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tv   True Crime News  FOX  January 7, 2025 1:30pm-2:01pm PST

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front because there was construction of the visitor center. the west front is a lot higher. so they actually had to post different sets of guards to do it, no matter which side. it is an extraordinary feat. the carter family did make a special request for the rotunda ceremony. they wanted the podium to sit in front of gerald ford's statue. as people make their remarks tonight. this is a nod to the deep and close personal friendship carter had with president ford. an odd couple as they were sometimes known. this underlies bipartisanship in the way the family wants jimmy carter to be remembered as reaching across the aisle. and perhaps this is also a message to the nation watching as carter returns to a much different washington than he left. let's listen in.
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yes. to give you an indicationf
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former president carter was really a gentleman from a different era. he was a member of the naval academy class of 1947. think about that. the class of 1947. and graduated in
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1946 as part of an accelerated wartime program. now, some more background information on the history of lying in state at the capitol. a grand total of 34 people have lain in this in state in the capitol rotunda that includes 12 presidents. the late president carter becomes the 13th to lie in state. others have lain in state in the capitol building, such as late supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg and late congressman elijah cummings of maryland. but they were on the house side of the capitol. eight people have lain in honor in the capitol rotunda, which is similar but one step down from lying in state. the last president to lie in state was the late president george herbert walker bush. in december 2018, the last person to lie in state was the late senate majority leader harry reid of nevada. in january 2022. this time last
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year, we were all at the iowa caucuses, but the first in the nation did not get much attention until 1976. that's when jimmy carter, a pretty unknown governor from georgia, decided to focus on iowa. he placed a surprising second in the democratic caucus, which caught the attention of the national media and catapulted him to the democratic nomination and ultimately, the white house. since then, almost all candidates of both parties have taken iowa quite seriously, and today in washington, it feels like an iowa day. in the 20s, as former president carter is being brought to the united states capitol for the first day of his funeral procession here in washington to take place a truly solemn ceremony on the steps in front of the capitol, where he will be greeted at the top of the steps by his family and accompanied into the capitol rotunda. let's see if we can listen in and pick up
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some more audio of the ceremony.
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>> and i keep on thinking, oh, here they come, here they come. great.
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to be. back. back on the life f
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james earl carter, the 39th president of the united states, he was born on october 1st, 1924, in the small farming town of plains, georgia, and grew up in the nearby community of archery. his father, james earl carter senior, was a farmer and local businessman. his mother, lillian gordon carter gordy carter, was a registered nurse. he was educated in the public
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schools of plains, attended georgia southwestern college in the georgia institute of technology, and received a bs degree from the united states naval academy in 1946. in the navy, he became a submariner, serving in both the atlantic and pacific fleets and rising to the rank of lieutenant. chosen by admiral hyman rickover for the nuclear submarine program. he was assigned to schenectady, new york, where he took graduate work at union college in reactor technology and nuclear physics, and served as senior officer of the pre-commissioning crew of the seawolf, the second nuclear submarine. on july 7th, 1946, he married rosalynn smith of plains. when his father died in 1953, he resigned his naval commission and returned with his family to georgia. he took over the carter farms, and he and rosalynn operated carter's warehouse, a general purpose seed and farm farm supply
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company in plains. he quickly became a leader of the community, serving on county boards, supervising education, the hospital authority, and the library. in 1962, he won election to the georgia senate. he lost his first gubernatorial campaign in 1966, but won the next election, becoming georgia's 76th governor. on january 12th, 1971. he was the democratic national committee campaign chairman for the 1974 congressional and gubernatorial elections. on december 12th, 1974, he announced his candidacy for president of the united states. he won his party's nomination on the first ballot at the 1976 democratic national convention, and was elected president of the united states on november 2nd, 1976. jimmy carter served as president from january 20th, 1977 to january 20th, 1981.
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significant foreign policy accomplishments of his administration included the panama canal treaties, the camp david accords, the treaty of peace between egypt and israel, the salt two treaty with the soviet union, and the establishment of u.s. diplomatic relations with the people's republic of china. he championed human rights throughout the world. on the domestic side, the administration achieved achievements included a comprehensive energy program conducted by a new department of energy deregulation in energy, transportation, communication and finance. major educational programs under a new department of education and major environmental protection legislation, including the alaska national interest lands conservation act. now, let's go back to the scene. live on capitol hill.
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>> we go. we meet our.
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three. top. dog.
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cop. bob. cop. bob. cop. ready to stand, reado
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step, set, ready. ready face. ready to step. ready. to step. ready to step.
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forward. march. on. what? are. all. ready?
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step. by step. ready, step. ready. step. ready, step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step.
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ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step. step. step. ready. step. ready. step. ready. step and step. and step and step. 1010.
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oh. three. four. the dog.
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you're up a little bit more. for us. go back to.
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three. four a little.
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