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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 3, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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five cops race to a lake on a call about a toddler. >> this little boy had almost drowned. >> see how these young heroes save a life. a street trolley becomes a rolling inferno. how far it goes and where it stops, nobody knows. i'm far up in the pyrenees of california. with the guys from "shut up and drive." >> see how fear is not enough to
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win this race. and a dude pretends to be a drug dealer to prank his aunt and his grandma. >> oh i feel bad for these ladies. >> the twist that will make you feel bad for him instead. it's a beautiful day in the netherlands. lots of people heading to places like a lake. that's where these guys on the bikes are headed but they're headed there for a very different reason. these are emergency workers. as they get close to this lake you see that a crowd has gathered. you also see people holding up towels trying to block the view of this crowd that has gathered. here's why. as the emergency workers get close to the action you realize, that's a small toddler on the blanket. this little boy had almost drowned in the lake. the little boy, with his mom,
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got on way from her for just two seconds and she thought he had run ahead to play but instead he ran into that lake. fortunately, two amazing young girls named amina and sarah saw what was going on and they knew what to do. those young girls are the ones who jumped in and saved this little boy's life. they got him out of the water. they called emergency workers, and that's how these people got in and saved this boy's life. now, this all happened in june of last year. the little boy is okay. police released this video along with the permission of this little boy's parents so that they could help other parents keep their children safe. we see and hear the moment where we now know this little boy is conscious. [ crying ] >> isn't that heart-wrenching as you see them working on him in just the nick of time. >> it's a relief for parents to hear that sound. >> i just can't believe how quickly you can lose sight of your kids. >> police are saying they
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actually honored these two young girls for their bravery, for their quick thinking. they gave them some movie tickets to help them celebrate and feel important. here are some beautiful photos of the girls. look how young they are themselves the fact that they knew what to do. we see the moment this little boy is taken away in an ambulance to the hospital because these young girls were looking out for a little boy they didn't even know. it may just strictly be a guy thing, but sometimes we see things and think, i reckon i can slide down that. i reckon i can climb that. i reckon i can do that. these boys are also free runners with farrell in newport. this video getting a lot of attention because it's a 171-foot-high bridge and they're not supposed to be doing
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this. >> bring some gloves next time. >> not only are they risking falling and breaking their neck they're also taking bacteria with them. >> they get to the top and they slide down. >> and slide all the way down. this video getting a lot of attention, and they hasten to qualify you shouldn't do this. >> one wrong move and they'll look like that bird poop they're climbing all over. >> these guys are paid free runners and they felt they weren't in any danger but they also say to other teenagers out there, i wouldn't try this if i were you. >> what a weird thing to see that and want to slide down it. you know just to say, i could do it and then to do it. they did it. a large plume of black smoke
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rising up into the sky in the milgd of middle of this crowded street. that's a trolley stuck on the side of the road. wait a minute it's not stuck yet. the brake line burned through, and now you've got a runaway inferno. it bumped into a few vehicles eventually crashing into the side of a building. this incident was caught on multiple cameras, including this person inside the trolley just watching the fire roll on by. >> now it's going to turn into a house fire. >> thankfully it did not. fire crews were on the scene in minutes. they were able to get this under control and no reports of any injuries either. surveillance video catching this incident in the u.k. watch this bizarre scene. wham.shes into a parked in somebody's driveway. two people get out, the driver stays inside. look at the damage done to the smartcar. >> is this a stolen smartcar?
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>> no word on whether it was stolen or not, but the people in the house were too afraid to go outside. the wife said they didn't know if they were drunk. they come back and try to pick up the pieces of this smartcar. they collect a few parts and drive off down the street. police report that a bottle was thrown out the window. they recovered that bottle and hope they recover some dna evidence. >> what in the world even caused the accident? >> could be an interesting intersection because the owner of the car that was hit said this is the third time it's happened in eight years. >> they should move. get out of there. people at a cincinnati gas station got a really big surprise this day.
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he figured out at this particular gas station people go to the window and pay with cash. he took advantage of that opportunity to then run up to the gas pump use his card and start putting gas in people's cars before they had a chance to pay. >> what? >> oh my god, my gas is pumping. >> what a cool pay it forward thing to do because it's so simple. he never really interacts with them. it's just a sneaky thing you get to do. >> this lady reacting like she couldn't believe it. she's trying to figure out where it came from too. >> the funny thing is people are like wait do i have to pay for this? then they realize they're actually getting free gas. >> and then they stand behind this guy whose gas is currently pumping for him. this guy here realizes somebody
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paid for his gas. he's a little puzzled but he decides, in that moment to do his own good deed and pay it forward. he walks up to another lady that just pulls up and hands her $10 to put in her car. >> it works that quickly. >> instantly. that's so cool for dennis to see that happen too. dad wants to pull his daughter's loose tooth using his rc helicopter. see why his plan crashes and burns. and a magician turns tee time into trick time. >> he does some pretty incredible stuff. >> where did you get that? >> the tea party that will blow your mind. >> whoa! >> what? that was gnarly. brought to you by canine
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advantix 2 by bear. titickcks s anand d momosqsquiuitotoeses t too. k9k9 a advdvanantitixx® i ii.i. fofor r ththe e loloveve o of f dodogg™. wewe s snanap p itit.. wewe s statackck i it.t. wewe s smomoososh h itit.. wewe l lovove e itit.. hershey's s mamakekes s itit a a s s''more... yoyou u mamakeke i it t spspececiaial.l. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e, y youoursrs our chocolate. sosoilil i is s ththe e fofounundadatitionon for healthy plants just l likike e gugumsms a arere t thehe foundation for healthy teeth. nenew w cocolglgatate e tototatal l momoututhwhwash for gum health. itit k kilillsls g gerermsms a andnd f forormsms a protective shield fofor r 4545% % ststrorongngerer g gumums.s. fofor r ststrorongngerer, , hehealalththieier r gums cocolglgatate e tototatal l momoututhwhwasash.h.
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ken morelli is a magician and what do magicians do? >> i'm going to show you how to get rid of ice. stay separated. watch. >> whoa! what? that was gnarly. >> he's just getting warmed up because he does some pretty incredible stuff. >> it's actually like magic even though i know it's not >> frutes me for that reason. you can't figure it out. it's happening right in front of your eyes. >> i'm looking for the sleight of hand but then he does this card trick. >> it doesn't matter what your card is. >> he puts the card right next to her so she can hear it. then he tears off a corner. >> do you hear it ripping? put it inside my hand.
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nothing inside my hand. it's going to look like that peek. here. >> now it's vanished. where has it gone. >> there's actually something inside my shoe. >> no please don't make it drop in my hand. wait. oh my -- >> inside the water bottle look at this is a corner. now, look -- >> oh my god the card is in the water? >> pulls out this corner of a card opens it up and fits it to the playing card he just tore. it's very very well done. >> he's a wizard. he's an actual living wizard. >> i'm going to go with that yeah. because this is crazy. >> my head hurts. >> yeah. >> i'm straining myself so hard. i'm really working my brain right now to figure this out. >> if you guys want to have a similar headache we'll put the same video up on
9:14 am my favorite video, time to lose your teeth when you're a kid. this guy decided his daughter's tooth needed to go using his rc helicopter. tug number 1. the string was not tight enough around her tooth. attempt number 2, he securely tied the string to her tooth. the helicopter crashes. attempt number 3. failed. they resort to some traditional tactics. they tie it to a door and slam it shut. you hear it pop. he slams the door shut and the tooth finally comes out. now, you'll be proud of this girl. she's very young.
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she fools him, by the way. she doesn't do tricks no rc helicopters, no slamming of the door no pet running out following a ball. she does it herself. >> now, watch. one, two -- >> oh! >> boom, done. >> she's kind of awesome. >> yes. handled like a boss. he's jump rope crazy. >> he's got some mad jump rope skills. >> see it next "right this minute." and still to come she's going fresh faced for a reason. >> she's showing actual comments that were made as she posted selfies without makeup. >> see how she's turning the negative comments into a beautiful message. plus -- >> look at this awesome show! >> nick's awesome that will get your heart racing. hihi, , i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknklelerr
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and i know there are many mymythths s ouout t ththerere e ababout a a rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege soso i i w wanant t yoyouu toto k knonow w ththe e fafactcts.s. a a rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege i is insured byby t thehe f fededereralal g govovernment; yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-x-frfree money frfromom t thehe e eququitity y inin your home; yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoneney to papay y ofoff f yoyourur c cururrerent mortgage, ifif y youou h havave e onone;e; ththe e reremamaininining g momoneney y can bebe u usesed d fofor r ananytythihing; ththerere'e's s nono m mononththlyly momortrtgagagege p payaymementnts,s, anand d yoyou u ststilill l owown n your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o geget t your frfreeee g guiuidede a andnd d dvdvd. itit's's e expxplalainins s hohoww a a gogovevernrnmementnt-i-insnsurured reverse e momortrtgagagege w wororks... ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligigatatioion. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgagagege is a a ququicickeken n loloanans s cocompmpany. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded e expxperts can ananswswerer a allll y youour r ququestions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o outut w what a great sosolulutitionon t thihis s cacan n be. dodon'n't t wawaitit.....c.calall l now!
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mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really self-conscious. . closedd captioning provided by -- mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papampmprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n noo stopping you. period. prprototecect t yoyourur s smimilele against plaque. new act® advanced wiwithth p plalaquque e guguarardd™ hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaque and gingivititisis kikilllls s 9999% % ofof b bacacteteria for a 12 houour r shshieield
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ofof p prorotetectctioion.n. nenew w acactt® a advdvananced. this video that was just posted to the my skin website was really good. in this video she is showing actual comments that were made as she posted selfies without makeup. you can see she deals with acne something so many people deal with and she wanted to promote confidence. >> everybody has something they're notomfortab with, and when you expos itut yourself out there, for whatever reason people feel like they're entitled to say horrible things. >> she decided to create this film because she wanted to showcase how things like social
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media wanted to perfect this. you can see her transform in this video, but here's the profound moment. after she's done are the comments she gets about the makeup. you're so cute you look amazing, i love your makeup. but here's the negative side of it. you wear too much makeup this is false advertising. she's getting bombarded with more than 100,000 comments. the majority are negative no matter what she does. the message she gets as a tear falls down her cheek. you are beautiful. don't let anyone tell you differently. so many people are being cyber bullied. but as many people that are getting bullied are coming together. someone else posted a video without makeup. one of her fellow beauty queens
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actually started showing her support utilizing the #nomakeup #nomakeupselfie and it's gone viral. hundreds of beauty queens including miss america, have all posted no makeup selfies to support this woman and stand up for cyber bullying. >> it's in support of every single woman who feels like she has to wear makeup. >> and in support of that kristin and i both have no makeup selfies to show how important it is to feel comfortable in your own skin and to show our support for kristin and for everyone who has been bullied. shut up and drive. no not an insult. it's a tv show. >> go! >> imagine what it would be like to go to some of the best roads in the country and race on them. that's the premise of the show "shut up and drive" on fox sports 1. you guys know that both champion
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racecar drivers get to challenge each other. viewers wrote in and said you should try this out. >> they get to drive cool cars as fast as they want. that's their job. >> they take great care to shut down the road and be really safe about what they're doing. watch what happens during the taping of this episode. >> oh no. >> dude! you're right in the milgd ddle of a live shooting. how dit pt the police? >> i'm looking for the best viral videos. >> out here? >> yes, and the stories behind it. >> get in. i'll give you a story. >> all right! >> seat belt on. >> you know what you're doing? >> you'll find out. >> i got to hang out with the guys "shut up and drive" during
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the entire filming of the show. you'll want to c it out this july 4th -- >> you're in it? >> they put me in it. my role was to be the timekeeper. i actually know who won the race. keeping it secret i reveal who wins in this episode. you're going to watch out for me of course. and also watch because this show is a lot of fun. a prankster breaks some fake news to his aunt and grandma. >> oh my gosh no! >> but see why landing a out doesn't go down as planned. ananytytimime.e. ananyoyonene.. spsprereadad t thehe d delelicicioiousus t tasaste you know and love. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e,
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yoyoururs,s, ouour r chchococololatate e spsprereadads.s. seseririououslsly?y? you'u'rere n notot a at t alalll concerned? about what now? ohoh, , i i dodon'n't t knknowow.. the apocalypse? wewe'r're e fifinene.. i bundled d rerentnterer's's with my car insurance througugh h prprogogreressssivivee for just six bucks more a month. wowordrd.. ththerere'e's s loloototererss rurunning wild out there. cocoveverered d fofor r ththefeft.t. okay. ththatat's's a a t tididalal w wave of fire. cocoveverered d fofor r fifirere.. whwhatat, , whwhatat?? alall l ririghght.t. fifinene.. i'm gonna get sosomemeththing to eat. ththe e boboy'y's s kikindnd o off a drama queen. jujustst w waiait.t. whwherere'e's s mymy b bururriritoto?? [ chuckles ] woworsrst t apapococalalypypsese ever. prprototecectitingng y youou t tilill l the end. nonow,w, t thahat't's s prprogogreressssivive.
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as a bottle opener? >> good combination of uses for your caribbeaner. josh palynn is back. this time he plans to prank his aunt and grandma. >> i feel bad for these ladies. >> and these adorable ladies come downstairs and he sits them down. he has a very serious conversation very serious. [ inaudible ] >> oh my god, is he going to
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tell them he's a porn star? >> almost just as bad. >> >>. [ inaudible ] >> she starts acting like a very very angry parent. >> tries to give the family hush money. >> oh my gosh no! >> this is causing grandma a little too much stress. >> oh no. >> grandma collapses on the
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floor. josh taylor land is now a little bit freaked out. >> ah the old back door prank. >> exactly, cousin here high fiving everybody. he informed them about what was going to happen and then they took it upon themselves to prank josh taylor lynn instead of the other way around. talk about an awesome grandma. that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." we'll see you
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s/ s/. it's a daring jewelry heist in broad daylight. >> these guys have smashed through the window. >> what happens when brave bystanders do more than stand by? >> i'm definitely unsure what's getting ready to happen. >> wait till this nascar driver sees he'll be -- >> out swimming with the sharks. >> how casey kane survives. a movie that makes her forget all about


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