tv Right This Minute FOX September 2, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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a guy decides to surf off the back of the boat. >> of course, you may have noticed that boat was empty. >> ghost ride that could have led to a watery grave. >> no, no, no, no! a wife confronts her husband and alleged mistress after -- >> boom, caught them! >> fight at the airport that turns physical. what looks like a bush on the attack is really a -- >> leopard versus porcupine. >> see who will feel the sting of defeat. and a tough ex-marine on diaper
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duty. >> biological warfare right there. >> why his grandson may win this battle. >> oh, no. i can't do it! >> a brilliant idea. this idea is also terrible. now we've got a couple of gophers on this boat. you may notice that boat was empty. >> is he going to try and -- >> that would have been a bad idea. this idea is way, way worse. what he is going to do is ghost ride the boat by surfing the wave behind the boat because it's turning slightly left. he grabs himself a rootbeer because he's that confident. starts surfing and then quickly you see him paddling really hard.
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>> gosh, jason. if you're not an x games gold medalist, don't try this. >> then he starts panicking. >> no, no, no, no! >> didn't drop his rootbeer. >> no. he crashed into the water and it's bye. >> so what happened to the boat and him? >> if he's going around in a circle, it will come back. how is he going to get on board? >> i'm not clear on how exactly he did it. apparently when he fell off, it sort of veered around to a tighter circle as you can see there and he was able to get back on. i don't know. >> the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen in my life. ollie, you were right. terrible idea. >> but at the same time, brilliant idea. >> no, no! a woman scorned is what we believe this woman in this video to be.
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right at the beginning of the video, she is screaming at someone. that someone is a woman sitting on that luggage cart. they are at the airport in india. there's a man standing right next to the cart. what we read in some reports is that is that woman is that man's wife. that man was at that airport with the girlfriend who is sitting on the cart. and the wife was suspicious and, according to reports, boom, caught them. >> if i was that dude i would call and be like tsa there's a suspicious person on my luggage cart. oh, honey you're here. thank you. >> she does grab him and tries to pull him away. then things escalate quickly. >> oh! >> the level of this guy -- >> the alleged wife slaps the
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alleged girlfriend to which the alleged husband slaps the wife and then kicks her, throwing her to the ground. >> nice to see how quickly people around, the strangers that jumped in to defense, there was a wall of five guys that got in between that guy. at least they were there. >> another brawl caught on video. this one in australia right after a rugby match. you see some of the players involved in the rugby game fighting. it is so heated. you do see the guards are trying to keep everybody separated, trying to break up the brawl. it doesn't happen before one of the dads involved actually gets injured, ends up with a broken, cracked rib. >> just keep it on the pitch, you know. a loss is a loss. shake hands and get it over with. during the game, tackle the guy extra hard if you really want to. >> a pretty serious situation
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here in china. a swollen river has overrun the banks. you could see right here, that is a bus. that's in front of a business. the good thing is nobody is aboard. nobody was hurt in this incident. that bus doesn't stay put. it starts backing up. it's not backing up on its own. that's that river, carrying that bus away. >> i would not be standing on that bridge. if it's strong enough to wipe away vehicles and stuff, what's it doing to the underminings of that bridge? i would get way from that quick. >> that's the question i first asked myself when i saw this video. it is being shot from a bridge. notice that river swallows that bus up and sinks to the bottom. >> it's only a bus. i'm saying that. there's nobody on board. at least for the moment none of the houses seem to be taken down. but you just never underestimate the power of water. >> nature, in this instance, caught in its beauty in arizona,
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70 miles southwest of phoenix. brian snyder captured this video. he says it was an isolated thunderstorm. but it produced some photogenic rain. as you can see, he also capture this had dust devil. he said it lasted several minutes. he got to see all kinds of weather. >> cool thing with the rain shot as it was ending, you saw that wall of dust envelope him as well. you get really cool weather here. i have to be honest as an outsider, very pretty weather. you can just sit outside and watc watch. >> i know, i know, i know. you guys have been saying, nick, where has all the road rage been? i've got three for you. of course, let's start in mother russia. dash cam out here. cars have already been stopped. we don't know what sparked this rage. you see this driver reach into his car and grab -- >> the bat. >> an ax. >> oh, man. >> oh, no. >> raging lunatic ready to swing the ax at the car but he
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doesn't. he holds back. maybe cooler heads are prevailing here. just maybe. >> this guy pulls a gun. >> and -- >> he fires it. >> looks like he's shooting low. he doesn't shoot at the driver, it appears. reports say nobody injured in this incident. if that guy isn't a big enough jerk by firing a gun he just goes ahead and runs the red light. second video here, rainy road. found a pedestrian crossing. >> with lines and everything. >> with line. >> and lights. >> a light, a sign, a clear red light. all the traffic is stopping. this is what we've been waiting to see. a pedestrian crossing that's safely marked except -- >> no! >> no! >> oh, just missed getting hit. >> good god! >> from way downtown, you see this car coming. didn't realize he was about to kill somebody. thankfully, nobody injured in that incident either. >> further proof that moms have eyes in the front, sides and
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back of their heads. here we are on a very wide but dirt road. guy with the dash cam attempts to overtake the slower car on the right. >> oh, man! >> oh, there's a baby. >> yeah. now let's look at that again. it looks like maybe the car on the right was trying to be courteous and slide over to the right a little bit. i think once he did that, he got into the looser dirt, which caused the car to lose control. we do see the guy get out of the vehicle. doesn't look like he's terribly injured. we don't believe the baby was injured either. >> good thing is that we heard the baby cry which meant what the heck just woke me up from my nap? some work hacks that will save money. >> i love this aspect of it. >> the useful tips you will wish you had thought of before. string attached to the back.
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>> you may be a leopard. one of the kings or queens of the jungle. you may be in a cougar national park. if you were a smaller mammal we have right here leopard versus porcupine. let's just say -- >> don't mess with the porcupine when it's mad. >> that got him face full of quicklies. >> don't you think he would know by now? evolution should tell this leopard don't bother. >> i have to tell you, ollie, it is not the smartest leopard. it goes back for more. >> that thing is huge. >> looks like they have the best afro in the world. it's like a self-defense mechanism. >> even after a face full of quicklies that thing does not give up. the people who captured this video, this was their last day of their safari in the national
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park. >> we have learned on "right this minute" that raccoons pretty much have no defense with the trash can, if it's a fake dumpster, this with the lids. raccoon is always going to need some help out. >> one male raccoon can impreg n impregnant nate seven females. kind enough to turn the trash can over and then had to coax the raccoon out. the raccoon kind of likes where it is. nick, remember how you were complaining the other day about how much work sucks and you hate everything about it and you wish you could do anything but this? >> no. >> okay, he hadn't. but if you had, this would be the video for you. >> take some empty toilet paper rolls, put them vertically inside of the shoe box. now you can individually store
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each of those cords that you'll never use. >> i love the recycling aspect of this. >> easily open a coca cola by taking -- computer charger, taking it apart and using it as a bottle opener. >> oh! >> wow! >> that won't damage it? >> who cares? >> you've got a beer. or a coke. >> keep people from stealing your lunch food by simply writing the boss' name on the bag. >> who is going to see that? your boss probably. >> use twist ties from your loaves of bread. >> tired of carrying around business cards? cut your tie in half and use the bottom half as the pouch to put the business cards in. put the pouch in the pocket. store them where they belong, in the trash can. need to leave work early without anyone noticing?
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>> dummy. >> close, dummy food. >> decoy jacket on the back of your chair and dummy food on your desk. take the paper clip, unfold it and insert into the rodent's heart. >> doable but not practical. >> exactly. this one not exactly practical. if you want to see all of them, the useful and the funny ones, click on tv show or use our mobile app. there comes a time in the life of a young motocross star when you have to do really important thing. there is a string attached to the back of that motorcycle. where may that string lead? >> a tooth. >> oh, my gosh! >> that's his cousin. yes. and his cousin has a loose tooth. it's ready to go. little cousin gives the green light. and he guns that throttle.
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>> as soon as he hears that throttle he starts to go oh, no. >> didn't it make you nervous, too? i tensed up a little bit. >> it's so great. here is the best part. the boys were being babysat by their 24-year-old cousin. that's all they were supposed to be doing. but somewhere along the day, cousin is like, hey, you have a loose tooth. we have a motorcycle. let's take care of this problem. >> upload that to facebook. >> it gets even better. this whole thing was inspired by mo. -- motocross star. and the video is getting a lot of attention. >> here is another way to get rid of a tooth. >> wait a minute. >> oh, my gosh. wow! >> now the tooth is attached to
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a paintball gun. >> quite a gun. >> use a paintball gun to get my tooth out. >> three, two, one. >> he got it! >> what can we do today? >> the possibilities are endless. >> a video of new zealand like you've never seen before. >> it's just stunning. >> drone footage that will take your breath away. and this girl has a super human ability. >> this woman can actually lift them using her bare arms. dumbfounded.rank that leaves nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart.
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before children's allegra.rgies made her miss out on the fun. effective, long-lasting, non-drowsy relief of their toughest symptoms. after allegra, kids can stop suffering, and start living. being free from dandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue targets dandruff, wiping out flakes and itch. selsun blue. freedom from dandruff. you may need a little help aftfalling try new unisom sleepminis™ to get a good night's sleep and wake recharged. unisom sleepminis™. a stressful day deserves a restful night. in new zealand all these different videos coming to us from in the air. team super tramp, using a ton of
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drone footage. i think the best way to see the gorgeous islands of new zealand. >> i'm a little disappointed. i haven't seen a hobbit yet. >> are you playing "lord of the rings" music in your head right now? >> from the snowiy peaks what an incredibly beautiful video to check out. >> beautiful stretch of the pacific ocean in the coast of northern california. stunning. very rocky beautiful cliffs especially farther north up you go. sold. >> i love seeing this video back-to-back with new zealand. then you see this, oh, my gosh, that's our country. it looks great. shot by our editor jack. >> of course. >> you want to see some cliffs? from the lovely state of arizona. >> hey! >> a huge 200-mile long cliff through the states. >> i recognize that back bumper
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on that truck. >> that's my truck. camping right on the edge of that cliff. set up your chairs and, boom, watch this. my favorite shot i got over the weekend. just swooping through the camp site. and there's like mother nature's front porch right there. >> base jumping? >> no base jumping. >> just hung out. very tranquil spot. world tour with the aerial drones. >> try to lift her. not a chance, right? >> here it is. yet another hysterical and brilliant prank from our friends, rich ferguson. >> we don't have the lerchl. what if she could do it to you? >> pranking them into believing that this woman could actually lift them using her bare arms. listen to this explanation. >> make a fist really tight. you're exciting all the muscles
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and connections and communication between that and your brain. all throughout your body is three to four times tougher right now. she's been able to really fine tune this art so she can lift you. >> so believable. >> especially because he's telling you that she is a pro. she knows what she's doing. >> watch this. watc watch. >> i love the look on his face. >> put your arm there is and lift him up. >> he doesn't feel a man behind him? >> it's all about the power of suggestion. isn't that crazy? >> part of the reason they believe this is the people behind him helping her lift are with the subject. while the subjects aren't looking they give a card to the people with them that has all the instructions starting with shhh, this is a prank.
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>> sneak up behind your brother and lift with her. that's all you've got to do. then you, too, can have super human strength. >> this ex-marine has fought harsh battles. but biological war fare. >> see the diaper war that hadh >> i can't do it. ♪ now at chili's, new smoked chicken burritos for lunch. make it a lunch combo. then tap, swipe, and go. ♪ we love, love, chocolaty, creamy, with a little something extra. mmm deliciousness. cookies or almonds. yumminess. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate.
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comes up against his grandson. taj need ace diaper change. >> behind enemy lines. >> that's biological warfare right there. >> it sure is, according to papa, as he calls himself. >> he hasn't even started opening the diaper. >> but that stench just goes up your nose and -- >> hold your breath. how long can you hold your breath for? >> probably for six minutes. that's how long this video is. >> he's out of practice. >> that's horrible. oh, my god. it ain't funny. oh, no. i can't do it. >> he qualified for the marines, man. you've been through some stuff. >> but he takes one look at what's in that diaper and watch. >> come on. >> you don't know what that baby ate. that could be extra stanky.
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>> the man side of me is wondering if this is an impeccable example of doing it badly so that you never have to do it again. >> there is that theory. >> why would you record it if not to show back the women, the mom. this is torture. look how bad it is for me. >> he would rather take the ribbing from this than ever have to do it again. thanks for spending time with us today. we'll see you next time on "right this minute."
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