tv Right This Minute FOX July 23, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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video of a man subduing a dog sparks outrage because the dog did not attack anybody. see the owner's fight to rescue her pet from doggy jail. it's a beautiful project showing what servicemen and women -- >> gave to our country. >> the story behind one man's mission to honor wounded u.s. vets. we've got a video quiz game for you. >> pay attention to the lightning strike. >> you'll find out if your eyes deceived you. >> i saw it! >> you can't miss it that time. >> stuffing a six foot man into a six foot water balloon. >> is ridiculous. >> refreshing. >> like jaba the hut.
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>> see how big it goes before it blow >> oh! >> behavior you're about to see in this have you had yo from melbourne australia could lead to a hefty fine. you see this man walking into a yard there's a door open to the car. there's a dog inside that car. watch what he does. >> oh! oh my gosh what's he doing? >> what the -- he dwrabz that dog out of the back of the car and began hitting it with a metal pole. there's a story behind this. according to reports, the dog owner's mother was taking the dog out for a walk another woman with her dog was walking down the street. this woman's dog got excited and the leash broke and rushed toward the woman walking her dog. the dog did not attack anybody but e woman walking her dog felt like the dog was being aggressive. according to reports this man is a family member of the woman who was walking her dog down the street and he was worthed by the behavior that he saw, came into
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the yard with the metal pole and fwaet this dog until it was unconscious. >> the only one with aggressive behavior is this man. >> according to reports the man could face up to a year in jail or a fine of nearly $30,000 u.s. however, there is even more to this story. the dog was then seized and taken for treatment to the lost dogs home victoria. it had three fractures to its skull, broken jaw and cracked nose and had four screws and a metal plate to fix the jaw. the owner joe hamilton is allowed one weekly visit for 30 minutes until they figure out this dog is aggressive if they need to take behavioral precautions with this dog and always keep it in a fenced in area. >> how many dogs get off a leash, see another and don't start a fight. >> every one of them. >> thank you. >> the neighbor sees this dog as a nuisance. the next video surveillance
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footage, don't blink, you might miss what's happening in this video. that man in the red shirt walks up to the vehicle, uses some kind of device to unlock the door and get the car started and the whole thing happened in 16 seconds. this is not his car. >> honestly if they want to steal your car they're going to steal your car. >> at this point the owner of the car has not gotten the car back. officials have not retrieved the car and still looking for this fella. what's crazy about life is you can just be going on about your day as normal and the bottom can just fall out of your world and you don't see it coming. this first video comes from the netherlands, it's all too literal in this case. this is the bridge which is open it is slowly closing, but someone wasn't aware of that. >> what are you doing? what are you doing? there have to be lights and gates and alerts. >> it says the guy drove under
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the gate but they are actually investigating if something hadn't gone wrong if it hadn't closed or hadn't closed all the way. this driver didn't see it coming. you see him drive completely off, cargo smashing into the water. the gap was about 13 feet. he suffered a couple of broken ribs and may have punctured a lung. he was able to get himself out of the car and to the size before he was rescued. >> even if you somehow missed all the alerts or they were faulty how do you not see a 13-foot gap in the road? >> i'm going to be on his side and point out, look at the way the bridge curves. it's curving over at the top so he's actually peeking, all he's seeing is the road going over a hump the hump just wasn't there. >> all right, we'll guff him the benefit of the doubt because that is a good point. >> the second video comes to us from brazil cctv. the lady here comes walking out of a store, going to cross the road. i'll point out the big irony here there is a pedestrian crossing not ten feet away and you see wet road in front of
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her, going about her day, hold your breath. >> whoa! >> and you missed seeing a bus. >> i almost feel like the wet road ended up saufg her because that slip helped bring her back stops her and she within a matter of inches misses that truck and then just goes on about her day. welcome to lightning strikes, a new gaum show where you could win some beautiful prizes from our sponsor bayer. today's question how many times did the lightning strike? er ready to play? >> i'm so ready. >> jelly beans in a jar. >> like pachinko. >> see how you do. this is the lightning room. >> this is literally the lightning round. >> thank you, beth troutman you get bonus points for that. >> how many did you see, nick? >> looks like maybe two but it could have been one big one. >> i'm with you, one big one. >> just like one strike.
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>> let's slow that down to 240 frames per second and count how many. let's see who is closest. one, two, three, four five six, seven -- eight. >> what on earth -- >> there were eight if you go by the slow motion rate and you have to remember six and seven are lightning quick. pardon the pun. >> i would expect nothing less. >> i'm sorry you're all disqualified from the tning round. these photographs are the work of photographer michael stokes. he decided to do an entire photography book featuring u.s. veterans of war in the middle east and as you can see, they're all missing limbs, generally to an ied attack but they're beautiful photographs, very provocative images but also
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celebrate the service that these men and at least one woman gave to our country. he worked on a photography book one chapter dedicated to u.s. veterans but this year he wanted to focus on two books one of the books explores the male figure studies called exhibition. in this one he's just focusing on the veterans. >> people who aren't veterans people born without them or lost them you can feel sexy and go out there and show it off and be this. there are no rules when it comes to it. >> michael started a kickstarter campaign. he was looking for roughly $48,000 to fund both of these books. people love this project so much he now has about $300,000. he's going to offer both of these books in a collector's edition and if anyone pledges to th donate $100 to an organization that helps veterans. >> i bet this was a huge
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confidence booster forin to create something and feel sexy while taking these photographs. >> judging by some of the bodies here i don't know that they need any more confidence. looks like they're ripped. >> if you want the book it will begin shipping septemb things are about to get rough on the road. >> i want you to pay attention to the truck up ahead because it's blown a tire. >> the lucky escape after a major freak accide. and this little cutie is -- >> ready to walk the dog. >> see why the dog walks. oh! ththe e fofootot e ememergrgeses from its long winter hibernation... and preening is a must. ininststanantltly,y, s smoother, beautiful
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skin starts to be revealed. anand d ththe e mamatitingng process begins. ththe e drdr. . scschohollll's dreamwalk express pedi ♪ ♪ ♪ alall l ththe e gogoododnenessss o of f mimilklk. alall l ththe e dedeliliciciouousnsnesesss of hershey's syrup. sqsqueueezeze.e. s stitir.r. s shaharere.. for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary schsupplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train
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the a lot of driving is defensive driving, basically avoiding accidents and that's what the drivers are doing in these two videos. we start here, you've got a two-lane highway. i want you to pay attention to the truck up ahead because it's blown a tire. watch as it goes straight for the cars. >> oh! >> come on stop no no! >> back up! oh my and of course he's going across a bridge as well. >> that was a truck carrying vegetables and if you notice it blew a tire and then was speeding across that bridge. look at the trailer. it just goes along that railing. >> it is crushing the fence all th. >> now this accident happens
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quickly, but again, another driver avoiding a collision. >> look at that. >> this car runs over the debris but not hut by the other cars. >> what was that guy thinking? >> didn't even stop at that intersection and he was crossing a four-lane highway. >> wow, that came out of nowhere. nothing anybody could have done in that situation. >> except the driver of the car that caused the accident tha stop. >> world travel road trip that teaches you so much. you learn so much as you're traveling around the country, like our friend daniel altman is doing. remember him from the internet adventure club? he came into our studios and in the latest video he learned that people not only can they be awesome, they can be downright crappy. he was in seattle, washington him and his buddy decided to spend the night on a boat. they left some of their stuff in the car, somebody saw that as an opportunity. >> look our car got broken into. >> oh! >> that's nice. >> no!
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don't tell me they had their equipment in the car, their cameras -- no! >> no no! >> they took our pelican and our suitcase which -- >> it's not that big of a deal. it was our b drive which is kind of costly, and then my backpack had micah nadian wallet in it and my passport which is now just gone. >> oh! >> luck ul they have a passport replacement office so we can get that fixed. >> he's got an amazing perspective on this. he doesn't seem distraught doesn't seem deterred. he's kind of okay this happened this is life move forward. and that in and of itself is a great lesson for the people who are watching his adventures. >> thankfully they didn't get away with the expenses lenses. better travels from here on out, daniel. >> so that sucks. these girls from red bull gave us some free red bulls. >> sorry! >> and so we're probably not
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going to do any missions today, we'll probably deal wi this is all about cute kids being cute. this first one this little boy ready to walk the dog. you see the person in the black shirt here throw a fresby something for that little dog to run after. oh! kind of saw that coming. >> doesn't seem to be phased reaching for the leash and going to pop right back up. >> because it's not how you fall it's how you get back up. >> right. just don't throw a toy next time. >> that's right. >> now this next little video, adorable little harper. harper is special to us here at the "right this minute" family because harper's mom is one of our often producers, betsy gedzel holloway. little harper is endlessly occupied and entertained by a wrapped fortune cookie. >> aren't we all?
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>> the entire time she's feeling the wrapper, putting the wrapper in her mouth listening to the sound. this is to keep her entertained. >> that is cute! >> and this last video pretty hilarious this 3-year-old boy is cod -- >> daddy has to go to work. >> oh you got to go to work. where are you going to work working with daddy? >> no bye, mommy. >> no, you can't leave mommy. >> i do. i'm leav >> you're not leaving. >> yes! i'm leaving. >> no. >> yes! i need to pay the bills. >> oh. >> the sad thing is even a child understands this, and some grownups d. >> you're funny. girls got a wardrobe malfunction. would you tell her or would you sneak a pic?
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next "right this minute." and still to come a sword to send his landlord a message. >> don't [ bleep ]. >> see his smashing approach to get >> yes! >> how awesome is that? plus a woman in a pool notices that her pump -- >> worries about it whenever she goes swimming. >> how he proves he's the ultimate. brarandnd n new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. itit c comomeses w whehen n yoyourur i insurance company says they'll only pay ththreree-e-ququarartetersrs o of f whwhat it takes to replace it. whwhatat a arere y youou s supuppoposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? nonow w ifif y youou h hadad l libiberty mutual new car replacement, yoyou'u'd d geget t yoyourur w whohole car back. i i guguesess s ththeyey d donon't't want you driving around on three wheels. smsmarart.t. nenew w cacar r rereplplacacememenent t is just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. anand d fofor r drdriviverers s wiwith accident forgiveness,rates won't go up dudue e toto y youour r fifirsrst t acaccicidedent. leleararn n momorere b by y cacalllling
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it's tougher than ever to be a... ... foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken... ... is 100 percent natural... ... with no antibiotics. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms. closed captioning pr by --
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[ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. or just act kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes grgreat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aall good. aactct k kidids.s. [[ m malale e anannono bug b bitites? itchy rash? helplp m me.e. [[ m malale e anannonouncer ] relief starts now. gogoldld b bonond d rarapipid relief. two i itctch-h-fifighting medicines ininsstatantntlyly r relieve summer itches. gogoldld b bonond.d. this video shows one of our favorite internet superstars in a way you've never seen him>> i'm standing in front of this sweet art masterpiece created by northern my roommate rob nelson. >> the fact he still has a roommate baffles me. >> who is that guy? >> what i have in my hand an interesting letter i received from my landlord in regards to
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the sweet masterpiece. >> apparently the landlord saw it and didn't like it sent them the letter which he reads back to us. >> that's what the landlord is upset about? >> i add on $250 next month's rent check to cover all the costs. [ bleep ] i got two words for you, no. >> l.a. beast has his own idea of how he's going to resolve this little art taste. >> what i'm going to do today is take the 200 for the [ bleep ] i bought at the grocery store smash through it and create an art masterpiece of my own and i'm going to hand deliver it to the landlord. >> i follow l.a. beast on instagram and saw the aftermath pictures of this. i cannot wait to see what he does. >> you have no idea. he's looking crazier and crazier
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with these shots. >> wow! >> oh my. >> there's stuff every ♪ that looks pretty good. looks like a pollack. >> it does actually. >> i'm the l.a. beast. >> always something cute funny or adorable when animals start behaving outside of the you expect them to behave. this video comes from juken. >> it's in love with you. >> this is a u.s. backpacker lying on his back and this emu
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is trying to make friends, trying to make really really really good friends with this backpacker. >> like how good friends? >> like break out the cheesy sex music and the boh-chick-a-wow-wow! >> he wants to have sex! ha ha ha ha ha! >> how do i get out of this? >> ha, ha ha ha! >> ha ha much to the amusement of this australian. >> he's taking a fancy to you. >> i'm thinking this is an emu mating dance. >> eventually the aussies have to shoot him away all while in hysterics of this situ now this second video the pit bulls were great for l people. this dog takes it to the next level, swimming in the pool but she notices the dog worries,
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worries about her whenever she goes swimming. watch what he does. this dog has been watching "baywatch" or just wants to be a life guard. he grabs a hold of her, loops the arm around and will swim her back to the side of the pool every single time. look at this. >> boy, you saved me. >> this is the ultimate nanny dog. >> this is so awesome! i think other dogs might try this but not surprised this is a pit bull doing this at all. >> it seems instinctual, too, on the dog's part, just bred boy. a six foot man steps into -- >> eye giant six-foot balloon. >> but see what happens when his bubble finally b >> oh! >> whoa!
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coquettis sh. >> don't listen to anything she just said. heartfelt scream. >> . the slow mo guys gab and dan show us things we can't normally see with our naked eye. >> this time we'll see more slow mo guys than we're useded to seeing. dan is getting himself inside a giant six foot balloon designed and built for people to get inside.
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gab has a hose inside trying to fill up this balloon with as much water as possible and get dan as far inside the balloon as possible before the thing bursts. of course it's all being captured on slow mo. the size of this balloon is ridiculous. >> really cool. >> put your head under. >> no. >> finally some intelligen >> oirks! >> boom! the whole thing bursts a ton of water goes flooding through the backyard. he has the balloon around his neck with the hose which is funny to me but the slow mo is fascinating. >> look at that. that looks cool. split right down the middle. >> thanks to the slow mo guys we got something we would never have gotten to see and a bit
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>> a teenager behind the camera watches his dad being padded down by the tsa officer. what set off the airport showdown. >> see him going, i don't care what he's seen on the internet. >> police chase a suspect with some serious driving skills. >> are you ready for the bombshell? >> the shocker when caps discover who is behind t
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