tv KTVU News Special Edition FOX August 27, 2020 3:30pm-4:59pm PDT
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peewee's big adventure and this is a delegate's outfit to remind everyone to vote. november is coming up. most important election. please get out and vote. charles: you got a lot of flair there. >> whooo! flair, ric flair. harvey: i dant wait to see this documentary. i'm a big fan of yours and it's really awesome. there are so many people who just live between the lines and they live safely and i just think your sense of adventure and passion has been cool to watch over the years so i wants to thank you for that. >> thank you. you guys are really great and you've been really supportive along this whole journey. i didn't want to be bummied anymore. i wanted to stand up for myself and accomplish this charles: it's always entertaining. you cannot kim david arquette. out friday on streaming
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platforms and v.o.d. so everyone check that out, really cool. harvey: thank you, david. david: get out and vote everybody. charles: and get out and vote. when we come back, hurricane laura crashing into louisiana and texas and weather channel reporters are in real dangerous situations. you'll see this video. overnight as the storm was hitting when
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it's rough out there. people are looking for change, for answers. one answer is at your fingertips, the 2020 census. census takers will be visiting households to make sure we are counted. because an undercounted community could miss out on billions of funding for schools, healthcare and job assistance each year for the next ten years. too much is at stake. respond online today. shape your future. start here at an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. who helped find the right coverage for them and even some much-needed savings. that was the easy part. usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it-
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easy. charles: welcome back to "tmz live." hurricane laura is devastating the gulf coast right now, hitting louisiana very hard, parts of texas as well and the weather channel reporters -- this is game time for them and they take this very, very seriously. in the middle of the night, as the storm was making landfall around lake charles, there were some weather channel reporters quhorm up straight through the night and showing you exactly what it was like to stand in hurricane-force winds with the rain coming down and debris flying everywhere. watch this. this is amazing that they were still out. i think this was 1:30 in the morning.
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harvey: yeah. >> category 4 to make landfall - wow! so all this >> whoa! whoa! >> we're fine, everyone. we are fine. we are totally final. charles: yeah, fine but just by a stroke of luck, reich eyeing -- right? that easily could have been -- harvey: we were talking 150 -mile-an-hour winds at some point. this is perilous. it's a really difficult job and anybody who's covered storms or fires or earthquakes they know that reporters don't run away from the middle. they toned go to it because
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that's where the story is. charles: right. harvey: and there you go here. charles: there's a story there and there's also incredibly powerful video and i think it's important for people to see. >> it's important to see, charles, and i know, harvey, you were a reporter for many years but when i'm watching this video, we've got on the a point with technology and what knot where should thee reporters really be risking their lives? the glass is shattering. the second guy who goes out there has a helmet on. it seems so unnecessary. harvey: i get it. i did stuff hike this when i was a reporter for cbs in los angeles where, in the 1990's, just everything happened in the city. i mean, it was -- it felt so cataclysmic. it's funny, i think about that compared to 2020 and 2020 is worse but we had floleds and fl grooleds floods and all this
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stuff and you just do it. charles: the criticism that i'm sure you heard and a lot of these reporters, especially the weather channel hear is they're just doing it for the show of getting great video. i think, having produced newscasts like this, the reason you want to do it is because you want people to understand what they're up against. harvey: if you took the reporter out of the equation you'd just see a bunch of branches flying and it doesn't have the impact. when you see what it can do to a human being, you connect to it and think twice because you want to stay or whatever. i think there's a useful function in that. that said, i remember one time when it was so difficult and brutal. i remember looking into the camera at one point looking like how do eld rat saying you get one of them anchor jobs?
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charles: it was that the flash flood? harvey: no, it was a fire in malibu. they told me i didn't meet the height requirement. charles: while you're standing in a flood. low blow, so to speak. unfolds, definitely something to keep in our thoughts, all these people but why are the reporters basically on the coastline? this shot and you see the glass come in and this guy fully knows the drill. he's got a helmet and what is that, a vest? my favorite part is the last part where you see the casino and people are just wandering around as if they're goy trying to get to the slot machines before the power goes out and they have no idea a hurricane is about to hit. harvey: anyway, really, our thoughts and prayers are with
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anybody because this was devastating -- charles: the power outages alone is going to be devastating. harvey: moving on. charles: yes, good news for katy perry and orlando bloom. who are proud parents. they finally happened the baby and they are celebrating. it seems like she should have had this babe baby a couple of weeks ago? harvey: i'm not sure about that. i thought they were always talking about the middle of september. daisy. daisy bloom. i love that name. >> if you look at that photo they posted with them holding da only katy perry's fingernail. they're both good li ambassadors for unicef. nebs the birth went super
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smooth, the baby is healthy but because of covid there's a shortage of health care workers so a lot of newborn babies aren't getting action like that. they also wanted to bring awareness to a very, very important message. harvey: that's great. congratulations to them and the whole family. caller: i'm from chicago and i'm kind of excited about the new name. i dove it. daisy is really cute. kind of like the announcement which -- when they were talking about also women in poverty and talking about other women outside of their spaces and now -- how they need support and education and i really love what they did on instagram. harvey: a great way of going an announcement and doing good. taking a break. charles: when we come back, kanye west is not going down
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to get top ballot in ohio , whichof course, is a critical swing state and if he can play spoiler there, this could really -- you're talking about something that could change the entire election. harvey: it could and he's suing because the secretary of state in ohio has thrown out a number of the signatures that he got to qualify and he's saying that was wrong and he's challenging that, saying he has every right to be on the ballot as the birthday party candidate. charles: why is it so hard to get on the ballot in ohio? he did it in illinois -- harvey: because ohio is a swing state and much more knowningful than some of the others and everybody knows it. look, he's not going to win but the issue that everything is talking about is kanye could be a spoiler in a close election. and elections have been close of late.
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>> and ohio and wisconsin are two states that kanye is trying to get back on the ballot. as you guys said, these are states donald trump won in 2016 by an extremely think margin. so it makes you think why is he making such an aim aggressive push to get on the ballot in these states? and he's willing to spend about another half a million in arizona, which is another swing state. charles: if he were doing this in all the states where he was chamming and would signatures were thrown out, you could just say he's standing by his team's, the signatures that they've gotten. but to only do it in the swing states -- harvey: it knows -- shows that the whole point of this is to be a spoiler. charles: right, and that's a bad look, right? harvey: he has denied that
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but the interesting thing to me is that the conventional wisdom dom seems to be that if he's a foyle spoiler, he's going to hurt biden. but in case, with ohio, the secretary of state is a republican. so i found that kind of interesting. remember, kanye has been meeting with jared kushner. they met in colorado. they talk on the phone. kushner says we only talk about policy, not politics. i don't know about that. that's what he said. but i think what he wants to do is have an impact. he can't have an impact generally but he has as a spoiler. caller: i think thee need to tell kanye he's unqualified. i like some of his songs but what the freak does he know about being president? harvey: moving on. charles: to your favorite time of the week. tim with his vedgets rejects.
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watch you got? tim: thanks, guys. how would you guys take out an elk if it was stuck in your snoop harvey: you mean take it out of the pool, right? >> yes, ask if you had a pool and an elk was there, how would you get it out of the pool? charles: how about a ladder? harvey: i'd show him a picture of the lodge and see if he comes out. charles: wow. wow. harvey: tim has no idea what i just said. tim: whatever. they tied up the antlers and pulled it out and safely got out of the pool and everything was fine. harvey: oh, good, do you know where he went? to the elk's lodge. next, tim. tim: i'm guessing you bought you one of these before your long two-week vacation you just had, charles. charles: i thought it was a month but anyway, yes. tim: it's a mask that you can
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wear and then it has a sipping little opening so you don't have to mask -- take your mask off when you sim water or coach or whatever. so you're safe and you can still enjoy the fluids you're drinking. harvey: how do you get a chicken breast in there? tim: it's not for eating, it's for drinking. this is not going good. [laughter] charles: wow, your power of perception is really good, tim. tim: have you guys had any close calls before? check out this close call. this guy was riding a scooter and crossing the street and a car actually hits him perfectlyt like gets on the scooter and goes back to town. harvey: you did that to give me ptsd, didn't you? charles: hey, there was no car involved in your accident. harvey: that's true.
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it's not going away. covid-19. more than ever, california needs rapid coronavirus testing. robust contact tracing. support for community health clinics. masks and ppe for those saving lives... for teachers and school personnel educating students. these heroes are doing their jobs. now government must do theirs. keep working through a special session to combat this crisis right now and provide the revenues to solve the problems we know are coming.
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charles: welcome back to "tmz live." trevor noah has been a fairly vocal opponent of president trump but he's reaching out to him with a full-page ad offering him a legal service. harvey: not unlike larry h. parker. charles: you know those ads where they'll get you out of a bind real fast. harvey: trevor noah and associates and sons. i love that. one-two under w.h. crime. it's really funny. charles: this was a full-page ad he took out in the "washington post." clearly tonight when he's accepting the nomination but are you an ex-president about to use egal immunity? as your ex-lawyer goin to jail?
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>> no coincidence. today he's going to get the nomination and a little bit of a stormy daniels situation. we'll get you off and it won't even cost you $130,000. [laughter] charles: i know what you're saying and you think no matter who you are that's funny. you think republicans are look at that and laughing? they're not. harvey: fair point. caller: my name is sherry. i'm from oahu in hawaii and i love trevor noah so much. he is extremely clever clf. i think he's just making everything a little bit lighter as this election process is a t. harvey: i would strike the words a little. it is heavy and dark. this has been a tough, tough time. what else do you want to talk about? caller: i'm from philadelphia, here to talk about jacob blake.
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i just it's pretty crazy what happened to him. things have gotten worse and worse in america. he feels unarmed. i think he definitely should have listened to the cops and told en he told -- they him to stop but that doesn't mean shoot him seven times in the back. harvey: what's the talk in the barbershop about this? caller: everyone is like where do we go from here? it's gotten worse and starting to test everything, friendships, family members. there's a lot of anger. it seems like everyone is taking a side step trying to come to a slugse solution. harvey: no, i get it. i get it. charles: appreciate you calling in. harvey: absolutely. one more. caller: hi, guys. i'm calling out of detroit, michigan, and i feel like this is a great start they're doing with the nba boycott because now
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you mess with people's money, now people are listening and want to support and get on the calls. baffles this is really important and all black lives matter. harvey: those players have been pretty amazing. taking a break. charles: when we come back, a -- ding that challenged 20/ 2020 and 2020 challenged them right with a bolt of lig t-mobile and sprint have merged.
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and t-mobile doesn't just have a bigger network, but a better one than ever before, with scam protection built into its core. introducing, scamshield, free from t-mobile. get fewer scam calls. period. with t-mobile's supercharged network, you can say goodbye to annoying scam calls, and feel free to answer your phone again. hello
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vows. this is amazing timing. >> let's face it, 2020 has not been the best year. [laughter] thunderclap] harvey: either god is saying oh, come on, go get married, it's going to be great or god is saying not so fast. something s either with aaron or -- by the way, everyone was fine but it wasn't that far away. it struck on the other side of the lake. harvey: i know. congratulations. oh, my gosh. another day a helping fire crews across the state. firefighters worn it is still b
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>> it's important to have a plan and to be prepared every day. you need to be ready. we probably have another few more months of peak wildland fire season. there is good news this afternoon, fire evacuees allowed to return to their properties and parts of solano, san mateo and santa cruz counties. it follows days of anxiety and uncertainty. welcome, everybody this afternoon to the 4. the very latest on the wildfires burning on northern california as crews containment, the icu lightning complex fire burned more than 316,000 acres with containment going up from 30-35% overnight. pretty mostly in rugged terrain in santa clara, alameda, contra
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costa, san joaquin and tennessee counties e.r.a. 43 homes and other buildings have been destroyed or damaged by the flames. more people forced out by the flames now allowed to return, the fire burned more than 81,000 acres in the santa cruz mountains and is 21% contained. it has destroyed or damaged at least 650 homes and other structures, 11 structures in san mateo county, some areas now being repopulated. the general areas here are now open. due to continued fire operations in the other areas, the other orders are still in effect. this is done there. >> cal fire allowed road crews and utility workers in some
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areas where the fire is out, those crews are working to restore water and power service so evacuees can return safely. in the north bay, the lane you lightning complex fire spread into a sixth county. new evacuation orders are issued for areas near the lake and colusa county line, grown t acres and is 33% contained. the fire complex destroyed or damaged over 1300 homes and other holdings in napa, solano, sonoma, lake and yellow counties, some people in solano county are allowed to return to their homes. we go live for a chance to talk with residents as well as officials about the decision to allow evacuees back in. >> it's all latest version, nap
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strong, many people already knew the condition of the homes, the anticipation of what is left of it or, seeing it at all. we first met stephanie at the mission church parking lot on town road in vacaville. literally with minutes to evacuate as the lsu firestorm swept the region destroying one in five homes. >> my home was a spare come i feel so bad because there were just so many, so many people out that left in their homes. >> reporter: in order to get into neighborhoods homeowners must show proof of residency and get a pass from the sheriff's office. >> we ask them to check in and we update contact information, so people lost their homes and we want to be able to get a hold of them for a variety of reasons to >> reporter: she already knew her home survived the firestorm and she found it hard to believe as she drove into her rural scorched community. >> when i came up here and, i
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saw, you know, everything burned and i was like oh my god, i am so lucky to be alive because, i could've been killed, i know, you know, it came that fast, we had a time . >> reporter: fire storms, she had money prior to the storm which she used brilliantly. >> i got the gravel, p gravel, i will get rid of all of these plans. >> reporter: the other homes surviving around here, this home is the textbook definition of defensible space. only because it had defensible space it survives. but, even defensible space is no guarantee of success as the family sadly found out. >> my wife had said things like these could happen so we were prepared, to get stuff, you know, stuff that was important. >> reporter: with insurance they can rebuild, something they are mulling over. >> we are trying to decide come
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he really wants to rebuild. i'm a little more afraid of the fire. [ laughter ] . >> reporter: sadly, we live in an era of megafire. the megafire is increasing in danger, so much so everybody is aware defensible space is probably the only way you can go. fox 2 news. >> the new reality here in california. thank you. let's talk more about these fires, joining me once again this afternoon is daniel a cal fire assistant deputy director. thank you again for being here. i have to first say, crate work on all of the crews getting a footing on of these blazes. but, they're still a lot of work to be done here until the fires are extinguished, bring our viewers up to date on how things are looking right now. >> firefighters have continued to make good progress on a number of fronts, the weather
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obviously cooperating. they join the fight and continue to join the fires with everything we have on the ground, firefighters, bulldozers, fire fighters come in the air, helicopters like these and large caretakers just outside of this shot here, a 747 with several air tankers, again, this is a full out fighter right now with the fire. >> yes, of course it is, a lot of resources are being thrown at them, daniel, what are the biggest challenges facing a fire crews right now? >> reporter: well, while the weather has started to cooperate with us, we are not being significant with the lightning on the triple digit temperatures, the fire in many areas burning now really is in steep, rugged, and accessible trade. that makes getting access to them is so much more difficult,
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so, while containment efforts have been going up, fires remaining with containment lines not yet dealt are very difficult to access that will continue to take hard work and a lot of effort by firefighters. >> we just saw a new round of fresh evacuation orders a semi from the lane you fire complex lucky tells about the firefight there? >> reporter: we have had a lot of activity, especially on the eastern portion of the hennessy fire burning in the complex in yolo county. specifically yesterday with activity really picking up around this time with additional evacuations. now, a number of fronts we are making enough progress where we are able to lift or downgrade evacuations, so, we are making good headway but again, a lot of active fire and even though we have the 25-3% containment on a number of fires, we are
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cautiously optimistic as there are a lot of open lines ahead of us. >> yes, i think when people see those numbers increasing daniel, when it comes to progress, they wonder okay, now is it safe for people to return? explain to people what needs to take place before fire evacuees are able to return to fire areas. >> reporter: we want to get homeowners back into their homes as quickly as possible but, besides making sure the hotspots are out we have to make sure the utilities and infrastructure oftentimes there is roadway damage, power poles falling to the ground. all that has to be cleaned up. it has to be,, the safety current concerns are mitigated before homeowners come back, we as possible. it has to be safe before we can do so. >> yes, it certainly needs to become also the issue of a falling trees, we have seen
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various agencies tweeting information about trees falling in areas where the fire has cut through with the path. thank you so much daniel for joining us of this afternoon. again, great work by all of the hard-working fire crews, we really appreciate. for the latest on the wildfire containment and the evacuation orders, be sure to stay with ktvu and on our homepage. after several nights of violent protests last night the demonstration over the shooting of jacob late in kenosha, wisconsin was largely peaceful with many people continuing to push for change and racial justice. jonathan hunt is in kenosha with the latest. >> reporter: i the streets of kenosha much calmer with the fourth night of protest with the police shooting of jacob blake but despite this, the department of justice deploying more than 200 law enforcement agents to aid and local authorities on the heels of the agency announcing a civil rights investigation into the blake shooting. wednesday the peaceful protest coming hours after illinois
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police arrested 17-year-old kyle rittenhouse on suspicion of killing two protesters on tuesday night. officials identified rusten sheskey as the officer who shot the 29-year-old father seven times in the back. >> they did exactly what they wanted to do as far as the protest and the people know they have concerns, they did it without violence. >> reporter: meanwhile, democratic presidential nominee joe biden says he is considering heading to wisconsin to try to help unite the community. >> if i went, could i pull together the black community and the white community and sit down and talk? talk about how to get through this? >> reporter: the protest beyond the borders of kenosha with much of the sports world coming to a halt after the milwaukee box decided not to play the wednesday nba playoff game in the wake of the shooting of jacob blake. the players demanding justice and accountability.
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>> it's a high-level with maximum coverage to hold each other accountable and the same of lawmakers and law- enforcement. >> the nba will resume the season and hopes to play games friday or saturday. in kenosha, wisconsin, jonathan hunt, fox news. peaceful protest followed by destruction in the city of oakland, many disorders left cleaning up today, hundreds of people came out last night, calling for justice before the end of the began. henry lee joining us now with more on the aftermath from last night's protest in oakland. >> reporter: alex, it began with a peaceful march denouncing the police shooting in wisconsin but as the night progressed, it again defaulted into mayhem. it is a familiar scene, work crews in downtown oakland boarding up windows and taking stock of the damage, those hits, the modern times brewery, the bank of the west and
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another frequent target, whole foods, thursday the morning after some people want a rampage with a police shooting of jacob blake in wisconsin, began please fully wednesday night with 200 people marching into the open police headquarters. some individuals through objects at and shiny lasers as officer which led to a warning. any unlawful act such as vandalism, trespassing or violence will not be tolerated. >> reporter: the message was not received, the crowd grew to 600 and police say agitators began wreaking havoc downtown. they said they set fires, smashed windows, torched cars downtown and for the second time this summer torched the historic alameda county courthouse with the registrar of voters. >> the fire i am told is worse this time inside of the vestibule. that building is just a matter of time before something catches on in the building . >> reporter: vandals spray and
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tie police messages like kill cops. >> i think you can distrust police or despise police or have other feelings or i think would you take the conversation to that level, it's really not helping anybody out. trouble police also condemned construction saying in a statement the focus and targus days destruction and damage, breaking damage, lighting fire jen doing any damage they could, most of the downtown buildings are boarded up. people setting fires, nothing peaceful last night. the intentions were deliberate to cause damage. several arrests but no reports of injuries, about 21 buildings with window damage including a housing complex with more than 2000 fires. really, ktvu, fox 2 news. >> okay, thank you for the update. widespread damage in the
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gulf coast, lake charles, louisiana, i have details, coming up. the republican national convention set to wrap up later tonight with a speech from president trump, we preview the address and we have more on the rest of tonight events coming up next. we have improved air quality today, a nice a step in the right direction, i keep an eye on that as well as a firefighting connections with the weather, next.
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tonight all out the republican national convention and we are just 67 days away until election day, greg lee joins us this afternoon with a look at what we might ask from the president tonight. >> reporter: good afternoon, some thought this speech might be rescheduled due to hurricane laura but the president travels to the gulf coast over the weekend, i different of a live crowd of 1000 people at the
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white house he will make a case for four more years. physically republican national convention leading up to this, donald trump excepts the party nomination, the speech comes amidst multiple crises, supporters expect a positive tone. >> a common theme with all americans favoring safety, security, justice for all. >> reporter: is unclear how we will address the violence following the shooting of jacob blake. pants said this. >> we will have lien order on the streets of this country for every american of every race and free and color . >> reporter: a republican strategist said the president would be wise to reinforce the message. >> line or in public safety is on top of the american mines where the president needs to be because it is relevant.
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>> the delivered a speech in front of a live audience raising questions about coronas precautions. joe biden with take cable tv interviews and kamala harris speaking from dc about calls for racial justice criticizing the administration pandemic response. >> i like the democratic convention very clear about the challenges we are facing and how we tackle them, the republican convention is designed for one purpose. to sue donald crump siegel. >> reporter: the president should talk about reopening. >> if i was advising him right now. i would ask him to talk about this safely and responsibly, comforting to americans. >> reporter: another theme of the week, the president expected to go after biden and democrats. >> i respect joe biden, but there is sacrifice i do not
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respect today frankly we are past it when he is clinging to power. >> biden accused mr. trump of rooting for more violence saying the president use it as a political benefit, tonight leading up to the presidential speech we hear from republican speakers of the house and sent as well as the president daughter. gradually, ktvu , fox 2 news. >> once the convention wraps up it is moving onto the debate season. house speaker nancy pelosi had interesting comments about the presidential debate. >> absolutely on the schedule right now three presidential debates slated to begin at the end of december, one key debate with the house speaker today, she doesn't think it should be debates because she does not want to legitimize the conversation of president trump saying trump would be little the debates which certainly maybe doesn't help the biden
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camp wondering if he will do well in the debates. the biden campaign says they will debate president trump and he will be a fact checker live on stage. >> all right, the debate over debates continues. thank you. be sure to stay with tional and we have more from greg lee coming up at 5:00 at 6:00 and starting at seven a clock we have live uninterrupted coverage of these beakers including president trump tonight right here on ktvu and over on ktvu fox 2 news. we draw our attention to the weather. the marine layer was really together this morning at 1800- 2000 feet of depth, very widespread fog across the area, sunshine followed, take a look at these showers and you can see just how widespread it was, of course in his on the coast
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as we go into the afternoon. we have a lot of sunshine, beautiful sulive look at sfo, w temperatures in san francisco 60 degrees, 77 at santa rosa. oakland 69, check out livermore at 87 degrees. san jose at 75. we have a little bit of a break in the air quality levels today. you can see even of the spare the air is extended through sunday, we are in on the map as we take a look at more rain and yellow as opposed to orange and red. santa rosa in the yellow, green earlier. down around the bay, very nice, all green for concord to san francisco to livermore into trouble as we head to the santa cruz mountains where we see some of the worst eric wiley right now. also in san jose and hopefully they haven't proven soon.
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tonight temperatures a couple degrees warmer. fog returns, ample, the marine layer i don't think it's quite as strong as last night we see the fog as you wake up tomorrow and you can see future cast northbay, southbay, east bay making everywhere before retreating. hazy son was fire smoke in the area depending where you are, temperatures warmer tomorrow. one of those days with a 30 point spread on the coast and inland, antioch, 95 degrees, the bay, 63. as we head towards the weekend, temperatures pull up a little and pulled back a little and heading into next week and warms up to, tomorrow, 68 san francisco, 88 santa rosa, 79 or 78 with 90s and concorde, livermore, fairfield, antioch, the usual spots and i have more information when i come back
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about the extended forecast as we head towards the weekend and we do our recap of the the tropical weather and hurricane laura when i come back . >> thank you. speaking of hurricane laura, the storm slammed into louisiana and texas overnight leader behind the widespread destruction, we take you to some of the hard-hit committees coming up after the break.
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at least for killed in louisiana when hurricane laura made landfall overnight. she is now a tropical storm, but still causing quite a few problems, how the hard-hit coastline is dealing with the destruction left behind. >> trees are down around the entire community. >> reporter: laura weekend moving inland but not before leaving a trail of destruction on the gulf coast louisiana with the brunt of the storm with extreme winds knocking down trees and power lines in lake charles damaging homes and businesses while heavy rain and storm surge flooded streets.
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>> it bomb went off is what it looks like, pretty bad. not something a knockout punch like charles, we will recover. >> reporter: it southeast texas, high winds caused significant structural damage. floodwaters expected to receivers several days. hundreds of thousands remain without power. >> we have a lot of work to do. we are in better shape today than might have been the case. to laura with areas miles from the worst of the store. >> only minor damage can we have not seen a things to come a lot of debris. caused by flooding and since storm surge had no structural damage . >> reporter: laura made landfall in louisiana as a category or hurricane moving further rain and threats to louisiana texas. thousands of national guard troops employed to help people rebuild. >> it is important to continue to listen to local officials about when is the best time and
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what are the challenges existing in a particular county? >> reporter: fema has the resources in place to help people rebuild in the region in the days and weeks to come. a new covid-19 tested method could be a real game changer for the american economy, coming up on the 4, we talk to an expert on the pros and cons about the widely distributed rapid test. officials reopening the largest nation school district, federal officials investigate the governor. i have the details, coming up.
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the economic damage of the coronavirus pandemic continues to mountain lawmakers say they are not close to reaching an agreement on a stimulus bill, today new reaction coming into controversial new guidance from the cdc on covid-19 tested alex hogan with more on new york. >> reporter: now more than 5.8 million confirmed coronavirus cases in the u.s. but it seems me slowing, rates of infection and death down stay why was states moving forward with reopening plans including getting kids back to school. and new york mayor de blasio announcing thursday he reached a deal with a teachers union, the last major hurdle before the countries biggest school district reopens next month. can help to clarify the work we did with kids in school, in blended learning and outside of the school that day or remote full-time . >> reporter: near governor andrew cuomo with the new
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justin turner for data on how he and three democratic governors had of the african nursing homes. a partisan attack, some near clinic or say it's long overdue. >> we try to get to the truth four months now. 12,000+ families including myself. >> reporter: it meanwhile has coronavirus hot that's like california and texas push for more, democrats on capitol hill are criticizing the tremendous ration as the cdc updated guidelines. >> it is sad and reinforces the lack of attention and understanding we have to have to crush the virus . >> reporter: lawmakers also installed on a coronavirus aid package with democrats think they want a trillion dollars more than the white house administration is willing to spend. alex hogan, fox news >> the agency newly released
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guidance on testing for the coronavirus. this comes amid widespread criticism over the change. really this week the cdc updated testing guidelines advising those that are not showing symptoms to get tested even if they were in contact with an infested person. the cdc director issued a statement saying everybody who needs a covid-19 test can get a test everybody wants a test is not necessarily need a test. erode health organization says widespread testing, even for those not showing symptoms is key to continue the upper. testing is expanded to support individuals on the mild end of the spectrum or may be asymptomatic, what is important is testing is used as an opportunity to fight active cases. contact tracing also can take
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place. >> some groups called for immediate reversal of the cdc recommendation. some public health experts calling it a game changer in covid-19 tested the fda having emergency approval to abbott labs for rapid antigen test coming back with results in 50 miss. the test cost just five dollars. from or how it works we are joined by a doctor, always good to have you want. how beneficial are these sorts of antigen testing! to be in the overall effort to try to track the spread of the coronavirus in the community? >> figure for having me on. i think it will be a game changer in some sense meeting democratizes testing. a precursor to my real dream already technology to have testing available at home. you brush your teeth and do your tests and then, go to your
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dinner party. or at least go to work knowing if you are positive you stay home. >> explain to everyone, rapid antigen testing differing from traditional tests processed in the lab? >> the main difference after traditional tests you would get in the hospital is the sensitivity meeting false negatives could be with other tested what we call antigen test. >> different proteins with the virus whereas hospital based pcr tests look for genetic material, so, one is more sensitive requires more agents and personnel. this one approved recently by authorization is, you know, like a pregnancy test.
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a better test to make sure it's really negative if it is positive is generally positive to >> sounds like to your point about this being widely available to me at some point in the near future abbott labs produces 50 million tests every single month, hopefully by october. so, more people taking the test. they are used in a widespread way. giving up in terms of accuracy when you start using more of these rapid test. >> test with increased frequency you take a brain biopsy you are putting into the middle. frequently it is cheaper and you can actually take our shots as a somebody told me today, the more shots you the people p keep them away from the people
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negative. >> it's emergency approval decision that's negative test results with rapid antigen test may be confirmed by a lab in some cases. i'm curious what you think? what cases are we talking about rex >> they want to have a result confirmed with a laboratory test. >> many times i think clinically he wants to confirm it's with a more sensitive hospital-based test with a laboratory waste test is is you have symptoms like cannot smell, a fever., it is negative. you may want to confirm it with a better test. i would say the antigen test however probably picks up the most infectious people out of the whole point because, you know, you have more chances of having viral fragments of proteins then picked up by even less sensitive test. >> finally you know, what you
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think the broader implications are of having these rapid test being used more often ask where'd you think it will be most sisters? schools? how do you envision tests administered? >> >> i am agent used widely with large groups of people, order screening, imagine schools, universities, interesting that they have a nap almost like a hall pass. if you are negative it shows up on the app you can imagine him a lot of people are doing this kind of passport so to speak in these settings. we have a positive it is real, a negative, you still suspect something is up, more test.
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>> key to get things open once again. i really appreciate you weighing in. always a pleasure to have you on, thank you. as thank you. delta airlines now placed about 240 passengers on the no- fly list for not adhering to the airline asked mandates. passengers on the list will be banned from future travel with delta. there is no federal mandate on mass and airports are airplanes which leaves u.s. carriers to enforce their own rules requiring pastors to have on her face, the plains. your go last month began telling passengers who cannot wear a mask because of a health condition to consider staying at home. up next, we talk with
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some of lake tahoe is most popular ski resorts reopening in the midst of the ramirez pandemic heavenly in northstar turning on chairlifts number 20th planning to open up december 4. visitors will have to follow a number of new safety measures at those resorts. for more we are joined by russyour medication manager with vail resorts, good to have appreciat it's. a lot of folks looking forward to doing skiing later this
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year. how much to this experience is going to be for skiers and snowboarders can order the new safety rules everybody will have to follow? >> thank you, we are excited to. the first thing to mention i think is the great outdoor space in the great escape we provide. it's, you know, we are looking forward to it and as you mentioned, it will look different and it will look different because we have safety at the top of my dad first and most what guest can expect is it requires face coverings throughout a resort and to access the resort throughout the resort. riding in gondolas. the other aspect is we monitor the incoming level of visitation at a resort through the reservation system, resigned to give guest space they need physical distance >> speaking a physical distance income i was curious what the particular rules will be when
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you talk about getting on chairlifts and gondolas, how are folks going to maintain social distancing? will two people not part of the same family or strangers able to get onto the same chairlift together? truck that is a great question. we load related party schemes together. we load single riders on larger chairlifts. a 40 person or six person chairlifts we see them on opposite sides and again we ask guests keep face coverings on on chairlifts as well. >> absolutely. reservations will be required here. obviously as part of your overall efforts to limit the number of people at the resort at any given time, do you think there'll be days when you know, there's not all the skiers who want to go? to visit? >> the vast majority of days. anyone who wants to access the
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resort will be able to do so. the reservation system a little bit of a bonus, they have exclusive access in the early season. so, we won't sell lift tickets until december 8 only passholders able to access resorts for the early season. party access throughout the season for them as well. >> all right, what about the lodges or restaurants or indoor amenities. is everything going to be fully reopened? >> opening on the mountain offering a dining experience. doing so with safety at the top of mind, we monitor the bible guess the side of the lodges and have proper distancing for seating, payments are cashless, some changes there. we encourage guests to check
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our website ahead of time. this is probably a good winter to plan to eat earlier or later and it just your schedule and maybe avoid peak times. >> i would say during the lunchtime break folks take a break from the slopes it could get pretty crowded at the restaurants. lastly, >> health screenings they will go through for safety? to give everybody an enjoyable experience? yes, employees in for the summer right now employees where face coverings at have daily temperature checks. and specific training. we do it through the summer. and going into the winter as well. that all these retraining. >> all right. heavenly northstar opening up the the 20th and kirk would
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december 4. take care, thank you. we have had better firefighting conditions in the last 48 hours provide happy to say we continue to the path for the most part of the next 40 hours. start with that. take a moment for some of you questions or information around hurricane laura. we can assure is a category 4 chick, about 1:00 in the morning in louisiana the 11:00 hour 10, 150 mile per hour winds if you can imagine that. amazing. integrated to tropical storm laura, the wind at 50 miles an hour as you can see in arkansas, moving north northeast at 50 miles an hour. the path it will take is it banks right and heads back to
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the ocean. it slows down and you see 30 miles an hour here. the minutes it gets over the water. it starts to pick up. that is what hurricanes do, the water is used as a strength of the golf create so many because we have warm water giving it power. in san francisco, we have a little bit of smoking here. also a relay or moving back in we have a space it relay or last night, 2000 feet, that was helpful for firefighting. we see now better air quality as you go throughout the day, green and yellow as opposed to orange and red. that is a good thing. a little bit of the lower air quality at the santa cruz mountains, so, they deal with smoke. the went relatively, picking up a pitch with the seabreeze this afternoon, get it is helpful for fire fighting, keeping the wind consistently relatively low gusts at sfo at 20 miles an hour.
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take a look, the marine layer, if it's retreated you have more ady to roll back in tonight.nd with a lot of sunshine. oakland with 75 degrees with the overnight tonight, a few degrees warmer we have overnight fog again, i think it's relatively pervasive but it doesn't stick around as much as it did this morning.degrees. low clouds hanging out throughout the day but the clearing happens as we get into the afternoon. partly sunny skies at 60
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degrees for the rest of the bay area with hazy sunshine similar to today, temperatures pumping up a little bit tomorrow, or 90s with concord and livermore, 62 san francisco where we should be this time of year to morgan hill, 90 degrees, upper 80s in the north bay. santa rosa, taking a look at the five-day forecast, warm inland with saturday and sunday then notices into next week we have models towards the facts we have warm to hot as we had to tuesday and wednesday. my i and that because of his the that concerns me when it comes to firefighting. we could see inland seats return. it goes up and i will keep an eye on that but yes. it will be a nice evening and i'm glad and i know you are to because we had a break in the air they. i miss the beautiful
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but yes, the first day i was able to open the windows and not have the smell of smoke. it was great for that for sure. >> me too. a veteran coming home from war with a goal to start her own business, coming up, we introduce you to her and how she was able to do that while helping other veterans in the process . when it comes to beautiful hair,
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why are we always shown the same thing? where's my bounce? my glamour? my fire? all hair is beautiful. these dove shampoo and conditioners are custom formulated for different hair types. find the right dove care for your hair. introducing new best foods drizzle sauce crave-worthy flavors you can drizzle, dip and dress new drizzle sauces from best foods we're on the f food. a veteran in canada starting a jewelry company to help with her ptsd and it helps veterans all around the world.
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>> a jewelry company made for veterans by veterans. truck with this canadian veteran kelsey started making jewelry to help with ptsd. >> i served in afghanistan and a 2009 and i had an opportunity to serve on the american british. from that i was injured and after that i was told i would never be able to work again. at the age of 19 that was not a reality i was willing to access. i did my best to do all of the treatment i needed. one day the doctor suggested art therapy. which i thought was somewhat laughable for the type of person i am. so, i gave it a shot and right away i started to realize i was getting relief. she created press and unity with 20% of sales going around the world. using natural casings and from the military turning brass into
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jewelry company sales happening in the country, that is where the proceeds state. with we sell in the united states, proceeds go to people like the past tillman foundation like a spreadable charity as well as the warriors foundation. spectrum the pen, she asks to donate come up next to a memoir in hopes of helping others. >> what i hope is that this will not just be men versus women versus fathers. the fbi stepping in to help the portland police department admitted ongoing protests in the city, coming up on the 4, what will be investigated during these turbulent times.
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the fbi announces it will be investigating violent crimes connected to protest in portland. the agency helping local law enforcement stretch thin with the ongoing demonstrations in the city, we spoke with a special agent in charge about exactly what they are looking into . >> reporter: wednesday the portland fbi special agent in charge wanted to be clear, the mission is to investigate crimes in order to protect the community and uphold the constitution. >> we do not investigate based on ideology or activity but we investigate where we do more. >> reporter: he would investigate more resources from the portland fbi to help with investigate violent crimes related to crime importance. the day i with a poster for
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suspect to respect these crimes in the city with law enforcement officers towards county and city facilities because they start to have a q motive effect which is affecting public safety. >> we are investigator so that is what we are focusing on. >> i wonder if it is more difficult to investigate crimes with a face mask mandate. >> any situations you look at surveillance and summative a crime, that wear masks because it's harder to identify who rubbed the bank. so, absolutely, a situation with somebody with an assault or other violent crime if they have a mask it's hard to identify who they are. what is it like to work in federal law-enforcement right now? >> it is hard, the change, this
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is a time of change so it is stressful like everybody knows, if you go through period of change in his restful. i hope we make positive improvements like i said, bring public safety to the 21st century as much as possible . my home was spared, i feel bad because so many, so many people lost their homes >> fire evacuees allowed to return home but some left with survivors built as they get to see how many friends and neighbors lost everything. we begin with the latest on the wildfires burning in the area, the alum you fire with new evacuation orders issued for areas near the lake and the colusa county line, the fire grew 7600 acres overnight and is now the largest wildfire
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burning in the state, nearly 369,000 acres have burned, only 33% contained. cal fire says the fire complexes very unpredictable at times. >> it's important for you to have a plan, to be prepared and as i said every day you need to be ready. >> more months in peak wildfire sees. >> the complex destroyed or damaged over 1300 homes or other structures in napa, salina, lake and yolo counties. over 2000 fires, some are allowed to return to their foams. we go there tonight with more, they must be so happy to get home. >> that is depending on
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