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tv   The Steele Report  NBC  November 30, 2015 3:35am-4:00am CST

3:35 am
over the past two weeks. look, your boyfriend didn't just "fall off the wagon." he jumped with both feet. and then he pushed the wagon over the cliff. it's not marc. it's the disease. and these horribly enabling women that advertise themselves online. these -- these whores. i hate them! [ door opens ] sorry for interrupting um... pardon me, ms. shriner. i was going through judy's computer, and i found the last entry to her vlog. mm-hmm. but...she died before posting it. thank you. you got the left to the right and the right to the left. yes, that -- left. oh, for heaven's sakes! no, the right -- terrible, terrible. yeah, you got it.
3:36 am
okay. i can't talk...long, but... [ sniffles ] this is raw, all right. he said that... i gave him that rush you feel when you meet the firsrsperson you like who really likes you back. and... i fell for it. and then the second -- and i mean the very second -- he was through, he got off me and he said had to go and could he take a shower first. [ voice breaking god, i'm an idiot. last woman dating is officially over. but not before the part where i tell him)off... [ shower knob squeaking ]
3:37 am
so, that's how it went for that so-called whore last time your f fnc\ had a relapse. that's how she felt. you see marc's jacket, there on the bed behind her? i'm sorry for this woman. and i know how it must seem to you, like marc and she got into some kind of fight, but... it's not how it looks. whoa. slow down there, miss. i'll walk you out. [ door opens ] [ sighs ] [ door closese] you think she's telling the truth? i don't know, but she's right about one thing. buzz...
3:38 am
when people say i'm lucky to have this hair color, i thank them. but then i really thank preference. preference is luminous, fade-defying color that lasts. golden and warm and luminescent. luminous color isn't luck, it's preference. l'oreal. hair colorist. paris i takekeictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am.
3:39 am
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3:40 am
[ police radio chatter ] [ knocking ] tao: anybody back there? buzz: yeah, i am. [ police radio chatter ] could you get me unplugged? sure.
3:41 am
hello, lieutenant tao? i was -- fine. thank you. i was looking at the -- yes, it is very excitingn the interview. but i was -- lieutenant! [ sighs ] i have a problem. marc torres said that the victim keyed his car, but she couldn have. while he was in the shower,r, judy made a veve emotional entry to her online diary. so, my question is, "who scratched the camaro?" here's what i need you to do. okay? now, judy's vlog again, buzz. [ gasps ] chief... you look great. well, thank you, captain. i've made a reservation for us downwnhe -- oh, i don't have time for breakfast, actually. why? what are you doi?
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trying to find out the exact time marc torres' car was keyed. okay, you're going backwards... backwards... buzz: wait. hold it. there it is. see? no scratch. and then... scratch. we don't see who did it. no, chief. what does that mean? it means i've been spending a lot of the morning looking for things i can't see. that scratch happened at 9:45 p.m., when judy was on h h date. would you bring marc torres up from holding, please? i may need him. and, um, your bag of tricks, too. thank you. chief, surely this can wait. i won't miss my appointment, captain! i promise. i promise, i promise, i promise.
3:43 am
giord, i want to thank you so much for letting us in. we s suldn't be but a a nute. you're making a big mistake. hey, you don't talk unless you're revoking your right to an attorney. oh, uh, gifford, since you helped the cable company get everything installed, do you think you could hp us put it back e way we found it? sure. thanks. you ready to talk yet, mr. torres? no? mind the blood. so, i ink the computer was set righghhere. do you remember where the lubricant came from, mr. torres? don't answer that, sir. your lawyer would be very upset. don't worry. i'm not talking. well, you know what? you don't have to talk, but you do have to watch. uh, gifford, do you mind pulling this through, plugging it in on the otheside? sure. thanks. what the hell are you doing, lady? just admiring how well you set up that closet for judy. she had trouble getting her modem and her router
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and her phone to work from the other room. i wonder why, because we checked, and no one else in the building had any trouble at all. anyway, somehow, you heheed the cable companyny get it all hooked up for her in here. 'cause you watched out for her, didn't you, gifford? a-and that's why you drilled this hole in the wall? for all the cables to go through? that's a big hole, gifford. y-you can sit on that stool and look into judy's room without being seen and watch over her for hours. i i ver did that. really? you know, i wonder if the dna evidence on the bottom of that closet will back you up on that? sure you cleaned up after yourself, gifford? you knkn what else can't be seen on her vlog entries? the pillow used to smother judy to death. that's because it came from this closet. that's why we nevevesaw it in her bedroom on any of her vlogs. just like we couldn't see who keyed her date's car because you knew how to avoid the security camera out front. i never scratched that car.
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you so kindly left in the front door for us? now, tt we can see. now, listen to me, gifford. i haveve feeling that whatt happened in that h hlway was st a terrible accident. but if i'm right about that, i-i need to hear it from you. look. i liked her. [ voice breaking ] i liked her a lot. and i only wanted to look at -- w-watch over her, like you said. and that's what you were doing ththother night when she came home from her date. you were just watching over her. mainly. yeah. and normally, she takes a shower before gng to bed. and that's when i go. t she was upset after that ass left. she just laid down on the bed for a long time. i thought she was asleep. when i tried to get out... she heard me. i got back in the closet, but itas too late.
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she opened the door, and -- a-and you held up this pillow, because she was hitting you, right? i mean, you were just probably trying to get out this door. but she wouldn't let me go. right! i didn't even know i could push anyone that hard. it happeneneso fast. you were just trying to protect yourself. a-and you tried to help her, didn't you, after she fell? show me. well... she was knocked out for a second, so i... put the pillow under her head to stop the bleeding,, and then i... i carried her to the bed. but then she started the screaming all over again. so you were juju trying to muffle the noise so she didn't wake the whole building. i couldn't think of anything else to do.
3:47 am
she was so loud. i think... i think you've done a very good job explaining all this, gifford. so, gifford... i'll tell you what we need to finish our report. i'm going to tell you ur rights. and then yououe going to write down exactlyly everything you said about this accident. and then we'll be done. okay? okay. [ sighs ] okay. so what the hell did you bring me for? uh... oh, well, you know, there wouldn't have been any paint left on gifford's keys, so we had to scratch your car again. what? sorry about that. oh, and, uh, i needed a witness to the confession. gosh, i wonder if your testimony at the trial is gonna affect your wedding plans.
3:48 am
i'll tell you what. you spring for the paint job, and i'll get the fbi to drop the charges, okay? [ door closes ] the holidada bring many challenges to the feet. by day they must stay warm. but by night, beautiful, smoother and ready to impress the other party animals. dr. scholl's dreamwalk express pedi. when people say i'm lucky to have this hair color, i thank them. but then i really thank preference. preference is luminous, fadeefying color that lasts. golden and warm and luminescent. luminous color isn't luck, it's preference. l'oreal. hair colorist. paris i knew that if i had ice in my water, would just be so papaful and i couldn't even drink it.
3:49 am
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3:51 am
it's easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. they gave you nourished hair, and better color, but you want more... me too! new garnier nutrisse. now with 2x the nourishing power. plpl avocado, olive e d shea. for rich, radiant color. new garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color. [ knknk on door ] [ sighs ] i was tempted to bring a uniform escort to take you across the street. oh, that's nototecessary. [ chuckles ] may i ask you a question? [ sighs ] sure, captain. why not? do you really not want to be chief of police? no, i don't. and as a woman, don't you feel an obligation to at least give it a try?
3:52 am
as a woman, i feel i've earned the right to options, and one of my optionon should be to say no. you don't think that i wanted to spend my career in internal affairs, doing a job that leaves me disliked and mistrusted by my fellow officers every day ofofy life? no, i chose i.a. because i thought it was the quickest way to achieve rank. and i also thought it'd be good for the department to see a woman in a captain's uniform. and, of course, you got your job the old-fashioned way. how's that? by sleeping with the boss. that's not an insult. it is a time-honored way of moving forward. but those roads are not open to everyone, and you have the chance to mayb change that a little. so, you're saying i should take the job whether i want it or not. yes. please make the oh-so-terrible sacrifice of accepting a promotion that offeryou more money, prestige, and powewe than any other job in the city. and if it will help you with the suffering,
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you'll not only be a positive role model for little girls all over this country, but i personally will feel very... i will feel veryryroud to have a chief that i can truly admire. well, thank you, captain. it's my pleasure, chief.
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it's monday, november 30th, coming on ott on "early today" mr. hope to launch the world most ambitious fight against climate change. the fbi is investigating as one the prestigious universities
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