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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 8, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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even though the guests are in all their wedding best -- >> they call all the time for the brides. >> see why you can hold a candle to more angles from that spectacular crash sending a race car airborne for 400 feet. what the amazing survival video is now teaching other drivers. a camera catches a toddler with a snake that may be a viper. the scene that's raising questions all over social medi plus, your chance to win
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cash playing video knockout. two puppies saving other animals from extinction and the laziest dog ever playing fetch. >> we pretty much. >> you wouldn't think it's all. >> this is jean. >> make sure it's all there.
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>> dude you're not that hard. for a candle. >> that's the one. don't go to the cere >> seriously? >> this is my day. >> sorry. >> i don't care if you're on fire or not. keep a lid on it. >> you know if australians are involved it's going to be something cra-cra. >> thanks for joining us today. >> this is from the next size fun channel. this is j.t. and a couple of friends going out in the water because they want to have a whale encounter.
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here's the thing. it's not just some average whale encounter. they've got some special equipment that they're going to use in order to lure the whales over. what could that equipment be? >> underwater and we've got a little ant with a little microphone. we're going to do whale noises to bring these babies up. whale noises. it's not constipation noises. >> whale. whale noises. >> sounds like a zombie. >> yes. like a "walking dead" fisherman. >> nailed it! >> i think it's breaking. >> oh! >> this actually has something to do with their experience or are they just battling? >> i'm going to say pure coincidence. >> real good. >> maybe just trying to jump away from the sounds. >> yeah want to get away from
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this horrible mess. >> yes. >> whether or not they want to respond to it whales are smart. >> yes. >> that's a weird accent. we go from the almost ludicrous to the serene. this video taken off the coast of newport calornia -- >> this is whale pride. >> watch it again. >> i think it's absolutely beautiful video caught by mg media. you're out there and you see a rainbow and a hump back whale, double joy. >> we learned that one of our extreme athletes, jonathan forest had passed during a training jump in switzerland. according to preliminary investigations the parachute never deployed. we had him on the show recently and he actually told us that he was headed to switzerland to train for a big competition in china later this year. >> oh, yeah. >> okay. tomorrow i'll be leaving the
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land of the free in order to go to europe. going to be training and then i'm going to be traveling to norway where there's going to be one of the biggest ones and we're going to the world rings of leaps in china. >> jonathan was known as the bird man because he was so good at what he did. he was 32 years old. had four world records including the longest distance wing suit flight longest wing sue duration and longest wing suit duration. it's hard to hear of his loss because we know his talent and to know that he died doing what he loved, it's heartbreaking but it also is a reminder to live the life that you love to do the things that you love. >> i mean this is why they call them extreme sports. when you're talking about the level of experience and what he
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had that this can still happen. >> a go fund me page has been set up to help his family as they go through the grieving process. he married the love of his life casey. we'd like to extend our condolences to his entire family an guess what everybody? we're giving away $100 in summer cash coming up later in the show. >> you can win. all you have to do is play a little video at "right this minute" coming up. >> we'll tell you how to play coming up. most children simply love animals. this child seems to love reptiles. >> there are a long snake. >> it is a very long snake. this little girl and your toddler in india playing with this very long snake which some say would be a viper. >> that would be venomous. >> snake charmers have to start
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somewhere. >> this video is getting a lot of attention and going viral. many people are alarmed by this behavior especially since there is an adult behind the camera who doesn't seem to be alarmed by the small child being pulled on the snake and not allowing the snake to get away. >> yes. >> i'm mystified. >> lots of people sharing this video having the same reaction. >> this next video, indy rose she really loves animals. she's crying saying to dad, i really don't want to eat animals n. this moment her dad, noel was trying to explain to her where meat comes from that it is in fact from animals. when she heard this in march of 2015 she decided, no more. don't eat. >> i don't like -- >> just eat that, love. >> i don't like when people eat animal >> oh. that's sweet. that's adorable.
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that's why a lot of people do become vegetarians. >> according to her mom, she's still stick to go this principle. >> somebody killed it. no. >> it's what you get when you send a surfing pro out to the water and watch from above. >> it's truly a different, very beautiful perspective. >> see the amazing way she catches a . and she drops a netflix ball on her boyfriend. >> wait. you've seen this episode? >> oh, that's bad. what begins this binge dropping drama. >> he does have a 72 inch. ♪ ♪ ♪
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inin f facact,t, i itt whwhititenens s more than the leleadadining g exexprpresess whitening strip. itit''s s yoyourur s smimilele b bffff.. whwhititenen m mororee jujustst b by y brbrusushing. ifif a angngelela a papariris s cacan n dance two performances in a day with always infinity yoyou u cacan n mamakeke a a w whole night of karaoke. always infinity, the world's first foam pad ababsosorbrbs s 1010-t-timimeses its weight. fefeelels s lilikeke n notothihing. ininfifininityty.....a.alwlwayays... rerewrwritite e ththe e ruruleles.
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breaking action is bad. close door to door wheel to wheel like this scene at elk heart lake wisconsin.
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the challenge car racing series. black ferrari driven by number 33 up against jim booth, number 13. looks like the black ferrari has gotten away from jim booth. turn five. allows them to stretch out but the red ferrari has a little bit more power. starts to reel in the black one. let me just tell you, challenge car racing series strictly prohibits any kind of car-to-car contact. >> this is why. >> liftoff. >> oh, no. >> no way! >> oh, my gosh. >> that's at the worst possible time. they were flat out. >> close to 160 miles per hour. that red ferrari with jim booth inside launches just from that little bit of a tap. the front end comes up airborne for 400 feet before it comes in contact with that retention fence. that fence is there and designed to keep spectators and track marshals from getting injured should a crash occur. look at this. jim booth pops out of the car
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with minor injuries. the track did have to be shut down at this point because there's debris everywhere. no injuries to any spectators. that fencing doing exactly what it's there to do. now they say men are from marches and women from venus, but in this modern day extreme, there's a new planet to worry about, planet netflix. this video starts with a situation that many are finding familiar but very quickly he drops a bombshell. betrayal. >> wait. wait. you've seen this episode? >> oh. that's bad. >> i've been single a long time. what's wrong with that? >> last week when we all went swimming on friday i ended up back at steven's apartment. >> your ex-boyfriend steven? >> we watched one episode and made out for a second. >> you were going to sit here and pretend you haven't seen this episode? >> basically a full on relationship argument but using
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netflix, "game of thrones" and everything together. >> tell me the truth. >> we went all the way. we watched all of season three and then again in the morning. >> some of these shows are really really good. the thought of waiting when you could just binge and watch them all. >> the betrayal nick. >> while i'm out busy making money to pay for this damn account, you're in there streaming with another man. >> he seems insecure about it. >> he does have a 72 inch. >> oh. >> tell me that this is the only time. >> watched all of "house of cards" season 2 when you were away at work with our neighbor jared. >> with jared? >> this is clever. >> i love it. >> i have needs. >> you shared my account with jared? >> while he's getting less time she's like wait. >> are we for getting about a certain little incident. >> that's not fair. >> she comes home with her mother. >> ahhhh! >> great. i told you she had only seen up
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to season 2. >> very insensitive. a little bit on the nose with today's society. you want to see it all, stick on today's show or use our mobile app. tenth video of malia manuel starts off with her holding a drone and this new style that the filmmaker steven bryan was challenged to do by the unreasonable film festival. >> unreasonable film festival. the film makers were challenged for their originality, willingness to push the envelope and explore new territory. in this case steven decided to take the groom's perspective and hit the waves with malia. capture her from in the water, beyond the wave. truly a very beautiful perspective. >> so beautiful because the water is so beautiful and she is so talented at what she's doing.
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you've got this kind of amazing visual but then there's also the talent that makes you say, wow. >> in total, six different film makers were selected for this project. o'neill sponsored the film makers but gave them full creative control because they wanted to see how far the film makers would take their projects. this was released on june 26th. a film will be released oen a weekly basis. >> cool. i want to see more. >> date on the subway? >> for you. >> oh, my gosh. >> have you got a couple of minutes? >> why not, it works. >> on the next "right this minute." next rescuers want to keep an eye on these bobcats. >> they put a gopro and let it roll. >> see what mischief they are getting into.
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>> what happens when his move fuels the flame. >> oh, cool! yoyou u tototatal l yoyourur b brarandnd n new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. itit c comomeses w whehen n yoyourur i insurance company says they'll only pay ththreree-e-ququarartetersrs o of f whwhat it takes to replace it. whwhatat a arere y youou s supuppoposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? nonow w ifif y youou h hadad l libiberty mutual new car replacement, yoyou'u'd d geget t yoyourur w whohole car back. i i guguesess s ththeyey d donon't't want you driving around on three wheels. smsmarart.t. nenew w cacar r rereplplacacememenent t is just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. anand d fofor r drdriviverers s wiwith accident forgiveness,rates won't go up dudue e toto y youour r fifirsrst t acaccicidedent. leleararn n momorere b by y cacalllling swswititchch t to o lilibebertrty y mumututualal a and you can save up to $423. fofor r a a frfreeee q quouotete t today,call liberty mutual insance at sesee e cacar r ininsusurarancnce e inin a a w whohole new light. lilibebertrty y mumututualal i insnsurance.
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prprototecect t yoyourur s smimilele against plaque. new act® advance closed captioning provided by -d ngivititisis kikilllls s 9999% % ofof b bacacteteria for a 12 houour r shshieield ofof p prorotetectctioion.n. nenew w acactt® a advdvananced. mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a a period means stop. but with pamprin a period means go! pain relievers onlnlyy relieve pain.
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mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papampmprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n noo stopping you. period. that is an eastern barbed creature. in the wild they're extinct. they've teemed up to help preserve these animals so they need some body guards. >> oh, how does that work? >> these are marina dogs. they historically come from italy. they're known for protecting livestock. they will live with other animals and protect them from predators. in this case their habitat has been taken and they're endangered from foxes. they will grow up to be big dogs and will be friendly with where
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these are. >> do they train them no, don't eat them no, bad dog? is that how it works? >> now our friends at big cat rescue have a pair of bobcats in their care and they're rehabbing these creatures because they will be released back into the wild. so they want to know what these cute little creatures do during the day because they don't want them to see humans they don't want them to imprint with humans. one survived a forest fire and one was trapped at four weeks old and it was turned over to wildlife rescue. >> french bulldog's a bit confused. >> fabio santos wants to face
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his fears. don't try this at home. >> watch the fear. there is a choice. it's a chemical reaction in the brain. in order to break free of it and face it. >> i'm scared about this fear of his. >> yeah, i'm starting to really get nervous. he's scared of catching on fire. >> the flames catch. >> he did not just set himself on fire. >> there's more to it. >> oh, cool. >> yeah. fabio is also a campolere expert stunt man. this is all part of him creating this stunning video. he pulls this move while on fire. you see some crazy moments like here the flames looking right up into his face. >> he doesn't have a lot of face protection on. >> i'm sure he has some of the protective gel on his face. >> yes. >> that's not a heck of a lot of protection. >> must be super hot right now. >> he's just fanning the flames
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let's face it. >> it's all prepared. this is a stunt he's pulling off. he has gloves on. you don't see what's underneath the clothes. you can see it the flame retardant gel hollywood stunt men will put on as well. >> this is wild to see. >> that is a well-done stunt. >> let's give you an idea of some of the preparation. they have all of the fire extinguishers. they're lying on the floor. >> it wasn't just this one shot. he wasn't in as much danger as you see. you have to be prepared. you have to know what you're doing but if you do, it can be . all right, everybody. it is now time to win $100 in summer cash. >> all you've got to do is play this game we call knockout and vote for your favorite video. >> go to right"right this and play. >> play knockout to win your chance to win summer cash.
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>> good luck everybody. when it comes to playing fetch, jack the bulldog is not in any hurry. see how he takeshe game at his own
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experiment to watch and see how it all plays out on the battlefi gorilla kiss. >> love you. >> mommy. >> thank you. >> mommy. >> i love you. >> mommy. >> you're so cute.
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i love you. ooohhh. you're so cute. oh. you're so cute. i love you. got a couple of really cute videos of the four-legged furry kinds. this is kenzie having a good time on the bed until kenzie is not having a good time on the bed. >> bye. >> oh, but not optional. volunteered to have a good time. just slid right off in the cutest way possible. >> that's the thing. i love the way animals fall off the bed. it's always like, ahhhh, you know what i mean? because they can't grab on. i like that confused look on their face. oh no. >> it's like a cartoon. it's awesome clam!! it's awesome clam!!!! itm!!e! this next video, cartoon
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dog. jack playing fetch. >> fine. i'll get it. >> yeah. that dog does not want to play fetch. >> this is the first dog that's figured out fetch is a pointless game. the other dogs are like i'll get it. this one is again, look i get it. i'll bring it back. throw it again. i'm going to take it. >> i don't need the exercise. thank you very much. i like my rolls. >> that's going to do it for "right this minute" everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you ne
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just when you thought the fireworks were over -- >> videos still popping up. >> see how one holiday celebration nearly turned into . >> when thieves steal a keg from the garage the owner is outraged. >> he also had a bit of a chuckle. >> what he knew that they didn't. a policeman looks on while a school girl is -- >> beating this young man. >> the story behind this video going viral. plus your chance to win summer cash playing video knockout and the groom is waiting


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