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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  NBC  March 3, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm MST

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vacation, we have the new shot shottings shots in new york, why they could be house hunting. and the hollywood wives plastic surgeon. >> is it a bad idea to operate on your own wife? >> it did not g smoothly. what happened to '80s heart throb andrewccarthy. >> we just getting together for pretty in pink 2, the reyuan i don't think. and the new ghost busters movie, shot for shot, we're comparing it to the original. now, march 3, 2016, this is "entertainment tonight." george clooney, one of the biggest stars in the world is wondering if it's time to leaf show.
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going on the record, is age taking its toll? on record, is clooney calling it quits? >> i don't think anybody really wants to see anybody really age, it's a very unforgiving thing, the camera is, so aging is something you try to do less and less on screen. cloo was candid about age in hollywood and he said he will act les and direct more. have had really great success and i have had some mott so successful fil experience. >> but is it all about aging? clooney's last films were considered box office disappoint mptds and there's the amal factor, mrs. clooney is a specialist in international law. >> it could be perceived as a distraction if her husband has this wide platform i this sort of crazy world of entertainment. i think that could have somet do with it, him
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taking a slightly lower profile position in hollywood. >> regardless, you got to love george for being so open. >> you're forever young, george. >> not so much, you can't stay whole life >> clooney's message, e your age, say no to plastic surgery. >> you can't try to look younger, you just have to look the best you can at the age you are and not worry about it. >> george clooney is 54 in actors years, approximately 30 actress' years. >> back to george, we have been with him from the beginning, this is on the set of er as his career skyrocketed. >> it's the toughest sho have ever had. i'm not complaining, just my job. >> clooney has already directed four fil it's much more fun and infinitely more creative direct.
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that transition from movie star to really well respected and successful direccor. he's clearly on hisway. >> keep in mind that clint eastwood also dabbled in politics. >> he sure did. >> mayor of carmel. >> he did, but i that george might have loftier goals. >> i think george for president. meanwhile things seem to be getting really serious between katy perry and orlando bloom. they're not just dating, they are inseparable. and they became a political power couple. so whether you like orlando or kabloom, last night they were together today hitting up radio city music hall. katy heading outtafter her rumored flame around 11:45 p.m.
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limousine while katy stayed behind taking at toe graphs and selfies with her fans. >> it has been a whirlwind row mansion for kabloom. two weeks later, a one man play, and then last month, we saw him holding a door for at a birthday party for jason bateman. >> we love follow you and katy perry and orlando bloom, how do you them together? >> they are fun. captured last week in hawaii, now are things really heat aing up? >> katy and orlando are looking for an apartment in new york city. it's not clear yet if this is for the both of them. >> chrissy tiegen and husband john legend en route to the hospital today, we're told everything is fine.
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miami, promoting her new co cravings. >> her book was the number one on the new york best seller list. >> but have they figured a name for their little girl on the way? >> we have a list, a running list on our phones, but we change it every day. that's w i don't have a tattoo, nothing i like more than 10 minutes. >> and john legend had to get headlines approved commander in chief. >> he likes that one best. we're considering the other two, we'll see which we pick. >> something like apple? >> i want you to think about been a year and a half ago, when we first heard about the new female ghost busters. >> some people went crazy. some people didn't li i like it. >> but it's trending like crazy, they are borrowing heavily from the original. >> we have dedicated our whole
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now there's sightings all over the city. >> the trailer is well on its w getting over a million views in its first 24 hours, but here's how the reboot pays its respects to the first movie. remember the l scene? >> it's okay, it seems peaceful. >> it's very hard to wash off. slimer is back. >>proton backs are from the first movie too. adding a bonus for the ladies, appearance. ever. it was so, so fun.
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activity. we might be the only one who can stop it. >> >> i have heard that it's great, so just go with that. >> i cannot wait until this movie. the day i was the set, i indulged in my ghost busters fantasy. another highly anticipated remake, bay watch is going to g old school and david hasselhoff will appear in the film. he made the announcement on just how the rock rolls. >> are you ready? >> i was born ready. >> that's duane let the world know that the hawk is on. shortly after my set visit boca raton yesterday, the rock was dropping some pretty big hints, could we see him in this movie? >> just between us because we know the cameras aren't rolling
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we always got a little surprise coming. even back in january,,david told us he would be game. >> if it does cool, are you going to make a parody of it, and my party is really funny, of course i'm going to do it. so hopefully it willcool. >> what should the world expect >> a combination of avengers. right? meets anchor man. >> sources tell us that details are still being worked out. but since mitch buch now being play by dave, dave will be playing someone else. >> the rock, the zack. >> we were born ready, there ain't no bay without the hoff, bay watch, get ready, world. >> by the way, what a fun set to visit. >> can only imagine with the rock. another big movie to talk about.
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next "star wars." >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 8. and later tonight, is kloe kardashian getting cosmetic surgery. >> you can'tjudge.
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life right now? there she is with barbra streisand and they record adieu ed a reisand and they record adieu ed a duet. >> daisy is a little busy right she's filming the next "star wars" and he's actually hooking us up with secrets about the production. >> you didn't really get a break there. now that ryan johnson has taken a break has there been a difference on set? >> no, it's still very lovely and warm friendly. >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to episode 8. >> a tasty teaser daisy handing a live saver to luke. ryan johnson from breaking bad takes the director's chair. >> is ryan as secretive as >> i think there's a little bit
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which is fun. >> there are stories about what happened. >> it's true. >> one of daisy's most memorable episode 7 moments was harrison ford's last day on the set. >> it was really nice because he is great in the feaaure and he put into words what we were all thinking. >> come on, baish by, don't let me down. >> can you tell us a little bit about what we can expect? >> i believe there will be some bonus features. >> including in the bonus footage, a documentary and deleted scenes like this tyler wren >> well, the date is set f episode 8 to hit theaters, it is december 15, 2017. i can hear those calendars being pulled out right now. and still ahead tonigh
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icon from the '80 >> i am a rich kid who falls in love with a girl from the wrong side of the t >> angela mccarthy's shocking transformation from this to this. then we meet the wives beverly hills plastic surgeons appearing in a new r show. and is kloe kardashian getting a little nip tuck?
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. is kloe kardashian getting cosmetic >> we all are aging, but that's why we have these wonderful things at our fingertips. >> i don't care about that stuff. >> you can't judge, i don't know what i'm going to do ten years, and i hope do it all. >> it's an injectable treatment for double chin, she's all about
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glad her rob is following her lead. >> he is doing really good and on his healthy fitness journey which i'm r ecstatic about. i think it's just, you wake up every morning, i love to work out and i love to just -- that's my selfish time. >> kloe says never say never to plastic surgery, but we're he with some ladies who say yes, please and right now. >> just a little bit more, and it's e them to say that, because their husbands are the ones that are holding the scalpels. i spoke to three women who are married to plastic surgeons and beneath the surface, it's not always so pretty. >> i think being married to plastic surgery is every girl's dream. >> their husbands do nose jobs and facelifts. >> i have h botox, my breasts
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>> and you operate on >> i hate it, but she's the boss. >> dr. jason diamond does a l of face work, but why jessica's staying away from his scalpel. >> you had some things done. >> i have had a few things done and we underwent to experience of me being the patient, him being the physi and i have to say it did not go smoothly. it's like the classic thing when people say you should not treat family, now we understand why. it did not well. >> but for jessica and dr. david anron, there's nothing like the perks. >> i have done a little bit of setting natural contouring to her area. >> celebrity plastic surgeons of beverly hills streaming on netflix takes us into the or and the lavish lifestyles the rich and famous. >> then you're like home
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>> when we see the show, you guys are going through a rough patch? >> we're going through the roughest part of our marriage than ever. we actually talking about divorce. >> how did you come out the other side then? >> we had two opt either we divorce and go our separate ways or try to make itwork. i am angry all the time and resentful s decided to spend more time together and basically rebuild our marriage. >> marriage is very difficult, it's the last lesson of life. >> we talked about the having work done, but i'm sure everybody's wonder, what about the themselves, that's what i asked. dr. ray says he has, dr. he says he has see. dr. die amond is the only one who
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i love that mo >> i'm all in, by the way, pretty in pink just celebrated its 30th anniversary this week. it really is the movie that needed andrew mccarthy's career. >> in the abc drama, andrew is playing a character who is going to stalk a lot of long-time fans. >> i love your beautiful boy. i wish i took him aaound the throat and watched the life leave his body bit by bit. so don't be sorry about what happened to you. >> i'm not going to lie, it's loyal weird to see andrew play a sex offender who spent ten years in prison for crime he didn't
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>> i have chosen, i don't need to do any research. i know exactly terror. but it was interesting playing someone who was a predator, you know a sexual predator, a sexual predator is the worst thing you can be in our society. >> would it be better if i asked yo to the prom? >> now this is more the andrew we know and love, the brat packer w demi moore, and the guy who molly ringwald's heart in in pink. sorry, ducky. >> i'm a rich kid who falls in love girl from the wrong side of the tracks, the poor girl. >> the 50-year-old got married and c to participate more behind the scenes, then the family clong, who has a strong cast, played by joan allen, has a strong story line. he had to go back in front of the camera. >> what's your secret, everyone
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an ag and they're trying to protect their secrets and i think that's kind of like real life. >> what does he think about pretty in pink? >> when made the movie, i'm like, that's nice. and you know, another generation, people are now falling in love with it. i think it's great. >> how did you feel about a remake of pretty in pin income. >> that would be a great ide let's get together for pretty in pink 2, the reunion. >> let's make it kind of like a class reunion. i mean there's so many of them. >> that's it i'm sold. >> andrew actually directed me in a commercial. the nicest guy, so nice. innour "entertainment tonight" birthday, which star made their tv debut a prison commercial
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we ave got the exclusive photos that kloe to see. welcome back to the show, in tonight's "e.t"birthday, which star of the a-team made their debut in a pringle's commercial? that was jessica behl. a week from tomorrow, i'll get to mod go to the opening night of "the empire." and you can check out katie cuoco who's looking quite hot on the stands on tuesday, her divorce from ry sweeting has
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marriage, but not the way she looks at love. katy says i feel like i'm not
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operation saviour continues to advance at an astounding pace. ever since waking up, i hear this voice. here, i want you to have this. i put where i live at the bottom. rhonda: you can come with me, you know. i got my people, and you got yours. he'll be dead before i even hit the... gaines: first, we get rid of the evidence. as his closest disciple, i'm sure you know that. we're going i don'know who we are any more. thanks a bunch, bruce willis. where are you now, eh, when we need you most? yep. it's armageddon. the actual apocalypse. and where am i?
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watching it on telly. newsreader: one minute now. one minute. uh, these pictures coming live to us from hubble. jamie: i can't believe we're actually going to live. and it's all thanks to the crazy lady. but is she really our saviour? or is she the spider and we're her flies? (shrieking) dr samuel: everything is in hand, and i mean everything. water, medicine, food. your favourite, tuna chunks. welcome to your new home. above and beyond the call of duty, dr samuel. right. yes. special delivery from america... sorry. are we interrupting?


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