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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 8, 2016 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

2:30 pm
a clueless suspect guns the engine after he. >> allegedly hit several cars and tried to run away. >> the moment he runs and then realizes he's being followed. >> wow. >> a lost elephant is found by some caring rangers. >> they wanted to reunite the calf with his family. >> the way he got baby back to the herd. >> i'm in a bit of a peculiar situation. >> a husband has suspicions about his wife. the sneaky way he sets out to prove it. >> i feel like he shouldn't be doing this behind her back. >> and a quiz with dad where a wrong answer means. >> i get you back. >> holds his breath. >> see the world class gamer on a losing streak.
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>> when is my birthday? >> october 21st. >> two for that. >> yikes. >> the driver of that car allegedly hit several cars and tried to run away. he smashed through the fence and that's how he ended up in the yard. interesting part about this is this guy doesn't give up. the car is disabled. the wheel has fallen off and the person recording this video are wo wondering what's going on. you see the person step out of the car, then he gets back in the car and starts doing this. >> maybe the battery is flat. >> he got out, noticed the extent of the damage and was like i got a chance here. let's try again. >> i'm surprised his neighbors haven't come out and try to thump this guy. >> maybe you just don't know. >> the neighbors come out and start to call the police.
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you hear the sirens. >> is he going to take off running? >> exactly. at this point he sees the people with the phone recording him following him. >> what's up, bro? >> hey, it was on my car. >> he's looking for a lift. >> he tries to get in the car and the passenger gets in the car this isn't my car you can't get in. the pd is on route. >> let's surround and grab on the the dude. >> that's what happens. >> what did he just say? >> he says it again. >> you could have -- my mom has cancer and she has two weeks to live. >> he doesn't care. >> do you know how many kids -- >> bro, it was my car. >> this is a bit of a jerk. >> the guy is letting him know he could have hurt somebody else. >> at this point you see the guy start to wander away. we made calls to the santa ana
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p.d. but he was later arrested. >> my mama's dying anyway. the rangers in kenya have a big job even though they're watching out for a little bull elephant calf. it fell into that waell. they were able to get it out. but they want to reunite the calf with his family. there he is. look at his forehead, that's just a scratch. >> i didn't realize it was zoomed in on a calf. i thought someone was about to die. >> i also didn't realize it was tied to a tree. >> they did tie the elephant up to a tree. they wanted to reunite the calf with the family. they couldn't find the family but they were going to wait with the calf all day. they want to make sure the calf had shade, they wanted to make sure it had water. unfortunately they don't hear anything. and just as evening comes, they
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realize, you know, we got to pack this thing up. the family is not coming. we need to do something. and it's going to be night fall. so they start picking up their staf stuff. that's when the baby hears something. drinking water and then ears are up. >> you see it like a dog when it heard? i knew that. >> exactly. one of the rangers decides to play hide and seek with him because they want to lure him out into the bush so he'll get closer to his herd. so they start playing, hide behind the tree and finally this ranger gets the elephant to go behind the tree and books it. that's when the elephant realizes the humans left me but my family is right over there h. see that? those elephants are over there so the elephant goes back and you do see him reunite with one of the adults and get a good love hug. >> i believe back with mom where he belongs.
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>> a nice jog through nature. something many of us may take for granted. not dr. shawna weaver. she's out on a run. this run is much larger than it may look. she's going to run 310 miles from canada to wisconsin along the north shore of lake superior. it's a big deal to shawna because ten years ago she went through two corrective back surgeries. at the time the doctors said you can forget about physical activity anymore. you're done. you're not going to be able to move around much. she did a lot of yoga, physical therapy and took care of her body and basically did the exact opposite of what doctors thought she could do. >> i love that. the thing is doctors don't know everything. she knew her body and that's amazing. >> it's more than running. listen to some of the things she has planned. >> i'm preparing to run in a record ten days. >> she's going for a record and
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also to raise awareness. >> lake superior contains 10% of our entire planet's drinkable water. >> bet you didn't know that. so let's protect it. >> my journey is a metaphor for the resilience of this lake and its people. it's about reclaiming my physical health. >> yeah. cool, huh? along the way she'll hold fireside chats with professors and students. >> she set up a go fund me case to raise money for the project. >> inspirational story. >> i love this. >> i'm sure at some point you have dug in your guard and lifted log and how comes a earth worm. >> this is tourists from the youtube channel. >> we were going through the rain forest and crossing the road is this. >> that's an earth worm. >> of epic proportions.
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>> meet the giant earth worm. >> that's a snake. >> look at how enormous this thing is. >> earth worms of this size can reach five to seven feet. this one probably weighed about a pound. >> five to seven feet. he uses his iphone to give us an idea of scale for the size of this thing. >> now i'm impressed when you're a kid you'd find rooms and go that's a big one. you could go fishing for a month with that one. >> that's like a bird seeing it's thanksgiving meal, hello. >> these large earth worms have a predator. >> they're hunted by a rare amphibian. >> this is getting weirder and weirder. >> that looks like the thing from aliens. >> one last hand shake good bye and say adios to giant earth worm. two guys are out on a lake playing a game of chicken. >> did they discuss what direction they were going to turn? >> apparently not.
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>> plus you love hair. >> you're going to be into this. >> extensions taken to a whole new level. >> that's like, bald. >> no. when we stopped selling thechee, boy did i hear about it. @biggbill7 writes: are you kidding me? no more cheeseburgers on a pizza? are you kidding me? they're back, big bill - with bacon. are you kidding me?! papa's bacon cheeseburger pizza is back. piled high with hickory smoked bacon, dill pickles, and zesty burger sauce. and try our new mushroom swiss burger pizza. just ten dollars each for a large. papa john's dot com wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®.
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closed kapgcaptioning provi by -- ♪ you guys have seen numerous times on the show talking about the power of water. got another voideo that demonstrates it. this marina, there is 20 yachts moored out there. the river is moving with some speed. >> oh. >> suddenly see all of these yachts start moving as they scrape and crash and bang into each other.
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>> that boat you're like -- oh. >> [ bleep ]. >> oh, in ththe end they say abt 20 yachts were washed away, a number of them sank and the rest went out to sea. >> i think there needs to be a go over again in this video from russia where two guys are on the lake apparently where they were going to go at each other at the last second they were going to turn and miss each other. >> did they discuss which direction they were going to turn? >> funny point that one, nick because. >> oh! >> they just smash into each other at top speed. >> that is the dumbest dumbest thing. >> yeah, and it was a pretty big bang. there were reports one of the people in one of those votes went to the hospital with broken ribs concussion and multiple
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contusions. >> you love hair, you're going to be into this? >> i want to show you guys what this look like. >> it's not her hair we're going to talk about. it's hair she paints. >> it's like sewn together at the top. >> oh, it's like fall. >> she has taken extensions, taken hair dye and applied it to specific areas of the extensions to give it this look. >> this is what they look like out of the hair. >> she's working with blond hair so that gives her a solid canvas. >> it accepts color a lot easier. >> exactly. she was able to do the starry night. she's got the screen. >> does she do this with the intention that somebody can wear it as wearable art or is she just doing it to hang on a wall. >> she has pictures on her website where you can see people
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wearing the art pieces in her hair. >> she's good enough to make it obvious what it is which is awesome. >> i'm jealous and i want one. >> what's the price tag? >> you can't commission her to do this. she will do it if she wants to. >> it's super cool what she's doing. >> sup guys? what i'm doing is going to hurt a lot. >> that there on the table is a shock collar. every time he gets a question wrong -- >> we could use a couple of these on set. >> for you. >> i said a couple. >> first question. >> what's my best friend's name. >> say your mom, say your mom. >> do you have any friends? >> give him two for that. >> you have no friends. >> my best friend is your mom. >> see! >> i'm impressed.
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smart married man over here. >> what do you love to do? >> sleeping. >> you should give him some begging strips in between. >> your mom's favorite dish. >> i'm going to say spinach. >> got that wrong. >> wrong again. each time he answers the question he holds his breath. >> because teenagers don't listen. they don't listen to their parents. >> it's proof that dads are going to have fun with their kids no matter what. >> i can't spank you anymore. >> sprain. >> okay. got that one right. >> yeah. yeah. >> he's on a roll. >> yeah. >> when is my birthday? >> look at his face. >> appealing for mercy entirely. >> 23rd. >> i'm wondering if any of this would make it sink in.
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>> no. no. i don't care. >> when was the last time i was intimate with your mom? >> why would you ask your kid that? >> because he's a dad. >> two years ago. >> last night. >> last night? we were in the garage. >> in the garage? >> drilling, the hammering. >> oh, no! >> i'm not going to feel for dad when he gets the bill afor therapy for this kid. >> let this be a lesson to all kids. pay attention. tune in a little more. >> except for the intimate part. >> if you want to see more of this video head over to our website or use our mobile app.
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the samara wcamera was se u because the neighbor wanted to catch it on tape. >> oh, that's cute. >> wants a puppy so bad.
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when i have a breakout from eczema, i feel like i'm in this shell. gold bond eczema relief relieves five frustrating symptoms of eczema. my skin's back. let this hero help. in the fight against cavities new act batman rinse tastes great and helps reduce cavities up to 40% for better checkups. act kids. visual and audible symphony. a perfect blend of machine and road. the mcclairen 650 spyder.
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the one with the top off, you pay the toll to one of the most incredible strips of tarmac in the world, the turn pike in japan. >> that's gorgeous. >> isn't it? look at how it's lined by those beautiful trees and do i need to say anymore? >> dang. >> this road is equated to the road in germany. that popular road which is also technically a toll road. this just shines. >> this is gorgeous. this seriously, the car is gorgeous, the road, the video. >> the car, the outside. >> all of it. >> the laziest game ever.
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>> the evidence. a cucumber on the dog bed. that's not the only exhibit a. >> where are my pork chops? a piece of broccoli. >> this is great. somebody doesn't like their green things. >> you're right. they're not vegan. >> there's a little bit of hair ball. >> oh, no. >> there's a little bit of sty rofoam and then a paper trail. >> you don't need "the washington post" to investigate this. >> the two suspects are the dogs. >> look at this. >> because another doggy bed has evidence. >> do you think he planted it? it was him, it wasn't me. >> where is my pork chops? >> she's shaking a little.
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>> it's the rush from all the pork. >> where's my pork chops? >> in my belly. notice the tail wagging? they were good. >> this next dog video caught on home camera. i have to say it will surprise you. right there. a little boy in the neighborhood. camera was set up because the neighbor knew this was going on and wanted to catch it on video. >> no. >> because she said this little boy will ride up on the bike come love on her dog duchess and get back on the bike and come back home. >> you know that kid wants a puppy so bad. >> he's at home dad please can we get a dog. >> i love this. i love how she gets surveillance video of somebody loving on her dog. just to let you know, hey, do it whenever you want. >> it's like he's feeling something. >> he's feeling love, he's feeling hugs. he thinks his wife has put
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on weight. >> there's no polite way of asking anybody that let alone your wife. i have an idea. i got a pregnancy test. >> see what the test reveals. l phones i'm guessing
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because they're going to share it on social media. it's cool. this youtuber has a bit of a dilemma. >> i have noticed my wife i think is putting on a little weight. >> pretty much just jump out the window. >> you can't say nothing about that. >> there's no polite of asking anybody that let alone your life. >> it shouldn't be an issue in the first place. >> he's concerned about her health. >> so i have an idea. >> you don't have to say anything, just bring in like a truck. >> i got a pregnancy test. >> oh. >> yeah. yeah. he thinks there might be a reason she's putting on weight. what he's going to do is wait until his missis has to go pea.
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25 minutes later this is it. he gets the instructions out. >> all right. >> dip it in the -- for 20 seconds. he does and starts waiting waiting for this little machine. little computer to tell him what's going on. >> i feel like he shouldn't be doing this behind her back. i'm uncomfortable. >> why not just ask her. >> because that's not fun, this is fun. why can't the man know first if he suspects? >> i knew it. i knew it. >> ding! ding ding ding ding! pregnant. >> now is the time he gets to break the news to her. >> i knew it. you're pregnant. >> she said the only thing a long suffering ms. can say. >> you're such an idiot. >> exactly what i was just thinking myself. >> yeah, it's a crazy husband and father just being stupid because that's what we do.
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>> hope you enjoyed the show today we appreciate you watching. go check out
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♪ i ♪ shining through rs ♪ i see your true colors ♪ and that's why i love you ♪ so don't be afraid ♪ to let them show ♪ your true colors ♪ true colors ♪ true colors ♪ are beautiful
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] harvey: welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. charles: charles here. harvey: so richard simmons is upset calling b.s. on a story that just came out suggesting that one of the reasons he has gone m.i.a. for three years, he is transitioning indicately jenner style into a woman. "national enquirer" published a story that he is gone because he has been getting hormone treatments and implants, breast implants and that he is in the later stages of becoming a woman. he is saying absolutely positively not true. this is an interesting story. charles: yeah, i mean, part of their story, part of their evidence is they present a lot of photos


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