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tv   KWWL News at Five  NBC  November 24, 2015 5:00pm-5:30pm CST

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night the rain will mix and change to light snow north and west of a line from waterloo to prairie du chienen snow accumulations will be less then 1" by friday morning. the busy shopping day, friday, will be dry and cooler with highs in the 40s. in continuing overage... new
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in continuing coverage... new details are out today about a deadly shooting inside an eastern iowa mall... n june 20-yeaa- old andreaa farrington was shot and killed inside the food court at the coral ridge mall. just feet away from the iowa children's museum - wheee she worked police say this man - 22-year old alexander kozak - a mall security guard - shot farrington three times in the back with a nine- millimeter glock. tonight - unsealald search warrants reveal that kozak told
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police he and farrington were dating -- and that she sent him a text message to brek off their relationnhip... and thht he snapped, packed a bag and grabbed a gun... and eventually went and killed her. kozak is still in custody - and will go to trial april 12 in story county cause his attorney's requested a change of venue because of pre-trial publicity. it's been a little more than a month since a w wterloo teen left his home and never returned. moe sed, a refugee from burma, went missing october 22nd. ere have been a couple of group searches for him and police continue to look for him everyday. kwwl's nikki newbrough is live in our newsrooo and has beee following this case. nikki police say this is an unusual case. ptain dave mohlis say they are treating this as a missing person case, however theyyare looking at all aspects.
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missing person posters hang up throughout town. showing the teen who left his home in late octobobr. "wewere out there every day looking at any possible person that looks like him, you know we're going to check him out." for moe sed, captain dave mohlis says they look for him everyday. they are checking his facebook page and cell phone. "captain mohlis says they're "it just seems like he vanished into thin air." have a lead. whether it's a friends house, you know they're hiding out from their parents this is st very unussal. we have nothing." they've entered moe sed into the national database, in hopes to have more people look out for him. as for now the
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waterloo p-d won't give up on moe sed. "no we will contine to look, we will continue to look nd follow up on leads." captain mohlis sayythey have ann en dialog witit moe sed's family. it is however difficult because they need an interrupter. we've got you covered live in policeesay they have gotten tips from places not just in waterloo...but from cedar rapids and chickasaw county. if you have any information, contact the waterloo police department. decision 2016... a newly released poll shows iowans are shifting some of heir support back to more traditjonal politiciansns.. a quinnipiac poll released this moringing shows that donald trump is back on top with 25 pcent- taking the lead back from ben carson; however, carson isn'ttin second
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second is actually ted cruz, only in second by a very small margin of 2 percent... kwwl's policiticallanalyst chris larrer says there may be one specific reason for the sudden change. case where someone with ra with foreign policy that voters maybe feel a bit more comfortaale with a ununed states senator on a foreign policy rather than a complete outsider." he also says this tight rre could bring a lot of attention to the state of iowa over the next two months. larimer covers this and all political issuesson his blog -- you can find a link to that on our website, kwwl dot com... an eastern iowa city is bllcking guns from city buildings - even for those with concealed carry permits. the discussion comes after
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bobord members innnorth liberty noticed there was not a weapon free zone policy for their building -- so they brought it to the city council's attention. the mayor says if they make one city buildldng weapon ee, they might as well do it for all of them -- but the idea has stirred up (cg: amy nielsen/ mayor of north liberty) "the really receiving, i hope that they stay out of the council chammers and that toniiht be get a lot of polite and well mannered people hat want to come in and voice their opinion." the mayor notes this wouldn't be a city law - instead a resolution the council would vote on. if passed, a person bringing a concealed arry weapon into a city tresspassing. a waterloo woman is dgnating a significant amount of money to the wininesheik countyyheriff's
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honor of k-9 ricky. ricky diedver the weekend. he served he county for seven years. the sheriff's office announced the dog's retirement two weeks ago, after the dog was diagnosed with cancer. kwwl's#lauren moss was there as ricky's deputy handler and the woman met for the first time.. and lauren...the woman making the generous donation is also battling cancer.. ron, 89 year old betty mccoy is battling stage 4 lung cancer..when she heard about the loss of k9 ricky..she felt terrible and wanted to help. so now, she is nating enough money...for the winneshiek county sheriff's office to buy another k-9. the sheriff and several deputies met betty and her family in waterloo today. k-9s are very it would have takakn years for the sheriffs department to afford a new one.. that is until betty stepped in. just like how ricky was...this woman is a fighter... "i'm a dog lover and they were in neeee and i felt so badly for
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to know nothing feels good about putting your dog down..but that helped." to repay betty for her generous gift, steve gave r this picture of him and ricky saying " a true friend leaves paw prints on your heart..." a gift that betty loved. it's a long process that takes time to train b dog to become a k-9 deputy...but as the sheriff tells me they will begin immediately all thanks to betty's donation. thanks lauren- another generous gesture from betty mccoy, whom has made many donations to area organizations...
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mcleod center, please make sure you notice it's called mccoy court. coming up... a trip to grandma's house this holidy week will be cheaper than usual... as we're seeing the lowest gas prices innyears. and... the u-s state department issues a warning to travelers, in the days just before thanksgiving. that's coming up in just a fe here's a live look at the storm track 7 live doppper radar. chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg has your full forecast next. --------- ---------
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(vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free owowrship. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone...
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america's never been a country of quitters. it's not who we are. we d d't ignore threats like climate change. we face our problems head-on. with american-made clean energy, can end our dependence on foreign oil... spark new innovation... and create millions of new jobs. solving our climate crisis starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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night the rain will mix and change to light snow north and west of a line from waterloo to prairie du chien. snow accumulations will be less then 1" by friday morning. the busy shopping day, friday, will be dry and cooler with highs in the 40s.. later tonight fog and clouds roll into the area. the clouds and fog will include light rain and drizzle through wednesday. the
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wednesday night leading into a wet thursday. locally heavy rain, up to 2", makes for a soggy thanksgiving. thursday night the rain will mix and change to light snow north and west of a line from waterloo to prairie du chien. snow accumulations will be less then 1" by friday morning. the busy shopping day, friday, will be dry and coololr with highs in the 40s. later tonight fog and clouds roll into the area. the clouds and fog will include light rain and drizzle through wednesday the
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wednesday night leading into a wet thursday. locally heavy rain, , to 2", makes for a soggy thanksgiving. thursday night the rain will mix and change tt light snow north and west of a line from waterloo to praire du chien. snw accumulations will be less then 1" b bfriday morning. the busy shopping day, friday, will be dry and cooler with highs in the 40s. later tonight fog and clouds roll into the area. the cloudu and morning. the busy shopping day, to 2", makes ffr a soggy coming up... the sight of lower gas prices has a lot of iowa's
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planning to stock up... "i just wanted to get me a bunch of ccs and fill ttem up ahahah." a look ahead at the thanksgiving holiday's lowest gas prices in years. you're watching kwwl. we've got
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holiday week... drivers are paying the lowest gas prices for ttis thanksgiving holiday since 2008. kwwl's amanda gilbert spoke with some people about the prices. it's called gas prices pkg in service.... so it's safe to sasashe drives a l lt.... "i just wanted to get me a people rides for free.... "a lot of time i can volunteer can volunteer my service because the prices are good on the
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gas.." low prices are popping up across eastern iowa....some places...gas is as low as 1.89... "this is gonna help a lot of people." for many.... filling this up for less..... is an early holiday present... "a lotf people will be able to afford more.... theyll be able take that monn and put it towards buying something for a family member or their children.." "this is fantastic...more people will go see their families..." covered... live in n aterloo... amanda gilbert...kwwl news today the average cost for gas is twoodollars and one cent, according to gas buddy dot com. still to come on the k-w-w-l news at five... find out what the u-s state department is telling holiday trtrelers... and... are iowa's deer hunters bringing in more deer than in --------- ---------
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the u-s statdepartment issues a worldwide travel alert. the alert is specifically for people who plan to travel abroad
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because of an increase in terror threats oveeeas. the state department says groups like isis, al-qaeda and boko haram could attack. the alert advises american citizens who travel to avoid crowds and be vigilant in public places. it's an exciting time for hunters in the area. gun deer hunting season is underway in nearby wisconssn. hunters from all over the midwest, including iowans....flock to wisconsin for the nine days of the season which started over the weekend. so far...the wisconsin dnr says nearly thirty thousand more deer have been registered this year versus last. hunters say it'sa great time of "the deer are in their breeding tradition that t's a gun huhut his time of year." a new change this year -- all hunters mustegister thier kills online or by phone...eliminating the traditional pit stop -- leaving
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field. back in&iowa, the dnr says hunter are bagging more bucks thaha in prvevious years... iowa's hunters reported harvesting more than 27 thousand 300 deer so far into the 2015 season -- that's a couple thousand more than were reported in 2013 and 2014 in teh ame time perioio... experts cite crops coming out a little earlier and nice weather for stand. more than a thousand people were seed during an nnual prpr- thanksgiving dinner... one thousand and fifty people were served during the annual mike and leona adams thankssiving dinner at uawawlocal 838 in waterloo last night... about 700 people ate at the uaw and anothehe 350 were werved via
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meals on wheels... last year, 915 meals were served. ps are underway at an eastern iowa ski hill -- as crews gets ready to open for dhe season... the sundown mountain snowcrew in dubuque says the snow we've got is melting and the temps are up means they won't be opening on friday, but there's a 50 percent chancece they'll open saturday in specific areas. the iowa hawkeyes are on the cover of sports illustrated the 11 and oh hawkeyes have landed on the regional cover of sports illustrated. iowa is rankkd third in the country and tonight will find out where it's at in the latest
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football playoff rankings. the hawkeyes travel to nebraska on friday before playing in the big 10 title game on december 5th. we'll be right back. ---------
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a final look at your forecast. thanks r watching the kwwl news at five.
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