tv FOX5 News at 1000pm FOX September 13, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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fox5 news at 10 starts now as more than one thousand students are allowed back in school following a mercury spill... we're hearing first hand accounts from a student who saw exactly what happened. the housing market was hit hard but a program meant to help homeowners did just the opposite. we take a closer look at a troubling audit. tupac shakur died twenty years ago today.... the rapper's fans are still listening to his music and talking about his life. we'll show you how they celebrated his life tonight here in the valley.. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. johnson junior high school students went back to class today... for the first time since last wednesday, when hazmat crews locked down the school due to a mercury spill. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. now we are hearing from a student who saw the mercury firsthand. fox5's faith tanner talked to some students after they got out of school today. how are they
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the student and family ... who lives in this home... is dealing with the most changes tonight... after the epa started decontaminating this house today. the family who lives here is still displaced. but for most students at johnson jr. high--- they're just trying to get back to their normal school routine. sot : "it's just like it never happened" 7-th grader, fiona vogl, says it felt like a pretty normal school day here at johnson jr. high school.. except for the fact that she was missing her backpack, lunchbox, and purse. sot : "there were 30 backpacks that got destroyed and mine was one of them, and my lunchbox was one of the 3 lunchboxes that got destroyed and my purse is the only purse that got destroyed" the epa determined there was too much mercury on fiona's belongings... for her to get them back. she says she saw a few drops of mercury herself... during gym class when other students pointed it out last wednesday.
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spilled on the bleachers, because i had a lot of it on my pants." now a portion of the school's gym floor has been ripped up--- and fiona says her p.e. class met outside today. sot : "we just didn't go into the gym we went into our locker rooms changed and went outside" while students started to get back on track at school-- it's a different story for one family-- who had to evacuate their home. the e-p-a started decontaminating it today. sot : " we have to identify where the contamination is, remove it, hopefully we've got it all. if we've missed soth back in" tom dunkleman with the epa... thinks the johnson jr. high student who lives here was exposed to the mercury at school. he says the high levels at the home--- do not mean that this is where the mercury came from. sot epa : "i think its just the fact that this child got mercury on their clothing or on their back pack and it just got transfered back to the house" meanwhile fiona's mom says she feels ok having her daughter back at school. but still has some concerns about her health. sot : 'just kind of wondering how much she could have inhaled, so i would probably like to get
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back out here live at the home that is being decontaminated.... the epa says this home should be put back together in a day or two... any items that are found with unsafe levels of mercury.. will have to be thrown out. if you had any of your kid's backpacks, shoes or anything else taken by the epa and destroyed .. you can file a claim for reimbursement with the school district. an update now on the fox5 investigation into viewer complaints of bugs at the silver nugget
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story aired yesterday, a restaurant in the casino shut its doors. it's back open tonight. i'm beyond disappointed. i really thought they were a nice place. we used to go there on date nights. i'm just really disappointed. fox5 first told you about a woman who tells us bugs bit her legs while she was eating at the home town kitchen... since then several other people reached out to us with similar claims. health district inspectors found 3 to 4 live insects and at least one booth in the restuarant. they also found them in and under cracks in the carpet and crawling on the floor. toss to weather a beautiful
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and a high of 86 degrees. we'll warm back up to the low 90s on thursday, then 93 on friday. the great weather continues for the weekend with 95 saturday and 97 sunday. we'll stay in the upper 90s to start next week on monday and tuesday. the recession hit nevada's housing market hard. to help homeowners, the
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the troubled asset relief program... or tarp. this program was designed to get federal funding to people struggling to keep their homes. but now it looks like much of that money didn't get to those families. fox5 got ahold of an audit into the state's tarp funding. fox5's miguel martinez valle dug into the audit's findings that show millions of dollars were spent on things like cakes, parties, and gifts. this audit is more than 50 pages long. the spec inspector general's office shows thousands of homeowners who needed that help were turned away while the company spent federal funding on things like birthday cakes, parties, and gift cards. if you've lived in nevada during the great recession, odds are you know someone who lost their home to foreclosure. the u-s treasury granted federal funding to the 19
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was one of them. it was called the troubled asset relief program, or tarp. fox5 got ahold of an audit conducted by the special inspector general's office. in that audit, we found the federal funding wasn't getting to the families who needed it the most. the state hired a company called "the nevada affordable housing assistance corporation". it was supposed to distribute that federal funding to qualifying families. in this audit, we found between 2013 and 2015, the number of homeowners admitted into the program went down... but the listed company expenses went up. "last year... for every dollar the company gave to a homeowner in need... it kept a dollar. that quickly added up to more than 1.4 million dollars in administrative expenses for the year. " what were those expenses? well the audit shows the company spent tarp dollars on car allowances... lavish holiday parties at casinos and golf courses... and gifts for employees... the inspector general's office says the company racked up 8.2 million dollars in wasteful spending. now the inspector general's office is reccomending nahac stop getting tarp dollars.... and that they stop
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program all together. i did reach out to the company mentioned in the audit... they told me they were preparing a statement which i have not yet gotten. the british man who tried to shoot donald trump at a las vegas rally went before a judge today. 20-year-old michael sanford-- submitted a guilty plea to being an illegal alien in possessing a weapon and disrupting an official function. he could have faced up to 20 years in prison if he was convicted. instead he will face two years in
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court documents say sanford acknowledged reached for a gun while trump was on stage in june. after his arrest-- sandford told police he drover from california to kill the republican nominee. he sold 75-million records worldwide... and was recognized by the guiness book of world records as the highest selling rap artist of all time... and 20 years ago today he died. someone gunned down west coast rapper tupac shakur at the in flamingo and koval. today people from all around the country paid respect to the artist... fox5's cyndi lundeberg joins us now live from where the shooting happenned.. all day long tupac fans have been coming to this site to pay honor to the fallen superstar. theyve set up a sign and flag in honor of tupac shakur... he was heading to a club when a car
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fire. september 7th 1996 rapper tupac shakur was shot four times at the intersection of flamingo and koval... six days later he died. fast forward 20 years... this is what the site looks like. lauren cheatum- people been comnig up and showing love a make shift memorial popped up and fans stopped by... rob macias- we wanna be out here and still celebrate his passion it still lives on today long live tupac tupac was riding in a black bmw with his manager suge knight when a white cadillac pulled up... andbegan firing. his murder remains unsolved... for his fans being at the site where it happenned... is surreal. stetsen- its a little tough to talk about rob macias- it happenned right here at this intersection it wasn't just the site of the shooting bringing tupac admirers to las vegas... madam toussads also saw multiple people. yolanda webb traveled from baltimore... and says tupacs death seems like yesterday. yolanda webb- his music was a prophecy of his life
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while rumors around his death continue... tupac fans can all agree on one thing... he was a music icon.. taken too soon. rob macias- its mind bloowing a bunch of fans were sitting here and its like wo this is the palce stetsen- i turned on the news it wsa a friday i remember it like it was yesterday his picture popped up and stetsen- im crying now im 28 tupac di a umc...his murder remains unsolved and metro still considers it an open case. reporting lvie cl fnll.
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live from las vegas. you're watching fox5 news at 10, with emmy award winner john huck. christine maddela. and weather 24/7 with chief meteorologist ted pretty. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. a major announcement for unlv football... the team got a major donation... that will make it more competitive. the fertitta family pledged 10 million dollars to help build a state of the art college football facility. the fertitta football complex will be a 73- thousand square foot -- two story facility. the building will have an academic center... locker rooms... offices..meeting rooms..nutrition bar... weight room...and even a players lounge the complex will overlook the current practice facilities. the project is expected to break ground next spring... and open to student athletes and staff 10 months later. " i think we'll look
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a game changer in the direction of our football program. people across the country are building buildings or building new stadiums and for us this was the next step. we're going to have facilities that can compete with anybody that we recruit against and i'll be honest as we grow and we move and the president jesup positions us to get in a bigger conference. our facility is going to hold true even to those conferences. " unlv also received a 2 million dollar donation back in may...and with community donations have raised 16 million dollars. in all the project is expected cost between 24 and 26 million dollars. the popular three day music festival is returning to downtown las vegas next weekend... but already organizers are preparing for life is beautiful. the festival taked over 18 city blocks.... it is filled with music, art and food.... road closures will go into effect... starting tonight at midnight-- starting with mesquite avenue between las vegas boulevard and eighth street, and then seventh and sixth streets will close between stewart avenue and interstate 15
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will be made-- in phases leading up to the festival-- which is september 23 through the 25th. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty a beautiful wednesday with very light breezes and a high of 86 degrees. we'll warm back up to the low 90s on thursday, then 93 on friday. the great weather continues for the weekend with 95 saturday and 97 sunday. we'll stay in the upper 90s to start next week on monday and tuesday. a beautiful wednesday with very light breezes and a high of 86 degrees. we'll warm back up to the low
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then 93 on friday. the great weather continues for the weekend with 95 saturday and 97 sunday. we'll stay in the upper 90s to start next week on monday and tuesday. a beautiful wednesday with very light breezes and a high of 86 degrees. we'll warm back up to the low 90s on thursday, then 93 on friday. the great weather continues for the weekend with 95
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the upper 90s to start next week on monday and tuesday. closed captioning will resume shortly for many veterans .. talking about war can help them heal .. "i talk to women who are active now and quite often they'll come up and they'll say 'we want to thank you because it's because of you people who went in first that paved the way for us." where these special women are bonding over breakfast.. be sure to check
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close the background check loophole. that will help prevent future cop killings. it works. in states that have closed the loophole, nearly half as many police officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty. background checks save lives. v.o.: yes on question one. but in washington, congressman joe heck supports privatizing it... turning our savings over to wall street... and risking it on the stock market. heck's plan means billions more in fees for wall street. and they've donated over half a million dollars to his campaigns. those numbers speak for themselves. joe heck is a threat to a secure retirement, because he's part of the problem in washington. afscme people is responsible
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danny tarkanian's carrying a lot of baggage. as a real-estate developer, tarkanian was penalized for failing to pay thousands in property taxes. tarkanian was ordered by a judge to repay $17 million tarkanian refused to pay the money back, forcing taxpayers to bail him out, leaving us holding the bag. danny tarkanian's out for himself, not us. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. the next group of women aren't your average group of gal pals who get together to have breakfast every now and then. they are all u.s
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hop to catch up... share war stories and plan community service projects. the women have played major roles in huge battles-- including world war two... the korean war... the vietnam war and the gulf war. most of them served in a time when women had little or no rights in the u.s. "any place where you would find veterans, they'd say 'oh, was your husband in the service?' they never thought i had been a veteran." "i'm so proud of the young women that are in right now. they are whipper snappers! they are something else!" "yes." "i'm really glad that they're coming in on our heels." the women come from all different branches of the military. there were 83 days over 100 degrees this summer. this means some pretty good news for the "grant a gift autism foundation". "it really helps out a lot of people in the community and i'm pretty sure a lot of my friends who are on the spectrum in the community will appreciate this as well." "this gift will help us expand our reach. we can
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our programs and services for all the children and family who really need it. " fox 5 teamed up with ford country for our "the heat is on" event. for everyday the temperature hit the triple digits... one-hundred dollars was donated to grant a gift. that equaled a nice 83 hundred dollar check for the charity. the money will go on to fund programs for kids with autism-- as well as to help the u-n-l-v center for autism spectrum disorders. students were back in their classrooms.... after they were forced out for nearly a week... contamination. but for one mom--- clean-up at the school was just one of her worries... how the e-p-a helped put her fears of to rest. a denver bronco--- lost another big endorsement-- after after refusing to stand for the national anthem. what brandon marshall has to say about being dropped. a lot of brides spend countless hours planning their big day... but one bride-to be-- didn't plan on getting stranded before she said i do... how she made it just in time to walk down the
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over 20,000 nevadans rely on planned parenthood for access to basic health services and critical cancer screenings. and was willing to shut down the government over it. heck opposed roe v. wade and voted to criminalize abortion. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke.
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until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto? significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto? is selective targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain
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or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto. the epa says it checked nearly 80 homes for mercury after a spill at johnson junior high... one of those homes was evacuated this weekend... and today professionals started to work to decontaminate it. fox5's faith tanner joins us live from one of those the epa was out here for hours... we saw them taking big trash bags out from the home and putting them into this big red bin ... where told the
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materials inside here with be shipped off to be disposed of there's no word yet... about if and how the family who lives here will be reimbursed for the items that have to be destroyed. so far the epa said its footing the bill for the clean up... but they could not tell us the cost of that yet. the epa examined nearly 80 homes for mercury. and this was the only one that had to be evacuated. today one mom told me about what it was like having her home checked for mercury... after the substance was found on her daughters back pack and lunch box. "they go to different rooms in the house and then if you have anything you're concerned about they can test that for you. the whole process is probably about half an hour. it kind of gives you piece of mind you know your home is safe." the epa spokesperson we talked to today says he thinks the student who lives here likely got mercury on their clothing or back pack and then transferred it to
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so it doesn't mean this is where the mercury came from as for those backpacks and items belonging to students at connection with a hit and run that left his girlfriend dead. in his sentencing today...he asked the judge for forgiveness. "i just want to say im sorry for the tragedy caused by my actions. for everybody that grieved because of this and i grieved too. she was my girlfriend and i loved her. joshua cyran is charged with d-u- i... auto theft... and running from a scene back in april. cyran stole a truck that hit the
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jumped out of the vehicle. he is sentenced to six to fifteen years in prison. once cyran is out he will be on house arrest for two years. the trial for the ranchers who took part a more than a month long armed standoff at an oregon refuge. jurors listened to opening statements today... bundy brothers-- ammon and ryan are set to face charges in the takeover of the malheur national wildlife refuge. five others... are also charged with conspiring to impede department of the interior employees at the refuge through threats, intimidation and force. today in court ryan bundy said that he and others went to burns, oregon, to protest against the imprisonment of two oregon ranchers convicted of setting fires-- not to break the law. donald trump is targeting a specific voter tonight.... working mothers.... the republican nominee outlined proposals for a child care tax deduction "the first part of my child care plan allows for every parent or family in america, including
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deduct their child care expenses from their income taxes." he also laid out a plan for partially paid maternity leave tax and budget experts have voiced concerns about the cost and functionality of the proposals, as well as who would benefit most. donald trump is expected to outline his economic plan on thursday. he says it will be something special that the country hasn't seen in many many decades. the clinton campaign will be making a stop in the valley tomorrow.... bill clinton will be stepping in for hillary.... who is still getting over pneumonia. the former president will be talking economy at the c-s-n campus in north las vegas. the event starts at 11... doors open at ten. hillary clinton will return to the campaign trail on thursday. when she is expected to appear at the congressional hispanic caucus institute dinner. president obama hit the campaign trial today... solo. he encouraged voters in philadelphia take a hard look at the
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"the bottom line is is that we cannot afford suddenly to treat this like a reality show. we can't afford to act as if there's some equivalence here. to be president, you have to do your homework and you have to know what you're talking about " the president went on to say that he could not be prouder of the leader the party has nominated... saying he will work as hard as he can to get hillary clinton to take his place in the white house. the director of homeland security is warning of a new terror environment post 9/11... saying international attacks are not growing...-- but the threat of homegrown terrorists is getting bigger... fox's jane metzler has more details... homeland security secretary jeh johnson says the us is now safer against a 9/11 type
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but -- he says -- the country needs to be vigilant against lone wolf-style strikes. johnson says: "in this environment we now face the prospect and have to be concerned about lone wolf type actor the self radicalized type of individual...and this site is reflective of that." secretary johnson visiting the pulse nightclub in orlando on monday... laying flowers in front of the makeshift memorial.... three months ago omar mateen opened fire, killing 49 people and wounding dozens of others. johnson says: "the one thing i see over here on this wall that resonates with me is that hate never wins. earlier monday, the mosque where the orlando gunman once worshipped was badly damaged in an arson attack. the fire coming 15 years after the september 11th terror attacks and at the start of a muslim holiday. islamic groups and community activists are asking officials to investigate the
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crime... bedier says: "there are people in this country that want to divide us along religious lines, ethnic lines, racial lines. and we as a community have to stay together to reject this type of violence, to reject this type of bigotry." (off cam tag) secretary johnson says in order to prevent homegrown terrorist attacks in the future... the government and the public need to deepen their ties to u-s- muslim communities. jane metzler, fox news. officials working arson investigation say-- so far they have only received eight tip calls. the florida advisory committee on arson prevention is offering a five- thousand dollar reward for any information leading to an arrest in the case. cinemark has dropped its request to have victims from the movie theater shooting in colorado-- pay its legal fees. victims had filed a suit-- saying the theater had not done enough to protect them.... in may-- jurors ruled in cinemark's favor. following the suit--- the movie theater owed 700 thousand dollars in legal fees. cinemark
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request after victims agreed not to appeal the verdict against them. russian hackers target team u-s-a athletes. the world anti- doping agency-- confirming that its data base was hacked and that the records of athletes who competed in the rio olympics were stolen. venus williams and gymnast simone biles are just two of the athletes responding to the leak. biles said her use of medication for a-d-h-d is within the rules, and u- s-a gymnastics said she was approved for a therapeutic-use exemption. williams also said sh rules and was granted therapeutic use exemptions. the n-c-double a has decided to pull several championship events from north carolina over the controversial bathroom bill. critics say the bill discriminatory toward the transgender community.... as it only allows people to use the restroom of the gender they were born... not which they identify with.... now lawmakers from both sides of the aisle weighing in on the latest decision.
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what i would call extortion against the state of north carolina." "you don't get anywhere by blaming the ncaa, the nba, the president, the city of charlotte and paypal for the problems you've directed caused the state of north carolina."" the bill also resulted in the n- b-a to move the all star game... companies deciding not to expand.... the cancellation of several concerts.... a denver bronco and nevada native-- brandon marshall loses another endorsement after kneeling during the national anthem last week to protest social injustice. "still doing what i believe. not going to lose any sleep. at end of day im going to play football but do what i believe in" this week-- century link dropped the linebacker over his move. he was already lost an endorsement from air academy federal credit union. today marshall met with the denver police chief about how the police department can fight racial injustices in local
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a bride has a wedding day she will never forget... when she is forced to hitch a ride on her big day... after her limo breaks down on the way to the ceremony. "(angelique arsenault/ bride) "it didn't even seem real at the time, but it happened." " angelique denning lives in a very rural area.... and she says they got just five minutes from her house when the limo got a flat tire. the bride says she jumped out .... to flag down help. "(angelique arsenault/ bride) "we actually had cars driving by us and they just took pictures and left and then finally someone actually stopped to see if we then a man named jay came to the rescue. he had a car full of kids but was determined to help. so he dropped them off, returned, and drove angelinque to the church. a popular show is ending its three year run on the las vegas strip. "going on... a whole lot of shaking going on....awwww let's go. " when the curtain will close for good on the million dollar quartet your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is
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don't let dust and allergens get between you and life's beautiful moments. by choosing flonase, you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only control 1. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. ? over 20,000 nevadans rely on planned parenthood for access to basic health services
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and was willing to shut down the government over it. heck opposed roe v. wade and voted to criminalize abortion. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. he's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. i can't vote for donald trump given the things that he said. trump should not be supported. i believe he's disqualified himself to be president.
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judge's decision to refund thousands of title loans issued to customer across the state. according to the las vegas review journal-- the auto title lender filed a petition for judicial review in connection to the order... that it must refund more than customers who had a grace period payments deferment agreement title loan in effect after dec. 18, 2014. the company has been ordered to stop issuing loan extensions in nevada last month-- calling them illegal-- because it's loan periods can run longer than what's allowed by state law. wells fargo is making changes --- almost a week after being fine 185 million dollars for opening unauthorized
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eliminating sales goals for retail bankers. regulators blamed aggressive sales goals for creating a culture of irresponsibility... which eventually led to bankers creating thousands of illegal accounts in order to win bonuses. apple users who downloaded the latest i-o-s software.... maybe having issues with their phones. apple says not long after it rolled out its new mobile operating system, some users complained it "bricked" their iphones and ipads. leaving devices black screen. users who experienced a failed update were required to plug devices into computers and connect to itunes to restore the system. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty a beautiful wednesday with
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and a high of 86 degrees. we'll warm back up to the low 90s on thursday, then 93 on friday. the great weather continues for the weekend with 95 saturday and 97 sunday. we'll stay in the upper 90s to start next week on monday and tuesday. a beautiful wednesy very light breezes and a high of 86 degrees. we'll warm back up to the low 90s on thursday, then 93 on friday. the great weather continues for the weekend with 95 saturday and 97 sunday. we'll stay in
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start next week on monday and tuesday. a beautiful wednesday with very light breezes and a high of 86 degrees. we'll warm back up to the low 90s on thu then 93 on friday. the great weather continues for the weekend with 95 saturday and 97 sunday. we'll stay in the upper 90s to start next week on monday and
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closed captioning will resume shortly the silver nugget casino is under fire after bugs turned up at hometown kitchen inside the casino.. one caller says... shut the whole place down before those bugs start traveling! voicemails! first of all you guys are very naive if you think spraying once a week is going to get rid of bed bugs. second of all, bed bugs are very very hard to get rid of you're going to have to close down your entire casino. because if you can bet your bottom dollar that if they're inside that booth at the restaurant, they're inside the booth all over the casino. in the rugs, in the chairs that people sit on those bed bugs are probably been sent to
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by now. not to mention the city buses! boy oh boy! close down the silver nugget, close down circus circus. get with the program nevada! close all these old casinos. god only knows what's infested inside the walls and on the floors that you're spraying you think that's going to do the job. get with the program! students returned to the school that was shutdown from a mercury spill last week.. lori says... it's quite funny how many parents from walte johnson are complaining that no one was talking to them and answering questions about the mercury issue! as school has resumed today, there were about six people from the ccsd including school staff standing outside of entry point. there were no parents out there asking any questions as their children walked in. it's funny how you all bark and don't bite! we learned las vegas's hockey team will be something... knights. desert knights? silver knights? doesn't matter says this caller. [if] you have a hockey team you got to have a single name. all your big time teams have a single name. the las vegas blades. you can't have like black
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knights, green knights. it's just not there. come on! danielle says... the people,...especiall y the lady in the white suv this morning,... who speed every day in front of the school on rainbow and craig. i'm tired of yelling at people to slow down, dodging cars and fearing for other kids crossing. just because we are not a ccsd school and don't have a crossing guard, does not give you the right to not stop all the waat cross walk or do u-turns there. slow down! bill says... now i know las vegas strip is a party haven but i am sitting in my home listening to music so loud from craig ranch park that my windows are vibrating. i'm disabled and elderly and i may have to move from a home i have owned for over 15 years. this is very rude and there should be ordinances against this noise level!! a thank you from joan...she says... thank you drivers who stopped to allow me to cross with the walk sign on sunset and green valley.
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before stepping off the curb. i have learned to look before and during crossing streets. those of you who sped past me, i hope, never kill anybody. send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- 8285 here's a look at what's coming up... on fox five news at eleven. as hillary clinton recovers from pneumonia... donald trump will be interviewed on doctor oz this week. what he plans to ask the republican nominee on the show. "fighter's intro" the world wrestling entertainment could have a billion new fans... as they make a push in china. what the company is doing to make the sport big in the country. a popular strip show is closing.... 'the million dollar quartet' at harrah's-- says the show's final performance will be december 4th. it's the story of that one legendary night -- when elvis, johnny
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joe heck's taken hundreds of thousands in big oil money... and voted their way... protecting billions in tax breaks for oil companies. and threatening nevada's solar economy. twenty five thousand nevada jobs at risk. because joe heck's in big oil's pocket. lcv victory fund is respr the content... of this advertising. struggle with getting their babies to sleep. but one dad has totally nailed the bedtime routine. "music " this dad has found lullabies
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live from las vegas it's time for fox5 news at 11. thousands of students are back in school at walter johnson junior high... for the first time after a mercury spill. we hear from a student who saw the mercury in her gym class last week... and how much of her belongings were destroyed. many homeowners struggled during the recession... including here in nevada. federal program aimed to help those families... spent millions of dollars on parties and gifts instead. twenty years ago today -- one of the greatest rappers of all time -- was killed in las vegas. tupac's death is still considered an open case by metro police. how local fans are remembering his legacy... this is fox5 news at 11. local las vegas. johnson junior high school students went back to class today... for the
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