tv FOX5 News at 1000pm FOX October 31, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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a deadly halloween on valley roads... " he keeps saying daddy wheres mommy and he cant talk to her " the father of a young boy - caught in the middle of a murder investigation of the boy's mother is speaking out.. where he was the night of her murder .. and what he thinks really happened. encounters with coyotes are becoming too common of an occurance in one henderson neighborhood... how you and your neighbors can keep them from coming back. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. it has been a deadly halloween night on valley roads... two crashes involving pedestrains killing one woman and leaving a man fighting for his life. the deadly crash has also forced metro to shut down sunset near the airport. i'm john huck. i'm christine maddela. both crashes
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dusk - when our roads were packed with rush hour traffic ... and trick or treaters. we begin near the airport at sunset and bermuda with fox5's faith tanner... happened on sunset just west of bermuda. truck hit a pedestrian who was jaywalking across sunset. taken to umc where she died. no crosswalks. driver and not hurt. drivers stayed on the scene and have been cooperating with police. police didn't have a lot of information to share. but here's what they had to say about what happened. paul mccullough, sgt metro "a pedestrian was in the roadway we don't know if she was coming from the north of the south side of the road and she was in the pathway of a truck"
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closed captioning will resume shortly earlier this evening... an elderly man was critically injured when he was hit by an su-v. it happened in a neighborhood near lamb and vegas valley. police say the man was jaywalking when he was hit. the driver stayed on the scene and cooperated with police. a cool night for trick or treaters... fox5's chief meteorologist ted pretty joins us with a look at the forecast. toss to weather it will be a mild night for trick-or- treating across the las vegas valley tonight. temperatures will be in the 70s and 60s under partly cloudy skies. look for a slight spooky breeze 5 to 15 mph. cooler air working into the area will bring our high temperatures down into the low 70s and upper 60s on tuesday with a few clouds passing across the area. look for plenty of
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with a northerly breeze blowing across the valley. highs will be in the mid 70s. some showers are expected over arizona thursday and friday, but all of that activity looks to stay off to our east. we'll see some clouds at times as temperatures climb into the weekend. we're back into the low 80s saturday and sunday. a two year old child is without a mother after police say jevon hudson shot and killed moinee wade. three days later .. police arrested hudson. fox5's cyndi lundeberg joins us now after speaking to moinee's longtime boyfriend... and father of her child... rodney sergeant told me hes been dating moniee wade since 2012... they have a two year old child together.. and
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sargent says despite what police say... wade and the suspect jevon hudson... were not in a relationship. i have to go through life knowing the better part of me aint going to be there rodney sargent immediately burst into tears when we began talking about 28 year old moinee wade. sargent calls wade the love of his life... and says they have a two year old son named trent. he keeps saying daddy wheres mommy and he cant talk to her just after midnight wednesday wade was found shot near alta drive and jones. 39 year old jevon hudson was arrested for the murder. police believe wade was shot once in the stomach... then hudson stood over her and shot her in the head. she just told me she was gone and i cant cope with it sargent says he was at work when wades sister called him and told him... i had called her 3 times and texted her and i didnt get
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the news tht i got i asked sergeant about wades relationship with hudson. he says the two were friends and hudson did try to come onto wade which she refused. when she worked at wildifre rancho he was a cusomer and hed come and this time we were going through thigns so they picked up a friendship it was nothign mroe than a friendship sargent says he doesnt know why hudson would have done this... and doesnt know why wade would have got in th for now he's tryying to figure out how to tell their son trent... his mom isnt coming home. when i was going home today thats who i was going to be going home to rodney sargent- she was the best part of me she motivated me like no one ele has rodney sargent- something about her attracted her to me rodney sargent- i dot know what life holds but i do asleep... and woke up the next day and kept calling
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she didnt answer. sargeant says he thought maybe she had been called in to work... and thats why she wasnt answering her phone. hudson now faces first degree murder charges. reporting live cl fnll. the family also set up a gofund me to help raise money for wade's son... and funeral expenses we have a link to that on our website. shots are fired in a crowded walmart parking lot... police say it happened around 11 at the walmart at craig and m-l-k. police say some people were fighting in the lot before the shots were fired. officers say no one was injured-- but there was damage to one parking lot. its that time of year again, as the temperture drops outside, more coyotes are coming into our neighborhoods from the desert and mountains... and more than just a nusiance, sometimes these encounters can be dangerous. fox5's miguel martinez valle joins us now with some tips on how to avoid problems with wild animals. there have been quite a few coyote spottings in the last few weeks in the legacy henderson neighborhood.. and a man i spoke to today says he knows from experience, an
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these guys can be deadly for some of the neighborhood pets. " as soon as the cat stopped screeching the coyote started howling" it was a howl jeff smith had learned to look out for... " they were right down in this area, about 12 feet away from this fence" coyotes, roaming the neighborhood, and the surrounding golf course, looking for food... " the pitman wash is just down the way and i am sure that is their highway" "bridge: smith and his neighbors have seen multiple cayotes so far this year, their biggest concern, one of them could attack one of their beloved pets" " we had a toy poodle a couple of years ago that got attacked by a coyote and ultimatly died because of
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now, but that attack has kept him on the lookout... especially this time of year... " as the tempertures from the summer start to cool off, we become more active, so do they" doug nielson from the nevada deptartment of wildlife says wild animals start to move around during the day this time of year... but there are a few things to do to keep them away from your home. " number one is dont feed them" dont feed them, and try to keep their prey away... the more animals like rabbits you have outside, the more likely they'll use your yard as a buffet. another tip: " we really encourage people to maintain control of their pets" keep dogs on a leash, and cats inside... smith is taking these suggestions to heart... he wants to keep his dog wolfie, and his neighbors pets safe. "he's a bigger poodle but folks with smaller animals need to be aware and be careful" coyotes usually won't attack humans, but another way to keep them away is to make them uncomfortable in our enviorment, that means yelling at them or spraying them with water from a hose... basically let them know they're not welcome. for issues with wild animals you can contact the nevada department of wildlife, you can find their information on our website fox5vegas dot com the henderson hospital opened it's doors to the public today... and they're already
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"we're starting out with about 450- 500 jobs and it will grow as the census and the volume grow with the hospital." "we got to hand pick our staff and we were looking for that special type of a person that can deliver the greatest care known to man kind." services the new hospital will provide include surgeries... radiology... and labs. there's also a pharmacy... a maternity ward and-- of course-- a brand new emergency room. in the next five years... the hospital plans to expand to cover even more ground in the medic world. the countdown to election day is on... early voting ends this friday. and the democratic presidential nominee is making another push for voters to get to the polls early in the valley. hillary clinton will be in las vegas on wednesday... talking about her vision for america. we do not yet have details on where the event will be held... but it is open to the public... for many-- a trip to the emergency room may be a last resort... patients can be met with varying wait times around
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jim dunlap: too many nevada police officers have been killed in the last few years. the truth is, we make it too easy for they get them at gun shows or online from strangers, no questions asked. so here's something we can do to honor the fallen: close the background check loophole. that will help prevent future cop killings. it works. in states that have closed the loophole, nearly half as many police officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty. background checks save lives. v.o.: yes on question one. "she's a slob." "she ate like a pig."
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you're watching fox5 news at 10, with emmy award winner john huck. christine maddela. and weather 24/7 with chief meteorologist ted pretty. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. when patients go to the emergency room, many want and expect fast care... but some spend hours stuck in the waiting room
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even seen by a doctor or nurse. fox5's eric hilt searched through data and shows us how las vegas hospitals stack up against e-r's across the country. nats - beeping of machines in an emergency department every second matters "we've got to figure out what's wrong with you as fast as possible" but what's "fast as possible" depends on what emergency department you find yourself in. at some valley hospitals, seconds can turn into minutes and minutes into hoursall before a patient sees a doctor or nurse "if you come in with cold or flu symptoms and your vital signs are all normal, you may wait 2 or 3 hours to be seen" so we investigated those times -- looking through wait time numbers reported to the government and comparing them to hospitals across the nation. according to the centers for medicaid and medicare services... the median er wait times for "very busy" hospitals across the country is 30 minutes in las vegas -- sunrise hospital and st. rose hospital reported waits that fall well under that
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minutes but university medical center - the busiest hospital in the state - nearly doubles the national figure... a median wait time of 63 minutes. i sat down with umc's chairman of emergency medicine, dale carrison, and asked about that hour-long wait. "median wait time means all comers. some are going to be rapid, some are going to be over that 60 minute time, they'll be 120 minutes..." "it's not like we don't know that there's a problem, but it's on things" he says those things are that umc sees more and sicker patients than any other local hospital. "with sicker patients, you see different times, not making excuses those are just facts" but carrison also told me those numbers that you can find online or on billboards -- aren't always right... "and i know for a fact that even in this community that places that say we see you in 5 minutes or ten minutes or whatever, that means they've
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"it's not, it's not. it's a lot more than that..." southern hills hospital ceo adam rudd says that argument isn't true. "...we take those billboards very seriously...we have very standard processes to make sure they're accurate" "they walk in the front door, there is a clinician that will eyeball them figure out what their problem is...and then we get a medical provider to look at them and get a full eval and start the treatment process." but as the weather cools flu season kicks off -- valley ers will see coming through those doors than any other time of year. "it's very, very busy" so they say it's not just up to hospitals -- pateints can help keep those wait times low for themselves...and everybody else. "if you feel bad and you think you have the flu, this fall you may be sitting in an emergency department for 3 or 4 hours, when maybe you can go to your local quick care and get right in and get treated."
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keeping times short is an ongoing battle and they are expanding to keep up with that demand. the sunrise hospital system has been opening up several of those urgent care centers and even a free-standing emergency department to treat patients faster. and before the end of the year umc is starting an emergency department expansion that will add up to 10-20 beds to the department, which the hospital says will help bring down its hour- long median wait time. now fox5 w 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty it will be a mild night for trick-or- treating across the las vegas valley tonight. temperatures will be in the 70s and 60s under partly cloudy skies. look for a slight spooky breeze 5 to 15 mph. cooler air working into the area will bring our high temperatures down into the low 70s and upper 60s on tuesday with a few clouds passing across the area. look for plenty of sunshine wednesday with a northerly breeze blowing across the valley. highs will be in the mid 70s. some across the valley. highs will be in the mid 70s. some showers are expected over arizona thursday and friday, but all
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our east. we'll see some clouds at times as temperatures climb into the weekend. we're back into the low 80s saturday and sunday. closed captioning will resume shortly the chicago cubs treating across the tonight. temperatures will be in the 70s and 60s under partly cloudy skies. look for a slight spooky breeze 5 to 15 mph. cooler air working into the area will bring our high temperatures down into the low 70s and upper 60s on tuesday with a few clouds passing across the area. look for plenty of sunshine wednesday with a northerly breeze blowing across the valley. highs will be in the mid 70s. some showers are expected over arizona thursday and friday, but all
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narrator: the target... seniors. danny tarkanian set up thirteen fake charities that preyed on vulnerable seniors... fronts for telemarketing schemes. the scams danny tarkanian helped set up. jacky rosen has always led with integrity. in congress, jacky rosen will protect seniors and strengthen social security. and jacky rosen will always be responsible with your tax dollars. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen and i approved this message. jim dunlap: too many nevada police officers have been killed in the last few years. the truth is, we make it too easy for criminals and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns.
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so here's something we can do to honor the fallen: close the background check loophole. that will help prevent future cop killings. it works. in states that have closed the loophole, nearly half as many police officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty. background checks save lives. v.o.: yes on question one. hillary clinton: far too many families today don't earn what they need and don't have the opportunities they deserve.
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women, and jobs they can really live on. people ask me what will be different if i'm president? well kids and families have been the passion of my life and they will be the heart of my presidency. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. and cleveland indians are heading back to ohio for game six
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series. and both teams still remain hopeful... "bryant says: "..why not us? i feel like we play our best with our backs up against the wall." lindor says: "..i still believe in my pitching staff. i still believe we can do it." " the indians are up three games to two.... but it is still anyone's ball game. chicago's jake arrieta will pitch against cleveland's josh tomlin. and you can see game six right here tomorrow night on fox5. the game begins at 5 pm after a special edition of fox5 news at 3 and at 4. for a special edition of fox5 news immediately following the game. from the baseball diamond... to the poker table... the world series of poker is back in las vegas the november nine are battling it out for the eight million dollar prize purse. the tournament-- being played at the rio all suite hotal and casino. the top competitors beat out more than 67 hundred others for a place at the final table. the tournament airs tonight and tomorrow night
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a busy night on valley roads turns deadly. one person dead and another critically injured--- we'll have the latest. "i can't imagine the panic you don't really think anything of it because nothing really happens at desert oasis. " a teen is behind bars... after threatening a local high school. how a parent in arizona helped stop the teen before it was too
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pedestrians this halloween night. one of them deadly-- the other leaving a man in critical condition. a busy intersection still closed... that's where we find fox5's faith tanner with the latest. closed captioning will resume shortly driver and passenger were not hurt. drivers stayed on the scene and have been cooperating with police. police didn't have a lot of information to share. but here's what
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" "the drivers of the truck remained on the scene and were cooperative with police the pedestrian was transported to umc trauma where she has been pronounced deceased" " closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning closed captioning will resume shortly earlier this evening... an elderly man was critically injured when he was hit by an su-v. it happened in a neighborhood near lamb and vegas valley. police say the man was jaywalking when he was hit. the driver stayed on the scene and cooperated with police. a valley student arrested-- after police say he made threats against a local high school... last week parents say they got a robo call from the school... but got no specifics.... fox5's adam herbets tells us... parents quickly found out... how serious the threats were... nats driving dip to black fade up, phone call good morning parents, this mr. adams the principal at desert oasis high school with an important message it was a message left on every
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but at the time... they might not have known how serious this really was. more nats phone call talking about threat i can't imagine the panic and omg no shudders 4:59 it looked like he was acting alone and had some made some plans that he was going to do a mass shooting in the near future a 15 year old... arrested for threatening to shoot up the school. police say it started out as a rumor... but they knew it was real when they found evidence at his house. you see it happen a lot like in the movies and in the news and the fact that the guy had evidence -- it's actually scary. you don't really think anything of it because nothing really happens at desert oasis. when there's hard lockdowns they just keep you in the room that's it. and then everything blows over. police say -- they might have been able to stop something very bad from happening... thanks to a parent in arizona. (nats) standup: adam herbets reporting that parent overheard their kid talking to the 15 year old on skype... heard about the
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school... and then called the police. (nats skype) 6:00 this is in part thanks to a parent that was being nosey. thanks to a parent that was paying attention. thanks to a parent that did not sit on the information and brought the information forward. 6;09 i'd like to thank them because hey might have prevented them a lot of death or something worse. thank god for nosy parents but i don't normally thank them. they're annoying. the motive at this the motive at this point is still unclear. we don't know found in the teen's room... but the team sent in to recover it-- specializes in hazardous materials... like bombs and chemicals. a 7-year-old boy--- dead-- after being beaten and strangled--- police say this is the man that's responsible. this is kenneth robinson is responsible. they were called to the siegel suites -- sunday afternoon. he was taken to sunrise hospital where he died. the boy-- is identified the child as masje on a a go-fund me page. police say the boy and his mother lived in the same
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girlfriend and other children. now some neighbors are wondering why the mother hasn;t been charged. " how could you not know that your child is being beaten to the point that they die from their injuries? how could you not know that? " robinson's criminal history shows a contempt of court charge from earlier this month. two women arrested for the murder of a nine- year-old girl-- who overdosed on prescription pain killers... go before a judge. police say kendra hatch-- the girl's looking for the suspects who has been hitting slot machines at convenience aunt-- gave the weren't prescribed to her-- when she broke her arm- instead of taking her to the hospital. bail wasn't set for either of the women. police are looking for the suspects who has been hitting slot machines at convenience stores across the valley. take a look at this video... police say since may-- this man has burglarized at least fifteen slot the northwest valley and north las vegas. police say he uses a crow bar to pry
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machines... takes the cas box and leaves. they believe he is using a gray or silver sedan as a getaway car... if you recognize this man-- you are asked to call crimestoppers at 702-385-55-55. a person has been arrested in connection to a manhunt in oklahoma. the u-s marshals service arrested danny roach-- he's a convicted felon. and oklahoma authorities say he helped suspected murderer-- michael vance-- just hours after killing a couple. " : "he admitted that vance came to his home and that vance told him to look at his facebook page to see what had just happened. roach admitted he was aware that vance had just been in a shootout with law enforcement, and he also knew that vance had just killed two people." roach is charged with two counts roach is charged with two counts each of accessory to murder, possession of a firearm after former conviction and shooting with intent to kill.
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with authorities on sunday night. a florida judge has decided to release the 9-1-1 calls made by the shooter in the deadly nightclub massacre. but not all of the victims' families want to hear from him... " : "i am just being brave for my son. all of this is for him because he would want me to talk for him. because he was an outgoing person. so, that is what i am doing. " the judge made the decision after listening to arguments from the city's attorneys and testimony from victims' family members. omar mateen killed 49 people and wounding dozens when he opened fire on the gay nightclub on june 12th. a little girl was on a mission... and she showed off her determination-- one lawn at a time. "i remember that daddy had always told me his stories of mowing, like how he got to six flags he mowed to get the money to go, so i was like can i mow to help raise money. " " 10-year old addison pickering raise money to go to disneyland with her school dance
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be expensive-- so she went to work-- mowing lawns... and she raised 26 hundred dollars! the team will perform at the holiday spectacular parade in california's disneyland in anaheim. president obama and the first lady went all out for their final halloween in the white house... inviting trick or treaters for some sweets. "51-102 you guys all look scary or cool, or whatever you're trying to be. awesome, many of you look awesome. and we hope you have a great time " kids from surrounding schools- celebrated the holiday at 16 hundred pennsylvania avenue. the president even gave the kids a free pass to ignore michelle obama's healthy eating habits... and indulge in the treats. some students also joined in a flash mob to michael jackson's thriller. she was granting wishes from a courtroom this halloween. how this fairy godmother helped several families-- forever today.... it's sign of the times... the change butterball is making to it's
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the desert is where bad guys go when they want to make evidence disappear. but hiding the evidence won't help danny tarkanian. sure, he can bury all those property taxes he skipped out on for years... ...or the scams against seniors he formed... or the $17 million judgment he never paid. he can try, but he can't make his record disappear. danny tarkanian: just a con man who can't bury the truth. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. we've got a choice to make. jacky rosen wants to build an economy that works for all of us, creating good jobs, expanding solar energy,
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tarkanian lost $17 million in a failed development scheme and stuck taxpayers with the bill. he even helped set up fake charities used to scam nevada seniors. danny tarkanian's out for himself. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. jim dunlap: too many nevada police officers have been killed in the last few years. the truth is, we make it too easy for criminals and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. they get them at gun shows or online from strangers, so here's something we can do to honor the fallen: close the background check loophole. that will help prevent future cop killings. it works. in states that have closed the loophole, nearly half as many police officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty. background checks save lives.
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wear then... they get to have their own little halloween party. the group visits hospitals all over the valley-- including sunrise and u-m-c. "they're thinking they're going to be in the hospital and their going to miss out on trick or treating, getting candy, all the stuff their friends and family members are doing so at least they get to have a little bit of halloween here so when they put on those costumes and they smile, that makes us feel really good. that we can bring something to them." "community ambulance" is made up of paramedics... e-m-t's and hospital staff. one judge made more t wishes come true today-- and she even dressed the part to do it! "congratulations!" "thank you" "yeah, so no more court! this is it! he's yours, mom. thank you guys for coming!" "thank you!" judge "cynthia giuliani" dressed up as fairy godmother to make adoptions even more special for some former foster kids. the kids got to wear costumes too and were even given some treats! this is the 5-th halloween in a row judge giuliani
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now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty it will be a mild night for trick-or- treating across the las vegas valley tonight. temperatures will be in the 70s and 60s under partly cloudy skies. look for a slight spooky breeze 5 to 15 mph. cooler air working into the area will bring our high temperatures down into the low 70s and upper 60s on tuesday with a few clouds passing across the area. look for plenty of sunshine wednesday with a northerly breeze blowing across the valley. highs will be in the mid 70s. some showers are expected over arizona thursday and friday, but all of that activity looks to stay off to
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it's been a month of october surprises in the presidential campaign.. now the fbi is loadeng emails belonging to huma abedin into a computer to deterimine whether there is any classified information.. she's a close aide to hillary clinton and anthony weiner's estranged wife.. will this have any impact on the election? callers!
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right to know that there probably is a lot of illegal things or confidential emails on that particular computer. generally speaking people have already chosen who they want. they want hillary, they're going to vote for hillary, if they believe that she's telling the truth and if they want donald trump, they're going to vote for donald trump. what happens if she gets elected then gets indicted for everything she's done with security type emails? trump might not be the greatest but he's a better alternative than hillary. well it looks like mrs. clinton solved one problem, she won't have to worry about what color pants suit to pick because it's [going to] be orange. more rants on question two which would legalize recreational marijuana. this caller says do it! i personally think that if marijuana was legalized here it could increase tourism by possibly 25 percent. people out there wondering where to go on their vacation, atlantic city, miami etc. just might say, hey lets go to nevada we can gamble and smoke. i think it's stupid! absolutely stupid!
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stupid. anybody that wants it, is stupid! absolutely stupid! that's all [we] need is stupid high people driving on the roads killing people. joyce says it's only dangerous to children if the parents are careless and don't keep it safely stored, where children can't get their hands on it. hopefully most parents are smart enough to do that. one last calelr! to the nhp officers on 215 at jones, trying to wrangle the little puppy that was on the freeway, thank you for your service and putting your life out there on the freeway for a puppy. and to all the cars who slowed down and tried to help thank you too. it's greatly appreciated and it's good to see there still some good kind hearted people in the world. send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- 8285
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what's coming up... on fox five news at eleven. we've seen videos like this of campaign signs being stolen... destroyed... or burned! now -- homeowners have had enough! what they're doing to send a message to the thieves. football players endure some dangerous hits in the sport... and one quarterback is fed up! what cam newton says needs to happen in the games... and... this is how nasa engineers do pumpkin-carving! w'ell show you the incredible creations the group made... in only just an hour! today is halloween-- so obviously we are already looking forward to thanksgiving and christmas... and this year-- butterball is making things easier on those celebrating... by going digital. for the first time-- the company is allowing people to text their cooking questions. the turkey brand will start taking text message questions on thursday november seventeenth through thanksgiving day. butterball says it expects the most-asked
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take to thaw the turkey"? and delivery drivers will be on the move this year... u-p-s plans to deliver more than 700 million packages between thanksgiving and new year's eve-- across the globe. that's about one hundred million more than last year. so to get ready for the busy season--- u-p-s is hiring about 95 thousand temporary workers this holiday season. other companies are following suit-- amazon is hiring 120 thousand temporary workers and fedex is hiring 50 thousand seasonal employees. coming up with a group costume isn't always easy... but one mom-- just turned it into a major competition... now her family is taking home the gold. that's next you're watching fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas
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we've learned a lot about how joe heck works. follow the money. he called nevada's foreclosure crisis a "blip" and took almost $700,000 from wall street, including some of the same banks who caused the crisis. and then there's money he's taken from payday lenders who charge 521% interest. heck co-sponsored legislation protecting their predatory practices. add it all up, and joe heck is working for corporate special interests.
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for nevada. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i served under president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember. narrator: and joe heck says i have "high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." trump: you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i love war in a certain way. narrator: and heck? reporter: do you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do.
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heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck. wrong for nevada. narrator: the target... seniors. danny tarkanian set up thirteen fake charities that preyed on vulnerable seniors... fronts for telemarketing schemes. seniors lost millions from the scams danny tarkanian helped set up. jacky rosen has always led with integrity. in congress, jacky rosen will protect seniors and strengthen social security. and jacky rosen will always be
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i'm jacky rosen and i approved this message. creative for halloween... but finding the perfect costume for everyone-- can be hard... now one mom in kansas city-- has totally nailed it. denise hill has set the bar high... she loves halloween and tries to out do herself each year. this year-- she and her daughters decided to go as sports trophies.
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little different-- dance, soccer, track and tennis. within a few days-- it got more than 30 thousand likes. fox5 news at 11, your only local station here for you at both 10 and 11 "she's a slob." "she ate like a pig." "i'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers..." "bimbos", "dogs", and "fat pigs." but congressman crescent hardy said he'd support donald trump 100%. nevada, there's a better choice: ruben kihuen. kihuen pushed to crack down on employers who pay women less than men. and kihuen will always protect a woman's right to choose. ruben kihuen for nevada. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em.
10:57 pm
like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible
10:59 pm
they'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? it's like incredible. when mexico sends its people, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy - ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. he's going like, "i don't remember!? the choices we are about to make. the goals we will strive for. the principles we will live by. and we need to make sure that they can be proud of us.
11:00 pm
we begin with breaking news of major police activity nead mount hood and carey on the east side of the valley. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. for the last hour viewerrs have been sending in tips on social media to what's ahppening out there... including saying there was a shooting.. fox 5's miguel amrtinez-valle is live near mt hood and carey.. and miguel .. have you been able to confirm any of these rumors? closed captioning will resume shortly
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