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tv   Today  NBC  November 5, 2015 7:00am-10:00am CST

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good morning. terror in the air. u.s. officials now say it was lilily a bomb that brought down that russian airliner and that isis may be responsible. the head of the airport where the plane took off, fired. we're live with the latest from egypt. what did they know? the wife and son of the illinois police officer who officials say staged his suicide to look like a police shooting, under scrutiny. as the investigators reveal the officer had been feeling for years. >> he went from a hero to a which will. >> this morning, where the investigation goes from here. not laughing. >> hey, hey, ho, ho, donald trump has got to go. >> hispanic groups protest nbc for donald trump's holding of "saturday night live," as the show yanks this online promo. >> because of equal time rules for television, mr. trump can
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onon speak for four seconds in this promo. >> i'll say this, ben carson is a complete and toyotatal loser. >> he releases his first campaigngnad. we'll talk to trump live. and show stopper. nothing like your love to get me high >> justin timberlake goes a little bit country a a the cmas chltd. the performance that brought down the house, today, thursday, november 5th, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, thisiss "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a business thursday morning. >> the story of the russian plane crash becoming more troubling, with more information coming in in the last several hours. >> a lot of developments to get to. u.s. officials saying the
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isis may be responsible. the 224 victims are laid to rest today. we'll talk about the impact on security at airports here in the u.s. and around the world. we want to start with the investigation this morning and nbc's bill neely in cairo. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. strong suspicions and serious implications perhaps for all of us. u.s. officials saying they have information. they call it evidence. that points to terrorism as a possible cause of this crash, and points to the world's deadliest terror group. from the moment the first rescuers arrived, a bomb was one popoible cause of the crash. investigators scouring for clues for six days. now, u.s. intelligence says the evidence indicates it was likely a bomb. isis has twiwi claim it downed the plane. it's shown no evidence. it is active in the area, and u.s. officials believe if it was
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it's a strong suspicion, not a conclusion, and no evidence of explosives has been found. but it's a suspicion shared by britain. >> we formed the judgment that there is a significant possibility that the russian rcraft was brought downy an explosive device on board. >> reporter: britain, one of three countries stopping all flights to the airport where the plane took off. american aircraft have long been warned away from this ea. >> we obviously have a strong desire to get to the bottom of what exactly happened there. >> reporter: no one is ruling out a technical fault as the cause. the black boxox recorders are still being worked on. but the focus now is on the airport and its workers. >> a member of your terrorist team as an employee would be able to go anywhere. >> reporter: egypt and russia resent the u.s. and britain suspicions.
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nina was a 60-year-old grandmother and the first passssger to be buried. there is deep concern among u.s. officials, there's enough circumstantial evidence to suggest she was murdered in midair and wasn't the victim of mechanical failure. >> the egyptians really kicking back this morning. a government minister saying the u.s. theory isn't based on facts, but they fired the heaea ofofhe airport from whehe the plane took off. investigators found lack security there. the russians, too, aren't accepting it. 23 russian planes due to land today at the airport. they've jusus sent in anti-aircraft war missiles to protect their planes in syria. they think they are now a target. >> bill neely in cairo. thank you. >till questions ununswered. the question we're asking is what does this mean for air travel in the united states? tom costello covers aviation for us. good morning to you.
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any time you h he an incident overseas that heightens the awareness and concerns about security, u.s. officials ss and tsa and homeland security take note and try to apply any lessons they might take from what happened overseas. immediately, no change in security posture at u.s. airports. we should note that no u.s. airlines right now fly into or out of sharm el sheikh egypt. as b bl mentioned, there's a notice the faa issued earlier this year, stating that if any u.s. carrier overflows that area, it must be 65,000 fefe. they were trying to avoid possibly being within range of missiles. very few, if any, airlines fly that region on a regular basis. with this intense scrutiny onn thee sinai, it's unlikely any of them will. in fact, i was checking one flight plan earlier this morning, and it is now diverting
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around the sinai completely in order to make a fly into dubai. we should nono, however, thaha as you know, the tsa has been under tremendous scrutiny, especially in this week, because it failed yet again in a series of undercover tests in september to catch these mock devices. these mock weapons that were -- inspectors were trying to smuggle through. we've seen this repeatedly, where there have been problems at tsa checkpoints over the years. in september, this happened again. the tsa has comomtted itself to addressing those security lapses and trying to address the issue immediately. that is not in response to what happened over the sinai, but as you would expect, any time someththg like this happens overseas, homeland security takes a heightened approach to it. >> tom costello, thank you very much. >> let's dive deeper into this. greg is a former ntsb investigator and kevin is a national analyst for nbc news. >> you have crash investigateors
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on the scene, intelligence analysts figuring out that end of it. can these investigations go handd in hand, the crash and the forensics? >> they have to go hand in hand, matt, only because now while we were thinking it was an accident, now it looks more to be, basically, an intentional act, if you will. en they look at the wreckage, they'll have a different eye. they're going to be looking for residue. they'll be looking for markers, if you will, for bombs or explosives. >> heavily studying the security at sharm el sheikh airport, in terms of, could a passenger have smuggled something on board, or did someone with access to the plane do something like this? >> absolutely. the airplane, is it sitting overnight unattended? did somebody have access to it? did the catering crew bring something on board? did the servicing folks get something into a portion of the aircraft? of course, people loading the baggage, did they put something behind a cargo hold? they'll be looking carefully at who had access to the airport
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during its time on the ground. >> let's turn to kevin for the national security implications. as u.s. officials zero in on the bomb theory, why is that? is it a process of elimination or a matter of going back, looking at the chatter, intelligence circles even before the crash, and seeing it in a new light? >> i think a a little bit of both. the british announcing yesterday morning, definitely sparked a frenzy in washington and got everybody asking, why would they go more forward than the americans, saying, first, it may have been an act of terrorism or explosive device. then when the foreign secretary said, that's what they believe happened. i think there's cross-talk between the americans and the british, to figure out,ike you said, going back in time, how soon did they know and when? >> after the crash, isis said, we did this. people didn't think it was possible. do u.s. intelligence officials think isis has the planning and
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board, owr might they have had tep help? >> i asked james clapper if they had the ability to shoot down an aircraft. he said it was unlikely but he wouldn't rule it out. most officials are focusing on this video that isis put out, that's shown up, of what looks like to be the plane in the air exploding. if someone was in place ahead of time to film that, that's as much of a red flag as you can find. >> significant piece of evidence, for sure. thank you so much. there's a new twist this morning tied to the shooting death of a beloved police officer in illinois that investigators say was actually a carefully staged suicide. lieutenant gliniewicz's wife and son are also under investigation. nbc is following the story. good morning to you, savannah. this morning another stunning development in this story that's already had so many. it appears investigators want to
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secret life was a family affair. this morning the news that the wife and oldest son of lieutenant charles j. gliniewicz known as g.i. joe are reportedly under investigation is another shock for residents. >> my gosh. g.i. joe went from a hero to a criminal. >> reporter: two months ago gliniewicz had a hero's funeral. he ran a youth program. now investigators sayay for seven years he stole from it. >> thousands of dollars were used by gliniewicz for personal purchases, trashlg expenses, mortgage payments, personal gym memberships. >> reporter: investigators released startling new details how he placed his own crime scene. carefully displaying his pepper spray, batoto and glasses to show he died in the line of
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duty. he even shot a bullet into his cell phone and chest before the fatal shot into his upppp torso. they say text messages say he feared his crimes would be uncovered by a village administrator. a text in june,, this would give her the means to crucify me if discovered. the family issued a statement saying they had cooperated with the task force's investigation. a probe t tt took its toll on the investigators. >> the most emotional experience in my life and the only way i could express it is to say that it was complple shame. >> reporter: the 100 club of chicago's a civic group that's a group that supports families in the line of duty. they gave an initialal payment of $15,000 to the gliniewicz family. now for the first time, they
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want their money back. matt, savannah? >> all right. thank you very much. >> it's a story that's been turned on its head in the last several weeks. >> now to the presidential race. donald trump is trying something new on the campaign trail as he gets ready to host "saturday night live" this weekend. that's an appearance that's already courting controversy. we're going to talk live to mr. trump in a moment but first peter alexander has more. good morning to you. >> good morning. we're now under 90 days and donald trump is officially hittttg theirwaves in iowa and elsewhere. he's now spending his own money, just $300,000, to get his message out. fighting to fend off his strongngt challenge yet, donald trump for the first time this campaign is paying to be heard. >> if the people of iowa vote for me, you'll never be disappointed.
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>> reporter: trump's new radio atds ads appearing in key states. after securing his name on the new hampshire ballotot trump teeee off on the new front-runner, ben carson. >> ben cannot do the job. you know what? he's very nice and people would say, oh, that was nasty. i don't care. >> reporter: now he's hosting a gig on "saturday night live" this weekend. with people protesting outside the headquarters petitioning
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signatures saying racism is not cards. >> reporter: rubio is facing renewed scrutiny how he was using a state florida credit card when he was a legislator. two years of credit card statements still have not been disclosed. >> there f there was something on it that was personal i would pay it and if it weren't, the party would pay it. >> a aor "snl" c cson said he won't be watching. he said i think the presidency is a serious thing, adding, i don't like to make light of it like that. >> andr. now m m trump is on the phone. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. >> let's talk about the ads.
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i'm assuming you would not waste your money on ads if you didn't need to, does this mean the race is tightening? >> i don't think so. fox came out with a poll last night, a big one and i'm substantially in n e lead. i'll tell you i'm getting heat because i haven't spent any money. i've spent no money and i'm number one. others have spent tens of millions of dollars and they're floup der floundering. wouldn't be nice if we could do that with education. no. i just wanted to do the ads. i'm putting them in iowa, in south carolina, and new hampshire, and, you know, hopefully they're going to be good ads. and it's time for me to start advertising a little bit. >> ben carson talks about them a little bit. he saiai your attacks on him are basically grade school bullying and suggests it's beneath him. >> he's referring to the "saturday night live." he said he wouldn't do it.
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of course, wouldldt do it. they didn't ask him do it. "saturday night live" was like being on "60 minutes." there are iconic brands. he would certainly do it i i ask asked. many of the candidates would have done it. i don't think they asked him but if they asked him, he would do it. >> let me ask you. as you're aware there a a latino groups outside protesting because you're on seasonal this weekend. are you sprised you were asked to host seasonal after the acrimonious split this last summer? >> it wasn't so acrimonious. the apprentice decided to renew. i decided not to do itecause i wanted to run for president. i told steve burke who's a fantastic guy i wanted to run.
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decided i couldn't do i i miss universe, there was a problem, tooe honest, and i ended up buying their interest and then i sold it to img, the whole thing. and it worked outmazingly well for me. you know, there's no problem whatsoever with nbc. now, the reasoso they put me there is one very simple reason. it's called ratings. if i didn't get good ratings, they wouldn't put me there. >> you were critical as recently as this momoing of marco r rio and the handling of his finances that perhaps the way he handles his finances would be a good way of how he might handle the country's finances. my question is does thaha invite scruruny of your own record? you talk about using the bankruptcy law strategically in the past. here's the bottom line. if the company is doing well, robust financially, why do you en use the bankruptcy laws? >> i'm no different than many people you have on your show, the biggest businesspeople of the world.
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we use the laws of the land. i have over 500 companies. i have used it at least five times. i could name people. i have a list. but why should i. i never went bankrupt.. corporately. frankly i've made a lot of money using those laws and i've bought things out of bankruptcy where i go in and pick up things in bankruptcy and have bought tremendous things. i have used the bankruptcy laws as the law of the land corporately. i could name the biggest names ins by in business and they almost all use them. i have had no backlash on them. as far as the rest, i've built an unbelievable company with some of the greatest asset os testify world. everybody knows that. i've made my filings. everybody was shocked by how big it is. they were shocked at how
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i've been a public book. you've been covering me -- savannah, you and matt have been covering me for a long time. i've been a public book. >> we have indeed. wheel see you in a different role this saturday on "saturday night live." appreciate it. >> thank you very much, savannah. former president bush on some of his comments. >> the scathing critiques are included a new biography. on cheney it's written thatt he just became very hard-lined and very different from the dick cheney i knew and worked with. as for rumsfeld the former president said i think he served the president badly. i don't like what he did and i thinin it hurur the president having his iron blank view of everything. bush goes on to say rumsfeld was an arrogant fell, self-assured swagger. >> bush also tumbled on the topic of gay marriagag he said, personally i believe in
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discrimination. the american odyssey of george herbert walker bush scheduled t t be released next week already making head lines. only once a year do roker and it come together. where are you? liberty national? >> reporter: liberty international airport. we're at the united terminal getting ready to head to hawaii. can't wait. going to t tl youll about that. but there's a bigger storm system getting itself together. it's going to be making its way across the country. this is thundersnow. it's snowing and thunder and lightning. some areas picking up nine to 12 inches of snow, and that is making its way east. let's show you where it fwiengs to cause problems wrchl they do not need it. down in texas. already radar firing up. we have flash flood watches and warnings stretching into
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southwest texas and oklahoma. ahead of the front we've got warm moist air coming up. you can see a risk of strong storms.. rainfall amounts are going to be anywhere from 2 to 3 inches of rain as we move through the weekend. today, 2 to 3 inches. 4 to 5 inches from san antonio to texarcana and it continues to move east as we move into the weekend. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds.thunderstorms to the state. stormtrack7 live weather network will eventually look grey and wet today. right now it is dry
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temps... we are still in the low to mid 50s over most of the viewing area with the colder weather just outside of the state to the west. winds will be breezy from thh south today ahead of the cold front, but will turn to the west and northwest by this evening as the front tracks through. clouds are tracking into the area, with some clouds still in our northern counties. rain to the west will eventually fill in as the system tracks to the northeast. the front will be the >> that's your latest weather, guys. tomorrow, hawaii. we officially kick off rokerthon2. be there. >> al, you are the man to do this. good luck, pal, all right? >> all right, dude. coming up, carson is going to come clean about something he avoided telling uss yesterday. >> uh-oh. >> we thought we'd hear from you first -- >> i'm just as surprised as all of you on that news. >> i beg to differ. coming up, quinton
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about police brutality and calls to boycott his new movie. plus, something new to worry about when it comes to your kids and cell phones. guideline regulating radiation, are they in need of an update?
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nbc. comg up, the new debate deciding families, is a hot dog
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>> save it still? we have a couple school announcements to let yououknow about this morning. clayton ridge schools are closed today and tomorrow due to a water main repair. and howard-winn is delayed two hours
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that's because part of cresco has no power. we just t off the phone with police -- power is partially restored and electric crews are working to get it in service to everyone in town. new this morning... a police chase ends with a man in jail. police say it happened just before ten last night in waterloo. the chase started on m-l-k drive and mobile street, ending about two miles away at west second and randolph. officers arrested 39-year-old michael menton. he's now facing mutliple charges, including a controlled ssbstance violation and eluding police. now, let's go to eileen with a look at weather. rain and some thunderstorms will temperatures on fridaa chilly temps on sattrday and climb back into the mid 50s for next week. another chance of rain holds off until veterans day. we'll be back in 30 minutes, be
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if you think we can grow our economy while ignoring climate change, think again. america's most innovative companies are already moving to clean energy using existing technology to improve their bottom line. now we need a plan to help businesses and families across america totoave money on electririty and create millions of new jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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back now. 7:30 on a thursday morning, 5th day of november, 2015. we're saying hi to the folks out in the crowd. we'll get out there and say hi in person in just a little while. meanwhile, back inside the studio -- by the way, that's meghan trainor. she'll perform a song for us, her newest hit, live. we're on the set, drilling carson daly on facts we need to get to later on. >> you'll get them later on, the facts i know, sir. >> okay. >> thank you. >> should we give ontext? >> let's get to the hehelines. this is about the blakeke and gwen situation. let's look at other headlines. u.s. officials say evidence indicates it could have been a bomb that brought down that russian plane over egypt over the weekend, that isis could be responsible.
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metro jet airliner died. a suspect armed with a high-powered rifle terrorized a san diego neighborhood on wednesday, brought air traffic to a halt, as well. the gunman fired random shots into the approach path at san diego international airport. that prompted the a to stoto flights from landing for a period. the suspect was finally taken into custody. donald trump is launching the first ads of his presidential campaign today. the radio spots are scheduled to run in iowa, new hampspsre and south carolina. trump's republican rival, senator marco rubio is in the headlines for something he said during a q&a with young professionals. when asked to name someone other than a politician he'd like to have a beer with, rubio said, malala, a practicing muslim who is not of drinking age. that received a lot of attention. >> papers had fun with that this morning. also this morning, quinten
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tarantino is speaking out about the controversy that has police units callingpfor a boycott of his new movie. natalie has the latest on this. >> he's not backing down. the oscar-winning film maker is firing back again at critics, who are angered by his stance against police brutality. tarantino s sing police groups are fixing a fight to avoid addressing a bigger problem. >> stop shooting unarmed people. they don't want to deal with that. they'd rather start arguments with c cebrities than examine the concerns put before them by a citizenry that's lost trust in them. >> reporter: quentin tarantino doubling down over comments the director made last month at a rise up october rally in new york. >> when i see murder, i cannot stand by. i have to call the murdered the murdered, and i have to call the murderers the murderers. >> i was referring to eric garn
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i was referring to tamir rice. that's what i was referringngto. >> reporter: sinin then, the biggest advocacy groups called for a boycott of his upcoming film. >> got room for onep more? >> reporter: los angeles police chief says he s scifically takeses issue with tarantino's use of the word "murderer," telling nbc news, i take the word "murderer very seriously. i hunt murderers for a living. i've lived with murder my whole life. adding, a homicide that occurs during a police use of force is rarely a murder. the rally tarantino attended took place four days after nypdpd officece randolph holder was killed in the line of duty. while tarantino called that death a strategy, he stress td protest was for families of those killed by police and the date couldn't be rescheduled.
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out and tell their story and say their loved one's name. >> say his name. >> so because that ppened, we're going to sasa no, no, don't tell your story. i know we flew you out here. we'll do it another time. it's not convenient. >> reporter: tarantino isn't worried about securityyr protests at events for his new film, adding many officers are fans of his work. >> they're going to read what i said and watch this show. they'll hear what i have to say. i think they'll make up their own mind and we'll see what happened. >> we reached out to a company behind tarantino's new movie for commentment comment. they didn't respond. tarantino points out while the company would prefer this issue hadn't come up, it is thehe same that produced "fruit vail station," and the studio support supports him. >> if somebody expected him to back down and apologize, that's not hisintentions. >> the film is set to release
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around the holidays. this will continue until then. >> thanks. let's get a check of the weather from al, who is in the aurpt airport at newark, getting ready to launch rockerthon2, in theaters nowhere. >> that's right. only on your nbc station. we're heading to hawaii. it kicks off tomorrow. where it's nice and warm. guess what? it'll beearm here in the eastern third of the country. why? we'll take a look. here's what we're expecting. we have this big ridge of high pressure off the eastern seaboard. it is pumping up warm, moist air from the tropics. is ridge expands intoo canada. as it does, the warm, moist flows of air come in. look what we'll be seeing. temperatures are anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above normal, from texas to maine. we're looking for widespread records. temperatures getting up 21 degrees above normal in rochester. 15 degrees above normal in new york and boston. then a cold front comes through. quite as warm.
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by saturday, that front pushes through and temperatures drop below normal. in the meantime, friday, record-setting highs up and down the eastechance of rain and thunderstorms to the state. stormtrack7 live weather network will eventually look grey and wet today. right now it is dry with warm temps... we are still in the low to mid 50s over most of state to thehewest. windd will be breezy from the south today ahead of the cold front, but will turn to through. clouds are tracking into the area, with somclouds still iour northern counties. rain to the west will eventually fill in as the system tracks to the northeastst the front wiwil afternoon andndevening. we dry out for tomorrow, but the cooler air will stream in... rainfall a >> guys, we have official rokerthon2 swag forll of you coming up. >> fleece? >> get it for christmas. >> wow. >> this is a fleece, yes. >> really nice. >> i hope i get the jumpsuit. >> exclusive collection, modelled by al roker.
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>> that's what al needs for his flight this morning. >> sleep on the flight, al. you'll need it. new concerns over your kids and cell phones. why experts are saying the guidelines when it comes to radiation are in need of a major overhaul. also on pop start, does country music have a new king? look, i i ow you're a cow w d all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious.
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concerns tied to your cell phone. >> a growing number of prominent doctors and scientists are raising warning flags overmorning, and your kids could be facing a greater risk of exposusu. miguel was granted access into a cell phone test lab. >> reporter: you see them every day, everywhere. kids on phones. according to the american academy of pediatrics, children are now exposed to an exponentially greater amount of radio frequency than any adult will ever be in a lifetime. part of ththproblem, t ts isnsn your mother's flip phone. smartphones have multiple antennas inside the phone. when you talk, text, stream music or v veos, they emit waves similar to a low-powered microwave oven. >> it's over minutes over years that we believe can cause a
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the rest of us, as well. >> reporter: cell phone providers say they follow all guidelines put in place by the fcc. they work with labs like this one then to test your device. the current fcc safety standard was developed nearly 20 years ago. the test in california starts by taping a phone to the ear of a plastic head. the size of a 200 pound man, it's filled with liquid. the fluids used in these tests best replicate the same properties inside the human head. scientists are able to determine how much radiation penetrates the h hd when you're talking on the phone. the robotic arm moves to various hot spots on the head to test the specific absorption rate. the phone we tested was within the fcc alllled radiation limit, but critics say these standards are outdated. they urge the federal agency to adopt stricter radiation guidelines.
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current fcc standadas do not account for the unique vulnerability and use pattern specific to pregnant women and children, warnings the american academy of pediatrics in a letter to the fcc. >hildren are not little adults. the skull is thinner. also, the volume of the brain is less, compared to a 200 plus size man. >> reporr: the u.s. g gernment accountabilili office asked the fcc to reassess the exposure limit. in particular, the radiation limit when you have your cell phone close to your body, like in your pocket or when you hold it directly next to your head. or as some teens do, sleep with it on their pillow. >> phones are transmitting radiation so long as they're committed to the internet and connected to the wi-fi. even if you're not talking on your phone, your phone is talking to the tower. >> r rorter: critics of the fcc's current guidelines give this simple advice to all consumer. use the speakerphone or an ear piece, and remember, distance is your friend.
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keeping a phoho even a few inches off youou body reduces exposure several thousand times. for "today," miguel, nbcews, california. >> health agencies from other countries recommend limiting a child's exposure to cell phone radiation. the fcc says, quote, the u.s. has among the most conservative standards i ithe world. as part of our routine review of the standards, we're soliciting im input from experts, including federal health agencies and others to guide our assessment. >> makes you think twice as a parent, especially when kids are on the cell phone a lot. >> they're particularly lyly as a rule vulnerable. coming up, the dating news from blake shelton and gwen stefani that carson didn't s coming.
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>> as surprised as you. netflixas a new plan to get your kids to sleep. did you know only y of supplements have earned the usp mark... an independent certification for quality and purity? i recommend nature made because they've earned the most of any brand. nature made.
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binge eating disorder, or b.e.d.,... ...isn't just overeating. it's a real medical condition. and while the exact cause isisnknown... ....ertain chemicals in n e brain may play a role. b.e.d. is also the most... ...common eating disorder in us adults. hi, i'm monica seles. when i binged,... ...i wasn't in control. i never felt satisfied... matter what the quantity was. afterwards, i felt so upset with myself. to learn more about b.e.d.... ...go to binge eating disorder dot com and talk with your doctor. as a ford employee, i get to give my friends a special deal. on cars,s,rucks and suvs. it's friends and neighbors pricing.... and for a limited time, we're letting everyone in on this deal. that doesn't happen every day! and you can see the srlow price at
7:46 am
there it is... and that's the low price you'll pay. it's that easy. you don't have to negotiate... it's hassle-free. it's an inside deal... now for everyone. with ford friends and neighbors pricing, get an f-150 for $9638 below msrp. that's over 19%. it's an inside deal, now for everyone. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain ana help stop further damage. enbrel m m lower your abilily to fight infectionon serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplacac where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure,
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don't start enbrel if you u ve an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask hoenbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint dage. enbrel, the number onene rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. well, this is a first. at&t and directv are now one. so get ready to laugh here and cry here. scream over here and freak out over there! and maybe back to laughing here. and ying there. trtrnot to laugh here though, it's rude. and maybe don't cry here, people will get the wrong idea. introducing the all in one plan.
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spend $75 at toys "r" us and get a $10 gift card. wow that's 1200 japanese yen. 72 golden coins. 2 pepperoni pizzas. alright, i think we geit. get your coupon, spend $75 in store and get a $10 gift card to use in december. awesome at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of likeute buttons equat danger. ...that sound gogo? not being on this phone call sounds good.. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. 7:50. every parent knows sometimes, you can't get the kids to bed. netflix wants to help. y, carson. >> hey. for all you moms and dads, coverer your kids' ears. we'll let you in on a netflix secret. they teamed up with dreamworks
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to launch five-minute episodes of "dino trucks." when your kids are asking for one more episode before bed, it could last a whopping 300 seconds. netflix survey shows 61% of parents deal with bedtime-stalling kids. all of a sudden, a five-minute episode doesn't sound bad. we asked our viewers to share how their kids are delaying going to bed. susan writes, my child offers me a foot massage. jennifer says, my 3-year-old told me his eyeballs were falling out and i had to help hold them in. my kid always says, i'm starving. you have to feed me. do you have any? >> i've heard them all, every excuse. >> luckily, my child can't talk. we haven't gotten there yet.t. >> this could help you out. five-minute, quick episodes from netflix netflix. >> what's that behind you?
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>> carson s slls off.f. >> i'lllell you all about this in pop start. stay tuned. >> that's a good reason. coming up, daniel craig. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in.. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 months? that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself? realize your buying g wer at open.comm i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarinin the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots
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not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't op eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis cacacause serious and rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned d dical or dental ocedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me.
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how you doing? hey! how are you? where are we watching the game? you'll see. i think my boys have a ahot this year. yeah, especially with this new offense we're running... i mean, our running back is a beast. once he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, oh he's gone. d our linebackers and dbs dish out punhment, and never quit. you didn't expect this did you? no i didn't. the nissan altima. there's a fun side to every drive. nissan. innovation that excites. and off you go, and off you go,
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for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats...
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a service dog in ttining goes missing from one eastern iowa town... now an anonymous donor is offering a five thousand dollar reward. here's the dog-- a black lab named latham he's part of the retrieving freedom progogam here in eastern iowa, hee went missing from parkersburg from his foster mom's home latham is described as very friendly and approachable
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if you see him dont hesitate to approach him and please call the owner of famill their contact informoation is on our website in 10 days, many eastern iowa troops will leave -- to begin their deployment to afghanistan. nearly 40 members of a cedr rapids based group will ship off on novembb 15th.. as part of operation enduring freedom. they'll be in charge of managing facilities and security... a ceremony to see them off will be on november 15 at 9 a.m. now, let's go to eileen with a track through toddy and tonight. we will then see falling temperatures on friday, chilly temps on saturday rain holds off until veterans day.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, weight loss break through. the new procedure that could help you shed pounds without surgery. then, bond is back. >> i can tell you i d d't trust you. >> you have impeccable instincts. >> daniel craig takes aim at the box officer inspector, and he'll stop by studio 1a. let's go are you ready for rokerthon2? >> how am i going to do this all? >> al gets set to tackle the weather in all 50 states in one week, as we send him off on his record-breaking advange today, thursday, november 5th, 2015.
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saturday! >> "today" >> today on my mind. holiday road >> w wre froro new jersey. >> shoutout to family and friends in florida. we love you. >> i'm 70 today, and i can do the whip and nae nae. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to "today." beautiful morning. a lot of charlie brown having fun in the plaza. al takepicks a good song for his trip. " "holiday road" by lindsey lindsey buckingham. fans on thelaza getting a special treat. meghan trainor is here. coming up, she is going to be performing a new song from the "pnuts" movie. we heard her rehearsing it
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>> always fun to see meghan. also, nigella is here to sweeten up your holidays. let's get the stoptop stories of the morning. natalie? u.s officials suspect it was a bomb that caused a russian airliner to crash in egypt last weekend. they also believe that isis may have been responsible. the group had made earlier claims that it brought down the metro jet plane, killing all 224 people on board. the black box recordererare still being examined. officials say a technical fault cannot be ruled out yet. donald trump has started airing the first ads of his campgn with radio spots in several early primary states. he's been facing his strongest challenge to date from a surging ben carson. during a phone interview earlier on "today," savannah asked trump if he's feeling the heat. >> i've had heat because i haven't spent money. it would be nice iff the country
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i've spent no one andmoney and i'm number one. others spent hundreds of thousands and they're floundering. >> protesters signed a petition, demanding that donaldrump's appearance on "saturdadanight live" be dropped. spencer stone was attacked outside of a sacramento nightclub last month. james tran was charged with attempted murder. the stabbing resulted from a street fight, and the suspect was not aware of stone's recent fame. a teenage boy from alabama wassound out he was a kidnapping victim while applying to college. he was reported missing by his mother in 2002. investigators believe he was taken by his father b b they
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were never able to find him. when julian, now 18, applied to colleges, he had trouble verifying his sociasecurity number. reresearchfd his background and found his name in a missingng child database. he had been living in cleveland with his dad, who is now under arrest. health officials in california are warning people not to eat crabs harvested along tht coast. they say the crabs contain high levels of aaturally occurring toxin found in this year's unusually large algae bloom. the warning comes days before the start of the fall crab season. restaurants could lose millions ofdollars. a suspected burglar made an entrance when he dropped in for dinner. customers at a daytona beach reaurant were startled when that happened. a man crashes through the ceilingg tiles and landed in the dining room. police say the 30-year-old, justin grimes, cut a hole in the men's room ceiling, climbed through and was trying to crawl
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to the office where money was kept, when gravity ruined his plan. it's called karma. >> not exactly a cat burglar. >> exactly. >> thank you very much. new hope for the millions of americans who struggle with obobity. today, erica hill is here to explain that. >> good morning, girls. this is what some are referring to a potentially impressive break through in the battle of the bulge. it was just announced this week in los angeles. the non-surgical device involves a balloon, and many are hoping it could help those coping with serious weight issues. >> reporter: with more than 1/3 of&the country considered obese, many americans are desperate to lose weight. >> i have tried every fad diet, every diet out there known to man. i even had my teeth wired one time, to try t lose weight. >> reporter: from extreme diets to extreme surgery, finding a solution can be tough. there is some interest in a new procedure introduced in the u.s.
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it a gastric balloon. patients swallow a pill attached to a catheter. the balloon fills with fluid and the tube is removed. it helps the patient feel full. it's rid of by the body in months. it's still in the trial phase in europe. >> all the procedures have been to make your stomach smaller and involve surgery. this is potentially a non-surgical approach to this. it will help them to learn how to eat smaller portions and keep their food intake low, which is the key factor to losing weight. >> reporter: if f gas jtric balloon sounds similar, it should. two devices were approved by the fda after being used outside the u.s. for years. both are inserted into the stomach using an endoscopic procedure, then deflated and removed six months later. costs range from $6,000 to $10,000 and are not covered by insurance. virginia lost 72 pounds using
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one of the devices and was rerently featured on >> i lost the weight and kept it off. the experience was nothing but positive and gratifying for me. >> reporter: while results like virginia's are encouraging, experts stress there is no magic pill to cure the obesity epidemic. >> non-invasive or not, none of these procedures are without risk. remember, this doesn't replace the lifestyle efefrts. a person haso actively work at lifestyle and eat less food. >> the early findings on the studies were impressive, but it's really important to note, there were only eight people involved in that study. over four months, the eight people lost 37% of their excess weight, an average of 22 pounds. >> promising, but a long way to go before we see it here. >> yeah. >> erica, thank you so much. coming up next,e are going to give carson the third degree on the big news he has been denying. two of his "voice" co-stars are dating.
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plus, a visit witit james bond. daniel craig, bond, live in studio 1a. the kickoff to the event that's about to take america by storm. the juggernaut that is pc does what!? pc does 360 rotations.
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the beast was as long as the boat. fofoseven hours, we did battle. until i said... you will not beat... meeeeee!!! greg. what should i do with your fish? gary. just put it in the cooler. if you're a fisherman, you tell tales. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. put the fish in the cooler! [ male announcer ]sweet sun ripened strawberries. now we've added even more of them to philadelphia strawberry. rich, creamy, and delicious. only philadelphia .
8:06 am
[ female announcer ] when you're serious about fighting wrinkles, turn to roc retinol correxion . one week, fine lines appear to fade. one month, deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare only from roc . when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting r rief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. making christmas wishes come true from wherever you are. and having dreams delivered to your door. for some of us, that's all in a day's work.
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love the way you shop. and experience more wonder every day. walmart. fact. advil pain relievers are used by more households than any other leading brand. to treat their aches and pains more people reach for advil. relief doesn't get any better than this.
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totohe car that just survived hours of reconditioning... sorry, we know that was a bit... invasive. but, if we didn't hoist you up in the air and poke around a little, we wouldn't be carmax. we expect a lot from our cars ananwe need to make sure that you'll make the grade. you have to admit, you're looking awfully nice. oh just relax. it's gonna be a long time before anybody peeks at your undercarriage again.
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earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. thth's cash back now, and cash back again later. it's cash back d\j vu. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets ck twiu n every purchase 1% en you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. 8:13 now. time for trending. we call it the prelude to carson tting out hisis friends. >> stop it. >> we have seen serena williams play tennis. incredible athlete, the world's top tennis player. don't get in between her and a tennis ball. what made a thief think he could get in between her and her cell phone? serena was at a restaurant, and
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she noticed auy and didn't think it would go well. it didn't. he reached over, swiped her phone and took off. on facebook, serena posted this super hero foephoto of herself. i jumped up, leaping over a chair or two. i chased him down and he b ban to run. i was too fast. i was upon him in a flash. i broke him in half. no. she didn't put that last part in. needless to say, serena got her phone back. >> let there be surveillance videos somewhere of this. >> award of the year. >> you have a restaurant full of people you can swipe, and you get the super hero. >> strongest woman. i don't think so. >> cool stuff. now for the question burning up the internet and studio 1a this morning. it's all about this, a philosophical question, hot dog. sandwich or not a sandwich? >> no. >> no. >> not a sandwich. >> it's a hot dog, its own thing. >> a category of its own.
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i agree, it's not a sandwich. but it's between two pieces of bread with meat in it and you layer things on top och itf it. >> a sandwich is one or more types of food placed on or between slices of bread. >> what about a subway sandwich? >> a grinder. >> i don't know what a grinder is but a subway sandwich is a sandwich. >> hamburger, is that a sandwich? >> it's its own category. >> you want a cheeseburger or sandwich? >> hot dog is not a sandwich. >> i i agree. this stupid debate made its way to the buffalo bills locker room. big fight going on there. on twitter, we asked. 74% of you said no. 26%, yes. i think this ends it. let's ask a real expert. nigella lawson. is a hot dog a sandwich?
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>> categorically not. you need two slices of bread for a sandwich. >> a bun i ione piece of bread, sliced down the middle. >> exactly. >> i think that's a principled way of debating it. >> nigella -- >> a wrap? ^> it's a different kind of sandwich. nigella is going to do a cooking segment later. she's not here just to answer the question. >> i answer questions on hot dogs and cheeseburgers. >> we'll get to you. hold on. we have an even bigger expert.. al? is a hot dog a sandwich? >> there is no way a hot dog is a sandwich. >> there you go. >> it's its own category. fits in with a ham burg.burghamburger. >> case closed. >> we put al at the airport just to ask him that question. >> budget cuts, can't afford it. carson, was he holding out on ? let's go pop start. >> come on, i'm a loyal guy. >> you were. >> we talked about this.
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out loud. gwen stefani and blake shelton are dating. they work together and are both single and recentlyly started dating. the newsbreaking hours before blake turned up at the cma awards in nashville. >> was it the truth that set you free? >> i didn't know blake was as hot as gwen. he's a goofy cowboy and she's the queen of cool. they're two of the best people in the business. good luck. we love you. >> are you shocked? >> i am not shocked after the given -- after halloween and the photos that came out. i was a little shocked last night, to hear gwen's people put out a think. she apparently went to nashville. she wasn't on the show last night, but they were going to go to after parties. i don't think they did. >> i admire your discretion. >> you're a good friend. >> you'll need it one day. >> why don't you tell us anything? >> i'm a loyal friend. >> we can tell you secrets. >> it's not my story to tell. now it's out. let's move on.
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ex, miranda lambert, was there. she won female sewvocalist of the year. >> man, i appreciate it. i needed a bright spot this year, so thank you. i love country music fans. >> she won the female vocalist of the year six years now in a row. >> amazing. >> here's what many people are calling the highlight of the entire show. tennessee native justin timberlake singing with chris stapleton. they brought down the house. take a look. there's nothing like your life to get -- like your love to get me high tell me, baby, tell me, baby >> justinn and chris just started to perform, and within seconds,
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the entire audience were on their feet. it was a big topic online. chris won best new artist of the year and male vocalist of f e year, and hee won album of the year. chris stapleton, remember that name. it was a huge night for him. >> justin timberlake may be pound for pound the best entertainment in the world. >> he'sn the pop world,d, hip hop, credibility all day long. he's in nashville. he's a good actor. what can't he do? >> true. >> jimmy kimmel rolled out another edition of mean tweets. >> rascal flatts, do us a favor and stop making music. you are so awful. #so bad. #spareus. #sounds of death. >> i'd rather listen to the sound of my grandpa eating a nectarine for 3:30 than listen to a florida-georgia line song >> hunter hayes is so tiny, he sleeps in a hot dog bun.
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how did you know? >> little big town, i'd buy a ticket to a concert just so i could punch each of you in the ce. >> those are actual tweets. great bit. there's your pop start today. >> carson, good job. thank you. now it's time to kick off rokerthon with a check of the weather from al. >> rokerthon on "today" is powered by netjets. travel without compromise with the worldwide leader in private aviation. >> hey, guys. are excitit because we are attempting to set a guinness world record, most number of live broadcasts in all 50 states in one week. we're very excited. planning a trip like this takes so much in the way of laogistics. it takes a village. we had a lot of help.
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>> one year ago, i spent 34 glorious hours blocked edlocked up in our green room, breaking the record for the longest l le weather broadcast. >> you are officially amazing. >> now, i'm ready to take on a new challenge. >> we have a very big announcement announcement. >> announcer: one weather man, 50 states in just one week to bring you the weather from every state in our great nation. >> man, how am i going to do this all? start in hawaii and go to al alaskaka then maybe to the pacific northwest -- i don't know. i need help with this. >> in order to pull this off, i'll take advantage of many modes of transportation. planes, trains, , tomobiles, boats. maybe even a horse? but a very specific flight schedule is the biggest factor. the folks at netjets agreed to help, so i traveled to columbus, ohio, at their headquarters too come up with a plan. >> how are you?
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glad to have you. >> shane is the president of netjets aviation. >> we started planning this trip, and it's t ts giant jigsaw. >> that's right. >> it has my head spinning. >> we're excited to be a part of rokerthon, but this is what we do every day. this is just one part of a jigsaw puzzle we put together. > inside their operation center, hundreds of employees are coordinating the fleet. my favorite area, the weather area. >> jamie can take you through what he's looking at. >> we're watching the weather in the desert southwest. very strong upper level low, kicking off shower and thunderstorm activity across portions of new mexico. >> you have a very good voice. have you done any television weather? >> no, no, i haven't. >> good. keep it that way. >> we're trying to break the guinness world record. how can you help us? >> we're committed to getting you where you want to go at the time you want to go and arrive for when you want to arrive for each leg. we'll do it safely. >> getting to each city is just
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the beginning. we need to fulfill several criteria to set the record, including forecasting the current local weather in each state. gps data evidence, showing my location at all times. two independent witnesses in each place, confirming i actually did it. i cannot wait. i'm so excited. >> we can't either. we want to get you to have a feel of what it's like to fly the aircraft. we'll take you over to the simulator and give you shots at takeoffs and landings. >> what could possibly go wrong? just getting into these is not easy. people don't realize. >> if you stretch first, it works pretty well. >> there's not a lot of room up here. >> the control tower has been nice enough to let us sit on the runway the last 20 minutes. >> that happens all the time. >> exactly. start applying back pressure. turn over there, and you can see out.
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you can see right now, you're on nice, level ground. pull it right there. nice landing. good job. >> captain roker. >> wow. >> i will not be flying the plane at any point during the trip. tomorrow, we kick it off in hawaii, guys. then on saturday, we're in alaska. on sunday, we're in spokane, washington. then we hit six states on sunday. we are off to the races. it is going to be an excitingg time. folks can follow us on >> al, we are looking forward to it. wee rooting you on. you want to get us started with one weatherorecast right now? >> okay. let's show you what we've got. of course, tomorrow, we are going to be in hawaii. the weather is going to be spectacular. lots of sunshine. you can also see, we're looking at a lot of wet weather in texas.
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they're going to have big problems. rainfall amounts anywhere from 3 to 5 inches. it is going to be a mess there. that's what's gthunderstorms to the state. stormtrack7 livv weather network will eventually look grey and wet today. right now it is dry with warm temps... we are still in the low to mid 50s over most of the viewing area with the colder weather just outside of the state to the west. winds will be breezy from the south today ahead of the cold front, but will turn to the west and northwest by this evening as the front tracks through. clouds are tracking into the area, with some clouds still in our northern counties. rain to the west will eventually fill in as the system tracks to the northeast. the ffont will be thee best chance >> all right. heading down to the plane. our friends at unid getting us off on time. back to you, cacaon. >> al, good luck, buddy. thanks very much. coming up, we have a live performance from this young lady, meghan trainor. daniel craig, james bond if you're looking friends...
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"hi!!!" "hi everybody" "cookie!" all-new it's sesame street live make a new friend! playing five flags center november 24th and 25th tickets on sale now! on average, women need to work an extra two hours each day, to earn the same paycheck as their m me coworkers. join the fight for equal pay. join the fight for sara and women everywhere.
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a c cr on university avenue -- are worse than police originally thought. waterloo police say robert johnson was taken to iowa city hospitals after being hit by a car early
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police say johnson darted out into traffic before being hit. a mega merger will affect jobs in the midwest. the newly merged kraft-heinz food company says it will close seven manufacturing facilities over the next two years. 26-hundred jobs will be eliminated. one of the manufacturing facilities that will close is in madison, wisconsin. the company will also close a lunch-meat processing plant in davenport -- and relocate production to a new facility too be built several miles away. now, let's go to eileen with a look at weather. rain ann some thundeetorms will track through today and tonight. temps on saturday and climb back into the mid 50s for next week. another chance of rain holds off until veterans day. we'll be back in 30 minutes, be you're watching k- w-w-l, we've
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we can do this together >> we're back at 8:30 on a thursday morning. it's the 5th day off novembmb, 2015. you know what today is? as we look at a shot of the plaza. >> november 5th, 2015. >> it's the last day you'll see the plaza without a christmas tree in it. believe it or not, the big christmas tree for rockefeller center was cut down in upstate new york earlier this week. it's on its way here and will ararve on the plaza tomorrow morning here on the air. >> we're not even wearing jackets yet. >> i know. >> it's going to be 74 tomorrow. >> amazing.
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also coming up this morning, daniel crara himself, live in our studio. he'll talk about the new bond film. his new car, which matt wants to talk about, and what the future holds for mr. bond. >> eight questions about the car. one question aboutut a athing else. also coming up, get ready to dance. from the mean streets of nantucket, meghatrainor is here for a live performance. also in the kitchen, nigella lawson has yummy desserts to make you feel good. first, we have this sneak peek at a revealing new documentary. it explores the life and legacy of jackie nnedy. she heleld guide our nation through one of its darkest hours, the assassination of her husband, president kennedy, with courage. what was going on behind closed doors in the days that followed? >> reporter: after receiveing over 800,000 letters of sympathy, jackie thanks the
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>> all his bright life, gone from the rld. all of you who have written to me know how much we all loved him, and he returned that love in full measure. >> reporter: behind the camera, jackie is traumatized. >> she kept saying to herself when she was reliving it, she says, maybe if i turned my head this way, or if i turned my head that way. maybe i could have prevented it. >> thehe documenenry special, jackie behind closed doors, premieres saturday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> looks really good. let's get a chehe of the weweher. dylan is here because al is in the air. >> i got to sleep in, stroll in at 8:30. >> yeah. >> blrweather is fantastic for most the northeast.t. temperatures above erage. the biggest area of concern today will be across central and eastern texas. more rain is likely.
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the biggest threats will be damaging winds and hail. any tornadoes would be isolated. the rain extends to the upper midwest. tomorrow, the eastern great lakes, affecting parts of texas still. the ground is soaking wet, so flooding could be an issue. same for louisiana. eventually, it moves to the southeast closer to the weekend. also, mountainchance of rain and thunderstorms to the state. stormtrack7 live weather network wwl eventually look grey and wet today. right now it is dry with warm temps... we are still in the low to mid 50s over most of state to the west. winds will be breezy from the south today ahead of the cold front, but will turn to through. clouds are tracking into the area, with some clouds still in our northern counties. rain to the west will eventually fill in as the system tracks to the northeast. the front will afternoon and evening. we dry out for tomorrow, but the cooler air will stream inin. rainfall a >> and that's your latest forecast.
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>> dylan, thank you very much. the wait is almost over f f james bond fans. 007 is back and on a new mission to take down the elusive crimer, sprek "spectre." i can't wait to get a look at that car. >> you must know the 00 program is officially dead, which leads me to speculate exactly why you came. so, james, why did you come? >> i came here to killyou. >> i thought you came here to die. >> it's all a matter of perspective. >> daniel craig, welcome back. good to see you. >> good morning. how are you? >> grgrt. women's hearts will f ftter watching you as bond in the new movie.
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watching this aston martin 10. >> it doesn't exist in the real worlrl they designed it for the movie. >> is the story true you wrecked a bunch of them? >> a few. >> what's a few? >> three or four. >> can i get one of the damaged >> no. but you can, if you're feeling flush, go bid on one. we're going to raise money for charity. >> it is so smoking hot. did you have fun with this? this has all the bells and whistles. it has the toys, the incredible, stunning locations, the stunning women, the threat to the world. is it a classic bond film, or is there something different here? >> i think it is a classic bond film. i think sam, me, the producers, we set out to celebrate what james bond is about. at the core of it, there's a great story. there's a love story. bond, again, goes back into his past. wewediscover a little more about him.
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but we wanted to just throw the kitchen sink at it and have fun with it. >> is the idea you try to push thth envelope with each of the movies but stay true enough that it's familiar to long-time fans? >> you can't ever forget it's a bond movie. that's the deal. as far as i'm concerned, as long as you remember that, everything else is on the table. you c c do -- you can still have characters that have a reality to them and react with each other in a real way. it's a james bond movie first and foremost. >> everybody makes a lot about the man that plays james s nd. i alalys felt that bond is as good as the villain he faces in the movies. >> mm-hmm. >> cristoph waltz plays a fantastic villain. what do you need to know about him? >> that it's cristoph waltz. >> what else? >> we drew up a list of people we wanted to play this part, and his name was at the top. he agreed to doit.
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villain is concerned. he's also a brillian yanliant tor. >> james bond movies over the years, they keep up with the times. you can't have villains with cold war plans for the world in 2015. this is very much about the information age and surveillance. >> yup. >> the preponderance of surveillance. what's his plot for the world? what should we know about that? >> well, he is trying to bring together the intelligence sources of the world, but not in a good way. he's trying to bring them together, and he's t ting to get at his -- get the most amount of information so that he has control of the world. it's a kind of clash of old world and new. with bond, he always does have a foot in the past. he's the kind of guy that wants to go in the field and wants to look the enemy in the eye and wants to do this. what cristoph and a new character we have in here, they represent the blanket
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surveillance and drones and things like that. >> lete get to the comments you made that got a lot of attention. >> please, do, yeah. >> in an interview, yououere asked about bond. you said, quote, i'd rather break this glass and slash my wrists. no, not at the moment. i'm overit it a the moment. we're done. i want to be done. put it in perspective. i read it as, this is an incredibly grueling process. when it's over, you've got to think about something else. >> i think when you're asked -- sam put it eloquently last ght, more than i did in the quote. if you're 200 yards from the end of a marathon and someone runs up to you and says, are you going to run another marathon? two words you use, right? >> not on a morning show. >> not on a mornini show. that's what that was about. i've had massive amounts of fun making this film. i mean, probably more fun on this film tha all the others put together. the simple answer at the moment is, ion't think abobo it. i don't want to think about it.
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i want to go home. >> hypothetically, if it's the last one, are you happy with the mark you've made on the franchise? >> i couldn't be happier. i've had a wonderful, wonderful time making these movies, and maybe i'll make another one. i don't know. >> keep our fingers crossed. you'reantastic. >> thank you very much. >> i want that car so badly. i donon want to bid on it, but if you want to give me one, i'll take it. >> it doesn't work like that. >> we'll catch up with your co stars in the next half hour. "spectre" opens up tomorrow. next up, live performance from meghan trainor.
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morning, this is "today" on nbc. >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by cifi. >> for the past year, meghan
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trainor has been all about the honors. she's up for three american music awards. her album was just nominated for best album at the people's choice awards. her newest song is on the "peanuts" soundtrack. good morning. >> good morning. >> every time you come back, you have new accolades and hit songs. >> more people, too. everybody is here. my dad,ll these cute ds. hello. >> we should take a shot. dad, wave your hand hi, so we're sure to see you. you have family in the music video for this. >> i do. he shines, his own solo, and i have my cousins we flew out from nantucket, and my aunt and uncle. hi, guys. miss you. and it's my grandma and grandpa's birthday. happy birthday. >> you were asked to do the music for "peanuts." were you a fan? >> everyone knows about it. yeah, charlie brown, huge. big deal. it's an honor. >> the song is catchy and cute. we'll see the kids dance in a
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bit. you were on fallon t t other night. >> yeah. >> what was with the chicken costumes and clucking? one of the more random skits. >> yeah. i was awfully confused when they asked me to do this. he's unbelievable. the nicest human being ever, and made me not feel uncomfortable. i was clucking with jimmy fallon. >> i canmagine the call. can you wear a chicken suit and cluck through this song? >> i'm down. i'll do it. >> take it away, meghan trainor. >> thank you. don't think about it, just move your body, listen to thee music, sing, oh, ey, oh just move those left feet, go
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it, sing, oh, ey, oh show the world you've got that fire, feel the rhythm getting louder show the room what you can do, prove to them you got the moves, i don't know about you i feel better when i'm dancing, yeah, yeah, better when i'm dancing, yeah, yeah and we can do this together, i bet you feel better when you're dancing, yeah, yeah whehe you finally let go and you slay that solo, cause you listen to the music, sing oh, ey, oh you're confident, babe, make your hips sway, we knew you could do it, sing, oh, ey, oh show the world you've got that fire, feel the rhythm getting
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louder show the room what you can do, prove to them you got the moves, i don't know about you but i feel better when i'm dancing, yeah, yeah i'm better when i'm dancing, yeah, yeah and we can do this together, i bet you feel better when you're dancing, yeah, yeah oh, ey, oh, oh, ey, oh i feel better when i'm dancing, i'm better when i'm dancing, hey, oh, ey, oh i feel better when i'm dancing, yeah, yeah, i'm better
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don't you know, we can do this together, bet you feel better when you're, ready, yeah, yeah you got the ves, babe i feel better when i'm dancing, i'm better when i'm dancing, hey, feel better when i'i' yeah, yeah >> meghan trainor, thank you so much. meghan is sticking around for the rest of the rning. the "peanunu" movie opens tomorrow. coming up, favorite treats perfect for thanksgiving.
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nbc. 8:49. we're backow with today's food, and more of our ultimate thanksgiving. nigella lawson is here with dedeerts in her 10th cook book, simply nigella, feel good food. good morning. >> lovely to see you, as ever.@ >> it's been a while. how islife? >> great. >> calmed down a little bit? >> you could say at. >> t tt's good. we love that. holidays are a time to feel good, get back to the things that make us feel great, also a stressful time. but you're going with the things that make us feel good. i love this. this is chocolate chip cookie dough pots. >> when you eat a cookie, when they're goeyey >> i like them kruncrunchy on the outside and soft on the inside >> this is the way to do it. we're starting with flour, half
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teaspoon of baking soda and salt. >> you told me to stand back. >> i don't want to get flour on you. now, here, we have got the butter. i can't remember how much sugar, but it's on the website. >> we'll put it on the ingredient list. >> like t tt there. then an egg and a teaspoon of vanilla. >> okay. >> it doesn't matter if -- want to help? >> please. >> there you go. >> smells divinene doesn't it? doesn't matter if it goes looking a mess. >> that's normal? >> yes. don't fret if that happens. i'll say that. because it's a small amount, and it's really a great recipe. with such small amounts, you get a lot of, you know, four to six out of these.
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>> you've eaten most of them. >> yeah. do you like milk chocolate or dark chocolate chips? >> dark. >> we had 3/4 cup of chocolate chips. now we have a few less. >> slightly. >> i'll do it like this. >> in they go. let's pretend it's all mixed up. here's what it looks like. >> yes. >> these are called what? >> ramekins. in they go like this. what i find really helpful is that you can make them up ahead like this, a a either put them in the fridge or in the freezer. >> so you don't have to do this thanksgiving morning. >> so you do them and need hardly any time. 13 to 15 minutes. five minutes resting time. >> then you cook it. this is what they look like.
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all that -- look athat goo. >> you receiver themserve them with a little vanilla. >> you're making brownies, as well. >> chocolate hazelnut spread. it's three ingredednts. you have eggs, your four eggs, and you whisk those, like they are now. they're really foamy, foamy, foamy. pinch of salt. all you need is this --- i'm not going to do it because you'll eat this in a minute. >> i'm going to go after that with a spoon. >> you drizzle it in. as you drizzle it in, it will deflate a bit. i can start doing it. it goes in here. this is how it looks. it has to be really warm, or it'll go like a pancake. i thought, you know what? you have so many desserts, but how great to have these after thanksgiving. >> these are not overpowering. i'll bite into this in a second.
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always good to have you here. come back and see us soon. >> i will. >> she'll be back tomorrow with the best macaroni and cheese you've ever eaten.
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this is "today" on nbc. did you bring down any of the cookie pies? >> i did not.
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>> oh, my gosh. let's get special birthday wishes. hey, willard. >> hey. we love our birthdays. we're down here in virginia, and new york has the best part of the show. i have the most fun part. sarahh shaffer from atlanta, georgia, is 100. middletown, new york, pride and joy is ellen o'brien. she's 10100 years old and likes to watchester lt. cacat beat it. hampton alford is from south carolina and crazy about the atlanta braves. bob johnson, handsome fellow, 103 years old today. he loves to garden. get out and dig in the soil. good for you. we had fun down here, doing our birthdhds. now back to new york.
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>> we have the bond girls with us. >> how did you not get that segment? >> i g g j jes bond and youou get the ladies? >> meghan trainor, too, talking to us.
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morning, checking your new this morning... a man is in jail after leading waterloo police on a chase. they say it happened just before ten last nit. the chase started on m-l-k drive and ended about two miles away at west second anan randolph. michael menton was arrested. he's now facing charges, including a controlled substance violation and one for eluding police. now to a kwwl follow-up... a new report shows food poisoning thh got teachers sick at an iowa high school last month has been traced to bacteria in meat. classes had to be called off for a day in polk county because so ny teachers got sick. state lab tests show the food that roosevellhigh school s saff members ate at a luncheon was contaminated. the cause is one of the most now, let's go to eileen with a look at weather. rai and some thunderstorms will track through today and tonight. we will then see falling temperatures on friday, chilly temps on saturday and climb back
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another chance of rain holds off until veterans day. the latest news you're watching k- w-w-l, we've got you covered. the son of a polish immigrant who grew up in a brooklyn tenement. he went to ublic schools, then college, where the work of his life began -- fighting injustice d inequality, speaking truth to power. he moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of america's best mayors. in congress, he stood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. now he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system funded by over a million contributions, tackling climate change to crebte clean-energy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay, and tuition-free public colleges. people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause
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an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future to believe in.
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this morning, top superstar meghan trainor on her very animated new hits. and have we found natalie's next big adventure, taking to the skies in a jetpack. plus, we'll get shaken and stirred with the stunning trio ofew bond girls. all that and more coming up now. of new bond girls. all that from a nbc news, this is "today's take," with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." it's thursday morning, unseasonably warm, not only in new york city, but across the country. 75 degrees. >> and the tree comes tomorrow, on a 75-degree day. >> going to take a lot of water to keep that thing going. >> thursday, november 5th, 2015. i'm willie along with natalie and tamron. one person missing from this
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al roker off on his record-setting whirl wind seven-day 50-state roker thon-2 adadnture, pushing off from newark, new jersey, today on his way to hawaii, where he'll join us tomorrow. >> nice. >> you're hearing this song, "titanium" by sia. i dedicated this to al. titanium pants roker. >> that could get heavy. >> i don't know what that means, exactly. i'm thinking about it. >> titanium pants. >> he's just amazing, and he could dl anything. and he's mr. titanium. >> he is. unbreakable. >> stronger than any other known metal. >> there it is. it's the pants -- >> my mind was underpants -- wait a minute, what does it all mean? but it's superman. >> that's a visual. >> oh, my gosh. so donald trump is hosting snl in two days. and this morning, he released twoadio ads. the first time he has put adveveising out anywherere he'lll be playing in iowa, new
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here's a piece of one of them. >> if the people of iowa vote for me, you'll never be disappointed. i don't disappoint people. i produce. together, we're going to make america great again. i'm donald trump. candidate for president. and i approve this message. >> that's the first ad we've heard from donald trump. >> and it is a radio ad, so youou saw his lips weren't moving. so you didn't think it was freeze frame. a radio ad for him. >> pumping some money, $300,000 into those first three states, whh is important if you want to become president of the united statat. so he said before, he d dsn't really need advertising, because he gets so much free advertising, all across television and radio. but now he's putting a little money in. >> we have seen some change in the numbers in iowa, which is where the ads are playing. that's why the movov therer to your point, he's everywhere, including -- >> saturday night. >> so snl released the first promos online yesterday, pting eight, later roving three. we'll tell but that in a second. here's one that was removed. >>.
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for television, mr. trump can only speak for four seconds in this promo. >> so let me just say this. ben carson is a complete and total loser. >> so basically, those went off in a basket, and three came down, snl said they didn't take them down of their own volition. implyingng maybe the trump campaign wanted them down. of. >> or the carson campaign got wind of it -- >> we don't know the real reason behind the takedown. >> but it's down. protesting. snl didn't have a statement. >> latino groups protesting donald trump's appearance. a petition with more than half a million signatures, demanding nbc and snl revokok trump's invitation, saying racism isn't funny. eva longoria saying we as a hispanic community have a chohoe to not watch it.
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it's their choice to do that. >> freedom of speech and freedom of choice to, you know, vote with your remote. >> but that wasn't applied to the pageant that was taken down. >> that's what people -- the snl thing moves forward, but the pageant was taken down and people had a choice to click off the pageant as well, but there was a made move with that. so i don't know the differenen. i don't know. but, yeah -- saturday night. >> no, no. >> regardless. >> huge numbers, willie. >> you misprounced it. >> huge. >> uge? >> we know it will be. >> it will be. >> performing. another rson why. >> big day for him. >> cma awards. last night. huge night for our friends in country music. a lot of great pairings, which is why i like the cma awards. hihihop and countrtr rock and country.
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underwood posted the eighth straight year for them. she is so talented. and brad was apparently really hopi to hear one special stin timberlake soso. take a aook. >> i hope he does my favorite song. >> well, which one is your favorite? there are so many. >> let's see. it's a christmas ng. it's about a package. [ laughter ] something in a box. a beautifully wrapped package in a -- what's the name of it? >> yeah. just a guess, but they're probably not going to do that one, brad. >> what was he talking about? i'm kidding. >> come on. >> if you're at home and haven't figured it out yet, google it. >> google titanium box. there you have it. justin stole the show also last night. he did a duet with a new single with chris stapleton, a household name a aer last night.
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take a look at what happened. tell me baby note take it chris >> that is what you call a jam session. >> how many awardss did hewin? >> he won newcomer of the year, best new artist. he is unbelievable. i went and downloaded after i watched that live last night, every one of his albums. timbmblake crushed it. >> i like that. and that mix there, because it was funk, it was gospel, it was country, all in that one set. >> it's one of those moments where you have those huge stars and keith urban pulls out his iphone andtarts recording it.
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>> earlier, what can justin not do? >> he's a dad too and a great husband, apparently, because jessica biel posted a photo on social media. there at the cmaas, and that counts as a date night. she captioned it date night. they're super cute. very nice. oh, miranda lambert got female vocalist of the year, as well. >> and luke bryan entertainer of the year. this next one is for you, okay? your next big adventure. a cordless jetpack. flew around the statue of liberty. the faa and u.s. coast guard approved the flight. >> uh-huh. >> take a look. can you see yourself doing this? >> totally. i'm in. >> nypd boat right there in the harbor. >> absolutely. >> so you are -- >> it's different, because we have seen thehe -- it's s t the hydraulic jetpacks like in the past. no cord, no water. this is truly a turbo boost. >> like in the '50s when they talk about the future, that is the jetpack right there. >> move over hover boy.
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>> i would definitely do that. i think our ehs people might have a problem with it. >> do you know the things you've done? they've got to say yes to this. >> do you know how hard it is to get them to approve? >> let's start -- i think we start on it now. what do you think? we're going to cheer on -- >> join me? >> that's not the deal. we'll join you by cheering on. >> trying to kill me off. >> no. we'll bep in the torch. >> you can't have it both ways. you can't say yes i'm in and then say we're trying to kill you off. >> you know me. i'm game. >> we're going to make this happen. >> yes. >> willie,riving the boat dressed as captain stubing. >> i'm the guy with all kinds of licenses he needs to have. >> we don't know yet. just a guess. >> fun to talk about. >> you said we weren't going to be dumped. >> al is on his way to hawaii, dylan is stuck with us. we're happy she's here. hello, dylan. >> hello, guys. jetpacking.
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that, if it didn't go too high. >> another daredevil adventurer with me. >> i would be there to suprt you on that. the weather across the country is a little bit unsettled still inintexas,here we have a line of thunderstorms just to the southeast of dallas. these will fire up more as we go into this afternoon. really warm, moist air ahead of this cold front, and that will trigger a slight risk of stronger storms from dallas to austin. the biggest threats will be for damaging wind gusts and large hail. then as we go into tonight and tomorrow, it starts to move into the houston area, and then eventually across through louisiana and then eventually by the time we get into the weekend, it starts to push into mississippi. we could see the potential for more flooding, because the ground is soaking wet and we are looking at an additional 2 to 3 inches of rain, some of that falling in just one hour. and then over time, that could lead to more flash floloing and even as we go into friday here you see most of the heavier rain starts to move into mississippi. that's a look at ththunderstorms to the state. stormtrack7 live weather network will eventually look grey and wet today. riiht now it is dry wiwih warm
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to mid 50s over most of the viewing area with the colder weather just outside of the state to the west. winds will be breezy from the south today ahead of the cold front, bubu will turn to the west and northwess by this evening as the front tracks through. clouds are tracking into the area, with some clouds still in our northern counties. rain to the west will eventually fill in as the system tracks to the northeast. the front will be the best chance of thunder and >> that's your latest forecast. guys? >> thanks. see you in a bit. coming up next, our new song is "better when i'm dancing," meghan trainor should hang out with us. we'll talk to hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink a a you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh.. right t re girl, boom
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lactaid . 100% real milk. no discomfort
9:04 am
give extra. get extra. i try hard to get a great shape. this i can do easily. benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings.
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that's clinically shown to help keep me fuller, longer. benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. meghan trainor has had a big year, with five hit songs on the billboard hot 100 charts. >> forget our lips, our hips can't stopp moving to her latest single, "better when i'm dancing," from the "peanuts" soundtrack, which she just performed live here with a bunch of kids. >> the kids were cute and meghan is adorable. this song is the best. >> so happy. >> it's so happy. >> i'm so glad everyone likes it. i wrote it in a short amount of time on my ukulele on my tour bus. >> o o a bus? >ith my friends on tour. i got sick on the first tour, and i was like, but i feel better when on stage. this will be perfect for the movie.
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>> theyall you up, say, we'e' doing a "peanuts" movie, and do you dictate what the song was? >> i figured they'd tell my team, have her write a song. they brought me into a couple studios and i worked every person who worked on the movie. they gave me a tour of like how they make clay, and put it on a computer, and it takes three seconds of the movie that took a week to program. mind blown. those are all my questions my whole life about cartoons. >> fantastic. >> the video we were watching, your whole family is in it, just about. your dad is here, by the way, as we saw earlier. >> hi, dad. >> hey. >> he has the hat, too. >> i love it. >> he is all in. all? >> he was your date, also, at the premiere, right? >> he was. >> instagramed cutee picture. look at this. >> awe. >> he learned to tie that himself. >> themust be proud of you,
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>> their faces are adorable. it's like it's frozen. >> i'm proud to be here. having a ball. >> see? >> awe. >> love it. >> love you, dad. >> family dinners must be fun at your house. >> i said for my birthday, i want to have the home birthdays with your family this year. we'd combine my brother's and i. i want that this year.. and today is my grandma and grandpa's birthday. love you, too. >> we love that about you. >> family affair. you're from nantucket. they need a sign when you arrive at the airport, get off the ferry, ferry. >> right off the boat, my parents jewelry store is there, right there, if you walk a little bit. if you walk in, it's like a meghan trainor museum. it's a shrine to me. >> awe. >> peoeoe walk in and it's like my store now. >> they'll have to make the childhood home a museum soon.
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>> j.lo is hosting. she's been one of your inspirations. >> incredible. >> have you gotten to know her? >> just from seeing her at events. hi, what's up? you're perfect. she's even prettier in person. >> she is. she glows. >> i stare at her, like whoa. you're real. >> you're not the only one. we all do. >> i think the movie w wh j.lo is something i read changed your life. >> yeah. >> what's for you outside of music? you have this infectious personality. we can see you on the big screen. >> yes, i would love to act o o day. i haven't had a lesson. when i find time, i'm going to take acting lessons and try to get into tv shows. >> you're a natural-born performer. thank you so much. thanks to "peanuts,","f course. did you see our costumes? we were the peanuts last week.
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i saw a snoopy outfit downstairs. >> google it. the whole thing. >> amazing. >> it's your dream. >> haunts your dreams forever. >> "peanuts" opens tomorrow. meghan will be with kathie lee and hoda next hour. women part of an elite club, bond girls, or i've been coloring since i was 19. mymyair showed it. then everything changed with olia. garnier olia... the first, the only haircolor powered by 60% oils, zero ammonia. i love that, with olia... my hair gets bette every time i use it. nonoi don't see dryness or dullness. all i see is shiny... brilliant, color. and zero grays. it feels so soft and healthy. it's the best experience i have ever had coloring my hair. garnier olia. brilliant color, visibly improved hair.
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first, a look back. >> reporter: we know the man, the myth, the legend, with intense action scenes. his killer style. of course, the martini. >> martini shaken, not stirred. >> behind every hero is a leading lady. in 007's case, leading lady. from the first bond girl -- >> what's your name? >> reporter: these women have been an institution throughout the long-running series. the outfits have changed. >> i need you to wear this. >> reporter: the unforgettable character names remained. this time around, there's not one, not two, but three lovely ladies in "spectre." the 24th film in the franchise. >> what do you think? >> i think you're just getting started. >> reporter: as the long history of strong bond girls lives another day.
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monica bellucci and lea seseoux e new to the club. naomie harris revives her role. can we call you bond women? >> yes, that's what we want. >> putting bond girls to the side. i'm looking at three beautiful women. what was it like to get the phone call and hear you'd be one of the famous bond women? >> surprised. told me he was looking for an adult woman, so needed a mature woman close to james bond. it's a beautiful message for women and actresses. >> i love what daniel craig said. he came to your defense when a reporter asked about you being an older bond women. he said, when someone like that wants to be a bond girl, you just count yourself lucky to work with monica bellucci. he's's that standup bond guy. >> daniel is a really incredible gentleman. not just as a james bond, but
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it was really beautiful, that moment acting with him. >> he was on earlier this morning. he said it was a blast. even though it was grueling, very fun on set. how do you describe the experience? >> for me? >> uh-huh. >> very fun, we hadd a lot of fun. it was great to work with him and on this film. i have to say, to work with daniel was very --, i mean, helpful. in the sense, sometimes you can feel the pressure in a way, and he was so nice to me. >> it's interesting in the history of all the bond women, you're the first blond, as he is the first blond bond. >> the f fst blondgirl. >> i was surprised to hear that. you also share other similarities with bond character, right? >> yeah. it's true that we have things in common in the film. i think thaha madelyn, my
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that's why they fall in love. >> nay yoenis, you areomi, you are t t veteran. you were so g gd in the last movie, they brought you back. where is miss money "spectre"? >> she's behind a desk. she's happier, grounded, found her feet and true calling. she doesn't have the stomach for killing. >> did each of you have a favorite previous bond girl? even by the name? >> i think, we have moments where they were coming outrom the water. halle berry was amazing. >> basically, we love them all. we love you, too. the new generation right here. >> thank you so much, bond women. "spectre" opens up tomorrow. 16 to 16 team working to get healthy for the new year, sharing recipes for meeting
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want bladder leak underwear that moves like you do? try always discreet underwear and move, groove, wiggle, giggle, swerve, curve. lift, shift, ride, glide, hit your stride. only always discreet underwear has soft dual leak guard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most and a discreet fit that hugs your curves, you barely feel it. always discreet underwear so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because hey, pee happens.
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a service dog in training goes missing from one eastern iowa town... now an anonymous donor is offering a five thousand dollar reward. here's the dog-- a black lab named latham. he's part of the retrieving freedom progrgrm here in eaaern iowa, he went t ssing from parkersburg from his foster mom's home latham is described as very friendly and approachable if you see him dont hesitate to approach him and please call the owner of retrieving freedom or his foster familyy their contact informoation is on our website in 10 days, many eastern iowa troops will leave -- to begin their deployment to afghanistan. nearly 40 members of a cedar rapids based group will ship off on november 15th.. as part of operation enduring freedom. they'll be in charge of managing facilities and security... a
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now, let's go to eileen with a look at weather. rain and some thunderstorms will track through today and tonight. on saturday and climb ack into the mii 50s for next week. another chance of rain holds off until veterans day. we'll be back in 30 minutes, be sure to check kwwl dot c for
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taking a look at the headlines. u.s. intelligence sources strongly suspect it was a bomb that cauaud a russian aiaiiner to crash in egypt last weekend. they also believe that isis may have been responsible. today, british prime minister david cameron said the crash was more likely than not caused by a mb. isis has claimed that it brought down the metro jet plane, killing all 224 people on board. an important recall for people with egg allergies. kozyzyhack is recalling pudding because there may be eggs in the product but not on the label. the recall involves indulgent res pew. the products were sold in 18 states from coast tocoast. a new study suggesting a child's sense of self-esteem develops early in life. it finds that by kindergarten, a child's self-esteem is as strong as an adults and remains stable
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for r e rest of his or h h life. researchers say it underscores the importance of the first five years as a foundation for life. they say feeling loved by others may help children t love themselves. the study isn the journrn of experimental social phycology. google is rolling out a new automated replyprogram. they suggest up to three possible replies for e-mails. google expects the smart reply option will be popular with people whoho check e-mail on smartphones with their smaller touchscreen key boards. spectacular site over iceland where tourists flock to see the northern lights. they're caused by sunlightht hitting particlcl in theearth's atmosphere. they've been visible in parts of the northern u.s. it's a rare light shore that's spectacular and out of this world. let's get a check of the weather from dylan. >> good morning.
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thank you so much. we have a big warmup still occurring across the eastern half of the country. look at the dip in the jet stream. that's where the snow is happening in the rockies to the east, we're under the ridge. we have this area of high pressure, pumping in winds out of a southerly direction. this warm, humid air comes ahead of the jet stream where we'll see scattered showers and storms through the texas area. look at our temperatures, 20 degrees above normal in new york, pennsylvania. 15 degrees above normal in the midwest. temperatures running in the mid 70s, 20 degrees above average. the front will movehrough out of the western great lakes. then we'll eventually see temperatures drop by the time we get into friday. detroit dro to 65. that's still above average for this time of year. we're still l lking at mid to uppepe 70s, most likely coming close to records in the mideast tomorrow. we're back in the 50s, closerchance of rain and thunderstorms to the
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network will eventually look ey and wet tooay. right now it is dry with warm temps... we are still in the low to mid 50s over most of state to the west. winds will be breezy from the south today ahead of the cold front, but will turn to through. cloudd are tracking inino the area, wwth some clouds still in our northern counties. rain to the west will eventually fill in as the system tracks to the northeast. the front will afternoon and evening. we dry out for tomorrow, but the cooler air will stream in... rainfall amounts will >> that's your latest forecast. guys? >> all right, thanks so much, dylan. we're halfway through our 16 too 16 series, where we've challenged three viewers and you at home to get healthy by the new year. for every pou lost here, the today show will provide healthy meals for those in ed. as of l lt week, we've donated almost 9,000 meals. >> awesome. now, it's time to unp the ante.
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joy bauer and jenna wolfe issued our friends f fd and fitness aj challenges this week. let's see how they did. good to see you. >> good morning. >> joy couldn't be here today. jenna is handling the food and the fitness. >> how did wee do? >> mary jean lost another pound for a total of 21 pounds. fantastic. >> thank you. >> rochelle lost three pounds for a total of almlmt 16 pounds sincnc we started. >> nice job. >> thank you. >> ken lost another pound for a total of 18 pounds. >> all right, ken. >> really nice job,uys. therers another pound right there. >> has it been easy, guys? >> it's been a challenge. getting easier. >> we're running out of galballoons here. joy gave you the challenge to come up with foods that are healthyoptions, using vegetables you've never cooked with. >> i did turkey bowl over
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spaghetti squash. we don't do a lot of pasta at all anymore andndove it. weweere trying to finin a replacement for it. this is a really good one that tastes like angel hair. >> how do you make it? >> it shreds. you take a fork. you can shred it and it looks like a pasta. loaded with fiber, right? >> loaded with fiber. only the texturere is different. the taste, once you put the toppings on it, she used lean ground turkey. a dish like this, 420 calories. she's saving calories and you don't get the carbohydrates. >> well done. this one, i can't wait to try. this is a cauliflower pizza. >> i like cauliflower. i read about cauliflower crust and was spectacle. i found a recipe and it's actually good.
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when you're cooking the cauliflower, open the windows because it smells. it doesn't taste like cauliflower. it's crisp. it's actually good. >> how does it hostld as a crust? >> shred it, looks like snow. cook it in the microwave, let it cool and drape it. i got a cup and a half of water out of it. spread the dough, bake it first, put the toppings on. >> for a slice like this, you're looking at 120 calories. you can add vegetables, your toppings. you're taking out the carbs using the cauliflower with vitamin c. >> it's good. >> sneak vegetables to my kids that way. >> trick them. >> that's what we do. >> i also did spaghetti squash. i'd never seen it until i made this meal on sunday. it was fantastic.
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feel like angel hair pasta. we eat a lot of pasta. very satisfying. we did grilled chicken with broccoli and roasted sun dried tomatoes. >> looks great. >> you get the protein, vegetables. for 500 calories, you have a dish that looks and feels fulfilling andnd satisfying. >> reaeay satisfying. >> the recipes are on our website, as well. >> absolutely. >> try these at home. they're fantastic. >> let'so to the fitness. what was the challenge here, guys? coco up with your own? >> i challenged t t three of these guys to find a room in their house, any room at all, create a workout from it or exercise using a piece of equipment or prop from the room. these three got creative. mary jean, what room did you choose? >> the laundry room. i'm in there occasionally. >> we all are. >> so you can do a ton of stuff with this and use it as a weight. almost ten pounds. >> full bottle of detergent.
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i could do reps, ten o these. also, you can do it up and down here, works my shoulders. >nd if you keep your core tight, it works that, as well. this is fanfantastic. gets easier insensitive. >> as a mom, i'm alwlws in the kitchen. this is my grandma's grandma's teakettle. it weighs 6 pounds. i do bent over rows. >> keepour back flat. she was doing 5. i said to do 200 to 300. i'm kidding. >> she's not kidding. >> you can do a real kettle bell. >> i grabbed a basketball in the garage. we can do basketball planks. >> ken's core is super tight. has to be. don't rotate your hips.
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then switches arms. give a pushup. grab the ball and start again. a fun, creative way to get somemeing done in your garage. >> i can see you're a baller. very nice. >> good job, guys. >> congratulations. keep going. we'll talk to you next week. jenna, thank you. >> aced the challenge. >> all the are recipes a a at up next, we're headed to brooklyn and joined by mastering the art of refinement one dark chocolate rises above the rest lindt excellence created bybyur master chocolatiers pure, rich, darkly intense... made like no other crafted elegantly thin to reveal complex layers of flavor experience excellence with all your senses and discover chocolate beyond compare try lindt excellence with a touch of sea salt. i just love cherry preserves. is that your favavite?
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with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apple... pineapple... grape... red currant... with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. fact. when emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain. the medicine in advil is their #1 choice. nothing is stronger on tough pain than advil. relief doesn't get any better an this. advil. i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody' smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh n n you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i say "don't eat me now." i'm there for bessie. i'm there for ray. ted loved baseball. dr. phil likes to watch football. renne, who wants sloppy joe on the menu every day. rosie's my best friend. evelyn likes to dance. harriett wants her fried shrimp as well.
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what was your reaction? >> i think, initiaiay, when i ad the script, i thought, this is my mom and dad's story. this is what they went through. in the '80s, they moved over to the bronx. you know, they got married over there. they got marared in cityy hall, just like my character and her fiance do. they had me there. so it was, initially, what it was about, just that this film is set in two different locations. that kind of was like me, as well. from the time i signed on to when we made it, i moved away. i was incredibly home sick when we made the film. it was raw for me. >> you said something interesting and maybe it's because of what you said, the story is so personal. when you read the script, you didn't want to mess up the story. >> no. >> what did you mean by that? >> i didn't want to let ireland down, and i didn't want to let -- i mean, i know everyone always says this about their films, but this story is
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universal. it's very much an american story. everyone here is an immigrant. everyone has come from somewhere else. everyone has left home and gone through the home sickness. i think having to repsent so many people's stories, that ant -- that kind of felt so huge to thehe at the time, and it was a huge responsibility. >> your bronx accent is amazing. i'm mesmerized. willie has the jersey accent. i'm a little texan. u're a aot of bronx. >> jennifer lopez, eat your heart out. >> on the -- >> slightly. >> you were born in the brbrx, right? >> yes, clearly. as you can tell. we all knew that, i'm a bronx girl. yeah, i was born in the bronx and we lived there until i was 3. my mom was a nannnn she worked withhifferent families.
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jobs and ended up -- oh, a song. >> little background during your life story. >> cheeeeeader, bronx, it all comes together. >> and flies out. god bless us. >> god bless you and the film. it's phenomenal. congratulations. >> thank you. >> go see maria. there are thousands of ways into the complex health care system. and choosing unitedhealthcare can help make it simpler with our 24/7 nurseline. nunue:(over phone) if it's pinkeye, it could d contagious. oh. i know.
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the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. give extra. get extra. before it was honey in these honey nut cheerios, it was honey being collected. and honey getting made.
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and honey that was just beginning. coughing...s.sffling... and wishing you could stay in bed all day. when your cold is this bad... need new theraflu expressmax. theraflu expressmax combines... maximum strength medicines available without a prescription... fight your worst cold and flu symptoms... you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. new theraflu e eressmax. the power to feel daddy gator couldn't push the throttle on his little boat any harder if he tried. he's beached here, gazing out on an unforgiving landscape.
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a toilet paper that works so well they completely forget their experience... daddy gator sees all and forgets nothing. "i've got to motor out of here," he thinks. "this is no place to raise a child." quilted northern. designed to be forgotten. time for one of our favorite segments, as we welcome back our friend, morning show host on wor 710 radio. >> you'll take us a ride to the whacky world of sports. >> my cracker jack flop isn't yoururfault.
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>> unbebeevable! >> time for the peewee kickoff in ohio. the ball goes backwards. what do you do? e other team picks it up and runs for the touchdown. midland, texas, for the extra point. there's the ref in the middle. look out. >> oh! >> double doinker. went off two. in illinois, kick the ball to yourself. touchdown! it counts. the catch of the month, stanford, francis pins it ainst the back of the ucla defender. >> unbelievable. >> our best swings of the month. samurai taking on a 100 miles per hour fastball. >> incredible. >> sliced the ball foul. >> fan of the month. yankee stadium on the pop-up. >> oh, no, not this guy.
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>> yes, this guy, willie. the bobocer. toss him a ball. look at his lady friend over there. oh, gosh. i have to sit next to this guy? the biggest race of the month. here you go. down the stretch they lumber. >> oh! >> car race in mexico on the right, you have to look out for the cars. oh, my goodness. nobody got hurt, except for the guy on the right. >> laughing inappropriately. >> good guy of the month. lebron james takes a sfie with fans, right in the middle of a basketball game. here it is on twitter. way to go, lebron. need a little culture on the show to finish up. here you go.
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>> concert by pianist sarah davis playing, "meet the mets." >> there it is. rhapsody in blue. >> kansas city has the championship but they don't have "meet the royals." >> they do.
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this is "today" on nbc. i like the look today. >> fresh off the subway. >> we went to see elvis duran this morning. we're going to talk about that. we also have meghan trtrnor with
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>> lots of cool thinone man's injuries -- after being hit by a car on university avenue -- are worse than police originally thought. waterloo police say robert johnson was taken t t iowa city hospitals after being hit by a car early wednesday morning. police say johnson darted out into traffic before being hit. a mega merger will affect jobs in the midwest. the newly merged kraft-heinz food company says it will close seven manufacturing cilities over the next two years. 26-hundred jobs will be eliminated. one of the manufacturing
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facilities that will close is in madison, wisconsin. the company will also close a lunch-meat processing plant i i davenport -- and rellcate production to a new facility to be built several miles away. now, let's go to eileen with a look at weather. rain nd some thunderertorms will track through today and tonight. temps on saturday and climb back into the mid 50s for next week. another chance of rain holds off sure to check kwwl dot com for the latest news
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