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tv   FOX5 News at 1100pm  FOX  October 19, 2016 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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the final debate - over! "now the decision is up to you" but who got the last word? "i will tell you at the time, ill keep you in suspense" "thats horrifying!" fox5 news is live at thomas and mack where the buzz is still going from big name supporters "she proved she's presidential" "whats going to be different now?" and the undecided "i think it depend on your views" fox5 news special debate coverage - starts now! it's been a year in the making! the third and final presidential debate at u-n-l-v is in the books. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. viewers from around the world tuned in to watch hillary clinton and donald trump face off for the last time. we're live from u-n-l-v... and have team
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angle of the debate covered... and just in the last hour ... hillary clinton left las vegas.. we were there as she flew out of mccarran...... but first --donald trump and hillary clinton took the debate stage... and skipped the customary handshake. the first issue they tackled was the supreme court. "sure country is just so, so, it's just so imperative we have the right justices. something happened recent where justice ginsburg made some very very inapropriate statements toward me and toward a tremendous number of people, many many millions of people i represent
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"the supreme court needs to stand on the side of the american people, not on the side of the powerful corporations and the wealthy." after the debate -- dozens of political supporters of both nominees headed into the spin room. that's where we find fox five's kevin bolinger. closed captioning will resume shortly take a look at the
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after the from around the world was three deep...shoving, shouting and positioning for the pundits. we were able to go one on one with donald trump junior and the reverend jesse jackson - who obviously have two different viewpoints of the debate. i asked reverend jackson about trump's statement that he'll fix inner city america.....but first don junior on why this country needs a change. take a listen. donald trump junior: what's gopnna be different now? it's gonna be the same old prmises. that's what my father has highlighted. that's why he's been so popular with americans. he's highlighted the hypocrisy that is dc on both sides of the aisle. everyone promises so much, they deliver nothing. the only people that beneift are the people around dc, the lobbyists and their buddies. rev. jesse jackson: just talk. he offers law and order. we
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development. not law and order. we need development and education. that requires an investment. that last part ....what jackson was talking about in terms of not recognizing the results until they happen...seemed to dominate the spin room with other issues getting lost in the shuffle. closed captioning will resume shortly hundreds of protesters gathered at u-n-
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support for their presidential nominee. some voters around the valley are very passionate about this presidential election. fox5's miguel martinez valle was outside the thomas and mack with what protesters had to
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"we are out here on unlv's campus a few protesters here there is another stage across campus there are a few of them but they are loud shouting gays for trump trump supporters who are protesting but i am going to say 30-50 people left on unlv's campus in stage where we have been reporting all day. live miguel martinez valle fox5 news local las vegas." the final debate at u-n-l-v is a historic event for our city and state. attending live was a much different experience for those used to watching on tv.
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talked to them about what it was like... and what they took away from tonight's exchange. certainly a lot of reactions were you are inside the spin room but there were also a lot of reactions outside of the thomas and mack as well as those 1200 people who had tickets to be inside of the debate hall we talk to many of them and many of them agreed the locals agreed that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and it was an incredible experience to be at this debate and see it in person not all of them agreed on who won that debate her questions her answers were actually very concise they were
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i'm for trump in the supreme court's in the balance so i don't see how conservatives have can just abandoned him and be so willing to put up the supreme court in my it will probably be right when the at the booth when i make that decision did this help you not much many of the local said it was a different feeling than watching on tv they were here in person they were able to focus on what the candidates were singing one of the students who won the student ticket lottery tell me this is something he will never forget and it's something he will tell his grandchildren about. reporting outside the thomas and mack, eric hilt fox5 news local las vegas. hundreds of u-n- l-v students
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coming up... fox5 put together our own panel of undecided voters. many of them completely switched sides after tonight's debate. which comments they say made them cringe... and why some feel the debate wasn't enough for either
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of hate. my son matt was murdered in laramie, wyoming, in 1998. he was befriended by two men in a bar who pretended to be gay. they offered him a ride home, and when he was in their car, they robbed him and beat him. they drove matt out to the prairie and tied him to a split-rail fence, then beat him some more and left him for dead. in the aftermath of matt's death, my family saw the best of america in the love and support we were shown. so when i see the hate that donald trump has brought to his campaign for president, it terrifies me. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell ya. ahh, i don't know what i said, uhh, i don't remember. he's a mexican. i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, and i wouldn't... words have an influence. violence causes pain. hate can rip us apart. i know what can happen as the result of hate, and donald trump should never be our president. priorities usa action
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undecided voters about how the nominees did during the debate. fox five put together a diverse focus group. fox five's cyndi lundeberg and fox five political analyst mark peplowski got the panel's thoughts before... during... and after the debate. we are here with our focus group right now we had some people who changed their mind it was two people supporting trump... now its four which is four of the 8 that are in our focus group so in the 10 oclock we talked a lot about abortion and immigration so wanted to start with presidential fitness... i wanna start with you professor certainly is been a big isue as people point fingers did you guys get any sense one way or another there was a point made tonight i think mr trump was more prepared looked more presidential but i dont think he is fit to be commander in chief just to piggy back i do think clinton may be a little bit more fit donald just gets so angry and so radical where clinton just seems so much more rehearsed and knowledgeble and on that stance she
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one thig mr trump said was he believed the women coming forward accsing him of sexually assaulting women was clintons fault i wanted to get your thoughts i thought that ws crzy he was victim blaming the mans an idiot clinton demonstrated most likely thats not the case because that is how trump reacts to everything had she not said that maybe there would be doubt lets change the topic really quick because we are shor ton time i wanted to talk about isis who is going to handle the middle east and why chris wallace ou fly zones and he said if there was a russian plane over the no fly zone would you shoot it down and i was curious to hear her answe ron that and she did not brin git up so it leads me to wonder would she shoot it down? or would she not shoot it down because she was going to draw another line in the sand like president obama micah youre a first time voter both of them said they were going to defeat isis but they never said how during the debte one candidate basically bounced around teh question when
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being a first time voter attitue and hwo they answer the questions and tlaking about the issues i think thats going ot help me decide my vote one other point raise was the eoconomy and huge numners thrown out how does the economy need to be stmulated we cnt be giving the tax breaks to the millionaires im middle class and were the ones who carry the burden we have time for one more resonse if you wanna pss that down just going off that question as a country to propser and grow you cant do tht being dependent on the governmen thats something you have to do that individually free school it sounds great i just feel as a whole rather than you grow and learn that is all the tiem we have im so sorry i wanted to thank you guys all for being here so agin the biggest switch we had from our focus group as more people actually became trump supports
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now fox5 weather 24..7. with chief meteorologist ted pretty we'll keep very light north breezes overnight and through thursday. we'll warm up thursday to 83 degrees, then mid- 80s on friday. saturday looks to be the warmest day of the next week with 88 degrees. we'll see partly cloudy skies and a
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showers for sunday. we'll keep that slight chance into monday. a southwest wind increase gets here on sunday also, but only to around 25 mph. after 86 sunday, we'll see highs around 80 degrees monday through wednesday next week. we'll keep very light north breezes overnight and through thursday. we'll warm up thursday to 83
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80s on friday. saturday looks to be the warmest day of the next week with 88 degrees. we'll see partly cloudy skies and a slight chance of showers for sunday. we'll keep that slight chance into monday. a southwest wind increase gets here on sunday also, but only to around 25 mph. after 86 sunday, we'll see highs around 80 degrees monday through wednesday next week.
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hood should absolutely be defunded. and congressman hardy said he supported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. nra member: do i believe good, law abidin ve a right to bear arms? you bet. and with that right comes responsibilities. do i believe convicted felons have that same right? no. but right now, criminals can easily get guns at gun shows or online from strangers with no background check. i'm a member of the nra. owning guns is my right. but letting criminals walk into a gun show and walk out with a gun, no questions asked? that's a threat to all of us.
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news... the n-f-l owners wrapped up their meetings today in houston ... to talk about the future of the oakland raiders... some of them -- still aren't onboard with the idea of las vegas. fox5's vince sapienza is in studio with more. yeah.. that's right cyndi.... lost in the election buzz today.. was the conclusion of the first official pitch from raiders owner mark davis to the other 31 n- f-l owners.... regarding the raiders move to la now around town.. davis has received tremendous support.... but today he met some resistance... "we would love to have the raiders stay in oakland. we think that that's a positive thing. we've been also very clear over the last couple of years that it requires getting long term resolution to their stadium. we still don't have that solution " but raiders owner mark davis seems to be pretty clear--- about what he wants to do. "when i met with
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in the eye and said are you using us for leverage to get a better deal somewhere else? i told him i've never done that with a city....and if they come up with what we're talking about- so if he came through i was going to do everything i could to bring the raiders to las vegas." in an earlier report.....davis told the other owners barring an unexpected surprise... he plans to file papers to move the team from oakland to las january... now despite comssioner goodell wanting to keep the raiders in oakland.... the decision will not be in his hands... it will ultimalety be the n-f-l owners decision.... davis needs 24 of 32 yes votes to make the move... thanks vince.... there is no date set for the owners to vote.... many believe it will take place within the first six months of next year... coming up... there was some star power at tonight's final debate! and -- several celebrities were vocal about who they support we'll hear from musician steve aoki and actor scott baio about how
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celebrities have made their voices heard throughout the election... and some were even in the audience at the debate! for many of the big names who came out tonight... the show did not change their vote. a few even expressed disappointment in the candidates inability to stay on the issues. trump supporter -- scott baio -- says hillary didn't give any answers... while local d-j steve aoki saw the opposite. "i think he did well and i think she put me to sleep a little bit." "these debates, they always go off into areas that i just don't care about. nobody says what
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going to create a million jobs' she says. how!?!?" "clinton really kept talking about how it was affecting the american people where with donald trump it felt like it was more of an attack on his ego and how he had to clean that up. you know, it just made me more clear that i'm voting for clinton." the celebs also said regardless of who you're supporting -- it's important that everyone gets out to vote. and the linq lights up the colors of the american flag... in honor of the final debate! here's a live look


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