tv FOX5 News at 1100pm FOX September 27, 2016 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT
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we start with breaking news on fox five news at eleven. police say a man has died after being shot by officers in a southern california strip mall. police say they responded to a call... the man was acting irrationally... and failed to obey their commands. police would not say if the man was armed with any type of several witnesses started protesting immediately-- saying the shooting was racially motivated. we have more information on the man shot and killed sunday at a starbucks. the mans name was alexandre cut-zek-feely. police tell us the suspect, pedro garcia, shot him after garcia's card was declined... tonight we sent fox5's miguel martinez valle back to the starbucks where this all happened... and miguel it turns out the victim didn't work
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alexandre cut- zek-feely actually went to that starbucks quite a bit and thats because he worked right across the street at this auto spa... the mood at eco- wash is a somber one... " they came today and they said it was actually an employee that here" that employee? alex cut-zek-feely. on sunday, alex was inside the starbucks across the street from the car wash. " all the customers loved him, the owner loved him, everybody here loved him, hate to see that he went out like that" tajdre cotton and christopher washington were working sunday.
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the shooting, police shut down the intersection and shopping centers near rainbow and warm springs. " we were actually on lock down, because the guy was not trying to come out or anything like that police tell us pedro garcia's card was declined at the starbucks drive through. that's when garcia walked in the store and fired two shots in the air, then shot cut zek-feely. (nat) know exactly what happened in the moments before alex was shot, but his friends have a theory "alex being the caring guy he was was trying to defuse the situation" fox5 got ahold of the arrest report. it shows garcia called 9-1-1 and said he shot someone. during that 9-1-1 call, garcia can be heard saying " play cowboy with me" while someone moaned in the background those who knew alex would have tried to keep others safe and confront the shooter... " it just sucks that they took him, he died like that, but he was always the type to fight for, the good" alex's friends say the hard working
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place, at the wrong time. " it sucks that hes gone, thats what sucks the most, because he was a good friend of mine" alex's co-workers tell me he was working hard despite having fallen on hard times, they say he was in- between homes but you would never be able to tell from talking to him... mmv, ffn, ll garcia is facing murder with a deadly weapon, robbery, burglary and firearms garcia is facing murder with a deadly weapon, robbery, burglary and firearms charges. the line between helpful supplements and banned substances can be a thin one. later this week the federal government is scheduled to ban an herbal drug that right now, you can buy at spice shops around the valley so what is it, and why is it controversial? fox 5's faith tanner talked to people on both sides of the argument. i'm told people use kratom to help treat a wide range of problems--- from a-d-h-d to chronic pain. some people even use it to ween themselves off painkillers. but starting friday-- it will become illegal. : "it just is that great alternative for discomfort" angela harris is talking about an
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supplement called kratom. harris owns herbally grounded-- a health food store that sells bulk herbs-- including kratom. she tells me the plant offers opiate-like effects that can be used to treat pain and even drug addiction. : "people who've had surgeries and been on pain medications and they've had discomfort in some way or even people addicted to street drugs, it goes in and stops the craving just like that" starting friday-- the drug enforcement ban kratom. it will be considered a schedule one controlled substance. : "schedule one means there is no nutritional value and no nutritional benefits and we know there is" "here at herbally grounded -- anyone can buy kratom in a powder, liquid, or capsule form. but starting sept. 30-- it will be cleared from the store shelves" "just pick it up over the counter, i won't have to awnser to anyone
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it's just considered a supplement, so it opens itself up for easier abuse and tolerance issues down the road" doctor constantine george says -- herbal supplements like kratom... are hard to monitor... have strong effects... and can become addictive. : "the concern that we have is- is there a potential for abuse because these agents act like prescription drugs in that category such as morphine, so that's the problem" harris tells me kratom is only dangerous when there's user error- when people abuse it, or mix it with other : "the ones that are using it recreationally are mixing it with rose fertalizer and other chemicals to give it an extra boost of a high like spice and that's where kratom got a bad name, with those other chemicals" the d-e-a says 15 deaths in the u.s. were associated with kratom. but proponets say that most... if the d-e-a says 15 deaths in the u.s. were associated with kratom. but proponets say that most... if not all... of those deaths may have been tied to other drug use. live in the newsroom faith tanner fox 5 local las vegas,.
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lawmakers have signed a letter asking the d-e-a to put its decision on kratom on hold. let's check in with fox five's chief meteorlogist ted pretty with a look at the forecast. slight shower chances move in overnight into wednesday and remain through thursday night into friday. a few hundredths of an inch are possible with gusty conditions at times near storms. we'll see a high of 87 on wednesday, then a
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back to the 90s on friday and saturday with cooler air expected sunday through tuesday in the mid-80s. southwest gusts to 30 mph will move through the area on saturday and sunday afternoons. typically the clark county election department couple thousand voter applications a week... but the past two weeks theyve seen more than 32-thousand people wanting to vote. but 16 local groups set out to bump that number even higher... fox5's cyndi lundeberg joins us now from the newsroom. today was national voter regristratin day... she has more on how local groups got involved... the elections are a little over a month away.... and you are about three weeks from the deadline to register to vote. you can do it online... by mail or
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got to vote you got to vote was the chant as 16 local minority groups hit the streets in las vegas for national voter registration day... we arent telling you who to vote for were not telling you any of that we just want you to be civically engaged for those of you still not registered... october 8th is the day your mail-in ballot needs to be post marked... signing up online or in person? october 18th were very happy to see more people registering online you can register online by going to clarkcounty- dot-gov slash election you'll need a nevada drivers license or id to register online... you are a citizen of the untied states you are living here why not participate and be engaged arent sure if youre registered? nvsos-dot-gov can tell you. its your opportunity and right to vote all those regristration forms end up at the clark county election department.... as far as voter regristration in calrk county last week we did 17k during non
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registrar of voters says maybe a couple thousand people register a week... gloria says more dems than republicans are signing up in clark county... as for ages.. he says its across the board... and welcomes the huge numbers. when you dont vote you lose your voice dont lose your voice for those out registering people... a common complaint they tell fox5 is they dont like hillary or trump.. so they dont plan to vote. the office of president is the one ofice that has the least amount of affect on your life its your ocmmisioners your state legislature that have a daily affect on your life togteher we are going to empower eachother we are going to listen to eachother we are going to include eachother this country is only great when we are together cheering we want to remind everyone it's not just clinton or trump you're voting for. there are local and state races that will directly impact clark county and nevada laws . including recreational marijuana.... and background checks on guns. so if you arent passionate about the presidential candidates you can still make your voice heard otherways. live in the newsroom cl ffnll
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october 8th for mail... october 18th in person or online. we have all this information for you on our website on fox5- vegas-dot com. coming up... a man armed with a gun and knife robs a woman outside a daycare. he took her car... wallet... and purse... and it all happened in front of her daughter. we hear from her about the scary encounter. plus... a stadium plan hopes to lure the raiders to las vegas. now -- three vacant seats have been filled ahead of a special session next month. we'll tell you who was appointed to the nevada legislature. and... it was a tense first presidential debate last night. why some voters were distracted by the nominee's body language. your fox5 weather
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then realized he had a knife and a gun. the thief got away with her car... wallet... and phone gonzalez says she hopes police will find the car. "it's the first new car i've ever had and i work like really hard to pay for the car and you know i get up at four in the morning to go to work so, it's pretty savage that someone would do that to a mom with her kid. " police are looking for a 2016 hyundai elantra. she just bought it several months the license plate is 8-9-b-5-4-1. anyone with information should call metro police or crimestoppers 7- 0-2-3-8-5-55-55. the votes of three people -- appointed to vacant seats in the nevada legislature -- could determine whether a two billion dollar n- f-l stadium will be built in las vegas to lure the raiders. they are jesse haw to senate 15... councilwoman julia ratti to senate 13...and dominic brunetti
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district 25. all three live in northern nevada. brunetti is a former stanford football player. they will join other state lawmakers for a special session next month... where the governor will consider raising hotel taxes to help pay for 750- millon of public funding for the n-f-l stadium. from n-f-l to hockey... las vegas' very own n-f-l franchise will break ground on its new practice facility. a ceremony kicks off construction on next wednesday in downtown summerlin. franchise owner bill foley will join general manager george mcphee and county commissioners for the ground- breaking. the event is open to public. the c-e-o of space-x and tesla motors -- elon musk -- outlines his plan for a mission to mars. musk announced his colonization plans at an international space exploration conference in mexico. he believes mars will be colonized within the next 50 to 150 years. musk says any chance of colonization depends on
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around 200- thousand dollars a person... along with making rockets reusable. the mars colony will be able to grow crops in contained buildings... and have the resources to send spaceships back to earth. he warns that the first journey will be dangerous... but exciting. "the crew compartment is set up where you can do zero-g games, float around, movies, cabins, a restaurant. it'll be like really fun to go. you're going to have a great time." musk wants to make an unmanned trip to the red planet before 2018... and send the first humans in 2024. he also expects mars transit times to take as little as thirty days in the distant future. now fox5 weather 24..7. with chief meteorologist ted pretty slight shower
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overnight into wednesday and remain through thursday night into friday. a few hundredths of an inch are possible with gusty conditions at times near storms. we'll see a high of 87 on wednesday, then a high of 88 on thursday. we'll be back to the 90s on friday and saturday with cooler air expected sunday through tuesday in the mid-80s. southwest gusts to 30 mph will move through the area on saturday and sunday afternoons. slight shower chances move in overnight into wednesday and
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thursday night into friday. a few hundredths of an inch are possible with gusty conditions at times near storms. we'll see a high of 87 on wednesday, then a high of 88 on thursday. we'll be back to the 90s on friday and saturday with cooler air expected sunday through tuesday in the mid-80s. southwest gusts to 30 mph will move through the area on saturday and sunday afternoons.
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will resume shortly more than 80- million viewers watched the first presidential debate. it's now the most-watched debate in american history. but -- some were distracted by the nominee's behavior. how they reacted to trump's sniffles and clinton's shimmy. and the latest in gaming debuted at the global gaming expo. we'll show you
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music superstars are becoming part of the gambling industry. we are one nation under god. that black and white, we are one nation indivisible. all americans. i'd like to punch him in the face. you know what they used to do to guys like that? i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. priorities usa action is responsible
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the accusations and attacks came quick... during the first presidential debate last night. but -- the nominees didn't just debate... trump sniffled and clinton shimmied. jeanne moos has reaction from social media users and comedians. the internet depicted the candidates spewing flames, shooting laser beams. and there was donald trump...
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presidential nominee) "vladimir putin." making funny faces and distracting noises. (donald trump/(r) presidential nominee) "the best ever at it (sniff). you go to so many different places (sniff, sniff, sniff). it certainly looks that way (sniff). as the donald sniffled, twitter sneezed. "someone get trump a tissue"..."does trump have pneumonia?!!!" the debate was dubbed "the sniffening." parody twitter accounts sprouted pretending to be trump's sniffle.... posting gems like this video purporting to be a compilation of every sniff from the debate... (nat sound) the hashtag "make america sniff again" circulated. the donald denied he had a cold or allergies... (donald trump/(r) presidential nominee) "no sniffles no. you know the mic was very bad but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing." the mystery was contagious.... (pundit) "so now we have sniffle-gate." a nose specialist and a body language expert speculated it might be a nervous tic while others joked about things people sniff that cause sniffing. ("airplane!") "looks like i picked
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and comedians made coke jokes. ("the late show") "he was like scarface with, you know, more face (big laugh)." the donald has been a serial sniffer before. for instance back when he first started using teleprompter... (donald trump/(r) presidential nominee) "i wonder why (sniff)." and while the donald sniffed, hillary shimmied. (hillary clinton/(d) presidential nominee) "woo okay." laughing off trump's assertion that she has a temperament problem. her shimmy was put to rap... (rap song) a shimmying cat and shaq and hillary made the rounds. national correspondent) "it could have been worse. at least the shimmy and the sniffle (i shimmy and sniffle simultaneously) weren't combined." (hillary clinton/(d) presidential nominee) "woo okay.' jeanne moos (nat sound) "(sniff)." new york (nat sound) "(big sniff)." you've likely heard the phrase--- happy wife, happy life... now there is a study backing it up. studies have found feeling happy and satisfied is closely linked to good physical health.. now researchers have found your physical health may also be linked
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husband or wife. the people with an unhappy partner had more physical impairments, engaged in less exercise and rated their overall health worse than those who had a happy partner. study authors say a happy spouse provides social support and encourages a person to follow healthy behaviors. the global gaming expo showed off the latest in the gaming and entertainment industry... and -- a wheel of fortune co-host was honored for the slot machine's 20-th anniversary. how the city of las vegas recognized vanna white. [ cellphone ringing ] it's just another scandal from danny tarkanian. tarkanian was the corporate lawyer for those with an elaborate scam that tricked hundreds of seniors into donating to fraudulent charities, totaling millions. and when a shady tarkanian deal went bust, he refused to pay back $17 million, sticking taxpayers with the bill. why would we ever send danny tarkanian to congress?
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congressman heck's become part of the problem in washington. heck voted to protect perks for politicians like himself, allowing congressmen to travel on private jets at taxpayer expense and voted members of congress, like himself, taxpayer-funded healthcare for life. heck even voted to allow congressmen to take their pay during a government shutdown. congressman heck is what's wrong with washington. dscc is responsible
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machines will appear in casinos soon... but most of them are making their debut at the global gaming expo this week. from las vegas headliners like britney spears and mariah carey... to some t-v favorites like "game of thrones" and "the x-files". the new slot machines are all about 20-16 pop culture. toby keith and shaq were on
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creating slot machine is not an easy task. "aristocrat gaming" says there's a special amount of care that goes into making a game successful. "the designers of the game have to feel passionate about a person or a brand. so when they do, like britney or mariah, we give them a canvas and they basically do whatever they want so we aquire the licensing and the right to the game. then they develop it because they have passion for it so it makes a fun game." global gaming expo... t-v and entertainment icon -- vanna white -- received the key to the city! the wheel of fortune star was presented a key by las vegas by mayor carolyn goodman... in honor of i-g-t's wheel of fortune slots 20-th anniversary. it's also one of the most successful slot themes of all time. vanna white plays a big part in the success of the wheel of fortune slot games... and she was more than happy to have the key to a city she loves. "las vegas is in my heart and it's been in my heart for many many many
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