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tv   9 News at 6pm  NBC  August 23, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm MDT

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television anyway, the more interesting question is why they are here. even if is just for a a photo. perhaps the clinton campaign knows what our floyd knows. >> if trump could stay in a groove and focus on the major issues, he probably would have a chance. >> he says clinton's colorado lead looks soft. he thinks her team knows it. >> i think it is definitely soft support. they recognize that ts electorate, many young people she needs, for example, are really much more independent than their liberalism would give you reason to believe. they are not democrats, they could go for an independent candidate, like mr. johnson or ms. stein. >> if trump can capitalize, the idea that the associated press announced half the people she met with as secretary of state were donors to the clinton
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ways to explain that away, but it might not mat toor the public. -- matter to the public. >> i think that reinforces the trust issue, and the issue that bernie sanders used effectively in the primaries against her, that is corruption. >> let me ask you a question that might flip this. >> our conversation with pollster floyd continues in a bit on next. there are nearly 1500 people registered to vote at one single address in denver, it is perfectly legal, it homeless, registered to vote at the st. francis center, today they were reminding people they didn't lose their right to vote when they lost their permanent address, there are 72 voters registered at the denver rescue mission, 71 at the samaritan house, newly registered voters from the drive on colfax is being tallyed. colorado's dmv offices are busy issuing new license plates to people. that is good. sometimes they are issuing the
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people. that is bad. our steve staeger explores the mess. >> there is no doubt. >> denise is a nice lady. >> i was expecting a toll bill weeshgs had taken my-- bill, we had taken my son and i didn't get a bill. i called them. >> who else does them? call the toll company to pay a bill they never got? who else does this happen to? >> they said the red chevy? i said no, a blue olds pictures of both vehicles that were being billd to the same account. >> different car, but... >> it is the identical plate number. it is odd. >> we asked the dmv what happened. they admitd to what could be a big problem. back in december they were making a new batch of plates starting with ra and rb, like denise's, but they didn't double check the data base beforehand, they actually created duplicate
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them before they realized and they told us they are correcting problems as they find them. they couldn't tell us how many duplicates they found. you can imagine the problems with duplicate plates go bay beyond toll bills. >> i could have my car stolen, if a police had occasion to stop her, she might be detained briefly. >> seems like an avoidable problem. >> it is a matter of telling the computer, don't allow duplicates. >> frankly a lot happened. the director didn't know about it bhen we called. they-- when we called. they will follow up with us tomorrow. hopefully with numbers and instructions for folks who think they have duplicate plates. >> weird, thanks. because dumb isn't a crime, yet, they are going to site the look-out mountain spray painter with defacing property. poor tagger never had a chance, someone caught him in the act, face on video. he took a picture of his temporary tag on his car. jeffco deputies put out the
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on a monkey and deputies got the guy to turn himself in, 18-year-old stanley stetler looking at a fine $1,000. the other dude looking guilty was not seen spray painting so he wasn't charged. it would appear that jeffco deputies are up to their elbows in human stupidty these days, they are on the look out for these 2 seen ripping shingles off a roof and throwing them at cars at an apartment complex near belleview and sims, uncle throw shingles at cars and to be honest t probably doesn't matter once they are in a courtroom. they need your help, if you recognize the model citizens youshgs know what to do. -- citizens, you know what to do. if the justice system wanted to punish them, they would say, i am not mad, i am disappointed. mom and dad knew what they were doing, it works. the city of longmont is so convinced, it is slathering shame on shop lifters hoping to prevent repeat crime.
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>> only a small majority that are bad guys. >> it happened only a few months ago, this man over 20 pays for a dress shirt but not the matching slacks, he stuffed those in a back pack and gets caught just before he makes it to the front door. instead of being taken to officers like james brown... >> are you willing to say i did this? i harmed other people&i want to make things right? >>... the thief was taken to kathleen. >> it is >> responsibility doesn't have to look like remorse. >> both work with the longmont community justice partnership leading the justice movement in colorado since 1994, it was only recently they decided to put theft victims through the same process of owning up to those they hurt. >> focusing in moving out of that identification as i am a thief, i am a bad person, and moving more towards, you know, what do you want to do with your future? how will you get there?
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happens, filled with victims, parents, police officers, and offenders. why the focus may seem like it is on those who did the crime, the attention goes to those on the receiving end of it. >> the first goal is to insure the victim has their needs met, they have a voice, and they are not going to experience any additional victimization. >> in the case here, the thief was never given a full-time job and worries that without the pants he wouldn't look presentable at job interviews. >> when you hear people sharing what it was parents sharing what it was like for them, you can't help but be moved. >> you never know who may be worth a second chance. >> they don't reoffend. they just don't. >> for next, this is dan grossman. all right, quick check, is the a-line working today? rtd's troubled train to the plain? wait for it, yes. that is all. it is working. thought you should know. we tell you when it is not, seems only fair we tell you when
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that was not a test. this is. >> this is how i feel when i get behind the wheel when i am like, i am all right. i don't care if something happens to me, but if i drive somewhere and kill somebody-- >> that guy ended up in a social experiment put together by c-dot. a group of unsuspecting people were bused around to 3 different on the stunt and he pretended to dring at each stop along-- drink at each stop along and nobody said hey, buddy, any chance you should give up the keys? nope. people road around on a brewery bus with a potentially sloppy and dangerous driver. the driver was actually drinking na beer the whole time. the point was to show how easy it is for the high enough blood alcohol limit to drive under the influence, they hired paid actor
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message. all the best heroes have super powers, the ones at south metro fire rescue, that return into burning buildings have a new super power to see through smoke, south metro is pending the week training to attack fires in high rises and commercial buildings, using the thermal imaging cameras which can see through the smoke to spot pockets of fire and see victims. works the same way during the train-- works the same way during the training as the real thing. each firefighter has one of those cameras and they get use out of them, sadly. south metro respondd to 900 smoke alarms, comparable to 2015 and 2014. >> tak to church. a first of its kind recognition in colorado. if donald trump is counting on the debates to change this race, our political analysts has bad news for him. and one man's search to find where in denver he
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hi, there, i am meteorologist kathy sabine and there you are cruising through your week on a tuesday. probably completely unaware that the clouds outside now will bring rain to you tomorrow morning, part of a cool front that may bring us 1 or 2 or 3 of these, if we are lucky. but may also bring thunderstorms
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afternoon. the rain is beneficial and needed, below average for the month and year in terms of precipitation, seems hard to believe with the weather pattern the last few weeks, all the heavy rain falling in southwestern colorado. flash flood watch posted there. with this cool front coming in, good chance you wake up to cloudy skies and showers for the morning drive. it won't rain all day but you are going to notice the cool down after tonight, mild, muggy out there. 57 will be your low. sun is up 6:19, cloudy and m thunderstorms in the afternoon but kind of a taste of fall for the next 48 hours. the weather improves in time for the weekend, though, warmer and drier friday. check out the sunshine for saturday and sunday and a great game time forecast when the broncos take the field on saturday. if you drive or walk around the city, past 14th and lafayette, you are passing history, slow down and consider the role that the first unitarian society of denver
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-- justice to our city and state, giving a historical designation for the lgbt rights community. >> the entire building's architectural history and design does make it really unique in the city of denver. the city council has agreed unanimously to allow the building to be a historic landmark, we have been since we started in 1871, as social justice center. we couldn't do the work that we want to do as a congregation anywhere else. we house the very first incarnation of the gay and lesbian center, we have a buddhist there that used the church more than 15 years. we open doors to 12-step programs, it is very important to me because my husband and i
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the certificate that was perhaps one of the happiest days of my life. our work is bigger than we are. anybody who comes through the door is welcomeed, is welcomeed. so i take great pride in knowing that we will always be here, might not always be the same people, but we will always be here. >> that building is denver's 5th historic designation in 2016, quite the clip compared to previous years, one new landmark aea if you geek out on history and politics, there will be a museum at your finger tips between now and election day. lectionchallenge is compiling photos of historic campaign buttons, hats, banners, it is a challenge for museums and libraries to show us what they are working with. go into the stacks in the basems and come out-- basements and come out with forgotten election items search #electionchallenge
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trump/clinton apocalypse. there are these fortune cookies, one reads a tall, dark handsome man will come into your life. we checked and denver public library plans to get in on the campaign next week. we return to our conversation with pollster floyd now, he is sayin not over yet. but he is quick to knock down some of the preconceived notions about the state of the campaign. >> i thing that people are also looking for that late september debate. >> do debates change the race? >> historically they don't, the debate here with romney won overwhelmingly, it didn't change the race except a week and it went back to where obama had it
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battle ground state. but, but, this is unusual election in my opinion, because so many people, they are telling pollsters they made a decision, whether or not it is their final decision i think remains to be seen. >> let me ask you a question that might flip this out of text: trump was underestimated by journalists and by pollsters in the primary, is it possible that we are so redsent now to be wrong again that afraid to say, that he is running a disaster campaign and he is likely to get wiped off the map? >> i do believe there is some of that, and that he is doing so many things wrong that by conventional analysis you would be pretty much ready to call this race and say that he can't win. the polls have moved 1 point in the last week. if he actually could close a bid between now and labor day, i think there would be a mental
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willingness to give him a little room here to see if this works. a restaurant in denver is now charging for stupid questions. next continues to cover the stories that truly matter. >> little bit of a mystery, so i went out, you know, to try to investigate where my pants had
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next does not endorse defacing traffic signs around town. but we are also not above showing you some of the best ones. barbara sent a bunch, 2 are in denver's cheesman park, the pedestrian crossing sign where the pedestrian looks like neil armstrong. there is another sign that clearly is a distracted pedestri cross the street while simultaneously hula hooping. barbara found this off sunshine canyon, elk or deer crossing sign with a cowboy on board. again, these are tote alnot funny. you should not do this to signs around town. but if you see where someone else did it, hashtag us eynext. a special item on the menu, you can order stupid questions.
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tracked down the general manager at tom's to figure it all out. >> when we get stupid questions, you know, can i get the breakfast sandwich for lunch? what are the monthly dues for the turkey club? is the garden burger grown locally? hysterical, we thought we should capitalize, time to charge. they say, what is a stupid question? i say, so just one? we want to keep the censorf here 24 hours, we never go home, why don't we have some fun while we are here? >> short answer is yes, you can order a stupid question for 48 cents, tom's diner plans to add a healthy options section including take a lap around the block, skip your next meal, don't take yourself so seriously. i like that. all right, it is a sign, someone in town, the fliers at second and cook cherry creek
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joke, but they are no joke for this man searching for the bottom half of his suit, his pants might have dropped outside the dry cleaner. >> i am kind of an odd-shaped guy, tall and skinny y couldn't see anybody wanting these pants, or stealing these pants or having any purpose for these pants. so, you know, i put the flier out, hey, i lost my pants. anybody seen them? i really like the suit and want to wear it and i are the jacket. but, i don't have my pants. >> i hear you, brother. backane moment to talk a-- back in a moment to talk about
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thanks to the kind next viewers suggesting home remedies for the fool who bit his tongue today. a woman tells me that as the mother of 2 sons, ice cream fixes everything. someone suggested craft beer, specifically butcher knife in team boat. i like where that. amber says swish with salt water. what you want and don't want, we are trying to do that. laura says put a tie on, buddy, you are better than this. i am not better than this, i think we established that by now. christy says i want next every week night. we are on every week night, christy, if you want it, here it is. come and get it. better hurry, it is going fast.
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breaking news -- shannon doherty's breast cancer fight, we'll tell you why the "90210" star is >> maybe that is our destiny. plus the megamovie stars left speechless when beyonce and jay-z showed up to their big premiere. then which "dancing with the stars" pro is retiring from the show? plus the men of "bridget jones' baby." mcdreamy versus an oscar winner. only we are on the set. and two james corden birthday surprises.
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celebrity interviews. >> an exclusive interview with meatloaf. now for august 23rd, 2016, this is "entertainment tonight." when "90210" star shannon doherty was ready to open up about her fight with breast cancer, she only sat down with us. we were astonished to hear she had delayed treatment for more than a year. which put her health in jeopardy, obviously. and led to a multimillion-dollar legal battle. now the battle is resolved and s >> how are you, girl? >> just hours after news broke that shannon settled her $15 million lawsuit, she had a girls night out at nobu malibu with her best friend, ann marie courtwright who was by shannon's side when she shaved her head. the pair stayed until 11:00 p.m. the fact that the "90210" star felt good enough to eat before getting her fourth chemo


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