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tv   FOX5 News at 530pm  FOX  January 6, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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show it would cost hundreds of billions of dollars, it violates our values, it undermines our economy because we would be picking people up who are contributing to our social security, paying taxes in many instances, and would create a clash that would be so damaging to who we are as americans and i don't think people are serious about it when they make that claim. 532" las vegas has already hosted two debates, a third scheduled later this year. mrs. clinton talked about the importance of nevada in the presidential election. that's coming up at six. clinton is in town - along with the other two democratic candidates for president - bernies sanders and martin o'malley. the three will attend a dinner at the m-g-m grand tonight. fox five's rachel more - will join us with more on that in a moment - but first - let's join abby theodros... who is live outside a bernie sanders
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palce right now - at the tropicana. and just a few hours ago - democratic presidential front runner hilary clinton was across town making her case to a crowd of around 400 people at a grass roots rally at sun city anthem. clinton said her highest priority si making the economy work for everyone. which means more jobs
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finding a comprehensive way to support families and create an avenue for them to get ahead. the presidential hopeful also talked about her plans to invest in infrastructure, creating incentives that will encourage businesses to hire locally and the importance of combatting climate change. take a listen to what a local clinton supporter had to say about the former secretary of state's plans.. alma ingram, nevada resident: no ifs ands or buts, hilary. she has a lot of experience being in the white house and being secretary of state. things like those that makes me think she'll be a really good candidate for the white house. clinton also talked about a comprehensive plan to fight terrrorism which includes depriving isis of terrirotry through american led airstrikes, supporting troops on the ground who are iraqui, suuni and kurdish fighters, and combatting international terrorist groups by cutting off their flow of resources and shutting down the online accounts. clinton also
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she has no intention to put american combat troops into syria or iraq. all three democratic presidential candidates will attend a dinner tonight - hosted by senator harry reid. our team coverage continues live - with fox five's rachel more - at the m-g-m grand - where the event will take place. in about a half hour they will open the doors to the public. right now the mgm wait staff is putting the finishing touches on this dinner. at 6:45 the speakers will taking the stage. tonight we'll hear from democratic candidates for nevada's fourth congressional district. we'll also hear from nevada state democratic party chairwoman roberta lange -- congresswoman dina titus and u.s. reid. u.s. senate democratic candidate masto will make a nevada dema caucus
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towards the end of the dinner all three presidential candidates will come on stage to speak. this dinner is a chance for the candidates to make one last push in their campaigns before the caucuses in february. nevada will be the first western state and the third state in the country to make its voice heard in the democratic presidential primary. martin o'malley will host an event tomorrow morning at caesars palace... where he's expected to layout his economic plan. a new candidate is hoping to be an alternative - to those sick of both republicans and democrats. what a third- party candidate brings to the table - this election season.
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5:30, your only choice for live
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lightning... than win the powerball jackpot tonight. but that's not stopping nevadans from driving all the way out to primm... to get their hands on tickets. let's check in with fox five's ophelia young - live at the california state line. closed captioning will resume shortly
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closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning
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shortly " " new threats tonight... from north korea. did the regime set off a hydrogen bomb.... or is it just rying to fool the
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your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is
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north korea says it has tested a hydrogen bomb. if that's true... it's a dangerous step forward for one of the world's most unpredictable nations. as jeremy roth reports - the claim has ignited a chain of condemnation from countries around the globe - including north korea's strongest ally. (nats)"announcemen t" excitement in north korea... and concern around the world. this, after the secretive country announced it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. in a statement after the launch, north korean leader kim jong-un described it as "a h-bomb of justice." no other country is supporting the test, or even confirming that it happened. even staunch north korean ally, china, is condemning the test. manyxpts say they doubt pyongyang has the technology to pull it off. (joe cirincione/author) "it looks like they tried to make an advance, they didn't get there, but they're bragging
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but they are making progress. (victor cha/georgetown university) "they are seeking to develop a modern weaponized nuclear program. they're not just trying to build a couple of bombs that they can stick in the basement." it will take a few days to determine precisely what kind of device was detonated. whatever north korea did -- caused a seismic event that earthquake monitors registered as a magnitude five- point-one. in fact, jolts were felt along china's border with the north. (ban ki-moon/u.n. secretary-general) "i condemn it unequivocally." the claim also prompted an emergency closed- door meeting of the united nations security council... it could result in widening sanctions against north korea. one official tells cnn the u-s is pushing for a resolution with teeth... not just a statement condemning the action. in atlanta, i'm jeremy roth. hydrogen bombs are more powerful than atomic bombs. they use nuclear fusion - which fuses atoms together - and release great amounts of energy. atomic weapons use nuclear fission - which splits atoms - to
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tomorrow marks one year since a terror attack by islamic militants on the "charlie heebdo" satirical newspaper in france. a new cover by the publication - takes aim at religion in general. "it is a caricature representing the symbolic figure of god. to us it's the very idea of god that may have killed our friends a year ago, so we wanted to widen our vision of things. faith is not always peaceful, maybe we should learn to live with a little less of god." last year's attacks - which left eleven people dead - took place after the publication published an image of the islamic prophet "mohammed". former new mexico governor gary johnson - is once again running for for the white house as a third party candidate. the former republican is hoping to be the nominee for the libertarian party - for the second presidential election in a row. "i do believe that crony capitalism is alive and well. it's democrats and republicans that contribute to that.
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that is not gonna succumb to that and i do base that on my having been governor of new mexico and having vetoed more bills than arguably the other 49 governors in the country combined." the libertarian party will choose its nominee at its national convention - memorial day weekend - in orlando florida. as of today - netflix is in nearly every country in the world. the streaming video service is now available in 130 more countries - including india, nigeria, poland, russia, saudi arabia and south korea. several countries are still off-limits for now. netflix service won't be available in crimea, north korea and syria due to u-s government restrictions on american companies. the company says it's working to open its service in china - but could face restrictions there as well. the holidays were strong for apple. the tech giant says during the weeks of christmas and new year's day - customers spent more than one
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apps and in-app purchases. apple says janurary first was the most popular day in app history - with customers spending more than 144 million dollars. heavy rain from el nino - causing severe flooding in southern california... many cars have been stranded in high flood waters in los angeles... as the latest storms push through the area. the california highway patrol says it's dealing with a record number of auto wrecks.... including from trucks hydroplaning on busy highways... bringing the area's already notorious traffic to a standstill in many areas. the thousand-mile coast of california is bracing for more rain and flooding as the storm moves in from the pacific. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty area showers overnight lead to slight chances for us on thursday. we'll see highs knocked down to around 50 degrees with lows close to 40 on thursday
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lingering precipitation through the day on thursday, we could see some snow flakes fall as low as 3500'. friday we'll keep the clouds but stay dry with a high of 50 and a morning start around the mid-30s. we have slight rain chances for saturday afternoon and through sunday. area showers overnight lead to slight chances for us on thursday. we'll see highs knocked down to around 50 degrees with lows close to 40 on thursday
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precipitation through the day on thursday, we could see some snow flakes fall as low as 3500'. friday we'll keep the clouds but stay dry with a high of 50 and a morning start around the mid-30s. we have slight rain chances for saturday afternoon and through sunday. closed captioning
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a buried treasure comes back to life. what has heads turning in virginia with this 18th
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you see a lot of interesting things on the job. but i'll never forget the day we tried rescuing a man... ...who was rescuing a kite. we tried everything. then jack came to the rescue. with a chipotle chicken club combo for $4.99. that combo was the real hero that day. a craveable combo to the rescue. spicy, all-white meat chicken with chipotle sauce on toasted sourdough.
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here's a look at some of the 'all new' stories we are working for fox5 news at six. more from our one on one interview with democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton... and what she has to say about nevada voters. plus, the man accused of shooting a metro officer appeared in court. what he told the judge today and her best advice to him in response. and a white out on mt charleston!
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at the snow fall... and just how much fresh powder is on the slopes! a big piece of history unearthed. a sailing ship that is believed to date back to the revolutionary the 250 year old ship was found buried underground during construction of a virginia. turns out, the area used to be in the potomac river before it was back-filled two centuries ago to expand alexandria's waterfront. but mystery remains about who owned the boat, where it sailed. thanks for joining us.. fox5 news at 6 o'clock is straight ahead. a jackpot of 500 million dollars....
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live from las vegas, its time for fox5 news at 5. " 202 i think nv is critical bc is it is the state in the west, one of the first 4 to make their views known ab who the next president should be.
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