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tv   Today  NBC  November 23, 2016 7:00am-8:26am MST

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years. >> i've been calling and driver since ?/z(august. >>?oind e ?7urkey amicans? set hit t othis mornin this i people weren't above posing for a mannequin challen to e?an 23rd,2016. >> announcer: from nbct? news,c this is att lauer and savannah?a? g le from studio plaza.
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u what e rk is cooking? >> i've never heard that expression in m life. >> take?h?z look at what we hav pick. his one time critic, south
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nbc. out, calling this a broken omise. on the trail, trump said he wanted to tear up the par wrk times," i have an opende wto it. on torture, mr. trump once touted waterboarding, but after nsulting with retired marine general james mattis, contender for defense secretary, concluded the tactic is not going to make the kin?d of different that a lot of people
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disturbing video captured a white nationalist group gathered in washington, d.c. celebrating trump's victory wh nazi-like salutes, the president-elect denouncing hate groups in his strongest terms yet, telling the times it's not a group i want t2 energize. and if they are energized, i want to look into it and f energyize, ain if they are question about potential conflicts of interest wit bu the times the law i@ s on his side. he also boasted to "the new york times" the trump brand is certainly a hotter brand than it was before. meanwhile, as for secretary hillary clinton a group of computer scientists urging her campaign to ask for a recount in
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considering. >> kristen welker, making us jealous with her location. ng from the shock after five elementary schoolchildren were a?xnd?? ed and injured good morning. savannahte good morning, and because some of tm lost ber sisters as well as close friends their parents tooly them not ev the accident. pushing forward with his ntsb investigators getting its first close-up look at the mangled wreckage of the schoo bus to dea horribly wrong. and this morning, new,
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they're complning about the
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we want to turn now to som million americans on the move and we have our travel center ready to help you make the most of your holida it covered this starting wit stevearnacy with the rail, the roads and the
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the roads. and i can vouch tore one of these personally. nksgiving and thatotn ?sj> anks, steve.
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uses users' drive times to reroute you based on those reports. trt waze.? down i aaa says their top reasons for lock outs and dead batteries. so make sure your car is serviced before you get out on the road. have aood play list, make sure you're just in a good state of mind with patience. you don't want the drive itself to ruin i also recommend not driving anywhere near us because we are certainly slowing things down on the road this morning. >> good tip. thank you. nbc's tom costello covers 's at reagan national tom, there seems to be some renewed talk about possibly long security lines. we all talked about that back in the summer. what's the status? >> yeah. so far, so good. here at reagan national airport, we're looking at about a 35-minute line.
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l.a.x., chicago o'hare, dfw and jfk. we're expecting nationwide volume systemwide, 2.3 million people per day, bu2.5 to 2.8 million today and sunday. these will be the busiest days. and the tsa has up a new command center at its headquarters office where they track the status of the 30 busiest airports down to the actual checkpoints. so they can tell you how long
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checkpoint at a specific airport. they're looking at what they hotcall spots, those problem areas that pop up. they've had one pop up today in louisville, kentucky, because of a power outage, but that's already, they say been addressed. also, working with the airports and their lines, they project passenger volume that can respond, they can staff up if necessary. nationwide times average background 30 minutes on the tsa regular line, under 15, in fact, under 1ked line 165 dog teams nationwide. if they can clear a line of passengers with dogs, those people can move that much faster. so now they're looking at how
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k.chec lso, make sur you remember ke off your shoes, take out your ptops. the more that you're prepared the airports here in the eastern half of the country, minneapolis, chicago, detr mino and also for?+ ???houston.?n? t ra,uss. it should clear up laters out west, seattle-tacoma sswers and storms. hot spots as far as the roads, i-94, i-80, i-65 is going to be problematic from chicago to nashville. showers and thundetorms.
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rainey travel throughout the ?? day. suay for your trip ??"ba?h dallas, gusty? wet weather. san francisco to l.a., you're i well, guys. >> al, thank you so much. and it was a ver/;y emotion day at the white house on tuesday as president obama awarde h freedom. 25 people received the nation's >khighest civilian honor as the prident brought together one of the most impressive groups
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celebrating american legends. >> this is like a really good class. ladies and gentlemen, i want you all to give it up for the re2016 presidtial medal of freedom. michael jordan is the michael jordan of greatness. >> to music icon bruce springsteen. >> he was sprung from a cage out on highway 9. quiet kid from jersey. i am the president, he is the boss. of comedy, lauren michaels. >> on "saturday night live," he's created a world where a band of no-names become comedy's
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d tom jeopardy. >> actor tom hanks. >> america's dad has stood up to cancer with his rita. he's championed our veterans, supported space exploration and the truth is, tom has always saved his best roles for real life. >> and fellow film star, robber de niro. >> the name de niro is
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colleague or our sister challenge our own assumptions. remind us that we have more in common than we realize. >> did you have a chance to see this? >> i didn't. i just got to see?& the ecxerpt. >> did you see it? >> no. >> i watched this for an hour live yesterday and hats off to presadpo?tnt ational a >> we saw ellen getting choked up there. what a rare find, the room with all those people. >> although he said he doesn't laugh at any one person. >> yeah. me!g>?" pretty well. >> it was a wonderful, wonderful event. >> fun. we should look it up online and watch the whole thing. by the way, ellen almosid event. she was denied access to the white house. well, you know what? she didn't bring her i.d.
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she must have made aqr! call ?zbecause she did finally get i4 once inside the white house stretching froth lakes t. ran pacific northwest. high surf advisory southern plenty of sunshine. we yourocal forecast
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and that's your latest weather, guys. >> al, thamuch.
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some tricky subjects.
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good morning, i'cory rose. re what's @?8 hachannel 20 r 9 news seerveg a.m., more uathis morning afr nearly a1?@w4??eanu ?xca?;?st r detaj ils ming up. anops ts hikers
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traffic with amelia and marty. good morning. the drive to our destination e airport, the ?
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? okay. it's contagious, this mannequin challenge. it's 7:30, 2rd??c of november. 30ebhefs all frozen in time ready to fire up the> although i can tell you bobby flay you do not want to see dance in actual motion. >> he just broke the challenge. it only takes one. only takes one. back inside studio 1a let's take a look at some stories making headlines. police in venice, florida, saw something unusual earlier this
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a fire ball streaking through the sky. the brighter than usual meteor was spotted up and down florida's gulf coast monday night, some people as far away as georgia and alabama also said they saw it. donald trump has offered the position of u.n. ambassador to south carolina's governor, nikki haley, who was once a critic of the president-elect. this is, by the way, also his first female pick for his cabinet. trump also gave a revealing interview to "the new york times" and it seems he may be softening his position on several of his campaign promises, some of them quite controversial, including seeking prosecution of hillary clinton. trump is now saying that the clintons have been through enough already. mr. trump offered his condolences to the families of five children killed in that s crash in tennessee. authorities are now learning more about the 24-year-old who was at the wheel during the accident. his driving record revealing a separate accident as well as a license suspension. he's now facing jail on multiple
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buses, so why aren't most kidsin? today national investigative correspondent jeff rossen is here with more on that. jeff, 's such a sad story and such an important question. >> it cerinly is of e for all of us parents, devastating to watch. that school bus? i did not have seat bets. ejected upon impact.e actually most kidsre riding would me?w school buses safer, w a69n'they @grequed? this morning?o we are going
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should have seat belts on every school busstates. when you look at childrenm th age of 0 t 5, ty aretraine or >> most ates don'teq
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to see the administrator of the national hi=>??bghway traffic safety administration. would saf belts make them even safer? absolutely. >> so why not mandate that righ? >> that's really the question we've been lookingat. there's no?f question that the safety belts would help, but the issue is beyond just th
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of us on sl andws???w2 p?vdef0?t se k but as we see tt doesn't wahere's always a of dollars and take years to do. it, tt there shod be every
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see me. don't stare at m see me.
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"or something"? you don't just grahool, smoked c bake fresh foccaciaull there's nothing "or something" about it. ? get up for black starts thursday, 6pm. waart.
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ntry and more hippopotamuses, too.j ? ? so whatever your holiday priority,
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we're back a7:. toow millionsf acan
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about politics. >> thebathroom? >> it's like the smokers room and room. >> outside,own the street. if you thinkre a're going to s setting for everyone so you're not going t sit t twob:a- battli parties next to each other or across from eachd you ? the host sets the rules you say. >> an ejector seat. >> boom, you're out. >> well, this is the tough thing, particularly if you're the chef, it's hard to so you designate some people to
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this is the first they see each other. what do you do >> this ny??j'is the elephant i acknowledge that privately. an i d't know if this was d s at people pick when?q it comes f to family feuds. >> thanks for putng it so well. >> it happens. it's like an oldce h bert, she >> the scabs are right on the table. >> puts a wrecking ball through dinner, so what should you do? >> you're not going tow?
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of the booze. someone else's house, kid?z unruly. >> unless the child is in danger or unless yo belongings serious danger, stay out of that. it's a tough thing to tell somebody how to raise t of it. >> if you're a guest at someone else's thanksgiving,-w?9 is it to ask the host for lefters as you lee? >> asking for a friend. >> i think it' if you want to earn the
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don't fget to macy's parade -- >> smooth is going to be there, savannah will be there, i'll be there tomorrow morning,rts
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sh, hives, blisters,
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we set each esf:?collection to?d sparkle from every angle??
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the presidential turkey pardon. so the white house has taken to social media to introduce us t thrkey. here are their name savannah, you were askinge during the commercial break, tater andtot. complete with detailed bio cards for each one. what we know about tater is he?c likes to listen meghan trainor a walks with a swagger. as for tot, for national thanksgiving turk, both will
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of humor to the ent. remember, he did a lot of dad jokes last year, to his daughters' dismay. so there you have it, guys, tater and tot. >> just a, tater feldman? >> oh, my gosh. no, i'm just kidding.u? no, i'm just kidding.u? >> all right, tamron, thank you. america's beverage companies ha come tother to no, i'm just kidding.u? >> all right, tamron, thank you. bring you more ways to help rbeverages with less sugar.tag or no sugar at all, smalle portion sizes, c?lear calorie choosing their beverages. we know you care?j about reducig the sugar inour fami and we're working to support choosiyour efforts.rages. more beverage choices. smaller portions.
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we'll have a few inches. we'll detail that for you over on channel 20, and also a lot of wind ming for on range, and for those of us here living at lower elevatio might be a good time to get
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>> we made it on the "today" show! it's now 8:00 on aednesday morning.?3 o go until if youe elin? ay.?zl overwhelmed, we'veot 30 expert the country getting ready with quick tips to make your thanksgiving lite 6#smer, ?m a little tastier. >> they have been trying?#nio d >> come on, they can coordinate that, come on. >> it's like the "star wars" btr
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>> great to be back with you ain. >> andwe'll meet in a minute. what's going on with the show this year? >> we have a record number of brtries. eak' million peo we're expecting an audience even larg tu've brought along with you. >> in addition to your civic duty, charlie is here, this is one of our new breeds we'll be introducing.
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four-ply carpeting, this is what you'd end up with. >> what's it called? >> it's a pumi. it's a hungarian hunting dog and it's won our hearts. one of theew the best and top wni that's tracker and a beautiful belgian down at the end also in the competition. great dogs. over 2,000 dogs entered. it's going to be a great year. >> that's fantastic. >> how many years have you been doing this? >>hiis oe year. i can't believe i've kept a show alive that long.
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we have more of the number one of their breeds in the show than we have ever had before, so ??tt we're going to be looking at the best dogs in the country tomorrow. it's going to be aot of fun. >> and you have your assistant with you? >> he's here every year and he gets a littlbit bigger. how well you feed him. >> john, we can't wait. thanks for bringing these adorable dogs.??@ you'll be back with kathie lee and hoda a little later on. good morning, i'm tom costlo at an we begin with the ng travel, an
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nutes at a regularheckpoint across theount, unr 10 to 15 for preeck naonwide. d$y?g-vthey are fueled by cheap avere is $2.13 a gallon. th that and a beconotter e, people are hittinghe road and off to see grandmother or wherever they'reoi on this d.f
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give milons fal start of a new rule that would have made an eimated 4 milli?m0j r overtime pay beginning the cot said the re exceeds
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recatell you abo?+??8ut, especially if you're about to hit the ad for thanksgiving. 700,000 siena minivans in the ?q the recall iolves siennas from$3 moyota says if a circuit in that door getoverloaded while the ?l door
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anreatth? orio c
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?y ro photond other o ha?t yoso tnre pateor esl?c?# coo ??? times. and numbervedam richman.?o?t ?(s it into those great way to make the table loo great, to get kids involvedhth . looks good on the bread or??w+ gj>n]c five more ?? tips. danielyore up. 7 >> f? thanksgiving, you want to5 a storm aaznd you mig rundishec perfectlor bowl or for dishes, for your salad, f your&n
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andots ershi?" stfor p a put ?
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they're all going to be on we're covering everything this morning from decoration to dessert tips and all kinds of stuff. >> and you can get that on our website. but first, a proud "today" show tradition, thanksgiving tradition. we told you about on tuesday. we're hoping to revive this. starting back in ?? garoway, we woulde a hh schoolarchinnt o ?p studio and to the pla the day before thanksgiving. the tradi f y th it's back and
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degr w chance th's gd w?,o not too
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ti s at
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1a?8. >> where are you from, abby? >> i'm from pensacola, florida. to catch up at the famed rainbow roomrock. i showed abby the video from 2008. >> how many kids do you want toh
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beagle. and for those on the roads not dealing with thanksgiving traffic so well, but also some of the worst driving in the country, where colorado ranks on that list. and it is the season of giving, and some are opting to give experiences over material things. it's a trend kes e gift continue afr a feeling tha the north side of the d.t.c., and unusual for a morning rush, but, hey, tomorrow is thanksgiving. high7 i-25 checking clear. no problems. free and clear across highway 85 with a beautiful drive north and southbound and the views north of boarl, between there and lyons are looking great. it's just a really easy day to drive around denver and that does include our high country
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i would imagine grocery stores and other areas might be a little bit busy as folks get out and about here on what's clearly a holiday for a lot of people. we are anticipating some snow moving into the mountains, generally crested butte to the north tonight and tomorrow morning. very strong wind for the front range tonight and tomorrow as well. so a windy thanksgiving ahead for you. before that it's a good day to travel with calm, dry conditions generally from colorado out good looking temperatures as well, in the low 50s here today with very little wind. the wind up in the mountains overnight. by tomorrow morning we'll have strong wind here for the front range and eastern plains. it'll come downslope so we're not going to get any snow in our neck of the woods, it will stay up in the high terrain. warm, dry, calm conditions grace us friday and saturday before another front comes in
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to make yourrall-star thanksgiv rolls. ishq pretty
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you can see thanksging day, some lightno in northern newwe' weatherntoest. plenty of sunshin?ue out t?-?4ou mid-missisppi river valleyfrida for the shopping, youe going to look at wet wtherack throh the non into the pacific northwest. suym the plas allown to the gul. some showers making their way through southern texas. sunny through southern california into the southwest. this is a where are you guys from? >> cleveland. >> cleveland, ohio. >> there you go. what's your name? >> the sheelors. >> they had to think about it for a second.
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don't forget whenever you ndwea channel on cable. oh, savannah. >>nnounc stealsanicexpress, fndin?#g partner of small business sa4??o>> all right, time for a l editionf ji?ll's steals and y with elusive deals on items t jump start??,e jill martin i family businesses, small businesses, not big corporations. >> i love that alsoable stuff t.
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shopping for ourselves at this >> let's start with the barrel poncho. the retail, $565. these are 100% italian cashmere, cozy. we're showing twon jessica parker and rihanna. the dea is $75, 86% off. >> thats deal. d colors and you can see them all on >> including black. telle about thi forhe >> the peter blair ties that retail $60 to ow t ther ha. up t % off. ther ha.
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we didn't get some bath stuff. >> so this is always super popular, the retail $160. this isce set so you get everything that's groupe right there.?? you ge the large candle, perfu candle and lotion availab fo ?#th the deal $48. that's 70% off. >> ,t. >> you can also split it up int two gifts if you wanted to give, piece set.set, retail 0. you getw=?9 two of the same fragrance but there's nine fragrances. >>b, a bodscrub.>> y get twoe st but you c pick from nine. i wanto make sur eveone kns you get t of the same. retail $22. 60% off.
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?' two for split the gift. >> this is onef my favorite, these necklaces. the retail $150. so this is 14 karat gold plat, ei g y soou?=ee? the lace lilemonds in there. it's a 20-inch chain so it's supeice b ind usually wear that longer charm necklace so you could layer it. do it for yrself or wit your ?. ds initials or whatever. e tcute. >> ifou gx to there's so many different ones, holiday vsions and fun statement pieces. you can use them for jewelry, change, on a coffee l=table. the retail $49 to $119. the deal, $15 to $36. 70% off. >> i love these.
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the biggest ever. i'm just learning this, and it's an hour long. >> ntiday. ? nd, that's going to be awesome. coming up next, some more o but first this is "today" on
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wre ck?m all-star ththanksg continues. we have 30 chefs. last hour we had the first ten tips, the next ten are up. missy robbins, explain what this is. brining your moist, rbs,1 ?. spices, salt? a and ths cooler. >> i love that idea. alex, what's your tip? >> a quick truss on a turkey, we don't want to deal with the string too much. wrap it around the back, come around the front, tie and it literally comes together in a few second and it's nice and beautiful but you've still got that wing exposed because my dad and i, we fight over the wings. >> no fights at thanksgiving. >> i get all the hard names to
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ed, what's your tip on stuffing? >> my tip is dry the bread. if you dry the bread when you make the stuffing, it will be fluffy instead of soggy. also i like to use the combination of rye and pumper nickel. also cut all your vegetables a day or two before so you're ready to be eating on thanksgiving and not so much cooking. >> so stale bread, fluffy stuffing. look who's here, curtis stone is here. how do you stuff a bird? >> now that you've made the au little gravy on my actually because that's going to help keep it nice and moist. in terms of stuffing the turkey, you're literally going to pick it up and stuff the cavity like that. if you have a little left over, make sure you stuff it the day of, not the day before. you take that stuffing and get like a little cupcake mold or muffin and you get these little cupcakes of stuffing. >> thank you very much, curtis. i've got brian. you have an essential tool that
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>> the biggest question is how do you tell that the turkey is ready. if you invest a little money into one of these instant read thermometers with a probe, instead that down in between the thigh and the leg and forget about it. you can get one of these nifty little things here and you can go about your day working on your other dishes or side dishes and this will go off and let you know when the turkey is ready. >> like being at a restaurant and getting a table. >> you get a next and it's done. >> i've got brian hardy. you say a rested >> exactly. mine is a little more low tech but if you want to have moist turkey on the holiday, everybody asks me that, give it a break, let it rest. take a little timer, costs a little bit less. when you take it out of the oven, you'll have the moistest bird ever. >> i've got seamus making the perfect gravy. >> obviously turkey gets a little dry and gravy makes it nice and moist. instead of having boring gravy,
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gravy to it, add some clove, cinnamon, mulling spices, strain that off and you've got a nice beautiful gravy. >> how about seamus mullen, huh? >> we're moving over to my pal, brian lewis. you like a little spice mix on the outside. >> absolutely. i like to take cinnamon as well, cinnamon, sage, orange peel, black pepper and thyme. let it cook and take the same salt, a nice coarse salt over the top of the turkey and really lifts that flavor out. >> love it. everybody gets a little anxious about carving the bird, bobby. >> you know, al, every family has that uncle that grabs the carving knife at every thanksgiving and messes the bird up. i like to take the entire breast, both sides of the breast off in whole and slice it in
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the platter like this. take the dark meat, the thighs and legs and put those out hole. >> just put your half cup broth, half cup gravy and put it in a skillet and it makes it nice and moist. >> spectacular. >> really well done, thank you. 20 down. >> 10 to go. remember, you can find this advice at up next, timely the rest of you
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ok.w? ?tk+?m needll you nd is a glass of water. put itme in theicrowa68ve untt starts bog.ticke?ii perctmbutt. >> jlyn we're goi from store
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pie, very poung and average but we're going?o?s 're gooing tull it out and ?r put would8? be good. look at that. >> i looks genius elizabeth, iove yourty you got? >> this is a can of sweeten condensed milk, some cocoa powder a a??9?w sticky chocolate spoonful andsle >>nghave
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the dry ingredients, add your liquids and bring it together until it just comes together. >> i love that. nancy, thank you very much. happy thanksgiving. what do you have for us? >> what happens on thag when you forget an ingredient? don't panic. these are some replacements. if you forget your vanilla extract, replace it with equal parts like kalua. and if you run out of granulated sugar, you can replace it with one cup to one and a quarter cup of confectioner's for the; for. hey, martha, how tip? >> well, you can't haveng withol centerpiece. and you can have an edible centerpiece. use a couple of cake stands, a litt??>le bowl and you just lay
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your walnuts. make sure you put a nutcracker on the table. leave it to you totiful. >> all right. i veq jeffrey, you say?@< say no to fd io?@.??1o >> you can goy= the way, mahaau. x"so go to your pantry if you don't want to fry some os and put them on top. this is just bread crumbs, some fresh pulse it, sprinkle it on, bake it and eat your brains out. >> you're daring me to taste that. moving on to andrew. a lot of people like the canned cranberry. you say no?cway, jose. >> if y w
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grav,w?y. ?s>> thi outside the can, mr. roker. what happens is if you?xmt?# to your gravy, you can use cream of mushroom caa little sauted?t72 oli t put it ono: top and that x5?m quick-minuteix that you needed goes right on top. >> and jordan, last but not least, kind of a quick sauce for you. >> all right. take your dessert game from here to here. melt ice cream. that's all then you get your nice little glaze and pour it over your cakes, pies or strudels. >> fantastic. what a great idea. >> savannah. >> okay. hand me that i had to put down the chocolate once again, folks, the 30 tips are all at we have a lot of information. it was so good. by the way, this a game-changer. coming up next, everybody]) sits down for our big thanksgiving mealnd we give thanks.
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>> would you like to share it? >> you know what, great food and lots of friends and?p ha >> that's how i feel at this table. we've got marcus samuelson here. we love having you all year long. what does this mean to you? deliciousness.ess and look at this, allf the chefs and all the g????areat friend. >> hoda. l >> we feel you, me too.n elastic >> ye >>veryse a glass. i wa sayn) that you gs bring so much t all year long. food, of course, but so much of your ?ntalents. you remind us that as has been said already, food is not just about eating, it's not just
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it's about friends, it's about love and it's about food bring. so here's to more food. happy thanksgiving, everybody. >> thank you so much. heers. >> this is amazing. >> epic table. >> thank yo fu, eryb bein it just means so much to have your talents. >> who's entertaining the shout out numbers. >> 25. >> 42. >> how many are you doing, michael? >> 600. >> by the way, those of you who have restaurants, who's open on thanksgiving? okay.
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>> before we go, don't forget the parade tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. our show will be on too. don't forget all of the tips that these beautiful chefs have given us are online, and their recipes for every dish you've seen this morning. this food is not going to waste, we will donate it. happy thanksgiving to all. we love you, see you at the
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good morning, everyone. i have this 9 news update for you. south carolina governor nikki haley is the first woman president-elect donald trump picked for a white house position. a source close to trump's transition team confirmed that haley accepted mr. trump's offer to become the u.n. ambassador. this is just another groundbreaking step in her career. haley was the first woman in south carolina's history to be governor and only the nation's second asian-american governor. >> with marty. the next few days are going to be great besides some wind. >> well, there's going to be a little wind tomorrow, but i think everybody will be inside anyway. >> that's true. we're eating anyway. >> it should work out just fine for us. we are anticipating some fresh snow. now, it'll be after sunset tonight. we'll get some additional snow in the mountains for the front range and eastern plains. it's going to be a lot of wind tomorrow, so if you have running around to do today, you're in good shape, 40s and 50s with sunshine over the area
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all the way into kansas and nebraska. sunshine today, calm withins, -- calm conditions, low 50s for our daytime highs. we drop into the 30s tonight. the wind starts picking up in the foothills tonight, really gets rolling about this time tomorrow morning. we'll have some strong wind around here. we'll continue into the afternoon, calm down friday, saturday. we have a lot of events going on. light the lights friday night, looks fantastic. saturday we have the big buffs game going with utah, and then of course, right here on 9 news. >> the rapids. >> and the rapids, of course, sunday afternoon at 2:00. a busy weekend. >> boy is it ever, and the weather will be nice for us. thank you for putting that in for us, marty, we appreciate it. another news update in 25
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this morning on "today's take" a celebrity shift is our co-host. then two last-minute side dishes for your thanksgiving feast. plus the biggest black friday toy deals and a surprise giveaway for you at home, comi >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" wednesday morning november 23rd, 2016, the day before thanksgiving. i'm al with tamron and we have celebrity chef curtis stone who was just part of our chefapalooza. tamron walks into the studio, i
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anything to eat. i said we've got food here. oh, okay. >> i skipped breakfast this morning but we were all moving around so fast, i didn't get a bite of anything. >> well, curtis has you covered. >> i watched when bobby flay was on and i saw you didn't bring anything so i'm going to learn from bobby's mistakes. i made some turkey sliders. it's a turkey barbecue sauce. it's a good way to use up your leftovers. >> that's a beautiful side that you can serve on the big day. >> this is unbelievable. curtis, where do you get your inspirations, especially like after thanksgiving when you've made this huge meal and we have food overload? leftovers, you have to think what do i do with it. paninis are a great thing for them to land. anything with cheese and warmed-up turkey is good.
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your wife is american. >> she sure is. >> so you have some of that tradition going on. >> her mom is korean so she will throw some kim chi on the table. so it's a big melting pot. i do a little australian stuff. my wife is american. it's such a beautiful time, thanksgiving, when you can celebrate traditions. >> i love the melding of a family and reminding us what family is, the diversity of it all, whether back ground. you have a new tv on fox. tell us about it. >> it's an all new show that's come over to america. we made a celebrity version and we have these very, very interesting -- >> oh, brandy and ray jay? >> and they host dinner parties in their homes. the other celebs come and they judge them. so you can imagine there's a few -- a few catty words said here and there. >> for example, al roker is a celebrity.
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we'd walk around and look at all the stuff on the wall and make comments about the way he dresses his house. >> oh, wow! this is getting a little too personal. i don't know about that. >> that's awesome. >> it's good fun. >> and what's the goal of it? >> to make fun of people. >> it's a cooking competition. so you see these celebrities. sometimes at their most vulnerable point when they dropped their guard and they're standing there cooking in their kitchen. they say all sorts of funny things. going to see who's the best -- >> in my home i have an open kitchen so people can on the other side and watch me cook. i never let anyone cook because i get nervous. >> so you got a kitchen so everybody could watch you now. >> yeah, because i thought it was a good i cooking and drinking and talking. but when people watch me cook, i blow it every time. >> do you really? >> every time. >> maybe you should have a curtain. >> but i burn something.
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of drinks before they sit down >> so g them drunk. >> yes. >> now, congratulations in orde i understand your wax figure, you have a wax? figure now i
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hands. >> i've got to go by and see you on the days that you're off. >> that's what i do, just hang out. >> and scaring people. so curtis, have you ever done anything like this, this morning, where you've done all of these chefs hanging out? >> 30 chefs in one place. the only time that ever happens is when we do a good food and wine show somewhere, like up in aspen we do one with food and wine. >> it's amazing. >> it's so fun. but chefs don't get out of their quite badly behaved if i'm being really honest. this morning it was early enough they did behj?grave themlves. . you have the fans but then you have the edge. >> naughty. i think it's -- >> you're rascals. >> we're rascals. >> watch this when they tried thechallenge.?0 i think you did fantastically until flay blewened? i didn't see it. >> herqe we go. everybody is doing terrifically.
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>> it looks so -- >> look at sunny, she's owning it. >> it really looks -- >> steady. rock steady. >> there's bobby. >> no, no, bobby is with kathie lee. >> okay. he loses it. right there. he blows it. >> come on. >> i think that would be awkward when you're staring right into someone's eyes for a longerioof? i'll let you off, bobby. >> the chefs weren we brought back -- >> grain valley high school. >> we used to bring a marching
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i would just whise. aa soundli. >> u p>> i'm i' tone deaf as?i but ninstrume we'vead some amazing chefs ll?.o some questions from our viewers.
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moout and a little sort o?r orange bitter. >> kathy from smithfield, rhode island. bacon on your turkey? what do you think? >> i think bacon is good with everything around the holidays. >> there's bacon in the potatoes. the turkey, you want to keep it nice and moist and the best way to achieve that is through a brine. >> that's a hot topic, though, because bobby flay says no >> wet brine. >> we had one of our chefs said just salt it a couple of days ahead of time. i've done that with chicken. >> so much to talk about. >> casey from owe ccala, florid. what's the safest way to defrost a the safest way is in a refrigerator. the fastest way is under running water. if you put it in a big pot and have the water running over it.
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turkey to defrost in a refrigerator? >> several. four or five, so you're too late. >> too late. >> and you're too late. >> how do you do it? >> you go out for dinner. will, from tampa, florida, which part of the turkey is your favorite and why? >> certainly the thigh. it's the juiciest part of the turkey. >> i'm a wing person. >> really? >> not enough meat there. >> i know, you always say that. >> not enough meat. >> and i think the skin is so delicious if you get it nice and crisp. >> on the thigh? >> oh, yeah. >> really? it. >> i'm a thigh man. up next, ellen gets a high honor from president obama but she almost didn't make it. find out why she wasn't allowed in the white house at first. >> that's so funny. >> that's so funny. >> and of course the a oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream >> that's so funny. >> and of course the a in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available.
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"one week? as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it "the unofficial official fruit of the holidays." the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to we're rapidly losing credibility as handymen. mom washed our clothes. [ chuckles ] one and we're right back where we started. we look like catalogue models! who trusts a clean handyman anyway? we can't look this good! dinge is the dirt the bargain detergent can't get to.
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pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at medicare.go or you can call 80di medicare open enrollme. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too.
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with "today's take" and a fella we love so much, our co-host today,
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i'm cooking dinner friday. what do i cook that's not thanksgiving-related because by friday you maybe don't want. i revisit the turkey on saturday. i skip a day. give it a rest and then go back in on saturday and probably sunday. but you said try seafood on friday. >> winter months are a great time for seafood. so you could grill some lobsters or make homemade french fries, oysters would be great, shrimp on the grill. >> shrimp on the barbie. >> i had shrimp yesterday. it was fantastic. so you've got people coming over. >> we have the perfect ac acoutremen for you.6 it's called the pause your guestswp': cell phonesbox. you cover up itr@ basically blocks cell phonee?? signals an wi-fi. you put the box in. >> what kind of parties are you
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converse with your guests. >> but do you need to block my cell phone signal? >> because you would otherwise be tempted, because i've been out -- i've been to dinner with you. you are always -- so this way -- >> i've got three tv shows. i've got to -- i have a demanding mother. >> so you put it in the box. >> here's why i'm nervous about that. if you have kids, your kids may need to reach you, your spouse, significant other. >> it's an dinner. if it's that big of an emergency, somebody will call the house phone. what do you think? >> we don't have a house phone anymore, but i like the idea of doing that because you tracted technology. >> you don't have to do it all night long. >> no. >> just a few hours. >> or during dinner. you know, by the time it's time for dessert, people can go. >> but i like the idea. i've gotten in the habit and i have done better because i'm just aware of the problem that i have. i do take the phone and don't
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miss calls because it's blocking the signal. night, how many important calls did you get? >> last night dinner. two? >> none. okay. medal of freedom. you were talking about this. >> i didn't use my phone -- i did, i tweeted. yesterday the medal of freedom ceremony at the white house, president obama gave out the highest civilian honors to a laundry list of people that are admid arod the world, and ey brucespringsteen, robert de niro, robert redford,?? diana ross, michael jordan, ellen degeneres. ellen actually had trouble getting in the white house.r fo >> they don't play at the white house. >> i had a whole issue once. she had everyone pose -- this is the big mome challenge. >> she eventually got in. >> that was her, so adorable. and then they did the epic chal. savannah says she thinks this may have ended all mannequin challenge.
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look at that. >> i love kareemnu;y abdul-jabb was there. here's the deal. >> bruce springsteen. this was an incredible moment. but those speeches -- >> b"ill gates. >> bill gates and melinda gates. when president obama was talking about each individual and their accolades -- there's the queen. s cecily tyson, a friend of ours. you're the michael jordan of chefs. >> that was really cool. let' take?0?) a quick look at y weather and show you what we've got hpe for you. delays getting out today. airpor de, less problems o:mes, seattlend portland. and then gting home on sunday, boston and problems. nsas city, st. louis, not que as much.
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>> i love that. >> after these messages. >> oh, more food. &o?4 here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin. aveeno? daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients
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avee?. naturally beautiful result? people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. r you. before danny got what he was dreaming about for the holidays. before his mom earne1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ dinosaur growls ] and his dad earned 2% back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs. yeah! even before they earned 3% back on gas. danny's parents used their bankericardca to give him the best day ever.
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as the one who's always trapped beneath the duvet, ?i'm begging you... take gas-x. your tossing and turning isn't restlessness , it's gas.
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this morning on "today's style," back to the basics. open up your closet because we're going to show you how to dress up with what you already have for thanksgiving. >> celebrity stylist melissa gussy has put together outfits that are chic, stylish and leave a little wiggle room if you i like doing that. >> you don't want to be all stuffed in your clothes, nothing too tight. comfortable but cute. >> yep. >> let's launch in. what do you have? >> since it's tomorrow and we don't have much time to shop, we're going to use staples that we have in our closet already. so jeans. every woman owns a pair of jeans that they love, that they pull for every single day. here it is casually. how do we make it work, tomorrow a little bit more elevated look. here is ann marie and it's all about the statement blazer.
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ges e the ouit. ad give it a little edge. >> love that turtleneck. >> we have her jeans and then a metallic pump from old navy. a statement earring and she's good to go. what i love about this outfit is that ann marie is in her 20s but this can work for any woman, into 60s, even 70s for any shape or size. this really works for everybody. >> i was just talking to savannah and we've become so air time. easy and looks good. thank you, ann marie. it looks good. >> next we have a basic white button down, which i think is so underrated and so versatile. we just saw taraji p. henson wear one on the red carpet.q >> if styled the way it is good. if you wanted to pump it up and make it a little more elevated. >> hello, vest. >> well, hello. >> e?dxactly. it's all about the long vest. >> cute. >> which totally transforms the
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we gave a chl?unkyts necklace u. i love a long vest. >> megan, you look amazing. i can tell you're feeling it. i can see it in your face. i can tell she's feeling it. ?7f you look great. >> because you want to feel special on thanksgiving. it's a special day and we should all step it up a little and that's a great way to do it. >> and i love that lip color. minimum makeup, a little lip color. looks like you put some effort to it. come on over to our table because you lookabous. ?t >> the next is a sweat, evwon ns a sweat??2?g thin."[s how do you wear it so it's a little more eleved for dner me so here we have renee looking adorable, just a pair of pants ansnkers but how do we me orin morelevated way. here we have theame "u gorgeous -i lovelo, lo %b=is. zn?(s, what al??9know. >> i love this. you're good comm
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it's a party i want toe at. all o it screams thanksgiving. we paired it with this metallic pleated sk?0irt which is kind o not what you'd expect and it really works, and it's an elastic waistband. best iend a we didn't ft abt the guys. hi?" a ?s?ee$94???="'?sim a it lk great.?d melissa, yoveonb.justautifu head to coming up, cti fashionista but you know he's a chef. he's going to cook some simple thanksgiving sides that you can
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which was just namedaters most
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>> i probably would have doubled amount yx that together and add enk unt?8?m it's the r consistency for you. i into a?+ casserole dis= bakin dish lik this.?( parmes y, you can today,??gu, andea th tomorrow y throwhinto the oven and it loo as
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that side. >> i do, i do. it's easie tobook on this w se?
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it.?s all right. so over there, i took the the i leavehe t outermost husk. it i4dn the microwa for x,es an. minutes, ?ls so good. >> edamame. yes. two cups. and a whiteally chopped. pu the edamam
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they can tell when i'm really excited and thrilled. and they know when i'm not so excited and thrilled. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. but i knew. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love. some eyelove. when is it chronic dry eye? to find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to it's all about eyelove, my friends. hon, i don't know if i deserve this - i don't really work with my hands. you change a ton of diapers! not for me - for him. hon, you have something in your hair. would you like an oatmeal scrub? i already ate, actually. hon, we listen to carol. ma m pop? is this supposed to happen? (screams) i'm just kidding. we should do this more often. hold hands? no, sit in crazy chairs. get together and shop small on small business saturday.
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and show some love for the people we love. and the places we love. the stuff we can't get anywhere else and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here can help keep our town growing. this saturday is small business saturday. let's shop small for our neighborhood, our town, our home. ) get together,(a and shop small. >> shop small on "today" is created with our partner, american express. shop small this saturday. we are three days away from small business saturday, an annual event co-founded by american express. there's one small business in particular that's important to me and my family. it's the crandall theater in chatham, nowhere. i -- new york. it's been serving people since
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years ago. it opened its doors on christmas day, 1926. named for walter s. crandall. it's a pillar of the chatham community. today it still stands as an independent small business, the center of main street. fred ulrichpresident of the chatham film club. >> this is a reflection of things coming back. people w artisanal. this theater is on the cutting edge of that. >> it is. i think of it as the living room of the community. everybody in the community really owns it and supports it as members. and yet it's run as a business, just like any other small business. people have so many choices now on how they can see entertainment. what i love about coming to the together and afterwards you're under the marquee and talking
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it all. it comes through in your experience of going to movies. >> all right. i'm?a ready gwork, sell >> e popcorat's the?atonight? ticket two. heu?right, that's 13.?p?h? >> i want to shake your hand. >> well, thank you. >> i'll get popcorn later. >> you >> thank you. >> next i tried my hand at concessions. i do consider myself a bit of an expert popcorn scooper. >> what do you like about coming to the crandell. >> we've been coming here since we were little kids. >> and good popcorn. with real butter. and then time to start the movie. >> good evening, everybody. welcome to the crandell theater, another great showing tonight, "girl on the train." a theater that is so important
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and so glad you're here. thanks for coming. i'm about to start the movie. are you ready? yeah! all right, here we go. i'm ready. i've got my take-up reel for th. where dth go?nning a movie ?? >> it's all digital now, al. it's like a big digital tv >> there's no -- there's no film anymore, al. >> so playlist?
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>> stand >> yeah. sthatnd by was??? zach. look at how he they opedittle early for u.?qz that's zach. anyway, he's like our versi o-vf the ?kan? dccrdell theater. kindfround ?;.uthe ed we'll keep showers away until very late in the p?carad if at all. by noon some clos and winds very light so balloons will have noprle zachnother s going on around
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?o1c get up for black friday. starts thursday, 6pm.
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when you can have the best.
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ged effect. ng wall. we'll go ahead and rip that out.
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it hatches. when it comes out, it's a? baby. kids have to raise it from a baby to a toddler to a full-grown -- >> where do you get your hands on these? >> walmart will have these. they're usually $54.88 it's going to be $48.88 on black friday. >> spin master is providing ten of them contest.
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chris. >> also moving on, we have ella. she's got a hatchimo. trains need to getun en our toy wo soim itwe can put any kavs e??li?p ?a??ing nith?4be goi toys r us. > got to keep it beg your pardoabbages?qriend:l
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th uly $18. they're going to have them on?[ their si, which is
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imagine naters. kids can build the own skylander any?
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hanks for helping us out. >> thanks for having me. happy thanksgiving,guys.


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