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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 15, 2016 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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don't try and snow me on this. >> i went through a yellow. >> you went through a right. >> why are you being so mean to me? >> see why the sudden dash cam leads to a change of heart. >> what? i'm able to enjoy myself. >> he just passed his driving test but this teen already has -- >> a $2.4 million car collection. >> see what life is like for a rich kid with instagram. a climber near the pinnacle has a story to tell. >> it's amazing. >> what left him inches from death. plus, proof that motherhood
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is a balancing act. and a kid with magic moves shows how to dance like bruno mars. time to go toork for truck driver mike up in ontario, canada. what do we know about people in canada? he steps out from his house and not a moment down the road he encounters a stoplight. watch what happens at the step stoplight. watch what happens, the light is green and it turns yellow. he's well across the line before it turns red. >> that's the rule. >> thank you. this officer didn't see it quite as you and pulls mike over. >> right. >> here's the first interaction with offir. >> if you're laughing you'll get a ticket. >> the cop is kind of contention with mike and he was being quite
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cordial. it continues. >> shut down the exit if we're going to be here a while. >> t >> i wasn't laughing. >> you were when i walked up. i'm sick of your laughter, i can take you to court. so don't snow me on this. >> he says, did you fill in your logbook? he said, i just left the house. >> at the first convenience. >> i know exactly what there is. >> in pure canadian form, he says -- >> why are you being abusive with me? >> i'm being direct with you. >> and mike said, i went through a yellow light. >> it was red. >> and he's got the video to prove it. >> exactly. that's when mike says he has it on dash cam.
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>> this is 50/50. >> wow. >> i'm afraid. >> here comes the officer. you're right. i've had a rough morning and i apologize. he admitted fault. that was very big of him. i apologize. >> wow, that is very human of him. >> but still gives him a ticket? >> no, he let him go. >> i love how mike says -- >> listen, i love the cops, man, i love the caps. that was unbelievable. i am terrified of heights. so the cool thing about climbing is you have the safety harness, the cope that is there to save your life, you hope. this is jamie right at the top of this seaside in scotland. 60 feet high approaching the end
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of his climb. there's been harsh winds here. as he reaches for a handhold -- >> oh! he went tumbling down! >> did the other holds come out of the rocks? >> that's exactly right. that rock disintegrated and he fell. the rock in the first peg came out as well. the second one held and at the very last second, inches from the ground, he is stopped from smashing into those rocks. >> if there was any more line available, he would have just splattered, essentially, hitting hard on the rocks. >> he ended up with a fractured tibia, but outside of that, just cuts and stitches. he's on the mend.
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folks, when it's time, it's time. this woman in shanghai was headed to her in-laws home when she was experiencing a little discomfort. you see her lean over on the rails and starts to hold her knees. the traffic officers notice her because she then goes to the ground. she's experiencing some cramping and you know what's about to come. >> i think somebody else decided they wanted to appear. >> the two officers rush to her aid to help her get comfortable. meanwhile, two other officers swarm to her defense and you'll see suddenly people start to gather around. they call an ambulance. but in the meantime, they create a makeshift delivery room and the officers delivered the baby right there. >> wow, what a crowd, too! in front of a gallery of spectators. >> once the baby arrives they rush her to the hospital. the baby is just fine. >> they went to get the footage from the pizza place all together. the entire process was captured on camera somewhere. >> this is well documented.
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>> the husband is like, cool, i didn't miss a thing. you got it all on camera. i wish i had a big bag of popcorn so i could eat it and cry after i watch these two videos. because watch what these people can do. >> oh, string goes right there. >> in this first video, she, i think you can figure out, is a former cirque du soleil performer. she's kind of good at this stuff. >> this is just her day job. >> yes, these are her kids and she continues to workout but she incorporates her kids into this gravity-defying workout. >> the kids love this stuff. >> look at her daughter, that little girl is adorable, enjoying the workout. >> that's incredible and so inspiring as well. for the kids, it is just imprinting on them. it's healthy exercise, healthy lifestyle. this will bond with them as well. >> the female body is amazing.
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you have the children and get on back to business. there you have it. >> now this is going to make the guys jealous. this sweet and lovely fit couple is actually -- he's 29 years old and a player for the russian soccer team then in st. petersberg. that's his wife, a spanish tv presenter, she's also 29 years old and recently had a baby. she, too, has to get back in shape so she uses the help of her hand to get back in shape. how can you not? this is your workout, are you kidding? >> it's more fun to go to the gym. >> this is great quality time, too. he's calling all elephants. how this guy proves he's just part of the herd. and -- >> this stunt has bad written all over it. >> see what happens when a boat-topped car meets the pond. >> oh! >> no way!
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hyeah?m. we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes. well, i found this new thing called allstate quickfoto claim. it's an app. you understand that? you just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. really? so you get a quicker estimate, quicker payment, quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app that will help you explain this to your father. quickfoto claims. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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in closed captioning provide by -- y. allegra® gelcaps... not just fast. allegra® fast. this is jack watkin. jack is 17. nothing will stop him from having a $2.4 million car collection. jack is a rich kid of instagram. all of this happened with his parents' money. his biggest purchase was a hand watch, a $700,000 u.s. watch. but it tells the time. his dad made his fortune in property. >> so fairly successful, right? and they have money to spend, so -- >> we can't identify but they've got it to spend it so spend it.
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>> he does like to spend it. likes to spend it on clothes. this is a glorious interview. >> i think the most i spend on clothes is normally on -- because the price is very high. i prefer it because a lot of people can't buy it. >> that's why he likes it, other people can't afford it. his friend angeline talks about it. >> we fly for a night out. >> these things don't just happen, they take a lot of time. having a private jet doesn't just fly itself. you need somebody to fly it. >> a pool doesn't clean itself, you have t hire someone to clean it. it's not easy. i think i'm more mature than most teenagers because i can buy expensive watches and cars all by myself. i can cope with that responsibility unlike other teenagers. yes, he takes the burden of
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spending his father's money and takes it upon himself. it's not easy. >> sadly, he's way out of touch. hopefully there's somebody in his life to give him a little bit of a perspective. >> i wouldn't be confident about that. let's meet his mom. >> you've seen the one i like. you know me, the best one in the world. >> he's part of a reality tv show called "the majors" and is referred to as the cheshire. this video is fantastic. the guys are back at it again. >> i love to see the logo because i know it's going to be sweetly ridiculous. >> this stunt has bad written all over it. >> going to be pulling off a stunt using this glorious boat. >> okay. >> they are going to use a truck
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here. this car hasn't run in forever. they are trying to put a battery in it, it just won't go. but that's not going to prevent them from pulling this off. >> the truck has a bumper guard on it so it's going to push this car into a lake right here. >> is that a stunt or just vandalism? >> it's a little more than you're thinking. the boat is going to go on top of the car. >> a-ha! >> and how many nut jobs will be inside the boat? >> there's one person inside the boat. >> you're insane, man. >> round up your opinions. what do you think is going to happen? >> the car is going to sink and the boat is just going to sail off the top. >> no, that's not going to happen. the car is going to hit the water and the boat is going to launch in. whoever is in it is going to go -- >> i have a feeling he's going to fall out before the pond. >> i don't think you're going to get wet. >> let's see what happens. >> three, two, one!
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>> oh! >> oli, you, my friend, are correct. >> wow! wow! >> not even he can believe it. >> this is the first moment in "pmi" history that something has gone right. i can't believe it happened that way. >> every angle is brilliant. >> if all that was thought out that well, then wow, these guys are -- p-r-o. being able to have a relationship with a wild animal has to be fascinating, even if it is just in your imagination. this guy is at the elephant nature park in thailand and is calling out to the elephants. he's saying, come, and the elephants respond.
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>> what? >> it's like elephants assemble! >> they surround him and then he just starts walking with the elephants toward the people over here recording. >> he's just one of the herd. >> trust has been built up. he obviously respects the animals, they respect him. >> the video was put out by the animal foundation. not the bears you want to pick a fight with. instead, see they will like these guys here. >> it is absolutely stunning. these tourists are in a bus. the bears on their hind legs and walk over. >> look at the way they are doing it as well. it's like the bears are watching the humans. oh, cool, guys, the humans are coming. they are so weird looking. >> i love the way they walk. it's monday. real or fake with ebalm's world.
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>> whoa! >> what was that? >> next "right this minute." and still to come, things get awkward with a simple question. >> do you work here? >> yeah. >> see the prank that has real employees just scratching their head. >> i'll just go. plus, let's pull the drain plug. the amazing shredding when skateboarders take over an empty water park.war park. dogs - sure can be messy. but with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite.
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use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? for powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. the #1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours.
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when your symptoms start... distracting you? doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. promotional considerations provided by -- dubai, one of the most
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over-the-top cities, so what a perfect place for red bull to set up the new stunt session. this is the aqua water park. a huge place for people to have fun in the sun. but skateboarders don't see it that way. let's pull the drain plug. dry the park out for a little bit of maintenance. while the thing is shut down, skating. dubai invited in three of the world's top milton martinez and jan hoffman to get into the park and attack the water slide and the near vertical wall as the zumerango. >> look at that, that is ridiculous! >> some of the drops are 6 stories high. >> think about it, it was designed for skateboarding. >> tell me that doesn't give you anxiety while you watch this. just a little bit. >> i can barely do the slides let alone skate.
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>> anxiety for sure. but the fact that these guys have the skill and talent to get outside of their normal realm of halfpipe or skate parks. look at this and transfer all their talent to that. this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. turns out in isn't the only king of awkward. the guys over at the studios are pretty good at it themselves. >> hey, do you work here? >> yeah. >> oh, i do apologize about that. i didn't mean to bug you. >> he asks random employees at coffee shops and retail stores, hey, do you work here? then when they do, he turns around. >> do you work here? oh, okay. >> name tag, name the store pen, tags, what else. >> it's so frustrating because
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the rest of the day, that guy is like, were they stealing? what did they want to ask me? >> uh-huh. >> i'm sorry, i'm confused, is there something i can help you find? >> no. >> puzzled i think is the way these people feel. >> why did you ask if i work here? i don't want to be ripped off. >> the kid's hair reminds me of a young christopher lloyd or cramer. that just cracks me up. >> no, i was just wondering, do you work here? no, i was just wondering if you have croup. >> can't you tell by my flare? >> oh, you work here? >> yeah. >> the this lady is concerned. i think she's a little suspicious as to why he's even asking that question. was he trying to ask that? >> do you work here? >> no, you work here. >> we'll never find out.
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you can go to and click on the tv show. he's breaking down liz dance moves. but see why feeling it is definitely easier said than done.
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it is just crazy. >> incredible. i can't believe it. if you would like to learn the two-step just like bruno mars, low has it laid out for you step by step. >> don't believe me, just watch. >> first move, your heels are going to go right in front of your left. left, right, left and right. left, right, left, right. >> already lost. >> the arms are not choreographed so do whatever you want freestyle. >> whoo! that's not freestyle. that's noodle arms. >> here it's trick ku but we'll get through it. >> just now we're getting to the tricky part? >> you're going to go one and
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two and switch. three and four and one and two and three and switch and switch and -- >> there's nothing more than i want right now to be able to jump out of this chair and throw it all off. and watch jaws drop. i just wish i had it in me. i wish i could follow it and have the dance moves. >> your dance moves are as good as my jokes. >> that's true. >> up, down, up heel, turn out, step, step and you go one and two and switch and switch and -- one more time. everything from the top, yeah? >> already, ready? >> five, and six and seven and eight. ♪ >> i'm just going on record to say we don't dance, we boogie.
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>> i like that. >> out, in, out, in. >> this is embarassing. not everybody was born to dance. and that's okay. >> yeah, well -- >> show us. >> uh, uh, uh, uh. >> i had a lot of fun onset. hope you enjoyed watching it. we'll see youou
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it's a daring sheep rescue over rushing waters as a team manages to save -- >> all 40000 animals and the shepherd. >> find out what is behind this ingenious make-shift bridge. a grown woman is throwing rocks at cars. >> except she picked on the wrong driver. >> how he got this road hazard off the road. that's my baby. >> when grandma gets to the end of this chapter -- >> there's a surprise. >> oh, my gosh! the whole story behind one sweet reunion. plus, why guessing your boyfriend's address is a dicy proposition.


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