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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  February 11, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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which will be the first of three statues to go up. let's take a look. our love to the bryant family and laker nation. of course, that's the image. when he scored his career high 81 points. we play i love la because this song played after every laker win. we'll see you next week for >> shannon: i'm shannon bream, no charges for president biden over his use of classified documents but case about his mental acuity blown wide open. >> president biden: i know what the hell i'm doing. >> shannon: political storm igniting just a month before super tuesday. >> they let crooked joe off the
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hook for egregious crimes. >> shannon: and pressure over the special counsel. >> the way the president's demeanor was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly motivated. >> shannon: we'll get reaction from tom cotton and adam smith. then israel's prime minister orders his military to evacuate more than a million palestinians sheltering in a southern gaza city ahead of a ground offensive. >> it would be a disaster and not something we support. >> shannon: we'll speak with prime minister netanyahu live. plus, in congress, a bitter border battle. failed attempt to impeach the border security secretary.
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>> senate republicans look more and more like their house counterparts and transformed to the chaos caucus. >> shannon: all right now on "fox news sunday." >> shannon: hello, from fox news in washington. it has been 127 days since the terror attack on october 7. now last major military stronghold in the southern city of rafah. a million palestinians are sheltering there. world leaders warning of a humanitarian cae /* /* catastrophe. in a moment, we'll ask prime minister netanyahu about that and more. first we'll go back to where it
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began. benjamin hall toured neighborhoods where so many israelis lost their lives and talking to families waiting for their loved ones held hostage in gaza. hello, benjamin. >> hello, shannon. a quarter of all people who lived here are killed or captured. the battle in gaza is escalating and no seen of it stopping. the war in gaza braced for escalation, israel announced it is preparing for a ground offensive in rafah. one and a half million palestinians currently live there. death toll is 27,000 and could rise dramatically. it would be a sdaft are for
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those people. >> they are arranging an evacuation of civilians. hopes for a hostage deal this week, that fell apart on wednesday when secretary blinken left empty-handed. >> it creates space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. >> the proposal hamas suggested was phased release of hostages in exchange for ceasefire and release of 1500 prisoners. prime minister netanyahu called it delusional. >> only continued military pressure is necessary condition for hostages release, surrounding to demand of hamas will not lead to release, it will only bring about another massacre. >> u.s. attacks continued, on
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wednesday u.s. airstrike killed commander in baghdad for the doeth of the soldiers in jordan and more strikes on the houthis to stop them from attacking ships. >> this is the start of our response, we are holding irgc responsible. >> families in israel want one thing, for 132 hostages to be released, many people here believe the government should prioritize taover the defeat of hamas. >> we got betrayed by the country. by the army, by the government, the people in charge of our life. we got betrayed by them, all of us. >> shannon, big question across israel should priority be
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bringing hostages home or total defeat of hamas and most feel you cannot do both side by side. everyone says it should be a deal, number one priority. >> shannon: benjamin hall, thank you. joining us now prime minister netanyahu. welcome to "fox news sunday," sir. >> thank you, good to be with you. >> shannon: start where ben left off, eradication of hamas versus bringing home the hostages? >> they are not mutually exclusive, all that will get hostages released is sustained military effort. it got half released, it will get the other half, too. one thing to your audience, victory is within reach. we have enjoyed three quarters of hamas battalions, 18 out of 24. we will not leave the other six.
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like you leaving quarter of isis and they say can have their territory, it is okay. isis would reestablish itself. hamas will if we don't finish. i agree with the u.s. and instructed army to give us a plan, dual plan, one to vacate the population civilian population, we are foot ig the terrorists and destroy remaining battalions. victory is within reach and we should strife for that common target to destroy hamas. that gets all other objectives within our purview and gives us hope for the middle east, hope for peace. you can't have that with hamas remaining. >> shannon: i want to dig in, let me start here. president biden has been very supportive and says no daylight between you and him.
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this is what he said thursday night. >> president biden: i'm of the view, as you know, that conduct of the response in gaza, in the gaza strip, has been over the top. >> shannon: "washington post" reporting talking to several officials and advisers saying they no longer view you as productive partner who can be influenced. prime minister netanyahu angered u.s. officials, i want your reaction when you heard the president say over the top and have you spoken to him? >> no, i've been speaking to him regularly, but not since those remarks. i don't know what he meant by that. we were attacked in the worst massacre since holocaust.
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29 9/11s in one day. slaughtered, maimed, raped, beheaded anden it,000 americans taken hostage. what would america's response be? at least as strong as thiss and many tell me worse. we are proceeding as john spencer, head of war fare at west point says we are proceeding and taking precaution to prevent civilian casualties. calling palestinians and civilians telling them to get out of harm's way. hamas is trying to keep them. we are creating safe corridors and allowing humanitarian safe zones and going out of the way to prevent civilian casualties.
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israel is responsible and determined and have to maintain co coolness of judgement and iron determination to wipe hamas terrorist organization off the face of the earth and that is something we will do and do responsibly. >> shannon: same report quoting unnamed sources say they cast doubt on how much hamas you have taken out, it is realistic to think you get every hamas civilian, what about civilians that would give reberth to it and what about critics who say this aggressive posture is alienating those folks. >> i don't know how you can get people to come to your side if you don't defeat hamas. hamas pledged to carry out
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massacres over and over and over again. like nazi germany, you completed three quarters and say, leave the last quarter because we need to go to berlin and if we leave them, it will be fine. if we don't -- we go and finish the job, the german people will never forgive you. ask the other question, what if we leave hamas in place? no hope for a better middle east. no hope to setback iran terror axis. we have to finish the job, peep nay saying are saying don't go into a ground offensive or go into gaza or get rid of hamas strongholds without killing the patients and they were wrong. they said we couldn't go if the
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tunnel, our soldiers are in the tunnels. we have to finish the job, victory is within reach. what did it mean? you didn't have to kill the last german soldier, but you defeated the nazi regime. get hamas out of there, destroy military infrastructure and stop gov governance over any territory. it is well within reach and we're going to do it. >> shannon: rafah, you say they have to evacuate that area. they have evacuated from elsewhere to that location. one envoy says people have nowhere to go and no way to get there. you talk about total victory, but at what cost? have egyptians said anything about this? they said if those people cross their border it upends your peace agreement with egypt.
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>> we have cleared out and conquered and destroyed most hamas terror infrastructure in rest of the gaza strip, now room north of rafah to go to and that is where we are going to direct them and urge them to do so with fliers, cell phones, safe corridors and other things. we see things differently. this is directive i gave army right now. people telling you that you can't do it, you can't go to rafah are saying don't win, lose. if we lose, everybody loses. you lose, too. this is a battle against iran terror axis and against worst barbarism on the planet. this is for common civilization. you have to continue purposefully methodically and responsibly and we're going to do it. this position is not just mine,
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it is the people of israel. people don't understand how united and brave and determined our soldiers are across the political spectrum, we have no choice. our future and the future of peace and prosperity in middle east depend on this or other worse things will happen. we will have peace and prosperity and circle of peace will expand. i said that when we did the abraham accord, we got four peace treaties. telling you that now, we have a terrible future if we don't driveway hamas and we have a brilliant future if we do. >> shannon: people grieving october 7. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> shannon: president biden committed to improving to allies
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like israel, been a busy week facing fall out from classified documents and stopped short of charging him with a crime but questioned his mental illness acuity. brit hume joins us now. the president decided to hold a press conference and it went like this. >> i am anelderly man and i know what i am doing. i did not chair classified documents with my ghost writer. i did not say that. that is your judgement. that is not the judgement of press. >> shannon: headline, it is unmitigated disaster, what do you make of how the president is
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handling this? >> brit: this is all joe biden. he is impulsive and blunders and makes mistakes. after the afghanistan blunder, people lost confidence in him. his age has affected him, denial his memory is fine are going to ring hollow to millions who have seen him in action and seen fluffs and blunders and forgetfulness, no point trying to spin their way out of this. people have seen it and know it is true. the press conference was an abject failure. >> shannon: chad, the president is pushing through supplemental package. the senate is in session and will vote on this today, open
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sniping even within their own party, 12 appropriations bills have to get passed in the next month. there are doubts congress can get it together. mitt romney says it is art of impossible from sublime to ridiculous. how dysfunctional are things? >> chad: we will have a vote this afternoon, if they get 60 votes, they probably have the votes to pass this. this is like maxine nightinggale said we are right back where we started. the bore package fell apart last week. mcconnell is not in control. these are some same problems that speakers of the house had, john boehner, john ryan.
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you had josh hawley republican from missouri says mcconnell doesn't talk to his people and plays his cards to close to his vest. former president trump does not like mcconnell, might be a push for him to leave. >> shannon: brit, you have covered washington for years. what do you make of this current environment? they are not stabbing each other in the back, they are stabbing each other in the front. >> brit: most dysfunctional i have ever seen it, narrowest majority in house and senate. republicans in the house barely. result of that, only handful of d dissidence on any issue can stop the process.
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and consider that border bill that todd was talking about, it did fall apart and was easily in my judgement, toughest border bill that has come to congress in a very long time. this is tough as it gets. there were things that some republicans did not like that border hawks would not like. border patrol union was very much in favor of it yet it died. that is how bad it has gotten. chad mentioned mcconnell is not in control. nobody is in control, that is how the matter stands. tiny majority is the factor. >> shannon: chad, 12 appropriations bills, what is the likelihood?
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>> they have to pass them by march 1, march 7. they are willing to give speaker of the house mike johnson lee way, best thing he has going, he is not kevin mccarthy and he is not kevin mccarthy. they have to do an interim spending bill, they will push on mike johnson. >> shannon: thank you always for your insight, good toy zoo you both. up next, more on maximum dysfunction on display at the capitol hill this week. we'll talk to lawmakers about if it is possible to overcome the log jam. that is next is "fox news sunday." with two lobster tails and lobster & shrimp linguini it's one of ten next-level lobster creations red lobster. is your party ready? a few years ago, i came to saona,
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they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud.
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(vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? ready to get your mitts on lobster, shrimp and grits? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. red lobster. is your party ready?
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>> president biden: failure of the united states congress not to support ukraine is close to criminal negligent, outrageous. >> shannon: president biden pointing finger on capitol hill being held up for month after lawmakers struggle to find a compromise. we are joined by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, tom cotton and adam smith. senator cotton, welcome back. >> thank you. >> shannon: you are working this weekend, there will be votes on moving this. the president wanted money for ukraine, israel, the senate deal going to attach border funding or policy changes have gone away. he gets money he wanted and no border money and he is pointing to you. how did we get here?
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>> for two years, the president said he would stand with ukraine and allowed an invasion at our country. last fall we wanted to force the president's hand and force him to close down the border and stop abuses of asylum and parole crisis. we engaged in negotiations and learned priority are open border, not securing our border, putting ukraine's border ahead of our own border. that is why legislation went down. we want to solve the problem and democrats were unwilling to solve the problem, they are invested in open borders. >> shannon: is that why you are a no on the package. >> we spent months promising the american people we would secure
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our borders first. i have concern about 19 billion of nondefense aid in there. a lot of money is needful. james lankford did a good job negotiates and susan collins. end of the day, 19 billion and going to things like budget support. half 19 billion can go to gaza. hamas does not commandeer aid, it accepts aid and guard rail aren't adequate, 19 billion couldn't be spent when we have trillion dollar deficits. more than 5000 strike missiles, that is why i'm a no. >> shannon: we'll watch this afternoon. president biden blames you guys
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and blames president trump saying he wants to keep it alive and he's running the gop at this point. it is devastating, trump seizes unmatched gop control. i don't know how to explain it, there is no check on the gop, you are all afraid of him, what do you make of this endorsement? >> what president trump saw is all but what four saw it does not solve our problem. it had some positive reforms, by codifying president biden's abuses, it allows flow of migrants to continue.
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we want to stop the border crisis and we can see with joe biden ideologically open borders, way to stop the crisis is elect president trump this fall. >> speaking of elections this fall, white house not happy talking about the president saying he has a hazy recollection, no criminal charges and president's supporters say that is being missed. here is response to the report. >> i dispute characterizations about his memory are accurate, they are not. >> i believe as a former prosecutor, the comments made by that prosecutor gratuitoous, inaccurate and inappropriate. >> shannon: they say it is full of snied, politically motivated
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slurs, critics say didn't need 400 pages. >> the report makes it clear president biden took classified documents and willfully disclosed to his ghost writer. that is what donald trump has been charged with. special counsel had to explain why he was not going to charge president biden with a crime, president biden's memory is failing now and seven years ago when he couldn't remember about whether the material was classified. no new bombshell, american people have seen he is a man with a failing memory. what this report indicates is you have a blatant double standard, if joe biden is not going to face criminal charges, then donald trump shouldn't either. the reason he is that joe biden is a failed president and the
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democratic party knows only way to stop donald trump being elected president is convict and imprison him. that is what you expect to see in pakistan and brazil, not united states of america. >> shannon: we are tracking the trials, thank you for your time. joining me washington state congressman adam smith, welcome back. good to see you. >> thanks, shannon. appreciate the chance. >> shannon: biden administration is facing nonstop criticism on middle east. you heard our interview with the prime minister, there is criticism he is not effectively managing the proxies. former vice president pence and mike pompeo say u.s. military must destroy iran-backed militia iranian targets and oil infrastructure.
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telegraph strikes achieve nothing, appeasement never works. you are ranking member on house armed services, have we been tough enough on iran? >> i do. it is not appeasement to take out houthis. that is what the biden administration has done while stopping the war from fully spreading. hezbollah has thousands of missiles aimed at israel, controlled by iran. if you go into full-scale conflict with iran and they unleash hezbollah on israel, it shifts conflict in middle east and against the u.s. he struck back in iraq and syria and in yemen that threaten u.s. force in way to degrade capability without spreading the war. lobbing missiles into iran,
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massive escalation, president biden handled this crisis remarkably well in cooperation with allies and partners in the region. >> shannon: do you think there is daylight between our president and prime minister? you heard they have not talk since thursday night when he said he thinks prime minister netanyahu is over the top in gaza. it is dangerous place for israel to exist. how do you explain to people of israel how you voted no to a package days ago? >> a lot to unpack in that question. i think prime minister netanyahu did good job of explaining what they are trying to do. hamas is profound threat to israel and difficult to deal with. they use civilians as weapons, they hide and don't protect their own people, it is a difficult challenge for israel to go in and root out hamas.
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we've been supportive of that, we have disagreement with prime minister netanyahu on what is future of palestinian people. what comes next? you can't have a situation where there is no hope and future for palestinian people in gaza and west bank. saudi arabia is poised to do a peace agreement with israel and u.s. not if there is no future for the palestine people. the aid package you mention, two reasons to vote against it, i will not abandon ukraine and by moving this package forward, we heard senator cotton talk about ukraine's border can't be more important than the u.s. border, but israel's border is more important. number two, zero humanitarian assist
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assistance for palestinians. how can we say we believe in future for palestinian people if there is zero humanitarian assistance to help them. >> shannon: turn to the hur report, the former president said it is a double standard. let's walk through this. here is president biden talking about president trump's mar-a-lago case in 22. sgls when you saw the photograph of top secret documents at mar-a-lago, what did you think to yourself looking at that image? >> how that could possibly happen. how anyone could be that irresponsible. >> shannon: yet hur report showed boxes in a garage by a
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collapsed dog crate and boxes falling apart. >> if he's not going to be charged, that is up to them, but then i should not be charged. this is selective persecution of biden's political opponent, me. >> shannon: that is going to resonate with millions of americans, can you assure them there is not a double standard in the justice department? >> biggest thing president trump said, he said if nato don't meet 2% requirement. putin should do what they want -- >> shannon: to be fair, there was nuance, those remarks are getting a lot of attention and frightening people. >> and don't make us feel better about deterring putin.
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lack of deterrence is troubling. president trump made it clear he felt like he should be able to keep those documents, he fought the justice department and lied to people and tried to hide the documents, president biden self-reported documents and turned them in, that is biggest difference and president biden cooperated with the justice department and president trump fought them and said it is declassified if i say it is declassified. biggest problem biden had notes he took. yes, there were documents, things he was looking at were notes he had written in time he was there. is that classified or not? there is case of president reagan who kept personal notes with classified information in
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there. there is a distinction in there. president biden cooperated and turned over documents and president trump said they are mine. >> shannon: mr. hur found they were handled inappropriately by biden. we will follow that this summer. great to have you. thank you. up next republicans making end roads with strong democratic supports, gaining support from black and hispanic voters. is there panic in the democratic party after a tough week for the president next. she lifts her calf to its first breath of air, and then protects it on their long journey. one of the most important things you can do is help the next generation. protect the ones you love with pacific life's trusted financial solutions. talk to a financial professional about life insurance
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vo: if you're buzzed and doing this... to make yourself feel okay to drive... man: z-w-x. vo: you're not okay to drive. man: y-g-k-l-v-w...regular u.
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>> big news here is there is a special counsel appointed to investigate president biden and it exonerated him. >> it is clear after reading this report they have chosen to weapon weaponize justice department against president trump and protect joe biden. >> shannon: democrats and republicans with two different takes on special counsel robert hur report on president biden handling of classified documents. take it up with sunday group, jeff mason, juan williams, fellow at american enterprise institute, matthew continetti
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and mary katharine ham. great to see you. jeff, you were at the press conference, it got spicy after the hur report, what did you make of it? >> jeff: he was angry. in part that demonstration of emotion and particularly his really being upset about being questioned about when his son died, that may be sympathetic to people and voters. in the same breath or few minutes making mistake about a foreign leader did not underscore the moment he was trying to make, yes, he is elderly, well meaning and his memory is fine. >> shannon: federalist begs the
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question, if too old to be charged, isn't he too old to hold the most important position? >> it would be nice to have one candidate who does not mishandle classified documents. i think problem for biden moving past the findings of the report, what hur is noting is something 75 plus percent of american voters have an issue with. it is noting something everyone sees in the room and that press conference doubled down on that. >> shannon: here is former clinton adviser. >> i slept like a baby last night, woke up every two hours and wet the bed, this was terrible. >> shannon: he says everyone
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knows democrats are in trouble. this is not good. >> juan: it was a bad day, right now democrats are livid at what the special counsel prosecutor did. the "the federalist" said he was too old to be prosecuted, no, they said he might be a sympathetic figure. to me it is a little offensive as an older person. he is not too old to have dealt with so much -- i think he's a president who has passed most legislation in any generation, or in generations. he is the president who reigned in inflation, kept us out of recession and facing off against putin. to say this guy is mentally inko
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incompetent, he is not caught up in bullying, charges of sexual assault, losses and lie about it. he is not saying racist things about immigrants. he is lucky he's running against this old guy who is offensive. >> shannon: what about that, matthew? biden campaign, this is not a gift they wanted to receive. they will have to counter and pivot to critiques of the man they are going to be facing. juan says democrats are angry that is correct is one stage in denial. you get bargaining to switch to donald trump and arrive at acc acceptance. week began with joe biden losing election to donald trump. much of the country thinks he is
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too old and justice department raised serious doubts about his ability to serve. this has been a bad week for biden now matter how people change the subject to donald trump. >> shannon: a lot of headlines, politico says snooze for the latino belt and "washington post" says democrats sound alarm and take action against biden's third party threats and warning signals with young voters, black voters, they are now worried. >> they have reason to be based on polling and impact third party candidates could have. go back to what all of you have said, based on my reporting and speaking to people, it is a choice election. they think even with negatives choosing between donald trump or joe biden is a choice for biden.
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>> i don't think it is an easy choice, tough choice. >> shannon: do not go far, following arguments this week standing by to see about colorado wanting to kick president trump off the ballot and another battle will go to the supreme court on monday, this is a contentious election year. on tails on tails? try lobster lover's dream with two lobster tails and lobster & shrimp linguini it's one of ten next-level lobster creations red lobster. is your party ready? we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! [honking] how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? - it's good. - is it? aah, i don't know. it's okay. - it's okay! - yeah. - good. - you sure? i think so. how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual, and you like ooh, i got the 20,000-day checkup, right? let me show you something.
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lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> he caused the migrant crisis and border crisis and now saying he would like to go back and fix it. >> shannon: filling the seat of george santos is at premium on capitol hill. back with the panel. politico sums up margin of control is razor thin, one more democratic or republican vote could shift outcome of votes. mayorkas vote this week is an example. >> this carries national implication.
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if mazy phillips retains a seat on basis of illegal migration and what impact of migration had been to new york city, that will be a bombshell to drop in this city, washington, d.c., and panic will be turned up to 11. >> shannon: juan, what if your guy wins? >> juan: i think democrats have been doing well in special elections over past few years. that is part of it. to matthew's point, what we saw in washington in the last week is dysfunction and mike johnson is struggling. he loses one vote, he is in region of risk. >> shannon: how much is at stake? >> it is a test for battle of the suburbs coming in the future, it pits republican liability about abortion and democratic concerns about
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immigration and hot issue is immigration and middle finger migrant photo has helped the republican candidate. israeli american who is a candidate for the moment. it is uphill battle and interesting to see how thauz those balance each other. >> everyone is watching closely, it is a referendum on biden and biden's policy, whether he has good luck in suburbs and could be a gift if it weakens republican majority in congress. >> shannon: this week we saw argument at supreme court, i think we agree are going to go in former president trump's favor. he has another case he has to ask for a stay by tomorrow and it delayed underlying trial by jack smith and special counsel.
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"new york times" thinks supreme court should leave it alone. supreme court is letting american people decide political matters, that means allowing the january 6 case to continue. if supreme court court gets involved, it delays the case. >> not only will trump face chiel election year, biden will be secluded from public and neither will be that visible on the campaign trail, very unusual election. >> shannon: andy mccarthy says supreme court, public has a interest in resolution not at rapid pace with eye toward campaign calendar, the people
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are guaranteed speedy trial. >> the scotus wants to be seen as impartial and this is difficult position. it would be helpful in the colorado case, it would be sign for the country and supreme courts. it is tough for them to get super involved. >> shannon: it will slow down the clock. we have to go, we have asked everybody for prediction for the big game. who you think is going to win. please reveal your selections. okay. upside down chiefs, chiefs. you are unanimous in this. i will say 49ers and my bet will pay hugely in it happens. enjoy snacks and commercials, good to have you. up next, the media build-up
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around the big game and the bigc name sitting it out this year. bt small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud.
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>> shannon: five months of football leads us to one of the
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biggest nights in sports. andy reid and patrick mahomes are looking to sument themselves as a dynasty. you have the 49ers and kyle shannahan. america's eyes are fixated what is happening on and off the field. great to see you. >> this is a rare instance when sports and campaigning collide. the super bowl interview. president biden turned it down. does few interviews other than quick answers by the helicopter as adviers try to shield him from the press. biden confused french macron with maderon, who dies decades
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ago. >> president maderon looked at me and said how long you back for. >> he told the same thing, naming helmutt cole who died four years earlier. robert hur declined to charge biden with mishandling classified documents calling him a well meaning elderly man with a poor memory, the angry president held a news conference and confused mexico's leader with egypt. >> president biden: my memory is fine, take a look at what i've done. >> why does it have to be you now? >> i'm most qualified person to be president of the united states and finish the job i started. >> liberal media said hur had no right to inconjecture a personal opinion. super bowl lvii media build-up,
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patrick mahomes taking chiefs into their fourth championship game in five years versus san francisco 49ers little known president brock purdy. and kelce's questions about taylor swift, which is soaking up attention, especially with biden wanting her endorsement. >> if you need taylor swift to get you another four years. >> asking coach reid about taylor swift speculation. >> that is out 've my league. >> taylor swift could prompt female fans to check out this spectacle and maybe joe biden will wish he had done the super bowl interview. enjoy the game. >> shannon: good point, your snacks ready? >> going right after this. >> shannon: we will watch your show and the big game, that is it today, thank you for joining
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us, i'm shannon bream. have a wonderful week, see you back here on the next "fox news sunday." you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
7:00 am
the tickets for the super bowl are the most expensive in history, but sometimes times you don't have to go to the game to actually feel those vibes. this morning we're talking to a group headed to sin city just to be near all that exciting. plus. staying there and we know niners fans travel well and


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