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tv   FOX5 News at 500pm  FOX  October 6, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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florida tomorrow morning. people in georgia and south carolina are also evacuating and bracing for the storm. in haiti, the situation is being called catastrophic. relief workers are struggling to reach hard hit areas. at least 350- thousand people need help there... as 28-thousand homes have been damaged. hurricane matthew has already killed 136 people there... and florida's governor is making it clear... the storm's wrath will continue u-s. "this storm will kill you. time is running out. we don't have that much time left." "there are no excuses, you need to leave. evacuate, evacuate, evacuate." airports in fort lauderdale and miami have closed - thousands of flights have been cancelled ... including a dozen coming into and out of mccarran. toss to weather
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the average high of 85 on friday with 83 in the afternoon. we'll be warmer with more clouds on the weekend..86 saturday, 89 sunday. slight chances of showers move in on monday with a high of 89 degrees. clouds hang around on tuesday with 88. we'll then see fewer clouds and highs in the mid-80s next wednesday and
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north las vegas firefighters are
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who they say died several days after a firefight. captain yaphet miller passed away last night. officials are considering his death one in the line of duty. on september 22nd he fought a three alarm fire. four days later, his heart stopped, resulting an a brain injury that he could not recover from. he was taken off life support earlier this week and passed last night. captain miller served the north las vegas fire department for 22 years. he was 43 years old. arrest - after a man was found shot dead - in his ransacked home over the weekend. james farr was taken into custody wednesday on suspicion of burglary, grand larceny and murder. the arrest comes after a roommate of 27-year-old chad shelton found him dead saturday night with a gunshot wound to the chest. police said all the rooms of his house near hacienda and eastern had been ransacked and things were missing, including at least two guns. a car was also missing but found several blocks away. farr is currently
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reports of "killer clowns" have been terrorizing the clark county school district for the past nine days... but so far -- the only damage we've seen has been from the rumors... not the clowns. fox5's adam herbets was at a news conference today to find out what c-c-s-d is doing next. it's getting to the point where every time our phone rings -- we're hoping it's not another call about creepy clowns. parents think it's scary. . and the man in
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the clark county school district safe is calling it an epidemic. over the last nine days, daily we're getting calls. just probably as many calls as you guys are getting, we're probably getting double that. this is widespread even as far as canada so far -- nobody has been hurt... and all of the threats haven't been credible... but sometimes the people behind these posts are only trying to do damage to your peace of mind. parents have to make a decision -- do i stay at work? do i go and pick up my kid? police say it's not easy on their end either. most of these posts -- aren't technically considered threats... because there's nothing illegal about a clown saying it's going to show up at a school... unless they promise violence when we get back to the bottom of the information, there was really never a threat even if a clown did show up on campus... that's not illegal either. freedom of speech. it has to be worse than that... to bring out the handcuffs. there have been no incidents of any clowns that
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that have battered kids... have been seen with guns police say because they take every report seriously... their resources are thin... but -- what about the people hiding behind their keyboards? there has to at least be a digital footprint right? police say that's true -- but so far they haven't been able to track anyone down. the people that are doing this are very smart. they're very
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most locals say "nev-add-uh"... but donald trump says "ne-vah-duh. he faced backlash from his own supporters over it - during a campaign swing through our state yesterday. so who's right? we sent fox5's eric hilt to find out -- he joins us live from the henderson pavilion where trump appeared yesterday. became a state, people have been saying nevahda... it's a lot like tomato tomahto -- but people dont get as fired up about veggies as they do about the name of our state. it was the nevahda heard 'round the world "nevahhhhhda" ...or at least 'round the state. "it's not nevahda its nevada!" "it trips me up a little bit, i want to
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"its nevada. you gotta flatten out that a, push it through the nose, nevada, not nevahda." but donald trump didn't get that lesson before taking the stage at a rally in reno "nobody says it the other way, it has to be nevahda, and if you dont say it correctly it didn't happen to me, but it happened to a friend of mine and he was killed" the presidential nominee did get one thing right -- nevadans take the pronunciation of the silver state very seriously. "it doesnt really bother me i just want them to know how to say it!" "the first time they say nevahda, somebodys going to jump and they're going to say no its nevada" even if that person is a us senator like elizabeth warren...who was cut off during her speech in las vegas on tuesday. "coming to nevahda is personal for me
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this is nothing new. but if you want to get really technical, trump was right. nevada comes from the spanish word for snowy which is nevahda... even still... the local way... is the right way. "the number of people who mispronounce nevada are legion......that's the standard mispronunciation" and that mispronounciation isn't going anywhere anytime soon... "is it really worth this much excitement? no not really, but it's something that you want to make everybody feel like they're part of the group and you want to make sure they know how to say the word" the state's official tourism organization stylized the name of the state as "nevda", with a breve ( ) mark over the a indicating the locally preferred pronunciation so when it comes to our state, it is and always has been nevada.
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plans to colonize mars. but will another company get there first? we'll tell you about a new kind of "space race". and - more evidence of shady practices.... when it comes to a drug company... making money off the epipen. you're watching fox5 news at 5. local. las vegas
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button?
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reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck. wrong for nevada. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen, and as a computer programmer, i created apps... before they were called "apps" and i learned there's always a smart solution. as president of my synagogue, we found a smart solution to rising energy costs... creating one of the largest solar projects in the state. in congress, i'll work with democrats and republicans to make all of nevada a leader in solar,
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health plans find smart solutions... even in washington. spent more than dollars on epipen between 2011 and 2015. that's according to the centers for medicare and medicaid services. the agency also says mylan overcharged medicaid by millions of dollars over the five year period for epipen. it says mylan wrongly classified the product as a generic and paid a smaller rebate of 13 percent... when it should have been classified as a brand-name product. and mylan should have been paying a rebate of at least 23 percent.
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boeing claiming it will beat space-x to put the first humans on mars. the c-e-o of boeing made the pledge at a conference in chicago. boeing is already building a rocket with nasa for the mission. this comes less than a week after space-x c-e-o elon musk unveiled his plans to colonize mars. musk said he is going to build a spaceship that can transport at least one hundred people at a time to mars. this doesn't happen often. disney world in orlando, florida is closed early today - because of hurricane matthew... the iconic theme park will remain closed on friday as the category 4 storm approaches the sunshine state... no decision has been made yet about saturday operations. it's rare for theme parks to close their doors. seaworld and universal studios in orlando will also be closing their theme parks at least through tomorrow. time will tell if hurricane matthew affects the tone of the upcoming presidential debate. as lauren blanchard reports - both
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are keeping a close eye on the monster storm while preparing for their next debate - sunday night. as the country closely monitors hurricane matthew - so are the presidential candidates. both hillary clinton and donald trump telling everyone in the storm's path to stay safe. at the same time, the campaigns are turning their attention to sunday's second face-off. trump getting some practice for the upcoming town hall style debate by holding his own town hall event tonight in new hampshire... his vice presidential nominee mike pence is already forecasting a good night. pence says: he really does a great job, particularly in a town hall setting, / / clinton hunkering down back home in new york... while her running mate tim kaine deflecting criticism of his debate performance. kaine says: "two nights ago his running mate threw him under the bus when asked to defend him. i think
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trump campaign right now." her campaign running this new ad in key toss up states and taking a jab at the gop nominee. nats: how do we measure greatness in america? the height of our skyscrapers, the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. 14 ((updated - blanchard on cam)) the clinton camp did purchase airtime on the weather channel, but is now asking stations in florida to delay those spots until after the storm passes. in washington lauren blanchard fox news. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll be closer to the average high of 85 on friday with 83 in the afternoon. we'll be warmer with more clouds on the weekend..86 saturday, 89 sunday. slight chances of showers move in on
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clouds hang around on tuesday with 88. we'll then see fewer clouds and highs in the mid-80s next wednesday and thursday. we'll be closer to the average high of 85 on friday with 83 in the afternoon. we'll be warmer with more clouds on the weekend..86 saturday, 89 sunday. slight chances of showers move in on monday with a high of 89 degrees. clouds hang around on tuesday with 88. we'll then see fewer clouds and highs in the mid-80s next wednesday and thursday. closed captioning will resume shortly hurricane
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we'll go live to thursday. closed captioning
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hurricane matthew... ready to hit florida. we'll go live to the sunshine state... with the very latest on what's promisiing to be a devastating storm.
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ide. i know when something's not right. the attacks on question 1 are wrong. question 1 protects the right of law abiding nevadans to bear arms. carry. hunt. protection. it's all there. doesn't change. and no one goes to jail for swapping guns while hunting or at the shooting range. what changes is convicted felons can't run to a gun show or go online and buy guns without background checks. that will save lives. yes on 1. case closed. i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. but back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content
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we're continuing to follow hurricane matthew... as it takes aim towards the southeast united states. florida is bracing for what could be a direct hit. yon pomrenze is live in daytona beach with the very latest. closed captioning will resume shortly governor rick scott/(r) florida: "there are no excuses, you need to leave. evacuate, evacuate, evacuate." two million people in matthew's path are being told to get out of the way -- it's the largest mandatory evacuation since superstorm sandy in 2012.
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hurricane could destroy homes and cut power to millions -- possibly for days... and first responders may not be there to help. chief michael chitwood/daytona beach police dept.: "we're not going to be able to save you. there's a point in time where we're going have to cease services because it will be putting the first responders lives in danger, just g if they haven't left already -- people up and down the coast are preparing for what's to come -- leaving bare shelves at grocery stores and long lines at gas stations. mos: "it is time to be 100% prepared. i'm just preparing to have all the fuel i need for at least a week." coastal counties in georgia are being evacuated today and in south carolina, governor nikki haley says a quarter million people have gone inland so far and another 200- thousand could leave today. airports in fort lauderdale and miami have closed, thousands of flights have been cancelled ahead of the monster storm, and national guard
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by ... bracing for the worst, but still hoping it won't come. closed captioning
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of fox5 news at 5. a special session of the nevada legislature gets underway monday. they'll discuss funding for a new stadium. we'll reveal what else is... and isn't... on the agenda. horner: i was proud to stand for our country. i will not stand for congressman hardy and donald trump insulting seniors and veterans. hardy wants to raise the retirement age and said seniors who rely on programs like social security are a draw on government and the disabled are a drain on society. and then there's donald trump. they're just not for us.
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for live local news right now. with emmy award winner john huck. christine maddela. and weather 24/7 with chief meteoroligist ted pretty. this is fox5 news at 5:30. local las vegas. thanks for joining us for your only local news at 5:30. let's get you up to date with the latest local headlines. nevada lawmakers meeting for a special session next week won't try to fix education funding problems after all. governor brian sandoval said today that legislators will focus solely on a proposed hotel tax increase to fund an nfl stadium - a convention center expansion - and more police officers in the las vegas area. that's a change from wednesday -
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they'd also consider adjusting the hotel tax to temporarily cover a projected shortfall in public education funding. sandoval already said lawmakers won't be trying to fix constitutional flaws with the voucher-style education savings account program... which would allow parents to use public education dollars for private school tuition. the special session begins monday - but it's unclear how long it will last. democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine... is in las vegas thursday. the virginia senator pays a campaign visit to union members... at the "united brotherhood of carpenters" training center. that's near las vegas boulevard and sunset. the event is at 6-30 p-m. we are taking alive look now. it's kaine's first nevada appearance since a debate with republican mike pence on tuesday. fox five will will


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