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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 16, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PST

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♪ a tourist hops a fence at the grand canyon and -- >> scampers out like a squirrel. >> see the dangers of living life on the edge. >> he's tripping. >> let's hope he doesn't. a forklift becomes a fireball. >> that thing just exploded. >> why you ain't seen nothing yet. boiling hot oil and baer hands usually don't mix. >> i don't know how he's doing it and not losing his skin. >> the cook's secret to his wild plus, the buzz word for your shot to win a new ipad mini. and mom follows the trail straight to her son. >> and she's not happy. >> you know what happened? >> what he was trying to do that made all the mess. >> oh!
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the grand canyon is a destination. >> can't blame people getting kind of excited when they see the grand canyon. this guy here, frank cronin, irish lad, he gets the wild idea to do the grand canyon sky walk for free. jumps over this fence and then scampers out like a squirrel. gets to the edge of this pylon of rock and leaps -- >> to his death? >> he's tripping. >> let's hope he doesn't. >> i don't know much about him. i don't know if he's got a parachute buried beneath that sweater he's wearing. here he goes with another death-defying leap. go, frank, go. >> no, frank, no. >> my stomach is in knots watching this. i'm afraid of heights and that's ridiculous. >> he does have a heck of a view. >> he's going to have a great story when he gets back to ireland. >> he can get that view from a helicopter.
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>> those puddles of water that gather, super important to the desert. frank's plucking on the ice. >> ice. >> this is one of the seven wonders of the world. if they have a fence and a lock, don't interrupt it. it's there for a >> i cannot condone what frank is doing. people have died by doing what frank did here, jumping over fences. >> he survived and made it onto "right this minute" but this could have gone the other way as well. he would have -- >> been on the news. >> don't do this. everybody pay attention to the truck on your right. that is a very big big rig. it is next to this car with the dash cam. it's going to figure prominently in this video from dash cam owner. the driver of the car with the dash cam realizes something is about to happen. he says that truck is flying and that truck is flying but watch what it flies into it.
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that truck just skimmed the side of that car. pushes it up against the gutter to the left. according to the man who posted the video, the truck did not see them. listen to what the woman in the car says as soon as this happened. >> what the [mute]! >> there was a baby in the car. the good news is -- >> what the hell! >> no one was hurt in this incident. you can see after it happens the driver gets out to see what he caused. this next dash cam video shows us that it's not always the drivers or the pedestrians you need to be worried about. sometimes it's just what they're carrying. this is obviously the u.k. because we're on the left side of the road and coming up on a roundabout and watch this. see that van? >> oh, no. >> dude! >> is that like a ramp to something? >> it looked like long metal
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plates. >> you can see one yellow restraint. >> it was strapped down. it wasn't like they put it in there with no consideration. >> i wouldn't call it unsecured. i'd call it badly secured because they made some attempt. i don't know what they fill forklifts in australia with but this is bonkers. this forklift is at this market. apparently it's a fruit and veggie m this person is recording this forklift that's on fire from afar which is a very smart decision because watch what happens in just a few seconds. that thing just exploded. the authorities believe that it was just a faulty gas connection. over to virginia where another vehicle is on fire at this gas station. firefighters responding quickly. look at what they see, an suv
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engulfed in flames right next to those pumps. they have to get to work quickly and they do. you see that they are fighting the fire from that opposite angle. they say that because of the location of the gas pumps, the members of the fire team decided to fight the fire from that angle to push any residual fuel away from additional pumps. they had successfully put that fire out but unfortunately, that suv will not live to tell the story. >> you never want a car to catch fire anyway but at the gas station, that's the worst . bentley from kentucky and tim matthews who watches in colorado are both ipad mini winners. >> kathleen maloney in new jersey will watch us on a brand new flat screen tv because she was a bonus winner. >> you can win, too. all you need is monday's buzz word, be at least 18 years old
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and a legal u.s. resident. >> our buzz word is coming up in just a minute. >> stand by for the ipad mini give away. traveling abroad is awesome. getting to interact with the locals and try the street food. this street vendor in india has a hands-on approach unlike any other. >> i hope he's got clean hands. >> he's hands are cleaner than any hands you'll ever run across because they're boiling hot. this is ram babu and he makes snacks by dipping his hands in the boiling hot oil. >> i don't know how he's doing it and not losing his skin. >> the doctors don't know how he's doing it either. he's been doing this since he was 14 years old. that's over 40 years. >> i have two theories. he's got calloused hands, and there's zero senses left because they've been burned away. >> the only other thing i can think of is if he's dipping his hand in water right before because water and oil don't mix but that's going to cause trouble. it's insane.
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>> he said people come to his stand from across the world just to watch him cook their food and dip his hands in the oil. >> he's a superstar. >> he said i'm just an old man with these hands but i'm famous because of the things i can do. >> kim kardashian is famous fo >> i love deep fried foods. i just didn't know you could use your hands. >> deep fried fingers, yeah. >> as long as the skin doesn't come off with your food, i think we're good. he's out for a drive and comes across something in the road. >> when politeness works lik plus -- >> you're incredible. >> i'm not incredible. >> possibly the most modest child yet. >> i think he's just manipulating dad like no, no, no. this is brad. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol?
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what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. it's olive garden's 20th anniversary of never ending pasta bowl. so for a limited time we're offering over 20 delicious choices starting at $9.99. like our creamy classic alfredo, or crispy chicken fritta. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. offer ends sunday. at olive garden.
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closed captioning provided by -- save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. no trespassing.
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don't go here, don't go there. that's what's going on in this video, a property dispute. a guy pulls up and said are you talking to me or the dog. >> you're trespassing. >> is this your property? >> yes, it is. i know you saw the signs. >> now we've got an impasse. >> you can tell that to the cop when he gets here. >> let him come. >> why don't you wait for him. >> why should i? >> what coudo you mean? >> who are you? >> i thought you said you wanted to hear it from them. >> the rest of this is man peacocking strutting around, it's my property, no it's not. >> that's an insult to peacocks. >> i pay taxes on it. >> you do? >> everything is a question. is it? i pay taxes. do you? >> you see the guy with the camera step in front of the atv. >> this is not going to be good. >> the camera goes to the ground. it appears that the guy with the
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camera got either hit or run over. >> he got my [mute] key. >> give him the key back. >> you ran over me, man. >> it does sound like the guy grabbed the key to the atv and soon after the video ends. this video was put out there by the local sheriff's department because they were looking for the guy on the atv. of course local media picked it up and it got a lot of attention. the guy has been identified. >> has he? >> deputies do expect to file charges against the man on the atv in this case. time for some hugging, no, i'm not talking about mma. i'm being quite literal. this video was put up from the guys at 987 fm in singapore offering 50 bucks if you could win a hugging contest. you have to hold onto a heavy bag but you've got to beat your opponents. they got some guys from the singapore wrestling federation. they've got the members of the
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public on one side of singapore and then they have got another place, all connected with cameras and racing each other. three, two, one. now look at this. you see this little kid. he's going up against one of the muscle men. they've got feathers to tickle you to get your feet, your hands. this kid, four minutes straight actually managed to beat one of them. all kinds of impressive ones as well. look at this one, doing situps while on the bag. >> that's a member of the public? >> yeah. he's completely whipping some butt. this guy is the champion. karma is a hindu cow. this guy can stay up there all day. he beat that guy four and a half minutes by the looks of it. >> he's like, come on, let's do this. i can do this all day long. i'm going to cuddle with this we all have bad days.
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sometimes kids have even worse days because being a kid is just so hard. >> you're incredible. >> no. i'm not incredible. >> justin is just having one of them days. >> you are fantastic. >> no! i'm not fantastic! >> if you're going to compliment him, do it in two syllables or less. >> he's calling him, incredible, smart. at one point he calls him good looking and amazing. >> i'm not. >> i think he's manipulating dad like no, no, no. go on. >> dad goes, okay fine then. what are you? >> i'm just a big boy. >> aw. >> yeah dad, i'm not incredible or amazing or intelligent or good looking. he says i'm just a big boy. >> that's really sweet. >> i'm going to go hug my son. >> you are -- >> no! >> oli, you hug your son. this son has left her scratching her head.
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she posted this video to her facebook and, boy, i'll tell you, all i can do is go, son, you better run. >> what are you doing? >> there's a trail of flour that leads to her son alex and she's not happy. >> wait, wait, how old is he? >> hold enough to try to bake mom cookies. >> you can't be mad at that. >> exactly. >> what is mommy going to do about this mess? who's going to help me clean it up? >> how did he get it on his face and shoulders? >> it's so easy. >> what happened, mum? >> look at me. this isn't right. it's monday. and that means real or fake time start with a show car that becomes -- >> whoa! >> something mysterious is happening on mother earth. >> don't hibernate under there. i'm not sticking around and waiting for it to eat me. >> watch and decide. ebaum's world is next.
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plus the monday buzz word for your shot to win an ipad mini is coming your way. in multivitamin history. a moment when something so familiar... becomes something introducing new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains a full spectrum of essential nutrients... you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints. the coolest way yet... to get your multivitamins.
2:47 pm
nobody's hurt,but there will you totalstill be pain. new car. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. new car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. and for drivers with accident forgiveness,rates won't go up due to your first accident. learn more by calling switch to liberty mutual and you can save up to $509. for a free quote today,call liberty mutual insurance at see car insurance in a whole new light.
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liberty mutual insurance. promotional consideration provided by -- unisom to fall asleep fast. unisom a stressful day deserves a restful night. monday, the day famous the world over for the day that comes before tuesday, but here at "right this minute" it's also the day we get to play real or fake with matt! >> what's up, pimps, players, hustlers, ballers, shock collars, let's get into it. roll the clip, my man. this is happening somewhere in
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russia. >> oh! >> cool. >> i say real. >> totally. >> that's just like a show car that they've created to just blast apart. i love it. >> i'm not going to argue that. you nailed it. >> next up. >> come on. of course it's real. we all probably do that. admit it. >> i toppled in kayak like nobody's business. >> real. >> this is real. >> number three. >> this is captured in canada. >> you see that. >> oh, snap. >> the ground was moving. >> look at that! >> it looks like the forest in lord of the rings. >> what madness drove you there?
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>> i say real. >> baby, you're looking skeptical. >> i'm not sticking around and waiting for it to come and eat me. >> i think it's just the wind blowing the roots of the trees and tugging on the ground. >> excellent theory there, nick. >> nick, you stole my thunder there. that's exactly what's happening. heavy winds. the roots are being de-rooted from the wind. you guys got it. it's real. >> awesome. it's been reel. >> see ya guys. this man, darren nicoles drives down the road in the evening and comes across something in the road. that's not a speed bump. >> it's a crocodile. >> yes, it is but the reason why this video is going viral is because of the way darren dispatches these crocodiles. he doesn't honk or drive up to the crocodile with his car to scare it. he politely just gets out -- >> you want to get off the road so we can pass, please.
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>> he said please. >> right. he just is quite polite. there's another one down the road. >> it was the dad tone, like this is your last warning. >> darren is getting lots of attention because of his polite demeanor, because of the way he spoke to these animals. he works at the sports fishing lodge so he has lots of experience with animals and maybe that's why he's so gentle and kind to these animals. >> he plays mother may i and they respond. >> thank you. onto a couple of other animals that aren't quite as stealthy as you might think. actually, you don't think these animals are stealthy at all. they've left a clear trail. we have five escapees from the zoo in denmark. the zoo keeper following the tracks. >> penguins. >> ding, ding, ding. >> the zoo keeper says something -- they hear her voice
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and they're like what? we weren't trying to escape, nah. we love it here. they scamper back the way they came. next time they're going to make sure the floor is clear. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you need the buzz word, be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to and click on the win ipad button. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter or both. you can enter every day. >> let's reveal monday's buzz word. it is rebel. >> send it to click on the win ipad button and enter the buzz word, rebel. >> later this week we'll be having a bonus giveaway day where we'll be giving one of you lucky people a flat screen tv. good luck to you all. it's a new app and it's own the
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building, we rent it. please do it at it wouldn't be a new week if we weren't getting excited about a new app out there. this one is awesome. ♪ usher, usher, usher. >> this is by little john and ludicrous. basically the app is called a cappella. you can record up to nine different videos of yourself and just create your own songs. ♪ she's got a smile that seems to be reminds me of childhood memories ♪ >> that's cool. >> if you have a shred of talent, you might like this ignition remix by r. kelly.
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♪ i'm not trying to be rude >> that's good. i'm hooked. >> people are also copying viral videos. see if you can recognize this one. >> snake, snake. >> dumbledore. >> snake, snake. >> dumbledore. >> oh, my gosh, this is cute. >> this side of the table is digging it. >> i'm digging it. i'm not a super nerd like you guys but i really love this. >> it's all part of potter puppet pals and the serious ticking noise. the videos we've been talking about we'll put on our website. check it out. we'll see if we can record some of our own as well. i'm sure they'll be great. >> you love our show? watch us again on the next "right this
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>> oooh, what are you doing? what? you were going to make me some cookies? what happened in the kitchen? you don't knono
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] harvey: welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. charles: charles here. harvey: tomorrow morning charlie sheen will go on "the today show" and tell matt lauer that he's h.i.v. positive. and this is a, obviously, a big deal and it is something that apparently charlie has been dealing with for well over a year. but he's doing this because all of this had been seeping out and there were stories that came out last week and stories before that which were circulating.


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