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tv   Today  NBC  November 23, 2016 11:00am-11:15am MST

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that'sw by rachel brackton who goes by the yoga girl on instagram. >> agree on the one and got to be careful with the other. >> exactly. yesterday.a great time went from the show here to our own dylan's beautiful baby there's greenery growing out of the wall. >> look at little dylan. >> ready to pop. a great pregnancy. i haven't had in all of these months much time to just sit and talk with her. -- ry works on our hour. so, what a?s?o beautiful, beaut yog woman. she's lik -- sunshine. >> she is sunshine.
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is the #1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness and premium protection mom: ?oh hi baby? inu m4?sighta lot to
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>> ge you the ca?n? >>rom the wgcafsugar. it ca?9 frothcan,yes, butige it? you d't gk? itno >> by ake ?
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crispyutside and ay. ni talking to you.andrew. >> ready? >> good. yo ed? >> ed of you. what'soi on? >> unskwow.? al >> okay. so happy, happy win day. >> yes.
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>> ah, a g purpose forit. drinke the wine bole. the wine bottle as roll ourdough. >> that's how simple? is that?lly simple. >> a full oougive even a ?w??lin much easier to do. thro?8z/e it, think$7# i buy! >> h hi, robins.
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ye. thyo >> come onba? ??n icevcrwrrs.?g tr. now what w tak ter, sorme.w>?h-?
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this year. thow las w g a 26 million people watching. >> people love it! but everybody in the show$ is s impressed by this brand new breed. >> wo?m beautiful. t's bri on o bgi
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>>? a butifdog,?@ too, but a f very alert, too. right??? >> p,?yep. -- ood,2baby. everyb?y?1ody rembershe golden retriever. one of the?>t winningest golden retrievers, top 2 in america
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hey, ladies. iappy thanksving. pants, but you've got to hang in
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holidays. holidays. >> and thanksging day one egg that just tastester. holidays. >> and thanksging day one egg so fresh from th?e fa thatcious. astester. perfect.
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thanksgiving" is its, woodstock peppermint patti. >> is?q she ght? yes! y, yeah! >> yes,well, that peppermint pat hay quite a crush on charlie brown. >> originally released in 1979 but won an award in 1974. charlie brown invites her friends, with this grandmhernd now one with his friends. >> classic for a reason. hoda woman? >>.what's your name? >> erin and tyler. >> where are youinfrom? >> virginia. >> play, kids. this macy's day thanksgiving parade balloon character is back this year for the first time since 1930. is it charlie brown, felix the
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courtesy of our friend danny sio. ??'ething deo games. ??'ething ift especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto?- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. to e teddy il entresto? was proven
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of tomorrow possible.
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every year we bring you a serieshanks and giving" where we highlight t
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the mo metbb fello st. jude patient named amber. >> like that? you are -- >> i hate eye drops. jude through their?;?p?b ?'q?eyes was ?x??li?fe-chag. ???ign& later??d iear how wel was doing and happy to rennec so ?r. ssabby. >> i'm from pensacola, florida. >> oh, nice! >> want a pleasure, abby. how are you doing? >> charlie, come here, charlie. come here! hi, charlie.
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why did i have to betq the one get sick. >> sometimes i did and then i remembered how good god is to me and how some people don't have
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of co director for st. judehospital. a abbe. one you track
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or yr kids at home. our friends >> fantastic. >>e inawaii, or angle20. >> want. games. >> mostmportant thg, too, is that it's -- it's one
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freshe?f;. e e, set ntable atll.hy is make it your own.??o on friendsgivi. ere i get my glow,
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wait, what?! you realize i have gold stat?
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wayside. >> fret not. guess who's here with inexpensive ideas to add to the special holiday touch. >> a lot people care. danny se. host of "naturally danny seal" on nbc and from the magazine "naturally dannaturally. the show, every saturday moing. >> what time? >> 10:30. changes every market, but, you know. is this beautiful? >> what are you going to do for us today? setting, and these are things you already have around the house. and i think these are my all-star thanksgiving ideas. >>?. okay. >> i think, so easy to make. even the tablecloths trash trsure. >> what? >> y treasure?t to >> show you how to make ?k?g? ih the painter's ch?0art, candle holders rig beautifulnapks, even, i tnk
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sur, super strong as a @scolor.1 i dump whole jar t it makes it yeow?
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save the gourd par of it, fill witwater. it'swater-tight ak
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>> yeah! >> kind of hoda fail. okay. so?b -- wine bottles -- >> a lot of those as ho? >> make beautiful sort of autumnal candelabras, spices, dried corn. fill it up. >> stick it in a candle. e( customize the fronted to say, thanks, you wy know? >> very cu. very european looking. so [ laughter ] >> finally, guys, if you want to help me make our little thanksgiving day, you know, t the trick. >>he boat. >> trick, ter coffee sleeve. chopstick on the
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before the meal, enjoy one of every delicious-looking hor d'oeuvre. when it comes to the meal, take one dinner plate and fill it with whatever you want. one alcoholic beverage and one dessert. if you're torn between multiple pies. >> that's still a lot of foo?lk. is a lot of food. comes to pie between the apple,


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