tv Meet the Press NBC October 31, 2016 2:30am-3:30am MDT
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the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. after years of murky speculation that marie singleton was targeted for her work with the cia, the case suddenly came into sharp focus. first, that mysterious letter suggesting marie's death was related to her top secret job, that turned out to be a dead end, written by a co-worker who just wanted to encourage police to work harder. next, there was the dna. more than a decade after marie's murder -- >> they tested both the bloodstain on the car and the scrapings under the fingernails. >> the dna found under marie's
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same person, a man, and police thought they knew who that man was, marie's husband, andre, but andre had moved out of california. >> we did not have his blood test. >> how did you get a match? >> well, what we did was, we tried to find him, and we couldn't locate him. we were finally able to track down his son, andre jackson jr., and to get his dna. when we got his dna, we got what you wo miss, a familial hit. >> a near miss, but still enough to get an arrest warrant. the fbi's fugitive task force caught up with andre in tempe, arizona. he wasn't expecting it? >> no, he was not expecting it. >> andre also said he didn't do it, didn't kill his wife. but he couldn't make bail, so he sat in a jail cell, even though prosecutor lewin knew the evidence was not as strong as it
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although andre's inconsistent statements, the bruise on his face, his appearance at the very beach where marie's car was later found all seemed suspicious, they might not be enough for a jury. >> we have to be able to say is a jury going to be able to look at the evidence we have and prove a ca bo we take this risk not. >> even the dna was not absolute proof. after all, andre and marie were husband and wife. to find his dna on her car or even under her fingernails was not necessarily evidence of murder. after andre had been in jail for nearly four years, lewin decided to offer a deal. >> we offered him voluntary manslaughter. he would have had to serve roughly another year, and he didn't want it. his attitude was you don't have any evidence.
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lewin knew he needed more evidence to make the jury believe his theory of the crime. >> i believe that they had probably some kind of argument. i believe that marie said that she was leaving. i believe that an argument turned violent. and i believe that at some point during the argument andre hit her, and then he made the decision, you know what, i can't let her walk out of here. >> what lewin needed most was a anything on the day of the murder. yet lewin found there was a secret, buried in the memory of a grown man, who was all of 8 years old when a murder was being committed. marie's son, marcus singleton. >> we interviewed marcus in 2004, really the first in-depth interview that had ever been done. >> marcus was deeply conflicted between his feelings for his mom
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his stepfather andre. and at first, he had no intention of talking with investigators. but finally he broke down and told the story of what an 8-year-old marcus had seen on october 1st, 1994, 6 weeks before the murder. it's a story he also told to us. >> i remember hearing them screaming and going into the bedroom and them arguing and her telling me to call the police, call the cops. >> what was happening? >> i had no idea, none. and i froze because my stepdad told me not to, and that's when she said, you hit me. and then he said, well, you hit me first. and she looked at him like he was crazy. she screamed, call the cops, and then she moved towards the bed, and he grabs her. tries to place his hands over her mouth. one hand over her mouth, one hand over her throat and they fall on the bed.
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phone in the hallway. >> at this point now i'm leaving to go call the police, and i'm guessing maybe he got off of her to come stop me or whatever because now my mom, she must have gotten free somehow, some way, brushes past me and up the stairs and i guess to the kitchen phone and he comes running past me to the kitchen phone. now my stepsister is leaving her room coming out in the hallway like what the heck is going on. then we hear the clatter like silverware is falling on the ground. we run upstairs and there's a whole bunch silverware on the floor. they're still arguing. >> marie ran back into the bedroom and locked the door. >> he knocks on the door. she doesn't open it. he kicks the door in. and he walks in and puts the door frame back on the door and he closes the door, and then it's just quiet for a while after that. >> somehow during the struggle marie managed to call 911, but the call is cut short.
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>> and then after a few minutes the cops come. you know, i guess my mom told them everything was okay. they left. and six weeks later -- >> six weeks later, his mother was dead. >> i hate the fact that i didn't go and call the cops myself. you know, so the cops could have talked to me instead of her. >> add to that the guilt he feels about the day she disappeared. >> i hate the fact that i can remember that it was a bugs bunny movie on the television but i can't even remember the last words my mom said to me. >> you were, what, 8 years old? >> yeah i hate that, yeah. >> because, why? you think this is your fault? you've got to know intellectually it had nothing to do with you. >> i feel like i could have done something to protect my mom.
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>> and yet even now marcus still couldn't accept the idea that the man he once considered his father had killed his mother. marcus didn't want to testify against andre. lewin had to serve him with a? subpoena for a pretrial hearing. marcus ignored it. >> i got subpoenaed to go to court and said, no, i'm not going. i ripped it up, threw it away. >> lewin had to do something he'd never done before. >> i had to have marcus arrested. it was very hard. i've got to have him arrested when he's a victim. >> it's unpleasant. >> very unpleasant. >> lewin, the prosecutor, and marcus, the witness, were at odds. and if the prosecutor's star witness didn't show up for trial, andre could easily walk free. coming up -- >> did you kill your wife? >> no, i did not. >> the case heads into court and andre jackson heads to the
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february 17th, 2012, nearly 18 years after marie singleton's body was discovered, her husband andre went on trial for her murder. >> it might be hard to accept, and he needs to be held accountable. >> in the weeks leading up to trial, prosecutor john lewin wondered if his star witness would show up. >> he wouldn't even come out here. >> marcus was terribly conflicted over the guilt he felt at not speaking up sooner and the love he still felt for his stepfather andre. he didn't like the idea of
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>> no, he did not. >> but a day before opening statements, much to lewin's relief, marcus did show up for trial, but he was to say the least a reluctant witness. >> in the beginning when i first came to speak with mr. lewin, i defended andre on my family's side and i didn't want to believe that he did it. then i found out that i'm probably going to have to accept the truth, a truth that i really don't want to have to accept even today to be honest. >> marcus told the jury his harrowing story of the fight he witnessed between his mom and his stepdad six weeks before her murder. >> they were frantic, and my mom was -- like, she was distraught i guess is the best word, like, she was just, like -- she was screaming, you know, she was, call the police, call the police! >> compelling, damning, but it turned out the defense had a star witness, too. you think andre was going to take the stand? >> no. i was -- i was very surprised.
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>> andre's defense attorney got right to the point with his first question to his client. >> did you kill your wife, marie jackson?. >> do you have any idea who did? >> no, i do not. >> then andre gave his innocent account of the day his wife disappeared. for starters, he said, though he and marie may have argued six weeks earlier, they didn't fight the day she vanished. >> when you got home, did you -- did you greet marie? >> yes, i did. >> how did that go? >> i approached her in the bedroom and embraced her and kissed her. >> then he said he left marie at home and drove to his son's football game. as for witnesses who said he had a bruised lip that day, andre said it happened at the game where he and his son accidentally collided. >> as i approached him, he was jumping around and he wasn't aware that i was near him, and he jumped and his helmet hit me
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didn't know marie was missing until he returned home after the game. >> and did you try to page her or call her? >> i did. >> as for his decision to post flyers at the very beach where marie's car was later found? >> i was in the area, picked up some lunch and went down to sit down by the beach, and just pray and try to figure out -- put on at the time. >> did you see marie's saab? >> no, i did not. >> did you know that marie's saab was at or near dockweiler beach? >> no, i did not. >> of course, prosecutor lewin thought andre was lying about everything. on cross-examination, he pointed out that when andre left the beach, he had to drive right past marie's car. >> is it fair to say that as you're driving, mr. jackson, the main thing on your mind is
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is that fair to say? >> not in that moment where i was driving on a scenic route at the beach. >> wait, wait, a scenic route? >> yes. >> your concern was scenic routes when the mother of your 8-month-old son is missing? >> lewin also wanted to get andre's thoughts about why marcus testified against him. >> are you aware as you sit here of any motive that he might have for trying to say that you're sp >> yes. >> you are aware. and what is that? >> the influence by many who pretty much tainted him and telling him negative things about me over the years from his relatives to the law enforcement people who interviewed him. >> finally, lewin asked a question that seemed to get under andre's skin. >> isn't it true, mr. jackson, that marie told you that she was leaving you?
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>> that same day? >> november 11th. >> absolutely not. >> had she ever -- >> after three months in court and 18 years after marie's death, co-prosecutor pat kerry gave the prosecution's closing argument. >> there's only one person in this case who six weeks prior to the murder was observed choking marie. there's only one person in this case who drove right past marie's car when they were there's only one person who left a fresh drop of blood on marie's car. there's only one person that murdered marie jackson. and he's sitting right there. >> but the prosecution was pointing in the wrong direction, said the defense attorney in his closing remarks to the jury. >> the actual evidence does not support the allegation that andre killed marie. it certainly doesn't support it beyond or doesn't prove it
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why? there's a simple answer. andre didn't kill marie. >> nearly two decades after marie's murder, the case was finally before a jury. and just 2 1/2 hours later, there was a verdict. >> we the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant andre jackson guilty of the crime of first-degree murder. >> andre jackson was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. for marcus singleton, this victory was bittersweet. he still wants to hear the truth from andre himself. he knows he says that that may never come, but he hopes his mother would be proud that he finally spoke up. >> i try to live my life to make her proud of me. i'm never going to give up. never going to give up on anything that i feel is important. and -- >> and that's her. >> and that's her.
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her name. >> that's all for now. i'm lester holt. thanks for joining us. this sunday, october surprise. fbi director james comey's announcement of newly discovered e-mails jolts the reopened this case at this time unless it were a most egregious criminal offense. >> can donald trump use this latest revelation to reinvigorate his campaign? i will talk to donald trump's running mate, governor mike pence live. plus, hillary clinton fights back. >> and so we have called on director comey to explain everything right away, put it all out on the table.
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morning. also, why now? comey under fierce assault from democrats. >> it does not make any sense to me. >> was comey right to go public with this news so close to the election? joining me for insight and analysis are, top republican strategist mike murphy. nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell, audie cornish and larry kudlow. welcome to sunday, it's "meet the press." >> from nbc news in washington, this is "meet the press" with chuck todd. good sunday morning. perhaps one day this week's fbi e-mail news will take its place among other october surprises. it was on october 26, 1972, less than two weeks before the election that national security adviser henry kessinger made this famous statement at the white house about the war in vietnam.
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hand. >> the moment was big. kissinger turns out was wrong and richard nixon easily won re-election. in 1992, four days before election day, president george h.w. bush's hopes were hurt when defense secretary casper weinberger, former defense secretary at the time was implicated in the iran contra scandal. then the weekend before the election in 2000 it was revealed that george w. bush had been arrested decades earlier for drunk driving. news that even in the polls. that was actually our first november surprise technically. there's no way of knowing yet whether fbi director james comey's announcement will take its place among these more celebrated october surprises. we do know that justice department officials strongly discouraged comey from going public. democrats have moved from reacting with caution to responding with anger. they say if comey doesn't know whether the e-mails are significant or whether they were
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the election? at the very least, this has reinvigorated the trump campaign and given new hope to down ballot republicans running for the house and senate. >> some of you may have heard about a letter that the fbi director sent out yesterday. >> with nine days to go, an object surprise. >> it's not just strange. it's unprecedented. and it is deeply troubling. >> nearly four months after recommendi against clinton, fbi director james comey told members of congress in a letter on friday that new e-mails have surfaced which, quote, appear to be pertinent to the investigation. law enforcement officials say the e-mails were found on a laptop computer belonging to anthony wiener married to but estranged from huma abedin, a top clinton campaign aide. the fbi is investigating sexually explicit text messages
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15-year-old girl in north carolina. trump immediately tried to capitalize on the news. >> her criminal action was willful, deliberate, intentional and purposeful. >> trump's on thursday. >> the biggest rigging is what happened with the fbi. >> turned to praise on friday. >> it might not be as rigged as i thought. right? >> according to officials, abedin used the laptop to e-mail clinton. to abedin to see if they have anything to do with the original clinton investigation. the official said there's no indication so far that anyone was withholding evidence. republicans down the ballot have seized on the fbi revelations as part of their closing argument. >> that is my letter from director comey telling me he is reopening the investigation. >> it's like throwing a political life line to republicans who are in house and
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>> this race is still tipable. it's not necessarily -- it's not going to move voters to donald trump. but it could move voters away from hillary clinton. >> before friday, it appears trump's path had narrowed. saturday, he stumped in arizona, a state democrats have carried once since 1948. clinton campaigns in phoenix wednesday. nearly 20 million americans have voted. more democrats have voted in eight states, republicans in four. trump is short of his own money to his campaign. bringing the personal total contributions to $66??z million. $34 million short of what he originally pledged. big republican donors are abandoning trump, channelling money to down ballot republicans. >> we do have disunity. i think that's something that complicates us at least in terms of making sure that we have the basic mechanical things that are getting done to turn out the vote.
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pete, there is one area where there seems to be unity between the clinton campaign and the trump campaign. let me show you both of their reactions. >> we are 11 days out from perhaps the most important national election of our lifetimes. voting is already under way in our country. so the american people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately. >> look, i podesta and the clinton campaign. they're asking director comey to come forward and tell americans what this is all about. release everything. let us judge for ourselves. >> all right. there's the one area of agreement. they want director comey to provide more details before the election. is that going to happen? >> not based on what i was told just in the last couple of hours. i don't think they plan to say anything further. they believe that they did the right thing by telling congress about this development.
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that the fact of the discovery of these e-mails was going to leak. that if it leaked, it would come out in different ways and be interpreted in all sorts of different ways and that the best way to handle this was just to get out in front of it. secondly they thought if they waited until after the election, and then it was discovered they found mails that would play into this about how the system is rigged. >> did he rush it? now we're getting reports that they don't know what's in the e-mails. they just know there's an e-mail abedin. that's it. don't you wait to tell congress after you know you have evidence? this is just, there might be evidence, correct? >> we have been saying this since friday, that they don't know what is in these e-mails. that's a very important thing. let's step back for a second. they have looked at the laptop. they were investigating wiener area laptop. they say, huma abedin used that and sent e-mails through the clinton server. our mission was to look at all the e-mails that went through the server.
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they don't know if they are significant in the e-mail investigation, was there classified information. >> to go -- one of the reasons why they didn't bring charges, one of the reasons comey said is because everybody had a security cl clearance. how is this different? if abedin was using this laptop with the same e-mails, it's the same issue. a question about whether the system she was using is secure, problem. the reason they didn't charges, she had a security clearance. >> what you hear from any legal expert is that if they do, for example, find that there was classified information in some of the e-mails, and it just increases the number x plus some other number is what they already knew, there were some classified information when they reached their conclusion in july. if they find a few more, that's probably not going to change the legal bottom line. >> who is the target here?
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a statement affirming she turned over any devices that had potentially that she used to conduct communication from herself and she didn't turn this one over and it would be -- it's -- is she the target here or is hillary clinton? >> target is a term of art. let's set target aside. remember, the bottom line is the clinton e-mail investigation. if you go back to comey's letter, he says he thinks these but he doesn't know whether they're significant. pertinent, because their mission was to look at all the e-mails that went through the server. significance, they -- many of them, they may have seen. they may be duplicates of what they have dwiscovered. so they have no idea what's in these e-mails. >> pete williams, thanks very much. >> you bet. donald trump wasted no time yesterday trying to take advantage of this news and rally his supporters.
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case into her criminal and illegal conduct that threatens the security of the united states of america. hillary set up an illegal server for the obvious purpose of shielding her criminal conduct from public disclosure and exposure. >> joining me now is governor mike pence right here in studio. >> good to be with statement in here. donald trump says that she almost with -- stated as fact that she set up this server to cover up criminal conduct. what criminal conduct is he talking about? >> well, i think this summer when the director of the fbi gave that press conference where he essentially chronicled that hillary clinton had said that there was nothing marked classified on her private server, he said that was not
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classified e-mail, he said that was not true. he reiterated that before the congress. but then chose not to proceed with charges. it was just incomprexcomprehens millions of americans. >> you believe she committed a crime? >> well, look -- ?(lc% eshe is saying it for sure. what he says, people take for fact. >> you have high ranking military officials. you have a sailor gone to jail in the last month. information is a serious matter. the fbi director concluded hillary clinton, while she was secretary of state, while she was taking major contributions from foreign governments, had a private server in which she dealt with classified information but also had communications that we already know about. i mean, as we wonder what this new pertinent information is, we already have seen e-mails that have come out through various
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politics, about -- that support this whole notion of clinton incorporated, that really -- that really are deeply troubling to millions of americans. i think that's why well before this announcement on friday, chuck, you saw tremendous momentum in our campaign. you see the polls closing in states around the country, the american people are focusing on the big issues in this country. frankly, i think they have come to the conclusion that hillary clinton is a risky choice to be the next president of the united states and friday's announcement american voter to essentially have him announce something vague, but we don't know what it is? we don't know the seriousness of it. he said pertinent, but we don't know. is that fair to the voters? your campaign wants more information. the clinton campaign -- it does seem as if everybody wants more information out before the election. >> first off, let's remember how we got here. hillary clinton, while she was secretary of state, had a private server that the fbi has
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it endangers the national security of the united states of america. there was information about military operations on there that could well have endangered troops down range. so let's recognize this all began with her. but the other piece of this, with regard to disclosure -- i'm very glad to hear hillary clinton calling for putting all of this out on the table. why doesn't she ask her senior aide to e-mails? why doesn't she release all the 33,000 e-mails that she did not turn over to the fbi and to the congress initially? i think the american people have a right to know. but the decision by the fbi here i think is encouraging. number one, the fbi director is keeping his word to the congress that if new pertinent information came forward that justified the reopening of the case he would alert the congress. he's done that. >> do you think he has a duty to
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>> i think he has a duty to move forward professionally and in a timely way on this. certainly, the public has a right to know. but let's be clear. hillary clinton -- when this story broke, i believe she was traveling with huma abedin. why didn't she turn to huma and say, put these e-mails out. why wouldn't she make those e-mails available to members of congress? >> definitely a question for her and her campaign. let me ask you this. yeste, this is the lowest point in terms of our judicial system in the history of our country. do you believe that? >> i think this summer was deeply troubling to millions of americans when you saw the federal bureau of investigation following a meeting between former president clinton and the attorney general on a private aircraft on a tarmac that was discovered because of a local reporter who knew it took place and then a short time later you saw the federal bureau of investigation essentially call a press conference.
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press and then said we're not recommending an indictment. >> i guess what i'm asking you is -- >> there seems to be a double standard with the clintons. >> do you think director comey was pressured not to advise to bring charges? >> we know he was pressured not to go public. we're reading press accounts at the department of justice opposed -- >> you are implying he was pressured in july. you are impin do you believe this? >> i have had a great deal of respect for director comey for a number of years. we worked together on legislation to protect children on the internet. i've always found him to be a straight shooter. that was just -- that was just troubling to come out and conclude what would have been a violation of the law for any other american, particularly any other member of the american armed forces, and to say she was simply extremely careless, i think was troubling to millions
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believe he came to that conclusion based on pressure from others and not his own? he said it wasn't a close call. >> i wouldn't care to speculate about why he came to that conclusion. i would tell you, i'm one of millions of americans that were troubled by that. why there's a double standard when it comes to the clintons. no one is above the law. the american people believe in that principle. and the willingness of the fbi now to say we have found what -- >> you are calling the f bi's cr clinton is being held to a different standard. >> i think the decision -- >> that isn't what the fbi is saying. >> chuck, this summer i think when the director of the fbi -- let's start again here. after the attorney general of the united states met with former president bill clinton in a secret meeting on an airplane, then the fbi made a decision that made no sense to millions
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h herself and said it was up to comey. you said you didn't want to speculate -- >> the director of the fbi confirmed that hillary clinton had despite the she denied it, that she had classified information on her server. she had e-mailed classified information. that's a violation of the law. the american people couldn't understand that decision. i think millions of americans are encouraged by the willingness of the fbi simply to say, w we're going to inform congress. we're going to proceed forward. we're confident they will do that in a professional way. >> let me ask you another topic. last week, donald trump pledged to sue every accuser that came out to make accusations about sexual misconduct. is that how he will spend his first 100 days in office, that he is going to do these lawsuits? is that advice you would give him? >> donald trump's laid out a plan for the first 100 days.
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>> he is ruling out suing the folks? is he going to spend the first days of his presidency suing people? >> what i'm going to tell you is we're going to focus on reviving the economy, rebuilding the military. but through cutting taxes, repealing obamacare, having smarter and tougher trade deals. we're going to make appointments to the supreme court of the united states that will hold our constitution. let me be clear -- >> last question. >> you used reinvigorate. before friday afternoon -- >> you were friday? >> you know the momentum in this campaign was rolling in state after state. i'm seeing it everywhere i go. the american people are responding to donald trump's message of a stronger and more prosperous america. i believe we're going to put our head down and kick to the finish. >> on october 17, donald trump had to turn in his tax return this year. is he going to release it before the election? >> i think as soon as the audit is -- >> there's no audit on this return. they don't make those decisions that fast. >> he will release all of his tax returns when the final audit
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>> look, the american people are focused on security and prosperity, on repealing obamacare, having a supreme court that upholds our constitution, a strong military, that's why donald trump will be the next president of the united states. >> governor pence, appreciate your time. thanks for coming in. be safe on the campaign trail. >> you bet. thank you. when we come back, we will hear from the other side. hear from the other side. clinton campaign welcome to the world 2116, you can fly across town in minutes whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. in less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. and if you thought that was amazing, you just wait.
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welcome back. when james comey made his statement, democrats reacted. by saturday, they went on the offensive. joining me now is hary clinton's campaign manager robby mook. robby, welcome back to >> let me start with getting your -- to react to how democrats talked about james comey before friday. here it is. >> this is a great man. we are very privileged in our country to have him be the director of the fbi. >> no one can question the integrity, the competence. >> wonderful and tough career public servant.
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of richmond. he is somebody with the highest standards of ining attegrity. >> tim kaine said it two weeks ago. does secretary clinton and senator kaine still believe those things about jim comey? >> i think the director does have a long and distinguished record. i think that's why people are particularly puzzled about this letter that was sent to the hill. a paragraphs. it didn't provide any details whatsoever. he said that there were some e-mails. he didn't know if they were significant or not. this letter was sent to leaders on the hill, unsurprisingly, it was leaked immediately by the republicans and leaked in a with a that mischaracterized the small amount of information that was in the letter. all we're asking for now is let's just get all the information out there on9i table. there's hypotheticals flying all over the place.
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surprising is yahoo! news reported last night that director comey may not have even seen any of the information in the e-mails before putting out the letter. so to send a letter to congress saying we may have information, we don't fknow if it's significant without looking at what's inside, ten, 11 days before a president yaial electi it's very curious. >> john podesta wrote, he by being vague, tomorrowy comeye door to conspiracy theories. there's fund-raising for trump and his team. do you think comey put the finger on the scale for donald trump? >> well, i think the issue here is if he doesn't come out and get all the information on the table, he is going to let anyone, any cir theory take the day. i will say, we have seen a surge of activity on our side as well. we had our best saturday of
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turning our supporters out to the polls. we actually felt a surge of support and momentum as well. so we're feeling fine in that regard. but again, let's just get all the information out there so that the rumors and the hypotheticals can be put to rest. again, we're hearing a lot of criticism now from former policies against doing something like this so close to an election. >> there's an easy way for you to clear some of this up. huma abedin is a vice chair of the campaign. she may -- does she have access to her e-mails now? can she -- have you been through them? can you release all of this yourself? why wait for director comey to do it? >> i'm glad you asked this question. first of all, director comey hasn't said whose e-mails these
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reached out to huma abedin from the justice department, that would be totally premature. that's the first thing. the second thing is they claim they have whaver this information is. so it's going to be incumbent on them to release it. lastly, huma abedin cooperated fully with the investigation that concluded this summer. people can read the 302 summaries of the interviews of her. they were all released to the public at our request. if these are e-mails from huma abedin, n' are, we assume they are redundant because she turned over her e-mails. that's why we're frustrated. >> let me ask you this. do you know -- campaigns, you know, the first rule of crisis management is know all the facts. do you know all the fact s? are you 100% certain you know the e-mails, that you know everything in this? have you seen any of these e-mails? >> i'm glad you asked this question. we don't know all the facts,
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basically nothing in this letter. we don't know whose e-mails they are talking about. we don't know how many. according to yahoo! news, director comey doesn't know either. he hasn't seen the information. he decided to put out a letter to congress without any information whatsoever. i think that's why criticism is coming in from democratic and republican officials. >> are you confident huma abedin has been 100% forthcoming to you and secretary clinton? >> the justice department confirmed that she was totally cooperative, all of the summaries of the interviews she gave are out there in the public. she has cooperated fully. >> i understand you said that. i'm talking about you and the campaign. do you feel as if she -- you feel like you have all the facts? >> i feel i have all the facts because all the facts were put out there. the summaries of the interviews the justice department said that huma fully cooperated. that's why we are so puzzled
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there so we can put this to rest. this campaign is supposed to be about the american people and their lives and what the next president is going to do for them. this is clouding our ability to talk about this. >> do you believe this could cost you the election? >> i don't think so. we had over 50,000 volunteers out there. we are seeing record early voting numbers in north carolina, florida. look, i would wager in nevada, turnout is so strong among democrats there, hillary could build an ino we're feeling really good about this record turnout, over 200 million people in our country registered to vote, 50 million of those are young people. nose to the grind stone. people should not take anything for granted. we will have to work hard to earn this. >> robby mook, campaign manager for hillary clinton, thanks for sharing your views. appreciate you coming on. >> thanks, chuck. when we come back, much more on this e-mail story.
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from two states donald trump has to have. later, the man who might help turn utah blue or is it green? it's some color that [tv debate chatter] alexa, ask kayak how much is a one-way ticket to canada. when would you like to fly? now. [toy robot noises] roboboy 3000 to the rescue! alexa, order more aa batteries. ugh. alexa, ask uber for a ride. [crash] okay. those new glasses? they are. do i look smarter? yeah, a little. you're making money now, are you investing? well, i've been doing some research. let me introduce you to our broker. how much does he charge? i don't know. okay. uh, do you get your fees back if you're not happy?
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welcome back. panelist is here, larry kudlow, author of a new book, audie cornish, andrea mitchell. we have two republicans here. one is on a nerve tru there he goes with the tax cuts. >> pro republican senate to get tax cuts. >> andrea, let me start with you. it's unprecedented. you and i have covered this atttown a long time. to see james comey come under fire. now the fbi's reputation is at stake. >> it is. this is the worst possible situation for the fbi, for the
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for hillary clinton to go nuclear on comey yesterday was a deliberate decision. they're trying to rally the base. she did this in daytona. she did this going then to an historically african-american college and had a huge rally there on the football field. she's really now taking this to comey. and they made a deliberate decision to do this. if she's elected, she has to live with james comey who has a ten-year term. that is ary and a dangerous situation. let me point out, john kerry in ireland said he has not been notified. comey did not know what these e-mails were and whether they were work-related. that is the question that is raising so many concerns. >> go ahead. >> to andrea's point, i agree with the first part. what i'm hearing from everybody -- i have sources in the fbi and former district
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the fbi has been in full revolt since the decisions last summer. >> not full revolt. let's not say full revolt. >> semi-full revolt. what i'm getting at i comey hadn't said what he said to congress and the rest of the world, it would have leaked. it would have leaked. that whole building was ready to leak they discovered this new source with wiener and abedin. so i don't think comey had much chance here. >> he didn't have much choice now. the criticism is coming from the way he has handled this case from the beginning. >> i think it's interesting hearing mike pence talk a few minutes ago. essentially what he was saying is, where there's smoke -- even if there's no fire, there's a tendency to say, with the clintons there's always smoke. he kept coming back to the idea that there always seems to be something with these people. it has given them a closing argument. a closing argument that's not
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it has given the trump campaign something to actually talk about again. if you go back to july, the things comey said in the press conference could have been cut into ads. if the campaign wasn't so busy tripping over trump's mistakes, this is what they could have focused on. >> do you think -- you are -- you have been around this town a long time. do you think comey will feel the pressure and feel as if he does need to fill in the blanks? >> he seems to be a guy to make press when he thinks he is under i agree, he was botched boxed i. the speculation machine and everywhere else will go into hyperdrive. he will have to say something about, we're checking these e-mails for duplicates, the stuff we have. something to tamp it down a little until they know what's real. he is in a horrible possible. >> donald trump was in new hampshire, took the stage and said, illegal, misconduct, she
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he could have said, this is not an investigation. this is just finding out. he could have said, there's nothing criminal here. he could have put in, we don't know. we have seen not seen e-mails, which has been reported. >> that's a key point. >> we don't know if they are personal. he could have said these things. the fact that he wrote that letter -- now all of these senate ranking members saying, you have to be more specific. >> i don't think the letter was as artful as it could have been. >> you think? >> work as a former speech writer myself. having said all that, the bizarre part of this story -- it's going to be bizarre until the election. the democrats loved comey last summer. the republicans love comey right now. it's going to be a standoff. i don't think much is going to come out of this new. but i want to go back to this point. loretta lynch and the meeting with bill clinton has damaged the justice department, whether that's fair or not.
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comey's own assistant director, his deputy director was involved. his wife is running for the state senate in virginia. >> it's a lot -- that's a lot of innuendo. >> and it was hillary who raised the money to finance the campaign. >> you are making a lot after sum gss. >> but in the public eye, chuck, these things all come out. >> i get the perception. perception -- >> the big irger politics are w we are going to do. the campaigns live in fear of the last seven days. the clinton people, i think, ticked off the great and vengeful god of campaigns. now they have this. it's about hillary for a while. it's not a bad idea to have huma call for transparency. >> do you think that could -- do you think the clinton -- >> for last few months, we have
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roughed up in the polls. they don't look good. there's never a time they're in the spotlight and people say, i think i like that person after all. >> why doesn't huma say, here are the e-mails? >> a staffer with a press conf conference? >> crowd source it. put it out there. >> here they are. >> she doesn't know what's on the laptop. >> how did it get to wiener? >> a moment of silence for that. he is the patron saint of bad news. >> how does hillary e-mails -- >> the investigations colliding. it's like -- >> all right. i'm going to pause it here. i gotta call a time-out. move on and pay for this program a little bit. we'll be back in a moment with the obama voters who are saying no to hillary clinton and why
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in 2016. the latest polling averages in three of the midwestern swing states right now show an advantage for minnesota. but it's a different story in iowa where obama won where this year trump has kept a lead. what makes iowa different? non-college educated white voters. obama in 2012 spent time painting mitt romney as the boss who fired you and who sent that job over >> that stopped with the sale of the plant. >> i know how business works. i know why jobs come and why they go. >> it was the majority owner. they were responsible. >> that was enough to keep iowa and many of the frustrated voters in the obama camp in '12. obama won the state by six points. in this cycle, donald trump is speaking to the voters in a way mitt romney never did and in a way that hillary clinton hasn't
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