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tv   FOX5 News at 400pm  FOX  October 11, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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man who detailed to me what he saw..... he told me he was on his way home from a doctors appointment when he heard honking while stopped at a red light at this intersection.... what he saw next shocked him.... robert martinez... shared this video late last night...... you're looking south on eastern... a man is out and in front of his car....where a woman.. next to him.. got out of her car....and that's when the pushing started...... as you can see the pushing escalates to punches thrown... metro tells fox-5 both individuals were armed.. one with a knife the other a crowbar the woman puts the man in a head- lock a couple times.. before the man lifts her up and onto the ground.. you can see her legs fly up..... some bystanders
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would continue... until the man eventually gets back in his car and the video ends... now i showed some local business owners the video.. and received a mix reaction... " "oh my god." "whoa." "this lady, oh my god." "ain't nobody stopping them either?" "if i was that person, i would faint, i'm going to get scared." "back in the day people would at least stop you, now they're pulling out their phones and putting it on social media right now, phones and all they want to do is record and upload it." "iit could have happened in the parking lot too, that effects our business." "on a monday afternoon, i just can't believe it even after seeing the video, i still can't believe it."" now metro provided us with more information just a little bit ago.... they say one of the parties was contacted by police when they
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the other party was contacted at the hospital.... no word on conditions.......... detectives are investigating.... and there is no word on what charges will comes of the incident and who would be charged.... as for the man who posted the video online... it now has more than 6-thousand shares on facebook...and nearly 18-hundred comments... he tells me he normally a social media guy.... and only posted it.. because he wanted to spotlight how avoidable road rage incidents can be....... near eastern and flamingo.... i'm vince sapienza.. fox-5 news..local.. las vegas... will they vote or
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those are the options left for the state senate tonight after amendments were made to the stadium bill. fox5 sports director kevin bolinger is live in carson city with what could happen next. closed captioning will resume "closed captioning will resume " will resume "closed captioning
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will resume " will resume "closed captioning will resume " "closed captioning will resume " closed captioning will resume closed captioning
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a suspect wanted in a deadly hit and in a deadly hit and run in north las vegas is now behind bars. qaadir isaam amin was taken into custody last week. this is the man who police believe left the scene of the crash at cheyenne and simmons back in may. 55 year old clay stampley was hit and killed. facebook photos of amin following the crash showed injuries to his face.... and led to stampley's family confronting amin's wife on social media.
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whereabouts weren't known after the crash... until now. he is now being held on 1-million dollars bail. a henderson community is concerned... after jogger was attacked near green valley ranch. people want to help the victim... but no one knows who she is. police say the attack happened around four in the afternoon last week. witnesses say "michael mattingly" kicked and beat the victim... then tried to carjack a woman trying to intervene. mattingly was arrested... and his father tells fox5 this is not the first time he has been violent. " my son's out of control, we need to put him in jail or put him in the hospital to detox out, because i don't know what he's doing. " one witness told us the victim does not have any family in las vegas. people have been trying to find her on sites like "next door" and facebook. at last check, this woman was in critical condition. we are continuing to follow this story and will have an update for you at five. a man got in an argument with at least two people... before he was shot to death
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this happened around six-45 on ogden between stewart and fremont street. police say the victim is in his 30s, and he was shot in the head and neck area. metro says several people called 9-1-1 after hearing the shooting. " people inside the residence hear some arguing, they hear some gunshots, they come outside, they look and see this white male shot in the street and not moving." police have not released information on the suspects, but they do believe there is more than one. a small brown sedan was seen leaving the scene. metro hopes personal and business surveillance cameras will help them solve this case. a gun and a suspicious package were both used this morning in a bank robbery. take a look at these pictures... metro police say this man walked into a u-s bank at desert inn and hualapai, and demanded to speak to a manager. police say he told employees he had an explosive device, and grabbed some cash. he took off in a silver compact sedan. the bank was evacuated during the investigation...
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harmless. toss to weather now fox5 weather 24/7 temperatures are pushing up into the 90s across many neighborhoods again this afternoon. skies will stay mostly clear tonight with overnight low dropping into the 60s. we'll stay mostly sunny on wednesday and thursday with just a few high clouds drifting across the area. high temperatures will be running in the mid to upper 80s. a series of storms bringing rain up to our north will spread more clouds into southern nevada on friday. winds will be
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the afternoon with gusts up to 40 mph. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds for your weekend with winds sticking around; the strongest will be during the afternoon and evening. high temperatures hold in the 80s. a truck slams into a group of peaceful protestors in reno. the horrifying scene was captured on several phone cameras. see how this unfolded from people at the scene.... and what the driver did after the crash. and homecoming is something most high school kids are looking forward to... but as of now... one school does not have any decorations. how thieves got away with hundreds of dollars of supplies. you're watching fox5 news at 4. local. las vegas
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i'm one of the lucky ones. i had breast cancer, but they caught it in time. there are many women who depend on planned parenthood for that kind of screening and care. so i'll never understand politicians like
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heck was opposed to roe v. wade and tried to criminalize abortion. that's just shameful, it's just wrong, it doesn't help anybody. congressman heck does not share my values. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen and i approved this message. man: the tea party republicans in congress want to cut social security. woman: and danny tarkanian wants to join them. man: he is proud to call himself a "tea party radical." man: he wants to privatize social security... woman: risking social security benefits on wall street. man: danny tarkanian would raise the retirement age... woman: just like the tea party republicans in congress. man: they would take away what we've paid for out of every paycheck. man:that's "tea party radical" for ya'. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say...
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that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. you've heard plenty about joe heck and the tax breaks he's voted for. for oil companies and the millions the oil billionaire koch brothers have spent to elect him. bad enough. but heck voted time and time again to limit nevada solar. for nevada families, it's personal. catherine cortez masto will expand clean energy solar jobs. catherine cortez masto will fight for nevada families. edf action and lcv victory fund are responsible for the
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scene captured on facebook live an unbelievable
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an unbelievable scene captured on facebook live shows before, during and after a truck plows into protesters under the reno arch. we want to warn you, the video may be disturbing to some. "yelling car squeeling past screaming " five people were hurt.... one woman went to the "yelling car squeeling past screaming " five people were hurt.... one woman went to the hospital with injuries to her legs. the group was there last night to voice opposition to columbus day... and raise
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about 40 people were blocking virginia street when the truck approached and began revving its engine for them to move aside. several protestors confronted the driver and passenger... you could hear people yelling stand your ground... before the person driving hit the gas. "right here under the arch they just kept going, they stepped on the gas we had protectors who were demonstrating at this peaceful protest here in reno " the driver stopped several blocks away and called police. he is cooperating with the investigation but no charges have been filed yet. empty is how you can describe one teen's car in north las vegas... after someone broke in and stole 700-dollars of homecoming decorations. high school senior-- heather rojas-- was in the middle of planing the event for cheyenne high school-- when the break-in happened. all the money for the decorations was raised by the student council.
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make do with what they have... which isn't much. "my dad had woke up in the morning and asked me why my window was all the way rolled down and i was like: 'it's not supposed to be' so when i came it was all they way rolled down and there was stuff on the floor, the window was open and i was like 'wow, they really stole our homecoming stuff'" cheyenne's homecoming will be in the school cafeteria on october 22-nd. the school has filed a police report for the missing decorations. now fox5 w temperatures are pushing up into the 90s across many neighborhoods again this afternoon. skies will stay mostly clear tonight with overnight low temperatures dropping into the 60s. we'll stay mostly sunny on wednesday and thursday with just a few high clouds drifting across the area. high temperatures will
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series of storms bringing rain up to our north will spread more clouds into southern nevada on friday. winds will be picking up during the afternoon with gusts up to 40 mph. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds for your weekend with winds sticking around; the strongest will be during the afternoon and evening. high temperatures hold in the 80s. closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning will resume shortly
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are officially off the market... new samsung note-7's are officially off the market... new and improved model included. but not everyone wants to turn in a phone that can be dangerous. where customers are finding these recalled phones... and how much money samsung is losing by cutting these sales. "closed captioning will resume "
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fox5 news at 4. local. las vegas . the desert is where bad guys go when they want to make evidence disappear. but hiding the evidence won't help danny tarkanian. sure, he can bury all those property taxes he skipped out on for years... ...or all those fake charities he helped set up... ...or the scams against seniors he formed... or the $17 million judgment he never paid. danny tarkanian: just a con man who can't bury the truth. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i don't remember." but congressman hardy supports trump 100% and said he'll do whatever trump wants him to do. hardy even said people with disabilities are a drain on society
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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donald trump and congressman hardy -- divisive and dangerous. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. jim childs: one of the ways criminals avoid background checks is by going online and connecting with strangers to buy guns. as someone in law enforcement, i think that's dangerous. millions of guns are sold through websites like this, most with no background checks, no questions asked.
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a few clicks of the mouse, now a bad guy is armed - and potentially dangerous. and that's a threat to all of us.
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the votes are in... ken bone should be our next president. love you america... the votes are in... ken bone should be our next president. while everyone argues over trump and clinton... we finally found someone all americans can rally behind... his name is bone... that awesome red sweater... sold out... there are now ken bone halloween costumes... he's being compared to famous cartoon characters...
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wreck it ralph... and that evil dude from toy story 2... before the debate bone had 7 followers on twitter... 2 of them his grandmother... as of this morning... he has 80,000. here's my favorite part of the ken bone story... the only reason he wore the red sweater is because he split his pants on the way to the debate... the sweater was a backup... ken bone... our hero. if bone is going to be our next president... i found his new secretary of defense... it's a football player... her name is kelly macnamara... and she destroyed that poor kid... kelly is the first female kicker... ever... at north in pennsylvania... by day she kicks footballs... by night... she kicks some butt... i think kelly is just who we need to handle vladimir putin. let's end this with another bone... this time a bonehead. leremy tunsil is 6'5"... 315 pounds... he's a starting offensive lineman for the miami dolphins... tunsil missed the dolphins game on sunday because... he hurt himself getting out of the shower... word is he hurt his ankle... when you're 315 pounds... that's a
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this reminds me of other weird sports injuries... like the time sammy sosa hurt his back sneezing... and my all time favorite... when a baseball player burnt himself ironing a shirt... while wearing it. a shark attacks a man, as he sits on a shark attacks a man, as he sits on a shark attacks a man, as he sits on his surfboard waiting for a wave. "it could be us when were out there.. and so the first think we think that easily could've been me." " how this surfer was able to use his
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other people save his life. a pregnant woman goes missing... the day her baby was set to be induced. where she was seen last... and what police found in her car. more than one thousand people have been pulled from rushing floodwaters back east. hear why this situation could get worse in the next few days.
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in order to get things done. but in washington, too often joe heck has been part of the problem, putting his party and special interests before nevada. i'm proud of my work with the bush and obama administrations on homeland security. and every bill i sponsored as attorney general was passed by democrats and republicans. i'm catherine cortez masto. i approve this message because i'll work with anyone
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felt for some time here in the u-s. communities in both north and south carolina are dealing with massive flooding. hundreds of people have been rescued from the swift water. reid binion shows us where more catastrophic flooding will hit. (gov. pat mccrory / (r) north carolina) "we're still rescuing people, as we speak, right down the street." north carolina governor pat mccrory...
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out amid massive flooding left by hurricane matthew. --president obama, declaring a major disaster in the state... ...including the city of lumberton, where crews worked throughout the day to rescue 15-hundred people stranded by flooding. the f-a-a -- ordering flight restrictions over the area so helicopters could perform aerial rescues. those not stranded by flooding - heartbroken by the ongoing devastation it's causing. (resident) "you go in a room, and there's nothing. you got heavy furniture, and it's all in pieces and it's on the other side of the room or in another room. i don't understand it." (james borum / lumberton resident) "it still keeps on coming. we're going to lose quite a few homes here." adding to the suffering -- widespread power outages: (jeff brooks, duke energy) "it's a major historical storm that is going to take some time to repair. so many trees down, there are flooded areas that we can't even get to yet and that is preventing us to quickly restore some outages." ...governor mccrory... saying that more than a million people -- a full ten percent of the state's population -- were likely left without
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"it makes me want to cry. it's horrible people with no electricity their homes thousands in the state -- forced from their homes and taken to shelters. i'm reid binion reporting. samsung customers are asked to turn off their "note-seven" replacement phones... and return them in as soon as possible. these phones will no longer be made, after more reports of exploding batteries. samsung tried to fix the problem by switching battery suppliers. but today it announced it will kill off the phone entirely. this w experts estimate samsung will lose more than nine billion dollars in sales and five billion dollars profit. despite all the warnings... some people are turning to e-bay to buy the phone at a much cheaper cost. texas police are trying to find a pregnant mother, who disappeared the same day she was supposed to be induced into labor. the baby's father has not heard from her since yesterday morning. "(jace fellman) "she seemed like she was ok maybe a little nervous because she was older and going to have a baby
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she seemed excited about it and i don't know - i really don't know what happened. i have no clue. she just didn't come back." " "jessica van raub" was last seen as she headed out to get gas. police found her car abandoned at a dialysis clinic. they say there was no forced entry in the car. but the bag she packed to bring to the hospital was still inside. an oregon surfer survived a shark attack... partially because he was able to tell others how to save him. 29-year-old joseph tanner was surfing at indian beach... when a shark bit him. tanner punched the shark, and paddled back to shore. witnesses say the injuries were very gruesome, and he lost a lot of blood. but tanner stayed concious during the rescue... and as a nurse, he gave good samaritans important information. "( jeff rose, surfer) "he asked us questions, knew blood type, he gave us his number a lot of information that we needed. we kept him active." " tanner was flown to the hospital,
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to recover. shark attacks are very rare in oregon. the last time a shark came in contact with a surfer was in 2011... when a shark took a bite out of a surfboard. more local news now... police are still trying to figure out which students were involved in a massive brawl between arbor view and centennial students. the high school students got in a fight after a football game at two restaurants. one girl was seriously injured. security was increased at centennial high school, after rumors started about more fights happening. hillary clinton will be in town tomorrow to speak to supporters at the smith center for performing arts. her event starts at five-30. vice president joe biden will be in town thursday to speak to culinary union workers. both clinton and biden are also campaigning for catherine cortez masto's senate run. both of these visits come just a few days before our city hosts the final presidential debate at unlv next wednesday. students are already feeling the impacts of the preparations... and many classes are canceled next tuesday and wednesday. hillary clinton
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minutes, starting at six p-m our time. we will air the debate and have special coverage of it throughout the evening. there are also several road closures scheduled wednesday between 4 and 10 around unlv... and from i-15 southbound at sahara all the way to the 215 eastbound and through the airport connector. the closures will also affect access to mccarran. be sure to get the latest information about those closures... the debate... and the election... on our fox5 app. there are always some tasteless costume ideas every halloween. this year... some people are pretty upset over one involving a reality star. we'll show you the get-up that has more complaints over its description of kim kardashian... than the outfit itself. and its a victory for dads! the new law that will make it easier for them to care for their babies on the go.
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. the desert is where bad guys go when they want to make evidence disappear. help danny tarkanian. sure, he can bury all those property taxes he skipped out on for years... ...or all those fake charities he helped set up... ...or the scams against seniors he formed... or the $17 million judgment he never paid. he can try, but he can't make his record disappear. danny tarkanian: just a con man who can't bury the truth. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump.
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for oil companies and the millions the oil billionaire koch brothers have spent to elect him. bad enough. but heck voted time and time again to limit nevada solar. risking jobs and higher rates. for nevada families, it's personal. catherine cortez masto will expand clean energy solar jobs. catherine cortez masto will fight for nevada families. edf action and lcv victory fund are responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm one of the lucky ones. i had breast cancer, but they caught it in time. end on planned parenthood for that kind of screening and care. so i'll never understand politicians like congressman heck, who tried to defund planned parenthood. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. heck was opposed to roe v. wade and tried to criminalize abortion. that's just shameful, it's just wrong, it doesn't help anybody. congressman heck does not share my values.
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kardasian was robbed at gunpoint just a week ago. and it didn't take long for a costume making fun of the attack to be created.
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the "parisian heist robbery victim costume." the retailer who is selling it also came up with the "sexy ebola costume" and the infamous "bruce gender olympian costume". the kardashian costume comes with a white robe, long black wig, a fake ring, a gag, and a rope. some shoppers say the most offensive part about the costume isn't what is included... bu seems to blame the attack on kardashian. the description reads "all that flashy living caught up with her one night in paris when armed men bound her, stole her jewelry, and her peace of mind. dads who are happy to take on diaper duty... are often frustrated when they can't find a changing table in the men's room. now that is about
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president obama just signed the "bathrooms accessible in every situation act"... or "babies" for short. this legislation says both men and women's restrooms in public federal buildings must contain baby changing tables. the goal is to make federal buildings more welcoming for families and promote good public health. people who pushed for the bill said the shortage of changing tables in men's bathrooms reflected a bias of women being the caretakers.... and dads are more involed than ever before. entreprenerrs wanted! one center is helping create our valley's newest businesses. see how people can turn their great ideas into reality, with a little tech help. your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is coming up next
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he's divisive and dangerous. "uh, i don't know what i said. uh... i don't remember." but congressman hardy supports trump 100% and said he'll do whatever trump wants him to do. hardy even said people with disabilities are a drain on society and that seniors who rely on programs like social security are a draw on government. ressman hardy -- divisive and dangerous.
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fox5 news coming up at 5 o'clock. christine maddela joins us in studio with what to look out for. a woman is carjacked and the whole situation is caught on camera. what the victim is asking everyone to look out for. plus... new information on the arrest of a man who slashed a realtor's throat. when the suspect is set to appear before a judge... while his victim is still in the hospital. local businesses are giving a big thank you to metro for always protecting our community. "with this partnership with metro, we've become from being the worst to right now almost the very best and safest mall in las vegas and that's been through a partnership with metro."
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the l-v-m-p-d foundation" offered the station a "thank you stone" for their service. throughout the year... the foundation also raises money for our police that goes towards things like new vests... shields... and community outreach initiatives. local enterpreneurs now have another resource to help get business ideas off the ground. construction on the redflint experience center is done and it opens later this week. it's also a place for existing businesses to get attention. fox 5's mike doria shows us inside.
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now fox5 weather 24/7 temperatures are pushing up into the 90s across many neighborhoods again this afternoon. skies will stay mostly clear tonight with overnight low temperatures dropping into the 60s. we'll stay
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thursday with just a few high clouds drifting across the area. high temperatures will be running in the mid to upper 80s. a series of storms bringing rain up to our north will spread more clouds into southern neva winds will be picking up during the afternoon with gusts up to 40 mph. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds for your weekend with winds sticking around; the strongest will be during the
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evening. high temperatures hold in the 80s. temperatures are pushing up into the 90s across many neighborhoods again this afternoon. skies will stay mostly clear tonight with overnight low temperatures dropping int 60s. we'll stay mostly sunny on wednesday and thursday with just a few high clouds drifting across the area. high temperatures will be running in the mid to upper 80s. a series of storms bringing rain up to our north will spread more clouds into southern nevada on friday. winds will be
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gusts up to 40 mph. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds for your weekend with winds sticking around; the strongest will be during the afternoon and evening. high temperatures hold in the 80s. closed captioning will resume shortly a
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a utah mom went into a walmart for groceries... and came out with her new son! " "in about 15 minutes we went from having a little bit of stomach problem to delivering a baby."" hear what this tough mom tried to do... as she delivered her ba floor! the desert is where bad guys go when they want to make evidence disappear. but hiding the evidence won't help danny tarkanian. sure, he can bury all those property taxes he skipped out on for years... ...or all those fake charities he helped set up... ...or the scams against seniors he formed... or the $17 million judgment he never paid. he can try, but he can't make his record disappear.
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i'm one of the lucky ones. i had breast cancer, but they caught it in time. there are many women who depend on planned parenthood for that kind of screening and care. so i'll never understand politicians like congressman heck, who tried to defund planned parenthood. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. heck was opposed to roe v. wade and tried to criminalize abortion. that's just shameful, it's just wrong, it doesn't help anybody.
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jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen, and as a computer programmer, i created apps... before they were called "apps" and i learned there's always a smart solution. as president of my synagogue, we found a smart solution to rising energy costs... creating one of the largest solar projects in the state. in congress, i'll work with democrats and republicans to make all of nevada a leader in solar, to improve our schools, and create good jobs. i approved this message because i know we can signs saying "speedy checkout" at a utah walmart are definitely appropriate for this story. a mom got in line to pay for her items... and instantly went into labor! " (asst. chief terry reilly, payson fire rescue): "she was very calm, she did very well, this was her third child so she had experienced childbirth before. so i don't think she was as nervous about it other than
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say this mom actually tried to pay for her merchandise as she delivered the baby. employees and customers pitched in to help deliver the baby boy. he arrived before paramedics did. mom and baby are doing well... and walmart plans to send them a lot of diapers! thanks for joining us.. fox5 news at 5 o'clock is straight ahead i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck?
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on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck. wrong for nevada. hey guys. i called you all in because i just had an idea. brunch. allday, every day. brunch? that's great! where'd you get that idea? well... sweetie? you know what we're craving right now? crispy chicken, and fried egg, with bacon. like brunch. brunch? but it's 8pm and it's tuesday. huh, i wonder if my mother would like to stay with us...
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with tasty options like my brunch burger and a crispy bacon and egg chicken sandwich.
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when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. onald trump. live from las vegas, priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. its time for fox5 news at 5. a brazen carjacking... a woman approached at gunpoint in her own driveway... while surveillance cameras roll. why that doesn't deter to the suspect-- and what she says about the choice
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and new information on the arrest of a man accused of slashing a realtor's throat. when the suspect is set to appear before a judge... while his victim is still in the hospital. a number of businesses in the northwest evacuated after a bank robbery. what he told the teller... and the leads police have about the man on the run. this is fox5 news at 5. local. las vegas a carjacking caught on camera... i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. it happened last night and the entire crime was picked up on a home security camera. fox5's eric hilt spoke to the victims and neighbors and has more the victim told me a man put a gun in her face and asked how much she valued her life... now she wants people to know that this kind of crime can happen anywhere -- even in your own driveway. "he pulls his gun out" this video -- narrated by the victim's friend -- shows a woman being carjacked, in
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"hes on camera..." i spoke with the victim -- who didn't want to go on camera. she told me at about 7:30 last night she was driving to her home near valle verde and warm springs. she said when she pulled into her driveway, a man put a gun in her face and asked if she valued her life. she briefly fought back...and says looking back she probably shouldn't have done that -- but at the time she didn't know what to d insert: "i just think its a shame. you cant come and go from your own house? or your friends house?" elrita nichols lives two doors down - and heard about the carjacking right after it happened... "i happened to look out the window and i see a lot of the neighbors standing in a group so i walked out and said "whats going on?" and they say somebody was accosted in their driveway and i said "are you kidding me?"


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