tv KWWL News at Six NBC November 5, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm CST
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crews finished a distance second to school board member,m jim borwn...forcing a december 1 runoff. kwwl's jessica hartman spoke with both mayor crews and candiddte jim brown today - - jessica, jim brown got 45 per cent of the vote. an uphill battle for jon crews in the run off. yes...and jon crews said his decision to drop out and retire was not one he took lightly . . .but he did say the nature of run-off campaigns did play a part. instead of spending the next month slinging mud at the opposing team . . .h will be passing on his knowledge of the job to jim brown. and that began this morning when crews told brown about his plans. brown "having coffe this morning." hartman "so this is really really brand new." brown "this is really bran new. how am i doing so far." a run-off f lections. now the two are meeting as members of the same team. crews says this is how he would prefer to spend the next two months.
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and you get negative campaigns. sometimes i don't that, so i said well i was already going to retire soon so lets do it this year." hartman "city hall has been home to mayor crews for 30 years. his focus now, to make the transition smooth ffm him to mmor elect jim brown. "we talked about meeting at least once a week and talk about what the budget and goals and there is a 2025 plan that's in the process right now. so i'm going to try and transition. say here are the key things i thinknkwill be good foo you to consider." brown "it is humbling, i think. as i might read through the lines, he is entrusting me to continue what he has established the last 40 years of involvement, 30 years as mayor. that's humbling because i love the city we live in asswell. when asked if things would have been different had crews pulled out of the race before tuesday leaving brown and candidate dave halterman alone in race - - brown "i don't thk it necissarly makemuch of a
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difference. we had the goal fore us, we had a date for election, we had a message to get out. from that point forward, i believe the folks have spoken, as per our process." i did reach outtto dave halterman, and he says he will be mounting a write-in campagin for the run-off election on december first. we've got you covered ...jessica hartman kwwl news. so, the runoff will go on and jon the ballot. but, black hawk county auditor, grant veeder, says his office is looking at ways to economiize and streamline the december fist cedar falls runoff. because we're expecting alot of peoplke will consider it a foregone conclusion that mr. brown will be the winner and and we can combineeprecincts, or we can have a vote center or multiple vote-centers, where everybody would vote, rather than opening all
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but, grant veeder says no final decisions have been made concerning those possibilities. decision 2016 news... donald trump is running t te first paid ads of s campaign. the campaign is spending around $300,000 in radio ad buys in iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina. the ads don't attack any of the republican rivals but they say politicians in are "all talk, no action." one of the ads is geared towards iowa caucus-goers, saying he vows to protect the second amendment and religious liberties. orms are on the way through eastern iowa. let's go to storm track seven chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg who's tracking
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these storms. from the kwwl stormtrack weather team. see the screen here is additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team: we are tracking a cold front pushing trough the state this afternoon and evening. there is a chance of showers and storms along and ahead of the cold front until 11 pm for all of eastern iowa. some of the storms could have some gusty wind and some hail. rain amounts will be less then 0.50" in most locations where rain falls. tonight will be cooler with a gusty northwest wind. highs friday will hover near 50 degrees with a nw wind at 10- 20 mph. saturday and sunday will be mostly sunny with highs in the pushing trough the ate this afternoon and evening. there is a chance of showers and storms along and ahead of the cold front until 11 pm for all of eastern iowa. some of the storms could haveesome gusty wind and some hail. rain amounts will be falls. tonight will be cooler with
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friday will hover near 50 stabbing his ex girlfriend to death at a marion hy-vee. the prosecution says he had been planning to kill her, even writing about it in his journal. nicholas leurkens is charged with first degree murder.... he's accused of stabbing and killing 29-year-old lynnsey donald - in front of her seven yeararold son... donald was stabbed as she was walking out of the marion hy-vee in the middle of the afternoon in april... kwwl's nikki newbrough was in cedar rapids where the defense "familly and friends testified today saying leurkensswasn't himself and he was depressed." stabbed his ex girlfriend lynnsey donald multiple times. but family and friends say weeks before this day, leurkens wasn't himself. his friend, ryan sprig testified saying he had heard leururns was depressed and drinking a lot.
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apartment to try and get him help. even threatening to call authorties for help "i don't know just scared,,he's my friend. i don't want him to and that's wasn't the person he used to know. "because that man right there, what he did was terrible, but shortly after luerkens wawabrought into the linn counn jail he was put on suicide watch. "because of the nature of the defendant's crime, the impuslivity of his actions, and also because he had harmed himself." "a forensic psychiattst also testified today and said during that april 21st incident leurkens had major dispressent disorder. we've got you covered in cedar
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trial wililcontine tomorrow. the jury should start deliberating in the next few days a three and a half hour stand-off comes to a apeaceful end.. the stand-off took place in tripoli. according to bremer county sheriff's office, a man barricaded himself insde his home with a weapon and said he wouldn't come out. police eventually talked the man down. he was taken to allen hospital for further treatment. no charges are pending. homeless people in cedar rapids are protesting over having nowhere to stay. the group was kicked out of osborn park where they had set up camp. osborn park is owned by the city, and has park hours that end at 10 at night... the group was told they were tresspassing and they needed to relocate
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kwwl's kristin rogers caught up with the group as they took a stand outside city hall. that's right. they were upset they said the park was their home and ttey consider each other family. (cg: donald wroblewski/ homeless) "where are we supposed to go now? we can't sleep on park benches, you understadn what i'm saying? you can't go up here and sleep on the bike trail, they'll kick leave after a ssries of complaints. the caa was also homeless) "that was to keep warm that night i believe, becauce that was right after we had all that rain." (cg: kristin rogers) "this is the park they were moved out of, the ark they called home." (cg: sean wilcoxx homeless) "that campsight was basically my home, granted it ws city property, they never messed with us before, i don't know why they of my home again."
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many people dropped off food as they protested, saying they don't want here.......sorry." the mayor later met with the group, asking the tough questions. (cg: ron corbett) "i'd like to hear a few more stories i "ain't got enough time for my story tonightt." "okay" "you, you don't have a story of you don't want to share it? just tough? that's all you can say?" the mayor, trying to get to the bottom of the issue. as he says they will work on solutions. in the mean time, "where are you guys going to mean where are we going to sleep?" the homeless group claims the shelters in cedar rapids
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are always full. they also said even when there is only one bed available, they don't want to take it because they don't want to split up their group they call family. we've got you covered in cedada rapids, kristin rogers ...kwwl news. we are told the city is working to find a camp ground where this group can stay for now, but that is still up in the air. the group claims they can't get breaking within the last hour... a domestic dispute creates quite a spectacle at an eastern iowa strip mall.. officicrs were called to midway studios, a motel in cedar falls kwwls olivia mancino just returned from the scene and joins us now live, what can you tell us well witnesses on the scene said they saw a man screaming at a woman in the motel parking lot.. one woman told me he even pulled out a small bat and dragged her into
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a car here is video of the man who is allegedly involved in this dispute, he's in the strip mall parking lot across the street he's yelling at another girl, from what i heard he was saying he loves e girl, and that he did nothing wrong he was telling the girl to tell the police she drove but one witness i spoke to said thats not case "and then he got around the car and he takes off while herlegs are still hanging out, someone was being bducted, ive nnver seen that beffre when i left police were still talking to the man, though he was sitting in the back seat of the police car offfcers on the scene told me they're unsure if there will be any charges against him we've got you covered live in the newsroom olivia mancino...kwwl news. thanks so much coming up on kwwlla scientist from an iowa university is helping us learn more about the planet mars.
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afternoon and evening. there is a chance of showers and storms along and ahead of the cold front until 11 m for all of eastern iowa. some of the storms could have some gusty wind and some hail. rain amounts will be less then 0.50" in most locations where rain falls. tonight will be cooler with a gusty northwest wind. highs friday will hover near 50 degrees with a nw wind at 10- 20 mph. saturday and sunday will be mostly sunny with highs in the upper 40s to mid 50s.we are tracking a cold front pushing trough the statetethis afternoon and evening. there is a chance of showers and storms along and ahead of the cold front until 11 pm for all
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of eastern iowa. some of the storms could have some gusty wind and some hail. rain amounts will be less then 0.50" in most locations where rain falls. tonight will be cooler with a gusty northwest wind. highs friday will hover near 50 degrees with a nw wind at 10- 20 mph. saturday and suuday will be mostly sunny with highs in the upper 40s to mid 50s.we are tracking a cold front pushing trough the state this afternoon and evening. there is a chance of showers and storms along and ahead of the cold front until 11 pm for all of eastern iowa. some of the storms could have some gusty wind and some hail. rain amounts will be less then 0.50" in most locations where rain falls. tonight will be cooler witt a gusty northwest wind. highs friday will hover near 50 degrees with a nw wind at 10- 20 mph. saturday and sunday will be mostly sunny with highs in the upper 40s to mid 50s.we are tracking a cold front pushing trough the state this
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storms along and ahead of the cold front until 11 pm for all of eastern iowa. some of the storms could have some gusty wind and ssme hail. rain amounts will be less then 0.50" in most locations where rain falls. tonight will be cooler with a gusty northwest wind. highs friday will hover near 50 degrees with a nw wind atat10- 20 mph. saturday a ad sunday wiil be mostly sunny with highs in the upper 40s to mid 50s.we are tracking a cold front pushing trough the state this afternoon and evening. there is a chance of showers and storms along and ahead of the coco front until 11 pm for alll of eastern iowa. some of the storms could have some gusty wind and some hail. rain amounts will be falls. tonight will be cooler with a gusty northwest wind. highs friday will hover near 50 about our nearest space neighbor--the planet mars. nasa scientists today sharing new information from
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maven--which gives us a glimpse into why mars looks the way it does. they say mars used to look similar to earth--with lots of water--but now it's barren and frozen. much of that research coming from maven--the first spacecraft to study mars' atmosphere. kwwl's brad hanson at the university of iowa today, actually talked to a professor who is part of that maven team. well ron, they say this is very exciting research. through maven, they're learning that the atmosphere is thinniig, and solar winds are to blame. this animation shows that solar wind pummeling mars, basically taking it's atmosphere with it. it's part of the findings the maven team have gotten from research they've done over the past year or so. one of the members of university of iowa, and has been here for a year now. but he's been part of the maven team for nearly a dozen, and planet. (jaspspr halekas, maven team member) "the processes that we're learning about, some of
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those should apply. and so we system, and maybe even beyond our solar system." halekas says they've just been other planets in our solar system, and maybe evvn beyond our solar system." halekas says they've just been approved for another year of maven research, but he's hoping for many more. and in case you were worried about solar wind now--earth has a magnetic field that deflects most of the solar wind from hitting our planet like it does mars. we've got you covered live here in iowa city, brad hanson...kwwl news. halekas says they have enough fuel left on maven to continue to do research for the next decade or so. coming up.... wrestling season starts outdoors for the iowa hawkeyes.. while the schedule doesn't get any easier for the iowa state cyclones who travel face 15th ranked oklahoma
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if there was a ranking of the nation's toughest schedules right now--- iowa state would have to be at the toppf the list. of the cyclones' five losses...3 have been to unbeaten, top ten teams..the iowa hawkeyes, t-c-u and baylor. while a fourth came to toledo which lost its first game on tuesday. now iowa state gets 15th ranked oklahoma. the cyclones are coming off their most impressive win of the season---a 24-0 shutout victory of the texas longhorns. and that win has caught the attention of the 7-1 sooners---who's only loss this season is to that
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the last time the cyclones beat the oklahoma as 25 years agg--but sooner head coach bob stoops a team that has a lot of life excellent runninback mike warren quarter back played well in this last game so we to co ntinue to improve and make strides and that t s what we are going to work on this week. the cyclones and sooners kick it off at six o'clk saturday night in norman oklahoma. it's just a little more than two weee before the iowa hawkeye wrestling team takes on top ranked oklahoma state in an historic meet outdoors at kinnick stadium. the november 14th meet is expected to break ncaa attendance records---at his media day.. iowa head coach ttm brands says he likes the mentality of this year's team. i guess the thing is at what point is your improvement judged butt. that's what's important to they're good students, but also
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