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tv   FOX5 News at 400pm  FOX  August 29, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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newsroom-- but we begin with fox5's adam herbets live at harriet treem elementary school-- and adam, police were busy writing tickets today to make sure drivers, including parents, know the law. police say they held nothing back today when it came to driving in school zones. they say dont care if the rules are new... its the parents job to know what the rules are... and the best way to learn, is to get hit with a ticket. as far as where we are right now -- boy did it look different about an hour a. take a look at some video. its always crazy on the first day of school... especially because parents want to park... get out of the car.... and walk their little ones to class. a lot of the kids we talked to today said they had no idea why it took so long to get to class...
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enough on their mind. maybe it's a traffic jam? or maybe it's just a red light not working. i don't even know. i just don't even know! it's important as a parent that you have a conversation with your child. and really the age here are the rules stop completely at crosswalks -- wait for the kids to get on the sidewalk do not make u turns do not pass any of the other cars park in a legal parking spot the police will be watching live in henderson adam herbets fox 5
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fifteen hundred buses hit the road this morning... driving students safely to the first day of school. "we have so many kids who are actively riding the bus starting at we want to make sure that they get on, they know the rules, they know to be safe on the bus" getting students to class on time is a big job for c-c- s-d transportation services. they're in charge of taking more than 120 thousand students to school everyday. the school district's superintendent says they train bus drivers to make sure students stay safe and know the rules of the road when riding the bus. for hundreds of kids across the district going back to school
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school. at overcrowded schools students will be headed to class outside the building in portable classrooms. fox5's eric hilt toured one of the district's most overcrowded schools today and has more on what ccsd is doing to fix the issues. williams v wright elementary school has 28 partable classrooms, a portable cafeteria and even a portable restroom all to make room for the hundreds of students who returned to classes today. the school is near the intersection of blue diamond part of town that the district says is its fasted growing area. district officials say when wright elementary was built, they expected it to hold about 750 students. this year the school has around 13- hundred students... ccsd superintendent pat skorkowsky says the biggest drawback of having portable classrooms is that some students miss out on things like the back to school experience. "its almost like having two separate schools on a campus, a set of students in portables and then students who are
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building...and it is still a little difficult not being part of that, seeing these beautiful hallways and amazing student work thats up on the walls" a new school is planned to open nearby in 20-19 that district officials say will help reduce overcrowding at wright elementary... and they're hoping to get rid of portables at all of the district's elemtary schools. coming up at 5 hear from a teacher about the challenges that come with teaching outside of the actual school building. soc "finally they are gone" that was the thought on at least one person's mind this morning... look closely. fox5 viewer amrita sent us this picture of her four kids... first day of kindergarten, fifth grade, third grade... and look at that little one... with the sign, "finally they're gone." and "get in the car!" the copeland kids weren't ready to go back but mom and dad couldn't
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copeland for sending us this funny picture... although, those kids look like they're pretty happy. toss to weather more heat expected through the workweek with cooler temperatures ahead for labor day weekend. we'll see 103 on tuesday with 102 expected both wednesday and
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southwest breezes start wednesday afternoon and continue thursday and friday to around 25 mph in the afternoon. for labor day weekend expect 97 saturday, then 96 both sunday and monday. stronger afternoon gusts will be with us saturday and sunday to around 30
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emergency crews rushed a north las vegas child to the hospital last night after the child shot himself in the stomach. officers say the child is dealing with non-life threatening injuries. fox-5's vince sapienza spoke with neighbors earlier today who are in disbelief.... john, christine.... i drove to the neighborhood today and knocked on the door of the house.. where the police say the shooting happened...but no one answered.... neighbors i spoke with saw police swarm the same house last night.... at first they didn't seem too surprised... but when i told them a child had been shot.. they were shocked... "big party right here, police cars, more to that house, two people sitting their on the curb, that's all i could see, i don't know what
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just before 11:30 sunday night..metro police were called to a home near decatur and ann road. a gated community in north las vegas. where a child had reportedly shot themself in the stomach. leaving the neighbors asking questions. "sad man, it's bad, who were the parents, where were they , how did they get it, a lot goes through my mind, it's bad, it's not good, it's bad." i'm told it was this house where the incident occured. neighbors say they didn't hear gunshots..bu they did see some strange activity. "i noticed a subject, the gentleman who lives at that address, was outside, looked agitated, kind of drunk, leaning on his car, some neighbors walked by doing their nightly walk, and ducked in the garage door." john kessler says he has seen a boy who lives in that house matching metros description of a child who shot themself. "they ride their bikes up and down the street, typical children, i've never seen any of the adults in that house do anything
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yell at them or anything like that, that's why this incident is surprising." neighbors say knowing guns are going off is a scary thing in general. but when it's across from where you sleep, that's another level entirely. "it's not safe around here, who is doing it it's not safe, gun shots it's not safe, you don;t know where they're going, they don't have a name." "it's tragic that a child has to be in that situation or environment like that where they accidently or whatever get shot, it's not a good thing at all." now metro tells fox-5 the investigation is ongoing... and the abuse and neglect department are the lead on the case... they are the ones who will decide if and when charges will be filed...
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but his fans knew him as gene. "we'll begin with a spin, traveling in a world of my creation..." one of the foremost actors of our time has passed. up next... a look at the life of actor, director and author gene wilder. and a red carpet rolled out for school. why it was dozens of men who were doing this humble work. and here's a look at some of the kids going back to school today! we want to thank everyone who posted to our
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december last year. 14 americans are killed in a mass shooting inspired by isis. in the aftermath, congressman joe heck had the chance to ban suspected terrorists from buying guns. heck voted "no." 23 times. individuals on the fbi terror watch list have purchased firearms over 2,000 times. it's not just that joe heck it's that he's voted to let them keep doing it.... 23 times. senate majority pac is responsible for the content
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hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. bob kidder, owner, new england shirt company: this factory has been here since eighteen eighty-three. we have over sixty people here making shirts labled made in america. but donald trump's brand of shirts come from china, his suits from mexico, his coats from india. trump's products have been made in twelve other countries because he says there's no place in america that he can make them. well there is.
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the age of eighty three... from young frankenstein to willy wonka... his decades-long career was filled with tears and laughs.. more's sean mcallister joins us now to remember the legendary actor. john, christine... wilder became interested in acting as a child when his mother was diagnosed with rheumatic fever... and the doctor told him to "make her laugh." gene wilder was
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11, 1933. he was a shy kid growing up... but got the acting bug when he was 11. he studied at the actors' studio, which is where jerry became gene. since he couldn't picture a marquee reading "jerry silberman as hamlet," he took "gene" from a novel and "wilder" from a playwright. he started off on broadway... and landed a small part in 1967's bonnie and clyde -- his big screen debut. "i'm going to tear them apart! those punks." but a chance brooks turned him into a leading man. in 1968, he appeared in the brooks hit 'the producers.' "under the right circumstances a producer can make more money with a flop than he could with a hit!" wilder earned an oscar nomination... and a name for himself in hollywood. wilder says: "if i hadn't done that movie and been nominated for an academy award and all that, i think i'd still be doing supporting roles on broadway." but there were bigger roles to
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in 1971, he captivated in 'willy wonka and the chocolate factory' -- creating one of the most endearing characters of the 20th century. "we'll begin with a spin, traveling in a world of my creation..." in the 70s, the wilder-brooks collaborations continued with 'blazing saddles'.... collaborations continued with 'blazing saddles'.... "i used to be called the waco kid." and 'young frankenstein,' which he co-wrote. "if you're blue and you don't know where to go to why don't you go to where fashion sits -- putting on the ritz!!" another collaboration came in 1976. in silver streak, wilder teamed up with richard pryor for the first of 4 films. "how are we going to get on the train? that's a good question." their on screen chemistry was undeniable... and the pair took the box office by storm. but there was one buddy comedy pryor wasn't available for.
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saturday night live alum gilda radner in 'hanky panky.' they fell in love, married 2 years later and starred in 2 more movies. wilder himself admitted his marriage to radnor wasn't an easy one. and it ended tragically, with radner losing a 2 year battle with cancer in 19-89. wilder married for a last time in 1991 and later faced his own cancer battle - beating non- hodgkins lymphoma in 1999. he acted little in his later years, staying away from the big screen, but appearing occasionally on t-v, including an emmy winning spot on 'will and grace.' when we think of gene wilder, we often think of him in pairs. wilder and pryor. wilder and brooks. wilder and radner. but in the scope of american cinema, gene wilder stands out all on his own. he will always be remembered as a gentle and insightful actor...
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work will endure for generations to come. "that's all right, isn't it?" wilder had several las vegas connections. we look at those tonight at 6:30 on "more access." john and christine -- now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty more heat expected through the workweek with cooler temperatures ahead for labor day weekend. we'll see 103 on tuesday with
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wednesday and thursday. friday we'll see 99. southwest breezes start wednesday afternoon and continue thursday and friday to around 25 mph in the afternoon. for labor day weekend expect 97 saturday, then 96 both sunday and monday. stronger afternoon gusts will be with us saturday and sunday to around 30 mph. more heat expected through the workweek with cooler temperatures ahead for labor day weekend. we'll see 103 on tuesday with 102 expected both wednesday and
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southwest breezes start wednesday afternoon and continue thursday and friday to around 25 mph in the afternoon. for labor day weekend expect 97 saturday, then 96 both sunday and monday. stronger afternoon gus us saturday and sunday to around 30 mph.
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a red carpet entrance for
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the kids got a special welcome for the first day of school. it's all thanks to some inspring men around the valley. 150 male volunteers came out to act as role models for the kids.... including police officers...firefigh ters....and folks from all walks of the community. the founder of the nevada youth network says it's important for kids to have strong male support systems to be successful. "mentorship is effective, a student is more likely to finish elementary school high school, and college if they have a supportive person outside from their family pushing them to do better in life and that's what these men are trying to do. michael flores says the nevada youth network got the idea from schools in other cities. the volunteers are asked to come back at least one day out of the school year to read a book with a student... or just hang out with them. for some parents-- happy hour began shortly after the first school bells rang this morning. how some moms reacted not with mixed emotions...
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(vo) we went to hollywood to ask if america's favorites - burgers, tacos and chili could taste just as great made with turkey. to find out. with just one bite, they knew. now it's your turn to make the switch. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. as a doctor, i see how decisions in washington impact my patients here in nevada.
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voted ten times to defund planned parenthood, which thousands of women depend on for cancer screenings. and heck opposes a woman's right to choose even when her health is at risk. for me and my patients,
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for thousands of kindergarten kids around the valley-- like amber gentry's son trey who held this sign... "stop crying mom!" (ad lib) the first day of school comes with a lot of emotions for parents. a local mom came up with the perfect party for parents...happy or sad. hankies and mimosas is an annual party thrown every year by nicole terry. guests either get a hanky if their sad...or a mimosa if they're glad! terry says it's a free pass for moms to get together wiith other women....and chill out stress free. there was only one mom at the party who took a hanky today. "you know like right now everybody has little kids, i have an older kid just know that, you do all this to get them
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of the house and then...they're independent...and going to be out of the house. hankies and mimosas is in its fourth year running... they had food...drinks...and hoola hooping to get the party going and to hopefully dry up michelle's tears. 13 years of schooling began today for full day kindergarteners. in the next half hour-- we'll show you how much it's going to cost the now five-year- olds... to pay for college in 2029. and a first day of school video that will pull at your heartstrings. why so many police officers were there to support this little boy on his first day. and is the compromise allergy sufferers were looking for? what the company behind the epipen is doing after a strong public
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enough is enough for huma abedin... the wife of former new york congressman anthony weiner announces she is leaving him. this after a series of sexting scandals... including inappropriate pictures the new york post published sunday... with their son in bed next to him. weiner apparently sent those pictures to an unidentified woman last year. the tabloid also screenshots of alleged exchanges between weiner and a woman... which supposedly began in late january 2015 and continued through this month. abedin, who has been on the campaign trail traveling with hillary clinton, released a statement announcing her plans to separate from weiner... who quit congress back in 2011 after sending sexually explicit messages to other women. a cheaper, generic epipen will soon be available. mylan-- the maker
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-- announced those plans today... but is it good enough after a public backlash? mylan said the generic will be available in "several weeks" at a cost of 300- dollars per two- pack. the branded epipen has a price tag that's twice as much -- at more than 600-dollars. mylan's announcement comes after national outrage over the branded version's high price. scientists may have discovered how our oldest human ancestor -- "lucy" -- died more than three million years ago. th"g of humanity" may have died after falling from a tree. a new study suggests the cracks in lucy's bones match fractures seen in humans who suffer serious injuries from a high fall onto the hard ground. u-s researchers found lucy's remains in ethiopia back in 19-74, discovering fossils coming from a single three foot tall female who lived three-point-two million years ago. lucy's upper arm bone was severely shattered,
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attempt to break the fall. scientists saw similar fractures in her ankle, knee and top rib bone, something difficult to break except in the instance of traumatic injuries. now this might be the most emotional thing you see all week... you may have already seen it... it happened on the first day of school in texas... which was last monday... you may need some tissues for this. four year old jackson lost his dad justin, a police officer from amarillo, texas earlier this month. he died from complications from a crash he was involved in while on duty last year. luckily, jackson didn't have to start school alone. his dad's colleagues lined up in the hall of his school to give him a hug and see him off-- standing in for his dad-- on his very first day of school. police in southern california are reaching out to the community... literally with open arms. fox's felicia martinez stopped by one of the hug a cop events.
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for supporting us....) hugs are changing the relationships between law enforcement and the community and teaching little ones not to be afraid when they see an officer. polo says: "we saw the hashtag hug the police and they said hey can we stop to hug the police and i said yeah of course." monica polo and her two boys are among dozens saturday who came out to the first ever 'hug the police' event in vista. n. vargas says: "police is nice because they keep us safe." i. vargas says: "they catch bad guys for us to make the catch bad guys for us to make the world a better place." this is the 16th police started in ocean side in july allowing different agencies across san diego to participate. bettencourt says: "this gives us a chance to meet people in the communities that we serve. from young children to adults, the events helps bridge the gap between the community and law enforcement, changing negative views often seen on television. v. downing says: "kind of looking at
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a different angle then just stopping people." b. downing says: "with everything going on in the world they do get a bad rep but its a dangerous job, it goes with the territory." one hug at a time, people show they do recognize their sacrifice and appreciate their commitment to serve and protect. mos says: "they are also like us you know. they have families and they care about us." the class of 2029 better s saving. how much college tuition will likely cost for kids entering kindergarten today. and how two men in the same small town figured out they were raised by each other's families after being switched at
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(vo) we went to hollywood to ask if america's favorites - burgers, tacos and chili could taste just as great made with turkey. thousands stepped into the jennie-o tasting booth
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they knew. now it's your turn to make the switch. december last year. 14 americans are killed in a mass shooting inspired by isis. in the aftermath, congressman joe heck had the chance to ban suspected terrorists from buying guns. heck voted "no." 23 times. individuals on the fbi terror watch list have purchased firearms over 2,000 times. it's not just that joe heck stop them. it's that he's voted to let them keep doing it.... 23 times. senate majority pac is responsible for the content
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nerves every where this morning as kids went back to school. while some of them were going back, others were going for the very first time! here are a few we got pictures of from our fox5 viewers of kindergarteners and a few of their siblings. these five year olds are paft of the class of... get ready for it... 2029! they were happy
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class today... and excited to begin a bright new future. here's the bad news for parents.. saving for college for those kindergarteners... might cost you more than a large car payment! the class of 2029 will have some pretty hefty tuition fees by the time they make it to college. forbes published these numbers earlier this year-- showing the projected cost of college in the 2029-2030 school year at... 68- thousand-551 dollars for a public four year school. public four year school. if you're looking to go private... that will cost more than 105- thousand dollars... and more than 121- thousand dollars at an elite school. a small town... a big mistake.
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men realized... they were switched at birth. stay tuned for what the hall, up
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we're celebrating two things today... back to school... and back to football... college football kicks off this week... all you players may want to get a haircut after seeing this. off to san francisco... where a football game turned into a hair pulling contest... here's the packers eddie lacy running free... when from behind... he gets yanked down by his hair... that's perfectly legal... lacy's hair is considered part of his uniform... clearly that can't feel good... after the game lacy said he's not chopping off his hair...
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little trim. while we're on the topic of hair... have you seen the new sharpie do's?? these sharpie do's... should be sharpie don'ts. "that's like a chia pet... by 9th inning he'll have regular hair." actually... the chia pet hairdo would be better than whatever this is... carlos beltran decided to color in his hair with a sharpie... or shoe polish... or some sort of dye... it looks awful... truly awful... beltran is a great baseball player... but co maybe eddie lacy can loan him the hair he's about to cut off?? finally... have you ever paid $600 for a pair of shoes?? one pair... here's what a pair of $600 shoes looks like. ummm.... is this the wrong picture?? they're tore up from the floor up... it looks the 39 dollar pair of vans i have in my closet... these are the golden goose distressed superstar sneekers... i'm distressed
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much money for a pair of nasty looking shoes... my mom would have grounded me if i walked out the door wearing these. two men from the same remote community in canada have di were switched at birth. this is actually the second time a mistake like this has come to light in that region in less than a year. in 1975, david tait and leon swanson were swapped in the government- run norway house hospital in manitoba. authorities say d-n-a testing confirmed the mistake was made. tait's biological mother ended up raising swanson, and swanson's birth mother raised tait. in the small community of about five tousand people, predominantly indigenous cree
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noticeable by others. swanson says: "at about 20 years old, people started teasing us, you know what i mean, about being switched.'' tait says: "regardless, they raised me. they took me from day one.'' in november, the manitoba government said two other men who were close friends were also switched at birth in 1975 - at the same hospital. as they grew up, people noticed how they resembled each other's families more than their own. a man dies at lake mead over the weekend - while scuba diving. it turns out he was a police officer from florida. the latest on a trip to nevada - that went wrong. and - a trooper kills a suspect during a shootout. now - we're learninig more about the man who died. and... federal law is opening the door for the commerical use of drones. how soon you could see them in action. more heat expected
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cooler temperatures ahead for labor day weekend. we'll see 103 on tuesday with 102 expected both wednesday and thursday. friday we'll see 99. southwest breezes start wednesday afternoon and continue thursday and friday to around 25 mph in the afternoon. for labor day weekend expect 97 saturday, then 96 both sunday and monday. stronger afternoon gusts will be with us saturday and sunday to around 30 mph. more heat expected through the workweek with cooler temperatures ahead for labor day weekend. we'll see 103 on tuesday with
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thursday. friday we'll see 99. southwest breezes start wednesday afternoon and continue thursday and friday to around 25 mph in the afternoon. for labor day weekend expect 97 saturday, then 96 both sunday and monday. stronger afternoon gusts will be with us saturday and sunday to around 30 mph. closed captioning
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a star is born... as
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a 2-year-old sings the abc's. the big finish this little girl had for the classic childhood song.
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but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto? significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto? is selective targeting one critical factor for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding.
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if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto.
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s a race going on right now. the world's clean energy super power's either going to be germany, china, or us. and i'm going to make sure it's us. from 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term, to precision manufacturing. we'll beat the competition and create new high wage jobs. we can do this, millions of jobs right here in america. that's my plan. move over liza minnelli... one little girl burns up the stage with her dramatic rendition... of the abc's. "q r s t u v w x y and zzzz now i know my abc's next time won't you sing with
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violet ogea brings that alphabet home. the 2-year-old from shreveport, louisiana may have a future on broadway. more than 3- million people have seen the video since thursday. violet did go for as well as some dramatic hand gestures to punctuate her long, drawn-out notes. thanks for joining us.. fox5 news at 5 o'clock is straight ahead ads for joe heck are attacking my time as attorney general. the thing they left out is the truth. the truth is crime actually went down during my time in office. that's why i've been endorsed by law enforcement across nevada. i'm proud of my record cracking down on meth, protecting seniors from scams, and holding banks accountable for defrauding homeowners. i'm catherine cortez masto.
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isn't that what we need more of in washington?
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live from las vegas, its time for fox5 news at 5. dangerous driving... on the first day of school. what police saw... when parents were dropping kids off this morning - and picking them up this afternoon. plus... class is back in session... but overcrowding remains a problem. how the school district is coping with "too many kids"... and "not enough
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and - a child gets a hold of a weapon - and ends up at the hospital. the story behind the accidental gunfire. this is fox5 news at 5. local. las vegas it's the first day of school in clark county. i'm john huck. i'm christine maddela. fox five has team coverage of this story tonight. we'll take a look at both teacher and classroom shortages in just a moment... but first - let's begin with fox five's adam herberts - with how - despite warnings - some drivers just aren't being safe in school zones. yeah john christine, officers have been out here all day trying to make drivers pay for all of those mistakes. they say yes -- the rules this year are a little bit different -- and if you havent learned them by now -- the best way to get it through your head might be to get a ticket.
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stressful enough for the kids in the classroom. i needed to learn lots of things and try to make new friends. it was hard. ...but before you even get that far, man, it's tough just to get to school on time... especially because these roads feel like a parking lot. maybe it's a traffic jam? or maybe it's just a red light not working. i don't even know. i just don't even know! to make matters worse -- the police say there have been plen o parents trying to beat the system... no no warnings today. everybody's getting a ticket. it's important as a parent that you have a conversation with your child. and really the age doesn't matter. the schools say every year they spend the whole summer getting ready for this day... but somehow it's still chaotic every time. they say it's okay if mom and dad want to walk to their little one to class... but they still need to park in a legal parking spot. i'm pretty sure it happened all over town. because they've pretty much been sticklers in


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