tv Right This Minute FOX August 18, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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a fight outside a bar leads to something rarer than a steeb rah striped uniform. see one double-fisted hangover. divers undertake an underwater mission. >> that is a coral cat shark. >> the delicate task to save a small creature. and speaking of small sea creatures. >> look at him on the water. >> how sweet baby james is getting his ski on. a lot of ladies want a fuller lip. this girl has got them, doesn't want them. see what is in there that is not what the doctor ordered. >> how does it even happen in
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the first place?! >> i got a very rare sighting. look at this freeze frame video these that's not rare, two dudes squaring off outside a bar in hoboken, new jersey, ready to bro fight but the moments follow are rarer than a zebra striped uniform. watch this. >> oh no way! the double knockout. the people that posted the video say two punches were thrown simultaneously, one by each fighter, those two punches landed knocking each dude out to the ground, stone cold. right here they try and pick up mr. shirtless, come on, bro, you knocked him out, you win but he immediately is all wobbly and a little unicorn knees, falls back down to the sidewalk. this video was posted on facebook by corey bettcher, he works at the cadillac khan tina
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in hoboken. we believe the fight happened near the bar on the street. the witnesses in the comments said both guys eventually got to their feet, shake it off and walk away. >> it's a best case scenario. both are winners and losers, go on, at least no one is going to prison. >> a perfect fight you have words, you don't even throw a punch and you walk away. >> there's no loser, there's no winner. you both look like bad asses. >> it's like the freeze frame from the end of "rocky iii." >> ding, ding, ding, they both go down, down. this beautiful video comes to us from under the sea in the philippines. that is a coral cat shark, people spotted with a hook in its mouth. the divers are at the bottom of the sea working very carefully but diligently to free this cat
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shark from its hook. after working with it for a while, you see that they do end up getting the hook out of its mouth. >> it's nice they do this. as divers they're in the animal's environment. they're guests to the world and the fact that they're looking out for this place that they love to play and they want to respect is awesome. another beautiful rescue, this one involving a fawn. i think it decided to cool off a little bit, jump in the water and go for a swim, except it kept swimming. >> stay close to it. >> it isn't the first time we've seen this. i think there's some sort of deer triathlon, all training for, because they keep going for the really long swims and getting themselves stuck. >> when they're adults they'll swim from one side of a lake to another, but this one is so young i wonder if it's capable of doing it yet. >> the people recording this video realize it was getting too
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tired, it had been out there way too long, they decid t one of t people scoop it right onto the boat, they hold it and pet it, until they can put it back to safety. we have fire behind them. >> if you look at a satellite map of the northwest and parts of canada, you just see the whole place is lit up by fires and this is video from one of those fires. this is in british columbia, and as you could see, there are a whole lot of firefighters watching what's going on over that ridge ahead of them. >> not that they can see much. 'all smoky and hazy. >> but they can feel the heat. >> my eyes are burning and watering. the fire is coming up over the hill there. >> it does look spooky there but all of a sudden you see a ridge like a fire is following a trail. >> i can feel the radiant heat, 300 foot. >> it looks like it's pretty small but what's catching everyone's eye is how quickly it
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grows and how quickly is moves. after a while this is what you see, the whole ridge is lit up and the fire grows enormously. some people may think are these purple flames? that's the camera adjusting to the light because of the white truck up front. you see a lot of movement because that fire is moving toward them. >> it is moving forward them but looks like they have a big fire line, this huge meadow in between them. you imagine that would stop it. >> it is not stopping it. they have to move back to their safety zone. >> go to the safety zone, guys, let's go. it's not a big safety zone but let's go. >> it's like organized chaos as they all get into their trucks gathering their equipment and try to move out. homes and vineyards were destroyed, orchards were destroyed and hundreds had to evacuate because of these fires. >> the other heartbreaking, too, it is necessary. >> yes. >> fires are necessary for nature. that's the hard part, how much
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do you let burn and just gets out of hand, burning so hot, so fast, it's a shame. as i have mentioned one or 2,000 times i used to be a model before i was a television host and one of the most important things as a model was to develop a symbiotic relationship with the photographer to give them what they want. try doing that with multiple subjects at heights easily over 1738 feet traveling at shocking speeds. that's the job of katusuhik katusuhiko okanaga to shoot the black knights. it was the 50th anniversary of singapore and these guys were pulling incredible aerobatic maneuvers and they brought him in to take their picture and it was awesome. >> was he directing the other pilots from the back of that plane? is that what he was doing? >> yes. he is actually communicating to
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them which movements. >> this isn't like you're standing there and just lifting up your elbow to give a sexy look, this is a plane going hundreds of miles per hour! >> the pilots i will say did a great job making love to the camera. pranksters hit the stores and start asking clerks for strange things. >> looking for a bouncing bean bag for yesh. >> see how far the fake shopping list goes. >> grandma's glitch. and at this race -- >> it's crash after crash. >> the wipeouts gone wild. "right this minute" is brought to you by serta, we make the world's best mattress. ugugh!h! h heaeartrtbub!
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>> oh my gosh! >> i've heard of running before you can walk but water skiing before you can walk? that's a whole other thing. >> seems like this contraption is made for the little one. oh my god, this is fantastic. >> it's super cool. you know some people are going to get worried about it, quite clearly low speed, he has his life jacket on, if he goes in the water he'll bob up and town. >> exactly. lot of people will be concerned, how can you take a baby swatter skiing in they put safety gear on the baby so these parents obviously know what they're doing, not going fast in this boat. he's also at arm's length. at any point they can reach the boy. >> it's not just baby james. it's lydia's turn, his cousin. >> is this something that the family built themselves? is this some training board that you can buy? >> i don't know if this is something you can buy. if you look at the pvc pipe this looks like somebody with serious
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knowledge put this together because you've got all kinds of safety gear and ropes and everything. >> if they did build it, they should sell it because people will buy that. straight up, i would say my kids would do this tomorrow if i knew how to do it. >> woo hoo! you know you created a classic and viral prank when that prank gets copied. the guys here have gone into a store and started asking clerks for strange things. >> i'm having trouble finding something, looking for a bouncing bean bag for yesh. >> bouncing bean bag, does it have a picture? >> no. >> bouncing? >> it's stuff for back to school. >> this may look familiar, greg benson from mediocre films put this. >> do you carry the ro bo bobo brand cheese? >> tip of the hat to you, greg. we're trying it ourselves.
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>> he said once hydrated but now deflated. grandma's glitch. >> the kind of thing about it is they sound genuine, because the weird names you can have for products are somewhat peculiar they're like, well -- people are genuinely trying to help find these ridiculous and unrealistic items. >> a futuristic hayward water holder with side chaps. >> what? >> i don't know what that is but i want one. >> it's on my list. >> it's futuristic. >> i have been looking all over the store, have you seen invisible unders that are spider-man edition? >> not that i know. >> spanish raisin that have the geosounds, for a hardware class or something? >> what is he looking for? >> i want to see the video
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behind the scenes when they came up with these. >> and of course a nod to you, greg benson. we've seen so many extreme sports videos on the show, so many impossible stunts made possible by some of these athletes i'm about to show you the ones that weren't. ♪ this is a compilation of crashes coming from the red bull scramble 2015. it's crash after crash. you see the motorcycles just hit the ground. >> these guys, this is one of the toughest events in the world. if this is the one i'm thinking of, they have to race out of the bottom of a quarry. they have to thunder up the sides of the quarry. there's inclines are incredibly steep and just getting out of
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this place is intense. >> it's a nightmare. guys trying over and over and over again. >> but it's wet, it's muddy, it's exhausting, and they're piling up on each other. that guy finally got speed and ate it. >> this guy ends up slipping right off his motorcycle, goes flying down, makes it, because he looks like's gets back up but the crashes aren't happening. >> a number of bruises and streaks. it's not broken bones, then it's ridiculous. >> how durable or the bikes? they take quite an amount of -- they go through abuse. >> it's kind of refreshing in a way that this video was made. most of the time they make it look like it's easy and this gives you an idea as to how difficult it actually is. >> the fact that they get this many riders to sign up and agree to this kind of punishment is, speaks volumes. it's a high angle rescue. here comes the fateful crash.
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>> so close, so close. uh-oh. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- >> a bunch of little balls and screws only a bingo machine? >> grandpas, why they're so bad they're good. >> she was like this, she had arthritis in her hands. >> that is my favorite! plus grandpa john has a little trouble with takeoff but -- >> it's not over. >> see how the landing takes an unexpected turn. yoyou u tototatalllleded y youo. nonobobodydy's's h hururt,t,bl still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay ththreree-e-ququarartetersrs o s to replace it. whwhatat a arere y youou s su, drive three-quarters of a car? nonow w ifif y youou h hadad ll new car replacement, yoyou'u'd d geget t yoyourur w. i i guguesess s ththeyey d donou driving around on three wheels. smsmarart.t. nenew w cacar r rereplplacacemee of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy.
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anand d fofor r drdrivivererst forgiveness,rates won't go up dudue e toto y youour r fifi. leleararn n momorere b bg swswititchch t to o lilibel anand d yoyou u cacan n sasa. fofor r a a frfreeee q quouol liberty mutual insurance at sesee e cacar r ininsusurae in a whole new light. lilibebertrty y mumututualal i.
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closed captioning provided by -- . ststayay c cooool l amamere. gogoldld b bonond d popowd. cocoolol, , drdry,y, a anynyt. helplp m me.e. [[ m malale e ana] relief starts now. gogoldld b bonond d ra. two i itctch-h-fig medicines ininsstatantntlyle summer itches. gogoldld b bonond.d. you guys, sometimes it's all about the landing. >> red neck tree trailing 101. >> let's diagram this for a second. guy on top of an suv, a tree. >> they're about to do something their own way.
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>> pull it with the suv or jump in. >> jump on the branch break it off and fall on his head. >> nice a backflip out of it as well, almost like he meant to do it. >> and he ended up on his feet, so i say this is a win. >> 7.5 i think on that one for a landing. >> call me a jerk because i'm a little disappointed. >> you're disappointed because it actually worked. >> i wanted to see him like swing right into the trunk of the tree. i'm sorry. >> all about the landing. see if grandpa john can do it. he has to throw the styrofoam airplane. >> duck, grandpa. >> come on. >> he runs, he trips on the stump. >> oh! >> it's not over. >> yes! >> the airplane has it in for him. >> so much better than we were expecting. we were both predicting he'd take it in the back of the head but the final from the glider and it evaporates, just detonates is amazing.
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>> he threw it like he was throwing a real f-16. it's only a styrofoam toy. sure, there are people out there that say that time travel isn't possible. steven hawking but turns out it is. prepare yourselves and take a deep breath because we're all going to travel into nick calderon's future. what has a bunch of little balls and screws old ladies? a bingo machine. >> that is nick in years. >> a bunch of grandpas were asked to tell their spiceiest jokes. >> how do you make your wife swear during sex? you call her and tell her about it. >> that is nick now. >> i knew that was going to be awesome. >> a girl sitting next to me, woo, mama, she was like this. she had arthritis in her hands. >> that is my favorite joke.
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that one is amazing. >> you think it's going one way and they do the double switch. >> the thing is though, we may be in nick calderon's future but i think we've also found christiane's grandfather because this is the greatest example of how christiane tells a joke on the "right this minute" set. >> a guy walks into a bar with a pair of jumper cables around his neck. bartender points to him and says hey, you, i'll let you win this time, but don't start anything. >> ha, ha, ha. >> that's my uncle. that's my uncle. i learned all my jokes from him. >> we know. if you guys want to see the entire video head on over to and click on "tv show" for use our mobile app. they got together years ago to make a dance video. >> but started dating instead and forgot. >> see why this time they're finishing strong.
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>> oh, smooth. >> i know. nonow w atat c chihili, new smoked chicken burritos arare e jujustst $ $8.8.9999 ad with fresh mex flavors. ♪ strong and healthyen h helg kidsfor generations. and today's flintstones are specially formulated wiwithth k keyey a antntioioxp support kids immune health. ♪ t tenen m milillilionog and growing ♪
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>> is it an abscess, like an infected pimple? >> it's definitely infected but it's not that. >> looks like an extraction. >> she is awake, conscious and doesn't seem to be in much pain but gosh if this doesn't make you grit your teeth and wiggle. >> awful. >> here it comes. >> terrible. the way he's winding it up. >> oh. >> did he do an injection infected? >> he keeps wiggling this thing out. >> how big is it? >> it's gross, it's gross, it's gross. wait for it. >> oh, my, it's still going. this is just -- what the hell! >> really? >> this video wracked up hundreds of thousands of views quickly and it's on its way to the top of the charts, as they say. what's gross in the south, go to and click on "tv show" to see it or use our
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mobile app. five years ago, joshua and amanda tried to actually choreograph a dance, they're both dancers, to this song called "you make me feel so young." ♪ you make me feel so young, you make me feel there are songs to be sung ♪ >> this version covered by frank sinatra now finally they decided we really got to make this happen, so they got a choreographer to choreograph the dance around central park in new york and of course a film crew to record all of it, and it is very beautiful. they originally got together to make this video, but started dating instead and forgot about the video, so they decided now is a good time to actually finish this video. their dance ends up up at the bethesda fountain. she does her twirl but at the end of her twirl watch what he does. ♪
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he pops the question, she says yes, and it's beautiful! >> she's no in love she didn't look at the ring. >> oh, smooth. >> i know, talk about smooth. >> without a doubt, no doubt. that's it, that's all. catch you on the next "right this minute." this is the dawn of an old day. because at&t and directv are offering yesterday's technology, today. tv from space. [whispered] space as long as it's not too rainy. [whispered] rainy or windy. [whispered] windy or there isn't a branch in the way. [whispered] branchy welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for.
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a bus driver starts weaving, so a passenger starts recording. >> as the bus starts drifting across. >> why there was good reason to be worried. this guy has no idea what's about to hit him. >> that's his girlfriend. >> get the real story behind the red hot revenge. look at him. >> a miniature horse is raring to go, even though he's -- >> only 3 days old. >> how he stunned his owners with his can do attitude. plus one angry baby. and some boaters are throwing their buddy ace life raft. now their friends can get back on board. why that was never going to happen. >> yes! ha, ha!
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