tv Right This Minute FOX July 26, 2016 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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panic at a raceway. >> but that car spins to a stop. >> what happens after the next one doesn't? >> i'm not saying it can't be done. but you're going to have to -- >> some australians decide to follow the route in the famous book -- >> the grapes of wrath. >> now meet one of the riders behind the bikes of wrath adventure. >> to find out if that smalltown american generosity and compassion still existed. >> the x-rays don't tell the whole story about -- >> having to live life with something that size covering the eye. >> how doctors solved a big problem with a simple solution. >> and there's something in that box. see who is not going to go quietly. >> whoa! >> pandemonium at a raceway in
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trinidad. >> oh! >> oh! >> ooh. >> that all happened so quickly at first you see one car slide off the track and bust through that tire barrier. looks like it even hopped up on a grass berm. that car spins to a stop the other one did not. i don't know if there was a brake problem or stuck throttle but that car hits the tire barrier and the ground behind it and it just launches into the air travels the entire distance of that infield grass and smashes right into the crowd. >> this shouldn't be possible. >> well could it be that that tire barrier was compromised because of that first impact, and so when that car came up, there was no longer a barrier there giving it way to do what it did? >> you're exactly right. it doesn't appear to be any kind of retaining fence either this is a very small raceway in trinidad so they may have to look into maybe securing that corner a little bit more in the future. now watch people jump in to action because there are people that have been injured by this.
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you hear the commotion. there is one woman pinned underneath that vehicle. you see bystanders trying to lift that vehicle up as the camera goes dark. what would you notice is four people were injured in this incident, serious injuries as well. the woman that was pinned underneath the car was flown to a nearby hospital. of those four people injured the driver also included in those injuries. >> water can be insanely unpredictable. and in this first video you see a woman that is holding onto the trunk of this tree after a flood. >> the woman's son had called authorities to let them know that the parents were there. >> but the son wasn't able to reach them and that's when rescuers were involved. rescuers have reached this woman. she has fortunately managed to stay on the trunk of that tree while the rescuers grab onto her she finally lets go of the tree and they're able to pull her onto the boat.
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>> -- some sort of flotation device on her or a rope or something because if they would have slipped she could have gone right down river. >> this video is going viral not just because of what you see but also the story behind it. that woman is tied to that tree. >> she's 72 years old and her husband was with her when they were overtaken by the water. he took his own clothes and tied her to that tree. unfortunately he was unable to hold on. >> and the water took the man with it. >> wow. real expensive -- >> that's incredible. >> the floodwaters left about 130 people dead, and more than 100 are still missing. now let's go over to india, where it sounds like these two fishermen were out trying to catch some fish when a reservoir was opened and it let all of this water rush down the river. >> it left them stranded in the river for about 16 hours. >> whoa! >> but fortunately they were
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spotted and you see that rescuers have already launched in their direction -- >> and the fishermen were successfully pulled to safety. >> all working together. not one fella for another fella but one fella come harness the whole shebang. that's right. that's hope. >> that man is reading from the grapes of wrath. the story of the family that left oklahoma to california during the dust bowl of the depression. >> well some australian guys decided let's see what they did on a bike. >> we thought -- that the family decided -- >> and they want to do it in 30 days. >> that's pretty cool. >> retracing the steps of the story. >> it's actually really clever idea. i like it. >> the only modern things they had were the solar panels on the bikes, and the cameras. they got cultural commentary. >> this was the dust bowl.
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>> they had personal struggles. >> out of the left and i was instantly told that was trouble. >> that's three in half an hour. >> and a woman just asked us to move. we were going to stay for about ten minutes. >> wow. >> these guys got a view of america that most people would never see. they're turning this into a documentary called the bikes of wrath. and to tell us all about this great adventure we have live via skype charles turnbull all the way from new south wales, australia. my first question is what about that american book by steinbeck inspired you australians to do this? >> all of us really, really like that book and perhaps we just wanted to hop on a bike. we thought that was the perfect space to travel to america and just find out if that smalltown american generosity and compassion still existed. and we very much found that it did. we couldn't have completed this trip without the people we met along the way. >> what sort of help did they
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give you? >> people nice enough to bring us in and give us a shower. they fed us once we left the solar panel and a guy drove it to us out of his way. >> do you guys have massive calves now? >> our backsides were probably a little sore and more well developed. it was pretty growling. >> did this adventure romanticize the book even more or ruin the book for you? >> no. not at all. i thought it might do that, actually. but i couldn't believe how accurate it was and how those science are still really alive in that part of america. >> you're trying to make a documentary what can people do to contribute? >> to facebook the bikes of wrath and you'll find our page there. you can click onto a link and watch the whole trailer. there is a donate button and we are trying to get some funds for the post production costs and hopefully it will be out early next year. >> you shared with me that's not your only american adventure. >> i don't know if you're familiar with the book huckleberry finn. we've got our eye on the mississippi river. hopefully that's going to happen
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in august next year. >> the raccoons in this video just won't give up. >> because they're raccoons. >> giving that trash can -- >> you see that little face peek out. he's like i got you now. >> yeah. >> wouldn't it be easy to just go off, right, hold the top and lift it up, and then take them off -- >> that might make this but he shouldn't do that and you'll see why. >> oh! >> it leaked out and -- [ bleep ] >> hey! >> around -- >> oh -- >> he broke the broom. >> it's just total panic -- >> there's a raccoon actually -- >> hey! [ bleep ] >> the raccoon in this next video is a little less aggressive but again won't give up. there you see it on top of the
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recycle bin, and you hear what sounds like a kid and his dad. >> oh! >> now that it's over it thinks it can get in. what it doesn't know is that dad has locked it up real tight. >> says it's organic only which probably means they're come posting in there possibly, right? >> of course. which means they sealed it up. >> sorry raccoon, not today. >> you've got to give this guy an "a" for effort. >> because this is impressive. >> now the raccoon -- >> over to dragging the bin -- >> may as well just take it out to the curb. >> there's some beef between these two ladies the woman in blonde hair and pink shirt and the woman sitting right next to her. >> find out what this childish argument is all about. >> it's so ridiculous. >> plus, time for a jog on the treadmill. >> we're going to be running on
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legos. >> why subject yourself to this type of pain. >> a challenge that quickly becomes painful. >> oh, >> oh, oh, oh! get into olive garden now for our lunch duos! choose your favorite pasta, piadina or sandwich. it all comes with our never-ending soup or salad. and all the breadsticks you want. starting at just $6.99 get never-ending value for lunch, today at olive garden. jen stops working, but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? codogs just won't quit.! neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold.
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closed captioning provided by -- to fit your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat! water would be nice, but that would go right through me. ghost problems. >> i don't know what it is about mass transit but i think when you stuff a whole bunch of people in a very tiny, metal cabin tempers begin to flare. >> oh. >> what in the kickens has happened? >> well that guy in the green shirt is us is picted of stealing this guy's cell phone. and he's caught in the act. that's when this guy purported to be a tourist in china says huh-uh. >> trying to steal from somebody else, and that's the way you want to live your life you have to deal with the consequences. boom. >> [ bleep ] >> no word whether the tourist will suffer any consequences for
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his vigilante practices. >> you're touching me. >> you know what you're touching me -- >> head on over to this next video which is a little bit older but trending again from chicago, illinois, back in 2013 where again you got a group of people all shoved in there and a bit of a -- >> -- >> between these two ladies the woman in the blonde hair and pink shirt and the woman sitting right next to her. looks like they're kind of jammed into the same seat maybe arguing over who should have gotten up listening to the conversation it seems that the woman in the pink was asked to give up her seat to the other woman and that's where we get nasty. [ indiscernible snft ] >> everybody keeps their cool. >> -- attractive woman.
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>> the only response a statement like that can get -- >> so ridiculous -- >> and her behavior is ugly -- >> relax -- >> the right -- an attractive woman. >> as all parents around the world know, there is no greater pain that one can experience other than standing on a piece of legos. >> the guys decided to run with that idea. literally. >> today we're going to be running on legos. walking on it is bad enough, this is going to suck. >> they've got themselves a treadmill. they're going to get it up to speed and then barefoot they're going to start jogging along while their friends have a box full of lego and just pile it under it. >> so again starting it's all fun and happiness and smiles and they start just putting a couple pieces.
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they decide that's way too ease sis. let's nuclear it. >> i can only imagine! i'll tell you where it is, stop! >> eventually he quits. time for the next dude. >> ouch, ouch! [ bleep ] >> the music because it's painful but they're doing it to themselves. >> it may make it worse -- >> oh! oh! >> why would you do this to yourselves? >> as they keep going you can just see the pain evident on their faces. >> for a few days those feet are going to hurt. >> yeah, probably because these guys haven't been on a treadmill for awhile. >> my lungs hurt more than my feet. >> get out there guys, do some exercise. come on. >> enjoy from here there's not a single chance you'll ever see me doing that. >> i don't know about you. let's never, ever, ever, ever do that again. >> we've had this lovely lady on
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the show before promise fans she's got some really cool tutorials. >> this one made my head hurt so i can't watch it with you anymore. >> whoa! hey! wait a minute. that's not the camera work. that's like how she made her face up. >> that's her makeup. she created this look at thee cites the illusion that there are multiple eyes and eyebrows and noses and mouths on her face. >> she should do this before she goes out to the club one night. >> she's doing this all free hand. >> yeah, totally. she's adding the extra couple eyebrows. the extra couple eyes. and then -- she even starts working in the nose, and the additional of -- >> i can't watch it it seriously trips me out. >> she's so creative and talented. she does all of her projects freehand. to even come up with this. her eyebrows i mean they're snap. >> if we tried to do this -- >> it's not the eyes that get me
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it's the nose. >> yeah it's pretty amazing. she size she was inspired by a japanese special effects artist. and i think she executed it flawlessly but it's really giving me the -- >> a doctor has -- >> on his eyelid. >> and it's a doozy. you won't believe what you're about to see. >> holy cow! >> oh! >> and, this fellow in sioux falls was flying in and realized that his home was prime viewing real estate for folks coming into the area. >> see what he decided toe decie with his 1600 foot canvas. fall in love with a new daily fiber. new mirafiber from the makers of miralax. it's the only fiber that supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber. so unlike others, mirafiber is less likely to cause unwanted gas. love your fiber. new mirafiber. ♪ ♪
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you always have people in your corner. ♪ flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! she slimed me. which i probably should've seen coming. [ laughs ] mi promotional consideration provided by -- tion ibgard is right for you. ibgard calms the angry gut. available at cvs, walgreens and rite aid. pain strand so does newve level. icy hot lidocaine.
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desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icy hot lidocaine. >> i'm going to show you the after because the before is really going to shock you. that young boy lives in el salvador. this is after a doctor has treated a cyst on his eyelid. >> oh, no. >> holy cow! >> oh, look at the size of it. >> oh -- >> probably about a half a cup of it. basically this poor young kid -- >> oh! >> it was a cyst, and it grew to be the size of a golf ball if not bigger. it's probably bigger than a golf ball. >> tennis ball. >> he went to a doctor. now you guys this was caused by an obstruction in one of the eye ducts. >> you think? >> and the oils can't get out -- >> no way. >> this typically happens to adults ages 30 to 50 but this little boy had it happen to him so went to the doctor and there you can see the doctor used a scalpel to cut into the eyelid and then just started squeezing all that gook out.
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>> this is grungy like legitimately grungy. >> i cannot believe the amount of blood that came out of this thing as well but he did cut into the eyelid the good news is that little boy is going to be okay. >> i am glad that this kid was able to have this removed because i couldn't imagine having to live life with something that size covering the eye. >> i'm glad this is over. >> it is over. but if you want to see what we're talking about just go to our website and click on tv show, or check it out on our mobile app. >> marketing executives around the world will tell you that signage is everything. the next two videos prove just that. this fella in sioux falls was flying in and realized that this home was prime viewing real estate for folks coming into the area. so what did he do? he decided to create a sign to welcome everybody who nice in to his city into the city. >> he's got a nice, flat roof. it's like a billboard up there. >> right. and the cool thing is it's like an art project but it's also private in that no one can see it from the road so no one's
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going to complain. no local council is going to get involved. they can just do it. >> he decided to renovate the 1600 square foot canvas. and you see them measuring it all off and stencilling the letters in. >> i'm so glad he took this opportunity to do something very kind like that. >> could have easily done something political. >> yes. with all the things that you can think of he decided to do this voila welcome to sioux falls. >> he laid out the welcome mat for everybody. >> this next video in utah is just well plain entertaining. >> check it out. >> it's awesome. >> i've seen one of these in my neighborhood, too. instead of paying the sign spinner you just get one of this little mannequins, and -- >> clever because the way it's moving the average cop's going to go -- >> i know they're $5 apiece. >> it works. >> it's not a good idea. >> to offer a sea gull some food.
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ey? >> she says you can use the whey as a marinade. >> homemade cream cheese. ♪ >> look! take whatever you want! just leave me! >> careful what you wish for, kids. ♪ >> the video was first shared on twitter from new jersey and it's been retweeted thousands and thousands of times. because it's comical. it's comical to see this. >> this is another -- >> ouch!
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>> give us everything you got, kid! you better drop them cookies in your pocket otherwise we're going to eat you alive. >> alfred hitchcock. >> yeah. >> it could very easily have been -- >> apparently while he was a bit scared in this moment, he still gets a good laugh out of the whole incident and still loves -- >> the whole incident got a good laugh. >> and the whole internet will get a laugh out of this one, too. >> tell us something meaningful now. what's your comment? >> all you need is love. >> hey -- >> what's he doing. >> what's he doing? >> how long are you going to sit there? >> that guy's brave he didn't wind up with a poophead you know what i mean? >> oh, i know what you mean. >> at the end i think the sea gulls had enough of a show and it just nice off. >> to terrorize that kid.
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>> thanks for joining us we'll see you on the next "right this minute." [bell rings] walking to school is serious business. especially on class picture day! you have to stay clean. [dogs barking] you've gotta be responsible. whoa! and no matter what, be on time. it's no big deal for a second grader. cat and jack uniforms. guaranteed for one year.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] charles: welcome to "tmz live." charles here. dax: and dax. charles: so justin timberlake got arrested. indirectly. justin timberlake was doing nothing, minding his business walking through a golf course. you'll see justin walking in between the crowd between holes. there are a lot of fans there and some of them ended up getting a little handsy. one of them ended up getting arrested. one got too close to justin timberlake and it ended up costing him a trip to jail. >> why would you do that?
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