tv FOX5 News at 1000pm FOX October 19, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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"now the decision is up to you" but who got the last word? "we have some bad hombres here" "he'd rather have a puppet as president" fox5 news is live at thomas and mack where the buzz is still going from big name supporters "i wish more people could really be that engaged" and the undecided "i think it depends on your views" fox5 news special debate coverage - starts now! the third and final presidential debate is in the book.. we are now just 20 days away from election day. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. we are coming to you live from unlv's campus where we just saw hillary clinton and donald trump battle it out for the last time this debate season. we've got you covered.... inside the event... outside the event and online. we will break down tonight's debate... and what it means for voters....
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candidates did not hold back .. going all in on some claims .. and attacking each other. one big point hillar clinton made was on donald trump's claims to the election being rigged.. "that is not the way our democracy works. we've been around for 240 years. we've had free and fair elections. we've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election." and donald trump wasn't about to back down even in the face of the surrounding recent claims from women who say he assaulted them.. "those stories are all totally false, i have to say that, and i didn't even apologize to my wife who is sitting right here because i didn't do anything. i didn't know any of these women. i didn't see these women. these women, the woman on the plane, the woman, i think they want either fame or her campaign did it." and right after the debate wrapped up -- dozens of political supports
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flooded into the spin room.. and fox 5's kevin bollinger was there on the front lines... closed captioning will resume shortly take a look at the madhouse in the spin pen area right after the from around the world was three deep...shoving, shouting and positioning for the pundits. we were able to go one on one with donald trump junior and the reverend jesse jackson - who obviously have two different viewpoints of the debate. reverend jackson was still fuming about trumps refusal to accespt the
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resutls.....while trump was wondering why his dad's ideaswith trade and nato are now being accepted worldwide. take a listen. " " donald trump junior: why is a businessman from new york who has never had a political career the on bringing up these things and all of the sudden everyone is shifting. it's time to bring new thought to this. someone who has created jobs and will do a better job creating jobs. not someone who talks like it's a magical unicorn that you can summon at will. rev. jesse jackson: trump is willing to risk the outcome and not accept it. if rigged, if he wins it's a good thing. he's laid the groundwork for a trump america first 3rd party, have his own network and maintain his campaign beyond the election. that last part ....what jackson was talking about in terms of not recognizing the results until they
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i've been running around the campus both before the debate during it now after i'm back here with the few of the protesters that are left out in front of the cnn stage take a look around it's not a lot of people maybe 30 to 50 at the very most but they're loud and they've been chanting for most of the day a lot of them that are left are trump supporters that's most of the signs that i'm seeing the shouting about perceived by us an election fraud things we heard trump actually bring up on the debate stage today i was in the media room when the debate gave out and i talk to dr. ben carson who's donald trump ever since dropping out of the primaries i asked him if donald trumps answer about whether not he would except the outcome of the election troubled him here's what he had to say "no, that doesn't trouble me at all. he didn't say he wouldn't accept it he said let's evaluate the situation if it turns out that we have evidence of significant irregularities i think it should be questioned i don't think it should be accepted hook line and sinker." and while dr. carson said he wasn't worried about what donald trump answered other people i've been talking to you today to say they can see this kind of language as threatening to democracy obviously that didn't changed a lot of minds out here tonight like i said only really seems to be trump supporters left but i did get word that hundreds of clinton supporters were paid a visit by her
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some famous faces turned out at the debate tonight. they shared their thoughts on this showdown with fox5. oh my god that was so entertaining, i learned a lot actually too. when you are sitting there you are so engaged. (40) i thought it was an interesting thing, two distinct ways to run the country " you have to dig deep into your conscience and soul and decide, ok, which one of these two people do i vote for? some of the other people who watched the
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emmitt smith, and mark cuban. his red sweater made him an instant hit... ken bone gained fame at the presidential debate last week in st. louis... so it only made sense he'd be here in vegas. fox5's kathleen jacobs caught up with him tonight. she joins us now closed captioning will rese closed captioning
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closed captioning will resume shortly many voters have already had their minds made up--- but some were waiting for tonight to make a decision... we had a group of those undecided voters join us tonight in our studio to watch the debate. coming up--- they weigh in... and tell us if tonight helped sway their vote. we'll be right
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putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. and congressman hardy said he supported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions.
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off for the final time for the 2016 election season-- at the thomas and mack . the venue was filled.... many of them excited---to be experiencing the debate- live. fox5's eric hilt caught up with them on their way out.... everything is quiet here in front of the thomas and mack now - nit the case when the attendees who were in the hall came pouring out of the debate there were 1200 people at the debate we caught up with several las vegas locals after the bug event of course many disagreed about who won the debate but they all agree this was a once in a lifetime experience "well i thought it was an incredible experience this is the first time i've done a presidential debate we've done a
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things like that but i think it's just an amazing experience and a great thing for me and my wife to experience in vegas." "i was able to focus let me say that on what was being said so i could internalize opposed to seeing it on tv you have a lot of distractions." of course a lot of reaction out here - and even more reaction inside the spin room so we'll send it back there to john and christine soc thanks eric right now we toss it back to the fox 5 studio-- where cyndi lundeberg watched the debate with some undecided voters. earlier today we gathered a diverse group of people who were previously undecided about the debate. we followed them before... during ... and after... and many of them changed their minds... take a look. we are here with our focus group right now so guys to go back to where we were before the debate.... raise your
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supported trump... two of you correct? raise your hand if you were leanin clinton... you are undecided? voting down ballot. the debate started with the supreme court... who do you tyhink won that portion? i support roe v wade and i dont thik it shoul dbe overtuned so i agreed with in you want to respond jessica hastings, a political science student at unlv. leave roe v wade alone if you dont want an abortion dont get one do you want to respond? i think its the most important issue in this election i say that becaue an avg supreme court
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years thats a long time but you need to follow the constitutional process not republican obstructionism its important to also address immigration they had a to and fro who would do wht and who wouldnt do what? i think clinton made it clear she will approach it from a perspective not to and hardhsips for families there will be negative consequence we have about a minute left with yo guys i want to hear from someone who changed their mind my husband is active military and hearing trump talk about how something is broken our veterans are not being taken
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meterologist ted pretty we'll keep very light north breezes overnight and through thursday. we'll warm up thursday to 83 degrees, then mid- 80s on friday. saturday looks to be the warmest day of the next week with 88 degrees. we'll see partly cloudy skies and a slight chance of showers for sunday. we'll keep that slight chance into monday. a
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increase gets here on sunday also, but only to around 25 mph. after 86 sunday, we'll see highs around 80 degrees monday through wednesday next week. we'll keep very light north breezes overnight and through thursday. we'll warm up thursday to 83 degrees, then mid- 80s on friday. saturday looks to be the warmest day of the next week with 88 degrees.
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cloudy skies and a slight chance of showers for sunday. we'll keep that slight chance into monday. a southwest wind increase gets here on sunday also, but only to around 25 mph. after 86 sunday, we'll see highs around 80 degrees monday through wednesday next week. let's go back to christine in the spin room we'll be right back. we have much more debate coverage for you tonight... we'll be right
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thousands of nevadans go to work every day producing but when congressman joe heck goes to work, he puts their jobs at risk. voting against nevada solar. and for billions in oil company tax breaks. while oil billionaires spend millions to elect heck. he's representing the interests of big oil. joe heck is not working for nevada, he's not working for our families, and he's not working for me. the sierra club and lcv victory fund are responsible for the content of this advertising. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen
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in congress want to cut social security. woman: and danny tarkanian wants to join them. man: he is proud to call himself a "tea party radical." man: he wants to privatize social security... woman: ...just like them. woman: risking social security benefits on wall street. man: danny tarkanian would raise the retirement age... woman: just like the tea party republicans in congress. man: they would take away what we've paid for out of every paycheck. man:that's "tea party radical" for ya'. trooper shot a carjacking suspect in henderson this morning -- after he led them on a chase from downtown to henderson. it all started at an am-pm on fremont street. police say the 28 year old suspect forced a woman out of her toyota scion and took off. he was seen driving erratically on the 95 and eventually ended on gibson and american pacific -- where he tried to carjack an elderly couple couple. trooper jason buraczuk: "at this point his car is on
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curbs, he's struck other vehicles. so his car is done at that point. runs up to a cadillac thats got a 90 year old couple in there, and like a said, violently pulls this man from the vehicle, throws him to the ground and tries to get in." police say a struggle ensued and when the suspect tried to take off in the cadillac, the trooper fired. the suspect was taken to sunrise hospital where he was treated. the elderly man was treated at the scene. the southern nevada health district is confirming the first flu death of the season. the patient was over 65 years old... and had been hospitalized. last year-- 36 people died during flu season in clark county. doctors say the best way to prevent the seasonal flu is to get vaccinated... and constantly wash your hands. flu season peaks in january and february-- so there is still time to get a flu shot. let's go back out live to john and christine... thanks cyndi. a very exciting night here in the
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the presidential nominees taking the stage for the last time.... in an effort to capture undecided voters. both hillary clinton and donald trump came out swinging... ready to convince voters they are the best choice for president. coming up in the next half hour... we will have more from the debate... including the chaos inside the spin room... and the media circus--- created by the more than one thousand journalists on
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joe heck's and donald trump's views on women are disturbing. heck voted to defund planned parenthood 10 times. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. and they both outlaw abortion. "do you believe in punishment for abortion?" "the answer is that, there has to be some form of punishment." while heck co-sponsored legislation to criminalize abortion, even in cases of rape. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. nra member: do i believe good, law abiding citizens have a right to bear arms? you bet. and with that right comes responsibilities. do i believe convicted felons have that same right? no. but right now, criminals can easily get guns at gun shows or online from strangers with no background check. i'm a member of the nra. owning guns is my right. but letting criminals walk into a gun show and walk out with a gun,
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eat to all of us. narrator: yes on question 1. robert kearney: i fought for my country in kosovo and iraq, and i've been a republican all my life. but i'm the father of three girls. i can't stand hearing donald trump call women pigs, dogs, and bimbos...and i sure don't want my daughters hearing it. i want my girls to grow up proud and strong, in a nation where they're valued
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and blue. the nominees--- making their final case -- as they went head to head tonight. welcome back.... we are joining you now live from the unlv campus. the third and final debate wrapped up about two and half hours ago. thousands of people ready to watch the debate... from trump supporters to clinton supports to those-- still trying to make up their mind. the candidates ca o ready to take one another on--- and plead their case to voters... for the last time-- together on a national stage-- ahead of the election. and one thing was noticably missing out the gate... no- handshake. both clinton and trump were ready to get down to business. tackling tough topics like immigration and abortion.... "if you go with what hillary is saying, in the ninth month, you can take
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woman of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. now you can say that that's okay. and hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me. this is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make. and i don't believe the government should be making it. " fox5's kevin bolinger was here in the spin room... madness during... and after the debate... he joins us now.... closed captioning
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las vegas tonight... as donald trump and hillary clinton went head to head for the final debate at the thomas and mack . the venue was filled.... many of them excited to be experiencing the debate -- live. fox5's eric hilt caught up with them on their way out.... there were a lot of big names inside the thomas and mack tonight but also some lucky locals who scored tickets to the event all in all there were 1200 people in the arena... they said it was different than watching on tv because they could really focus on the candidates one person even told me it was louder than it is watching on tv and they all said it was an experience they won't ever forget "i've been a resident of southern nevada
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greatest things that could happen to the state of nevada and especially unlv." "there was an energy about being there. once in a lifetime experience." we'll have more on who those attendees think won the debate coming up at 11 but now we'll send it back to you hundreds of students jumped at the chance to be a part of the debate.... and while not all of them were able to get into the debate hall... they were watching and are ready to weigh in. fox5's kathleen jacobs was with them.... she joins us now closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning
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will resume shortly thanks kathleen. we have some more local news to tell you ou now... the nfl owners wrapped up their meetings today in houston ... to talk about the future of the oakland raiders... some of them-- still aren't onboard with the idea of las vegas. fox5's vince sapienza is in studio with more... yeah.. that's right cyndi.... lost in the election buzz today.. was the conclusion of the first official pitch from raiders owner mark davis to the other 31 n- f-l owners.... regarding the raiders move to las vegas..... now around town.. davis has received tremendous support.... but today he met
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"we would love to have the raiders stay in oakland. we think that that's a positive thing. we've been also very clear over the last couple of years that it requires getting long term resolution to their stadium. we still don't have that solution " but raiders owner mark davis seems to be pretty clear--- about what he wants to do. "when i met with governor sandoval for the very first time, he looked me in the eye and said are you using us for leverage to get a better deal told him i've never done that with a city....and if they come up with what we're talking about- so if he came through i was going to do everything i could to bring the raiders to las vegas." in an earlier report.....davis told the other owners barring an unexpected surprise... he plans to file papers to move the team from oakland to las january... now despite comssioner goodell wanting to keep the raiders in oakland.... the decision will not be in his hands... it will ultimalety be the n-f-l owners decision.... davis needs 24 of
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thanks vince.... there is no date set for the owners to vote.... many beleive it will take place within the first six months of next year... to stay up to date on all the latest developments with the raiders--- be sure to check out our fox5 mobile app... the clark county commission is now looking to appoint some members to the stadium authority board. this comes after governor brian sandoval signed the stadium bill on monday. must appoint three of the nine board members in the next 28 days. the deadline to apply is on tuesday november 8th by noon. appointments will be made at the county commission meeting the following tuesday. the other members will be made up of three appointments by governor sandoval, one by unlv president len jessup and two public representatives selected by the seven numbers. for a complete list of the requirements... and a link to the application--- head over to fox5 vegas dot com...
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canadians are pretty crazy about the united states.... and they want to make sure we know how they feel. you are infectious,entertai ning you dream big, your quest to be the best. creates the best. a land of opportunity where anyone can be anything they want to be." why our neighbors to the north are singing our praises. your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is coming up next putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing.
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ressman hardy said he supported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. it's hard to make the past dissappear,
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all of his failed runs for congress, senate, and secretary of state. ...and the shady record that killed his chances every time. the property taxes tarkanian skipped out on for years... the telemarketing scammers he represented... all those fake charities he helped set up. he can try all he wants, but danny tarkanian just can't bury his past. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. nra member: do i believe good, law abiding citizens have a right to bear arms? do i believe convicted felons have that same right? no. but right now, criminals can easily get guns at gun shows or online from strangers with no background check. i'm a member of the nra. owning guns is my right. but letting criminals walk into a gun show and walk out with a gun, no questions asked? that's a threat to all of us.
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i've seen what can happen as the result of hate. in laramie, wyoming, in 1998. he was befriended by two men in a bar who pretended to be gay. they offered him a ride home, and when he was in their car, they robbed him and beat him. they drove matt out to the prairie and tied him to a split-rail fence, then beat him some more and left him for dead. in the aftermath of matt's death, my family saw the best of america in the love and support we were shown. so when i see the hate
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es me. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell ya. ahh, i don't know what i said, uhh, i don't remember. he's a mexican. i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, and i wouldn't... words have an influence. violence causes pain. hate can rip us apart. i know what can happen as the result of hate, and donald trump should never be our president. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. after more than a year of planning... and hard work by the l-v-c-v-a and unlv... the debate bringing thousands to the valley... and shining the national spotlight on our city, one company-- cashing in on the
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now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll keep very light north breezes overnight and through thursday. we'll warm up thursday to 83 degrees, then mid- saturday looks to be the warmest day of the next week with 88 degrees. we'll see partly cloudy skies and a slight chance of showers for sunday. we'll keep that slight chance into monday. a
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on sunday also, but only to around 25 mph. after 86 sunday, we'll see highs around 80 degrees monday through wednesday next week. we'll keep very light north breezes overnight and through thursday. we'll warm up thursday to 83 degrees, then mid- 80s on friday. saturday looks to be the warmest day of the next week with 88 degrees. we'll see partly cloudy skies and a slight chance of showers for sunday. we'll keep that slight chance into monday. a southwest wind increase gets here on sunday also, but only to around 25 mph. after 86 sunday, we'll see highs around 80 degrees monday through wednesday next week. closed captioning
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we'll send it back to john and christine... they aren't old enough to vote... but some kids have a strong opinion on the debate. we spoke to twitchell elementary students to find out who they would vote for. hillary clinton donald trump hillary clinton trump hillary clinton he looks like a nice guy i would like her to give more education to children in the world he's really rich and he can buy us a lot of good stuff looks like we have a good group of voters for 20-28!
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set for tuesday november eighth.... hillary clinton and donald trump--- battling it out for the third and final time. both nominees hitting it home for voters tonight.... and before we leave you tonight... thousands of people flocked to the valley for the final debate... but perhaps the biggest star--- never made it on stage.
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red sweater gained fame a little more than a week ago... when he took part in the second debate in st. louis. today-- he put on his journalism cap-- because he is doing post debate analysis for jimmy kimmel live. and last night-- he was taking on our city... by walking the red carpet at tao beach-- at the venetian-- with his fans. we will have more on tonight's debate from right here on unlv's campus... on fox5 news at 11. s on women are disturbing. heck voted to defund planned parenthood 10 times. vernment over it. and they both outlaw abortion. "do you believe in punishment for abortion?" "the answer is that, there has to be some form of punishment." while heck co-sponsored legislation to criminalize abortion, even in cases of rape. donald trump and joe heck are not for you. putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing.
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pported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. wolfson: i'm a prosecutor. locking up criminals is my job. the attacks on question 1? and flat out wrong. nick: swapping guns with your buddies when hunting or at the shooting range? question 1 won't change that one bit. steiber: here's the only change. current law requires background checks at gun stores. question 1 applies the same rules to all gun sales - including at gun shows and online. that's all. and that fix makes it harder for criminals. safer for us. vo: background checks save lives.
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woman: and danny tarkanian wants to join them. man: he is proud to call himself a "tea party radical." man: he wants to privatize social security... woman: ...just like them. woman: risking social security benefits on wall street. man: danny tarkanian would raise the retirement age... woman: just like the tea party republicans in congress. man: they would take away what we've paid for out of every paycheck.
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the final debate - over! "now the decision is up to you" but who got the last word? "i will tell you at the time, ill keep you in suspense" "thats horrifying!" fox5 news is live at thomas and mack where the buzz is still going from big name supporters "she proved she's presidential" "whats going to be different now?" and the undecided "i think it depend on your views" fox5 news special debate coverage - starts now! it's been a year in the making! the third and final presidential debate at u-n-l-v is in the books. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. viewers from around the world tuned in to watch hillary clinton and donald trump face off for the last time. we're live from u-n-l-v... and have team
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