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tv   FOX5 News at 400pm  FOX  August 9, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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daughter did just that, three weeks ago. john powell, family went airborne on verruckt "we found out what happened and we were just sick thinking oh my gosh. the same thing likely happened where the raft went airborne and this young little guy was killed." powell's accusation prompted kctv5 to dig deeper into verruckt's requirements. originally, the park only required riders to be 48 inches tall. july, 10th 20-14 the day verruckt opened, the water park changed their height requirements and added weight restrictions to their current policy that states: 2-3 riders per raft with a combined weight of 400-550 pounds with no single rider over 300 pounds and riders must be at least 54 inches tall. powell says although his family wasn't injured schlitterbahn staff immediately questioned his family after their airborne ride. john powell, family went airborne on verruckt
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doesn't happen. it's not supposed to happen and that's what's so scary." before the attraction opened in kansas city, safety measures were installed to slow down the ride and engineers added a safety barrier above the slide. today, chopper five revealed damage to that safety barrier... park officials refused to tell us if yesterdays tragedy caused the damage. after this accident, some are asking how public officials make sure rides at waterparks are safe... so find out what kind of regulations there are at our waterparks here in the valley. fox5's eric hilt is live at cowabunga bay -- eric what did you find out? here in southern nevada, waterslides at parks like this one have to be inspected when they open to make sure that they're up to the standard building code -- but after that, there's no government regulation as riders slip and splash down the slides at cowabunga bay... nats ...parents say
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"i want to make sure that i'm safe but also that my boys are safe when we come...don't run, listen to lifeguards, and they have to make sure they're close to mommy" but while parents like jessica are taking precautions -- we went to find out what laws there are to help ensure safety...and found out in southern nevada -- there aren't any government regulations. nats according to the international association of amusement parks and attractions...neva da is one of just a handful of states with no laws that regulate amusement parks... and while clark county requires routine inspections of rides like roller coasters -- cowabunga bay general manager shane huish told me water slides fall outside of the law nats -- water "amusement rides such as roller coasters fall under amusement devices, water slides fall under attractions" so the individual parks are responsible to make sure every slide safe for riders -- a reponsibililty huish tells me he takes very inspecting slides every day before the park opens. "we also hire an independent third
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comes in and they do independent random visits to the park, so we never know when they're coming...they've come out twice so far and we've passed with an elite status" along with the random and routine inspections there are clear guidelines and warnings for guests -- including scales to make sure riders meet height and weight requirements. "we have height checks and every guard goes through a safety schpiel before the guests get on the slides, so they know what the ride is going to be like" safety checks that many parents say make them feel safe on the slides. and while the rides at water parks are not regulated by the government -- the water is. the southern nevada health district performs regular inspections on the parks' water quality and its pools. reporting live, eric hilt, fox5 news local las vegas cowabunga bay says along with
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do large-scale maintenance during the off seasons. the bees may be gone... but the buzz around the unlicensed business who attempted to remove them from a southwest valley home a week as loud as ever. fox5's vince sapienza uncovered new information on the business in question... john, cyndi... earlier today i spoke with the owner of toms bee hives on the phone... and the owner... told me very clearly that the reason he does not have a city or county business license is because he is claiming to not be a business at all... he says only sometimes does he actually charge people who call for his services of knocking down bee hives.... he also told me he does not have employees... just people who help him out and collect the bees... the department of agriculture tells me it is true he does not need a license for removing bees... a license is only required if chemicals were involved and he was exterminating them.. but the department also says if he is offering services for money.. that constitutes a business... "we are activley looking into these companies, it's an
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to stay." the department of agriculture tells me because this is an emerging business they are in the process of revising the local statute that any business who attempts to knock down bee hives must have the pesticide license....and that a temporary law could be in place in a few months... speaking with the owner of tom's bee hives... i askled if he knew the status of the man who was in crictical getting stung over hundreds of times.. he tells me he has visited a few times.. and that he is still in critical condition...... from the newsroom.. vince sapienza... fox5 news.. local.. las vegas.. the department
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says they are urging customers to ask to see business licenses and pesticide licenses before having anyone provide service... toss to weather the best shower chances stay east of us on wednesday and thursday we enjoy a few clouds and highs in the upper-90s for those two days. we'll warm up and see full sun on friday with 104. the weekend will feature 108 both afternoons with full sun and a light breeze. average highs for the weekend are 103 saturday, 102 on
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a security guard was beat up and
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suspects... and police are still looking for one of them. this happened near boulder station around two-30 this morning. metro says the suspects stole the security guard's handgun, baton, and pepper spray. metro k-9 officers and air unit tracked down two of the suspects... but the third is on the run. the security guard was taken to the hospital, but is expected to be okay. if you have information that can help police, call crimestoppers at 702-385-55-55. a man found guilty of felony d-u-i is sentenced. gary adair will spend 4 to 10 year in prison for hitting and killing a man on the side of u-s 95. i don't feel like the defendant has shown any remorse, in spite of his statement and that's evidenced not only by the fact that he allowed
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two and a half years but also that he chose to have me charged with battery last year. that was kadar brown's mother... lindona thompson. her son was hit and killed while changing a tire on the freeway in march 20-14. thompson was charged with battery after she threw a punch at adair outside the coutroom. adair pressed charges against 64 year old... but thompson paid a 100 dollar fine and the case was dismissed. as for 24-year-old gary adair.. he'll get 228 days time served as he begins his sentence. a toddler rescued after falling into a pool is ok and improving since the incident this morning. this happened just before nine, at a home near alexander and decatur. a family member says the father found the 1-year- old boy face down in the pool and pulled him out. he performed c- p-r until police arrived. the child was taken to u-m-c where he passed an eye test but has been on a respirator machine since there is water in his lungs. the family says the child is recovering and they hope to see more improvement tomorrow.
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cancelations and delays today for delta airlines... after an outage grounded flights around the country for six hours yesterday. the world's second largest airline says the computer system is back up and running, but the after-effects are still being felt. about 100 flights were canceled today, and 200 more were delayed. the airline is offering refunds to passengers on canceled or "significantly delayed" flights. here in las vegas, most of the departing flights today are on time or have slight delays. the same goes for arriving flights. nevada are continuing to go up... and it also may be trickier to find the home you're looking for. the median price of a single family home was 236 thousand dollars in july.... according to the greater las vegas association of realtors. that's an 18 thousand dollar jump from this time last year. condo prices have stayed the same. experts say a tight housing supply is pushing prices up. about 34 existing homes and condos were sold this july.
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spread... just three hours away from our valley. we'll look at the damage caused by the "pilot fire"... and how its affecting our area today. there's going to be another b-l-m roundup... this time closer to home. why wildlife officials say a group of burros in the spring mountain area need to go. ""i felt like the worst mother in the world. and that feeling will not go away for a very long time." " and a mother shares what happened when she tried to sell her phone the safe way... to the
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[jess]quality top tier gas helps protect engines from harmful deposits. hmm,wonder what that's like... hey! ninjas! step away from my engine. spin move! scorpion! kaaa!
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a local rescue organization is hoping to find a home for an abused dog. this dog's name is "heavy", and he's at the animal foundation. according to "nevada voters for animals, "heavy's" owner was arrested for felony animal cruelty, and was bailed out of jail. "heavy" was taken to the animal shelter... and while volunteers say he showed signs of stress, he also is social and easy to handle.
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the dog is being re-evaluated by the shelter... but there's concerns he may be too big for many foster families take care of. if you want to help, we have "heavy's" information on the links page of our website, fox5 vegas dot com. visitors to spring mountain ranch state park often pull over to feed and take pictures with the burros. this is becoming too dangerous for the animals... so the b-l-m is rounding some up. officials will use a bait and water trap method to remove a burros. the b-l-m says there's been several collisions involving the animals and cars. and with super summer theater events at spring mountain ranch, officials are worried about the extra number of guests in the area. the burros will be sent to ridgecrest, california, and will be available for adoption. the b-l-m reminds everyone that as tempting as it is.... feeding burros can be dangerous to their health and behavior. nearly seven- thousand acres are now charred from the pilot
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bernardino county. and 47-hundred homes are under evacuation orders. " it is eerie and it's emotional, we've been through this quite a few times this is my third time since living up here, going through this." schools in three districts cancelled classes today for poor air quality. more than 53 hundred structures are threatened by the flames. over 900 firefighters are battling the blaze from the ground. the wildfire that started only about six percent coai now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty the best shower chances stay east of us on wednesday and thursday while we enjoy a few clouds and highs in the upper-90s for those two days. we'll warm up and see full sun on friday with 104. the weekend will
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full sun and a light breeze. average highs for the weekend are 103 saturday, 102 on sunday. the best shower chances stay east of us on wednesday and thursday while we enjoy a few clouds and highs in the upper-90s for those two days. we'll warm up and see full sun on friday with 104. the weekend will feature 108 both
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full sun and a light breeze. average highs for the weekend are 103 saturday, 102 on sunday. closed captioning us on wednesday and thursday while we enjoy a few clouds and highs in the upper-90s for those two days. we'll warm up and see full sun on friday with 104. the weekend will feature 108 both afternoons with full sun and a light breeze. average highs for the weekend are 103 saturday, 102 on sunday. the best shower chances stay east of us on wednesday and thursday while we enjoy a few clouds and highs in the upper-90s for those two days. we'll warm up and see full sun on friday with 104. the weekend will
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afternoons with full sun and a light breeze. average highs for the weekend are 103 saturday, 102 on sunday. closed captioning will resume shortly olympic athletes have been spotted with giant red dots on their bodies... and now fans want them too! we'll look at "cupping therapy"... and how it can be a health benefit. and get all your headlines and weather alerts on
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fox5 app. it's free in mobile
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. letterman:"has a line of clothing, now where were these made?" trump: "these were made, i don't know where they're made. but they were made someplace. but they're great. it's ties, shirts, cufflinks, everything sold at macy's and they're doing great.? letterman: ?where are the shirts made?? off-camera voice: ?bangladesh.? letterman: ?bangladesh.? trump: ?well, it's good. we employ people in bangladesh." letterman: ?ties? where are the ties made?" they have to work, too. these are beautiful ties. they are great ties. the ties are made in where? china? off-camera voice: ?china.? are made in china."
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people watching michael phelps swim to victory, can't help but notice the dark red and purple spots on his back. a lot of olympians are sporting the bruise-like marks this year. it turns out those dots are the result of "cupping"... which is an ancient chinese healing practice. athletes say it helps speed up recovery a i can prevent injuries. you don't have to be an olympian or professional athlete to use cupping. as fox5's mike doria found out this morning... this is becoming a popular technique for anyone to ease sore muscles. closed captioning will resume
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will resume closed captioning will resume closed captioning
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will resume closed capti will resume controversy hits closed captioning will resume controversy hits
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controversy hits donald trump's campaign again. and this time... its over a comment he made about the second amendment and hillary clinton. " if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment people, maybe there is"
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this statement... and how hillary clinton's campaign
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cyndi lundeberg. and weather 24/7 with chief meteoroligist ted
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news at 4. local las vegas. welcome back to fox5 news at 4. let's take a look at your national headlines. horror at a tennessee fair. three girls plummetted to the ground from a ferris wheel. ""rescue command, we have had a major incident at the fairground at the ferris wheel. there have been at least 3 fall out of the unresponsive. ya'll need to get someone going that way. we'll get ems in route." " officials say one of the ride's baskets flipped over. they believe the basket got caught in the wheel as it made the circle. the children fell at least 35 feet. two were flown to the hospital... the other girl went there by ambulance. fortunately, officials say all of the children are alert and talking to medical staff today. the park will stay open, while all of the rides are
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" there's plenty of stuff going on here besides mechanical ride. the games will be open, concessions will be open, all of the attractions at the fair, with the exception of the rides, will be open as usual and just as soon as the inspector gets finished. but we are not going to push that inspector. this accident comes just a few days after a ten- year-old boy was killed on the world's tallest water slide in kansas. police say 10- year-old "caleb thomas schwab" suffered a neck multiple news outlets report the boy was decapitated. he was riding the slide with two women he wasn't related to... both of them were hurt as well. the "verruckt" slide has had mutiple problems over the years... with riders saying they've been tossed out of inflated rafts or hurt in other ways. one of the ride's designers admitted the reason the slide was built in kansas city, was because there are no height restrictions. the park is closed while police investigate. according to a study by the "nationwide children's hospital," 30
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rides in 2013. these include water slides and roller coasters. doctors say head and neck injuries are the most common. donald trump shocked both democrats and some republicans... after making this statement regarding hillary clinton and the second amendment. take a listen: "(donald trump/(r) presidential nominee) "hillary wants to abolish essentially abolish the second amendment. by the way, and if she gets to pick (booing in crowd) if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment people, maybe there is, i dunno. but i tell you what, that will be a horrible day." " this was during a rally in north carolina. the comments alarmed political observers... who question whether trump was threatening hillary's life or calling for more political activity. clinton's campaign called the statement dangerous. but trump's senior communications adviser says trump was merely talking about the influence second amendment voters have this election. a woman thought
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safe choice... by meeting the person buying her phone in a church parking lot. instead, she found herself looking down the barrel of a gun. as dan haggerty shows us...this mother had three lives to worry about. herself, her toddler, and her unborn baby. after jenna perkins made this post trying to sell her phone on "offer up" -- she admits to making a lot of mistakes. (jenna perkins, attacked by gunman) "i keep playing it back in my head. i should have done this, i should have done that." and that she should have never come here alone - especially with her 2 year old son in e months pregnant. (jenna perkins, attacked by gunman) "i felt like the worst mother in the world. and that feeling will not go away for a very long time." she says a woman named kierra answered her ad right away, sent these texts and called. (jenna perkins, attacked by gunman) "she was asking me, how far along i was and how i was doing with it, and asking about my son. so i guess that was her way of making me feel comfortable." she also offered 50-bucks over asking -- if jenna would come to her, sending her to this oak cliff church. (jenna perkins, attacked by gunman)
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parking lot. i'd be okay. yeah, that's not the case." she says the lot was empty when she parked. and it was a trap. (jenna perkins, attacked by gunman) "and i felt the gun to my head. and him yelling - 'hand me your wallet, hand me your wallet.'" she says a man hit her and slammed her into the steering wheel, while she clutched her stomach and screamed. (jenna perkins, attacked by gunman) "i saw my whole life flash before my eyes. my unborn baby's life, my son's life." a son -- she says has been terrified and confused by what happened. (jenna perkins, attacked by gunman) "i just hope they get caught cause i don't want anyone else to suffer what i had to go through." perkins says the man stole her purse -- with her green card inside. she's from the u- k-- and had to cancel a family trip home that she was planning in a few months -- to introduce her family abroad to the new baby. fast food customers have spoken. and most do not want antibiotics in their chicken nuggets or chicken sandwiches. many restaurants are making a
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hear who's still holding out, and facing a lot of pressure this week. and it's a more relaxing experience for dogs and cats away from home. what one popular pet hotel is testing out to keep both humans and animals happy. i got shot down over vietnam and spent eleven months in a pow camp. what donald trump said about our members of the military being captured is a disgrace. he's a i like people that weren't captured. when you fly over enemy territory, the odds might be against you being able to come home.
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priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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at von's, it's our anniversary! but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money with amazing deals down every aisle on family favorites. get quaker cereal, or instant oatmeal, for $1.47 each. pepsi,12-pack 12-ounce cans, select varieties 4 for $10 when you buy 4. and 80% lean ground beef, $2.77 a pound when you buy 3 pounds or more.
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it's just better. stores use all kinds of strategies to get you to fill up your checkout. but petsmart is catering to its four-legged customers... to give them a spa- like experience when they stay the night. the store announced its music system will now play two different playlists. one will be heard in the retail area, featuring an upbeat, fun playlist. the other will play in the petshotel boarding facility, that is more modern and mellow, to create a more calming atmosphere. the purpose is to help pets relax and enjoy their stay. activist investors are urging kfc to stop using chickens treated
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kfc's corporate cousins at taco bell and pizza have already committed to phasing it out... and now activist investors with two groups are calling on the fried chicken restaurant to phase them out too. wendy's, mcdonald's, papa john's, and subway are all making an effort to curb antibiotic overuse in chicken. american airlines adding a new feature to all of its domestic flights. free in-flight entertainment! passengers can now watch their favorite tv show or catch the latest movie. viewing is available through seatback screens or sea their personal devices through the airline's app. the move went into effect august first-- the airline says it's an investment in its customers, their experience and remaining competitive in the market. a singer that's won both grammys and an academy award... is headed to las vegas. and you can see her for free! hear who's going to be performing for locals and visitors at fremont street experience. and you can't put jennifer grey in "dirty dancing" if she doesn't want to be in a remake. why she's turning
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and who will play "baby" in the classic reboot. your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is
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i got shot down over vietnam and spent eleven months in a pow camp. what donald trump said about our members of the military being captured is a disgrace. he's a i like people that weren't captured. when you fly over enemy territory, the odds might be against you being able to come home. donald trump doesn't understand the weight of sending americans into harm's way.
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nevada is one of the worst places in america for the sex trafficking of teenage girls. thankfully, catherine cortez masto went to work to help law enforcement fight back. as attorney general, she made sex trafficking a felony crime and increased sentences. she gave victims the right to sue their captors. and expanded the sex offender registry to protect kids. catherine's a problem-solver. that's what she's all about. ton? i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. how do we make the economy work for everyone?
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and those at the top finally pay their fair share in taxes. and those companies that move overseas? she'd charge them an exit tax. then she'd use that money to make the largest investment in creating good paying jobs since world war ii. millions of jobs. you can read the plan here. fox5 news coming up at 5 o'clock. christine maddela joins us from the newsroom with what to look out for. yesterday - we showed you surveilance video from a casino - of a man accused of sexual assault.
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into custody. how police tracked him down. plus.... we'll hear from families - leaving their homes as a wildfire rages on in san bernardino county. and - new ammunition... in the legal battle over education - and school choice - in nevada. the hit production "absinthe" is making the move from caesars palace to the show producer "the gazillionaire" says he was about to take the show to miami, but couldn't refuse an offer to stay in las vegas. the cosmopolitan will transform the ballroom space at "rose.rabbit.lie" into a new venue for absinthe. the show opened in las vegas back in 2011, and more than one million people have seen it. "absinthe" closes at casesars on october 21st, and will move to the cosmopolitan november first. she has an academy award... and not one... but two grammies...
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play the fremont street experience... for free! "come to my window... " you know her best for songs like "come to my window" which she won a grammy for best rock vocal performance... melissa etheridge is doing a free concert downtown saturday, august 20th on the third street stage. the show starts at 9 pm. the song "i need to wake up" from the documentary "an inconvenient truth" won her an academy award in 2007 for best original song. again, that free concert downtown happening august 20th at 9 pm. there's a "dirty dancing" remake in the works. but don't expect to see the original "baby" in it. actress jennifer grey says she turned down a role in the upcoming t-v movie. according to people magazine, grey felt the role she was asked to play wasn't appropriate for her. she didn't say what role, but did say it's not "baby". that role will be filled by "scream queens" star abigail breslin. colt prattes will play 'johnny"... the role originally
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swayze. the last twenty years have flown by... but the members of 'nsync look mostly the same! maybe a bit more mature though.. the former boy band got together to celebrate j-c chasez's 40th birthday. justin timberlake posted this picture on instagram with chasez, lance bass, joey fatone, and chris kirkpatrick with the caption "j-c's 40th... and, if you don't know, now you know..." the picture brought many comments calling for a real reunion of the boy band, that formed back in 1995. the best shower chances stay east of us on wednesday and thursday while we enjoy a few clouds and highs in
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those two days. we'll warm up and chances stay east of us on wednesday and thursday while we enjoy a few clouds and highs in the upper-90s for those two days. we'll warm up and see full sun on friday with 104. the week feature 108 both afternoons with full sun and a light breeze. average highs for the weekend are 103 saturday, 102 on sunday. the best shower
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us on wednesday and thursday while we enjoy a few clouds and highs in the upper-90s for those two days. we'll warm up and see full sun on friday with 104. the weekend will feature 108 both afternoons wit breeze. average highs for the weekend are 103 saturday, 102 on sunday. closed captioning
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the red cross needs your help with blood donations for the final weeks of summer. the red cross says summer months are some of the hardest times to get blood donations.... with so many people traveling. anyone who donates until the end of the month will get a five dollar amazon gift card. there are donation events all month around the valley. we've got all that info for you on our website. just head to fox five vegas dot com. here's another way you can help out our community... donating school
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we are partnering with subaru of las vegas, nv energy and henderson hospital...for our annual supply our students drive. it runs august 15th through the 17th. here's some of the items we're looking for. you can log onto our website at fox five vegas dot com for the full list. one guest at seaworld learns the hard way about keeping a close eye on her valuables. we'll show you why she may need to budget some
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there's at least
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one dolphin that isn't having it, when someone tries to get video of it. so it gets revenge the best way it knows how. "dolphin steals ipad " this is at seaworld in orlando. if that wasn't enough, the dolphin turns around to splash the woman with its tail! the guest gets her ipad back... no word on teethmarks or water damage. thanks for joining thanks for joining us.. i'm one of them. yo tambien. i'm one of over 300,000 nevadans who rely on social security. social security helps us pay the bills... ...and enjoy the retirement that we've earned. that's what makes joe heck so dangerous. his plan to privatize social security means billions in profits for wall street... ...risking retirement security on the stock market.
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s given joe heck over a half a million bucks. i wonder who he's working for? because it's not us. afscme people is responsible for the content of this ad. i don't want to live with afscme people is responsible the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. .. pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include
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i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready?
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i got shot down over vietnam and spent eleven months in a pow camp. what donald trump said about our members of the military being captured he's a i like people that weren't captured. when you fly over enemy territory, the odds might be against you being able to come home. donald trump doesn't understand the weight of sending americans into harm's way. he's unfit to be president. live from las vegas, priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. its time for fox5 news at 5. days after a man was hospitalized in a bee attack... questions remain about how he was handling a dangerous situation. a look at "bee" businesses - and how they're regulated. and... tragedy on the world's
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what kind of rules do water parks have to follow - and the steps taken to keep visitors safe. and - days after a woman is found dead inside her home... he estranged husband is taken into custody - and charged with murder. this is fox5 news at 5. local. las vegas the bees may be gone... but the buzz around the unlicensed business that attempted to remove them from a southwest valley home a week as loud as ever. i'm christine i'm john huck. fox5's vince sapienza uncovered new infomation on the business in question and the department of agricultures response... john, christine... i spoke with the owner of "toms bee hives" and asked point blank if he had a city or business license.... he said no.... claiming toms bee hives is not a business..... a response that the department of agriculture disagrees with...
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"concerned about this because the fact that the company was not licensed with us, but doesn't have to be licensed with us." it's a loophole... a normally black and yellow issue.. is now gray. businesses who remove bee hives for hire.. are not required by the city or department of agriculture to have a pesticides license...due to the fact they are not exterminating the bees.... "they didn't have a license with us, but we encourage individuals to hire li control companies or bee keepers that are licensed to do pesticide applications and removal of bees." but the key word there is not licenses.. but business.. a title "toms bee hives" refuses to own..... last week a worker of theirs was sent to the hospital after being stung hundreds of times..... "we're concerned about human health and the environment when it comes to pestide applications and bee removal and pest control companies." the department of agriculture tells


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