to go on strike today. they negotiated late in to the night. they called it unfair labor practices and unfair shortages. a settlement was not reached. the strike will begin this morning. the union that's involved includes 911 dispatchers public health nurses, janitors and librarians. there are plans that have been
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put in place like healthcare from being disrupted. >> what we'll do if there is a strike is close some of the primary care sites that we have and out patient clinics and cancel any nonessential services. >> they kept about 9000 workers. they are planning to go on strike later on this morning is what we understand. team of investigators mroon to meet today to try and figure out why a coast guard helicopter crash handed. this happened yesterday during agroutine maintenance flight at the air stigz at the north end of the airport. officials say the helicopter was hovering ten feet off the ground which something went wrong and it landed on its side. the two peem on board were able to walk away on board. >> even a training evolution as
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routine as this, you can experience an incident and you can't take anything for granted. >> the helicopter is normally used for rescue missions. it's not clear if it's a total los after that accident. coast guard cruise will be on standby in case there is an emergency here thin bay area. the balcony past inspection less than two years ago. six people were injured and two people died. the private inspector gave the balcony a good rating. we now know the name of a man who was shot and killed in san jose over the weekend. 24-year-old marven jackson junior. he was killed around 2:30 a.m.
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saturday morning. it appears jackson and the gunman got into an argument before the shooting. hours before the shooting a 17-year-old boy was shot. lease have nod mate an arrest on either shooting. claiming racial discrimination of the catholic school and wants it to refunds money -- tuition after a haircut. he would have to leave the school because the hair cult was a forbidden style. they said it was a foe hawk, var yagz variation of the mohawk. he's african american and the brother attends public school. the catholic school is not commenting. a big soccer match that was
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planned for next month is being moved. the san jose earthquakes and manchester united were scheduled to lay july 21st. it has been relocated. people whool bought tickets to the game in berkeley will get first choice of seats or they can ask for a refunds if they would like. it's going to be number one versus number two in the woman's world cup. the u.s. can advance over a title game with a win over germany. they haven't faced themselves since 2003. that was a game germany won. neither of these countries have fallen further than number two.
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the u.s. allowed only one goal. germany has skoerped 20. >> they're going to bring it. they know how to attack and possess the ball. so i could talk all day about the things that they bring but ultimately it's about how he lay. >> the winner will meet either japan or england. you can watch the match right here. or coverage begins at 3:00 o'clock. the machl goes under way at four. if you -- there will be a viewing plaza. the events there the viewing party goes under way at 3:00 o'clock.
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the san jose earthquakes are also a hosting a viewing party in san jose. the price of a france muni pass is going up tomorrow . just the single pass. adult passes are going up. the monthly pass that includes access to bart is going up and the unconsciously pass for youth and senior is go s to rice $1. this is the deadline for greece to make a payment to ininternational monetary fund that is not going to. that means they will not make the next bailout pay out. banks will be closed five hoar days. people are limited to atm withdraws of 60 euros. >> it's like a nightmare and we know we're not going to wake
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umreally soon. >> the denot could lead to greece leaving the european union. that could cause? financial problems to spread. the white house says there is no direct hit to the u.s.. but our stalk market dropped yesterday. . >> the white house is about to make some big --. big changes in over time rules that could affect millions of workers. the president argues it will boogs american paychecks but crit blgs say it could cost jobs. we have dug live with us this morning with documents -- arguments coming in on both sides. good morn to youshg dug. good morning. that's the question here how businesserize going to respond. whether this is going to lead to a larger worker.
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. >> reporter: right now super vicars or managers could be denied over time. the they v a doubling of that threshold to more than sgiftd thousand dollars. that's how america should do business. a hard day's work deserves a fair day's bay. >> it's another one of those intrusions by big government that has no conception of what it takes to run a business in today's world. >> reporter: it is going to rely on more part-time workers. those who defend the rules say that has an up side. >> even if you have this new rule take place if there are employers who wish not to pay over time and instead to get that work done by hiring that's what you get is also an increase
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in hiring. >> the white house will begin frying to sell this plan to the public and business communal today. early this morning they sent out an e-mail, breaking this out. how many workers will be impacted recollect california for and away the largest in the number of workers. 420000. two and a half % of the work force just in california. we are hauling some developing muse out of santa clar. the largest union will not go on strike today. the issue was unfair worker practices. we are working on the story right now. she will have more on the deal that was reached coming up here at 4:30 a.m.. 4:13 a.m.
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across the state. lawmakers passed the bill that requires all kids to be vaccinated. we have a deeper look at the legislation and what the governor's office is saying this morning. >> reporter: it will become much more difficult for parents to opt out of vaccine >> i think it's a great law as a teacher. i want my students to be safe. >> there is no denying that kids spread diseases. >> reporter: but the bill also has many opponents. thousands of parents rallied up the capital for months while the bill was under debate. >> we need to preblth each other. >> reporter: kids who aren't vaccinated will have to be home skoold or get a medical exemption from a doctor.
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kids who have an exemption aural would be grandfathered until kanlder garden or 7th grade. >> it will be much more difficult not to immiainize. >> reporter: he believed it will prevent future out breakess like whooping cough and mesals. >> the public health concern is clearly over riding. >> reporter: the governor has 12 days to sign the bill. the governor spokes person will say the governor considered vaccines profoundly important and will give this bill close consideration. well now the supreme court has up held the use of a sedative in lethal injections to carry out the death penalty two states rejected the claim that the -- sedative has been used in
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several botched executions. how oak low homa and florida asked the court to allow them to eccute a total of four in may. california officials prom lsed to propose one on the oklahoma case many legal hurdles remain before ex-cukes can resume here. statd law requires extensive public comment. that is a year long process. 4:19 a.m. is the time this morning. i stepped outside my house and it was already -- >> it's already warm. >> uncomfortable. boardering on warm. >> i had a gentleman tweet me
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and say the same thing. you know it's going to be hot when you open the doors at 4:00 a.m. and it's already warm. it's going to be hot for many, not all. the inland area will get into this. not too much of a breeze. the higher clouds will be back for a cloudy friday pattern. we start off right now. am i your first tweet -- yes you were. take agfrej to the airport this morn. she's going to hawaii. you can see all the cloud cover continuing to rotate around. a lot of cloud cover in 95 las vegas. coming in to southern california. there is some fog tlchlt boy it
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getting squashed. right down on the deck there. reduced vish -- visibility. i doubt they'll be out too much. very hot and hot conditions rather fast here. hardly any breeze. it was double this yesterday. they warmed up yesterday. the water temps went down. they're now 52. sfroon came down one half and monterey two. that's a good sign. you want that cold war. there is a 90s and some 80s. the cloud cover continues to rotate around. one motor-cross modsl very bullish. on friday a lot of cloud cover and maybe some rain. do i go back to the desk or toss it? >> back to the desk, thank you.
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you don't want to be in the wrong somewhat. >> never do you want to be in the wrong spot. >> we will have some high base and shower activity wednesday end of thursday recollect friday. >> it will cool it down a bit sthoo not up in the mountains recollect here. >> wow. okay. interesting. thank you, steve. >> see how that works out. boy scout camping tragedy. the unexpected force of nachern that took a 13-year-old sacramento boy's life.
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we are following developing news out of indoughnes a -- indonesia. reportedly the plane crashed after the pilot told the control tower it needed to turn back because of? engine trouble. the taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. not far from the u.s. embassy. more than 20 civilians were injured including women and children. a powerful blast shook the city when a car rammed in to the car
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voy and exploded. injuring more than 30 people. the islamic state terror group is claiming responsibility for that attack. the group has carried out a number of attacks in yemen this months. loyal to the president who fled the capital city in march as the rebels seized control of the city. sacramento community morning the debt of a boy scout. 13-year-old aldon brooks. he was found six hours later a mile down stream. >> i used to belong in the boy scouts and got a lot out of it. this is heart breaking.
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>> he just graduated from 8th grade. his parents on the way to new mexico. the other scouts were not seriously hurt. we are told they will finish the wilderness hike and do so in his honor. life guards posted warning sides after morigate white shark sightings. the 24-hour warnings went up yesterday. they are telling swimmers not to go in the water. the beach is still open. the warnings will be taken down this afternoon unless there are more sharks seen in the area. the sharks yesterday were in the same area where 15 sharks were seen. >> they saw a fin and then over head they saw -- >> you see them all under water. a lot. it's 427. a jeweller is being forced to
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all right. good morning. welcome back in here to mornings on 2 i'm alex savidge. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. thank you for joining us. nice to have you this week. >> always good to be here. early on a tuesday. >> and we have steve. >> yes. >> not all week. >> no, not all week? >> not together. >> not together. >> right. >> glad we clarified. [ laughter ] not that that would be a bad thing. vacation with pam. >> you folks behave yourself.
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>> we have mostly clear skies. there is fog on the coast and that is about the only place where it will not get that warm. 80s around the bay and take a few steps inland you will find 90s. i think this old weather man will top out today. mark says you know it will be hot when you open the house at 3:00 a.m. and feel no cool air. thank goodness for ac. i would agree with that. it was a tall order this morning to find some. a lot of cloud cover continuing to rotate around. there is a lot of activity in southern nevada. you can see is the the low cloud deck and it doesn't have much of a chance. it's not making much of a move northeast. 50s and 60s on the temps. a lot of cloud cover though might play into our weather starting late wednesday into thursday but today it's lots of sun and it will be warm to hot. patchy low clouds near the coast but very toasty inland. 60s and 70s and 80s closer to the water.
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all right alex. >> appreciate it. i'm keeping an eye on traffic here at the 4:00 a.m. hour here at 4:30. we want to let you know about a crash in the santa rosa area. there is a portion of westbound highway 12 in santa rosa that may be closed for several more hours because of a car that hit a pedestrian i should say. this happen the about 10:30 last night. right now we don't know the exact condition of the victim in this case but santa rosa police are telling drivers to avoid westbound highway 12 from brush creek road over to farmers lane. authorities obviously investigating what caused this particular crash and we do have ktvu's paul chambers on his way up the scene. let's take a look outside here. this is a look at highway 24 in lafayette. you see the taillights. the taillights all heading west over the hill or through the hill i guess you should say. through the caldecott tunnel into the east bay and san
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francisco this morning and the traffic flowing freely here early on a tuesday morning. now let's take you and get you a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza and you can see there not too crowded just yet. so now is a good time if you want to get into the city it looks like you van opportunity. an opening here at 4:32. pam. we'll send it over to you. >> thank you alex. here's a look at the top stories we are following for you this morning. as fire work stands open around the bay area, buyers are being warned to be especially careful this year because of the hot, dry conditions. now in some cities, safe and sane fire works are allowed. vendors are already open for business. with very hot days ahead, fire officials are reminding anyone that anything that burns can be a hazard. we also may know what caused a coast guard helicopter to crash at sfo. it went down yesterday during a routine maintenance flight. two people were on board. they walked away unharmed. it's not clear if that
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helicopter is a total loss but investigators from around the country will meet at the airport today. a major strike has been averted in santa clara county. thousandsover people upset over labor practices. however a deal was reached between the union representing the workers and the county to find out what happens next we will check in with janine de la vega who is live right in front of union headquarters in san jose. janine. >> reporter: pam, just many in the last five minutes we saw dozens of people come out of the seiu headquarters local 521. a lot of them had smile on their faces. none of them would comment. we are waiting for a spokesperson to come out. they were going to go on strike at 6:00 a.m. if a deal wasn't reached but a tentative agreement has been reached. union members were ready with picket signs and expected to protest outside of valley
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medical center. they were siting the unfair practices. the county had gotten a court recorder to block the strike but the judge ruled 471 county workers over the 9,000 had essential jobs and had to report to work but now that has all been avoided because negotiations went well. this union represents 911 dispatchers, jail workers, and the public health and hospital systems. now the union members must take a vote on this four-career tentative agreement and it must be approved by the board of supervisors. we're hoping to get some more information and reaction from people here at headquarters and hopefully we will bring that to you in the next hour on mornings on 2. pam. >> it will be nice to hear from them. thank you. three current and former uc berkeley students are suing the university of california accusing it of mishandling their sexual assault
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complaints. in this suit filed yesterday, the three women claim school administrators fail to keep them informed of the disciplinary process and handed out inadequate punishment. there are a growing number that do not believe these crimes crimes are being vigorly investigated by the school. >> they need to implement education poll sis. >> berkeley will tell you it is doing better now but it is not. >> university spokeswoman says campus officials have not seen this lawsuit so therefore could not comment on the allegations that it contains but they are committed to fighting sexual assaults on campus. the lawsuit seeks unspecified damages. happening today the santa roe sal city council will reconsider a smoking ban. the city council will consider out lawing a smoking in apartment condominiums, duplexes, and town homes.
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the ban will also include parks. smoking would not be allowed at out door service areas such as lines for atm's movie theaters and bus stops. the council must decide if it will make exception for medical marijuana. some streets will actually be closed to cars, others will have restricted turns. there are also plans to close some freeway off ramps if the alameda county ramps get too crowded. some people parked in the middle of the street, got out of their cars and watched the fire works. the jeweler has been in the same union square location since 1906 but now it's saying it's being forced out by rising rents. some prime corner locations until the area have seen rent increases by as much as 25% in
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the last two years. >> unfortunately we are not able to come to terms with our landlord and basically we're out bid for the space. so it did make economical sense that we can stay. >> the jeweler was able to find a location nearby it's not giving any details at this point but it will be more than double the size of its current store. in this morning's made in the bay premium green homes are being made and in just a matter of days they will be shipped all across the country. claudine wong tells us you may be surprised what these homes actually look like. >> think of it as luxury prefab. your grandmas concept is mobile homes, not high quality. these houses are built in a factory but they are built by architects and they are built to really high standards.
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>> reporter: this is not what people picture when you say prefab home. >> and our bereave house is our most iconic design. it's an outdoor, indoor living type of home. >> reporter: add the high ceilings and high end appliances you are seeing their new approach to housing. >> this is 2300 square feet and it's a little bigger than that. >> reporter: and all of this can fit on a truck. >> yes. what is amazing about these houses is that actually there is a set of hinges that are still embedded in the floor here. >> reporter: maybe it's easier to understand it all by going into the factory. >> there is nobody else who does this similarly. >> reporter: this site stretches the length of three football fields. >> so this is just the beginning of the frame of the house. the steel comes in here and we cut it.
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>> reporter: and again to get a house finished how long does it take? >> the construction process takes about 40 days for a big like a 3,000 square foot house. it's a little quicker for smaller houses and it's improving relatively fast so right now it take 40s days and as we grow it will take three days. >> reporter: they follow strict codes and as we move along the production line the steel and wood started taking shape. >> how close are we to a finished house? >> you can see you are beginning to get closer. you saw the installation is now going in. the electrical is in. you can see the kitchen appliances is is going in. >> reporter: at the end of the line you get this. a contain tear sits on the back of a semi truck. >> irving is going to up state new york. this is a california house. >> we actually unfold the houses and set them in one day. >> reporter: they are considered green because of how they are made and how they run.
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>> in reality the most important thing for green is how much energy does your house use? and these houses perform more than 50% better than any homes that are built today. >> reporter: and its combination of tech and housing may redesign of how we all think of prefab. claudine wong ktvu fox 2 news. >> those homes start at $145,000 and range in price up to $6 that 25,000 but then of course you have to account for the fact that you need to purchase the land and then there are site costs as well. there are now design centers and model homes you can look at in vallejo, redwood city and also in l.a.. if you'd like to nominate someone for our made in the bay segment, there is a submission form. you can find that on our home page at beautiful homes. >> gorgeous. i love that house. of course the lot matters. >> you've got to have the land somewhere. >> a lot of cool things made in
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the bay here. >> there really are. 4:41 is the time. there are changes to the way you get paid for over time. coming up in 20 minutes, the reason the president says too many workers are not getting a fair deal and what he plans to do about it. >> marriage equality may be the law of the land now but some states continue to refuse that, refuse to issue licenses. what some county clerks are being told to say when same sex couples try to tie the knot. >> if you have opened the windows or doors to cool things down, good luck with that there is really not muchen inland it's already in the 60s and looks very hot today. life's our old family recipe, and a kitchen with just as many layers.
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last week's supreme court ruling legalizing same sex marriage. officials in some states are refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples because of respondent's exhibit objections. but as kelly wright reports, legal experts warn those officials will eventually have to come ply with the ruling from the high court. >> same sex marriage is now legal all across the u.s. but some states are refusing to comply with last week's supreme court ruling. this as the top law enforcement in texas says county clerks can site religious objections in denying marriage licenses for gay couples. >> we are not going to waiver one bit. the first amendment protects your religious freedom and it always has and that will not end today until texas. >> texas attorney general genapax ton warns any -- attorney general ken pac ton says could face litigation or a
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fine. >> if somebody has a conscious objection and there is somebody in the desk next to them to take care of it, that is what we should do. >> reporter: despite the opposition, some county clerks in texas are now issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. >> now we don't have to worry about not being recognized as family members at the hospital and different things like that that will be a relief for our future. >> reporter: county officials in other states such as mississippi and louisiana also began complying with the supreme court ruling on monday. inspite of initial resistance. >> we concluded that the decision of the supreme court is definitive. >> in kentucky a few court clerks are refusing to issue marriage licenses to any couple as an objection to the supreme court ruling. the governor says he's reviewing how to respond. kelly wright fox news.
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chipolte is being criticized for a provocative coupon. and below the question which way do you sway? one reads i eat tacos the others i eat burritos. these coupons are being passed out at pride parades. the company has used the tag line for years. it's well received by the lgbt community but apologizing to anyone who is offended. ben and jerry's renaming one of its signature flavors. chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is called i dough, i dough. it will be around for the entire summer. i dough, i dough can be purchased online through the human rights campaign. online though interesting they got to get it to you quickly
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and cold. on facebook over the weekend 26 million people superimposed rainbows over their profile picture. they received more than a billion like and comments. >> hard working interns. >> i think those interns have jobs. >> yeah i'm going to call them jobs. i'm done telling -- >> they are guaranteed the work. >> absolutely. and a lot of rainbows we're seeing on social media. well today hopefully you're ac is working properly. >> i hope it stays working. >> hopefully it continues to work properly. >> look at that behind you. that is hot. that little graphic. >> it's going to be hot. i think tomorrow it will still be hot tomorrow but today is the day we top it out. the reason being clouds will come until tomorrow so we will
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shoot up rapidly. yesterday we had a warmup. today looks very toasty. these will all be in the ballpark. tomorrow might be close but there could be an additional. it's close and it's in southern california. this is all it would take to give us instead of 104, 94. but it looks like today nothing is going to stop the temperatures from warming up pretty quick. fog is on the coast. it's there. the water temp has cooled off. with this big mountain of high pressure on top it has no chance. 60s for many. 250s for other -- 50s for others. san franciscodropped one. monterey dropped one. 95 and cloudy down in las vegas. 80s through the interior. you can see the circulation coming around. one forecast model is very, very bullish late thursday into
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friday to give us a lot of cloud cover and hit and miss little showers. i will take you here. this is our future cast. i don't always show this but watch how the next couple of days right as we head to thursday night and look at friday. this could be off to the east or zig or zag it could make a whole difference in the forecast. but a lot of cloud cover is on the way. and then the high will move east. as it does it will take its moisture with us. it looks like today and tomorrow will be the two peak days and then we will get a lot of cloud cover and the high will lose its grip. today lots of sun. patchy low clouds. 106, 103 and i'm not talking radio stations. these are temps. 70s and 90s and the 100s well inland. in fact it will be very toasty for many. 80s around the bay. i realize you go some areas and a mile away it can be even warmer but 90s to 100s for many. san jose, santa clara valley. coast 60s and 70s. and 80s and 90s on the
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peninsula. still pretty hot tomorrow but i think we get higher clouds in here and clouds cooler. possibility thursday into friday of what we call high base convection. so we will see. >> high base convection. >> yes there will not be a quiz. >> that is a fancy phrase for what? >> thunderstorms. >> okay. >> here in the bay area. >> when i say high base there is probably no rain but you might see thunder. or see lightning. >> well -- >> maybe some droplets will fall. >> lightning means there could be fire danger. >> that's what we don't want. >> a lot of lightning strikes over the weekend. >> thank you, steve. well today new jersey governor chris christie officially announces he is running for president in 2016. christie will make that announcement from his hometown of livingston, new jersey. the out spoken governor will be the 14th candidate to enter the republican primary. and also happening today the state department is slated to release the next batch of state
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department e-mails from helleri clinton. this will come after the secretary of state came under fire for using her private e- mail account instead of a government one. state department says it expects to complete the release of all 55,000 pages of her e- mails by next january. today is the launch of apple music. the streaming music service will be $10 a month. that is is the same price as other streaming services such as spotify and pandora. apple music features an online music radio service and a place for musicians to connect directly with fans. apple hopes to get new subscribers by offering a three month free trial. 4:52 is your time right now. controversial vaccination bill on the table right now.
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charleston 9. the vigil honored the nine people who were killed at the ame church in charleston, south carolina nearly two weeks ago. one pastor says he feels there is a special connection because they also hold bible meetings on wednesday nights like the church in charleston. we're also learning more about a body that was found along a hiking trail in fremont. authorities have identified the victim as 20-year-old fernando of stockton. his body was found in the park around 6:30 sunday morning. police are investigating whether he was killed elsewhere and dumped at that park. >> it was a young hispanic male with a gunshot wound to the chest. it didn't look like his body had been there for very long. >> police are still searching for suspects. they have not made any arrests. some napa valley orchard owners are training their dogs to sniff out truffles.
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truffle hunting dogs are in demand. truffles take several years to ripen on the roots of trees and napa valley wine maker planted his orchard five years ago, now he is training his dogs to find the truffles. >> i hope my dogs will be able to earn their keep and it will be nice to see them actually work. they are supposed to be working dogs but so far they have been lounging dogs. >> lounging dogs. most american restaurants import black truffles from italy, france, and australia. legal fire works are going on sale in the bay area. but up next tips from firefighters on how to use them safely during these very dry conditions. >> and it's a plan that would impact millions of workers across the country. the changes to over time rules and what it could mean for you. >> for many today it will be hot. very hot. we'll talk about that and see what is in store for the coast and as we head toward the holiday week.
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good morning. welcome to mornings on 2. tuesday, june 30th i'm pam cook. >> good morning, i'm alex savidge in for dave clark. steve is over here. i was in my garage this morning it felt like a san that. >> you are getting a lot of comments. one of our loyal viewers. evelyn. >> is she warm this morning? >> it feels like mid 60s here until campbell. how high almost it go? i think pretty hot. i went 97 in campbell. that is hot. big dome of high pressure that has been over utah and idaho giving them blazing hot temperatures. it's moving west ward. as it does it's squashing the fog and allow very warm temps. it's also continuing to pump in a lot of moisture. there in lies the rub. it looks like today is not the day but maybe some will come in tomorrow. so today looks to
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