tv Right This Minute FOX August 3, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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dude almost 100 feet down in a cave with no oxygen tank. >> because he's free diving as well. >> heck no. see his frantic moves to escape when things go wrong. rare look at -- >> an eaglet who just learned to fly. >> why he might need to work on the landing and rally racer totally blows the left-hander. what happens when backing up just won't work. and -- >> reach back and grab it.
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>> helene good-bye to workouts. you wouldn't look ridiculous at all doing this stuff in the office. >> ridiculous? that looks amazing. >> hold your breath trust me. we are are currently underwater at jacob's well in texas, an underwater cave where a lot of people go diving. diego is approaching about 100 feet under the water. you don't hear any breathing sounds because he's free diving as well. >> oh heck no. the sounds you're hearing are the ma mailian dive reflex prevents your lungs from collapsing while you're diving. he's just lost one of his flippers. now he realizes he can't find it, he quickly turns around but he cannot get up to the surface with just one flipper all the while trying to hold hispanic in he starts heading towards the light realizing he's not going to get it cuts away his
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weight belt and slowly starts climbing. he actually looks down and you can see just one of the flippers on his foot as he slowly gets closer and closer to the light, right now your heart is racing as you wonder if he's going to make it before he finally reaches the surface. you can see all these legs of people around him because it's a popular spot but he is just fine. now jacob's well is famous and the cavern two passageways, one 4,500 feet the other 1,000 feet about 120 feet of depth. this place notorious for people to try diving. eight people have died doing this. >> doesn't even look fun. >> absolutely terrifying. i love when they put web cams up in trees so you can see the activities of animals living up there. this web cam set up in latvia
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and an eaglet just learned to fly and come in for a landing. it's majestic, not full grown, mi-- ooh. >> eee! somebody! anybody, help! >> i think when we started riding the tricycle we had a few hiccups. >> poor thing holding on for dear life. >> all on camera as well. >> it eventually got itself out of the situation with you look at the wing span. >> well done, brother, you turned that around. >> it's a beautiful eagle. >> we go to a beautiful black jaguar. this is ciello. they call her mermaid and you'll see why. >> wow. >> there's a little bit of panic there on the face. >> the eyes look scary, they say no, she loves being in the water. big cats love the water so she's having a good time, now living at the black jaguar white tiger
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foundation, theyer. the cat was going to be sold to a store owner who was going to drug her, take pictures with humans who wanted to take a picture with a big black cat. but they rescued her, and they saved her from a life of being drugged up for human fun. >> i can't think of another motorsport that allows you to get so involved in the racing. interactive rallying is i think what we should start calling it. from a rally in poland. this wee little car comes ripping around the corner, blows the left-hander right off. >> was that car even built to take a turn like that? >> the car goes off and spectators immediately there waiting to see the action but want to get in and help out. bunch of guys push on the front of the car to push it back up the way it went in. that's not going to work. >> i feel like these cars should have built in tow lines. >> there are tow lines but you can't wait for a rig to pull it out.
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it's time. rallying is time so these guys had a different idea, instead of going backward, why not try forward. >> the farmer is going to come out with his pitch fork. >> they find a more shallow section and with the help of fellow man, and racing fans around the world off he goes to the grocery store. i don't know what he placed, but it looks like maybe 32nd, so not too bad in the course of a rally. it is important in life to follow your dreams and for mike obinsky his dream was to be a storm chaser. >> cool. but at the same time, dude. >> this year he went out for two weeks to capture these amazing images that you see in this video. he traveled 12,000 miles through ten states following all of these storms and in it you see the clouds forming at the beginning and then you start
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seeing the clouds get darker. the super cells forming. >> oh my god that's so cool. >> what is the damage waiver on the rental car? i hope he got unlimited mileage. >> 12,000 miles, what some people drive in a year. >> he was hanging out with pros so he was in good company while doing this, shooting 45,000 frames of footage to put all of this together in 4k and it looks amazing, the colors, the movement, all so beautiful. >> the interesting side of this is the skype tisk scientific side. when we're looking at the weather we don't see it develop this quickly. you can see how the supercells build and build and the rotation and it's actually fascinating to watch. >> once the supercells move across the sky, you start seeing the lightning and the thunder and the precipitation as well. >> if you want to see the entire video head over to and click on tv show or see it on our mobile app.
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don't look now but there's something. how a killer whale had him freaking out. >> oh! these people are ready to chow down. but little do they know there's a secret ingredient mixed in. >> they like it. >> amazing. >> what happens when they find out they're eating food fit for fido. block. ththatat r rememinindsds m me.e..... anyone have occasiononalal coconstipation, diarrhea... .....g.gasas, , blbloaoatitingng?? yeyes!s! onone e phphilillilipsps' colon health probiotic cap each day hehelplps s dedefefendnd a agagaininstst o occccasasional digestive issues. wiwithth t thrhreeee t typypeses o of f gogoodod bacteria. liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife.e. phphilillilipsps'.'. sosoilil i is s ththe e fofounundadatitionon for healthy plants just likike e gugumsms a arere t thehe fofoundation for healthy teeth. nenew w cocolglgatate e tototatal l momoututhwhwasash for gum health. itit k kilillsls g gerermsms a andnd f forormsms a a protective shield fofor r 4545% % ststrorongngerer g gumums.s. fofor r ststrorongngerer, , hehealalththieier r gugums cocolglgatate e tototatal l momoututhwhwasash.h.
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three smashing videos, australia, riding on the truck of max french. it could not be any easier to stay on this road. could not be any easier to stay on this road but watch what's coming the other way. massive, massive hit, takes out the trailer as well. huge uhm pact. >> it's just the trailer, this guy looks like he's in a large truck. no injuries? >> you're right. later on in the video the camera comes loose. >> i'm all right. how are you? >> i'm okay. >> why didn't you get off the [ bleep ] road? >> he was trying to make room for the truck but when he got off to the side he lost control with his trailer and came in front of max. yes, nick, you're right, the trailer the only casualty. this next video comes to us from thailand. you absolutely will see it, i watched it a dozen times trying
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to figure it out. relatively high speed behind the red truck, out of nowhere. >> what the heck was it? >> you could just see it there. >> it was a rock, you could see a rock. >> nothing these guys can do but look at the damage. >> hell's angels, dude. >> this third has a lot of people trying to figure out what happened because it happened just off camera. thesifies were on a road trip. this was posted on youtube and he says his cousin and son and got passed by a group of hells angels, bike after bike is streaming by, everyone minding their own business but this happened. >> what happened? >> the window shattered. >> we get a look at it here. >> what the [ bleep ], man? >> wow. >> did one of the riders smash his window? >> i would say the hells angels had absolutely nothing to do with this. nothing at all. >> fix that window and keep on going about your life. >> oh, the window shattered.
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>> we've seen so many videos from ram, the grumpy ram. meet dusty the angry dolphin. >> dolphins are permanently smiling. >> not dusty. ooh! dusty is a feisty one and hangs out in the area at this beach in ireland, and she's known for having quite the nasty attitude. >> i'm not ready to pin a dolphin with being nasty. perhaps she's saving these swimmers from something that we just can't see. could it be a shark under the water or the swimmer shouldn't be there, the dolphin is trying to push them out. >> or she's just grumpy. >> i reject your reality and substitute my own. >> that swimmer is literally getting flipped off by a dolphin. >> the girl is trying to get away as fast as she can from the dolphin, she flips a little and eventually makes it out.
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dolphin trying to save the day, maybe she's a little territorial. sounds like there's a sign that warms swimmers there's a grumpy dolphin in the water. >> the black sheep of the dolphin family. >> the second video you would think all of these people actually saw "jaws" trying to take a big chunk out of their boat based on their reaction. and while it wasn't jaws, it was a killer whale. >> that's pretty cool there at the same time. an apex predator making a leap at your boat it would make you start. >> they pan the camera over and there is a pod behind their boat but one decided to get really close and give them a really good show. >> whoa! these folks think they're on the set of a proposed reality food show. who wouldn't want to do that? you get to sit there and eat yummy food right. nick you have a question on your face.
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>> they're ready to dig in and something stinks already about this. >> they're about to eat dog food and they just don't know it, and they like it. >> this is not regular dog food. >> it's dog food, truly dog food. >> they just packaged it up. >> it's really good. >> they give it a nice look, added some flavoring i'm sure but -- >> i could be eating here a lot. >> you are exactly right. they did fancy the food up added seasonings and vegetables and did what we humans do to ground beef, doctored it to make it taste good and these people don't know that they're eating dog food. >> it's not like any other burger that i've ever had. >> best burger i've ever tasted. >> oh my gosh! >> but this is like yum. exquisite. >> the stunt was executed by fresh pet. i did not know fresh pet made dog foot. food. i thought they made kitty litter but they make dog food so this is the reveal when people find out that this is dog food but it's not the stuff from a can. >> it's dog food? >> it's dog food, absolutely.
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>> they make theirs in what they call a kitchen. they don't call it a factory. it's the stuff refrigerated in tubes that you find in the pet store so the high-end pet food but still this is dog food. >> did i eat that? >> even if it's delicious, now it's in your head, now you know that it's dog food. >> this is dog food? >> i don't know -- >> it's all in your head. >> that is dog food. >> really? >> my stomach just growled. >> eww! and video that shows what life would be like if you chose to live your life in a bubble. why it's much harder than you think. >> what? >> a baby badger gets a new snuggle bunny. >> that's not another badger baby, y'all. that's a fox. >> why nap time's never been cuter. thanks t to o momom m anand dad and their safe drdrivivining g bobonunus s check from allstate. ohoh. . lolookok a at t ththisis. . safe driving bonus. are you u a a sasafefe d dririvever?r?
12:46 am
lulucky y lilittttlele f fella. ononlyly allllststatate safe driving boec iving safe. sesee e hohow w mumuchch m more an allstate agent can do for you. cacallll 8 87777-6-64444-3-310100. lilikeke i in n momostst f families, dad's always the last to know. ththatat's's w whyhy a accccididenent t foforgrgiviveneness wawas s ththe e fifirsrst t ththining g hehe asked for when he switched to allstate. michael james! mimiddddlele n namame.e. n not good. geget t acaccicidedentnt f forgiveness from allstate and kekeepep y youour r raratetes from going up just because of an accident. fifindnd o outut h howow a a local allstate agent cacan n hehelplp b betetteter protect your family. call one right now. plplusus, , drdriviverers s whwho o swswititched saved an average of $498 a year! jujustst a a f fewew m morore e ways the good hands are dodoining g momorere t thahan ever before. sesee e whwhatat t thehe p personal service of an allstate agent cacan n dodo f foror y youou.. call 877-644-3100
12:47 am
hey foster farms! looks like you left these two west coast birds behind! foster farm's chicken's california grown. you guys aren't from here. wrong! we love yoga and sunshine and stuff. well foster farm's chicken has no added hormones. well i wish you didn't have any added negativity! ha! high five! yeah! he's not going far. they're local. introducing fresh and natural chicken. california grown with no added hormones. from foster farms. simply better.
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closed captioning provided by -- guguarardd™ helplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaqueue and gingivitisis kikilllls s 9999% % ofof b bacacteteriria for a 12 hour r shshieieldld ofof p prorotetectctioion.n. nenew w acactt® a advdvananceced. [ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. or just act kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes greaeat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aallll good. aactct k kidids.s. if you're prone to injury some people may say you should
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live your life in a bubble. this is what it might really look like if you chose to live your life in a bubble. >> oh well that's actually kind of fun. >> it is fun. lots of different sporting activities in a bubble presented in this video from team supertramp. ♪ >> what? >> taking a bit of a comedic approach in his latest video. i love it. >> stepping outside his realm of doing the most beautiful stuff, putting together these little skits as well. everyone loves these. that's why we share them. hide and seek cracks me up. >> you know what? your life would be limited if you were in a plastic bubble, in so many different ways. >> it could be so freeing as well. you go barreling through life and not worry about getting hurt.
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>> look at that football. it would definitely work. >> untackleable. ♪ >> really funny stuff. as always, a behind-the-scenes video so you can see the kind of cams they used. if you want to see the rest of this and behind the scenes video, you can go to "right this or click on your tv show or use mobile app. >> where puppy meets hamster. [ barking ] there are certain places on the internet i love to return
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to. they always have amazing animal videos. we start in the kruger national park in south africa. what do we have on the roadway. is this lioness having lunch? no. what's in her mouth? >> a little cub. >> a lion version of a baby bjorn. >> basically. that is a little cub. the interesting thing is, when lionesses have cubs, they stay away from the rest of the pride for about six weeks because the cubs are completely dependent on mom. they nurse them. they can have up to four. usually they have would it or three. this time it's just mom and one baby and listen to her. i think this is a teachable moment. what do you think she's teaching this baby? >> love and caution. >> how to hold up traffic. all she's doing is standing here in the middle of the roadway like y'all got to wait 'til i get out the way. we have other animal friends i love to visit on the internet. the wildlife in suri england. that is a badger baby putting it
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in an incubeiator with a fox. they put these two together because it's not good for infant animals to be alone they generate warmth. that's why you see baby animals piled on top of each other. these two creatures that put together they say they were orphaned on their own before they found other foxes and badgers to put them with. these two kind of slept together and cuddled together. they're letting them grow up to where they can be released back into the wild. it's a video for people who -- >> don't have time for the gym to get to the office. and what about the photocopy reach back. >> that looks for preparation to photocopy your bum.
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save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00 tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. . >> the phub and easy way to connect with your pet from anywhere at any time. >> i feel like it's time to bring some culture "right this minute."
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this young man is going to play a fuge by bach. he plays one note. what? as you can see on screen it says stop motion. >> is he going to take a picture of every note he plays? >> wow. >> it's incredible. ♪ >> like gayle said every note one by one and stitched them together on his computer. it gets better when he starts playing with himself. ♪ >> oh, wow. >> that's pretty cool. >> it's incredible the time that took to do this is impressive. the arrangement, the recording and editing took 14 hours for this one and a half minute video. >> so many details and you have to coordinate all the notes so i'm surprised it didn't take longer. >> do we all feel more cultured? >> yes, absolutely. for sure. >> what he's going to do when the band breaks out? >> play with himself some more. ♪
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don't have time to hit the gym before you get to the office? it's cool, with this have you had yo you'll learn workouts you could do at your office. >> i'm noah mulls and very excited to teach you some desk workouts. >> oh, hello. >> you guys watch. i'm just going to sit back here and enjoy. >> give me some of that. i thought this was a participation video, i thought you were supposed to watch it and get into it, not sit back and eat snacks. >> come down back up. >> incline desk pushups. >> just opposite elbow to the opposite knee. >> the chair crunches. >> oh, look how he's working his obliques. >> thanks to >> two, three. >> he's totally working and looks great. the photocopy reach-back. >> that looks like preparation to photocopy his bum. >> paperwork knee highs. >> you wouldn't look ridiculous at all doing this stuff in the office. >> ridiculous? that look amazing. i think you look like a rock star. >> if you're so into it, let's see it, you have a chair and a desk in front of you. >> i'm learning.
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>> these are valid exercises but if you did start doing this i'm with nick i think everyone is calling hr. >> this smells amazing. >> very good. >> i do love this so much, that's why i'm going to watch it every day. >> noah mills looks good, but he didn't get that body from doing office exercises. don't fool yourself. it's a good way to do something instead of nothing. >> i feel great, thanks for joining me. hope you had fun with us here at rgt rgt. we'll see you next time.
1:00 am
ten. i used to be a spy until... [ cellphone rings ] man: we got a burn notice on you. you're blacklisted. when you're burned you've got nothing -- no cash, no credit no job history. you're stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in. where am i? miami. you do whatever work comes your way. you rely on anyone who's still talking to you. a trigger-happy ex-girlfriend... should we shoot them? old friend who used to inform on you to the fbi... you know spies -- a bunch of bitchy little girls., too... hey, is that your mom again? ...if you're desperate. someone needs your help. bottom line -- as long as you're burned you're not going anywhere. fiona: mysterious trips around the world with max. i mean, he
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