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tv   FOX5 News at 500pm  FOX  February 1, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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moment... but first - let's check in with chief meteorologist ted pretty. toss to weather we will start close-to-freezing with 33 as a morning start on tuesday. north breezes 10-15 mph are expected on tuesday afternoon with a high of only 46 degrees with mostly clear skies. we'll be even cooler on wednesday morning with a low of 31 degrees, then a mostly clear high of 49. we will then warm up to the mid-upper 50s through saturday with 62 expected sunday. average high is 60, 61 by the
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we've have been hitting the extremes in the past 72 hours going from a near record high temperature saturday to chilly and windy conditions today. that drastic weather change along with the rain and mountain snow has been a bit of a shock to our systems. fox5 meteorologist les krifaton joins us live at..... les how were people dealing all the weather changes the past few days. rough start to the week for locals and visitors as we got hit with a pretty good storm sunday that
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widespread rain and mountain snow. today in the systems wake we had strong winds and much colder temperatures. conjure up images of las vegas in your mind and your probably thinking this....not this. yeah it's a little cold cold enough that most of the people we saw downtown were bundled up looking like they were living in a sub zero winter wonderland like chicago, but this is las vegas. the wind and cold air was fierce enough even birds weren't flying. unfortunately these conditions are sticking around. our normal high right now is 60 degrees so we are looking at 10 to 15 degrees below normal the next couple of days. today and tomorrow is going to be just as chilly. while most people have a home to go to stay warm many don't living out on the streets. its times like this that good samaritans like to help the less fortunate. right on the sidewalk they gave me a shave comb my hair look at that i got a beard and everything leo jamishid- afshar then got new clothes from
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storm and a metro officer also gave him a helping hand a u.s. police officer, your a refugee from iran mr jamishid leo go buy 10 coffee from mcdonalds while leo planned on doing just that, others are trying to avoid the effects of what happens during cold weather namely getting sick. common sense goes a long way in reducing the threat of a cold, flu or something much worse according to dr. daliah wachs you want to hydrate, you want to wash your hands you want to make sure you aren't touching something another sick person can touch, you want to be careful with the close proximity's with people who are sick. if there is somebody at work who is recommend they go home. and with overnight temperatures dropping to the low 30's the next few nights, barry pierce from the national weather service recommends also has some words of wisdom if people have unwrapped their plants or pipes, they may want to remember tonight and again wednesday morning we're looking at our coldest temperatures to protect the pipes, pools, plants and
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the overnight temperature at mccarran is forecast to be in the low 30's, it will be even colder in other parts of the valley up on mt charleston- lee canyon saw a whopping 18 inches of snow-- and it was still coming down this morning when that measurement was taken! here are some pictures from the ski resort.. where it is a winter wonderland. all the state routes up the mountain are open. chains are not required but it's best to have four wheel drive if you plan on going up there and don't want to get stuck! today.... for the first time... voters will officially make their voices heard in the 20-16 presidential election. the iowa caucuses are taking place tonight... and the candidates spent the weekend on campaign blitz across the state. "i know how you get
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wants to make progress and actually produce results in people's lives." "this is the time for the men and women of make a decision to stand and vet the candidates." "we will unite this country we will defeat hillary clinton or for that matter bernie sanders and i will be the next president of the united states." caucuses will also being taking place in just a few weeks - here in nevada. fox five's ophelia young joins us here in the studio... with how the candidates are working to drum up suppport in the early voting states. were 19 days away from the democratic caucus - 22 days away from our republican caucus. in the nominating process nevada will be the fourth to weightin - and is one of only 13 states that caucus. and each party and campaign here is preparing for it in different ways. "are you planning to caucus" lieutenant governor mark hutchison spent monday on the phone asking that
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nevadans - "were all depending on you here in nevada." but to iowans. "sometimes theyre like come on and sometimes theyll go who why are you calling me from nevada and then when i explain to them that i am senator rubios campaign chairman and they say okay okay." hutchison is leading rubio's team in nevada... and part of that effort is earn a strong showing first - in iowa. "senator rubio does well in iowa does well in nh the momentum rolls and we have a good momentum comig into nevada" nevada is one of only 13 states that holds a caucus - instead of a primary. "caucusing is true democracy at its very grassroots. instead of going into a booth and just pushing a button you go into a precint meetings at your voting place and you meet with your neighbors who are in your precint and talk about the candidates" in nevada's republican caucus - ballots are submitted - all candidates are tallied. the democratic caucus does things a little differently. "the democratic party if you dont get 15 percent of the delegates you're kind of washed out and your delegates have to move to other people." in the nevada state
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mathematics poster - to figure which candidates are dropped that night. this is only nevada's third presidential cycle caucusing. not surprisingly - part of campaigning here - is explaining what caucusing is to begin with. "we have sort of a run down of our caucus procedures key caucus terms."" volunteers for both hillary clinton and bernie sanders are knocking on doors - encouraging participants to come to mock caucuses. "the campaigns are working really hard making sure nevadans know how to caucus and how easy it is" peplowski believes caucusing is where voters have the most say. in three weeks - all eyes will turn to us. "i think theres like you say a polarizing reason for everybody to get out and spend a part of their day supporting somebody cuz in the end these voters help pick the president of the united states our president."
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about his projections - he predicts several republican candidates will drop out after tonight - after nevada's caucus - he thinks there will only be 2 democrats and about 7 republicans left. nevada is the only state west of the rockies to have a caucus. back to breaking news out of police investigate a fatal shooting it happened at an apartment complex - where for the past few hours, police have been redirecting traffic during their investigation. fox5's miguel martinez-valle is live there on police - after officers say he tried to steal a car. now - we are learning more about a confrontation - that left the suspect in the hospital. plus - how a
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coming true.... ten years after a metro officer loses his life -
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day in february, police are investigating the second homicide of the year, to put things into perspective there were a total of four homicides in all of 2015... police got several calls about shots fired around 1:30 this afternoon, the shots were reported at an apartment complex near green valley parkway and la mesa - by sunset... when they got to the scene they found a 26 year old man dead from shot wounds... but as of now whoever shot him is still on the run, police dont have anyone in custody as of yet... " at this point we do not, were still looking for the suspects and actively pursuing them but we don't have any suspect information to provide at this point." henderson police are following all of their leads, there is only one road closure for the investigation and that is la mesa going into the apartment complex... some of the people living around the area say they heard the shots and saw some movement, ill tell you what they had to say at 5:30 a man shot and injured by police
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pointing his gun at officers after stealing a car. police say the suspect -- gilberto gutierrez -- stole a honda civic out of a driveway last tuesday. he lost control of the car... took off running at charleston and bonanza... and hid in a neighborhood. officer samuel solorio was still in uniform and on his way home from work when he saw what was happening. the officer followed a motorcycle cop to give backup. police say officer solorio thought gutierrez was going to try to carjack him and feared for his life. the officer fired three rounds striking gutierrez in the left arm and side. he was treated at u-m-c and booked. police say gutierrez has a lengthy criminal history as a repeat auto theft suspect and documented gang member. police say he was supposed to be sentenced for almost a year on february eleventh -- for taking stolen car parts and selling them. "whats on the mind of officers is potentially a door kick home invasion holding people hostage all of those running through mind and
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well luckily we had air unit above and traffic officer not with this work responding and participating and taking dangerous felon to custody. officers did phenomenal job with danger in front of them that day." gutierrez faces several charges including assault with a deadly weapon on a protected person... and possession of stolen vehicle. a north las vegas man accused of kidnapping a teen from arizona then sexually assaulting her now face 83 counts. three new victims of 26-year-old jimmy kim have come forward. a new charge was also added -- the use of a minor in producing porn. police say kim abducted a 14- year-old from arizona then took her to his home in las vegas last december. she was held captive for almost a month... and
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during that time. police say the girl was able to escape the home. kim is being held on a one-and-a- half million dollar bail. today marks ten years since metro police sergeant henry prendes was shot and killed. prendes was responding to a domestic violence call and at the time - was the first southern nevada police officer lost in the line of duty in 18 years. since then - his widow dawn has formed the "henry's place foundation" - to create a camp in utah for youth in struggling areas of las vegas. for the first time this year - children will be able to attend the camp with donated lodging. parking - water systems - and electricity have already been installed. a planning commission could approve the lodge this week. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we will start close-to-freezing with 33 as a morning start on tuesday. north
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tuesday afternoon with a high of only 46 degrees with mostly clear skies. we'll be even cooler on wednesday morning with a low of 31 degrees, then a mostly clear high of 49. we will then warm up to the mid-upper 50s through saturday with 62 expected sunday. average high is 60, 61 by the weekend. we will start close-to-freezing with 33 as a morning start on tuesday. north breezes 10-15 mph are expected on tuesday afternoon with a high of only
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mostly clear skies. we'll be even cooler on wednesday morning with a low of 31 degrees, then a mostly clear high of 49. we will then warm up to the mid-upper 50s through saturday with 62 expected sunday. average high is 60, 61 by the weekend. closed captioning
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super bowl sunday is less than a week away. fox five and our "take five to care partners" are teaming up with goodie two shoes for the big game ten-k run festival! run or walk with us sunday morning in downtown las vegas. includes entrance a tailgate party... the big game. to register -- visit fox five vegas dot com and click on take five to care. a man is dead.... yet a standoff continues in an oregon wildlife refuge. coming up.... a look at what's next... and the legal consequences...
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this is a copy of with 40 megs of internet speed from centurylink, a family of four can all be online at the same time, streaming, gaming, or downloading movies. yeah, the internet's great, but i think hair and makeup went a little too far. yeah, that's n wotorking. i much prefer the two-day beard, horn-rimmed glasses, just-slept-in-his-car kinda thing. yeah, i miss the rumpled crazy uncle look. okay. be "paul giamatti." that's the essence of this role. feel like a hollywood insider
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do you think when you are president you'll be paid as much as if you were a man-male...? this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton
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appealing a judge's decision to keep him in jail pending trial. the judge said ammon bundy presents a danger to the community and might fail to return for future court proceedings. his lawyers say their client should be released with a g-p-s monitoring device. it has been a month since the start of the occupation - and four armed occupiers remain. a rally was held sunday - urging them to leave. they say they'll only leave if all four escape
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a memorial has been set up - where one of the occupiers - arizona rancher robert finicum was shot and killed by authorities last week. his funeral will take place friday in utah. so far - eleven people connected to the militia - have been arrested. only one - has been let out of jail. our legal analyst bob massi joins us now - for "inside the law". our legal analyst bob massi is here with more. closed captioning
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and comments about inside the law to bob dot massi at fox five vegas dot com. there's much more coming up in the second half of fox5 news at 5. after months of campaigning... voters will finally make their voices heard. the latest on the iowa caucuses... and how they compare to the ones here in nevada - just
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