tv FOX News Sunday FOX May 22, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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then you know to kind of combined like a fusion thing with like a traditional dishes, really put a smile on all of our faces, and we got to go because faces, and we got to go because >> martha: i'm martha maccallum. as president biden, elected as uniter, signals that he's done trying to work with republicans, and former president trump tallies his wins and losses in the first big round of primaries, the gloves are off. pennsylvania still counting votes. and now we are just two days from big races in alabama and georgia. ♪ ♪ it is the final stretch in george's pivotal republican governors racewhere former president donald trump's pick... >> together we can take back our state. >> martha: faces an incumbent embraced by former vice president mike pence. >> the georgians won the governor that it's going to be
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fighting for them every day. >> martha: we are on the road rd to the midterms behind the scenes with both campaigns. and right now pennsylvania voters awaits the outcome of a tight g.o.p. senate contest. we will speak with rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel about the influence of the maga movement and finding unity in november. plus... doing everything in his power to address the putin price hike. >> martha: the white house points fingers elsewhere as the stock market dives. gas prices break records, and parents search for baby formula on empty shelves. we will ask the president's chief economic adv brian deese about the plan to ease the pain. then... the department home and security says it's preparing for the threat of violence if the supreme court delivers a historic ruling on abortion in the coming weeks. we will ask our sunday panel how the fight for roe v. wade is shaping midterms.
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and whether it could boost progressive's hopes in tuesday's runoff in texas. all right now on "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ >> martha: and hello again from fox news. this morning there is still no winner in pennsylvania's republican senate race. still too close to call, likely headed for a recount. even as former president trump pushes his pick to go ahead and declare victory. that as two southern states brace for their keimaries on tuesday. is on the ground in asia, he's on a six-day trip, shoring up u.s. pacific relations and hoping to show that he's working to break the supply chain backlog. this against the backdrop of an unpredictable economy here at home. in a moment we will speak live with rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel about these
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hard-fought republican primaries across the nation, but first, we turn to alex half live in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, where the republican senate race remains... in limbo this sunday morning. hi, alex. >> yeah, very much so. it right now the margin between dr. oz and david mccormick is 0.1%, so unless that margin grows to half a percent either through mailing or provisional ballots, the pennsylvania law requires a secretary of state to order a recount. friday, the allegheny word of election swore in a review board. they are now tasked with researching at least 1900 provisional ballots cast on tuesday. campaign were presented as may then challenge ballots. election officials are promising transparency. >> every vote will be counted and this is probably the tightest statewide race i've been a part of buried >> campaign reps were also in sight at a warehouse in pittsburgh, where voting data was reed from ten problematic precinct machines. >> we can see victory ahead, all because of you.
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>> when all the votes are tallied, i am confident we will win buried >> while oz called for party unity, the men who endorsed him, former president trump, urged him to declare victory wednesday without all the votes cod. trump also blamed a surprise contender, kathy barnett, saying she took votes he feels would have gone to oz. like in 2020, mail-in ballots are once again a point of contention. on friday a pennsylvania appeals court ruled in a different case that ballots lacking a written date on the envelope must still be counted. it's unclear how this race will be impacted by the roman, but mccormick's campaign, which have been slightly favored by mail-in ballots, reached out to companies to make sure they were aware. in response, oz's campaign released a statement saying his opponent's lawyers are "following the democrats playbook." on the democratic side, another hotly contested race was called friday. progressives summer and we won the 12th congressional district primary. lee was enjoyed by how squad
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members and tor bernie sanders, but her opponents vocalized concern over past statements she made that they called anti-israel. martha. >> martha: alex, thank you very much. alex half reporting from pittsburgh buried joining us now, rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. chairwoman mcdaniel, welcome back to "fox news sunday," good >> ronna: great to be withing. you, thanks for having me. >> martha: let's talk first about pennsylvania, the senate race. it's about 1100 votes apart between dave mccormick and dr. oz and president trump spoke out on his truth social -- social media site at he said dr. oz should declare victory, it makes it much harder for them to cheat with the ballots that they "just happened to find." do you think that dr. oz should go ahead and declare victory? >> ronna: are not going to speak for dr. oz. what i will say is the republican legislature in pennsylvania put forward an election integrity bill that governor wolf vetoed earlier this year. if that bill had been passed, we
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would not be in this stion. president trump is right, and others, that we should not have no excuse absentee voting, this influx of voting is clearly showing that systems are not ready for that and pennsylvania is a case of that right now. and i think a lot of this lies at the foot -- the feet of governor wolf, why we are having this disaster in pennsylvania righnow. speeone's of the former president is suggesting that another republican who is supported by people who used to work in his administration is searching for votes or doing something that is untoward? >> ronna: well, the pennsylvania supreme court ruled this year, and the rnc very much supports, that ballots should not be counted without a date. i think that's the law and pennsylvania. i think that should be followed, and we certainly do not think that ballots without dates should be counted, because how do you know when they came in? i think that's common sense and that is deftly where the rnc and the g.o.p. is. >> martha: so if dave
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mccormick were to win, will he be supported by president trump, or is he going to keep saying, you know, that he won in a way that wasn't -- that wasn't fair or that was fraudulent? it seems odd, doesn't it? >> ronna: i think every republican is going to be supporting the republican nominee in these states, including president trump. the rnc will -- we do not want is a democrat socialist, the nominee on the pennsylvania ticket, to be the senator. we know what's at stake with the balance of power. we see the disaster that our country is going through under joe biden, so we're going going to rally around. primaries are difficult, they are challenging, and then we come together afterwards and focus on who we really need to defeat, which is the democrats buried >> martha: "the wall street journal" this week, looking at sort of the bigger picture of all of this, and reminding people of the situation that happened in the runoff in georgia in the senate race there when the g.o.p. lost those two key senate seats and with it the majorin the senate. and this is what they write.
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"anger about his own loss, mr. trump told g.o.p. voters not to trust the process. that paved the way for president biden foster bears $1.9 trillion covid package, the ensuing 8.5% inflation and a liberal supreme court justice in waiting." are they write about that? >> ronna: i disagree. president trump was in georgia think the day before the runoff to turn out the vote, take back those two senate seats. the president has sent out many, many emails, and i have seen them calling on people to vote, saying the only vote that won't count is the one you don't cast, so he is absolute where proponent of people getting out of voting because we know what's at stake. need one seat to win the senate and five to win back the house and the emerging people are suffering and we need republicans to win in november. >> martha: when you cast doubt on the process, we know from the polling that happened in georgia that it made some people in
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certain districts very wary of participating in it, so whether or not he may have, you know, supported it in of rowboat calls and other things coming in the day be far, some of that was sort of baked in a cake with the voters, at least that's what was revealed. >> ronna: it is still in the concerns of the election integrity. 2020 was a different election, more mail-in ballots, many safeguards of voter i.d. were removed and you see georgia and florida and texas and other states passed competence of election reform that require voter i.d. for absentee ballots. that's just common sense. most americans are, they agree that we should show our i.d. to vote and democrats don't. and get rid of ballot harvesting and get rid of drop boxes and have same-day voting. these are common sense measures that will ensure integrity in the election and the problem is, martha, democrats want the delta to be longer than ever. they want to vote earlier and then count the ballots as late as possible so it's like a two month delta. when you have this type of delay in counting the ballots, it
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always grates concern with voters and that's why republicans have stepped up, the rnc has built the largest election integrity team across the country heading into 2022 in november, and this is something that's necessary to ensure our voters that we are watching it we're going to make sure it's transparent and fair. >> martha: so let's take a look at georgia, because of huge governors race happening there on tuesday, and we can take a look at the polls here. we know that there is a very interesting backdrop because you have president trump endorsing and supporting david perdue, and he's at 28% right now. you can see that flied from march. brian kemp, the incumbent governor is at 60%. he's being supported by president trump's former vice president mike pence. so tell me what you think about the served here for kemp given trump's endorst? >> ronna: president trump has endorsed in 84 races, his won 81. that's like an a+.
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just a note, joe biden is not being asked to endorse in any race because no democrat wants to be seen with him, including stacey abrams, who is running in georgia. i talked to people in georgia who love president trump and like kemp. i think that's what you're seeing in some of the voters in georgia, but we are going to see what happens on tuesday. the votes haven't been counted, kemp needs to pass a 50% threshold to win the nomination outright and we will see what happens then. >> martha: do you think it was a mistake for the former president to kind of coax david perdue to run for governor? >> ronna: david perdue is perfectly capable of making his own choices. and president trump obviously has gotten involved. in the power of his endorsement is astounding. you look at j.d. vance, who was down in third place and he catapulted to first. you look at ted bud, you look at these races were he's probably the only person in either party's endorsement can change the complexion of a race. >> martha: i don't doubt that at all. i would guess in most of these cases the only person who's
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endorsement is something that most voters even have an awareness of is probably the former vice president. but it's interesting, because the rga, republican governors association, is really putting their le behind the candidates who are not backed by president trump, and they say that in that world, they are doing well. they look at idaho, they look at nebraska, where the former president's endorsement did not lead to success in those races, and they ford $5 million into this georgia race. chris christie saying he is saying the former president is on a personal vendetta tour, doug ducey says the g.o.p. should not spend one more moment talking about 2020, so they see this served as proof that what they're doing is working. >> ronna: you know, i think the power of incumbency plays into that. the rga supports incumbents. i think were going to get this season and i'm going to be grateful when we do and we really focus on the democrats.
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we have rising inflationa baby formula crisis, we have aborted that a surgeon, we have a drug crisis, we have what's happening in ukraine, we have gas prices going through the roof. i think in the end, yes, we're going to have some contention through primaries. that always happens. but when the dust settles republicans are going to unite, including president trump, to make sure that we win back the house and the senate. we know what's at stake for the american people and we know that if we are fighting or disagreeing among each other, we are hurting our message in talking about with the democrats are doing and the failure that they've brought to the american people. >> martha: let's take a quick look at the alabama senate race. >> ronna: sure. >> martha: mo brooks was originally endorsed the president trump. then president trump pulled that endorsement and mo brooks slid precipitously, but now you see something else happening. now he is sort of thin spitting distance of katie britt, who is still ahead. what's your take on what's going to happen in this alabama senate
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race thiweek you met >> ronna: i don't think we're going to get a final say on this alabama race. you have to get over 50% to clinch the nomination. i don't think any of the three candidates are going to get over 50%, so we are going to go to a runoff and then we will fire out who the nominee is going to be in alabama. i think we are going to keep that seat. we have a lot of republican incumbents who left the senate thcycle, alabama is one of them. we need to make sure we hold all of the seats, north carolina being others, ohio. if we have to unite as a party, that would be a my one message is these primaries are contentious and you fight so hard to get the nomination. remember what the real goal is and that is us uniting is a party to defeat the democrats and take back the senate and the house, because the american people are truly, truly suffering, we have a vacuum in leadership. >> martha: let me ask about that because some people say the former president shouldn't have waiting in the primary process, he should have stayed on the sidelines in the same could be said may be of these republican governors as well.
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let the people decide, and the get into this game. are you concerned? i think you have said you're concerned that some of this process might hurt your candidates in the general election. >> ronna: are not surprised that he got involved. the rnc stays neutral for a reason. we legally have to stay neutral, but it is helpful because we didn't put our thumb on the scale and we get to bring everybody together after the fact and have a kumbaya moment, but president trump is always going to get involved in primaries, as our other candidates across the country. that's just the nature of politics. >> martha: i just want to put this on the screen. madison cawthorn avidly has gotten a lot of attention in this race. he lost his bid to retain his house seat. the present kind of supported him, the former president, last-minute in that race. but here's what he just said, madison cawthorn. "the time for genteel politics as usual has come to an end. it's time for the rise of the new right. it's time for dark maga to truly take command. we have an enemy to defeat, but we will never be able to defeat them until we defeat the
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cowardly and weak members of our own party. their days are numbered, we are coming." what you think of that, and what is "dark maga"? >> ronna: i don't know what it is. it sounds like something of a star was thin, like the dark side of the force. i don't know. i don't know what that is. obviously it was a very well thought primacy, madison had some issues that came out. he was a rising star in our party and we need to make sure we retain that seat with edwards, who defeated him, and madison to the right thing by conceding. eed to focus on the democrats, and i would say this to every republican. they are the ones in control, they are ones destroying our country and republicans who are fighting each other constantly, that is not helping us defeat democrats in november, and that needs to be the s. >> martha: just a quick last question, but "the new york times" and peggy noonan this week said that from what they are seeing out there, that the presint is sort of chasing his base and trying to
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solidify them, and theinted to that last-minute endorsement of madison cawthorn. rather than leading them. quick reaction to that before i let you go? >> ronna: i disagree. you look at the phenomenal fund-raising, the juggernaut of fund-raising that he's at. you look at his poll numbers. i think the bases really looking to him on a lot of things, and he's going to be critical to help us win and the midterms and help turn out trump voteho take his lead. >> martha: ronna mcdaniel, thank you very much, good to see you, chairwoman. >> ronna: thanks for having me. >> martha: you bet. coming up next, "fox news sunday" is on the road to the midtes as two republican rivals try to close the deal and a governors race in georgia, and we will bring in our center group on more of these key races that are fired up for this week when we come back. ♪ ♪
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>> martha: "fox news sunday" on the road to the midterms. in georgia, the incumbent governor appears to be opening a very big lead ahead of tuesday's republican primary. as we showed you earlier, the latest fox news poll has governor bryan camp at 60%, a whopping 32% lead over former senator david perdue. in fact kemp has tripled his advantage since march. the race pits camp with backing from former vice president mike pence against david perdue, who is backed by former president trump. fox news correspondent mark meredith spent time with both candidates, who hope to take on democrats stacey abrams come november. ♪ ♪ >> behind all the smiles, hugs, and handshakes is one of the most bitter political primaries in george's history. geora governor bryan camp. facing a challenge from his former friend david perdue. >> it's a tough business. if you want a friend in politics, get you a dog. >> kemp, who leads perdue in
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both funding and pulling his fending off repeated attacks from former president trump. >> brian kemp is a turncoat, he's a coward, and he's a complete and total disaster. >> president trump endorsed david perdue in february. >> mr. president, thank you for coming to georgia again. >> give me david perdue over kemp any day. >> a primary challenge from an established republican mike perdue was once unthinkable in gea, but then came the 2020 election. president trump accused kemp of betraying the party by certifying george's 16 electoral votes for president biden. before even leaving office, trump vowed revenge. >> i will be here in about a year and a half and painting against her governor, i guarantee it. >> soon after georgia wente in 2020, perdue lost his seventh seat in a runoff to jon ossoff. >> brian kemp is let us down. >> now he campaigns heavily on trump's claim of voter f. >> do you think relitigating 2020 will get you into the governors mansion? >> that's not what we're doing this. i said when i announced this is
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about truth. >> well perdue insist his campaign is about more than election integrity, reporters tell us it's the only reason they are interested in perdue. >> my vote probably didn't count because of so much f. >> some of perdue's former colleagues express shock of her his full embrace of the issue. >> summit is quoting romney about me? i would discount that totally. talk to people who really know me. there's nothing changed in my ethos. >> since 2020, kemp has focused on election reforms but insists he had no choice but to certify bidens win. former vice president mike pence is now coming to kemp's defense, campaigning with them tomorrow ahead of the primary. >> we are all fired up with this election coming up. >> we sit down with the executive director of george's republ party outside of headquarters. brandon moy says this party has learned since its mistakes in 20nd is focused on building grassroots operations were november buried >> do truly believe everybody will get on the same page between now and november? >> i believe everyone will get on the same page between now and
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november because again, our main goal is to keep stacey abrams out of the governors mansion. >> stacey abrawho lost to kemp in the gubernatorial race in 2018, is running unopposed in this year's democratic primary. she is considered a rising star within her party and is already raising a lot of money to challenge republicans this fall. >> i would be a better governor because i think aboul of georgia and i know how to get it done. >> but to win, abrams will have to overcome challenges. she's drawn flak for skipping out on a meeting with president biden when he visited georgia in january. and she faced widespread witticism for this photo, smiling while elementary students surrounding her remained masked. >> we are giving up every single day to make sure that we are fighting as hard as we can our governor. own record create a winning combination. the dash where we are now, the lowest on employment rate in history of our state. >> perdue says if he loses the primary he will still support
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kemp over abrams, but whether the former president would eventually play nice remains far less certain. >> are you worried at all that trump will try to spoil your race? >> no, i'm not, because georgia republicans are scared to death of stacey abrams. >> martha: mark meredith reporting from georgia. and now it's time for our sunday former bush white house advisor karl rove, associated press executive editor julie pace, and democratic strategist and cohost of "the five," jessica tarlov, great to have all of you with us. ka, let me start with you, what your outlook as you look at is very interesting tuesday governors race, and what's the best measure of how much juice in these races the former president still has? >> first of all, i'm a friend and a supporter of brian kemp, where both wearing green ties but that is totally coincidence. i think the polls point to a strong win by kemp on tuesday and it's because his record as governor, and what we've learned
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throughout these contests is if a candidate has a strong record and a strong message, even if they are not endorsed by the former president, they have a chance to win. we s it in idaho with governor brad little, we saw it in an open race for governor in nebraska and elsewhere. it really comes down to the quality of the candidate a the quality of their message, and in many instances, that's a lot of people who didn't have the president's endorsement to succeed. even when the president has endorsed, for example, you quoted he carried j.d. vance across the finish line. no ifs, ands, or buts about it. because the power of president trump's endorsement. but even then, 60% of the republican voters said i'm going with somebody else, and vance won with 32% of the votes. it's important, but it's not a was determinative. >> martha: julie, you heard ronna mcdaniel moments ago say that president trump -- former president trump -- has an almost perfect record. she gave him an a+ for his endorsements. looking through the lens of the
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pennsylvania senate race, which is likely headed to a recount, what are your thoughts on that, and same question to you about how much juice we are learning e former president has in these races? >> i think to your point earlier in the show, martha, endorsements in general i don't think carry as much weight as they used to, though i think there is one exception, which is i think former prent trump, who is looked at by many people in the republican party as a barometer, where should they go with some of these candidates, so i think he can be value added, and certainly we've seen to carl's point, j.d. vance i think being a very prominent example of that, but that endorsement that he made of oz and the pennsylvania primary was seen as pretty risky for many people in the party, and the closeness of that race i think verifies just how risky that was in terms of determining his power in these primaries. i think he will continue to make these endorsements, and i think he's going to have some success, and then he's also going to have some failures here. i do think we are probably
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pretty early in the overall political process to say what that means for trump himself though if he does move into 2024 is a candidate for president again. >> martha: i would just say obviously the biggest test is going to be the general election and then there will be another look at all of this, right? in terms of will he back this person and then they lost in the general or they won in the general and it is just such a unique environment where wve never witnessed this where we have a former president who is essentialllling everyone that he's going to run again, which just puts this into such unique environment. but jessica, as republicans deal with their own drama, democrats also have some of their own, and we're looking at this race in pennsylvania, the house primary race, where summer league was able to just barely beat steve irwin. she is considered a progressiv i think looking at this tweet, she kind of lays out where she stands. she says instead of thinking black women i'm a black voters, ve us the investments we need and deserve, let's redistribute
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wealth, she calls for in this and also says to abolish the car several state and build blac black-directed political power. so your thoughts and what we learned fromt race when you look at summer lee prevailing over her more moderate candidate? >> no doubt a big boon for the progive win of the party and i think we will talk about the texas runoff on tuesday, which if she does pull this off -- it's a rematch of 2020 -- will be another indication that there is some fire behind the progressive wing, but in last week's primaries, big wins for moderate candidates on the hole. john fetterman, who beat conor lamb very decidedly was a bernie sanders supporter and tact way to the middle, sounding like conor lamb and a lot points, though obviously appearing quite differently and presentation in order to be successful in pennsylvania. but since 2016, this has been the narrative of what's going on with democrats. i think moderate candidates
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certainly have the best chance of winning a wider swath of population, but hats off to summer lee. it's a terminus victory, and i think that is democrats continue to argue that we are the big tent party, having her voice alongside other progressives is something that's hugely valuable to us, so bi martha: karl, jessa brings up the henry cuellar race against jessica cisneros, who is more progressive, and he beasley is more moderate. a pro-life democrat, which almost doesn't exist in the party anymore, and he's running with this backdrop of fences going up around the supreme court and protests happening outside of their homes. abortion obviously is becoming an issue that could work to the benefit of some of these democrat candidates. what do you think? >> i think henry cuellar, who is well respected, is in a very tough race and might go down on tuesday, and with all due respect, summer lee is not the only progressive who won. a progressive knocked off an
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incumbent centrist democrat congressman in oregon and liberals -- not liberals traditional liberals but far left members of the democratic party won primaries, two of them in north carolina for safe democratic seats, and two of them in competitive races in a state of oregon. so this is not just -- summer lee's victory is not just an isolated incident. the democrat left is on the ascendancy, particularly in races for the u.s. house of representatives and that caucus is going to get a lot more squad members and the democrats in texas may come on tuesday, nominate two members who would associate themselves with "the squad." it one of them against an incumbent democrat, namely henry cuellar. this is -- the left of the democratic party is in ascendancy buried >> martha: with look at this comment from hakeem jeffries, representative from new york, about this fascinating redistricting that happened in new york where democrats thought they might be able to pick up some seats in new york. he is looking at the lines here and he says now they're trying to move the table drawing a
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congressional map that robs office of power and takes a sledgehammer to black distris is enough to make jim crow blush. jessica, what's fascinating about this is some of the matchups that we are going to see in new york now. we're going to see jerry nadler running against carolyn maloney. some people in manhattan saying it's eastside versus westside between these two, and take a look at this one. jones is going to move his district, he will be running against bill de blasio, who is going to, you know, rise from the ashes after his may oral run, and he wants to have a seat in congress. what are you making up what is going on here? >> i don't think the bill de blasio is going to be making any major waves in terms of the congressional race, and jones is someone who is hugely popular and i think it was smart of him to shift over to this new district rather than stay where he was originally. i'm a native new yorker, i grew up in a jerry nadler district, lived in carolyn maloney's for a little while and now i am back in jerry nadler's. the site of the two of them campaigning together -- i don't know if he sought, but jerry nadlerpletely dejected sitting to the side as he
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listened to carolyn maloney discuss her support of israel, which is an issue that's incrle important for new yorkers, export a lot of people in a very difficult position. i know that all of my friends and colleagues and people who support both carolyn maloney and jerry nadler who have been great for new york city, and this is going to be incredibly complicated and another important point about that is what hapd in new york's 11th on staten island, that the ruling, the new ruling, kept park slope, hugely liberal district where bill de blasio actually lives come out of new york 11 seats, so that may make macros, who is trying to mount a comeback, sit this race in the end. >> martha: fascinating, interesting take. thank you very much, panel. we will take a break here. up next, americans are feeling the pressure in stores and at the pump buried we are going to bring in the president of austria's chief ecic advisor to talk about what they are planning to do tckle all of this next. ♪ ♪ ancial pla n
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call today. ♪ ♪ >> martha: on this sunday morning, the president is in asia, talking trade, semiconductors, supply cha while trying to forge stronger ties with our allies in china's backyard. but back home is the heavy burden of inflation, steep gas prices, and even unthinkable baby formula shortage that americans say concerns them most right now. in a moment, we will ask the u.s. national economic council director brian deese about how soon we could see some relief. but first, let's turn to jacqui heinrich live in tokyo, travelinth the president with the latest. good morning, jacqui. >> good morning to you, martha. president biden is just beginning the second stop of his asia swing in tokyo were trade
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partnerships are in focus, but his first few days in south korea showed his security concerns no longer just in the background. before departing -- a president from north korean leader kim jong un. >> [indiscernible]. >> new plans to consider expanding joint military exercises on and around the korean peninsula speaking for themselves. the announcement alongside south korea's newly elected president comes as pyongyang lands a possible nuclear or ballistic missile test while biden is in the region. >> president biden: are not concerned, if that's what you're suggesting. >> biden's firstp to asia as president showing favor for sticks over carrots to contain threats. behind her response to russia's war in ukraine, thinly veiled message to china with regard to taiwan, make a move and base global isolation.
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>> president biden: the brutal and unprovoked war in ukraine -- the need to secure our critical supply chains so that our economy, our economic, international security are not dependent on countries that don't share our values. >> the trip, billed as an effort to deepen economic ties in the indo pacific, shows a clear nexus with security worries. japan also looking to the u.s. for reassurance over chinese intrusions and territorial waters, now welcoming biden to launch a new trade partnership widely seen as a counter to china. the major focus of the framework, reliable supply chains, most of biden's presidency has been marked by challenges originating from outside the u.s., but the baby formula shortage stems from problems at home. biden signed a bill giving more flexibility to buyers using federal assistance programs from seouseoul south, along with a sd bill funding aid of ukraine, the dash to fly the documents from washington for the president's
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signature. and right now, palates from germany are in route to indiana. they are expected to arrive just before 11:00 in the morning eastern. the white house, using the military to move those imports faster with domestic reduction, still not up to speed. martha. >> martha: jathank you. burning us now, brian deese, welcome back to "fox news sunday." good to have you here this morning. >> brian: thank for having me. >> martha: so i want to start with the r word, because we're hearing a lot more about the possibility of the united states going into a recession, and this comment by david sacks, who is a well-known investor, the founder of paypal, he gets a lot of attention as a market analyst, really caught a lot of people's eye. let's watch. >> from where i sit, the market is really semifrozen and this is, again, the worst downturn since the dot-com crash and it
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looks like we are heading into a very serious recession. >> martha: so what is your professional opinion as you look at this? do you agree -- i could list a number of others who are saying this -- that the united states is headed into a recession in the near term or even over the next six months or so? >> brian: here's where i think we are. our economy is in a period of transition. we are moving from the strongest economic recovery in modern history to what can be a period of more stable. lack of growth. while there are risks first and foremost, this is what's most important. the united states is better positioned than any other major economy to bring inflation down and address these challenges without giving up all of the economic gains we've made, and that's because of the strength of our recovery. we have the strongest job market in modern history, americans are getting back to work in jobs with higher pay and that's meant that americans can increase their savings, pay down their debt. businesses are investing, entrepreneurs are creating new businesses at record rates, and
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manufacturing is coming back to the united states at record all that progress -- >> martha: i just want to ask him a question, which is -- i know recession is a technical term, but glenn hubbard, who was a bush economic advisor, whether or not we hit that technical bencark, americans feel like they are in a recession. you have janet yellen saying she's very concerned about that higher prices are having stagflation ar effects. you've got jerome powell saying they will be pain, and asking for your opinion is the economic advisor at the white house, should people be prepared in the united states that we are or will be it, it several months, heading into a recession? >> brian: what people should know is we are in his period of transition to moreble growth, but people should also take confidence that we are better positioned than any other country to nave through this and keep our recovery going. just this week there was analysis out that said the united states economy may grow faster this year than china's
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for the first time in decades, and again, that's because we have more strength and resilience in our economic recovery than almost anywhere in the world. what we need to do now -- >> martha: i'm sorry to interrupt you, but they are in the middle of the deep is locked on they've had in covid and bloomberg said that is the reason that we may have a slightly higher growth than china. and with all due respect, i think that americans feel that they are having -- they're looking at the stock market and they are seeing their savis dwindle and they are making new decisions about whether or not they are going to buy a home or ether or not the tuition payment is going to be a little bit more difficult this year. you know, so i'm just asking, what du recommend to them in terms of specifics and what they can do to try and whether this a little bit easier as we go through what you're calling a transition? >> brian: absolutely. and for typical americans were driving to the gas price -- the gas pump or the grocery store, these prices great real hardship
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and they create uncertainty. we understand that, and that's precisely what the president has made it clear that combating inflation is his top economic priority at what people should know is we can do this. we know how to do this. first we need to give the federal reserve the independence to do what it does. it has the tools to combat inflation. second, we need to reduce costs and make things more affordable for families during this period. steps that we can take to reduce the cost of the inte builds the families pay for the prescription drug prices that they pay a really important right now and third, we need to bring down the federal deficit. because of the president's policies, we've made a lot of progress on that front, the deficit down5 trillion already this year but we need to make more progress on that as well. that will help produce price pressures in the economy. if we can do all of those things, than we can build he historic strengths we have in the u.s. economy and we can navigate through to more stable growth that will generate better outcomes for families, because that's -- her segment was just mentioning we can't go back to a
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pre-pandemic economy where our supply chains are so vulnerable that something happens overseas and prices go up and people don't have access to things that they need. we need to build a more resilient recovery, we are on the way, if got to focus on tackling inflation right now and that's what this president is doing. >> martha: all right, so the biggest factor for most families across the country is gas prices, which you mentioned. and there are -- you know, i just want to play the sound bite from the president because this just came in ts morning in south korea, and here's what he had to say about the future of gas prices in the united states. listen. >> president biden: thanks to hyundai, we are part of this transformative automobile section, accelerating us memorable we are going tbe handing to the united states all electric future. that's what we're shooting for. >> martha: so what does that mean, and all electric future, and how soon? because i think there are -- there's definitely a contingency
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in the country which would like to have the president talk about perhaps doing some things to increase oil and gas supply in the country at least a signal to the markets that we are opening up those spigots a bit, which generally has the impact of starting to lower globil prices around the country, but that's not what we are hearing from the president right now. >> brian: we are hearing from the president we need to distinguish between the short term and the long-term. in the short term president has made clear that we need to increase the supply of oil in the market to blunt the impact of putin's war in ukraine and russian supply coming off the market. so what the president has done has been to encourage domestic industry to increase production right now. not years in the future, but right now. if committed to increase production by a million barrels a day by the fall, but this president didn't wait and said we are going to release oil from the strategic petroleum reserve, a million barrels a day to create a bridge. but we also know that our car companies and art industry is
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moving towards electric vehicles and moving towards electric vehicle future, we want the transition to happen, want people to have those choices, it's better for the environment. thescars are fun to drive, people like them. we want more of those cars b in the united states which secure supply chain so we are not reliant on foreign countries and uncertain supplies and we want to accelerate that process in a way that will be good for the american consumer. >> martha: before i let you go i want to ask you one question about the baby formula story which obviously has gotten a ton of tension. so today we have arrivals of baby formula coming from switzerland through germany, and i think a lot of people look at this story and they say that's great, we're really glad this going to be some relief on the shelves, but on the other hand, how did we get to a point where the united states of america is relying on switzerland to feed our babies? >> brian: it's the right question, in the a very -- in a very immediate term we need to do everything we can to get formula out to the families and
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the babies who need it. that's why the president has taken this unprecedented step in operation fly formula will have its first -- and a couple of hours. there's gh formula on that plane, specialty medical grade foa for about a half a million bottles. that's about 15% of the overall national volume this coming week and we will see additional planes landing over the course of the next couple of days with more formula on it. what you're asking the right question, which is how did we get to a situation where we have so much market concentration that 90% or more of the market is controlled by just three companies, and it goes to this question of supply chain resilience and competition. we need more competition in this market, we need more companies providing the services, and we need to make sure that we never put ourselves in a situation where a private-sector supply chain can create such risk for american families. >> martha: i would just point out that that situation has isted for a long time. we've known that it was concentrated in one or two companies for a long time, and we also knew from october and
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then again in february that this was coming down the pipeline, and then the president said he's not a mind reader on this issue. so if they're going to be some account ability -- you know, who's fault is it? does the head of the fda need to resign from his position? because this is a big deal. >> brian: look, the short-term issues are important, and the fda did what it was supposed to do, which was assessed safety and shutdown facility in the united states, and that was a prudent thing to do because of safety. we are dealing with infants and babies safety has to b paramount. but the broader question is important, which is -- and this is why the president has put a spotlight on the need for more competition, more antitrust enforcement in the united states, because it's not just in the formula industry. we see this in meat packing example where we have too few companies controlling too much of the supply chain and that creates real risks for consumers. so you have a president now that is saying we need to pursue competition across the economy in this sector an others by
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creating more pathways for small businesses and entrepreneurs to get into these markets, break in, be disruptive, provide services, and create more resilience in that supply chain. that's an abort priority, one the president has been on and will stay on. >> martha: left the private sector, but than the public sector also had this responsibility to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen. there were whistle-blowers so we will look forward to see whether or not there is any actual account ability in the government for dropping the ball here. but everyone is glad to those planes are on the way we appreciate you giving us an update on that this morning, brian, thank you, brian deese, for joining us. i do appreciate it. >> brian: thank you. >> martha: coming up next, our sunda group is back. white house reaction is the judge lays down his ruling on title 42 on the southern border and new revelations out from this trial with regards to hillary clinton's inner circle and what she knew about the
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♪ ♪ >> martha: back now with our panel for a quick go around. julie, let's start with you. muchn the news this weekend, this title 42 will stay in place, according to a judge in louisiana. obviously this has been weighing on the white house because there was discussion that as many as 18,000 migrants could cross the border if it was lifted. your take? >> as much as the white house says that they are going to continue to fight to have this policy lifted, there are a lot of democrats and probably some in the white house who are breathing a bit of a sigh of relief because on top of everything else that you were just talking about with brian deese, inflation, the baby formal crisis, so many other economic factors, the idea of having a search of the border right now as those midterms draw closer is not exactly what the white house is hoping for in the coming weeks. >> martha: jessica, your thoughts on keeping them in place, is this probably a good
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thing and a sigh of relief as julie says? >> julie was being very diplomatic as it is her job, but i can tell you the democrats are breathing a sigh of relief that this is at least being pushed down the proverbial road for a little while and i don't know how they are going to be following up on this, this is something progressives wanted to be lifted but no one really in the middle and joe biden himself was not someone who would look at this and say we need another few hundred more thousand migrants coming across the border. >> martha: right. karl, with regard to what brian deese had to say about inflation of the president's handling of economy, your thoughts? >> if you don't know what the problem is, you can't come up with a solution, and he obviously doesn't know what the problem is. the problem was identified last year when this it administration proposed a $1.9 trillion unnecessary covid stimulus bill and larry summers, bill clinton treasury secretary, said you're going to throw gasoline on the fire of inflation, and that's
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exactly what happened. and since then, brian deese has been one of the most fervent advocates for making it worse. what you heard him say there, he sort of carefully camouflage it, was built back better, let's pass a new bill that supposedly wers costs by spending lots of money on free child care, universal pre-k, pharmaceuticals, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. only make it worse. the admin's ration is in bad shape on this issue. dirty 6% approval on the economy, 60% disapproval. 26% approve, 68% disapprove, that's where the policies like the ones that he was talking about. >> martha: karl, thank you, jessica, and julie, great to have you with us, we will see you next sunday. up next, a final word on the week ahead. ♪ ♪
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