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tv   FOX5 News at 1000pm  FOX  September 22, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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breaking news tonight on the east side of the valley where a driver has hit and killed a man trying to cross lake mead boulevard. i'm john huck i'm christine maddela. this crash has led to police shutting down part of lake mead near pecos.. fox5's cyndi lundeberg is live at the scene to show us what's happening. investigators tell me the man who was hit and killed was outside of a cross walk. . when police got here he has severe injuries he was taken to umc where he was pronounced dead. the man was trying to cross the six lanes across lake meade when a white pick up truck hit him. police tell us the female driver of that truck is shaken up but cooperating with the investigation " " police tell us right now as they're still out
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they're still out here on scene they're working to figure out how fast the car was going. right now lake meade remains shut down from pecos to palmer. well update you on the road closure tonight st 1030 reporting live cl ffnll last weekend the the money team's red lions, a youth football program decided to stand up for what they believe in, by kneeling down on the field. the team of 6- year-olds knelt for the national anthem in a form of peaceful protest for racial justice... the players drew inspiration from san francisco 49ers' colin kaepernick we sent fox5's
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practice tonight. he joins us now in studio to introduce us to the first graders making a big statement. love him or hate him quarterback colin kaepernick started a conversation when he knelt for the national anthem... a conversation that landed him on the cover of time magazine this week.... and a conversation that spread to some valley football fields this weekend where some 6 year olds decided to kneel down for what they believe in. what does it mean to be an american... for some it means following long held traditions... but for this group, it means taking a stand, or rather a knee, to protest racial injustice... " a few kids had expressed interest in taking a knee during the national anthem" they're young, just fivee and six years old, but the t-m-t red lions keep up with the news... " they watch everything they hear everything.
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coach macc tells me the players were eager to join the conversation for equality " do they understand why colin kaepernek is doing that, and he said yea they understand and we discussed it" " but there was a catch...the coach says while the kneeling did fuel a conversation, the kids were also on the recieving end of some pretty nasty comments." " saying these kids are thugs, theyre going to be in prison, or theyre gonna pick up a gun by the time theyre old enough" the coach tells me he understands why some don't think kids should be involved in heated political debates... but he's not one to silence eager minds that want to be heard... " it's about the way you make your voice heard... it don't have to be violent... you can make your voice heard in a real peaceful way, and speak loud and clear, and i think on saturday those kids did that..." more than a dozen kindergarten and first graders play for the red lions.
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every player took a knee during the anthem, and the players families support the gesture. mmv, ffn, ll the t-m-t football teams still have a few weeks left to accept kids into their programs... you can sign up for one of the teams at the all american football field office. it's the first day of fall.... and it feels like it! we check in with chief meteorologist ted pretty with a look at the cool down. we'll start at 59 degrees on friday morning with light, north breezes through the day and a high of 81. the weekend is looking great with mid-80s and plenty of sun and light north breezes. we'll warm up next week with 88 on
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for tuesday through thursday.
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of shooting two people in the parking garage at mccarran makes his first court appearance. "your honor, we're going to ask for a one million dollar bail setting on the basis he shot two people. " police say jeffery brown waited in the parking garage....for his estranged wife and her new boyfriend monday night. he shot both of them... and then pointed the gun at the boyfriend's 15-year-old son. both are expected to recover. brown is due back in court on october seventh.... the judge will appoint brown a public defender. we are learning more about the north las vegas doctor--- accused of molesting a patient. according to the arrest report for doctor jorge burgos.... a female patient says the doctor made her uncomfortable.... at first being overly flirtatious... then moved to groping. fox5 visited the doctor's office today... many of the patients there-- had no idea about the accusations.
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"i seen him a couple of times since he opened the clinic and nothing happend for me. very professional and respectful8. i'm going to continue to see him and i hope everything is right with him. " police believe there could be more victims.... if you have any information you are asked to call crimestoppers at 702-385-55-55. las vegas city councilman-- ricki barlow-- is under investigation over campagin contributions. federal prosecuters and the f-b-i are also looking at allegations of wire and mail fraud. barlow's defense attorney says the councilman knows he is being investigated and doesn't believe he did anything wrong. after the news broke out-- a member of the republican party issued a tweet that many are calling insenstive. john burke's twitter account featured a tweet mixing up ricki barlow with another black democratic senate leader-- kelvin atkinson-- suggesting that atkinson was the one being investigated. burke later
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post was disrespectful and issued an apology. wind helped fuel a fire-- damaging two homes this afternoon. firefighters say a motor home parked betweent two homes caught on fire... and the flames quickly spread to the neighboring homes. a man was in one of the homes at the time... but got out safely. the motor home is a complete loss. the red cross is assisting two families. a fire at the golden nugget was started by an abandoned cigarette... according to firefighters. this fire started just before one this morning, on the hotel's 9th floor. firefighters found some smoke, and evacuated guests on three floors. they found the fire in a guest's room, and automatic sprinklers were keeping it under control. part of the mattress was smoldering, but the guest was able to escape. damages are estimated at 10 thousand dollars. a local eight year old has won beauty pageants all around the country... now she wants to help the homeless here in the valley. jayliana glothon says she has enough crowns... and now wants to
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fortunte. we sent fox5's cyndi lundeberg to talk to the beauty queen about her mission to help... i am 8 years old this is jayliana glothon.... my favorite colros turqoise and she loves beauty pageants... all these crowns are so special because ive worked so hard for them she's been competing in pageants since she was just three months old... jayliana - this one i got when i was one years old it was the first pagaeant i won jaliana told me she doesn't need all these crowns anymore. these are gems and stones and all these beautiful things jayliana says she sees people in need in las vegas... jayliana glothon- i get sad sometimes so she's organizing a donation booth in henderson. jayliana glothon- i was thinking of a new way to share my crowns drop off a
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crown. jayliana glothon- ill trade in the crowns for a pair of socks so theyre not cold during the winter she'll take blankets, jackets... anything to help. jayliana glothon- im doing this for the homeless because when it comes to winter there going to get really cold and i dont want that to happen deborah wetherby mom- she has a pssion to save the world and help everybody she comes in conact wtih jayliana says pageants make her happy... deborah wetherby mom- i dont know... shes just a geniuine kid and she wants the crowns to do the same for others. jayliana glothon- i hope they make them feel special and feel happy this sunday jayliana is setting up a table at a henderson gym. she will be giving away 100 crowns. she's alrady got some local businesses planning to make some big donations as well... if you want to drop off a donation, all the information is on our website fox5 vegas dot com.
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largest construction projects in state history.. "the people who live around here have to go half a mile to get home...i'm disabled i gotta go all the around out of my way to get home even though my home is right here..three blocks away " if you must drive downtown this weekend.. stick around so we can show you what areas to avoid. you're watching fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. llary clinton and i i know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. age. john mccain, a war hero. he's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i've made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i've had tremendous success, i think...
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congressman heck's become part of the problem in washington. heck voted to protect perks for politicians like himself, allowing congressmen to travel on private jets at taxpayer expense and voted members of congress, like himself, taxpayer-funded healthcare for life. heck even voted to allow congressmen to take their pay during a government shutdown. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington. dscc is responsible
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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i'm really good at war. i love war in a certain way. including with nukes, yes including with nukes. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. i want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. jim dunlap: too many nevada police officers have been killed in the last few years. the truth is, we make it too easy for criminals and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. they get them at gun shows or online from strangers, so here's something we can do to honor the fallen: close the background check loophole. that will help prevent future cop killings. it works. in states that have closed the loophole, nearly half as many police officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty. background checks save lives.
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you're watching fox5 news at 10, with emmy award winner john huck. christine maddela. and weather 24/7 with chief meteorologist ted pretty. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. it is going to be a busy weekend downtown...
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life is beautiful festival are going to make getting around the area much harder than usual. fox5's eric hilt has more on the frustration of people living in the area... and some tips on places you should be steering clear of... nats -- street sweeper crews are getting ready for what ndot says is the first major step of the largest road construction project in state history. "there hasn't been anything too noticable, certainly not of this scale..." over the weekend, this bridge will be demolished -- making room for the billion dollar i-15 expansion. "we'll use this hydrolic equipment that ches through concrete and we'll take it down piece meal like that over the next 36 hours, just like that piece by piece." "and while this bridge is being taken apart, this road will be shut down and its just one of many closures across downtown this
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nats -- walking "...several streets will also be closed for the life is beautiful festival some of them like stewart are already blocked off" "its bad, sucks" this map shows the closures the run from bridger to mesquite and las vegas boulevard to 11th -- creating headaches for drivers... nats -- car and for people who live downtown -- who say they'll have to take a roundabout way just to walk home. "the people who live around here have to go half a mile to get home...i'm disabled i gotta go all the around out of my way to get home even though my home is right here just three blocks away" ndot crews say... if you don't have to drive around downtown--- while the bridge is being demolished... then don't. as we said--- life is beautiful--starts tomorrow the popular art and music festival is in its fourth year. and will take over part of downtown las vegas. the three day event brings entertainment... that lasts much longer-- as murals and other art fills
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melinda: the festival is really about transformation. it's about love. it's about the beauty of the streets of downtown las vegas." the festival covers 18 blocks... and this year it has a couple of new elements... there is a speakers series.. and the festival will be streamed live on pandora's music service. it is officially fall in the valley... if cooler temperatures aren't enough to welcome in autumn... the bellagio is making sure people know.... y their observatory showing signs of the new season.... it's decked out with pumpkins leaves in red, yellow and orange.... scarecrows.... and even a talking tree. the conservatory is open to the public 24-hours a day.... seven days a week... and free. the fall display will be up through november 25th. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll start at 59 degrees on friday morning with light, north breezes through the day and a high of 81. the weekend is looking
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and plenty of sun and light north breezes. we'll warm up next week with 88 on monday..then 90s for tuesday through thursday. we'll start at 59 degrees on friday morning with light, north breezes through the day and a high of 81. the weekend is looking great with mid-80s and plenty of sun and light north breezes. we'll warm up next week with 88 on monday..then 90s for tuesday
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we'll start at 59 degrees on friday morning with light, north breezes through the day and a high of 81. the weekend is looking great with mid-80s and plenty of sun and light north breezes. we'll warm up next week with 88 on monday..then 90s for tuesday through thursday. closed captioning
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be sure to download our fox5 mobile app... for all of your up to date news and weather... while on the go.
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woman: here in nevada, those were the worst days of our lives, narrator: in 2008, joe heck called nevada's housing crisis "a blip on the radar." that's just how out of touch joe heck is. giving tax breaks to big banks, he took over $500,000 from wall street-- including banks who caused the housing crisis. and families like mine get left behind. narrator: afscme people is responsible
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. donald trump says he alone can fix the problems we face. in our country. it takes democrats and republicans working together. that's h we got health care for 8 million kids. rebuilt new york city after 9/11. and got the treaty cutting russia's nuclear arms. we've got to bring people together. that's how you solve problems and that's what
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henderson firefighters are welcoming twelve new cadets to the family. bagpipes and drums the new firefighters had to complete 16 weeks of training to make it to their graduation this evening. the ceremony was attended by city officials... fire personnel... family and friends. some family members even got to pin their graduates. the addition of these twelve men brings the henderson fire fighter total to 225. "it's a complete
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women that are in the academy. for me it's like seeing my children go off to work because we invest a lot of time and effort and money into them over the course of these weeks so it's just a great feeling to get them back on the road and obviously add more personal to our department and it's what we look forward too." the cadets will go on to another eight weeks of training focusing on emergency operations. the valley is welcoming 850 new americans. they received their citizenship just in time for the election. "now i can vote for once. from now and on. which is, i think, everybody in the whole united states that they need to start doing what i'm doing." 64 countries were represented in today ceremony-- including mexico... the philippines... and germany. after the event... organizers took the time to inform the new citizens about their right to vote-- and offer voter registration. according to immigration services... almost one million people have applied for citizenship this year-- nearly a 25 percent increase from last year.
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but this team is tackling a major issue... we have a look at their peaceful protest. i determined that the filing of the felony crime of manslaughter in the first degree against tulsa police officer betty shelby is warranted." " the charge comes after the shooting death of an unarmed black man... what the family of the victim is saying tonight.... i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes
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narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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the new salami caprese panini from subway. pressed and grilled to cinematic perfection to get a golden brown crust and meld the flavors in melted cheese. nini collection from subway.
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tonight on the east side of the valley where a driver has hit and killed a man trying to cross lake mead boulevard. this crash has led to police shutting down part of lake mead near pecos.. fox5's cyndi lundeberg is live at the scene with more. closed captioning
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closed captioning will resume shortly last weekend the the money team's red lions, a youth football program decided to take a stand, or rather a knee, to protest racial injustice... the young players drew inspiration from san francisco 49ers' colin kaepernick and kneeled during the national anthem fox5's miguel martinez valle went to their practice tonight to talk to their coach about what led them to this
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year olds, they know what's going on in the world... that's what their coach told me today at practice, so when they saw someone like colin kaepernick taking a knee to protest injustice, they took note. the tmt red lions had told their coach before saturdays game that they wanted to join in the peaceful protest happening nation wide in sports. they wanted to take a knee during the national anthem. not out of disrespect for their country, or because they don't respect america or the game, but because they felt racial equality needed to be talked about... coach macc says he believes their message came across loud and clear. " i feel that 5 and 6 year olds shouldn't be involved with politics like that but at the same time they do have a voice, and i mean their voice was heard loud and clear i mean youre out here today " the kids had their coaches and their parents support, but coach macc does tell me they recieved some pretty negative comments online where they shared the video
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he says people called these kids thugs, said theyre going to be in prison, or theyre gonna pick up a gun by the time theyre old enough... again those are 5 and 6 year old kids on the team, all of them decided to kneel. mmv, ffn, ll the tmt football program helps these kids with rides to practices and games, equipment for football, and help in school. it sparked a debate between a defense attorney and a judge in a las vegas now the attorney-- has agreed to remove her black lives matter pin. erica ballou refused to take the pin off-- on tuesday when a state court judge told her to remove it.... or get out of the courtroom. the judge says he asks everyone to leave political and opinion protests at the courtroom door. ballou was in court to represent a white client at a sentencing hearing in a domestic violence case. less than a week after the shooting death of terence crutcher.... a warrant has been issued for the arrest of
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officer betty shelby, who shot and killed him. as sara sidner shows us... crutcher's family says his s-u-v stalled in the middle of the street and he just needed help. nats) "i got a feeling that's about to happen." less than a week after the killing of terence crutcher, the district attorney deciding to charge tulsa officer betty shelby. (steve kunzweiler/ tulsa county district attorney) "in the matter of the death of terence crutcher i determined that the filing of the felony crime of manslaughter in the first degree against tulsa police officer warranted." while a family and community grieves crutcher's death. the attorneys have already begun making their cases in the court of public opinion: a key issue -- whether crutcher was reaching for something inside his s-u-v when he was shot. (scott wood/ attorney for ofc. betty shelby) "she was yelling at him to stop, for probably at least 10 to15 seconds, he gets to the window of the suv, and has his hands in the air, looks down at the side
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his left hand goes into the window." crutcher's family attorney points to an enhanced picture of the window in question: (benjamin crump/ civil rights attorney) "you can see that it is completely up and there is blood going almost to the top of the window." we analyzed the video frame by frame, zooming in. it does appear that the window is up and a reflection of his arms in the window. outside of law enforcement, pastor ray owens was one of the first to look at the video before it was released. reporter) "what did you see?" (ray owens/ pastor) "my impression was that he was actually leaning against the car so as to position himself to not be a threat. i did not see anything in that video that suggests that the police officer should have viewed terrence crutcher as a threat." while video evidence can seem conclusive, experts say it is never the only evidence brought to trial. (ronald thraser/ associate forensics professor, oklahoma state) "any piece of evidence is just that, it's a piece of
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conclusive. so video is a piece of the puzzle it is not the entire puzzle." attorneys for crutcher's family said they were "happy charges have been brought" against the officer. shelby could face up to four years in prison if convicted. a curfew is now in place in charlotte north carolina.... after days of violent protests. governor pat mccrory has also declaring a state of emergency and deployed the national guard. " " as governor, i believe we cannot tolerate any kind of violence directed towards our citizens or any type of destruction of to do everything i can and our police force to keep our citizens safe and also ensure that our police officers are" violence broke out tuesday night after the shooting death of keith lamott scott-- police say he was armed, but his neighbors and family said he was only carrying a book. officials say scott's family will be able to view video footage of his death...
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release video to the public at this time. democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine hit the campaign trail today in northern nevada.... where he talked about police violence and unrest... and the importance of cooperation between police and the community. there is a need to build better bridges between law enforcement and the communities that they serve - hillary and i understand that, we want to invest in training that will strengthen senator kaine stopping today in reno... his visit comes just days before the first presidential debate between hillary clinton and donald trump. the brangelina break-up saga continues... brad pitt has been accused of being verbally abusive and getting physical with one of his kids. pitt spoke with authorities in los angeles about an incident--- which happened during a heated argument with angelina jolie. the fbi is also investigating. sources say the actor is cooperating.
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divorce from pitt on monday... she has requested sole custody of the couple's six children. everyone loves in and out burger.... and since it is a west coast thing.... not everyone gets the chance to indulge... so when a pop up store went up at a london restaurant... people lined up... for a chance to get a burger and fries. the popular american burger chain-- went up for just a few hours. and at one time the line was more than a mile long.... the burgers went fast... so not everyone got a taste. one of the biggest cybersecurity breaches-- ever. how many yahoo accounts have been hacked.... and who the company says is behind the date breach. working on your fitness with a pop star.... how you could bike next to britney spears. your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is coming up next a local youth
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coling kaepernick's example as well as some other pro athletes and taking a knee during the national anthem... the rant is coming up!!! we are one nation under god. i'd like to punch him in the face. you know what they used to in a stretcher, folks.riedt i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. priorities usa action is responsible
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congressman heck's become part of the problem in washington. heck voted to protect perks for politicians like himself, allowing congressmen to travel on private jets and voted members of congress, like himself, taxpayer-funded healthcare for life. heck even voted to allow congressmen to take their pay during a government shutdown. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington. dscc is responsible
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if you are a yahoo user-- you may have been hacked. the company confirming today-- at least 500 million accounts were compromised in 2014. leaked information could include names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth and hashed passwords. fortunately, unprotected passwords, payment card data or bank account information may not be at risk. the tech giant says it believes the culprit of the hack was a quote state-sponsored actor. yahoo users are urged to change their password and security questions and review their accounts for suspicious activity. attention moms and dads! evenflo is recalling 30 thousand children's booster seats. evenflo says some children have figured out how to loosen the harness, posing a risk to kids getting loose. the evolve three in one seat made before february ninth 20-16 is being recalled. they've received at least twenty seven complaints of kids setting themselves free.
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popular... but a lot of them come with a hefty pricetag... now one company is letting you get in the drone business without spending a ton of money. "nats " flybrix has launched a do-it- yourself drone-- made out of legos. the flybrix kit comes in two versions: the basic package which sells for one hundred and eighty nine dollars. it works with an app. the deluxe version sells for two hundred and forty nine dollars. it comes with a hand-held controller. and the good news is if you have a crash landing and it breaks.... you can just rebuild it. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll start at 59 degrees on friday morning with light, north breezes through the day and a high of 81. the weekend is looking great with mid-80s and plenty of sun and light north breezes. we'll warm up next week with 88 on monday..then 90s for tuesday
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we'll start at 59 degrees on friday morning with light, north breezes through the day and a high of 81. the weekend is looking great with mid-80s and plenty of sun and light north breezes. we'll warm up next week with 88 on monday..then 90s for tuesday through thursday. we'll start at 59 degrees on friday morning with light, north breezes through the day and a high of 81. the weekend is looking great with mid-80s
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and light north breezes. we'll warm up next week with 88 on monday..then 90s for tuesday through thursday. closed captioning
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some youth football players are kneeling during the national anthem echoing professional footballer colin kaepernicks silent protest against minorities rights but not everyone agrees with it voice mails! our future generation the little football players on their knees during the national anthem. and the coach lets them get away with it? seriously? it is a shame that we live in such a follower nation. case the youth football team that took a knee during the playing of the national anthem. i wonder how many of those youth can tell the difference between an obtuse angle and an acute angle. i don't understand why people are so upset over the football players taking a knee during the national anthem. as a nation we need to be thankful for nonviolent protests, instead of the alternative. not to mention waking up to an unarmed black man being killed every day is very unpatriotic. a las vegas public defender refused to remove her black lives matter pin in court.. she later changed her mind... deferring
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political protests out of the courtroom. one of our callers says she should be disbarred! enough is enough! and this pin in the court room by any of these people is, you know what? you ought to be disbarred! you know better! i cant believe this judge! you dont want nobody to wear a black live matter button? are you kidding? you should be the main one to support black lives matter, all lives matter! wake up! america you are not treating your citizens equally. when people get to the point where they feel there are no alternatives, they riot and they do anything else by to bring a justifiable claim.
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donald trump statue has popped up in downtown las vegas... just in time for life is beautiful goers .. kris says i just saw the naked statue of donald trump! i think it's disgusting that it is ok to put that statue out there but if somebody had done the same thing with hillary that would have been just unacceptable! one more caller.. and then a couple on the life is beautiful festival. i think the new statue of donald trump on sixth street is disgusting and demoralizing! i just want to respond to the female that was responding to the people complaining about life is beautiful. her suggestion was get over it and if you don't like it move.well sweetie, could you afford to move? if they held something that totally disrupted your life, could you come up with the several thousand dollars it costs to move? i suggest you keep your mouth shut! i don't think that's a nice statement for
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people were living there before life is beautiful started! so lady wake up and smell the coffee! and finally thank you southern nevada transit coalition (sntc) paratransit service. staff and drivers are always friendly and ready to help. i don't know what i would do without you. send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- 8285 i cant believe this judge here's a look at what's coming up... on fox five news at eleven. a dangerous encounter. a woman jumps on the hood of a car to get her purse back from a thief. we hear from her about how she fought off the suspect. las vegas' hockey team will soon have a new place to practice. where the facility will be built in summerlin... and what else it will offer to the community.
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but halloween spending should be a treat for retailers this year. how much americans are expected to spend on the holiday. britney spears is getting in shape.... and she is giving someone the opportunity to workout next to her... and it is all for a good cause. britney says, "hi i'm britney, and i'm going to be cycling for charity at x cycle in las vegas, and i want one of you to be my guest." the planet hollywood headliner is holding a 'piece of me' charity ride. if you donate ten-dollars to the nevada childhood cancer foundation at "prizeo dot com" - you will be entered into a drawing where britney will pick someone to ride alongside her during a 45-minute cycling class at x cycle. a teen has been walking two hours to work each way - every day. now an unexpected act of kindness cut his commute in half. police officer-- "kirk keffer"-- spotted "jourdan duncan" walking and decided to give him a ride. that's when the two started talking and became friends. the police department was so impressed with
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and hard work-- that they decided to surprise him with a brand new mountain bike. jourdan says he hopes to become a police officer one day. one little girl has had a long day.... and her parents know just the thing to get her going... up next-- we'll show you how she gets her groove back at the dinner table. you're watching fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas jim dunlap: too many nevada police officers have been killed
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criminals and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. they get them at gun shows or online from strangers,sti. so here's something we can do to honor the fallen: close the background check loophole. that will help prevent future cop killings. it works. in states that have closed the loophole, nearly half as many police officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty. background checks save lives.
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congressman heck's become part of the problem in washington. , allowing congressmen to travel on private jets at taxpayer expense and voted members of congress, like himself, taxpayer-funded healthcare for life. heck even voted to allow congressmen to take their pay during a government shutdown. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington. dscc is responsible
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end of a long day... you're hungry and just want something to eat. and once you get that first bite--- you get a renewed energy. this little girl bit into her chicken nugget... and suddenly all is right with the world. she starts
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arms in the air. sometimes you just need a little pick me up.... and the nuggets certainly did the trick. fox5 news at 11, your only local station here for you at both 10 and 11 live from las vegas it's time for fox5 live from las vegas
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live from las vegas it's time for fox5 news at 11. a youth football team kneels during the national anthem... after being inspired by 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick. why the coach says the kids were eager to protest. and one eight- year-old has won several beauty pageants... but wants to use her crowns to make a difference. ho help the local homeless community. strong winds have been blowing dust into the air. how long the gusts will stick around... we'll have those stories in a moment... but first we continue to follow breaking news on fox five news at eleven. i'm christine news on fox five news at eleven. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. police shut down east lake mead near pecos for a couple hours after a driver hit and killed a man crossing the road.


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