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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  April 14, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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what you want to do is attack space and i call it the stefan curry strategy next week on the issue is metta world peace will be in studio to talk about mental health reform and his support of the kennedy shanahan ticket. maybe he'll teach me a thing or two about basketball again as well. uh, we end with music from my all time favorite bruce springsteen and the e street band who visited las kia forum this past week, bruce play us out with badlands. ♪ >> shannon: i'm shannon bream. unprecedented attack, iran launches attacks at israel last night with many intercepted by
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the israeli and other allies. the other question now, what is next? >> reporter: they survive in a chair with little damage on the ground. >> we learn available lesson. they will not go down without a big fight. >> reporter: now flurry of diplomacy to stop the conflict from escalating. we'll speak with the communications advisor and john candy of louisiana. then... >> on monday in new york city i will be forced to sit fully there and allowed to talk, can you believe it. this is what you call a communist trial. >> headed to court in his new york hush money case. the first-ever criminal trial. we will speak with a member of the legal team and... >> what has happened here is a
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new inflection point. >> a controversial ruling from the highest court. >> they weigh in on whether democrats are trying to seize as a political advantage. >> now to the latest headlines with those condemning the attack in the strongest possible terms with a shorter skill of those members with all the incoming missiles.
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but will this be enough? in a moments the white house national security queen occasions advisor is with us and we have team coverage and trade, we begin with you. >> good morning. hundred to ballistic missiles and cruise missiles and drones were launched towards israel and they were intercepted by the fighter jets and israel's missile defense systems outside the israeli territory and some slipping past and slamming into the ground in the country. we can see on the skyline as tel aviv with the advanced arrow system had dismissal and drone fire by iran with the air raid sirens in jerusalem with the explosions overhead that there was a phone call between president biden and the israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu also speaking with his counterpart secretary lloyd austin. this afternoon they are meeting here in tel aviv with this version of the pentagon how they will respond and it earlier they were saying this. >> we must remain alert and attentive for the idf and command. we must be prepared for every scenario. having said this we have for the most significant wave of the attack and we done so successfully. >> israel must walk a delicate line here, they don't want iran to feel emboldened to launch attacks from their own territory towards israel but they also don't want to drink the region into a broader war. chan increase pc working on the clock for us, thank you so much and we had over to the white house now horrify lucas tomlinson.
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within national defence. and then last night saved israel. >> with these threats from iran and its proxies as ironclad. >> one week after criticizing israel over its war in gaza, president biden pledged the full support of the us military to defend the jewish state in the run-up to last night attack. by rush back one day after saying he expected an attack soon. biden huddled with his national security team in the white house and in the situation room he prays the actions of the us forces quote, we helped israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles. they say 70 of the hundred drones and missiles launched from iran and they were shot down by american warships and fighter jets. >> what is your message in this
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moment? >> don't. >> repeated by the cabinet for months. >> any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of the situation. i have one word, don't. >> don't. don't. >> former president donald trump weight in last night. >> the weakness we have shown, it's unbelievable and i would not have happened if we were not office -- if we were in office, you know that. >> reporter: leader this morning president biden will host a call with the g-7 leaders to discuss the dibble attic response to the attack on israel, their publican house majority leader says he wants to rush a new bill to get more aid to israel and perhaps include ukraine anti- one as well. >> shannon: liber the white house, thank you lucas pouille joining us now the white house national security advisor john kirby. always good have you with us. >> thank you shannon. >> i want to play something he said a couple days ago but where
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we are with israel in light of this attack. >> has a told prime mr netenyahu, our commitment to this acute against these threats from iran and its proxies as ironclad. let me say it again, ironclad. >> shannon: we have heard that again and again pair what they say president biden told the israeli prime minister netanyahu during a call on saturday that the us will not support any israeli counterattack against iran according to the senior white house officials aware are we with respect to respond to this attack? >> we had to see what the work doesn't terms of whatever the next step is that they want to pursue and that's a sovereign decision at the is really counterparts have to make. i'll do you can look at what happened last name in any way, shape, or form and not come away convinced that the president meant every word he said with the ironclad commitment. several hundred drones and missiles launched over several hours. and all most every single one of
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them will not go this guy. with the superiority of the military or to our own military superiority and the effort with the resources president biden committed to helping defend israel. >> what are you saying about what we choose? >> with what the next step is here i will just say this. president biden, since the beginning of this conflict, has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader and regional wars you keep the attention -- tensions from escalating he's in all this in the region every discussion he's had was all designed to not let this become a broader regional war and that's wear that his head still is. >> we've been very public with the ministration about critiquing the moves especially when moving into rafa which they say hamas is an accidental threat there remains there, hiding behind human shields, but, we have been managing that
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a bit. are we also going to manage how they respond to iran? >> i think we will have to see what they decide to do. i've been around allies alliances my hole professional life and i can think of a single one wear if it's a real alliance you can have honest conversations every now and then and take issue with the way something might be done we are not bashful about that with her good friend israel, with the other thing we're not bashful about certainly present president biden has not been bashful about is making sure when we say we are going to help israel defend itself, we are going to put something behind that! and we did that last night! >> shannon: you know there is a number of critics most of the gop saw the hell it says we shouldn't be this position. there's things done by this a ministration that let iran think they had an opening here or others that would go after israel. marsha blackburn of monks those posting saying under president trump iran is broke and they gifted billions of dollars and
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then naïvely said don't. don't is not a foreign-policy. we also her for the congressmen like you, a veteran who has worn the uniform, he said this about us refusing to be tougher on iran at the un. here's a bit of that. >> this last year we refused to push the un to renew sanctions on iran stone mso program. now they are literally flying towards israel. >> reporter: you know the conversations about unfreezing assets, about sanctions, of the ministration been -- be tougher on iran was third opening? >> is hard to look at what he has done with respect to iran and say he hasn't been tough on iran and put pressure on them and that we haven't with the additional 500 sanctions. >> shannon: but we are also leaving the sanctions? >> let's look at the blessing michelle, they launch more than a hundred blessing missiles how many got through? the recent ? the reason to get through his they knew we reposition the forces to help israel shoot them down. so with the ballistic missile program it didn't turn out to be like that.
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>> why wouldn't we were supported have stopped this program so wasn't launching israel we weren't having to get it involved defensively? >> just look at the sanctions we put in place against iran and the resources we put in the region. it's hard to take a look at what president biden has done and say we somehow have gone soft on iran. it was a previous a ministration that decided to get us out of the iran deal i now wrought -- irina so much to radically closer to potential nuclear weapon capability then they were before before mr trump was elected. >> is an offer to say there has been moved by the ministration that have opened up cash and other opportunities for them which we know are fungible in ways that are not helping the arena people what they are helping the elites and people there who chant death to america? >> you and i have had this fungible the argument before. i argosy take a different issue -- or a taken issue with that characterization. i sanctions relief that has come about that even sanctions relief of the additional funds made available to iran due to the
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sanctions and relief program the trumpet ministration put in place can only be used for humanitarian goods, it doesn't go to the regime. the idea that the regime was somehow feeling that they were freed up to support these proxies just doesn't comport with the facts that we have been supporting these for many years. >> a comport with their language though saying we will use is money in the way we want to use it? >> they physically can't do that. >> let's talk about china. that's plenty reporting that they been talking to china wanting them to use their influence to head off the attacks. there has been a number of visits our presidents have been speaking, secretary lincoln is supposed to be going to meetings as well. but this comes at a time where they are the number-one oil customer and also this week reports that they are supplying could call elements with the weapon system and be able to go after ukraine. this relationship does not seem
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to be working to our advantage. they don't seem to be worried about the warnings to us and visits from us. >> i don't dispute the fact that china can do more and should do more in terms of the middle east and the relationship they have we've asked them to use that to positive effects. i will let him speak to what he is her and is not willing to do but they have not put that kind of pressure on and we've certainly want them to do that. but china is also not the leader in the region that maybe they want to be year they claim to be. united states however, they very much hour. and the leadership position. >> shannon: let's talk about ab because i was on the first things that heated up again last night. a number of senators and house members taking two other places issuing statements saying its time to get aid for israel past. they've been a standalone measure and obviously the bigger package white house would like to see has come through the senate.
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what would you like to see this week? will the white house science of them that comes as a standalone aid measure for israel if it gets to the president's desk we. >> you take a look at last night and then you see the eastern flank here in ukraine speed, time is of the essence. and the fastest way we are able to support our people in israel is to move forward with the senate passed with a bipartisan way. did in the funding to ukraine and israel and also helps us on the end of pacific and we know shannon that if this bipartisan legislation gets to the floor in the house it will pass. there's no votes for it. get this on the floor and get a vote on so this aid can get to israel in ukraine and the fastest possible way and not go back to the senate has a solid peaceful legislation that they should move on. >> if they don't and they send usually standalone with a not sign a bill for israel? >> i won't get ahead of his this
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vision one way or another we will have to see what makes a way to his desk but the fastest way to support our friends is to move this senate bill forward and get it on the house floor. >> the howe sound of it's going to change of schedule this week and get something moving. >> i hope so. >> always appreciate your time, they knew so much. turning us now john candy of louisiana. welcome back to fox news sunday. your response to the calls, there's democrats and republicans and you heard the admiral say they want that sent a package to get done. the speaker hasn't moved it in the house, what is your thoughts to both of these institutions today? >> i think my position is pretty clear. i love israel, i despise putin i despise the communist party of
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china. and i despise iran. i don't want america to be the world's policeman, but i want those guys to be the world policeman either. and with those guys, if you turn the other cheek, you just get it in the neck. more sheep is not going to solve the problem. i expect, i don't know, but i expect the speaker of the house probably next week to put in israel bill, israel support bill in the house and i think it will be followed by a bill to support taiwan and the endo- pacific and number 3, i think they will put a bill to support ukraine. now, i think this bill is going to make the money on the way in. i think it will require ukraine to pay it back.
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i think we will see russian assets and i think the bill will be limited to military aid, yeun -- not humanitarian aid and i think there will be strong encouragement to make europe which is vastly more wealthy than russia to do a better job of putting it's money where its mouth is. and i think the bill will pass. it will come back to the senate, and unfortunately, i predict that if it comes back to the senate the big issues on those bills will not be because of ukraine. the big issue will be israel. because it is clear that president biden is being influenced by the hamas wing of the democratic party. >> to that point you have senator sanders there and when your colleagues who says in the boston globe not another nickel to netenyahu he says,'s america want to be on the side of
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history of standing with people who are child killers and creating starvation? those are his words. he seems determined to block anything going to israel! >> yes! and in the past 60 days we have seen president biden go wobbly in his support of israel. and today the white house is already leaked to the press early this morning that they will not participate in an israeli response to what iran jousted. let me say it again, more sheep will not solve the wolf problem. my advice to the president today for what it's worth, mr president, don't! stop it. support israel. with respect, go to amazon and by a spine online. peace through weakness never works, not with these men.
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>> shannon: what about the issue of raw fund their being more than a million civilians, many refugees from other areas within israel, they were told to evacuate there now. we know hamas uses them as human shields but the fact is they are there. the us is weighing in on this and we are cautioning them and also indicating we will not be supportive of omission there. israel says getting to hamas is extinguishing the next essential threat for them, but what are we to do about the civilian population called the mill of this think we. >> move them into the peninsula. this would require the consent of egypt's. we send billions of dollars a year in aid to egypt. egypt gets billions of dollars of free money from the international monetary fund that america controls.
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we need to sit down with the egypt and say we are moving the refugees into sinai and we are going to do to hamas what we did to isis and al qaeda. egypt will not like it's, but i think egypt will understand why we are insisting on them doing this. now, if the refugees don't want to move, that is their choice. but there is a simple answer to this. if we just show a little bit of fortitude. >> we know egypt would not be for that as you said they will not like it, we will see. >> of course they won't like it! >> -- >> shannon: they feel it may violate a treaty they had with israel, but let me get to this, the un security council will meet this afternoon. not known for being pro-israel, what do you expect this afternoon?
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>> a lot of blah blah blowing -- blah blah blah. our state department they're pretty good haggling over language but they are not good for much more. we are in a bar fight here. ms. state department wants with quote plato and socrates and they want to read beowulf. and the lasix he days they were already gone wobbly. and their support of israel. they say its ironclad. come on man, the american people might be poor under biden but they are not stupid. we need to stand with israel. it's very clear. we are not at war with hamas, we are not at war with her -- with the amount -- how montessori,
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yeah,'s blah those are surrogates for iran, they are prostitutes, the pimp is iran. israel is a war with iran. iran hates americans. iran hates jews. iran wants to kill americans and jews. and if we turn the other cheek to them we are going to get in the neck. >> shannon: i want to ask you quickly to if you guys will move aid this week but you also are expected to receive, with everything that happened this might have changed but the house heading over the impeachment, for the secretary with respect to the border. the senate majority leader says its absurd that the house has approved anything and he's going to get rid of it very quickly, and i feel definitely about this? >> well, united states representative has impeach the cabinet with a thorough investigation. as i said last week, we are not
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talking about some snow breau who eats chicken mcnuggets and smoke sweden has an opinion. this is the united states house of representatives. in the past 200 plus years we have had 21 impeachment's by united states house of representatives. have always held a trial in the a less the impeached official quit, we ought to do it now senator schumer is coming up with all kinds of excuses. i'm talking about how many lawyers could dance on the head of a pin he's trying to muddy the water to make it look deep, it's not deep. it's simple. he doesn't want to have the united states senate with president biden's open border policy that the american people are so upset about. and when violating these 200 years or precedence.
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say this to the president, don't. let's stop the senate from rotting with -- from within. >> we will see if this makes it onto the calendar. always good to see you, thank you. >> thank you shannon. >> shannon: up next, breaking down how the defense systems works. last night what we learn about last night what we learn about iran's capabilities and what comes next .
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>> some of the drones over
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jerusalem okay . there is widespread pay -- praise for the actions. take them down. what those are fired in from iran. joining us as our own expert for a closer look, good to have you with us. >> shannon. >> this what we had incoming over over the targets in israel. there is a number of defensive weapons with the missiles on the iron dome and beam, what he tells about how it worked last night? >> is an integrated system. out there member the allies were there to. with those in the aircraft. with this attack that we have ever seen in history. frankly there is no putting the genie back in the bottle off of this one very comic eight attack when they had to use all the systems with the ballistic
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missile system with the iron dome. and here's a back of the british mind they say okay, go back to the respective course, no. nine 9% of those things were destroyed coming in. think about the attack they had on us after we killed and they sent 16 missiles with 300 drones i missiles as well. is one of those how they will reaction all go back to the respective corners the genie is out of the bottle. >> shannon: i want to put up a look at the assets that we have in the region. there is concerns because you heard me talking with the admiral about this, the fact that apparently our president, they want to be involved in the us will not support a massive counterstrike. we do have a lot of assets in the region but what does this
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mean you say the genie is out of the bottle, how does this resolve? i guess israel does not feel a same way. >> they don't. they have all the assets in the world with the eisenhower battle group. and the use the assets going into a fight and going into danger and when we should have basically said to be israelis, we have your back, full with the copperheads of strike because they will go back hear that doesn't mean they will go downtown, that doesn't mean that they will go after the nuclear facility, but they will respond to a degree because they have to. sort of like dancing with a bare, you know the only decide to stop dancing when you want to you stop dancing when the bear wanted to stop. and i think now the israelis are the bare and the irradiance had to realize that. you have to show that in the region and the only people really establishing in the
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region are the israelis as well. >> shannon: we have a lot of assets to do that, thank you for giving us a bigger excellence. >> thank you shannon, appreciated. >> joining us is a member of the knesset serving on the financial security committees and she was also course served in israel's military, welcome to fox news sunday. >> thank you for inviting me. >> i want to ask about the cautionary tale we are hearing from our sources say that israel says they don't want to be involved, the us and a major counteroffensive, where it's a move there this morning would you expect after we told you numerous times i would offences ironclad that the us will come to your defense of the comes of this? >> well, what is the mood here in israel? we have just been through a very terrifying and intense night. as a mother of three babies, we have prepared our shelter with mattresses and supplies and food and water.
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devil regime. >> we know israel is facing threats on many fronts thank you for your time. >> thank it very much. >> shannon: back here at home, the campaign trail still hating up, for president trump rallying supporters ahead a president biden swing through that same state next week and we'll break it all down with the panel and they are next. ♪
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>> announcer: or wherever you download podcasts. dc. birmingham. wow or michigan? san antonio. the un ed football
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down. ♪ >> shannon: another check out of israel kind they far more than 300 drones, ballistic and cruise missiles overnight and all were intercepted by the israeli, us, and other allies. they launched a response and retaliation of the deaths of the reigning leaders in syria this month which iran blames on israel.
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president biden has one these to coordinate a united to maddock response to iran's brazen attacks. time now for our fox news sunday group. the democratic congressman tennessee congressman and former bush adviser with the reporters she'll be talcott, welcome to all of you. we planned for this as our story of the day. we have pull it -- policy polling about things like hamas, how the president's handling china, all these foreign-policy fronts he's deeply underwater and they have brand-new polling out this weekend saying that voters give mr trump significantly higher marks on his handling of foreign conflicts. it was part of his speech last night and should be part of the campaign trail. >> every week we see something that could be seismic in this
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campaign. could be the dobbs decision in arizona and the ruling of abortion, it could be the cpi report to the inflation of her coming up that's big and then you add this? a possible potential of world war iii, right? they're summing to be said about the administration saying don't. when they say to those they say don't come, now they also say to israel don't retaliate. october 7th you might have been able to say that to israel and they would have set okay, we can manage it and they are in a different mindset now and let's look at this in a way that says our allies, we worked well together. the salaries joined in and the uk was there. and the us and israel all working together and it was not right to tell israel you can't have some sort of cost to iran for doing this and let's benefit that they everyone was moving in the same direction.
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bynen netenyahu they want to press on the gas and the brakes the same time and if you do that you end up turning in circles and so somebody needs to figure out a way to help israel do what they need to do with the help of their allies in a way they get some in the right direction. >> raises all other conversations about the foreign-policy of the ministration with a real clear defense and this went through all those things. returning to power in afghanistan and russia invading ukraine and china increasing its pressure on taiwan, china and russia getting closer and he goes on and on, there is it's very long list at this white house will have to confront! >> first saw happy sunday, good to be with you. first things, people say foreign-policy doesn't weigh in on their minds and it's not normally at the top. i would say when they were in the white house for that election foreign-policy was at the forefront and they said the american people you haven't been attacked and i campaign where reagan was elected.
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on the foreign-policy issue. and biden was held. the litany you just his is things you had to deal with in a more forceful way. this issue here i think the region is more six -- susceptible than it has been perhaps the early nineties and it feels different this time because of our proximity to it. with the technology in the way they were able to access it. as i listened to senator kennedy, even admiral kirby, the options we had as i listened should we go to war with iran? what happens in the region if the offensive response on the israelis, i agree that we should not tell them to not respond but we have to be willing to share, this is what will happen if we go forward as aggressively as we said we plan to. this is a tough pickle we are in. i think why the things we should do is to things they should say
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we're standing with israel we are ironclad anyone suggesting otherwise is wrong we massively coordinate it without them -- with them, without her help there would be more missiles that landed. and the congress. democrats and republicans we should provide israel and ukraine and taiwan every tool and resource they need. for those of us who believe we should have done this at the beginning, this is the beginning. it's really the middle, what if we don't do it now we will disadvantage our allies even more. >> this is another toughly call issue, when they do want to talk what is this issue of abortion. we saw it happen in a supreme court ruling with the vise president out there making the case about reproductive freedom, and here is a member of congress who is a democrat saying this, never seen anything like this in terms of people just viscerally angry that this has happened in our state and we are not going to walk to the polls in november they are going to run to the polls in november. and that is a key critical swing
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state. >> absolutely. i have a weird view on this. trump has already been hit for same people -- women should be punished if they have an abortion or try 17 he said he was in favor of the national band, he's been hit as the architect of dobbs by appointing the people as supreme court and his responses to say is left up to the states. i think he gets advantage by taylor -- talking more about this. i would take is my lesson in virginia they talk about it for three weeks with the closing days of the off year elections for the legislature and they said we are in favor of 15 weeks with three exceptions rape, incest, life of the mother. they showed empathy on the issue, and they won every house of delegates district that joe biden carried by ten points are less and every democratic state senate seat won by joe biden by nine points are less. my only criticism would be what would have happened if they talked about it for four or five weeks, maybe they would have found the 2000 additional votes to take the house of delegates.
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so the president kind the former president, strikes me as advantage to engage. tell people more than just you want left up to the states, if you are in a state like arizona, be reasonable and say i'm not in favor of unlimited abortion like joe biden is. i'm not a feat -- in favor of those in the second and third trimester but i'm empathetic and i understand this terrible decision that women have to make and you might be advantaged by that rather than just simply saying i don't want to talk about it just leave it up to the states. >> i will say he will have plenty of opportunities to talk about it because it's nonstop on the campaign trail and he did have this long social media posts where he said imparts the arizona governor and legislature out there you have to do something, we're counting on you. whether they decide to preserve it for the ballots selling to see what he's trying to say look, when i present alabama, they close the loophole on ibf and i'm calling on arizona to do the same thing with abortion. >> what's interesting like this i thank you make a good point because when i talk to people close to the trump campaign, they have pointed out to me that
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by donald trump talking about this issue more, it has sort of muddied the waters for the book -- for the biden campaign to attack him over it. because our member, a few weeks ago before donald trump came out and talked at all about it they were saying he supports the national abortion ban. now they are saying well, he doesn't support the national abortion banner he's lying about not supporting the national abortion ban but also this is tying him to the restrictions. so they are having to explain their argument more now then they were before nothing on donald trump's messaging is also open the floodgates for republican lawmakers to sort of start talking about the issue of abortion and more political terms right? donald trump is always had through the entire campaign that you need to be thinking about this in part because it -- from a political standpoint because you need to win the election in order to do what you want in office so that has been interesting to see with this shift and we are seeing more and
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more lawmakers coming out saying that these restrictions are too severe. >> shannon: this is one of those things i think we should debates. fox has signed on with the media groups that this data this election are exceptionally high against the backdrop, there simply is no substitute for the candidates debating with each other and before the american people, divisions for the future of our nation, we're doing these other media group to say we think both the presumptive nominee should say that they have debates and they should do before the voting begins. or at least before the november vote. show of hands, you think debates are free happen these two? okay! duthie the debates happen? >> absolutely i think so. >> i'm waiting for this! this will be the thriller from manila. this abiy fantastic! >> when he's asked all trouble you appoint judges and justices of the court that believe in dobbs don't, that is the issue. i hear you carl but in all these states, democratic -- democrats would prevail on this abortion issue.
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>> mabiour all right this could be the outlier here. >> retired with the messaging on it, they've lost control the message, can they retake it? >> when they gain control the message. the prominent arizona is the republicans couldn't act and they had were reset for a week. quick action to resolve this with an empathetic and reasonable way as a way to go. >> and they never been able to come to a core agreeing message. >> panel, you are amazing, thank you very much. >> there is a first-ever criminal trial of a former president with the attorneys and will -- they will join us live next .
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>> shannon: starting tomorrow jury selection of the first kernel trial for trump will be underway. it could take days or maybe weeks. the jurors seated with all -- alternates will consider 34 felony counts against the far president in connection with the money paid to an adult film star who said she had sex with trump and then took the money to keep quiet. each of those counts carry a possible for your jail term. prosecutors are trying a novel
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legal theory that has misdemeanor charges related to falsifying business records to felonies by claiming that they were falsified to conceal another crime. the case is expected to take a couple months and it will not be televised. the high-profile witnesses may include former eric trump fixer michael cohen, they will try to paint him as unreliable and self-interested in its possible and stormy daniels herself and another woman who said she had an affair with the president could take the stand but we'll the former president? we will asked someone who can answer that question. join me now with the former president attorney will sharp. >> thank you for having me. >> otago jury selection, this is where manhattan roughly 84 or 85% went for president biden, how difficult will be to get a jury that can be neutral? >> at the other day what we're talking about is a show trial. i media extravaganza in the media capital of the world where the only realistic consequence, even if president trump were
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convicted, is frankly a talking point for the biden campaign. jury selection will be difficult and i have a lot of faith in our team up that they will be able to get the best possible jury. and this would make the possibility of having a biased or even more likely. >> the president a couple days ago said he be okay taking the stance saying one legal analyst there begging him not to do it. michael cohen who is also expected to be on the stand is skeptical at the president will take a stand. >> being on the standards equal to the likelihood of me waking up tomorrow 7-foot six with the new york knicks. it won't happen. the one thing every time donald opens his mouth we know he's not
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a good defendant or good witness with those in the courtroom he's given to the hyperbole at times. with the press conference under oath. do you have any worries about that? >> i think they'll be decision for donald trump in the trial team with how they progress, i would say if he does take the stand, president trump will be a compelling witness he did nothing wrong, the truth is absolutely on his side. that's on the that will have to be made down the road. but one way or the other i have full confidence in both president trump and the team he has around him. >> shannon: how worried are you about michael cohen? he says people will be surprised what they hear, he says he's not the linchpin to this whole thing. those that are legal advisors says the case against trump involves multiple witnesses besides cohen to cooperate the crime with a legal hush money through the law as well as
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federal law. backed up to by multiple witnesses documents, text messages, telephone call records and documents. you will clearly go after cohen but he says its not just me, there is all kinds of other things that will back up my story. >> i'm somewhat limited what i can say with the gag order that's entered against president trump by the judge in this case which just goes to show how outrageous this will processes with respect to michael cohen as we have said consistently in the pleadings, this is a man who numerous courts found guilty of perjury in the past. and i think ultimately the jury is going to have to weigh the credibility of various witnesses withing the truth is on president trump side and there is nothing any of these witnesses or anything the new york da can do to change this basic fact. >> what they consider this idea that's being floated when you get to the jury, before they get to deliberations asking for lesser included offence? giving them an opportunity to say we will convict on misdemeanors instead of these felonies? or do you want to go for broke as a felonies or nothing?
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>> one of the craziest things about this. with the offences and that through the weird legal chemical process alvin bragg has converted into the felony offences. if these were misdemeanors there is no question of the statute of limitation would not allow this case to have been brought in the first place. so that is a real legal problem with the case itself and i expect this will play out in court in the coming weeks. >> shannon: we are out of time but i know that you are part of the supreme court decision rk selby on the issue to a new have you back to talk about that. >> had love that. thank you. >> shannon: up next to her taking life back to israel to get the latest on the ground as the world awaits israel's response to iran's barrage of drones and missiles amid new warnings to both israel and the us. next. ♪
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>> we are working with them and i'm looking for to speak with the g-7 leaders as afternoon. >> shannon: that was the fresh trimester this morning in london. you rain within a launched air attack in israel in the us military hoping to shoot down dozens of the hundreds of drones
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and missiles fired at the jewish state. fox news foreign correspondent is live around the clock a very latest. >> reporter: good morning. the cabinet is meeting in trying to determine if and how israel will respond to this unprecedented iranian attack overnight that included hundreds of drones and missiles just before the meeting began, the cabinet member of the former defence minister released a statement saying that israel was reviewing its options and wanted to build an international coalition to respond against iran and he also said they reserve the right to respond at a time and place that best suit israel. right now the israeli people are bracing for the possibility of continued attacks from the iranian proxies across the region, they are still fighting the war inside god's eye, they have renewed fire from yemen and lebanon and again, the fire overnight, the first time in history that iran launched an attack on israeli soil.
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shannon? >> shannon: thank you for giving us a picture and a window into everything going on there. thank you for joining us. we will join you next fox news sunday. ♪
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first ever full scale attack on israel. details on that attack and the role analysts expect the u.s. to playnd


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