tv FOX5 News at 1000pm FOX August 18, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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live from las vegas, fox5 news at 10 starts now " the boy he was playing with came knocking at the door telling me darion got bit by a dog. " a boy attacked and killed by pit bull... now neighbors say they had voice concerns about the dog in the past. crews are gaining ground on the fast moving blue cut fire... but already the fire has caused extensive damage. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. a family is still trying to understand how a day in their nieghborhood... ended in death. nine year old derion stevenson was walking to a friends home when he was attacked and killed by a pitbull. i'm john huck. i'm christine maddela. now the owner of that animal could face civil and criminal repercussions...
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lundeberg joins us now live from metro headquarters... with more on a dog owners responsibility to keep people safe... we can tell you that metro has taken over this case from animal control.... people who live in the neighborhood of the attack.. told me the dog was already attacked children and other dogs in the neighborhood. if that's true, the owner could face felony charges alvina mason- i just wish i told my grandbaby he couldnt go o mason choked back tears describing what happened wednesday afternoon... she told me darien stevenson was on his way to a friend's house when the dog attacked. darien's friend came running to tell her. that's when she ran to find the pitbull mix named left eye on top of the boy. alvina mason- i seen a dog covered in my grandsons blood and my grandbaby on the ground nine year old
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sunrise trauma. i didnt know what it was going to attack tmeo the neighborhood where left eye lived... one neighbor, who dn on camera, tol weeks ago, when left eye attacked their child... and their dog. another neighbor s saw that attack. maritza cardona- we hear someone screaming outside and we tried to seperate the pitbull and little dog fox 5 legal analyst bob massi says investigators will have to verify the ai has attacked we have knowledge this same dog bit weeks ago is another layer here that could impact both civally and crminally we found left eye's owner on facebook... we also found a post showing the woman tried to get rid of "left eye" last year. she wrote, "i need 2 find this goy loveable dog a good loving home." we also called metro police. they told us officers were called to the same neighbsomeone reported dogs running loose- including a dog who looked like left eye. bob massi- if you kept the dog in a safe place and secured the dog this child would be here now thats what they have to pay for civally and criminally county officials tell fox5 the dog was euthanized thursday morning. but for derione stevenson's family... its not enough.
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fox 5 legal analyst bob massi says it will now be up to the district attorney whether charges will be filed. he also says if the dogowners own the home.., their home owners insurance would be forced to cover any financial damages from a lawsuit. part of eastern was shut down after a woman was hit by a car.... it happened around 8 o'clock near the intersection o horizon ridge. police say the woman was taken to the hospital-- her condition is unknown. toss to weather we'll pick up at least slightrs cha and thunderstorms through tuesday of next week. friday's high of 102 will also have slight chances of showers.
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you may have seen it -- off of the 15 ivg to and from l-a. fox5's miguel martinez valle spent the day there speaking to those affected by the fire. the historic summit inn stood right here off the 15, in what was once route 66 . i'm standing in what was one of the store houses for the summit in and even though it's destroyed it's the only part of the building left standing... the historic summit inn, one of the last gems from famous route 66... is no more the restaurant and convenience store meant different things to different people... to former owner cecile stevens the inn was his baby... cecile stevens , former owner "i've been through every foot of this building i know where every light plug is every panel" stevens sold the restaurant not long ago... now that its gone, stevens holds on to what was. "so we're here but we're just going to have to think of the
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to manager michelle keeney the inn was her home... michelle keeney, manager summit inn "everything i've ever done is up in smoke right now, everything i've ever owned is gone. it's pretty devastating she was on the clock when the blue cut fire started, and had to get everyone out. michelle keeney, manager summit inn " i went back to the restaurant oft all the customers and employees out, came back grabbed a few things and i left myself " she looked back to watch 24 years of hard work burn. to neighbors like roger flynn the inn wasnt just a landmark, it was a gathering place... roger flynn, local " if we had any concerns or a public meeting it was always at the summit inn" bridge: "the summit inn stood here since 1952 now i'm standing in its ashes. all that's left debris, shards of glass, and a few mugs" cecile stevens , former owner " i didn't expect to see this this is more than i thought this is terrible" the new owners are planning to rebuild the restaurant... but for those to whom the inn meant so much, this fire didnt just take a
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partf history i spoke to the current owner of the summit and she says she's planning to rebuild this place keeping the same route 66 historic essence that made it so popular mmv ffn ll if you would like to help the summit inn owners rebuild... they do have a go fund me page. you can find a link to the page on fox5 vegas dot com. a pedestrian is critically injured after being hit by a car near the strip this morning. it happened near the hard rock at harmon and paradise - just after nine this morning. the pedestrian was taken to sunrise trauma center with life threatening injuries. it's unclear if the person was in a cross walk when hit. a military plane goes down after a training exercise near nellis air force base... the pilot ejecting himself before the crash. "all these pilots are highly trained. we are all air force, marine and nav fighter pilots that have extensive experience in fact
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pilots.. is one of the most experienced pilots in our squadrants " the pilot of the craft was taken to the hospital with minor injuries... but was released shortly after. officials say he was flying alone. other planes involved in the training were able to make a safe landing. two people have been arrested in connection to a triple shooting back in june. police say gerald fuller and adrian johnson were arrested on tuesday in dallas by the f-b-i violent crimes task force. last month police released this video of the suspects at a convenience store. police say there was fight between the suspects and three victims... one of the suspects then walked up to their car and fired a gun. all three victims were taken to u- m-c. one person died. fuller and johnson are awaiting extradition to las vegas. . the man arrested for robbery at a centennial hills tj maxx on tuesday--is facing numerous charges. jason mote is facing robbery with a deadly weapon and burglary while in possession of a
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as you can see - his face was left bloodied... following his arrest. police say the 34- year-old followed a woman around the store on durango near elkhorn.. after approaching her twice-- asking questions... he approaced her again with a gun -- pointed in the air... he then pointed it at the woman's head and started yelling at her... mote grabbed the victim's purse-- and continued to yell. other customers ran from the building and called police. mote was taken into custody in the parking lot-- by an n-h-p trooper. to a police standoff. the clark county school district... is one step closer to reorganizing... what still has to happen before the plan can be implemented. rather than being praised for their athletic accomplishments olympic swimmers are being called liars... after officials in rio find holes in
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it's a fate that i would not wish on anybody, not anybody. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. ...wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably... i would like to tell donald trump what it feels like, the sense of emptiness, that only losing a child can bring. those people should be honored and treated with kindness for the rest of their life,
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live from las vegas. you're watching fox5 news at 10, with emmy award winner john huck. christine maddela. and weather 24/7 with chief meteorologist ted pretty. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. the clark county school district's plan to reorganize the district has been approved by an advisory board. now it only needs approval from the department of education. the plan aims to give more power to schools... the community and parents-- allowing principals to make decisions regarding budgets and staffing. the recommendation is to carry out the plan starting with the 2017... 2018 school year. for the second year in a row-- nevada is having issues with standardized testing. 200 thousand students are without test scores. the attorney general is calling the mishap a breach of contract-- saying the failed delivery damages the department of education's mission.
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president disagrees with the complaint and is working on a response. billboards will across the valley will be going up-- in support of recreational marijuana. the measure to legalize recreational marijuana will be on the ballot in november.... the coalition to regulate marijuana like alcohol unveiled a billboard today - with the message "support schools - not cartels". campaign officials say legalization could generate 20 million dollars a year for nevada schools. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief pretty we'll pick up at least slight chances of showers and thunderstorms through tuesday of next week. friday's high of 102 will also have slight chances of showers. those chances stay in the slight
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high of 100. better chances of showers and thunderstorms are with us on sunday and monday with a return to the slight category on tuesday. highs will be in the mid to upper 90s sunday through tuesday. we'll pick up at least slight chances of showers and thunderstorms through tuesday of next week. friday's high of 102 will also have slight chances of showers. those chances stay
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showing appreciation for those who protect and serve our community. how one middle schooler is rewarding police officers -- for their hard work. be sure to check out our fox5 mobile app... for all of your up to date news and weather. the pit bull mix that killed a 9- year-old bit a boy and attacked a dog just three weeks ago... should the owners face charges for not doing more to keep a dog who they knew was vicious .. away from people? one of hte topics in the rant tonight.. we want to hear from
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a valley middle schooler wants to do his part to reward police officers doing good work. steven lee started an award program called "good cop-ma". it's a play on the word karma. he created a website and wants to encourage people to nominate an officer doing good work in our community. on my website i have a form, if you see any good cops you just write name, badge number, and we'll award one cop every month " the winning officer will get a certificate and free dinner from raising cane's. you'll find a link to steven's "good cop-ma" website on
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com. a three year old is working to show her appreciation for police. theresa babcock" set up a lemonade stand last month ... she raised almost 14-hundred dollars-- which she donated to the henderson police-- which they then gave to the baton rouge police department. now she will hold another lemonade fundraiser...on her birthday-- august 23rd... this time money raised will help police k-9s get protective vests.. the life is beautiful music festival is giving atteee music and delicious food that will make their taste buds sing. this year-- l-i-b will come with a "taste of las vegas" culinary experience. the culinary village will feature more than 40 different food venders... including eats from celebrity chefs... food trucks and grill masters. there's something for every foodie-- from vegan options to seafood... mexican... hawaiian and much more. a boy--- playing in a valley neighborhood-- attacked... and killed by a pit bull... who neighbors
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metro with more on the investigation. metro police tell us they are still lo case but say charges could be filed. yeerday afternoon nine year old derione stevens was at a friends house when he was attacked by a pitbull mix named left eye. derione was taken to sue use trauma where he died. we spoke to fox 5 legal analyst bob massi who told is the family could l death lawsuit... " this is preventable if they kept the dog in a safe place and secured the dog this child would be here now thats what they have to pay for now... civilly and criminally " neighbors who live nearby where the attack happened... say left eye had attacked other dogs... even a
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we called animal control about those claims they said they handed the investigation over to metro and would not provide further information. live from metro hq cybdi lundeberg ffnll bob massi says ultimately it will be up to the district attorney on whether charges will be filed. crews are gaining ground on the blue cut fire burning in southern the fire now-- 22 percent contained... but the damage has been done. the historic summit inn stood right off the 15-- in what was once route 66... now all that's left is broken glass, ashes and some bowls. the inn served as a restaurant and a convenience store it was right next to a gas station placed between victorville and san bernardino. some know it as a favorite visiting place for elvis presley others as some kind of
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along the desert highway because of its giant red sign. but the blue cut fire completely destroyed the building and the home connected right next-door to it. "i saw the pictures my manager kept sending all the pictures to me my employees and i just wanted to get down here i was urge to come here and as soon as the 15 was open i drove over here and i just needed to see it by myself i was very impacted i was a disbelief i still can't believe this happened " fox5 the new owners are planning on rebuilding the inn-- but reconstruction will take quite some time since it is a complete loss. a go fund me page has been set up-- you can find it in the links section of fox5 vegas dot com chicago's office of the inspector general recommends at least seven of the city's officers be fired over the deadly shooting of a teen armed with knife. the decision comes nearly two years after former officer jason van dyke fired 16 shots at laquan
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van dyke is the only officer who fired his gun that night. dashcam video released-- contradicted nearly everything the officers said happened in the shooting. it showed the 17- year-old veering away from police as he held a knife -- not lunging toward officers as officers had said. van dyke has been charged with murder and is awaiting trial. we are getting a look the heartbreaking images of a little boy in syria--- pulled from the rubble of a home after airstrikes on wednesday. the little boy-- named omran appears to be four to five years old. is in shock as he sits on a chair inside an ambulance -- for the third straight day-- russian warplanes flew from iran to strike targets in syria. the united nations is now calling for a new cease fire in allow for humanitarian aid deliveries. "de mistura says: "no humanitarian aid is reaching anywhere syria at the moment." " the u-n says no
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war zones since before august. u.s. officials announced-- secretary of state john kerry will meet next week with russia's top diplomat... to discuss the fighting in syria. deadly flooding taking a toll on louisiana... at least 40- thousand homes have been destroyed and tens of thousands of people have been displaced. "the magnitude of this disaster requires federal leadership. it requires federal intervention intervention. this is a poor state...and a lot of people have lost everything they own. and, you know, we're going to need help just as we did in katrina." " it's the worst u-s disaster since hurricane sandy. the national guard is touring the hardest hit areas. more than 38- hundred guardsmen have been deployed on the ground. "the federal government is here. we have been here. we will be here for as long as it takes to help this community recover." " according to the red cross, the floods have already caused at least 30-million- dollars in damage.
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flowing into the ocean in hawaii.... lava from the kilauea volcano on hawaii's big island is making its way down the sea cliffs and down a 200 feet fall to the shoreline below. the current eruption--whiich began in may... reached the ocean late last month. the last time lava from kilauea reached the ocean was in the summer of 20-13. olympicans robbed at gunpoint... or is it just a made up story? brazilian police are now calling swme lochte and three of his teammates-- liars. after surveillance video surfaces-- contradicting their story... mary moloney explains. the news of four american swimmers -- robbed in rio at gunpoint -- cast a shadow over the olympic games. (ryan lochte/ olympic athlete): "they pulled out their guns. they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground. they got down on the ground. i refused. i was like we didn't
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guy pulled out his gun he cocked it put it to my forehead...he took our money, he took my wallet." but police now say the stunning story is just that -- a story. (nats) "whhhhaaatttt" sunday -- gold medalist -- ryan lochte -- and three of his teammates -- gunnar bentz, jack conger and jimmy feigen -- partied at a club. afterwards -- surveillance video shows the swimmers at a gas station. rio officials say the olympians were drunk and vandalized the business - then made up a cover story. police pointed to lochte as the principle troublemaker. they say he got into an angry confrontation with security guards. as the swimmers attempted to leave the gas station in a cab -- police say one security guard pulled a gun -- forcing the athletes out of the cab and on the ground. police defended the guard. eventually -- the police say the athletes paid for the damage and left. while sources admit the swimmers weren't on their best behavior -- they say the athletes believed they were being robbed at gunpoint. because they say -- they couldn't leave until they gave up their money.
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victims. but, police say one of the swimmers is cooperating...and lochte is the one who created the lie i'm mary moloney reporting. experts say the developments in this incident-- could lead to a p-r nightmare for lochte... costing him major endorsements. fortune magazine estimates ryan lochte earned two point three million dollars from endorsements in two thousand twelve media site-- gawker is shutting down. the news to stop operation comes one day after univision agreed bankruptcy auction for one hundred thirty five million dollars gawker media filed for chapter 11-- after a one hundred forty million dollar judgement from a lawsuit filed by hulk hogan. staffers were informed of the shut downthis afternoon. gawker media filed for bankruptcy protection in june. social media site twitter is adding a new filter feature.. the quality filter is now available to all users--- they will be able to use it to hide tweets that contain threats, are automated or
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it will not hide content from users that a person is following or has interacted with on twitter. before the feature was only available to verified users. inspired by a friend's younger sister.... " i felt really bad for her, so i said i'm going to make a wig for her " up next--- our shining star-- proves you are never too young to make a big difference... your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is coming up next tim has a rant for the kids who plowed into his truck at sahara and decautur... you can hit.. but you can't run he tells us why police will be paying them a visit soon... in the rant
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to prove how authentic my new brewhouse bacon burger is i'm going undercover, at an actual brewhouse. it's awesome. amazing! what if i told you, you are eating a jack's brewhouse bacon burger from jack in the box. not this one. absolutely lying. and what if i told you... that i'm jack. whaaaat?!! no way! no! didn't see that coming, did you?
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how to help at any age. i'm 9 years old and going to the 4th grade but lauren collins isn't your average nine year old. her hobbies include... donating to families in need... i just made it to the women's homeless shelter. i'm so excited and making wigs for cancer patients. little girls might really miss their hair, this is something to make them feel better about themselves the wig making started in january, when lauren found friend's little sister had cancer. i felt really bad for her bc she was really young and going through this so she turned to youtube, and learned from instructional videos. hi, my name is lauren and i'm going o make a crochet wig now she teaches other people how to make them. make sure it's really tight and secure like this she gives them to individual patients, like this woman at university medical center... it made me feel good
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h0ow happy they were, when i see their faces, it made me really happy and to the nevada childhood cancer foundation. i really like this one because it's really long, i think girls would like long hair she's all about helping people lauren's parents support their daughter's love of service. it's touching, i've cried so many times. i wonder where does she get such a good heart, where does she even come up with wanting to care to take her time after school, on the weekends, to donate. honestly when i was her age i didn't even think like that. i just look at her like a little angel. fairway gave lauren her shining star award, certificate, and five hundred dollars. (nats) thank you! she just wants to give stuff away. she's like santa claus in the middle of summer. she is giong to take that money to buy school supplies for other kids. that's great she's doing stuff for other people. that's why she's our fox5
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and she's wise beyond her years... there's only a small amount of people in the world helping, so i think i should be a part of that small amount. i think with a little help i might be able to make it bigger lauren tells me she wants to be a pediatrician when she grows up... so she can help more kids. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll pick up at least slight chances of showers and thunderstorms through tuesday of next week. friday's high of 102 will also have slight chances of showers. those chances stay in the slight category for saturday with a high of 100. better chances of showers
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are with us on sunday and monday with a return to the slight category on tuesday. highs will be in the mid to upper 90s sunday through tuesday. we of showers and thunderstorms through tuesday of next week. friday's high of 102 will also have slight chances of showers. those chances stay in the slight category for saturday with a
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the pittbull that attacked and killed a 9-year-old child has been put down.. but some of you have told us teh owners need to face justice as well.. the victim.. 9 year old derion stevenson was playing at a friend's house.. when the dog attacked him.. he died later at a hospital.. the reason why so many want the owrs to face charges is this same dog bit a child and then attacked a dog three weeks ago...d his owners
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send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- 8285 here's a look at what's coming up... on fox five news at eleven. a presidential nominee -- exposed! several nude donald trump statues are popping up around the country. we'll tell you about the las vegas based artist who created them. a couple buys a michael jackson cassette tape for only a quarter... but finds out it's worth much more. kanye west is bringing is fashion sense to the gold digger by kanye west the rapper is opening up pop up shops all around the country this weekend... and one of the spots is here in las vegas. the exact location will be announced 24 hours in advance on west's website. he's selling his "life of pablo" merchandise through sunday. meeting your college roommate can be very exciting... so can decorating your dorm room... up next-- we'll
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their room from shabby to chic.... david was proud to be an american soldier. and i know i'm prejudiced because he was my son, but i don't think he had a mean bone in his body. there is not a day that i don't think about david. mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. "she was standing there, she had nothing to say..." if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them.
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matching comforters won't ole miss roommates.... they went all out when it came to dressing up their dorm room. lindy goodson and abby bozeman didn't know one another before school... but when they got their assignment- they started talking about decor on social media. the pair transformed the room from drab to designer... now their room looks like it's straight out of a catalog. the girls say they picked up items at tj maxx, marshalls and pottery barn... but had their headboards and pillows custom
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closed captioning will resume shortly live from las vegas it's time for fox5 news at 11. a boy is killed after being attacked by a pitbull. now -- the dog's owner could face charges. we hear from neighbors about who the dog attacked just weeks ago. firefighters are making gains against the "blue cut fire"... but it's left significant damage... including the historic summit inn. closed captioning this is fox5 news at 11. local las vegas. a nine-year-old is attacked and killed by a pitbull while walking to a friend's house. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. now the owner of that dog could face civil and criminal repercussions. fox 5s cyndi lundeberg joins us live from metro headquarters...
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