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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 10, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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♪ hi, i'm farrah fawcett. >> it's a youtube tutorial on how to use a hair iron. >> she drags it down the hair. >> and sarah tells us what went wrong and why her hair wasn't the only thing burnt. >> i don't know if you don't see very well -- >> oh! >> our vandal scoops out an expensive ride and decides to spill beer on the car. >> not your average speed boat. >> this is a jet engine. why nobody's going to catch this guy. plus, a dad gets his
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daughter all pumped up to eat. >> do it! >>. [ laughter ] >> and all you need to freak people out is a wolf glove. arr! >> why the power of suggestion is overpowering. >> all you have to give is a couple hairs. [ laughter ] ♪ >> a series of really cool youtube videos where she shows the world how to do different things. in different videos she's demonstrating a wet to flat dry iron. it's a product which you can iron your hair with while it's sopping wet. >> it's a savings. >> time saving, too. it's evaporating the water in your hair. she continues going. she glides the iron right down her hair and then this happens! >> oh! >> yeah, she manages to put the
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fire out right away. >> take that back. i don't recommend this iron. >> oh, my -- [ laughter ] >> oh, no. >> and she gives us a little peek into what her hair looking like. and it's pretty fried. now there is some speculation about whether this is real or not because if you notice in the video, tell us more about this video and what actually happened we have sarah via skype at this minute. welcome to the show. >> we can see you're not using a hair straightener today. >> i don't usually use a hair straightener at all. when i jumped up i actually burnt my leg because the iron fell on my leg. i don't know if you don't see it very well but -- >> oh! >> but this is obviously, exactly what an iron does. i mean, the iron falls, it was
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my reaction to, you know, the flame. but what happened in the video was, i was hiding my hair and i was kind of leaning over to the side and reaching for an anti-frizz. and i had cut the video because i was talking too long. when i went like this, i had just applied it. i don't think it was the iron that made my hair catch on fire. it was the frizz serum that i use. it was very flammable. so i think the combination of all of that is what made high hair go on fire. >> is this like the danger, you get distracted talking about what you're doing and don't realize what you're doing? >> i think it's a danger for people like me. because i'm not a beauty person. i just wanted to show this cool iron i got. i think beauty people realize this morning i do. >> what do you think of getting such attention for a failed
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video? >> i probably won't be doing any more videos. it's kind of embarrassing, but i thought, it's really funny. >> yeah. >> oh, my. >> drinking a beer -- that's a nice porsche. you don't want anybody touching it at all. >> you really wouldn't want anybody doing what this guy does. >> he takes beer and decides to pour beer on the car. watch what he does, after he goes and sits on it, he goes and picks up a rock. >> oh! >> and then he just -- >> oh! >> i hate. >> nobody is saying a thing. they're watching him do this? it looks like they stopped to look and see what this guy was doing. it was caught from two different angles. here's the thing, this porsche belongs to a star in the czech
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republic. ent theootage to the er police. they're now looking for this man and the woman that was with him. >> it looks like a bottle of soda. now, police in philadelphia, looking for this guy. this happened at 3:00 a.m. you see a woman running down the street. this man is following behind her, but right about here, this woman slows down to a walk, the man catches up to her. he pushes her to the ground and it looks like he keeps running. the video is cut. you see the woman standing up and she's holding something in her hand. i believe that's her thumb because this guy stops he comes back. he assaults her again. he grabs her phone i'm wondering if she picked up her phone to record that guy because the screen face was facing him, it was away from her. >> you can see the light from the phone clear count block. that's scary, walking down the sidewalk and somebody is just
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chasing after you. it's unnatural disaster sounds dangerous. sounds crazy. it's just a boat. but it's a monstrous jet boat driven by gord humphries. listen to this. >> what's happening? >> that's a jet engine, fuelling up. this doesn't have any old motor, jet-powered boat. it's the sixth day of the world jet boat racing marathon. this is an event, they race through multiple rivers at a speed of about 150 miles per hour. >> no way! >> that was going to be my next question. >> oh, that's everything that you dream of as a kid. now, jet engines, high speed, you don't want anything to go wrong. remember that sound at the beginning that we all loved that -- this doesn't sound like
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it. the engine just goes -- cuts off. you can see the navigator grabs the roll bar because it was just like hitting the brakes. big old engine failure. you see the guys get out to check out what's going on. now they're sitting ducks. thankfully, another boat coming down the river sees a natural disaster. it goes flying by. in the end, what happened? in short, a gearbox malfunctioned. thankfully, the guys weren't hurt. always next year. danger on the road can come from just about anywhere. the first one comes from litty at a service station aside of the highway keep an eye on the back. it happens very quickly these two guys pull up to the gas pump. suddenly, by the looks of it it's already out of control, it clips that car waiting at the back. hits that other two.
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fortunately, none of the gas pumps are actually hit. we don't get any fire or flames. everybody starts getting out of the cars. everybody is fine. you see the drivers, they made it to the side, they sit down, they get their breath back. >> did you see the driver in that front car that didn't get hit? that driver stopped coming and jumps in the car. >> thanks for the instinct. that's scary. you see the tires screeching and realize, what's going to happen next? >> i'm sure somebody is calling an ambulance for this one. someone has called an ambulance and it's on its way. as you see, no lines anywhere. i'm confused as to how it works. an ambulance comes into shot. people see it's coming. hits the ambulance. it rolls over and wound up inside that ambulance with a daughter, a mother, and a 7 weeked baby. the doctor actually held the baby. the baby was just fine. they were able to get to the
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hospital a bit later. and you have pictures on the czech website to show you some of the damage that happened from the accident and some of the traffic that built up as a result. this situation, again, just a chaotic area, even if you're got your lights and sirens going, it's all about more everyone else is paying attention. for this guy, a dive seems like the perfect time to pop the question. is there that seems like a bad idea, the potential for something to go wrong skyrocketed. >> taking the punch makes for the proposal. plus, some dudes have a grill and some firecrackers. what happens when they light it up? [ laughter ] whwhy y dodo y people choose aleve? it's the brand more doctors recommend for minor arthritis pain. plplusus, , jo aleve can last all day. yoyou'u'd d ne6 tylenol arthritis to do that. alaleveve.e. a allll d day. gigiveve i it t toto m me e '.
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bababyby i i''m m wowortrth. uhuh h huhuh i i''m m wow. gigimmmme e gigimmmme e i'i'm m. gigiveve i it t toto m me e '. bababyby i i''m m wowortrth.
9:11 am
same plan. new phone. or a new plan. and a just in case. add a new line. or three. and unlimited talk and text for unlimited tweens. take a carrier store detour at target, and upgrade to a shiny new everything. and now when you buy a phone, get 20% off your target run. all things mobile. all in one place.
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grown men acting and sounding like kids. what could they possibly have -- firecrackers. they're goofing around over there by the barbecue. they close the lid, run and snicker. ♪
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>>. [ laughter ] to have that reaction. >> because we weren't allowed to do this when we were children, now that we're grown up, we can be as childish as we want. >> the barbecuers aren't the only ones to suffer there. i think there's a small appliance there -- boom. >> and blowing up all kinds of stuff. i feel like i'm looking at a bunch of 5 year olds those are grown men. >> the men, we don't change, we really don't grow up. and this poor flower pot suffers the consequences as well. >> run and giggle, run and giggle, like little girls. greatest thing that's happened in a long time! >> this is a fun saturday afternoon. >> wow! >> men, we're awesome.
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it's a really special moment for guys when they decide that they want to take that next step in their relationship. and they go will you marry me? and you just want to hear the words -- >> yes. >> -- exactly. which is kind of confusing in this video because it's posted by dick boyle, he decided he was going to propose to his girlfriend while they were diving in asia. >> potential to go wrong skyrocketed. >> i just hope they have fishing line on the ring. >> this is unwrapping with a sign under the water. it says, will you marry me? you can see, she wants to do the goofy thing, well, i'm under water, i can't do that. >> and then how do you communicate because you're scuba diving. what are you going to say --
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[ muffled ] the dive master starts looking for the ring which does panic dick because it takes a little longer than expected. >> she shows her a picture of what he bought. >> slips the ring on her finger under the water. then you got to give your future bride the kiss. they take out the air that seals the moment. you there go, took her breath away, literally. >> hey! >> after watching this video, you will no longer be able to just relax while out at a park. trying to mind your own business downtown. there might be a werewolf lurking by. >> hey -- just get. get. >> that's weird. >> it's not an entire werewolf costume, it's literally just a glove. >> oh, geez, i got that.
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>> and then you can channel the inner werewolf. he only communicates after it's revealed. >> oh! don't do that! >> that's a hair clawed glove to scare people. sneak up behind somebody in a public place, they're going to freak out. >> you you need to see is a couple hairs. ♪ >> oh, my -- what the -- over and over and over and over. >> oh! and he doesn't like it. [ laughter ] >> you see that, people getting their chuckle out of it. >> ahh! >> ooh! >> ahh! >> no! a windy masterpiece.
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>> this is so stupid. and wildly entertaining. next -- "right this minute" -- >> and still to come, a guy who is making his way over some rocks. but he had may want to yell timber. why this ride is definitely a bumpy one. >> oh! plus, you go to the dmv to get but it doesn't look so great. >> i wish i could help. >> see the funny spoof that explains the laughable licenses. >>. [ laughter ] still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay ththreree-e-ququarartetersrs o s to replace it. whwhatat a arere y youou s su, drive three-quarters of a car? nonow w ifif y youou h hadad ll new car replacement, yoyou'u'd d geget t yoyourur w. i i guguesess s ththeyey d donou driving around on three wheels. smsmarart.t. nenew w cacar r rereplplacacemee of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy.
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anand d fofor r drdrivivererst forgiveness,rates won't go up dudue e toto y youour r fifi. leleararn n momorere b bg swswititchch t to o lilibel anand d yoyou u cacan n sasa. fofor r a a frfreeee q quouol liberty mutual insurance at sesee e cacar r ininsusurae in a whole new light. lilibebertrty y mumututualal i.
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happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card usda choice ribeye steak is $7.99 a pound 32-ounce gatorade is 69 cents and select quaker cereal is $1.49 happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better.
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closed captioning provided by -- reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aall good. aactct k kidids.s. soso i it't's s aall good. nonow w ththe e irirraran of not a problem... cocortrtizizonone-e-10 fefemiminininene i itctch h rerf has the strongngesestt nonon-n-prpresescrcripiptition itch m mededicicininee for fafastst, , gegentntlele,, lasting g rereliliefef. cocortrtizizonone-e-1. i love my canadian neighbors to the north because they are in the horsepowered big wheel just like here. start off with time flies. monster truck around the course here up in canada. going to start doing car crushing. time flies. also rolled -- >> ooh! >> ooh!
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>> not a big rollover, not a serious accident by any means at all. >> thumbs up! >> there's the driver right there. you see he's got his helmet aof, he's walking around, he's okay, obviously. >> hook her up. his 17-year-old daughter is one of the youngest in the business. >> nice, it was twisted up when was on his belly up. >> that's just the suspension flexing. no big deal. there's suspension flexing also on this jeep. ironically, scotty here with his lady in the passenger seat is on the timber trail. scotty may want to yell timber because he's trying to bounce over these rocks. he's got some guidance from his buddies trying to help him out. turn this way, turn that way. it's not working. but the ride gets real exciting anyway! >> whoo! >> wow, you know if that's the first date, do you go on a
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second one? >> absolutely, that was an exciting adventure. >> worth popping the cooler over drinks. >> the beers with the rollover. >> now you're going to open them and go -- >> whoa! >> i'm the one who takes your picture at the dmv. >> i doubt there will be anyone with a license that will not find this video on point. >> rumor has it, people aren't always satisfied with the photos. >> we've got that frustration, we get our license, we take a look at the picture, it doesn't look so great. >> they want to know why. >> it's in your wallet. >> 99% of the time. who cares what the picture looks like. >> in reality, it's intentional. [ bleep ]. >> there's nothing wrong with my equipment. my finger didn't slip. and i wasn't distracted.
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i am deliberately ruining this photograph to destroy your dignity. >> just a little bit, every time you take a look at a picture. everything you wanted. when people get a look at that -- >> on your first date to the movies. [ laughter ] and while getting a ticket. >> troy, look at this. >> but then a lot of miserable people, if his enjoyment of the day is messing with people's photographs -- >> god, i love my job. >> this is how he does it. >> counting down at five but taking the picture at three. drawing the picture to a decoy camera and letting the picture run while. >> i did go to the dmv in full hair and makeup and it still managed to come out a little weird. >> mine looks like a mustache.
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>> you can redo another one? >> i wish i could help. the line. ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ little violet needs scissors to open a toy, but first, dad's got to ask -- what do we never do with scissors? >> don't run with them. >> hear why her safety tip is a little different. [ laughter ] ♪ arare e jujustst $ $8.8.9999 ad with fresh mex flavors. ♪ alallelergrgieies s didiststrar? when your symptoms start... .....d.dococtotorsrs r rececog claritin every day of your allelergrgy y sesea. clclararititinin p prorovivid, non-drowsy, 2424-h-houour r rerelilief. .....f.fewewerer i intntererrure amazing things you do... ...every day.. liliveve c clalarirititin.
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version. just bring it on. >> and they're having fun which i appreciate. i love it.
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after watching so many amazing kids' videos on the show, i think i will defer to kids whenever i need anything. >> that's a terrible idea. >> no they're really good at it because watch this girl. >> do you need help? wait, i have an idea. stay right there. >> little violet here is holding a bag, she can't figure out how to tear it open. >> dad, according to the video runs into the kitchen and grabs the scissors obviously but also what do you never do when holding scissors -- >> you don't run with them. >> hold on, what do we never do with scissors? >> cut our fingers off? >> yeah. >> that, too. >> and that's the number one, one, don't cut your fingers off, number two -- >> what do we never do with scissors? >> cut our fingers off. >> and also we never run. okay. ♪
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just do it. >> now, this precious girl, she's going to put a big old smile on your face today, she's just going to do it. yesterday, you said tomorrow. [ laughter ] >> do it! [ laughter ] >> she likes the sound of his voice. >> yeah, i mentioned the best part about having kids is when you just mess around with them. you just be like a target. goof around, they'll keep doing for hours. >> do it! [ laughter ] just do it! >> the show's over, don't be sad, you can catch us on the next "right this minute."
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♪ there's bars on the windows of a building on fire. and we trapped a bear -- see the mom who's determined to get her kids out. a hot air balloon is the launch point for some tandem paragliders. >> oh! >> why they always say altitude is everything. a dog's owners moved away and left her behind. >> you can see her ribs. >> now, get the story behind sweet june's sweet recovery.


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