tv Right This Minute FOX July 30, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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a pilot takes his pride and joy on its maiden flight. >> everything's going great. everything sounds great and then everything sounds wrong. >> what happened that had him headed straight for a farmer's field. a pile of bills flutters down on the street. >> it's raining woman. >> the story how an angry woman led to a mad dash for cash. >> put it down! >> a knife wielding man lunges at a cop who starts to back up and disstrakts this guy. what happens when the warnings don't work. >> put it down. get on the [ bleep ] floor. plus the gift that has grandma going crazy.
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and a brave lady takes a bold challenge. how going all tarzan can give you rope burn. >> lucky she didn't have man bits. >> a happy guy in his brand new challenger ii ultralight high wing kit aircraft. >> looks cool. >> he's out on his maiden flight. it's a beautiful day, got his gopro, this is a day to remember. unfortunately it's a day he'll never forget because ten minutes into the video, everything's going great, everything sounds great and then everything sounds wrong. >> oh no. this is a glider? >> this is a plane so it has the ability to glide. the one friend you have when gliding is altitude. he does not have much of that and now he's got no choice but to land but let's be honest it's going to be more of a crash.
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he has this field in front of him, he now just has to to grace and try to make it through it. >> wow. he did not have a lot of time to think about this! >> the grow pro slipped down onto his face. he knows how close he came. indeed it was close. he gets out of the plane and he takes the gopro off. you can see as well here the plane fundamentally is pretty much in one piece. >> i feel bad for this guy. what a day, with the excitement that you're filled with to pick up your new plane and then this happens, like you wonder something did i goof did i not do the right preflight, was there something wrong with the plane to begin with. >> the only question i have is what do you do now? how do you get the plane out of here? it's raining money! this is in china, all of a
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sudden money just comes down into the street and watch this person on the motorcycle doesn't stop. the person in the van doesn't stop. it takes a while for somebody to actually do something about it. everybody looks like they're kind of passing it by. >> is it monopoly money? >> it is not monopoly money it is real crash. >> go get some money, dude. >> where did it come from? >> you'll tell you where it came from. there was a couple upstairs in an apartment arguing over money. apparently according to local reports the husband of this woman you see here came home from the bank with $2,400. she wasn't happy about it. she threw it out the window. but look where they live. they live across the street from a police department so a police officer and some other ones came outside and they started collecting the money along with a bystander to give the money back to the family. >> what kind of woman takes
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$2400 and throws it out the window. you could buy some nice shoes. >> maybe she wanted more. >> maybe she just wanted to make it rain! make it rain! make it rain! make it rain! >> she made it rain but the good thing is the police collected the money and gave it back to them. what's up we're at union chapel church in marietta georgia, and trying to get a closer look at the lives of homeless people and hopefully give back aurpris beautiful video because it's nothing but kindness. they wand to partner up with new hope ministries the whole mission is to feed homeless people but they wanted to get closer to these homeless people learn a little bit more about them and get a deeper story as to who they are. they discovered two homeless men, paul and greg. tait and his friends got a tour of the camp site where paul and
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greg live. it's in the woods near some railroad tracks. you see it's an entire camp site. they've got tents. they've got crates, some chairs to sit on. >> in the woods as opposed to maybe different location what made you decide? >> to be left alone. >> the police will harass you literally, chase us around. we're not hurting anything or doing anything. just the fact that you're homeless. >> we put in some long days, we're up sunrise, sunset i'll sit in there with a little flashlight and read a book just keep your mind active. >> absolutely. >> we don't have the luxury of tv. >> the crazy thing about this you would think this is two guys out camping. they look like your uncle, they look like your friend like people you know and they are. that's the pount. >> there are many faces to homelessness that have many different shades many different looks. >> here is the greatest part. >> we got a care package for you guys. >> they not only came to hang
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out, they also brought weeks worth of dwroesry canned food toiletries water, camping supplies. they even outfitted them with some awesome comfortable hammocks and you can hear in their voices see in their faces just how grateful they are. >> if i cry, you won't tell nobody? >> no. >> i think it's important you shine a light on this. stuff like this is only going to help it's a wonderful thing. police have been called to this home for a domestic dispute. the man has a knife and threatening them. >> put it down! put it down! put it down! >> the male officer starts to back up and distract this guy. >> put it down! put down the knife! >> did you hear that thump? he connected with the officer, thankfully he's got a protective vest on just a few inches higher that knife would have gone into the officer's neck. this incident happened way back in march of last year. both officers alex prentiss and
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debbie wysher received commendations for their actions and cool behavior under this threatening situation. >> talk about being cool under pressure and getting the guy under control. it goes to show there are different ways of doing police work. >> the suspect is lee vickers, later jailed for three and a half years. let's go down to australia, three suspects come barging into this convenience store, push this customer out of the way and two of the three jump right over the counter. one guy's got an axe, another has a pistol. the two men immediately start going after cash, and -- >> cigarettes. >> exactly. all of this terrifying and highly unusually aggressive act, don't formally see this in australia. >> we need to point out the security things did absolutely nothing. they were through them in seconds. >> it's kind of a pointless little security system. >> the three suspects believed to be just teenagers. somewhere between 16 to 18 years old and not the first hit they did. police believe these guys have hit other stores and they're looking for them. >> i was going to say they must
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be teenager all wearing skinny jeans. they don't call him the alligator whisperer for nothing. >> he likes to take his gators for a walk. >> see why this one is happy to tag along. and how mom's giggles lead to a game of hide and seek. >> it looks like she goes from seven months to nine month seven months to nine months. totodaday y heher r dodoctctoror h has her on a bayer aspirin regimen toto h helelp p rereduducece t thehe risk of another one. ifif y youou'v've e hahad d a a heheart attack bebe s surure e toto t talalk k toto your doctor before y youou b begeginin a an n aspirin regimen.
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save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00 tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. oh those pregnancy reveal videos keep coming. this woman is about to be told she's going to be a grandma. the first thing they have to do is get grandma to open the box that's going to reveal the big secret. >> oh no! i know what it is! >> this begins the most interesting grandma happy dance i've ever seen on "right this minute." >> it's like her team just won
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the super bowl. >> she's like yes! >> this excitement can be attributed to the fact that this is her first grandbaby coming. >> you made my wish come true! >> dad doesn't immediately figure out what's going on. >> what? >> you really don't know what this is. >> oh my god you two are having a baby. >> are you serious the whole time rubbing around with the balloons he doesn't know what's up? >> maybe he just thought that they gave her some balloons and she seems really happy to let her enjoy it. >> oh my gosh! >> now in this juken video it's obvious that a baby is coming. i think the stomach says it all. this husband shot video of his wife because he says when his wife starts laughing the baby hides. looks like she goes from seven months to nine months. >> oh my gosh she must have strong stomach muscles. >> by this point the baby is big
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enough to feel everything like that so laughing must feel peculiar to it. the classic race the 24 hours of le mans many people have seen it few can, so why not create your own race? the three hours of le mans. where is this taking place? this is up in the canadian rockies near calgary and alberta, canada. group of guys decided let's put on our own race. each car worth about 300 bucks or less. dress like a bunch of goofballs, set off into a private field and have a blast. >> drivers aacceptable. >> this is the third year of the three hours of les mans. this is my favorite car in the bunch, the taurus rosso a goof off the formula 1 racing team tauro rosso.
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the dodge neon the taurus wagon, team dope the magic school bus, old subaru legacy all wheel drive. everybody thought that might have an edge. >> they spared no expense on that paint job. >> the rules are the same as the traditional le mans the most laps and shared drivers and things like that? >> exactly. each car did have a gps inside it and they did look to see who went the furthest. sabotage is encouraged and rules are loosely interpreted. >> i'm voting for that acura. >> that's an acura, good eye, gayle. all of the cars have to be model year 2000 or on it. >> everyone is a winner i have to be honest. >> one of the most obvious signs of sabotage at beginning, one had his horn rewired to the brake when he wasn't look so long he was penalized for excessive noise. it was a lot of fun. the winners dodge neon came in first followed by team frazier and darren in the chevy corsica.
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team two, the acura integra. gayle? >> i knew it. my cousin had one, we drove the heblg out of it. heck out of it. we've had nathan tweeting on the show before he is a master alligator whisperer. he likes to take his gators for a little walk. >> he's walking him to the alligator park? >> sure. >> i'm never going there. >> nothing like
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at the beach for the whale. >> take in some sun, enjoy the raise and the cool water. >> he's having a whale of a time. >> this is a great experience for the kids you can't believe their eyes that they're so close, just feet away from this whale and i do believe the whale is putting on a show for them because it turned back around and went past the front of them. >> ladies and gentlemen, i am less than ten feet from a whale. a world record breaking walk. >> unless the clip breaks. >> see it next "right this minute." and still to come she may be 10 but she's ready to shoot. >> are awe frayed of this big gun? >> not really. >> they're taking all safety measures, so this girl can have some fun because she's the one who says she wanted to do it. >> see how she fires off her
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skill. stuart edge works his magic on lindsay sterling. >> the eight of diamonds i'd like to you sign it here. >> how this trick takes a sweet turn. >> how the -- how did he do that? t,t,bubut t ththerere will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay ththreree-e-ququarartetersrs o of f what it takes to replace it. whwhatat a arere y youou s supupposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? nonow w ifif y youou h hadad l liberty mutual new car replacement, yoyou'u'd d geget t yoyourur w whole car back. i i guguesess s ththeyey d donon't want you driving around on three wheels. smsmarart.t. nenew w cacar r rereplplacacememenent t isis j just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. anand d fofor r drdriviverers s with accident forgiveness,rates won't go up dudue e toto y youour r fifirsrst accident. leleararn n momorere b by y cacalling swswititchch t to o lilibebertrty y mumututualal anand d yoyou u cacan n sasave up to $509. fofor r a a frfreeee q quouotete today,call liberty mutual insurance at
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prprototecect t yoyour closed captioning provided by -- ™ hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaque and gingivititisis kikilllls s 9999% % ofof b bacacteteria for a 12 houour r shshieield ofof p prorotetectctioion.n. nenew w acactt® a advdvananced. [ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. or just act
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kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes grgreat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aall good. aactct k kidids.s. any gun enthusiast will tell you safety first. even this 10-year-old girl who is about to fire a .50 caliber bmg knows how important safety it. >> casey, how old are you? >> i'll be 11 in september. >> 11 in september. are awe frayed of this big gun? >> not really. >> this little girl asked to do that. they want people to know she was not forced into it. this is from the do it with dan youtube channel. there she is with her dad and look at the size of that bullet. >> that's a bullet? looks like a rocket. >> it's a shell. >> notice she's on the ground she's got dad's arm around her, she has ear protectors on
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they're taking all safety measures so this girl can have some fun because she's the one who said she wanted to do it. >> oh my gosh! >> woo! >> it is a small explosion. >> that is exactly. >> if i were her mom i'd be a little worried. proud of my daughter for being so brave and willing to deal with this huge weapon. >> as long as you're following the safety rules, everyone should be fine. >> save this for show and tell. >> don't do that. >> that guy clearly has not had children yet. >> in this juken video you will see that this guy needs to get lessons from this little girl. this grown man whose friend just told him you know man, hold that shotgun on your hip. he doesn't listen. >> no shoot it like this. [ gunfire ] >> oh my gosh come on how do you not see that coming? >> gives himself a shiner. >> that is the exact other side
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of the coin as far as responsible gun usage. >> beautifully and talented lindsay sterling. >> pairing up for this video, stewart is a genius when it comes to the card tricks and he's going to use this pretty clever card trick to blow lindsay's mind. >> so i'm going to ripple through this deck and you say stop at any card you'd like. >> stop. >> so she finally picks her card. he has her write her name on it. she has an extra squiggle so that's establishing a one-of-a-kind card. the way to reveal the card is unique. lindsay wrote a book. and so he's going to incorporate that into this trick. >> you're actually holding something, right? on the cover of the book. >> oh it's cheesecake. >> did you notice when you took that picture there's a card inside that cake. >> kind of freaky right? >> i don't think there is a card inside the cake.
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>> there is. i'll prove it to you right now. i have a cake. >> he brings in a cake for pictures on it that's the cover of her book. she is holding a piece of cake and inside the piece of cake you can see a card. he starts digging into the cake and out of the cake comes you better believe it. >> this is crazcrazy. >> the card that she wrote on. >> how the -- how did he do that? >> right? i have no idea and it is the card that she signed because she even points out -- >> that was the funny squiggly i did on it. >> the best magic trick ever. >> that's crazy. we're all puzzled about how he pulled this off. it turns out revealing the trick in the next few days. >> wait isn't that violating magicians code? stewart lives on the edge. this guy is a bit freaked because he's about to take on the highest rope swing in the world. >> oh [ bleep ].
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>> see what happens when the swing has swung. yoyourur teteeteth'h's s first line of defense. bubut t dadailily y eaeatitingng anand d drdrininking can make it weak. trtry y cocolglgatate e enenamamelel h heaealtlth. itit r repepleleninishsheses w weaeak k spspotots with natural calcium toto s strtrenengtgthehen n enenamamelel four times better. cocolglgatate e enenamamelel h heaealtlth.h. ststrorongngerer, , hehealalththy y enenamamelel. brbreaeaththtatakikingng p pepeppepermrminint.t... ririchch d darark k chchococololatate.e..... yoyorkrk p pepeppepermrminint t papattttieie.. geget t ththe e sesensnsatatioion.n.
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>> oh! >> lucky she didn't have man bits. >> we get into slow motion. it's so much worse in slow motion. her right leg hooks around her inner thigh and spins her round like a playing wheel of some type. >> even if she doesn't have man bits that's got to hurt your girl bits. >> this video is from 2014 but now trending. the guy in the white t-shirt having a freak out. >> we have to do it. >> he is the highest rope swing in the world in new zealand, 524 feet high you can get up to 74 miles an hour when you swing. he don't want to do it. >> oh [ bleep ]. >> this is going to be the best release of stress he's ever had in his life with all the screaming he's about to do. watch. >> or the best release of what's in his underwear. >> here comes the countdown. >> five four three, two, one.
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>> it's a huge swing but you know what you were absolutely right. this guy once he realizes nothing is going to wap you can see the massive smile as he realizes this is the best time ever. >> how are you feeling? >> yes! [ bleep ]. >> thanks for joining us today on "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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you don't know how to drive for [ bleep ]. >> those are fighting words to the guy in the truck who gets mega irritated. what happens when he comes back and a very bad attituded. >> [ bleep ]. a snake wrangler grabs the culprit who bit the family dog. >> he was rushed to the veterinarian. >> the story of poor bosco's very close call. abaccused car thief is tracked on social media after he -- >> people started spotting the car. >> where the owner wound up when he followed the trail of clues. and she's having a
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