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tv   True Crime News  FOX  November 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm PST

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blast. yeah, we can't think when it's too cold. i'm just trying to stay warm the whole time, and i'm trying to be productive. yeah, i feel like it. it it's just for me. it's too uncomfortable. i don't feel i don't feel productive when it's really, really cold. or have you ever, like, lived in an area where it gets really hot in the summer and then you go into an air conditioned building and it feels good for about five minutes and then but if you have to stay in there and work, las vegas is just like, yeah, las vegas is just like that. well, this has been fun, guys. thank you very much for joining us. an you stay safe until i'm anna garcia. right now on true crime news. before the magazine covers, before the interviews, john ramsey came here to true crime news. >> this is a cloud that still hangs over our family. >> my exclusive interview with john ramsey that made global
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headlines. >> we want to keep temps pressure on the police. >> nearly 30 years after the crime, the new evidence emerging that could finally solve the case. plus, a neighborhood feud in the picturesque montana wilderness turns deadly. >> well, i'm hoping you guys just heard that shot. >> it sounds bizarre because it is bizarre. >> the mystery of mountain man mike seemed to be solved. >> his last words to me were, tell the authorities about the crazy guy down the street. >> until a shocking twist. did someone get away with murder? your daily source for true crime starts right now. before the global media coverage, like people magazine cover stories or appearances on nbc's the today show, john ramsey came here to true crime news. the case of jonbenet ramsey in my exclusive interview, john told me about
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his continued fight to find his daughter's killer and about one of the investigators who questioned the handling of the case. that's at the center of a new docu series that's also raising questions prior to christmas day of 1996. >> we were just a regular family. >> and of course, then that all changed. someone killed this six year old child documentary legend joe berlinger, the director who helped fri 3xn west memphis, kentucky teenagers from wrongful convictions in the iconic film paradise lost, is now turning his lens to the jonbenet ramsey murder in cold case, who killed jonbenet ramsey? >> oh, hello. >> i'm champagnie my films and tv work has been the catalyst for getting six people out of prison. two on death row. and while this is technically not a wrongful conviction, obviously they were convicted in the court
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of public opinion. >> the three part series that debuted this week is a searing indictment of how boulder police handled the investigation, and cast suspicion on the ramsey family. >> you have a small town, inexperienced police force overwhelmed by a crime that they had never seen before, had no experience in. they get an early idea and they can't move off their tunnel vision, and for some reason, there's something about human nature where people just can't admit that they made a mistake. >> the new series echoes calls to reopen the case. exactly what we heard from john ramsey when we talked to him a few weeks ago for an exclusive true crime news interview. >> my goal right now is really to get an answer as to who did this for the sake of my family, for my children, their children. this is a cloud that still hangs over our family. and it's not fair. it's not right, but it's
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there. >> and for john, that means getting the crime scene evidence out of the boulder police's hands and into the most state of the art labs for dna testing. shockingly, some evidence has never been tested with advanced dna technologies. >> so we've had unidentified male dna from january 1997. and as one prosecutor told me, i've never, ever seen a police department try to explain away unidentified male dna in a sexual assault case. >> the long list of the other untested pieces in the murder case could be potentially game changing. there are at least seven items which are considered critical evidence that have never been tested to our knowledge. >> that's correct. these items were sent originally in january 1997 to the lab for testing were returned untested. >> one of those items, the garrote, used to strangle jonbenet. if this is one of the weapons that was used to kill jonbenet, how do you not test it for dna? this is the part i
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don't get. it is covered with evidence. >> i don't know why they didn't test it in the beginning. and to my knowledge, it still hasn't been tested. >> part of john's skepticism comes from a relationship he struck up with now deceased cold case detective lou smit, who boulder police initially brought in to pursue the ramseys. >> blue smit, who was a legendary detective who was brought in on this case by the da years later, told me on his deathbed. he said, if this case stays in the boulder police hands, it'll never be solved. >> i went to bed fairly late last night. i and i tossed and turned. i, i really feel that the investigation is going down the wrong track. >> instead, smit poked holes in boulder's police work in the netflix documentary. you hear directly from him in a series of never before heard tapes he made during the investigation. >> it was a little guest bedroom there that's right next to john
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piña darío. this rope was found in the guest bed. it's not the ramseys. >> i think lou smith is right. i'm. i'm, you know, i'm. i don't want to equivocate. i think it was an intruder. and there is evidence of an intruder. there's glass fragments. there's lou smit very brilliantly shows that there's blades of grass that were caught under a grate. >> the hope now is that the new attention will convince the governor of colorado to take over the investigation from boulder pd and perhaps get justice for jonbenet. >> the other thing with the loss of a child, you never get over it. you think about it almost every day. i see a little blond headed girl hanging onto her dad's arm and it tugs at my heart. but i know jonbenet is safe. she's in heaven. >> this 3xn o's john ramsey. a massive apology and the way that apology could be manifest is forced. the boulder police department to accept outside help. there seems to be not a
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will in colorado to solve this crime, which can be solved. >> up next, trouble in paradise. when neighbors in a peaceful mountain town go to war. >> i just heard a bullet fly over my head. this is not getting any better up ere. >> and only one of them will survive. >> my moderate to severe crohn's symptoms kept me out of the picture with skyrizi. feels symptom relief at four weeks, many people were in remission. at 12 weeks at one year, and even at two years. >> don't use if allergic. serious allergic reactions, increased infections, or lower ability to fight them may occur. before treatment, get checked for infections and tb. tell your doctor about any flu-like symptoms or vaccines liver problems leading to hospitalization may occur when treated for crohn's. control is everything. >> ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. >> this right here is confidence in a bottle. >> it makes me feel so much more confident than i have ever felt.
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they are some of the hottest videos on social media. >> those videos claiming to instantly get rid of bags under your eyes. annette figueroa is here to tell us why she says this one is for real. >> this one is for real and i'm so excited we even have a video and all he uses is a small amount on a clean, dry face. and what it does is it tightens and lifts the appearance of bags underneath your eyes. and i did this to my father. we were at home, so we applied it to his under eye bags. and let me tell you, we were so excited. in under ten minutes they visibly disappeared from view and now it is literally part of both of our daily routines. and not only does it work on the bags, it works on the appearance of crow's feet, fine lines and wrinkles. >> this thanksgiving is the best time to try plexaderm with our starter price of only $14.95. your solution is at plexaderm or call the number on your screen. >> with kids still at home and a full time job, taking care of
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mom was becoming a real challenge. i was so grateful to discover visiting angels moms, visiting angel helps her shower and dress and she keeps an eye on mom's alzheimer's. and our care manager gives me regular updates. best of all, mom has a trusted companion who cares about her. visiting angels, america's choice, and home care. >> on the next true crime news. both his wives found dead. hat really happened
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>> now to a years long land dispute that ended with one neighbor dead and another charged with his murder. it happened outside helena, montana. now, there's been a major development in this murder mystery in the mountains. this is the man montana investigators accused of killing mike crites, leon ford. but ford's trial ended in a mistrial, letting him off the hook for an accusation that sent shockwaves through a rugged mountain community in montana. >> it's either coyotes or some animals had dug up the remains because possibly of the smell, and pulled the bag partially out of the dirt. >> when a bag of dismembered bones is found partially buried in the woods outside helena, locals immediately suspect they may belong to mike crites, also known as mountain man. mike, a
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crusty outdoorsman who moved to montana to live a solitary life on his own piece of 80 acre paradise. >> this particular lifestyle suited mike. he wanted to live off the grid after falling in love with montana on hunting trips, mike saved up and built his dream home. >> sure, it had no running water or electricity, but that's the way he liked it. living with his beloved canines that were 87% wolf. >> he was just so proud of this land, and he even liked living here in the winter, which i found crazy. >> well, it's right about ten below, and it's most definitely kind of a continuing blizzard out there, but i'm going hunting. >> despite being a loner, mike made good friends with his neighbors, gloria and mark flora. >> it's not against the law to be odd or eccentric, and that's what he was. and he liked to live out by himself. and if you didn't want any trouble with
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mike, all you had to do was leave him alone. >> but trouble soon found mike. when john meehan and his wife moved to the neighborhood. turk road is neither public nor private. instead, landowners secure easements. a form of legal permission allowing them to use the road when it passes through another's property. >> meehan and his wife maintain that no one has a right to cross, that they own it, and they aren't opening it up to anyone. >> that's where all the trouble starts. you see, mike crites lived near the end of turk road. to get to his house. he had to cut across john meehan's property and according to sheriff and coroner leo dutton, meehan didn't want anyone on his land. the feud was on michael crites maintained, when he bought his land that he did have an easement to cross all roads into his property. >> that was the genesis of the argument then. neither one wanted to back down. >> so how were mike crites and
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the flores supposed to get to their properties? >> that was the issue. they they had no other way to get there. >> it sounds bizarre because it is bizarre. it sounds crazy because it is crazy. it's certainly not another reason to go to war with people over. and they did. >> they harassed mike and they blocked the road so that other people couldn't get through. >> as soon as mike left, meehan would get on his snowmobile and race up to mike's property, terrorize his dogs, do loops around his house with snowmobile, and then race down before mike could get back. >> well, johnny here has blocked the road. >> mike began recording video evidence of his tense showdowns with meehan. he claimed this one nearly got him killed. >> well, i'm hoping you guys just heard that shot. i just heard a bullet fly over my head, so we'll see if that's enough to make you law enforcement types do something. i hope you will. it's not getting any better up
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here. >> my brother expressed his fear for his life. numerous times to law enforcement. >> they called a lot. you crossed my land. you plowed me in. you tried to run me off the road. those are the kind of things that were beginning to escalate. >> if things were bad with the meehans, they were about to get a lot worse when a new neighbor moved onto turk road. enter leon ford. more trouble was on the way. when we come back, the turf war takes a shocking turn. >> he was pointing a rifle at me. i'm by my truck right now, but i'm going to stand watch here. and if he points a gun at me, i' going to shoot him. >> and a trial stuns the community. that's next. >> this right here is confidence and a bottle makes me feel so much more confident than i've ever felt. >> they are some of the hottest videos on social media. those videos claiming to instantly get
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rid of bags under your eyes. annette figueroa is here to tell us why she says this one is for real. >> this one is for real and i'm so excited we even have a video and all he uses is a small amount on a clean, dry face. and what it does is it tightens and lifts the appearance of bags underneath your eyes. and i did this to my father. we were at home, so we applied it to his under eye bags. and let me tell you, we were so excited. in under ten minutes they visibly disappeared from view and now it is literally part of both of our daily routines and not only does it work on the bags, it works on the appearance of crow's feet, fine lines, and wrinkles. >> this thanksgiving is the best time to try plexaderm with our starter price of only $14.95, your solution is at plexaderm, or call the number on your screen for the latest breaking crime news, go to true crime >> watch m
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deep breath. cancer is a journey you don't take alone. you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you.
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closed captioning and other considerations for true crime news provided by. >> you know the worst part about boots? putting them on and taking them off until now. introducing hands free sketcher slip ins boots. it's like they have an invisible built in shoehorn. so your foot slides into place without bending down. try sketcher slip ins, boots. >> go friends. gather kiki, chris, jason. >> friends. let's go, let's go. friends, buddy. power. friendship. let's go! give it to me. >> watch this. in just ten minutes, your under-eye bags and wrinkles will visibly disappear with plexaderm. the results last up to ten hours. try it. this thanksgiving for only $14.95 at plexaderm trial dot com. >> we're back with the mystery of mountain man mike kranitz. mike's feud with his neighbors
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in a rural area outside of helena, montana, was escalating quickly and when someone new moved into the property next to his, things went from bad to much worse. >> well, i'm hoping you guys just heard that shot. i just heard a bullet fly over my head. >> tempers had long been flaring between mike kranitz and john meehan over meehan's refusal to allow neighbors to cross his property to get to their homes. it got so menacing, mike started recording their run ins. >> he said, get my land, and he pointed a gun at me twice. i'm trying to dig out of the snow here and break. yeah, i did think he was going to shoot me. i had to, i ran by looke a rifle of some kind. he's pointing or he was pointing a rifle at me. i'm by my truck right now, but i'm going to stand watch here. and if he points a gun at me, i'm going to shoot him. >> meehan was charged with a misdemeanor and ordered to remain 1500ft away from mike,
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but john meehan was about to become the least of mike's problems. enter ford, ex-navy man. he owned undeveloped land just north of mike's house, and he wanted to use mike's property as a shortcut. not surprisingly, mike refused. now, a second feud erupted and turned heated quickly. >> ford was working on this gate that mike had closed and ford was trying to, i don't remember, cut it open or pry it open or do something. and mike went down to ford, just pulled a gun on him. mike ducked behind a bush and ford yelled at him. yeah, you better run. >> mike shared his fears with close friend chris forsyth. >> he furlatt just looked at me and he said, chris, they're going to kill me. and i just kind of blew it off. you know? i was like, you know, come on, they're not going to kill you over a road. and that was the last time i seen mike. >> june 26th mike calls mark and gloria and tells them ford asked for a meeting to discuss their
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ongoing battle. >> he called me about ten minutes to nine. in the morning and asked me to come over and help him because he was afraid leon ford was going to kill him. and i didn't go. we told mike to, you know, videotape it. don't expose yourself. record the conversation. and he said he would. and that was the last time i talked to mike. >> mike even confided his fears to his mother, who says he had a dark premonition of his fate. >> his last words to me were, mom, if they find me dead up here, please tell the authorities about the crazy guy down the street. goodbye, mom. i love you. >> though mike was never seen again, it was a real mountain mystery. until one day, four months later, when a forest service employee found that bag of dismembered bones. >> even though we had to wait
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for dna, we knew it was him. and i will never forget when my mother asked me, she said, connie, do you know if they can tell whether mike was shot in the head? and i didn't want to tell her, but i figured she would hear it somewhere. and so i had to look at my mother and say, mom, there was not a head. >> nine years after this grisly discovery, police charged leon ford with deliberate homicide. at trial. three years later, prosecutors claimed the evidence pointed to none other than leon ford as the killer. prosecutors told jurors ford took zip ties from a warehouse that matched ties found on chris's remains, and a camera captured ford's truck heading up the road to chris's property. around the time mike placed his last call. but ford's three week trial ended in a shocking mistrial,
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and months later, another surprising twist from the lewis and clark county attorney. he wouldn't seek a retrial. leon ford walked away a free man, leaving mike chris's family with the prospect they may never get justice or find the person who killed their beloved mountain man, mike. so will this family ever find justice? mike's sister connie sure hope so. i recently had the chance to talk with her. joining us now is connie crites, mike's sister. connie, thanks for joining us. and i'm very sorry for your loss. >> thank you. and thanks for having me. >> you went to leon ford's trial every day. what was that experience like for you? >> it kind of drove everything home, you know, because i had kind of desensitized myself to a lot of the details surrounding my brother's death. and unfortunately, there was a lot of really graphic evidence, and it was really difficult being in the same room with the person
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accused of killing him for that many days in a row. >> what do you believe happened to your brother? >> it appears that somebody punched him in the face. put two bullets in his skull, and proceeded to dismember him. that's what i know. and it certainly wasn't a stranger. and it certainly wasn't that the ground opened up and some some gremlins came out and did it. >> so then when the district attorney makes the decision to dismiss the case, how did you and your family react to that? >> i'm not happy with the decision not to retry, but i understand it to a certain extent. i really hope that they can just find something that just ties it up together a little bit more, and you know, i hate to i don't want to like armchair quarterback the thing, but i really feel like the facts could have been presented maybe a little differently. >> so then what happens to the status of your brother's murder case? >> sheriff dutton says that they're still pursuing it. i, i don't feel like it's being actively pursued. it's not. i
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hate to use cold case, but i guess at this point it's a cold case. >> what would your message be to anyone out there who knew your brother and the parties involved and may have been around at the time, you know, rack your brain because we know what happened and there's got to be some little piece of information out there that will just tie it together in that nice little bow that i'm looking for and don't listen to, you know. >> oh, my brother was he was being a jerk and he wasn't. that was his legal access. >> connie, what would justice look like in this case? >> well, in my mind, it would be that, you know, we find some more evidence. >> thank you, connie, for joining us thank y . we'll right back with this. >> right here is confidence in a bottle. >> makes me feel so much more confident than i have ever felt. >> they are some of the hottest videos on social media. those videos claiming to instantly get rid of bags under your eyes. annette figueroa is here to tell
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us why. she says this one is for real. >> this one is for real and i'm so excited we even have a video and all he uses is a small amount on a clean, dry face. and what it does is it tightens and lifts the appearance of bags underneath your eyes. and i did this to my father. we were at home, so we applied it to his under eye bags and let me tell you, we were so excited. in under ten minutes they visibly disappeared from view and now it is literally part of both of our daily routines. and not only does it work on the bags, it works on the appearance of crow's feet, fine lines and wrinkles. this thanksgiving is the best time to try plexaderm with our starter price of only $14.95, your
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>> on the next true crime news, a wife found with a gunshot wound to the head. one man, two wives, both found dead 19 years apart. what really happened?
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>> i cannot recall solely from the trauma. >> he blames it on memory loss, but was well enough to go on a spending spree. >> two days before the death, robert pulaski started writing checks on the next true crime news. >> for the latest breaking crime news, go to true crime watch more exclusive content on our youtube channel, listen to our podcast and follow us at my true crime news. that's it for today's true crime news. i'm anna garcia. see you next time, (uea (upbeat music) - [philippe] it has geological features that have been sculpted like an artist's masterpiece. - this is a gorges richest up to 80 meters deep. - [philippe] and sustainability goals that give us all hope for what's possible. - all of this would end up in the landfill if we were here 50 years ago. - this week on "awesome planet", we travel to the beautiful country of slovenia.


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