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tv   FOX5 News at 1100pm  FOX  November 11, 2016 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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this is fox5 news at 11. local las vegas. it's another night of protests across the country -- from new york to california. this is a live look right now in ... the protests are in response to donald trump being elected president. demonstrators have overtaken highways... some have smashed windows... starting fires. in some cities -- police have responded in riot gear -- using flash bang grenades. some thought the protests would die down. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. there are no protests happening in las vegas again tonight... but some groups are planning to take to the streets tomorrow.
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cheyenne is blocked off tonight in the northwest valley... while police investigate a deadly motorcycle crash. fox 5s cyndi lundeberg is live at the scene after speaking to investigators... this crash happenned just after 530... investigators here tell me a motorcycle was flying down cheyenne and then slammed into the back of a mini man. the rider who is a 30 year old man died here st the scene. the driver of the mini van stayed on scene and is cooperating with police. "good reminder for motorcyclists on road pay attentiont to roadway before commit to turn look farther down road. be aware of motorcyclists." this is the 24th motorcycle death this year...
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just to give you an idea of how fast this motorcyclist was going the crash happenned way back there... the bike then slid all the way up here for a 1,000 feet before it stopped. reporting live cl ffnll as veterans day wraps up many across the country are wraps up many across the country are taking the time to thank the men and woman who have served our freedom. right here in las vegas, veterans village held a celebration for our vets fox5's miguel martinez valle was there and brings us the story... there was food, there was music, and even speeches thanking our vets... but with this divisive week, where people in this nation are fearing for their rights, others are fearing for their safety because of protests... the conversation around veterans soon turned to honoring them by coming together
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< i pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the united states of america> the united states of america, the land of the free... the home of the brave... " what better way to celebrate veterans than to serve those who have served our country" today those protecting our republic, were celebrated, remembered, and honored... " this is the least we can do to honor them, and thats what we do we honor them every day" veterans village held the celebration,and along with mayor carolyn goodman they announced plans to continue helping veterans in need... " the main thing is whats being done here, that homeless and veterans should never be together in any sentence" many also took the time to thank those who fought
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am super proud of them and thank you for my freedom" " that we will never forget the sacrafices that they have made for us" "family and friends have gone out there and fought for it and they're home safely, its a huge thing i am so happy to have them" and remember those who gave their lives... " freedom does not come free, a lot of people lost their lives to ensure out freedom" " you've sacraficed so much for us, and it is not just one day a year but year round that celebrated" addressing the nation wide unrest... the mayor called for unity, saying the best way to honor our veterans, is for everyone to come together as a nation. " move forward, think of the sacrifices that have been made so you can voice your opinion, and pull together for heavens sakes." < end of pledge of allegiance> one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all... one nation> the founder of veterans village also thanked the mayor for her help with their program, he talked about visiting the white house this year and advocating for help for veterans
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veterans village announcements tonight included a thousand new housing units for veterans... and a new crisis intervention center. wounded veterans from around the country were welcomed to las vegas with a marching band... cheerleaders... and thousands of people cheering and waving signs. fox5's cyndi lundeberg shows us how some of our nations heroes and being honored this veterans day... nats band james bassett veteran army - deployed kuwait - i dont know what to expect honestly this is how 70 of our nations heroes were welcomed to las vegas... band a marching band... cheerleaders.... and of course a red carpet... was rolled out at the mirage. michael cain retired staff sergeant - we had cheerleaders and marching band waiting for us ive never seen that but that wasn't all. nats cheering thank you thank you these wounded warriors then walked through what organizers call.... nats cheering signs a human wall of cheering. usa usa usa
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close to 13- thousand people it was a surreal moment it was awesome these men and women... tell me their proud of their service... but live with the reminder everyday. michael cain is one of those veterans. it def makes us feel very much appreciated but i telle verybody were everyday americans who had a bad day at work cain a retired army staff sereant was serving in iraq when a truck he was in drove over a pair of buried land mines... he lost both of his legs. and even though he's a tough guy.... friday's event struck a chord in him. i wont say i cried but it was definetly it hit me right in the heart gave me a lump i my throat the event was made possible by mgm resorts. we think its criticial to say thank ou and show our graittude the veterans were alowed to bring someone for a fun filled weekend on the strip. they hope everyone watching remembers veterans day... isn't just one day a year... its an event to be celebrated year round. james bassett veteran army - deployed kuwait be appreciative because you never know what tmomorrow holds robert harrah- veteran airforce- its heart warming to know they are out tere keeping america safe and some have even given their lives
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spend the week in las vegas... theyll also be treated to dinners... and shows. mgm resorts international says they put on this event because they have three thousands vets who work for them. the runnin' rebels season is officially underway! tonight unlv had its first regular season game of the year as they took on south alabama. fox 5 sports director kevin bolinger is live at the thomas and mack with highlights and post game reaction. closed captioning
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don't forget to join kevin and unlv football coach tony sanchez for rebzone sunday night at 11. following sports plus and fox5 news at 10. a salute in the sky! the u-s air force is honoring our veterans... "nats of jets" we'll have a look at the "aviation nation" show at nellis air force base... and some of the newest aircraft in the military. and... a local veteran says he'll never forget this veteran's day! the gift he received that will help him deal with his injury... during his time serving in the u-s army. your fox5 weather
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be going on all weekend long. the aviation nation is celebrating 75 years of airpower with a free air show tomorrow!
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today was the dress rehearsal show. it depicts the history of american aviation and salutes the recent accomplishments of the u-s- military. aircrafts will also be on display for the public to explore. "it's always special to get out to an air show. as a commander the thing that makes it extra special is that we get a chance to say thank you to the community. so, to set all this up. do all this work for our partners across the valley, it really means a lot to be able to give a little bit something back for what they do for us everyday." the air show start tomorrow at ten-thirty a-m on the nellis air force base. and today -- a local veteran received a life- changing gift. 83-year-old mark kleckner has been struggling with a knee injury for decades. he got the injury while serving on base in the army during the korean war... and now he can't walk or stand for long periods of time. but this week -- the newly formed las vegas chapter
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war veterans association" gave mark a wheelchair. it's a gift that he told me will change his life. "when we heard that i was chosen, we became totally elated, it was a time to toast champagne, it was that kind of elation, it felt great" "one-oh-one mobility" and u- haul also pitched in to install ramps and lifts... in the veteran's home and car. we would like to take a moment to recognize some of our very special veterans here at fox5. this is our engineer marcus smith.... he was a civil engineer for the air force in the 70s. and this is our chief meteorlogist ted pretty. he was a member of the illinois guard. we thank both of you and all of the men and women who have served our country.
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pretty skies stay mostly clear for your friday night with temperatures in the 60s this evening. overnight low temperatures fall back into the 50s. a system moving into the pacific northwest will bring increasing cloud cover across southern nevada on saturday. we won't see any rain, and temperatures remain on the mild side with high temperatures in the mid to low 70s. sunday will bring more sunshine with highs in the mid to upper 70s. monday and tuesday will stay warm and mostly sunny with upper 70s. a cold front moving in wednesday will bring gusty wind with temperatures falling back into
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colder air invades thursday and friday with highs only in the mid to low 60s. closed captioning
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closed captioning will resume shortly "mariachi band" we're kicking off
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holiday food drive! fox five wants to help families in need of food during the holidays! today -- fox five's ted pretty kicked off the event at albertson's... near stephanie and horzion ridge. you can make a donation at the register... or you can purchase a hunger bag. at von's or albertsons... you'll see a display featuring myself... john... and ted. the hunger bags have food items inside. "the nice thing about the drive is it is super easy for customers to get behind. you can either make a donation at the register with change- spare change or you can purchase a hunger bag. everything collected will go to benefit 3 square food bank" the fox five holiday food drives starts
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santa claus took time out of his busy schedule... to visit las vegas. and he brought some snow with him too! we'll show you saint nick's arrival parade at town square... and the ceremonial christmas tree
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whoa, this is awful, try it. oh no, that looks gross what is that? you gotta try it, it's terrible. i don't wanna try it if it's terrible. it's like mango chutney and burnt hair. no thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. just try it! guys, i think we should hurry up. if you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. i can't get the taste out of my mouth! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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month away from christmas... but santa claus made an early stop to las vegas! "ho ho ho merry christmas. santa." a parade welcomed saint nick at town square. he arrived on his sleigh with reindeer. santa clause also helped light the 45-foot christmas tree. "who are you going to see in the parade?" "santa!" "yeah, are you excited to see santa"
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that you shouldn't be able to start christmas until after thanksgiving but i figured since they have tree up before halloween we might as well join in the festivities." santa wasn't the only star tonight. there were special performances by clint holmes and the nevada ballet. christmas decorations are already lighting up at some places around the valley... for those wanting to celebrate the holiday early. one of the biggest displays is "glittering lights" -- at the las vegas motor speedway. it officially opened tonight. you drive through millions of lights... while tuned in to a christmas radio station. the display benefits the speedway children's charity. "its going to various children charity who are also helping children in need. funds grants go to summer camp cancer blood disease shoes and sock. and variety of programs through dance and so forth." you can check out all the lights starting now... until january 7-th. it costs 20 bucks
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weekdays... and 30 dollars on fridays... and weekends. those that donate to goodwill receive a discount. and... ethel m. cactus garden is almost ready to welcome visitors. the display is lighting up... but it's official opening night is next tuesday. there will be live performances by strip headliner terry fator... and local student choirs. the event starts around five p-m... and is free to the public. the u-f-c 205 weigh-ins at madison square entertaining with conor mcgregor involved... but fans were treated to something extra! "amanda this is opporutunity to fight the most famous womens fighter in history of the sport..." ronda rousey and amanda nunes took to the stage for a staredown... we'll have more on what happened. las vegas will be rockin' all weekend long! it's part of "the rock and roll
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we'll hear from organizers about the year-long preparations -- of one of the few events -- to shut
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roll marathon" will be shutting down the las vegas strip this weekend... and it's celebrating a milestone! this is the 50-th year for the event. the 26-mile race mandalay bay ... pass the welcome to las vegas sign... up the strip... then downtown past the fremont street experience. it goes right back down the strip... then finishes at the mirage volcano. more than 45- thousand people are expected to take part... from more than 80 countries. organizers say the event is a year in the making. the rock and roll marathon partnered with the traffic app "waze"... so you can know what roads are closed. u-f-c featherweight
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featherweight champion conor mcgregor could make history... if he defeats lightweight champ eddie alvarez tomorrow in new york. but after the weigh-ins... they brought out fighters in another highly- anticipated bout... which will happen right here in las vegas. "the challenger, the former ufc bantamweight in world. ronda... show the staredown." ronda rousey returns to the 30-th... for ufc 207. she'll try to regain her women's bantamweight title from champion amanda nunes. after the staredown on stage -- rousey skipped the joe rogan interview... and walked off stage. she waved to


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