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tv   9 News at 530am  NBC  November 8, 2016 5:30am-6:00am MST

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our work together will be just beginning. >> we're hours from the change you've been waiting for your entire life. >> 510 days of campaigning, and election day is finally here. colorado voters heading to polls in 90 minutes as candidates wrapped up overnight. >> we're leading in michigan. we're leading in new hampshire. we're leading in ohio. we're leading leading in leading in iowa. we're leading in north carolina. >> watching battleground states open up by time zone this morning. in north carolina, pennsylvania leading off the east coast. move towards ohio and the coast, followed by nevada and colorado.
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of us. if we reach for them together. >> and election day. a day that will bring about change one way or another. good morning everyone. thanks for joining us. gary, corey, cheryl with us. marty joins us too. sounds like a good day to get to the ballot box if you need to. >> no troubles in the state. not going to have issues at all as far as getting out and about. weather going to be cooperative for us today. it is cool to we do have few folks down to 20s and 30s, especially in weld county, running up along the river, 30s and 40s here in the metro area. that's about as chilly as it's going to be. already seeing a little bit of light in the eastern sky here at this early hour with the sunrise about an hour away. checking out the nation today. we do anticipate rain through the midwest, thunderstorms along the gulf coast during the
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throughout the upper midwest on the back side of a front. here in the western u.s., not much happening around here other than sunshine and relatively warm temperatures throughout the area today. as far as nationwide weather, very few places have trouble with the weather. i think the gulf coast, couple of brief thunderstorms could be an issue. for us today into the low to mid-60s. sunshine, light wind. coming up, we'll look ahead and see ifha future. >> a of people waiting for that. thank you marty. drive between denver tech senter and downtown commute looking good so far. founders parkway 60s and 70s north and southbound. southbounders start to see delays toward parker road and greenwood village drive. for now, it's a 10 minute start. 66 miles per hour is your average speed.
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6th avenue. that's up and out of there. cheryl, we're back to a clean slate. that's how we like it. >> keep it clean. i like that. whether you pick hillary clinton or donald trump, that's one way to make it even. you'll help make history today. clinton would be the first woman president. trump would be the first person elected without government 2 million people voted in colorado. that's 55% of registered voters in our state. slightly more republicans have voted than democrats in colorado at this point. there are a lot of independents into. live in denver, polls open at 7:00 a.m. this morning. >> so easy to find your polling
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website. very easy as you type in the zip code. go vote that's one from the secretary of state's office. nobody here voting right now. that's the question. will people show up to vote in person or have so many turned in ballots that it's not necessary. 2 million colorado have turned in the ballot. we don't know how yet. why do you need a voting center? say you're not sure you're registered. go today and vote on the spot. there are so many resources. make sure they can cast their
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up and drop off your ballot. many are dropping in ballots. they've been doing of last couple weeks. today is the big day. you need to be at the voting center or polling place by 7:00 tonight. if you're in line at 7:00 and haven't voted, they'll let you vote. don't wait until the last minute. get off work and make ballot is counted. lots of resources. a lot of people excited to see the outcome of elections across colorado and the country. those behind you will be busy starting at 7:00 on the dot. thanks so much. national security experts are from pairing to block -- from prepareing to block a
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disabling. staffing hotlines for vote pers and election verification network has a net work just in case. donald trump and hillary clinton made final arguments for your vote. now it's up to you. tracey pots is live in new york city. both are voting today. >> right. this is home for them. then they're going to spend election night here as well. certainly that's caused a big issue, a challenge i should say for the nypd and police in this area. donald trump's headquarters is a mile and a half up the road from where we are now. on that stage tonight hillary clinton is expected to concede or give a victory speech. >> hillary clinton's back home
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day. tiny dicksville new hampshire, voting just after midnight. >> i want you to understand our work together will be just beginning. >> clinton wrapped her campaign in north carolina with celebrity celebrities there and with obamas in philadelphia. >> let's show with the outcome of this election. >> i'm betting that tomorrow you'll reject fear and choose hope. >> trump and mike pence ended their campaign with an early morning rally in michigan. >> it's november 8th, the day we make america great again.
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of history. if we win michigan, we'll win this historic election. >> he's hoping for a win in new hampshire where polls are nearly deadlocked. new hampshire has never not -- >> we're back live in new york. clinton headquarters in york. at this hour, tim kaine voted. we're waiting the arrival. >> it's historic for a number of reasons. many celebrating or commence rating in the same city 20 blockings from each other. extra police presence is going to be needed. >> tracey pot, thank you.
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election night can be confusing. it's all about understanding the electoral college. >> so you've heard of the electoral college, what is it really? simply the electoral college is 538 people. they cast the official votes for president. why 538? it's the same as number of people in congress plus three more for washington d.c. when you choose a candidate, you're really voting for electors to support candidate in the electoral college vote in december. this all happened because the founding fathers couldn't agree. some wanted to see the people vote forment. others wanted congress to choose -- for government. others wanted congress to choose. each gets number of electors set on their population. biggest state, california has 55 electoral votes. smallest states like wyoming gets three. if nobody reaches the magic number, the next president will
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ever, congress. specifically the house of representatives. they pick from the top three candidates from the electoral college. here's the rub. each state gets only one vote. now california isn't more powerful than wyoming. they're the same. if the house of representatives can't decide, the vice president becomesment. s -- becomes president. that's the electoral college in a nutshell. >> all right brandon. thank you much. there hav president was elected but did not win the popular vote. the 2000 election between al gore and george bush. gore won popular vote, majority in the country. bush won the electoral votes. first time it happened was 1824 john quincy adams and andrew jackson. it went to the house of representatives and they chose
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became the president though he did not win the popular vote. . clear conditions around here during the morning, we move to the 30s and 40s from 6:00 all the way through 9:00. then it starts to accelerate a little for us. we get to the afternoon we'll be dry. rain and thunderstorms in the midwest. it's really on kind of gulf coast. lighted ere showers with a cold front moving through columbia, st. louis, chicago, detroit this morning. shouldn't have impact on anybody. our election day forecast starts in the 30s with middle of the day in the low 60s. we finish up in the 50s with sun down already before 5:00. >> yesterday i was making dinner. i was like it feels like 10:00 at night. >> all right.
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options. just other than the one run that's open. conditions surrounding loveland ski areas latest opening ever. but first -- >> you can make arguments in both cases that it could work. you just don't know until things are actually going to happen. that's the uncertainly. >> the uncertainty in this election is getting the stock
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. this election has been a wild ride. the dow dropped more than 2% and bounced right back. andrew sorenson to explain what's going on. will we see more as ballots come in. >> you bet as we transition to new president, going to see bumps and turns along the way. just because of changes in to vote based on stock market or how that's going on. if you're going to move around money, probably wanted to move around and consult a financial adviser if you have one. this is the dow jones industrial average. started up 18.3. as the months went on, went down a bit. the big dip is speculation
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clinton's extra e-mails came out from the fbi. it went back up as the fbi cleared her of charges. that's not necessarily the market, quote, unquote, voting for clinton, but it's an example of how the stock market reacts to unexpected news. think of the stock market as loose barometer. an adviser say the candidates volume painted different pictures the less certain of the election, the harder it is to read barometer. >> it's all based on forecasts of what the future economy is going to be like, what consumers do in the future. add more uncertainty to that and it makes it that much more uncertain to make that decision. >> a big note he wanted to make for those at home. don't panic, don't sell.
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what's when you buy low, sell high. that's when people make money. >> what goes down, comes back up again and vice versa. it shows in that graphic. thank you so much. marty, today, no excuse weather wise. going to be great. >> absolutely not. not even places with lines here and there. not going to deal too much with cold temperatures other than this morning. it will be on the chilly side. not that bad for this time of year. moderate to heavy rain is anticid coast. we have a front moving through the midwest f. -- itruns from missouri to illinois. some heavier thunderstorms around new orleans will dump an inch or two of rain during the afternoon today. as far as rain goes, denver running close to three inches below average joining phoenix
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average. 10 inches below average. it's usually wet in the south eastern u.s. not so this year. 5:48. across town, a good start overall. as you leave the hour, it's a great day to get and out wash the car. lines going to be long especially through lunch hour. throughout if afternoon as the sun drops down early. you'll be driving home in the dark after the drive time both sides so far so good. 84th avenue. yesterday was a particularly
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. arapahoe basin going to have competition starting this week. loveland ski area will open thursday. usually loveland and a basin opened around the same time. it's usually pretty loveland has ever opened four days later than the previous late opening. because of the mild weather we have been happening, copper mountain pushed back opening another week. they open november 18 will be the magic day for them. keystone is hoping to start lift this is friday after delays opening a week again. it depends on the weather. marty, been cold enough at night
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those are nazi. around here, haven't -- are snazzy we may see snow next week in the mountains and around here. today, not much happening around here. clear and dry. we stay calm through the morning and afternoon today and clear with low to mid-60s at areas. it's another dry day across the state. not as windy on the plains until tonight. we have a fairly calm day going for you this evening, after sunset. we get a southerly wind kicking up moving warmer air in. 60s out west today, 60s in the east, 50s to near 60 in the mountains. i'll go 56. sunshine, very little wind today.
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clear conditions. tomorrow during the day, up above 70. not especially windy around here. what there is out of the west and southwest which is why we'll be slightly warmer. we'll have a weak front come through thursday. lunchtime, not a lot of moisture with it. a bit of a breeze, few clouds to knock things down to thursday and friday. >> 5:53. as we approach the 6:00 mark, things b u drive. today going to see sun rise at 6:37. eastbounders do prepare for backups as you make your way across the drive. going to see great starting conditions across 70 and central park. no delays i-70 and 225 merge out towards the airport this you're off to a clear beginning. eight minutes i-25 to 225 drive time. excellent pieced as well.
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times as well.
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. a quiet cemetery in roschester, new york will draw a crowd. susan b anthony's grave is there to thank her for what she did for women voters and it's open four hours later than usual. visiting her day has been an election day right of passage for some visitors. they've been leaving i voted stickersers and other messages at her website. >> it's full of the stickers today. >> like that. 5:57 now. colorado is an important state in this election. is it essential to either candidate? our political experts join us.
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. >> i think it's time to come to momma. >> there's to reason my ahead of us. if you reach for them together. >> i'm asking you to dream big. with your vote, we are just hours away from the change you've been waiting for your entire life. >> high five for every ballot. high five.


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