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tv   9 News at 10pm  NBC  October 28, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MDT

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neighborhoods. >> an engine explodes on takeoff as passengers rush to get off a burning plane and that was before a fedex plane caught fire and made an emergency landing. >> the fbi is looking at more e- mails regarding hillary clinton less than two weeks from election day. >> boulder county's d.a. on whether doubts over dna in the jonbenet ramsey case could lead to new tests. 9news starts now. the amber alert out tonight is based on a lot of confusion. it's a possible kidnapping victim. denver police don't know her name. they don't have a description. they can't even be sure she was actually abducted. so the search centers on a gray 1999 dodge caravan oregon plates zeu145. before 11 a.m. a witness called police to report a girl in her early teens was attacked by a man in
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they were at 36th and quebec and stableton. drove off when he noticed witness trying to record video. police did not issue an amber alert until around 6:30 tonight. >> what makes this challenging is that we haven't had any reports of any missing children at this point. we haven't had anyone call into the police department and say hey, our child hasn't come home or anything like that. >> police say they'd rather error on the side of caution. that's why they're talking about a possible abduct. anyone with information is asked to tonight a brushfire that burned close to neighborhoods in douglas county is completely contained. crews are still watching hotspots near the chatfield estates and backcountry subdivisions. the fire started around noon and quickly spread to over 200 acres. a line of retardant blocked the flames from homes. >> don't get to see that every day, they're fighting a fire in your backyard almost. >> this is something that the
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out to more than 800 people in the neighborhoods. no homes or other buildings were damaged. smoke is still lingering across the metro area. there is a smoke advisory until 9 a.m. tomorrow from castle rock up north to broomfield and from the foothills to the plains east of dia. we broke another heat record today in denver. in a few minutes danielle grant has our within forecast and she'll look at whether this unusually warm october weather will last into the start of novemb passengers panicked after an engine on their american runway at o'hare airport in chicago. the plane just tried to take off when the right side engine blew. debris was found a 1/2 mile away. everyone on board got down the safety slides. 20 people have minor injuries. >> it was a big ball of red flames blew up on that window and that's all i can tell you.
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moving towards the exits. >> the competing theories on why this happened, investigators think it was a blown tire. american airlines says it was an engine malfunction. the resulting fire was so intense whatever it was it melted the aluminum wing of the plane. shortly after that incident at fort lauderdale airport another plane caught fire. a fedex jet just arrived when the landing gear broke loose. both pilots got out. the fire was in the wing cabin. inside the plane more than 46,000 pounds of mail. if you're expecting anything from or passing through the miami area, be patient. the mail is okay. his just delayed. the presidential race rock today by the revolution the fbi is looking at another stack of e-mails involving hillary clinton. the e-mails surfaced through an unrelated investigation. fbi director james comey tells congress the e-mails appear
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investigation into whether clinton mishandled classified information on her secret server, but the fbi is not saying whether they believe these e-mails are significant. clinton said she's confident nothing will be found, but donald trump and his campaign are seizing on this as a significant development. >> the american people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately. the director himself has said he doesn't know whether the e- mails referenced in his letter are significant or not. i'm confident whatever they are will not change reached in july. therefore, it's imperative that want bureau explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay. >> i have great respect for thev fbi for righting this wrong. the american people fully understand her corruption and we hope all, all justice will finally be served. [ cheering and applause ]
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reopening the case because it was never formally closed largely due to pending freedom of information act requests. the fbi's original investigation found clinton's actions careless but not criminal. trump will no doubt talk about this in colorado over the weekend in golden at noon at the county fairgrounds and from there he goes to phoenix before returning to colorado for a 4 p.m. event in greeley at university of northern colorado. what if the for jonbenet ramsey's killer has been based for year on a bad assumption, on a human error that dissorted the science based -- distorted the science based on a dna profile. mary lacy exonerated the family based on her questionable interpretation of scientific evidence. so now what? understanding the dna evidence
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ramsey means understanding this. everywhere we go we leave little bits of ourselves. >> merely talking 15 to 30 seconds is enough to detect a dna profile on the desk in front of you. >> reporter: that reality challenges one of the central tenets of the dna evidence in the jonbenet ramsey case, the prosecution saying there's no explanation for genetic ri >> my guess is that if we took your shirt and did some dna testing on it at the level of sensitivity involved in this case, we'd find your dna and some other people's as well. >> reporter: lacey's exoneration letter said she had concluded foreign dna on jonbenet's clothing could not have gotten there inadvertently, something our experts say just aren't true. they say there are plenty of
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clothing could be innocent, with nothing to do with murder. >> you shed 40,000 cells per hour. you are leaving your dna everywhere. wherever you go physically you leave a small part of yourself. >> reporter: mary lacy discounted that possibility when she issued her letter exonerating the ramsey saying the dna must be the killers. >> i thought there was a leap to claim there couldn't be an innocent explanation for what was found. >> reporter: how did lacey's conclusion differ so much from the actual dna test the theory an intruder, not a family member, killed jonbenet. something our experts held her to believe to succomb to what's known as confirmation bias. >> even in biology we like to see patterns. we like to see puzzle pieces fitted together. >> reporter: confirmation bias can affect how evidence and nerys are made. -- theories are made.
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that do not support your hypothesis. >> reporter: case in point? these never before seen e- mails. they show after the tests showing the presence of unknown male dna on jonbenet's long johns,an investigator in lacey's office said his bosses didn't see the need for additional testing. >> it sounded like they got a result they were looking for and decided to quit while they were ahead. >> reporter: the lab report showed the unknown dna was likely part of genetic material between two people. she issued her decision in spite of confusing dna results, an exoneration the family still points to to prove they were not involved. just last month the exoneration was used to confirm reports that a family member could have killed jonbenet. in another tweet it was said
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simple. >> no, it is not. it's clearly not. we have a questioned profile that is very low level in terms of the amount of dna, the quantity of dna is very small. the profile is extremely complex. the one thing this case is not, it is not a dna case, pure and simple. >> the problem with the ramsey case is not that we don't have enough opinions. >> reporter: stopping short of calling for new testing when we showed him what we found, but our experts said if he did, scientists could sort out male genetic federal and make it easier to determine exactly -- material and make it easier to determine exactly what the dna might mean in this case. >> what i will tell you and the public is any reasonable effort that can be done to evaluate the evidence and whether charges can be filed is being done by my office with boulder police and will be in the
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today to get ahold of mary lacy here and in another state where we're told she spends time. we didn't talk to her, but she told abc news before our story she stands by her decision to exonerate the ramseys saying if the evidence was there to prosecute them, she'd have gone for it. she talked to the abc reporter about the day she handed john ramsey the exoneration letter. she said she said to him," that's good news, right?" i still don't know who kill jonbenet. >> so the d.a. stan garnett has the keys in terms of whether to pursue more testing or another finding and you guys continue to stay in touch with him? >> yeah. my partner on this project talked to him today. he remains baffled by this exoneration letter and said if and when he's got evidence he can take into a courtroom, he will file charges. >> in a way it's comforting there's not a rush to do
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anniversary, but the conversation continues. thank you. a denver police officer is accused of taking advantage of a citizen who needed his help stealing cash after the driver's car crashed. officer julian archuleta's car camera recorded him counting money from the vehicle and the cash include at least one $100 bill. that bill never made it into evidence and was was not in the report. when he found out about the missing money, he said there were actually $12,100 bill they must -- 12 $100 bills and they must have fallen into his bag. when we get to a certain age, there's apprehension about things that are new unless that new thing can take you back in your years. ?f we'll now see how this 88-year- old is looking at his life anew. >> you want your walker or cane? >> well, depends on where we're going. >> reporter: imagine if you saw the world like this. >> it's an exciting year. >> reporter: perhaps you would be lost or feel cheated.
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>> reporter: if raymond greyer saw the world like this he said he would feel grateful. >> what i have is called retinitis pigmatosa. >> reporter: grateful because for the past 50 years he has only seen the world like this. >> about the first, oh, say 25 to 30 years i barely had enough vision to read the headlines on the newspaper. >> reporter: raymond's view of the world didn't stop finding a job. >> you have to prove yourself and i did. >> reporter: and he found true love, too. your guys' wedding picture. for 49 years her eyes were his eyes. >> we did everything together until the day that she took her last breath. >> reporter: these days holly offers her eyes for assistance. >> he's one of our most
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right, raymond? >> i've been told, that yes. >> reporter: she is the activity director in prairie sunset home in pretty prairie, kansas, where everyone loves raymond. >> he's a joy to be around. he is very into technology. >> today anything is possible. >> sends the signals to the optical nerve to the brain. >> reporter: so when holly heard about a new procedure at uchealth in aurora, she immediately thought of raymond. >> i think i know exactly raymond what is known as a bionic eye, a retinal implant. it works in concert with glasses that use a miniature camera. >> now beside the glasses is a transmitter and this wireless antenna, if you will, transmits wirelessly to the chip in raymond's eye. >> we just turned your camera on. so that light that's in front of you there if you slowly
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light. >> what's that bright light look like? >> like a regular light. >> when is the last time you saw regular light? >> oh, about 56 years ago. >> reporter: after a half century of darkness finally some light. >> turn it towards you, ray. there you go. >> yeah, the finger there. i see it move. >> reporter: raymond will need to adjust and learn to use his new eyes. >> it's going to take a lot of practice. >> it will. >> reporter: he's got plans. >> to get good enough on this thing that i can get on a public bus and go to wendy's or mcdonald's or somewhere and go home. >> we got a door and threshold coming up here. you'll feel the bump. >> reporter: raymond will only be able to see black and white, but the world is a bright and beautiful place. >> you see that bright building over there. >> right across from my finger. >> reporter: and it always has been for raymond.
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>> reporter: today he leave the hospital with a new problem. >> raymond, we love you. i can't believe a tear. >> reporter: wiping away tears temporarily blurring his vision. >> i've got a lot to learn. >> i'd say this is a great start. >> reporter: kim christiansen, 9news. >> an exceptional story. raymond is helping to use his new glasses, told us recently he was excite his new glasses, told us recently he was excited to see his new coffee cup in front of him. he's excited to see christmas lights and fireworks. reckless snowboarding may cost one man a lot of money, but he won't have to pay for what he did. >> reporter: it's official. broncos running back cj anderson has been placed on ir. where does the team go from here? gary kubiak will tell us later
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a jury in summit county ruled a snowboarder in douglas county owes him $200,000 in a reckless skiing lawsuit. the skier's suit claimed ferguson crashed into him from the skier said his injuries caused him to miss three months of work with the chicago fire department. the summit daily reports ferguson won't pay the damages because he lives with his parents and their homeowner's insurance covers the incident. if you were out and about at all today, you probably saw smoke in the denver metro area and also we were looking at some very hot temperatures, not a good combination. by this afternoon and into this
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spectacular view out there. you can see the sunset, peter capturing a gorgeous shot from centennial overlooking the mountains and foothills. unfortunately through tomorrow morning 9 a.m. under the wildfire smoke advisory. this will continue through parts of the denver metro area south into castle rock and parts into eastern jeffco. today was a hotone, 82, back back record breaking days in the metro area. so far we have been watching above average temperatures day after day and right now we're in the running, the fifth warmest october on record, still a couple more days to go. temperatures this afternoon soaring into the mid- to upper 80s across the far eastern plains. it was a scorcher out there, 60s in gunnison and telluride, 70s in cortez and durango and steamboat springs.
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cloudy skies, breezy winds out of south around 11 miles per hour. in the 9news backyard very comfortable, no coats needed, 62 degrees in downtown denver tonight. on hd doppler 9 you'll notice rain and snow out there. it will have a tough time making its way into colorado. this has been the storm track the past more o2. most of the action coming from the west coast is steering to the north maybe clipping parts of the mountains. i think that's what this st bringing in a little light snowfall from our northern and central mountains late tonight into early tomorrow morning. we'll have a cold front that slides into the metro and eastern colorado knocking down our daytime highs a bit, but we'll still be above average. tonight low 50s, mostly cloudy skies, extremely mild for eastern colorado and even in the mountains where overnight lows only fall to the 40s as we
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25 corridor as the front pushes through, a couple rain showers, a little light snowfall, but we stay dry from i-25 across the eastern plains. tomorrow afternoon and evening the sunshine is back at it again across the entire state, but man, we could use some of that precipitation. so far about a 1/4 inch here in the denver metro area. we should be closer to an inch for this time of year. tomorrow 75 degrees. we'll stay in the 70s and 80s for southeastern colorado, 50s and 60s it should be a warm one, a few early morning clouds. the wind picks up a bit on sunday, also windy on halloween, but no coats needed for the trick-or-treaters. temperatures in the mid-60s
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from colorado's sports leader here's rod mackey. >> people often come up to me and claim they're the biggest bronco fans around, but i know who truly is, cj anderson. the broncos running back rooting harder than anyone for the team to make the playoffs because if they do, there's a chance he can play again, but he wouldn't be able to the rest of the regular season. the broncos placed their leading rusher on ir today, anderson tweeting out after that surgery on his meniscus tear it was a his role will be to root for the other running backs. >> books had a really good week. kapri has a lot on his plate a special teams player, too and obviously we're trying to prepare juwan, but they've had a good week. tomorrow cu and csu have byes and air force plays tonight, late game for the falcons against fresno straight. air force lost three straight
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in a row. still against 1-7 fresno state you'd think they'd win the game. you think, so but you might be wrong. now in the 3rd air force trails 14-7. you want more football? you got it. how about some prep pigskin. taylor temby has your high school highlights from the information center. heading into this week just two games remaining in the regular season. no. 2 ranked chatfield and dakota dakota ridge led until the 4th quarter and then this, a huge interception in the 4th. chatfield would take over and win this 33-29 in the end. bear creek today, the bears ran over aurora central. a handoff to sanchez who keeps those legs moving over the goal line. bear creek wins. undefeated eagle crest looking
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yards for a touchdown. the raptors defeat ralston valley. we'll have much more starting tomorrow morning on the 9news prep rally. >> very good. i forgot the avs even played at pepsi this season. since opening at home nearly two weeks ago colorado played four straight road games and had a week off, but tonight finally they were back to host winnipeg, goals hard to come by. in fact, theres the bad guys got it. shawn mathias, the former av with the one timer. avs lose 1 -0. to the college ice du against western michigan. pioneers rattled off four wins since opening their season 0-2. du wins 3-1. so first cubs fans had to wait 71 years and now they had to wait another 2 1/2 minutes,
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highlights from wrigley's field. first world series game in front of the ivy since 1945. all those fans went home unhappy. coco crisp pinch-hit r.b.i. single in the 7th. that's it. indians win 1-0 and lead the series two games to one. bummed fans all over the country for the cubs for tonight's loss including one guy sitting on set here, a fan forever. i dug out my frhm santa barbara in the '80s to prove it, pretty surfer boys all over the composite picture and one goofy guy wearing the cubs hat, real fan real fool really bummed right now.
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we're looking good for the weekend, mid-70s. halloween is fantastic if you like the warmer temperatures
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week maybe a few more clouds. >> feel a bit like fall. tonight show next. our news starts again tomorrow morning 6:00 on channel 20. we are going to the club.
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