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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  October 27, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> announcer: i'm shannon bream, donald trump and kamala harris to get away with their final week on the campaign trail. ♪ >> now the fate of our nation is truly in your hands michigan. >> from battleground... >> hard work is joy for can make no mistake, we will win. >> to battleground. >> reporter: it's because of policies not personalities, policies. >> to the millions about tardi
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cast, the presidential candidates are honing their closing arguments. >> of calmly gets warmer years she will obliterate our economy and kill millions of jobs and destroy your family finances. >> let's be clear of donald trump wins again he will ban abortion nationwide. >> abortion on the ballot in ten states will talk with leaders on two of them. and asked marco rubio against the campaign efforts to sway hispanic voters. with a focus on trump as a threat in the final days. then catrine prepares to take manhattan and the garden as the battle for control of congress runs right through key blue states. >> the house republicans fight to save the razor-thin majority. right now on fox news sunday. ♪ >> hello from fox news in washington.
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we began with a look at your headlines. israeli police are investigating what is suspected to be a deliberate ramming attack by a truck at a bus stop. entering several civilians. as these really military continue strikes against militants in gaza and lebanon and after it strikes on iran early saturday. the l.a. dodgers with her straight against the new york yankees with their win in their home town. game three at yankee stadium in the bronx. the u.s. is not dealing country with a nail-biter election. japanese voters go to the polls today for parliamentary elections that could throw the prime minister trudeau party in the lower chamber which is held power for all but for the years since 1955. in a moment we will talk with marco rubio who's been campaigning with former president trump this week. and later we are joined by the harris wall surrogate -- harris-walz surrogate.
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dawn thomas at soreller today the senior white house correspondent peter do see covering vice president kamala harris set to rally supporters in philadelphia. peter capak we start off with you. >> there was a very specific group targeted by the democrats top surrogate, men. michelle obama's message to them in her campaign trail debut was that she thinks reproductive rights could affect them as much as they affect anybody else. >> a have to ask myself why an earth is this race even close? your girlfriend could be the one in legal jeopardy if she needs a pill from out-of-state are overseas. your wife or mother with a cervical cancer because they have no access to regular gynecological care. it will affect you and your sons.
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>> it's that donald trump is a proper abortion access and the threat to democracy. and for those who don't know her well enough the vp is again going back to emphasizing her experience as a prosecutor to make her latest anti-trump appeal. >> it's about perpetrators of all kinds. predators. fraudsters. and repeat offenders. i took them on, and i won. [cheering] >> well michigan, in ten days it's donald trump's turn. >> they are betting undecided voters want to hear more about january 6. so her big event this week will be remarks on the washington, d.c., were donald trump spoke almost four years ago. shannon?
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>> thank you peter. messent scared -- square garden in new york that's where president trump's make a big closing message to those who have been lined up a sound ours alexis. >> yes, people slept here from madison square garden if you can believe it overnight in new york city as a former president is in the big apple this time he's not here for a court hearing, this time he's onstage at madison square garden. i want to show what's going on behind me this is the look in front of msg you can see the crowd growing here as people get excited for this. they're expecting madison square garden to be full. elon musk will be here senator j.d. vance and house speaker mike johnson up on stage just some of the guests in nearly 20,000 people are expected to pack the world's most iconic arena in deep blue new york city. this will be his third event to new york state okay? he is out of the bronx and just
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last month 16,000 people packed into a rally out on long island. the former president says he's going to make a play to win new york. but they have lost saying last two elections by more than 20 points. their public and presidential candidate has not won new york since ronald reagan and 84 about new poll show that trump's rating better here than he did last election. >> we've had a lot of rallies will have a biggest it all -- of all at madison square garden. we are making a play has been one in many decades but with what's going on new york between the illegal migrants and the crime they are causing and hurting people so badly and all the problems in new york we are giving it a hell of a shot. >> form president trump spending time in the swing states he was at penn state with two rallies in michigan touting his plan for the economy. with the decline like filling a detroit.
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>> we'll bring back manufacturing jobs and energy jobs. we'll bring back our dreams. we will give our company the lowest taxes with free access to the best and biggest markets or planet. >> nine days if you can believe it till the presidential election people here excited and plan to hit the polls delete here that immigration in the economy is a huge home notches here for new yorkers i am a major schedule packed where he will then lead after madison square garden and had to areas like pennsylvania wisconsin. >> alexis. thank you so much. >> joining us their public and senator will go back to the show kicked great to see you. >> good morning ki thank you. >> deming the closing argument she struggled president trump as
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a threat to the country. here's what she said in recent days. >> do you think don't up as a fascist? >> as i do. >> yes, i do. he doesn't want a military for the nice it's constitution he wants a military loyal to him. i think he's dangerous to the well-being. >> she says this is coming from people who work closely with the president. senator? >> ate time canada starts she sounds of joe biden. literally. she's back to being joe biden. using the exact same rhetoric that didn't work for him. and time appeal that work for the president. they were ground the administration then they figured out if we want jobs leave this administration teaching at
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princeton or georgetown on the speakers bureau advising jpmorgan you will get hired for those jobs unless you pronounce yourself anti-trump and say things against him. yet they go city sorts of things the democrats elizabeth warren in cory booker they launch an investigation into him. they civil a kinds of horrible things about him when he worked for donald trump. how do you allow yourself to become employable and viable have to leave government service. you need to become anti-trump it was a financial incentive here when it comes out and say these things my last point i want to make his how interesting these claims that were made this week pop up with a week and a half to go before the election. if you believed some of these people claim donald trump is all these horrible things not seen fascist all these terms they
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throw around, why don't you stand up and walk out of that white house of the administration and not wait till after the fed for these questions are never asked because this is a political hit job or these people are try to elevate themselves become more employable appeal to make more money and social time perfectly so they can ask about it on cnn and she can make the answer that she made. she's not focused on her record or her plans because they are full of failure. >> do you think people like -- like john kelly are lying? >> yes. i do. you know if they aren't lying. that's a don't want to call them a liar would say its very dubious to see these accusations coming right before an election. these the kinds of things. someone says is in front of me? i say right away, i walk out and resign. i think it's hypocritical to see a bunch of democrats who spent months trashing these people
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particularly in the case of john kelly. they accuse him of potentially being a at one point our every. they attacked him over civil war comments he made. they were horrible to him! this guy who they hated and said horrible things about now he's the standard of proof here. coming out the last minute being strategically planted, it's nothing but an effort to have an impact potentially if not the single worst of administration for this country and for americans in my lifetime. >> on talk about part of the fact they say he's too friendly with autocrats like vladimir putin. is supporting out of "the wall street journal". you on musk is now fully supportive of donald trump and campaigning with him, has been having conversations with lee putin regularly over the last
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few years there's been questions raised given the government contracts and access to security information because what information that musk has that there is a problem, and national security issue. now the nasa administrator that used to be the senator from florida he says there should be investigation into this regarding mask. do you think there should be? >> first of all in one who has contact with the u.s. government goes under constant review i will tell you beyond spacex don't know how we'll rescue her asked -- after not stuck in space reduce of the things that need to be done. all being said i plan on whether elon musk called putin or not. is a private citizen and if somehow that's pearls' clearance is a process for all that. is not through the media and in the middle of a political campaign. let me say silly about being friendly to autocrats. i'm not a friend -- fan of vladimir putin. i think he's an enemy of the states.
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and the american president as well have to interact with him because he is the largest nuclear stockpile in the world. because they are a power in the world that has to be dealt with. and doesn't mean it to be friendly to them in order to interact with them. the by the administration has had interactions with putin and the regime over there. governing in the world is a stupid accusation. >> ants believe that thousands have gone over to aid russia in there war on ukraine. what do you make of that development. which of the response be? >> a make of it the worlds and total chaos you can link it to the day we were were run out of afghanistan by the taliban and he million in the way we wear. that's a signal to the world not just let joe biden kamala harris are weak but america is weakened now is a time to act. it's not a coincidence that since this moment we had the
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invasion in ukraine. we have october seventh, we had things in the middle east we had them date -- endangering global shipping the chinese harassing the philippines and none of these things are quintessential. with a very graphic weakness under biden and harris. that's a make of it. it spinning into chaos because it's going to get worse of kamala harris' president of the united states. with an security but weather our intelligence agencies were fair and nice and appropriate and where their gender was being appropriately accounted for. they were reporting overnight taking a special class for the intelligence analysis when they were tied with the global leaders that were women. that they were somehow not discriminated against we should
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focus on the security of our country. and her national security apparatus in our country. >> you mentioned the middle east there because i want to talk with us to. you the ranking member they are investigating a legal document are material our ally that may have delayed the response or attacks on iran. how worried are you that this happened because of somebody working in the u.s. government? >> what has to be someone in the u.s. government that had access to information given to someone who put out there reported out there directly. we know because you seen it with all these different things they are a bunch of cowards. all these people that are anti-israel and they say we think this is wrong and we shouldn't support israel they never signed their names anything. they sympathize we will see what
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the investigation shows but this proves to me this indicates that this was not a treasonous act by someone in the u.s. government to undermine israel and by extension security the nine states. it was done deliberately to harm israel and ultimately endanger americans as well. >> the vice president has adjusted should she win she would get rid of this based on abortion. you think your democratic colleagues would go along with getting rid is selling that would come back to bite them when they are nonpower? >> yes, because i think they will do it. democrats keep the senate they will get rid of the filibuster. with a democrat they are against they will get rid of that. you will not just be on
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abortion. they will do to remake the supreme court and packet they'll pass that green new deal they will pass every idea that is not popular or couldn't pass. she's not campaigning on now by the way. many of these issues you know they are a popular. will ram it through the united states senate and that's what they want to get rid of the filibuster at this point. i'm convinced that they win they will get really filibuster and they will do that to ram through all these radical left-wing ideas that she supports what is and campaigning on. >> senator rubio thank you so much good to see you sir. >> thank -- thank you. >> up next you'll hear from governor jared polis. we will hear his reaction to the followed over migrant gangs in aurora making a lot of headlines. with liberty mutual. customize and sa—
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♪ >> in aurora, colorado,, he have the worst... probably the worst with venezuela gangs. they have taken over apartment complexes and they will want to take over the whole thing. he have a weak governor, pathetic governor. who is a radical left democrat. he doesn't know what to do. >> it's more president trump criticizing cargoes governor over violent gangster venezuela operating in his debut to hear his side of the story of the colorado democratic governor. welcome back to the show! >> always a pleasure shannon. >> let's start there. of the management company for two of these complexes they said they are under control of gangs. multiple times he reached out to they say they sent a letter for help to you.
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they pointed things they want their managers being severely beaten, pictures are out there, out they -- the file a police report last fall. they say what they are getting instead is it done i love the reality of the situation as some people have left a feel for the lives and they can not gain control of this what's the plan? >> lo, the aurora police republican mayor of aurora had a very different version that they've told me. what i've told the city is the state is ready. you need it we have access any of our state troopers. we're right back you up with any operations. the police kept the mayor they continue to reassure us and of course they've had a number of events may say they never been under gang control. it seems like one those things don't trump is either exaggerating or making up, city of aurora is great i was there with my kids also become there all the time is our third biggest city crime is down two years in a row. >> is a scar from the apartment complex owners and there is an outside group that went in to
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investigate pit they are collected with while the vendors. that assessment was there under the control of these gangs. there is reporting this week as well authorities in aurora had concerns and so awareness potentially about this gang as far back as the fall of last year. dhs says there's hundreds of people in this country link to this particular gang. that venezuela is not looking at repatriation flights no matter how people got here. if they want to send them back they won't take them back. we know there's no full screenings for everyone crossing our border. he's the only ones we know about wise not more concerned about those often seen with the sanctuary states we were and what your constituents then colorado? >> aurora's on a sanctuary city. >> 's denver is. >> is that the city next door. that's all having these issues. aurora is in the fight with those and they broke copper
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exist say why having to clean up the garbage they have sowed them, i think they are engaged in operations against them, the state's right to back up. i think we really need here shannon is border security. and 70 in charge of the foreign prosecutor in law-enforcement officially kamala harris who will get it done. of people coming to crime against a country they have to be out. no ifs answer abuts and that's what kamala harris will do. >> do you think coming across the border legally is a coming answer country or no? >> these of a mostly venezuelans who came here as refugees or status. they're fleeing a socialistic dictator most able to work legally. these venezuelan gangs are committing crimes against un-- against other violet -- venezuelans. there's been an arresting colorado we hope we got them all and if we don't we will get them all. >> greg abbott who like you deals with this issue on a daily bail -- basis as this group should be designated by the mistress right now as a terrorist group. do you agree with that?
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>> whatever the status of other game -- gangs are, yes, they should be treated the same. i don't know the terminology is what they are definitely in those other kinds of crime. yet the take on all crime. that's why it doesn't matter where the gang is or who it is or if it's a good book criminals right? he have to take it on prosecuted kamala harris as put prisoners behind bars and she will be tough as president of the mainstays to make sure to improve our city. >> lots will know she's part of the current administration and this has been happening for years. so ho-shue then pivot to make the akman that she will be complete different on the border if she's elected? >> a thing they made some progress on the border in the last two months of course with this is someone who's been vice president, there's a number of areas she's outlined in its entirely different. a new space for the country and a path forward and set of returning to a president we already had who didn't secure the border during his time in office. she has a number of ideas not
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just to secure the border but also provide tax cuts for families more reductions personal businesses in the text cover every small business and increase housing supply. >> the vice president talks quite a bit about in this campaign is the issue of abortion where she holds an edge when people are asked who they would rather handle that issue. colorado, as you talked about, has no limit on abortions through nine months. but you do have a measure on the ballot this time to ensure this with your state constitutions and to allow for the state taxpayers dollars for some abortions. you become a bit of a sanctuary state what it comes to this issue because of the states are so restricted." taxpayer dollars we used for those travelling out of state for abortions? >> all this puts the protection of the right to choose which we have, already and law into her
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state quotation. it's also important make sure women can control when and if they have kids but it's also making sure they can raze those kids in a loving home. that's what kamala harris is a tax credit for family affordability is making per progress on this big issue here and other places and we'll improve and invest in our public schools rather than eliminate the department of education which her opponent has talked about. >> the speech which i with the idea of people that have objection to religious are otherwise to preferring abortion should be forced to go ahead and perform them, here is bit of that conversation. >> what would be on the table religious exemption would you consider that? >> el thing we should be making concessions over time what a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body. >> federal law has low protection to people with regard to the issue of conscious and abortion, people is sound like she would want to get rid of those, do you think that would be policy under harrison mr. h and?
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>> alton gas what she was saying, in colorado we absolutely have catholic hospitals that don't perform abortions. there's know stigma at all associated with that. of course you want to make sure people are aware what they can and can't get a different hospitals in different providers with this in a matter of conscience between that person their doctor and their faith. i think that's what kahla harris believes as well. >> when she says no one religious concessions or exemptions, that sounds like in conflict with what you're saying or with the federal laws currently! >> the government doesn't control the hospital -- hospitals need to do states, you don't control the doctor does or doesn't do. i don't know exactly what the quote was with the context that i can certainly tell you in colorado told the pro-choice state, no hospital dr. has ever --'s are forced to perform a procedure they do want to or don't agree with. it just doesn't happen. it's not legal to force them to do that. nor should it be. >> you are on a hit show on the audience loved you with bill marks. you are there any said the
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vice president should get out and do more nontraditional things. people need to see more of her. here's a bit of your appearance. >> a thin the more people see of kamala harris the more they like her. you can put out there she's fun and clever, get out there! >> they fell that way about you in that audience with here's the thing, when we have a recent polling on favourable and unfavourable's over the last month, on favourable's have gone out for vice president harris for governor walz, will favourable to have gone up for j.d. van son donald trump. so why is it that you think as people are getting the least candidates more they are shifting away from the vice president's and they have a less favourable impression? >> we'll see that on the ground. i think we call harris for speaking the nominee there was a number of folks with a hangover from the joe biden era where they didn't want to get them out as much or he wasn't -- he didn't have the energy to get as much she doesn't she's great she could should get out more into more media appearances she's talking and doing a lot of
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interviews in different venues. fundamentally, about an hour's vice president when i was in congress and i was there and congress into the centre as well. she's likable and smart, klaver and on the ball. the more people see it for the more they say that's who i want for our future. at su-wei need to move us forward and break from this broken past -- past and bring us forward in the spirit of unity this nation deserves. >> as we all know the ultimate poll is election day but voting has been going on if not months in some areas. always appreciate your time can't think of her coming on. >> thank you. >> or republicans battling to hang onto there very slim majority in the house. will go to the board and look at some of the critical races as both parties plot a path to taking over the balance of power plus, our sunday panel and democrats growing fears over the top of their take it analysts warned the trump campaigns overconfidence could backfire. that's next. ♪
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>> welcome back, as we inch closer to november fifth democrats out more and more confident about retaking the house. republicans hold a razor-thin majority here. 222, 212 with three vacancies. assuming a full congress they needed net gain of four seats to retake the house. of course all 435 seats are on the ballot this year and as of now fox news power rankings list 22 of these as tossups. let's look at some these could call races that will ultimately
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decide the balance of power here. interestingly enough this run-through to coastal blue states. new york where the 17th district is a tight one mike lawler facing off former chair of the democratic congressional campaign committee who lost his seat in 2022 fox news power rankings just moved this one to leans republican. in california the 27th district features from the key races mike garcia former navy fighter pilot looking to hold onto his seat versus democrat george whitesides former ceo of virgin galactic. there's also course battleground pennsylvania. and the tenth district six term public and congressmen scott perry former chair of the house freedom caucus is launching a battle against the former tv news anchor. this race just move to a toss-up it would be a significant flip in a district that's been reliably read for decades.
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>> let's talk about it with our sunday group the national political reporter. former chief of staff mitch mcconnel. fox news senior political analyst and bloomberg managing editor for u.s. economy and government, good to see all of you today. julia, howard of the two parties over this is going? this has been not fun i think for the various speakers trying to control the g.o.p. with such a slim margin but they feel pretty bullish on flipping the house. >> yes. i think when you see the p.a. ten for a while talking to the house are republicans they are feeling quite confident about that race. but you are seeing democrats are to make the roads now it's a toss-up so they are feeling confident about that. but in general i think there is some worry other public inside if republicans were to win the house his there's a question as to what happens next by how much margin, what happens with
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leaderships for a few different reasons but i talk very confident right now. >> we know voters like this with things that they like to concentrate power the listing of republicans have a much better senate map this time around. >> absolutely. i was just thinking. that's the only place of optimism for democrats right now. look like he's in trouble right now. share brown's looking a little shaky in ohio as well as we'll see if can survive. i think as much optimism as they have for poisoning out of the house they all bite kind of resigned themselves to a tough senate. >> time of the democrat worries, the hill has this report this week. they fear the race to be stepping away from harris they were able the top of the ballot. they are probably expressing worry that battleground polling seems to be moving in trump's direction over the last two weeks. they say if this is a viable election the current vibes ain't
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great. >> right. are democrats anxious? absolutely. for the democrats their sentence so much it at stake. you think at this past week which i'm talking about enemies within and of course he of the comments he referred to earlier in your interviews about john kelly they are talking about him as a fascist. i heard james carbo say he's famous for having said way back it's the economy stupid this time he saying its the cot -- it's the constitution stupid. despite the nervousness that's very real among the democrats, when i look at the numbers i don't see anything with the evidence of a big shift right now. tone national level and in the battleground states when you look at it there was a lot of
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talk this week about early voting in some people saying you're seeing more republicans call than ever before. trump is shifted since he's an early voter. a lot also has been very heavily female. if that's the case then oh, my gosh,, women in this gender division are more favourable to democrats. it's hard to say. but, i don't know why, it's true. what you said was absolutely true shannon. democrats are nervous. >> the aari but the vice president seems like to run for that position. she likes to be the underdog in it about a vase people to get out. there's danger though i see josh, i will do honesty rolling his eyes may be a little sceptical over there. at the same time the "washington examiner", the letter from the editor's warning trump about because only saying at his rallies we have this in the bag we are way ahead, our polls show that. he says this is a message not well calculated to get his loan fancy bows to the pools in sufficient numbers to turn the
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poll indications into the reality of victory and the reality of power. should he be careful about saying that so people turned out? >> it and there's a distinct with what he's doing putting on a show for people at his rallies and what the campaign itself with the party and all the apparatus on the outside are actually doing. i actually don't think there republicans know how to be overconfidence in an election over the last four years. i think there's two things. the analytical side you look at all these polls say everything looks like it's on the tip of one way or another, all the swing state polls are extremely tight. but you also look at this in contrast where was in 2020 or 2016 certainly polling a lot better today than he ever was even when he won back in 2016. do a thing as a psychological piece to this. which is worth looking at. you can always tell an awful lot about a campaign based on how they are acting in the closing days never trump campaign that looks like it's having a lot of fun! they are going out there and trying to execute khakis doing
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things like joe rogan, speaking at different audiences so we have french fries at mcdonalds, and you turned to the harris sides it is very dark rhetoric where we are talking about and fascism and you know things that are frankly sort of hard for the average american voter to believe, associate after they've had an eight year experience now donald trump. i do think if it's a vibes like you said if it's a vibes election feels free to give her republicans. >> what doesn't feel good for democrats to his all these nonendorsements you have the teamsters staying out the national firefighter staying out you also have the "los angeles times" are there reasons and now "the washington post" this week that says this way in the letter from the publisher and ceo heat they sate nonendorsement is for readers ability to make up their own minds on this have the most consequential american decisions who to vote for is the next president. walesa democrats as a nonendorsement taken by the
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trump team as a victory. >> you will see trump treading on edge anyway he possibly can. the fact that he's been at open war i should add with "the washington post" over the last eight years also for him as somewhat of a victory that they aren't endorsing in this race. for him it feels he's apply the appropriate -- appropriate monopod -- appropriate amount of pressure. and this has come out with less than two weeks before the election, what one does wonder about the time. >> i must say is seven who worked at "the washington post" for 20+ years, what a disappointment. i "the washington post" just after watergate. and kay graham who is that then publishers stood up to richard nixon when he was threatening her broadcast license. now looks i not only "the washington post" but the "los angeles times" the very wealthy owners who save these print operations are afraid of the possibility of trump winning and the consequences.
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they briefly said you said people overseas to study autocratic governments and their oppression of the press and i'm thinking wow! why are they saying that this is the threat? >> skodova commentary on the legacy media in of itself. those who work there is somehow totally disappointed that their employer didn't heavily way down for the democrat in this way -- were in this race. i think this was the obvious reasons why some people are going to alternative sources of media. why the joe rogan's of the world wake up and they have these millions of people that donald trump is trying to work with her low propensity voters because they have this table of "washington post" and "los angeles times" around the world that everybody just assumes will come down on one side are another. there's such disappointment i think that just confirms that. >> they said why take a stand now 11 days on the election before -- it's a month ago. where they endorsing other races like notes for eugene fenton men
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and the congressional races in this area? >> it's a good question. my thing to adhere is i would hope readers don't conflate the editorial side with the journalistic side and don't punish the hardworking journalist of the "los angeles times" and "washington post" and other publications for decisions made by the editorial board. >> all right panel. stay with us. up next they block virginia's efforts to bring nonvoters from the roll. they take this all the way to the supreme court. that's coming up next. ♪ moment. for nearly 160 years, generations have put their trust in pacific life's strength and stability. because life isn't about what tomorrow brings. it's what you do with it. ask a financial professional about pacific life. (♪)
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>> we have been instructed by federal judge to put 1600 noncitizens back on the voter rolls when they declared they were noncitizens. it is beyond any measure of common sense is also inconsistent with what we know with a contusion and what that reads and of course what state law reads. >> ruling the commonwealth we are back now with the panel and listen, what the judge says to hand down the decision said this has had eligible voters having their voting registration flagged they say snort the risk
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that's why there's this period. >> you can actually move beyond the 90 day window. we are than that. every once in a while to paraphrase danny green. they are who we thought they were. we've adjust a and the bye demonstration that seems hell-bent they have noncitizens eligible to vote. i think he makes incredibly articulate point. how are we even talk about this. relatively small number of people. but the idea that at this day and age are still debating... and it's illegal. it's illegal for a noncitizen to vote as it is anywhere in the united states. why is it we are having this debate its confounding but it underscores all the concerns trump campaign has made republicans and made a perfect dovetail to the closing message
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they are making. >> this is exactly why they are making this case. he said six and hundred. it's small! this is a state of 7+ million people. and what the judges saying all he's saying is you are now eliminating people who previously were put on the voting rolls as u.s. citizens and they have the right to prove they are u.s. citizens before you take them off. but this plays into all the conspiracy theories democrats one illegal immigrants voting for democrat. is nonsense! >> he says that they remove more than 6000 people off the roles as noncitizens. they say these people are triggered when they somewhere on government document tatian self identify as noncitizens. that's what triggers the process. but they can remediate this by coming back to say there was a mistake in the paperwork or whatever it was. >> it's illegal as josh said. they know it's illegal they be propped -- they would be proske
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but it's not really reality to this. these are scare tactics being used by republicans to suggest these nasty democrats they are getting illegal democrats to vote for them. >> today's conspiracy is tomorrow's headline we have found out. >> those ten states that have abortion measures on their fall ballots. with the peace with the up-and-down valid situation here? >> thank it could. i cover floated quite a bit i'm from they are not exactly a swing state for anymore. but what i will tell you when i caution this are people saying in nevada and arizona they make a difference. as number of recent ballot measures that are left-leaning.
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i think abortion is a good issue for democrats it's been proven useful in the past. on with the overturning of roby weighted that issue has the same potency. with president trump you they say they are using this symbolic venue and talking about a new path forward. >> when you talk to the harris campaign what they say they are doing differently then the biting campaign is putting a finer point on some issues biden sought to attack trump on right? biden held his big democracy speech in philadelphia for obvious reasons. what she wants to do with harris is something that they have alluded democrats for the most
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part of this raise which is this visceral angst they had about donald trump and about four years ago when they lost the last election. they are saying they think this image with her there for years ago on january 6 using it as a launchpad for capitol hill this would further still your store the amateur voters. >> using the word fascist on the things you from last two days they also added this on friday. >> i think again the two -- the president of the united states should be somebody who elevates discourse and talks about the best of who we are and invest in the best of who we are. not someone like donald trump who causally was demeaning and belittling who the american people are. america deserves better. >> when she was pressed on using
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the tougher language with regard to trump and then saying we need to elevate the conversation she said the american people need to know the truth about trump and that's why i say those things josh. >> will they try the optimism and hope and i think they know and understand that it's a changing election. it's have spot for somebody who's a sitting vice president. they thought they could get through what is a protracted schedule here. to try make the case of high mindedness and what we would do differently. and it didn't work. now they find themselves in last couple months of the election sounding an awful lot like the guy in philadelphia making the race back in 2022 this is indistinguishable. with the democratic case against on trump has been for four long years now. the trying to hold on with a small amount of swing voters in these areas identify with republicans in almost all the issues ultimately supporting
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donald trump or his candidates. we will see. it seems really in the game to go back to what didn't work even before she was a candidate. >> i think it did work. i think joe biden did that speech at independence hall before the midterms. and there was no red wave. the democrats did very well. right now i think what you will hear on the little -- lips when harris is there this week she will say look, is what she saw on the campaign trail saunders repeating it. he has an enemies list i have a to-do list. and i want you to understand this about the constitutions of the united states being upheld. that's what i think you will hear. it's on america as a garbage hole. >> no that changes your grocery bill which is what doctor was talking about and i think. >> with tariffs? [laughter] >> will go into overtime and get the pay extra for that. pay per view during the commercial. thank you very much panel. coming up israel sykes iran is the premise are now says the goals have been accomplished.
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what happens next in the volatile region, trays there live on the ground with the latest we'll take you there is the u.s. urges restraint. ♪
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>> i had 20 years of experience as an hr professional and i had reached a ceiling, so i enrolled in umgc. i would not be the person that i am today had it not been for the partnership with umgc.
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♪ warren middle east as israel launched the latest wave of strikes today. with iran's missile attack earlier this month. they're tracking it all in tel aviv, israel,, hello tray. >> good morning, early on saturday they launched waves of strikes against iran in response to a ballistic missile attack earlier this month. the first target hit was a series of air defence systems. not only in marine but in iraq and syria. once a path was clear more than a hundred fighter jets participated in the strikes the target military positions in iran. they rocked missile production facilities near the capital
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setting the country's program back at least a year according to the ports to avoid looking weak on the stage. attention still high israeli soldiers are still fighting on the ground in lebanon and gaza. 13 soldiers killed over 48 hour period late last week ten while battling hezbollah and three while fighting hamas. inside gaza, palestinian civilians desperately wait for a diplomatic solution that would end the conflict. is really strikes have killed dozens in recent days. cease-fire talks to resuming this week there is hopes following the death of hamas leader that these conversations will be more productive. shannon? >> you thinks you always tray. the world series is underway and you can catch all the action here on fox. the doctors curly have a two-game lead after defeating the yankees in los angeles.
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the dodgers star partially dislocated his shoulder. while tending to steal bases now being evaluated we are told. the series has back to new york city monday night before the series kicked off this week. for president trump vice-president com a harris will discuss their picks during media appearances. >> donald trump, your prediction on the world series seen on fox. >> i will save the yankees the dodgers have a great team. they have a great team, with the yankees or hots with their bets. i would say they have may be a bit of an advantage. >> every day. but actually that's my husband's team so i'm there with him. >> whichever team you're cheering for you can watch game through the world series on fox. pregame cover starts said p.m. eastern monday night. that is it for us today, thank you for joining us, i'm shannon bream, will join you fox -- next fox news sunday for new york city as we gear up for around-the-clock election
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11:00 am
evan low only serves himself.


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