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tv   FOX5 News at 400pm  FOX  August 11, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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will resume shortly a man driving a red truck crashed into a man crossing the street... and ended up killing him, according to metro. police say that driver too but returned an hour later to the scene. "his statement was that he was scared, he left, came back, and turned himself in. bottom line is it's still a hit and run. and it's involving a death. we will follow the letter of the law and will probably end up booking him for this crime." this happened near sahara and burnham around five-30 this morning. metro says the victim was either
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a road worker found the victim and called 9-1-1. police tested the driver for d-u-i when he returned, and say he passed field sobriety tests. police have not said if they have arrested the truck driver. and another pedestrian was killed just after 11 last night, on boulder highway and nellis. metro says the 60-year-old man was walking in a crosswalk... but against a "don't walk" sign. a ford focus hit the pedestrian, and he died at the scene. metro says the driver stayed at the scene, and they do not believe that person was impaired. a scary situation landscaper in a las vegas neighborhood this morning...when he got stuck in the fronds of a palm tree. fox5's abby theodros was there earlier today and shows us how the man was rescued. nats bucket beep a man stuck in a tree. holly woodward, neighbor: he was not making any sounds or anything... buried in up to a thousand pounds of tree fronds.. holly woodward, neighbor: we didnt even see him until they cut away the palm fronds...they had to go in with the bucket it happened around
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landscaper of an unknown company was trimming the fronds on a palm tree at a home near washington and rancho. luis rodriguez was working with a separate tree triming company near the situation and says he'll never forget the look on the man's face. luis rodriguez: he looked like he was in a very hard situation trying to get down. rodriguez lent his company's man lift to fire officials and a few short hours later he was rescued. fire chief (deputy) eddie vigil vee-hil says the fire department sees at least 12 tree rescues each year...many of them involve landscapers eddie vigil,fire chief: they're reaching up and cutting and those fronds slip down, or it breaks away and comes down on their chest because they're attached to a tree with a harness..theyre upper torso gets bent backwards and they have all this weight on their chest and they cant move vigil says even if you're a professional... deputy chief eddie vigil veehil: it can happen. usually the company that come out do a very good job. very professional about trimming the trees, but its very common for us. at f5n llv rescuers say the man was in and out
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but he became alert once the fronds were removed. he was taken to u-m-c, but he is expected to be okay. three suspects now arrested and charged with the gruesome murder of two people in an east las vegas neighborhood. in november of last year police say the suspects tied several people up inside a home - and then set it on fire. fox5's eric hilt spoke with people in that neighborhood today, eric how are they reacting to these arrests? john, cyndi neighbors told me they feel one thing -- relief. they were very happy to find out that the people arson and murders are now behind bars. on tuesday, malik watson was arrested and charged with 13 different crimes including murder, attempted murder, arson and kidnapping. darrin wilder and hakim blanche- jones have also been arrested...theyr'e facing the same list of charges. on november 16 of last year, police say a house near charleston and lamb was set on fire with people tied up inside. outside the home -- first responders found
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women with severe burns and a child who was rescued from the home by a neighbor. mario jiminez was found dead in the home, and his daughter, 27- year-old angelica jiminez died from her burns three months laters. neighbors told me it's a night they can never forget. "when i look out the window i always feel like im going to see the house on fire again, its something that stays with you" neighbors told me they haven't felt safe knowing the people behind the arson and murders were still out there, and that's whyhi news is such a relief. we reached out to the district attorney to get the arrest reports for the three suspects -- they said they aren't releasing those reports. metro told us they're not releasing the mug shots for the suspects either. in the newsroom, eric hilt, fox5 local las vegas. we are continuing to dig into this case to try to find out more about these suspects and how they are connected to the
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the warmup begins on friday with 104 a few clouds and light breezes. for the weekend, we'll see 108 on saturday, 110 on sunday. we'll continue the heat with 109 for monday afternoon. the record highs for sunday and monday are at 111 set in 2002. we will pick up slight shower chances by wednesday and thursday next week.
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there is a baby born into poverty every 32 seconds somewhere in the united states. finance site "wallet hub" took this information, and looked at where each state stood when it comes to children's welfare. according to their data... nevada is the seventh worst when it comes to children in poverty! nevada has the highest rate of
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we also have a high rate of children who don't always have a meal, and kids who live below poverty income levels. nevada does do better, when it comes to how many kids are exposed to violence in our state. new hampshire had the best ranking while district of columbia had the worst. clark county school district staff members are rallying together after they say they haven't received a raise in at least four years. "bus drivers, support staff! we get no respect in this company!" "none!" "no respect and we are tired of it!" c-c-s-d bus drivers... kitchen and office staff... school police and teacher aides came together for the protest by the main office near flamingo and eastern. together they represent over 11 thousand workers. they say they are tired of the treatment they receive and want a better payout for their jobs. the kids will be back to school in a little more than two weeks. that means it's time to get them up to date with their shots. "immunizing your children against known diseases like hepatitus or tetnis or whopping cough,
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tetnus shot when they're younger just protects them against getting the diseases." the southern the southern nevada health district wants parents to bring their pre- schoolers... kindergartners... and 7-th graders in early for shots. you can stop by any one of the public health centers for them. malls will also have shot clinics set up until school starts-- this weekend there will be one at meadows. you should bring your childs current immunization records with you. of course kids also neepl of supplies to start off the school year. and we want to help those families that are struggling to get these things for their children. help supply our students-- we are partnering with subaru of las vegas, nv energy and henderson hospital...for our annual supply drive. it runs august 15th through the 17th. here's a list of some of the items we're looking for. you can also donate now--- by texting s-o-s 2016 to 7-1-7-7-7. a youtube app for kids is designed to show them videos
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but every now and then... something questionable comes up. see what we found when we ran the children's app today... and what type of video parents are complaining about. "it's very important to recognize, life should be shared and recognized." " and it doesn't have to be a holiday, to show appreciation to a veteran. see how some local service members were honored today. you're watching fox5 news at 4. local. las vegas
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calls from fox5 viewers about the official youtube children's app, and some disturbing videos that people have seen come across it. so we've watched the app all day to see what kinds of videos children are watching. and this is one that popped up on the screen. " ok anna, why is towel around my eyes? so you can't peek elsa, that's why! ok anna. "
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dolls taking a bath blindfolded. there's an adult acting out the story and the doll's voices. some viewers tell us they've seen more sinister things on the app, like cartoon characters stabbing each other or other violent acts. you're looking at the youtube agreement shown to parents when they download this app. it says it's designed to exclude content not meant for children, but there isn't someone who manually reviews all of the videos that appear on it. there is an option to flag a video you don't feel is appropriate for children. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty the warmup begins on friday with 104 a few clouds and light breezes. for the weekend, we'll see 108 on saturday, 110 on sunday. we'll continue the heat with 109 for monday afternoon. the record highs for sunday and monday are at 111 set in 2002. we will
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thursday next week. the average high next week is 102. the warmup begins on friday with 104 a few clouds and light breezes. for the weekend, we'll see 108 on saturday, 110 on sunday. we'll continue the heat with 109 for monday afternoon. the record highs for sunday and monday are at 111 set in 2002. we will pick up slight shower chances by wednesday and thursday next week. the average high next week is 102. 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty the warmup begins on friday with 104 a few clouds and light breezes. for
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saturday, 110 on sunday. we'll continue the heat with 109 for monday afternoon. the record highs for sunday and monday are at 111 set in 2002. we will pick up slight shower chances by wednesday and thursday next week. the average high next week is 102. the warmup begins on friday with 104 a few clouds and light breezes. for the weekend, we'll see 108 on saturday, 110 on sunday. we'll continue the heat with 109 for monday afternoon. the record highs for sunday and monday are at 111 set in 2002. we will pick up slight shower chances by wednesday and thursday next week. the average high next week is 102.
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the nevada
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veterans services is on a mission to personally thank each and every veteran living in our state. the "veterans in care initiative" kicked off today and fox5's peter dawson was on hand for the special ceremony and to see the first veterans pinned as nevada's heroes. today isn't a national holiday, it's just a typical summer day for many of us but inside lake mead health and rehab a tradition was born. "on behalf of governor sandoval thank you for your service to our nation and please accept this certificate as our small token of gratitude." "thank you on behalf of governor sandoval to our nation and to our state." "thank you for your service sir." "i can't tell you how much your state appreciates your service. i mean we may not say it all the time, you may not hear it all the time but what you did was special and we appreciate you and your service." "very special. it's very important to recognize, life should be shared
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"it's recognizing their service to our community to our nation and the sacrifice them and their families made. so it's special it's just their day." besides a hand shake and a thank you. the nevada department of veterans services presented certificates and a special pin to fifteen veterans. these men and women are the first to be pinned nevada's heroes, a title hundreds more will receive in an ongoing quest by ndvs to recognizes each and every veteran living in care facilities. "makes you feel proud. thank you for your services and welcome to the club." all of the nevada heroes i spoke with are humble and won't acknowledge their service this country as bravery, to them it wasn't just the righ thing to do but it was also a privilege. "they are humble but it still means something to them. we have veterans from vietnam who never got thanked, now is there chance to thank them."
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service to our country." peter dawson fox5 news local las vegas. the n-d-v-s also stopped by prestige assisted living at mira loma to pin 37 veterans as nevada's heroes. currently 900 veterans live in care facilities throughout our state. we're continuing to follow breaking news at four. a serious crash is clearing up at 95 and durango. let's check in now with fox5's abby theodros who is with an update. closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning
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i don't want to live with
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der whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. lant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready?
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theme for you guys today... crazy people... 3 people... doing crazy things... let's start with a this. :48-:53 into clip (screams... jumps out of window) where did he go?? why did he do that?? and most importantly... does this mean the quiz is cancelled?? this awesome teacher was talking to the kids about safety... and while discusing what to do if the school caught on fire... he superman'd out the window... thankfully the classroom was on the first floor... and hopefully the kids learned something. we go from crazy teacher... to an even crazier surfer... this lady thought it would be fun to
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here's allison teal... there's the volcano... and this is why she's nuts... allison has become the first person to ever surf the base of an erupting volcano... this is kilueha in hawaii... allison surfed it... in a bikini... for the record... molten lava can cook a human... and allison said she got splattered a few times... she said her ride was terrifying... but also a lifelong dream. my final crazy person is a football player... j.j. watt is a big... tough dude... one of the best players in the nfl... j.j. wanted to give firefighting a try. his dad is a firefighter... and he wanted to see what's it's like to do what his old man did... j.j. got suited up and ran thru the typical drills a firefighter does... from dragging a mannequin... battling the hoses... to swinging a sledgehammer... after about 90 seconds... the big fella was huffing and puffing. 1:42-1:47 into clip "i respect the hell out of that... that's
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after finishing up the workout... an exhausted watt said there's no comparison between football and firefighters... football is a game... firefighting saves lives. a judge softens up, when she learns an inmate in her courtroom up, when she learns an inmate in her courtroom up, when she learns an inmate in her courtroom recently became a father. and it inspires her to make a heartwarming decision. ""it was just the right thing to do. it was a, it was a human moment. if you're not teared
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heartless." " see the moment the judge put aside the case... to unite a family. don't miss any breaking news or weather alerts! download our fox5 app. it's free in mobile stores. i got shot down over vietnam and spent eleven months in a pow camp.
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a i like people that weren't captured. when you fly over enemy territory, the odds might be against you being able to come home. donald trump doesn't understand the weight of sending americans into harm's way. mighthe's unfit to bebeing ablepresident.ome.
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of serious accidents involving amusement park rides and water slides this last week. including the terrible tragedy in kansas city, where a boy died on the world's tallest water slide. now a pennsylvania park is under investigation, after a child fell off a roller coaster! this happened at the "idlewild and soakzone amusement park" today. police say the boy was concious as he was airlifted to the children's hospital of pittsburgh. investigators
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accident happened because of a ride malfunction or the child's behavior. the "rollo coaster" was built in 1938. riders can be 36 inches tall if they are with an adult. the man who climbed the trump tower in new york city using giant suction cups yesterday, is now facing some serious charges. before the big climb, "stephen rogata" posted a video message to donald trump on youtube, asking for a private meeting. "hello mr. trump, you'll have to excuse my manner of appearance, i just don't know how many people will watch this. i'd rather not recognizable. i am an independant researcher seaking an audience with you to discuss an important matter. " it took n-y-p-d officers nearly three hours to safely capture rogata. the climber was taken to a hospital for a psychological evaluation. he's now facing reckless endagerment and criminal trespassing charges. police say rogata is 19 years old and from great falls, virginia. they also found a notebook with
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just saw. a kentucky judge realizes an inmate in her courtroom has never met his son... and creates an opportunity for the man to turn his life around. "(judge amber wolf/jefferson county district court) "your baby is a month old and you haven't met that baby yet. is that right?" (jason roeder/inmate) "yes, ma'am." " (judge amber wolf/jefferson county district court) "this is your son." judge amber wolf had the baby brought into the courtroom, so james roeder could meet his son. the baby is named james junior... and roeder couldn't hold back tears as he held him for the first time. "(jason roeder/inmate) "it was like being there whenever he was being delivered, you know, i know a couple tears. you know i kinda cried a little bit." " judge wolf has been in the news recently, after standing up for a woman who was not given pants for court. macy's announces it will close stores. how many of them will be shutting down nationwide...
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[ted]quality t t shmm,wonder what that's like... keep engines clean. [robot]greetings,mr.ted. [ted]whoa. [robot]i have helped keep your engine clean. [ted]i will call you donnie! is that okay?do you like that name? [woman}who's donnie? [ted]he's my roboctopus.
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fall. disney is saying goodbye, to its main street electrical parade. but more people in our valley may get to see it... since its headed to california! disney announced its night-time parade will go dark october 9th. limited run at disneyland next year. the parade started in 1972, and it features a half million l-e-d lights. it was held at disney california from 2001 to 2010. macy's is closing 100 of its department stores. but it isn't saying which ones are getting the boot. the retailer is shutting down about 15 percent of its struggling locations. macy's says it had a sixth straight quarterly decline in sales. so now the company will focus on its best-
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no word on how many employees will be affected. the move is expected to happen early next year.... and shoppers should keep an eye out for closing sales at the end of the year. panera bread announced plans to remove additives and extra sweeteners in kids meals... and they're starting with the drinks. water will the new default beverage with those kids meals. organic milk or juice will now be an add-on. the company says its new campaign will be to discourage kids from getting soda. panera's menu continues on the "clean" train all around, promising no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners or colors from artificial sources. ever felt like punching someone who wouldn't be quiet in a movie theater? this lady can attest to that feeling -- but it was her who was doing the talking! what prompted
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24/7 forecast is coming up next i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. it's a simple question. in washington, has congressman joe heck been standing up for you? heck voted ten times to defund planned parenthood. he even tried to shut down the federal government in order to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. and heck's against a woman's right to choose
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e abortion. joe heck. part of the problem in washington.
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fox5 news coming up at 5 o'clock. christine maddela joins us from the newsroom with what to look out for. so - what's more dangerous? marijuana? or cocaine? the white house takes a look at if
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"schedule one" narcotic. shake shack's stock takes a tumble... but the company is hoping to win over new fans. when the burger chain will be giving away free food. and... a las vegas restaurant offers relief... to a baseball fan - with nachos all over his face. some areas of the valley are seeing a big spike in crime in just a year. and police are combatting it, by getting to know the people they serve. that's the topic in today's "behind the badge". closed captioning will resume
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the warmup begins on friday with 104 a few clouds and light breezes. for the weekend, we'll see 108 on saturday, 110 on sunday. we'll continue the heat with 109 for monday afternoon. the record highs for sunday and monday are at 111 set in 2002. we will pick up slight shower chances by wednesday and thursday next week. the average high
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the warmup begins on friday with 104 a few clouds and light breezes. for the weekend, we'll see 108 on saturday, 110 on sunday. we'll continue the heat with 109 for monday afternoon. the record highs for sunday and monday are at 111 set in 2002. we will pick up slight shower chances by wednesday and thursday next week. the average high next week is 102.
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talking in a movie
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theater is a big no-no.... and it actually got one woman thrown in jail! laquintae taborn is accused of punching a man on the way out of an indiana theater. but according to police, she was the one who wouldn't be quiet
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the victim, william mason, told her after the movie quote "i just wanted to thank you for talking through the entire movie and ruining it for everyone." that's when police say taborn shoved him and then punched him twice in the face. the 34-year-old was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery. singer adele sends her love... but not just from the stage. what she did for two very lucky fans.... that will mean a special performance again soon!
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i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you
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like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at make friends with her fans. she's known for pulling up people on the stage and chatting with them. and she might be better friends with a los angeles couple, after saying she might go to their wedding! "i said "if we see adele and go up there, i want her to go to the wedding as a guest! my tour should be over by then, so i'll come! "
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it for free. adele would definitely be a wedding singer to remember! she took a selfie with vince and ryan, and said they stood out from the crowd because of their dancing. thanks for joining us.. thanks for joining us.. fox5 news at 5 o'cl i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. letterman:"has a line of clothing, now where were these made?" trump: "these were made, i don't know where they're made. but they were made someplace. but they're great. it's ties, shirts, cufflinks, everything sold at macy's and they're doing great.? letterman: ?where are the shirts made?? off-camera voice: ?bangladesh.? letterman: ?bangladesh.? trump: ?well, it's good. we employ people in bangladesh." letterman: ?ties? where are the ties made?" they have to work, too. these are beautiful ties. they are great ties.
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letterman: ?the ties are made in china." [ audience laughter ] [jess]quality top tier gas helps protect engines from harmful deposits. hmm,wonder what that's like... hey! ninjas! step away from my engine. spin move! scorpion! kaaa!
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charges of arson... and murder. three men are behind bars.... months after a house went up in flames. the fire department is called in... after a worker gets stuck in a palm tree. first responders say this happens more often - than you might think.
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employees - take to the streets in protest. why teachers aren't the only ones... like for a pay raise. but first we begin with breaking news... and a serious crash on the 95... in the middle of rush hour. i'm john huck. i'm christine maddela. fox five's abby theodros is at the scene of the wreck... near the durango exit. now - it looks like an s-u-v is about to be towed away... abby. closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning will resume shortly "the female driver she had to be extricated by las closed captioning
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"the female driver she had to be extricated by las vegas fire and rescue using the jaws of life she was life flighted to umc with serious injuries the front injury and back right injuriese were treated with non life threatening injuries and the left rear passenger was ejected out of the vehicle through the windshield so you can understand the type of force that's there, he's currently in ciritical condition at umc, so we want to remind everyone to please buckle up, put your seatbelts on." closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning


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